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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1886, p. 1

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VOL. 11. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WED^ESDAf, FEBRUARY 3, 1886. NO. 29 ^liiilealep. Published gT*'y Wednesday ^ SLYKE EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. Office in Bishop's .Bloclfc ̂ . -^0>SKWIT« . PB*BT \m • ' I. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. JaeTear (In Aaraace) . - $1J0 rfNot Paid within Three Month* 100 Subscriptions received for (three or six Bonshs in the same proportion. Kates of Advertising. lti> announce liberal rates for advertising in the PLAINDGALBR, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un. lerstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year .... . - 5 00 i Inches one year, 10 (10 8 Inches one year,* , > . . 15 00 H Column one yeafc"*, .• - - - 80 00 Jf Column one yea#. • i ' - • - (SO 00 Column one year - - - - 100 00 One inch means the meaiurement of one ach down the colnmn.siiigle column width. Yearly advertisers, at the alwve rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those haVVng Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line eaeh week. All others will be charged 10 oerats per line the ft-at week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 16 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and Boents per line for subsequent issues. Th-s, ftn inch advertisement will cost 11.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDRALBB will be liberal in giving idltorinl notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a snitable fee from everybody ••eking the use of its oolumns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T.BROWN.M.D. Y81CIAN AND SURGEON. Oflo# At Residence, McHenry, III. a H. FEGER9, M. D- l>HrslCiAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, I Ills. OIBce at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. I^HTSlblAN AND SURGEON, McfWnry, I III. OIBce one door West of triUsimmons * Bvanson's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. DIGARManufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, . .s-,•••*•--..mui "» NEAR THE DEPOT. MoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, here he will at all t imes keep the best ~ brands of Wines, l.iquors and Cigars to be found In the market. Also Agent Tor FBANZ FALK'8 tlLWAUKKE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. • |i ' GOOD STABLING *VR HORSES. K • gJT'Call and see us. m' R obert»8oh lassie. HSHenry, III., May 15tb, 1885. l ill SAL00H and KESTAUKART Buck*s Old Stand, MoHENRY, ILUNOIt. . Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, - McHewy Lager Beet > ftlka' WlwavkM Beat, Py the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will u* * yOii well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, ill., 1884. A book of 100 pages. The best book lor an advertiser to con­ sult, be he experi- or otherwise. uvuuwuJ lists of newspapers and estimates aftheeostof advertising. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, Inds in Itthe in­ formation he requires, while rorhlnt who will Invest one hundrt-i'. thousand dollars in nd- vertislng, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be made to do SO bf alight changes easily arrived at by cor- rrilirn 149 editions have been i^ued. 8ent. poet-pald. to any address for 10 cents. Write to GEO. P. ROWKLL A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU. (MSpruee St. Printing House Sq.), New York. BUSINESS CARDS. M F ELLSWORTH. ATTORNEY at, and Solleitor in Oha* eery Nunda, 111. ASA W. SMITH, TTOnNEY AT LAW and Solicitor tr L Chancery.--Woodstock, III. *' •" 111 1 8. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SU GEON. AlsoUntte< States Examining Surgeon. Richmond. Illinois. A. S. CHILD*, M D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR­GEON, West McHenry, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or nifrht. DR. C. R. WELLS pnYSIClAN AND SURGEON. Waucohdri. I_ Latb Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness thop. MARY «. BARBIAN. HATR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east comer of Public Square, McHenry. I1L DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 2fith of (inch month. When dates occur Satnrday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmakor and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVK„ (Briefs House), Chi­cago, 111. SpecHCf attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Ohronomc ters. ^A Fnll Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, ^JALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old * stand, opi>o»ite Bishop's mill, McHenry. III. The choicest Wines, Liquors nn-1 Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cokl meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8BS. JVC. KARGES, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Shop at McHenry House, Near the Iron Bridge- I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting Oil' thort notice, and guarantee satisfaction. 