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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1886, p. 4

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' ^ .jJ J ", 4, > J y .r". :Vif_': '% It was voted to add third premiums lu Class A, on Cowa over foyr year* of age, OH account of tin Bt.rong oompetl tlon Class H., Farm and Garden products, left with the PresMent and A. Bourne to revise and hand to the Secretary. Class M., Speed, referred to the President, Secretary, Gen'l Supt. aud Supt. o! Spejed for action. Lndles Dept. recommended to a committee of ladles, viz.: Suiit.^s of Depfs. and all who are interested In I he success of the same, for revising and report to President, Secretary and Gen'l Supt. for their adoption or re jection and their division In UT Shall he final for lS&6. Date of Fair indorsed. There being nq further business the meeting adjourned of President. A. s. WRIGHT, STOFFEL, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30, 1886. . VAN 8LYKE, Editor. TC I>A PCD Maybe found on rArr>j\ me at UKO. P. . ***• • - .* st^ GREAT * \ \ ' ' * V V >WBt»t, ft OO.'S New spaper Advertising UNM (10 Spruce Street), where ;id vertUittg Sffi"£".V '£ NEW YORK. V^Among the Jjiills introduced in Congress, last week, was one to put all Kinds of lumber on the free list; three Mils to put on the free list ores of iron, lead, copper, xlnc, bituminous coal. Mlt, hemp, and manlila, and one to i^itablish uniform Taws on the subject marriage and divorce. ' f&"Tbe committees mean that the Uoutli is to be master of the House of Representatives, that the silver dollars •Ire to continue to "oil out of the mint, that persistent assaults are to be made •n the tariff, and that the approprta tions are to be lavish, with special care that the States which went into the rebellion "get their share of the tto«iey.M • Among the bills reported favor- 'l||bly in the U. S. Senate is one intro­ duced by Senator Wilson, prohibit the mailing of •tnd other publicttions lottery advertisements, -Accompanying the bill says that the Several States have acted resolutely 4knd with marked unanimity in their "indeivore to surpress lotteries. Loui« Sin A stands almost alone in its tolera­ tion of the evil. of Iowa, to newspapers containing The report Blodgett's Important Decision c In the Chicago D lily News of Jan. §3th, we And the following: ' •'Judge Blodgett has derided the important Suit of the Hammersrhliig mxriufacturing Com pan >, of New York, against Norris Alien- ham. of Chicago. It was brought bv the com- toaay to restrain the firm from making wax taper and the judge fully sustained the <tlammerschlag patent, holding that Norris & Benham were infringers. An inj notion was issued forbidding their manufacturing or Belling waxed paper. ' John S. Miller appeared for Norris A Ben- Ibam. and Louis W. Frost, of New York, and Jesse A. Baldwin, of thii* city, represented the company. Roscoe Conklin was in the case bnt wms unable to be present, Mr. Frost aoting for h.m." g^From Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. Stb, oomes the following: The great and lobgocontinued depression in trade, together with the cold weather for the past few days, .s causing much suffer­ ing among the poorer classes. The charitable socities, notwithstanding extraordinary efforts, are unable to supply the wants of the great number of persons who daily apply for relief. The work houses are overcrowded, A meeting of 6.000 anemployed persons was held to-day. The crowd was or­ derly, and no socialist remarks were Indulged in by the speakers. It wis ^resolved to make an appeal to the 'wealthier classes for assistance. £ The butter I ne bill introduced by Hon A. J. Hopkins in Congress, is founded on common sen«e, and is sim­ ilar to tbe bill introduced at the last the Illinois legislature by ^Representative Fuller. It levies a tax , upon all the various imitations of butter and puts tbe sti|>ervl«ion and .the control of the various imitations 4nto the hands of tbe internal revenue ^department. So long as the selling. *nd making of bogus butter is profita­ ble so long will the fraud be manufac­ tured and put upon the market. A healthy tax would render the butterine business unprofitable. When the making of bogus butter and lard cheese Is inade unprofitable the manufacture rflll cease without, more ado.