4 Sign Painting a Specialty* Call ami see mo if in want of anything in I am, JVC. KaVgea. McHenry, Jane \\ 1885. r Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in uuruber: two Morgrans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They arc all good representatives of their breed. Also a fevc Merino Sheep r sale. The public arelcordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10 MOHENRY, ILL E. B. BENNETT, M. D-. „ Late house Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention Riven to difficult Surgical cases. DEVT&CII GE&PROCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. .Liberal discbunt allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed troe , Address all orders to BICHABD K. 70X, FKAHKLIK SQUAKK, New York. Doing! ScSag!I QoseUI AUCTIONEER »AD INTERIM:* * Mr. F. ELLSWORTH Tenders his services to the selling public and guarantees good work or no pay Terms reasonable, made known on application. Ad­ dress, c, NUNDA, ILL- MONEY LOANED On McHenry County Farms, on time, terms, and in amounts to suit borrowers, by J. W. RAN8TEAO. n-17-6m * Elgin, Illinois. ATTENTION CADIK8. MRS-J. H, SEXTO*, Yor the past ten years one ot the leading Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest st} les. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given4 Rooms two doors West of the Kiverside House. W I N S L O W S "Vineyard" Boiler Skates* II PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all iotyl in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug. a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. 49~Ordor8 by mail promptly attended la. Post Office, Jonnsburgh, ill. L. BANTE8. JohnSDurgh, III., May 25th, W5. FOB BAE5AIHS IB For the iicst, most durable and run­ ning liollcr k<ttes get the 'VIN K V A l{ l»." \'l ihe principal Rinks are tisfnir f'e "V-NEYAltD" Roller. I'ut up in til Clamp, Half Clamp and strapped (5ompli te. The demand for these skates is so great that thev are kept in stock Ity all principal har I- ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured by the Inventor ami Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinois. •sTine ft Stock of Watcltes, Clocks and Jewelr y A< an be found in the county, which I offer it prices that cannot be beat. A Fine Stock.of -- CHOICE CIGARS- OaU and examine'goods and learn prices. J. P. SMITH. McHenry. IIL. July I5tn. 18S5. if Patent Self- pnDQFF Adjusting UUilOiSir [IMPBOVKD.] I« the only perfect fitting, truly comforUble •nd healtnpreservlng Corset made. Hasan Blastic Section alwve an<1 below a Corded Oenterplece. Entir.-ty ilifferent from any Other. Rverv Corset is stamped and absolute. IT-(Guaranteed in everv particular. Be sure to get the Dewnfl Patent. Msnnfjctnred only by the flssi 1)imps Oeraei Co.. CUeage, and Car sale bf Brst-class dry-goods stores every. wtowai. PwJe AlJT'* For Coal and WooJ CAM. ON E M. HOWE Oppoeite Blwh.op*«i MU|» if ho has a complete line of the best stovesan the market, as well as a large stock ot Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, r~ And, legltolt everything in the hardware ttove and tin lino. MS WILL'NOT BK UNDERSOLD. Call at hi* store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to VReinemberrextra good bargains can al­ ways be obtained at Howe's. McBeory. Dee. 1* 1M. John Helm, Algonquin, lll.f DEALER IN Saidwsut, StoTM, Tinwara, In sbort, we keep evcrythinri in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See us. J0BBNG & REPAIRING, ^ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JO a I TV HKLM. Algonquin. Ff h 18. 