--Courier. JQTWith Perry Belmont rattling . around in the Chairmanship of the -Foreign Affairs Committee like a bean L Id • barrel. Gov, Cnrtin stalking out i of the Committee assigned him, the silver men jingling the metalic dollars 'defiantly,and a big blizzard from Da- kata raging in the Capital, it begins to look as if the Admiuistration would have to take to the woods. The majori­ ty seem in hot haste to show the Pres­ ident that Congress Is bigger than Dan Manning, and not content to await the regular order of business, have already launched volley after volley into the financial policy of their o.wn political chief. Brown, Pugh, Beck and Coke, In the Senate, Began and others in the House, have made Rome fairly howl during the week with ringing speeches In fayor or silver, occupying a great part of the various short aes6ionfe. Had tbe President shoveled out the b >odle of offices more promptly, appeasing the ravenous democratic appetite for place, he might have won over these wild-eyed statesmen to his support, for In the graphic language of a Texas ranger, 4*wnat in the name of Tom Ochletree are we here for if not for •p6ils." These being wHbeld the re­ sult Is division. Col. Clipper's CardOMUty Letter. What a wonder fill panorama or hu­ man life is constantly moving in a great city! BverV phasejof^rilstence dancing upon the stage, day and night, and flitting away lijke shadows, rapidly followed by others Wially varied and ephemeral. Lifp/and death, joy and jorrow, riches and poverty, virtue and vice, the good atvd the evil of human nature and existence arn concentrated and jostle each other here, and because concentrated w thin narrow limits seeming to differ so much from life in the country. "And do yoju know," said my old Chicago friend, "that you news­ paper men are largely responsible ror 1 'lie city's having a worse reputation than it reallv deservesP In your thirst for the sensational, you make prorai-^ nent all that is evil, of en passing by* the good without so much as a mention. Give the good an equal showing up and th^ worlfl and the cities would seem much better." * My venerable friend spoke truly, lor every good act portrayed by the press a hundred crimes are-heralded abroad, dressed in the flashiest garb. Nearly seven hundred thousand decent people in this city are daily attending honest ly :and faithfully to their duties, un­ noticed, where it only a single cashier skips off to Canada with his employer'9 funds, so much puolicity and attention are given him and his act as to lead the thoughtless reader to take the flee­ ing rascal as a fair sample of all the employes in the city, the truth being the very opposite. "There goes a little news girl." continued my old friend, "who, when I gave her a nickel for her penny paper, thinking 1 had made a mistake, ran after me to correct it; if the had stolen so much some witless ^reporter would have spread the trifle over a dozen lines, whereas her simple act of honesty would be passed, un­ heeded. Why, do you know, sir, that I am sometimes tempted to establish a paper myself, and fill it full of the go >d deeds of mankind? Think I'd get any subscribers, eh?" * * * ^ Including all the wicked newspapers there are 278 regular publications issued in this city, including eight morning and ten eveninar paper3, repre­ senting all isms and Interests. Even the affable undertakers have an organ to make known the benefits and attrac tions of their calling. It is called "The Shroud.'1 The different papers are printed in nioe different languages and jaw etch oth«r in a great many more. The exiled Poles have three papers in their native tongue, one, the excellent and readable "Dzienswietz,*1 makes the Czar tremble every time be prouounce6 its name. ail carrier," resumed my guile, philosopher and friend. "Why don't yon give them a puff for honesty and faithfulness? Last year 332 of them delivered nearly seven y five millions of letters in this city, and there Is not a thief among them. They handled and delivered a total of 115,000.000 pieces of mail in 1885 and in the same time collected 101 545,000. Think of the walks those fellows took and at scarcely living salaries, while the big guns you so often praise loaf half the time and carry off the plums in Mg salaries. It makes me mad to think of so much injustice. You look tired, as if my> prosy facts were