188B, Railroad Ticket For 1,000 Miles TO St. Andrew's Biy. F oriila. This Itesntifnl Bav and snrroHmlinzs are ackn«twli'ilgpii l»v oil who Iwtve visited there to lie the loveliest coiiibimition of ferine soil, beHutilul tolia?;e, fragrant on-li • ids, 'tlue water, gro vine' ' .it v, an«l absolutely perfei-t climate in Summer as well »s in wimer, to lie found in Amerira. There is hut one Florida and-St Andrew's Bay is its brightest'jewel. Prices for Bwsinest or Home I OIN aid ()r- char<l Tracts range from S5, #9, ®17, S90, to •150, and sale* were made t > more ill n 3 OOOdillerent purchasers within the lirst sixty davs. St. Andre*vs will certainly become the second largest city in Florida witlnn the next two years. Property is doubling in value every thirty day* Free Transportation for i.OOO Miles to Tract Purchasers- Send i>'- stamp lor illustrated p-impulel con taininc fnll details. Address principal liuxi neso oifico as follows: 8T AHDKEW'B BAT B. B- A LAMO CO , M7 lUin Bt UiaeiaaUi. Qhie. Livery Stable. «R. W i I i I f T M A N, f'rfipr'.PllF. ntM . class rigs, with or.witnout drkrers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. BOBSBT t. BXSBOT, BRBKDEtt DUKE 0! YORt STRAIN. KI^HMOXD; ILL. Tint Premium Awarded Wt&re tor IzUbiled FALLOF188S. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasi&ed, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and maturt enough for examination and rating by the 44American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and best fowls I hwre^ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while • he number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to 1g2& at them. I will make reasonable rates for Fairs, Trios, or Lamer Merc. Call at the residence of Dr. Beunett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett, RICHMOND, MfHEXKY ( O , ILL JOHNSBtJRGH HENRY MILLER, --DEALER IIC-- Foreign and American Marble, Scotch and American Granite XOAUMENTS, TABLBT1S, HBAD8T0SB8 CEMETERY COPING. ETC. JOHN8BURGH, ILL Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address McHENRY, ILL. A PRESENT! Our readers for 12cents in postnge stamps to p:ty tor mailing and wrapning, and tli«* nmnesof two book nKcntb, will receive tree il Steel FHnithing Parlor Engraving of all DBNTS. inclu'lint; Cleveland, PRKXIDBNTS i-iX'iS inches, worth $4.00. Address Elder Pub- Co., Chicago, 111 our size Soldiers* Department. County GU A- R. Directory. BIOHMOND POST MO 288. Meets the fl^st and third Fritiaj evenings of each month. Da. S. F, BsiriraTT, Com WOODSTOCK POST, Ko 108. the third Monday evenings of each B. N. SMITH, Com. KTTNOX POST, HO----. Meets the first and third Wednesday even tn§»i»f eaeh month. p W*.>, Com. i ' HAKVAitD POST, HO 355. £lfeets the second and fourth Monday eves ings ot eaoh month. DR. H. T. WoooBPrr, Com. MABBNOO POST, No. 168, -Meets eve-y Second and Fourth Fridav evenings of each month. J. B. BABCOCK, Com. CA Best in the SWT HE ORB AT ' A GRANT BOOK! Life and Personal Memories of Gen. Grant in one volume only |L7l one agent soli 43 Brst dn v; 10,000 sol'l llrot we^k. A t* en^rav- incites of nil "Our Presidents" FKBE to eiich suiiscxilier. Think of thisl Some per. son should sendSOcts for outlit and engrav- ing and secure this territory. Booh now out --n » waiting for commissions. Address KLDKB PUBLISH mo Oo.t te* Wabash av*^ Chicago, Iliinoia. '>y ^ Late Applicants For Penslone. General Bragg, of Wisconsin, in tlir House debate on the pension bill, is re ported to have said that no soldier who 'iiflered from a diaability sufficient to entitle him to a pension at the hand* of the government failed to wait twenty years after the war before fil­ ing his application. Had this declara­ tion come from a man who had lived apart from boldiirg since the war, it would not have excited mnoli conflict, but coraln; from a man like Gen**V*! Bragg, of whose brigade there -oust be now scores, if not hundreds, of deserv­ ing men who have not applied for pen «lon, but who in justice to themselves and tft^ir families should have done so jjAfleen Aor twenty years ago--coming from such a man this deel trailou calls for explanation. Among the old soldiers disabled In the army there are tliou^xnds who, »* long as they could keep their head* ibove water, could not get their con­ sent to put themselves in the attiiud** of begging a favor, even of the govern­ ment they served. These men have ne on from year to year sirug^lln • not only agtinst the common lis mid discmirageVnents of life, but aga.nst the llhai tat Ions impose.! by Wiuuids or pintles co nm^ frotu >tickiie!«» that ori^iiiaied in exposure or liiirii KIIID during their tile in the anuv. I'hey have <one on from y*.tr to yi*ar Uncoiiiplainlngly, pulling a»LD* ihf tniportuiiiiig ol relatives Hint irienilx who liave urged them >u Ukf a<lvtn« - 'ige ol the pension LAW$/iiot realizing hat Ih autkltiK ftpt'lkMtfcMt W«H*NI fulij-CI tliem o N-PI'U-IRLIE* Iro U < ven men iike General Brat(g In i<uiitlr"il4 orcaserisucu iu»-n, cornered by v'lrctim- stances, driven to HM l ist extremity •y the wound .«»r dl^e «se they H.ive loiight against, and surrendering at Ia4t when they are lied hand lout, HIMI brought laoe to face wiih all t It* troubles incident- to proven v and sickness, turn to ask the govern ME lit tor help. It is a i-hauie tin', men >1 this type, that men ol i!i«- very ben» iype of soldier, that men who ai flr>t scorned all ofler of help from iIt** govern me i t, that ui-n wiiose proudest recollection was tiiat they di J without tiiought of help, or prouiotlon, or praise, their hlg^a^ duty--it Is a shame that such uieu should b i met by a taunt from a man whose boast ought to bn that all these were Ills comrades and associates. It may be that In many cases pen sions have been granted to men who did uot deserve them. Yet it remaius true that pension* have not been granted to thousands of men wlio'i.ost deserved them. Because the latter, through pride or through reluctance or through any good motive, failed to make application iu the years immedi­ ately following the war Ss no reason i hat their applications snould not be treated with respect, aud all the cir­ cumstances of their di8abil ty, be In­ quired into with consideration and sympathetic carefulness, There lias been delay in a g-eat mauy ca«es, not through any fault of the ap plicant, but through the Incomplete­ ness or the contradictory features oi the records at Washington. The sol­ diers are uot to blame for this, and any official who bases his opposition to a ju*t claim on Incompleteness ot the records in the Adjutant General's office may be committing a greu wrong. For exatupi-, it tnay appear that an officer ot a given company aud regime at testifies to certain knowledge ol how a disability was Incurred. Some clerk iu the Adjutant General's office turns to the re cor 1 aud dud that at the date Mentioned the offlc-r named was not carried on the rolls of the company to which he belonged. l'he exa niner jumps to the conclusion at once tiiat the man could u>>t have been present, and therHore hat hie testimony HI? to the w<>uud or acrid nt is not worthy of credence. But this record is nut c inclunive. In one ca«e of the kind reported hundred* of wii- nefoes could liave ofiered an expla lu­ nation that would h-tve cleared up ill" Apparent discrepance. In thi« cue i Ik officer named had bevii dropped . h.v arrangement o* the War Depiriinent from the company's rolls and inaile regimental quartermaster, and he was present at the time the accident occur red and hit testimony on * he point Was reliable. It Is clear that legislation In the matter of pensions should now be directed iu the channel that will re­ lieve deserving applicants from em­ barrassment aud that will (tod to cleir tip the apparent confusion of reoords. In most regiments this will not be difficult, but there were probably fifty or a hundred regiments organized iu the border States in which the confu­ sion can only be cleared up by Inviting correspondence from the officers and men of these regiments. Ihe corres­ pondence, called out by ho special case, will not be colored to suit any one'* interests, and it will supplement the information on file In the department In a way to greatly assist deserving applicants for pensions who have been waiting and suffering for years. The bill Is to be presented by Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, Is a move In the right direction. The provision that It shall be assumed that any man who passed examination when he enlisted was of sound body is a good one, acd the other provisions of the bill show an intelligent grasp of the subject as well ** a w*th the soldiers who have beppkept out of pensions by a senseless lieBitency over technical points. As it is probable that hundreds of men who have b$en able to supporr themselves in spiteWf wounds and dis­ ease will as they grow older fall by the way and ask for help, some additional legislation in the direction of the Cannon < ill is needed. Pensions are the free offerings of the people to di»~ abled veterans. Sentiment and oo% mon sense bo'li dictate that a free offering should not be so surrounded by technicalities that Its acceptance by the men for whom it was Intended is giver the flavor of humiliation.