not sensational enough for you. Well, if not, go out to Graceland Cemetery and talk to old John Kane, the grave- diffger--he has been there twen y six years, and helved bury thirty thousand people there -he can tell you horrible gho»t and murder stories till you can't rest. Good day, sir--call to-morrow." * * ' * The butter acd the butter>ne men have locked borns, and are having an oily fight for the field*. The State Board of Agriculture was asked to take the tide of Old Brindle and positively refused to Imbrue their han Js in the greasy fray, declaring that butterine was whohsome if well made, and favored having It sold under its proper na<ne. In the meantime the"burters" make mouths at each other while we comb our butter by the light of butter­ ine candles. War has been declared also between the grain-shippers and tbe elevators, some Sf which are grind­ ing 40 per cent, net profit out of the grain producers and dealers, paying in one case a salary of 810,000 a year to a single superintendent alone, and their heavy storage charges threaten to destroy the grain trade of Chicago, i'o bring these elevators to their senses farmers and country dealers should combine, build elevators of their own and ship directly to tbe sea-board, or to Liverpool. COL. C. WAUCONDA EDITOK PLAINDEALER:--Meetings were held last veek at the Methodist Church, every evening except Satur day. i'lipy will continue this week and u«r,il further notice. Thursday; evening a donation will be given Mr.; Satterfield at Mai man's Mall. This, however, will not prevent tbe regular! exercifes at the church . Mrs. E. J, Phillips presented her husband, with a bouncing baby girl; last week. Every body well and,, happy, especially Em. Mrs K. WOOL] is very sick at the fe«t* dence of Mrs. Lyman Powers. Mr. Powers is gaining slowly. -M Bow lift I k - MUter" Originated. At a time when men were generally called by their Christian names and surnames only, the word -Mister" was probably applied as a sort of title to those wh) bad learned a mystery or trade, and who would perhaps be look •d upon as of higher rank or position than mere laborers or husbandmen The question so often met with in old writers: "What mister wight is that? meaning, what is that man's employ­ ment and oontequent condition in life ? •eems to fayor this view. Smart, bow #*«r, teems to think that Mister was ^Mtoptad, or at least promoted for the Mke of analogy with "mistress;" "for mistress, among old English writers, says Smart, "often bad the form of U«sa In order to suit with master was then used where we now 4master." Wilker says, likewise that "the same process of change which has oorrupted master Into mister, has HfKtn It Is a title of civility only, con- mistress tuto missus."--Toledo For Rent. Tlie undersigned offers Iter farm, situate!! 2 miles south ot Mcflenry, on the Xutula road, knowu as the Flusky homestead, for rent. Terms reasona­ ble. > Apply on the premises. A. D. THOKNTO*. Dated Jan. 2d, 1886. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. 65 Cents per 5acl( at tbe MiU ot K. Bishop. * Great Keduction. 1 will until further notice make pio-l tures at tne following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per doz^. $3,001 Cabinet Photos, per half doz 2.00 J Card Photos, per doz... 1 2.001 Card Photos, per half doz......... 1.50] Satisfaction given iu all cases, i formerly. ' L. E. BENNETT. Hair Vigor improves the! promotes its] growth. " It Imparts an attractive ap­ pearance, a delightful and lasting per­ fume. It stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and proves itself to be the I best and cheapest article for toilet] use. AYEU'S Hair Vigor beauty o^tiiejjalr and Clothe; Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choice for #2,75 at John I. Story's. w--- ?;>• McHenry County tgrtenltanl Society. THE members of the Executive Com­ mittee met at the Secretary's office on Monday, Jan. 11th, 1886. Called to or der by President Tho*. McD. Richards. Members present: M. W. Lake, E. Glass, F. Collison, A. Bourne, Robert Forrest, A. Q. Thompson, W. Hoffman; Geti'l Supt. B. Wright, Treas. Smith. It was moved and carried that hi tell­ ing posts be set inside of the track for the accommodation of teams. Left with the Gen'l Supt. as' to number and location. On motion carried, the age for Toutli Exhibitors was changed! from