-- Inter Ocean. idpEvHiistoii has rather grown ou of ft reputation a» a "saintly suburb." hut there <vas a time when the charac- ler of its li habitants justified the ippellatlon. In those days a non-cliurcli member was looked upon as a pariah I Ike all college towns, those who were no* students were professors of some- thin^ or other. The students, and even some ol the smaller tutors, were often glad to pay their way through co leg«> i»y means ol odd jobs, the pnrlorinaiKV • chores, etc. Thin w is especi illy tr«<* of the theological Mudfiits, but wa» common in all the brandies of the col­ lege. It. wa* wit n the IOWII was in the neijfti! ot Its dedicaiic glory that » non-sectarian Ininily moved there. It was ihe rtrnt ol k- kind, and for a time the member? lound themselves subject <*d to continual ipurprices. They wer ignomnt ol i lie C'I iracrei ol the people performing the <iien|.il labor aboiu itiein. and tiie result was some verx eii|i»nrrai»Miii£ tdiuaiIons, r e man wli delivered ihe milk in the tit'Tiiing wo • t II, angular. Had faced man. with > pensive. tenrfiil voic, One very col I winter d>iy she told liirn he need n->< bring ihe ml k so earlv on Sund-iv nn»rnl:ii{ as on other tlavs. ' We ar»> no earlv rls"rs," she s-iid, "and 11 doe* ••or matter if you don't bring it till 10 o'clock" *he wan paralvzed with a-> miMi uotit when the sad faced man »ald, in a sepulchral voice slighth tinged with s rcasjn and catarrh: "Ai that hour, inadtme, f shall be preach­ ing to a congregation!" On another occasion the head of the house said to the hired girl: "Kitty. I can't find my Emerson anywhere.1' "I have not seen , sir," siid die ;iri, "but I'll l«nd you mine if you wish." He hired am n he found on the street to dig a well for lii'M, He was a common sort of fellow and didn't seem as if he was over intelligent. The well was about sixty feet deep,and when it was finished the •nun came iu and laid upon the other's desk a roll of manuscript. MWhat If tills?"' a*ked the owner. "That, s'r,v maid the well-digger, "Is a short sketch accompanied by a colored chart which I have made wiih no little care, show* Ing the geological formation of the earth through which your well Is sunk. I have taken home a, sample of the water. 1 will analyze it and send you iny report to-morrow." And sure enough auexha istive chemical analysis came along. rhe next day. The family were fond oi flowers, and put iu quite a garden, hut so . eliow they lost all in­ terest iu floriculture when they dis­ covered that the gardner they had hired for 91 a week had ticketed all the blo-soiiis with the Latin and scien­ tific names." Then they found that the cook they engaged was an enthusiastic student of mechanic*, and that she had iiuprov d the kitchen raiige on scienti* fie principles and added to it several in^fiiotis labor saving devices of her own contriving. O. e day they hired a m*n to shovel of! the snow from their walks, and in the evening iliey went to ft lecture which lie delivered upon " The rone I' iilosophy of Wagner'® 'Parsl- lal.'" I'liey came tmiue dsted. aud wheii their e-coud girl as^ed iItem to joio the Co niic society t» which site belonged tile)' concluded > hat EvailSlOli wa* too elevated for their foreheads and moved Into th<? ci y upon 8"Uth (lasted dr e' the UP*' w»«*k.~< A B ooue to Humanity. ST. ALBANS, vr.. May »I, MM. C. Dickinson <Se Son, Harringion, III.: 1 have u-ted your Russian Liniment in my laiuily over two years, aud find Il the be«t Llnimen* I ever 'used. It will lelieve pain almost instantly. For Rheumatism, L:une B»ck, Headache, Sore Throit. Burns and Chilblains It has no rqnal. 1 should oot feel safe without it in my faml'y. MBS. 4MBUA Gum. . For ale by all Druggists, A DICBR OX TUB BOOT. Mr. James But tier, of the west Mis­ souri sldpe, who has a oozy rural home nestliug 'neath the coteaux of Morton County, has added to the world of architecture by the discovery of what may properly be termed "Deer'* arch!