twelve to sixteen years of age . The following were selected as Sup­ erintendents: CT.tftB A ̂ -Cattle, Robt. Forrest- * B--Horses, A. Dike. C--Sheep, IT Cole. • D--Swine, Win. CJ. Oonlclin. •* E--Poultry, C. E. (look. " F--Tlios. Marshall, •• Cuilinary, Mrs. Jas. Bayr<1. «• G--Preserves, etc., Mrs. Barnes, ™ li--Farm Products, A. Bourne. " I--Art. Mrs. McD 'licharrts. *• K--Textil3 Fabrics, Mrs W.Sherman " K--Ornamental work. Miss L. Crow, " L-- Miscellaneous, Mr«. O.O.ParsMia. L--Youth, Mrs, Wm. Allen. *' M--Speed, Monroe W. Lake. „ * N., O. & P., J. C Choate. i8a^£l^^^ron^nihU Warren Leund, whom everybody knows as the saoessrfll manager of the Largest Hotel Enterprises of America, says that while a passenger from Kew York on board a ship going arouud Cape Horn, in the early days of emigration to Cal­ ifornia, he learned that one of the officers ot the vessel had cured himself, daring the voy­ age, of an obstinate diseaae by the use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. LELAKD has recommended AYER'S SAHSAPABILLA. in many similar cases, and he has never yet heard of its fail­ ure to effect a radical enre. Some years ago one of Mr. IdELAVn's farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the Injured limb. Hor­ rible itching of the akin, with burning and darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. No treatment was of any avail until the man, by Mr. LK LAND'S direc­ tion, waa supplied with AYEB'S SABSAPA- RILLA, which allayed the pain and irritation, healed the sores, removed the swelling^ and completely restored the limb to use. Mr. I.Et.ANnhas personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla fer Xthemnatlsm, with entire success; and, after careful observation, declares that, In his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for tbe cure of Liver Disorders, Gout, the effects of high living, Salt Kheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all Uw various forms of blood diseases. We have Mr. LXLAMD'S permission to Invite all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA to see him person­ ally either at bis mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 28tt» Streets, New York. Mr. LKLAKD'S extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled eradleator of blood poteens enables him to give inquirers mucii valuable information. PBZPABZD BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M«m. •old by all Druggists; «1, six bottles Cor ft. I. - LAWLUS, HOLDS THE FORT A8 He makes tSuits to ordes of the] best (Moths, Foreign or Demes- tic. AT TBE LOWEST PRICES That good Goods can be sold at. HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Ctbfhei Veatly and on short notice. Give \ a> - Ooll. | E. LAWLU8. , Jm. l»tk, lg80. CD P<i J O • c • , a M h--• H--« 1.J m R O W f << H W < Pi z r- • p o cn vs w M* Ul • w M* Ul • . 0 e 0) 0 o a p 0 • H < H M P F 0 % % H % Our Goods are all time. ' We have many Articles that we wish to close out to make room tor our Spring rttock, and will offer extra inducements for the next two weeks ' A FEW PINE 'W ® Very Low. Call and see them. _ * Our Clothing Department is complete and we are sure to please < you in that line. Thanking our customers for past favors, we solicit a continuance -4 of the same. ^ V' - BON8LETT & 8TOFFEI* West McHenry, 111., Jan. l]th, 1886, - ANY ONE CAN Become no thoroughly posted la three weeks' reviewing with the COMMON SCHOOL > BuccesBfnlly pass thr most dlflli ult anil technical legal examinations for teachers' certificates. By Its I thousands of youni; people earn an l(om>"i»t>!r and lucrative livelihood. It ll the most popular education­ al work published. Useful to everybody. Invaluable to teachers, indispensable to schools. CERTIFICATES. CAN BE OBTAINED. A better review can be made from this book in one week than from Text Books In three months. Ia paring for examinations i t has no equal. PARLIAMENTARY RULES ARE WORTH THE PRICE. It does not deal in proofs or arguments. Questions are stated, and short and comprehensive anSWi flTen. it supplies a want Ions felt anions teachers In reviewing briefly and comprehensively the different ranches taught In our schools, withou: recourse to the tedious proceNM of examlnlngthe text books from be­ ginning to end. The arrangement has neen carefully studied. The questions on each of the studies efnbrac* all the leading and technical points. . . Til ls work Is especially adapted to Normal training. Institutes, or the private library when a general review is required to prepare for school certificates. 