* tecture. On Friday morning last he was awakened from his slumbers by ft loud and startling noise upon the roof. His first thought upon awakening was that burglars or outlaws had" made a raid on his premises, and springing from the bed, be grabed his shot-gnn, and, telling his wife and daughter to maintain silence, lie walked stealthily to the door. Again came the load blows on the roof, and again was lis thrilled with a sensation of terror and afrigbt. The storm was raging with* ont and the wiud shrieked through the tresty air, adding to the interest and intensity of the occtsion. It was about 5 o'clock In the morning, and having hurriedly donned bis clothing be ventured out wlthr his linger on the triggor of a double-barreled shot-gnn, determined to face the vagabonds or robbers' or whatever they might be, that had so unceremoniously disturbed his peace and slumbers. Imagine his surprise when be looked upon the roof to see the form of a trembling deer, standing as if transfixed by the strangeness of his position. So over­ come and dumbfounded was Mr. Butler that Instead of pulling the trigger, be called to his wife to "come and see the deer." The snow bad drifted In be­ hind the house which was loctted snugly near the abrupt side of a small butte and the deer, in his attempt to get out of the storm, came bounding along with the driving wiud, alighting on the roof of the house before he knew tha; he had left terra firma. I'he wife and daughter dressed and went out to see the deer, which was evidently bewildered by the strange, hollow sound, which Ills pointed feet ^ made upon the roof. Looking back whence lie came he »aw the precipitous . .;'S hutte which it wa* impossible to climb ; ̂ and before him was a leip o over iweniv feet with a ten :e and other •trange objects to meet ills gaz-*. So J novel was the scene thai Mr. Butler I'orgot all a oui sliooiiu^ ine deer ' as soon as Hie fi-et looted animal >un«tered sufficient courage ie >ounded "'/?• IIOIII the root ami WENT riill ukl ig away win. the iiowU.ijr Jtyjaaaftais* .wtrek (Z> ^9? D • not be tb'ty - le who tnrn» tip In- l ' i r r e l s w i t h r e a I a . l r ntr tusio-ss. ii'i'f at work •iltt'r "He Is . poor * niiii who it air id ot nta own 'park-; tiiere'# coine discomtort iu all trades except chimney sweeping' II x.iilors gave up tcoiug to sea because of ihe wet; it' bikers left tlih biking be­ cause I: is hard work; (it (plowmen w > il l not plow in tue c<»itl^~*o'l tailors would uot iu >ke our clothes for tear of pricking th'-ir Sogers what a pass we ^vould come to. Nonsense, my fine lei- low, there's no shame about anv booest calling; don't be afra.d of soiling your hands; t:i»re's pleuty of soap to b« had. All trades are good to a good trader. Lucifer matches pay well If you sell enough of them. You cannot get honey if you are frightened at bees, nor plant corn if you are afraid of getting mud on your boots. When bars of iron melt under the south wiud; wheu you can dig fields with tooth­ picks; blow ships along with fans, manure the crops with lavender wXter, aud grow plum cakes in flower pots, thero will be a fine time for dandies; but until the millennium comes We will have a deal to put up with. Let us put up with it like men --Insurance Gazette. Mgr Some of the French papers speak of the new explosive called miners* powder a- much preferable In certain respects to the nltro glycerine com­ pounds. It resembles ordinary gun powder, but with the diflerence that chlorate of potash is used as the oxid­ izing* agent iistead of saltpetre. Car­ bon is supplied in an organic form, and tile preparation is very simple. A given weight of chlorate of potash is dissolved In water, and a quantity of sawdust or brau equal in weight to the potash is stirred Into the liquid, the mass teiug then allowed to dry. The sawdust powder, however, though cheap, is less safe to prepare and handle tiian that made fiom bran, as o«in, which is very likely to be pres­ ent in small quantities in the sawdust, forms, with chlorate of potash.^a eom- p und which detonates on being sud­ denly disturbed. This new powder possesses, weight for weight, about twic-* the poorer of ordinftty, powder '"r ' Not for su Joseph. "0^' There was a "nn fn Arkansas wl>o had be in hroight up in the wllde. He had never -e • a tow < of «>>v »»ze and he had the vaguest Idea of the cities ot the world. lie iu »de one ot a party who »tarted oil for a i»ood time In New Yo k. The tirst-town they struck was St. Jo I liey were g »ne some tiniei and when he Ke"iai Arkansas mm. w'" ' b ick he wa« hit-red. "WefLn "aid "Is friend, "you got the beiM'rti^oi vour tuouey have'ut you? You've seen |lte,V "I did/i't get eo benefit for mj * mone_v,'/he said. "Why ?" . ^ ^ ••Lost it all--everj darn ewli?1 . «*poker?"* , „ i.-.t-'i "No. a bet. I lost every cent I had hettln' ttiat St Jo, Missouri, was the biggest city iu the world. I didn't lose tne het I was d-etded oet of !«.*•»&•» IratciscQ ChronicU.

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