1 [ Is only to be seen !• be appreciated. Mm log and bringing bai l: t< l aim that the book can ha\ e no equal, considering the assistance it renders in review !'im>ry the principal questions represented In common school studle S50© 3500 QUESTIONS. ANSWERS. Eacl) branch is divided Into I two departments, one for | questions and one for an­ swers. Rach question is I numbered and a like ninnher I Is given the corresponding I answer. Civil Government, Parliamentary Bale*, Bending, [Made Easy. I Infinitives ud Participle** | Penmanship, Physiology, Halted States History, Geography, Gram near, Written Arithmetic, Physical Geography, Orthography. TBSTXMOlVZAljflr. | rExtract*from Letter* to A. H. Craig, representing thoutand* tf r> iiutions. J N E\V YORK.--I have sold over TO.ono copies, and the demand still eontlauaa. 1 have never handled a book which gave such general satisfaction. w. C. 11 AG A It. bd Pupil's Companion. STBACTTSK, N. T.--Vou have a splendid book for teachers and reviewing I classes, and it is bound to have a very large circulation. Ship l.CJUUby freight. C. W. BAltUKKN. Dealer in School Supplies. ST. AI.RANS, Vt.--They aell at sight, and are highly recommended by oar | advanced teachers. ALBEKT F. LANK. BRYAN, Tex.--1 hare used your Book for several years, and am much I pleased with it, WM. A. BANKS. A. U.. Sup't City School*. | One Copy, gl-SOj^Two C«ple». *t.SO| S1J!5« (tlx Cople*, •«. |W" Seut by mall. SEND ii.V CEMTS for canvassing book; I agents; recommends, description, binding, etc, returned in exchange for Question Book, AGENT! WtKTKD. terms and Instructions to Thirty cents allowed it A. H. CRAIG, pubx^rshsrI Caliiwtll, Racin* Cf.t Wis. ar~Remit by Money OrdeTor Postal Note on Kast Troy. Wla^wtf tend Letter on Caldwell, Wis. small amounts by common mall. ^ vu AND SMALL PHOTOGRAPH ALBUUS VERY CHEAP, -AT THE- W&uconda Drug Store. REPORT OP THK c o n d r r I O T V --OP-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois --AT TUB-- Close of Business, Dee. H *86. Dissolution Notice. The partnerahip heietofnaje existing under the name of the McHenry Brick Manufactur­ ing Company, wherein Amos D. Whiting, of the Town ot fcumla, County of McHenry antt State of Illinois, ami Isiae Wentworth, Frances A. tie bard and Charles B. Curtis, of tbe Town and County of McHenry, and State of III--" - *Ki'1 AMOS D. WHITIKO, lb A AC WKKTWOKIH, O B. CURTIS, F. A. HKBABD. business will be continued at McHenry, , by Ainoa D. Whtting and Isaac Went- lone are authorised to settle the AMOS D. WHITTWG, IBA4C WKMTWOKTH. Town ann uonnty or jnctieury, »nu a. Ilinols, were general partners, i« this the i day of January, im, dissolved Oy mutu»l BBSOTTROBS. Loans and discounts.... Overdrafts U. s. Bonds to secure-circulation... Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other National Banks Current expenses and taxes pail.... Checks and other ca«h item* Bills of other banks.. Fro,'l cur. nickels ft pennies......... Specie Legal tender notes ed'mpt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (9 per cent ot circulation t»«,W0 5l . 1,744 M SOCIO 00 47J» 103 a ' 98 04 1,57M AO 8 01 »,ueiM «,3-20 00 1,090 00 KS.A85 4A Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 80,000 00 Surplus fund M,00000 Unalrld"d profitn 1,045 87 National Bank Notes outstanding... 48,00000 Individual deiiosits anbjcct to cheek 118,01760 Demand Certificates of deposit 92469 Total.... •#... STATE OF ILLINOIS, I M County of McHenry. f I John J. Murphv, Cashier of the above named bank,do solemnly swear that tbeabove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MURPHY, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of Jan , 1886. EDWARD C. QCIKLAK, Notary Public. Com**.Attest:- „ . „ B. A. MORPHT, WM. H. STEWAHBT JOHN J. MCRIH- ' " ' ' Direc Money to Loan On Real Estftte, in sums of $500 to $ 10,000. Time and payments ' to suit borrower. • Jorni J. MUBPHT. V atiy thing else in America. Both aezesofall age8 can live at home and work In spar* time, : I or all the time. Capital not required. We f £ will start you. Immense pay sure tor those V • • •

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