WEDH3E8DAY. FEB. 3. 1886. MASOVI3 McIIamtY T.000*, No. MR \. F. and A. teen la r Communications the Saturday on or to tare the fuii of the moon ana every two Miki thereafter. CHAS. 0. OOLBT/W. K. ^SFPCWRT HA.PT B* lio. 81 R. A. M --Regn- tr Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays tn each moneh. JOHN EVAWBOJC, H. P. Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday; June 1% Trains will 0Ma McHenry station SB below? :I . GOING SOUTH.; Ssneva Lake Passenger A. * Beneva Lake Express jftB " Geneva Lake Freight . B:45 P. * Geneva Lake Passenger S:96 " 101*0 XDITB.' GenrvaLake Freight.......... 9 1 1 A. M Geneva Lake Passenger..... . 10:00 " Geneva Lake Express 4:4*p. M Beneva Lake Passenger .........6:57 " B. Brss, Agent. McHenrv. Ill I I THIS IS one of our mid wtnterej I Thermometer on Tuesday morni"? * I degrees below zero. Go and see the Twenty Lap Race at! the Kiverside Skating Rinit Oflr 8*tur-»j daymnlng.v Da not fall to rjad the new adverl tieement of Perry A Owen, to b| found la another place In this papei, LOVERS of the Piny should not foi - get the "Hidden Hand'* by the RIIIJI • wood Dramatic Oltfb, on Thursday an I Friday evenings.'Feb. 4th and 5th. "TEAKS have not seen and time sha pot see,*1 the people sit down quietly to suiter pain, when enterprise can afferd such a panacea as 8alvatlon Oil. THE next Sociable by tho ladles of the Uuiversallst Society will be held at the residence of E. If. Owen, oil Friday evening of this week. All are cordially.invited . C. E. CHAPBLL has an Auction of On* car of Cows, new tnllch and springers, at Algonquin, on Saturday next, Feb. 6th, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. e ' O. W, OWEN lias his News Room run ning In first class shape, where you can order all the Dally and Weekly papers. Magazines ete. ,The Chicago morning papers arrive here at 10 o'clock A. M. TICKETS will be issued this week for B Washington Birthday Party, to take place at the Riverside House, on Mon day evening Fe*>. 221. Music ty Slo dims Orchestra, Look out for the pickets in a tew days. WK do not sound a needless alarm when we teH you that the taint ol scrofula is In your blood. Inherited or acquired. It Is there, and Ayer's Sar«n- parilla alone will effectually eradicate ATTENTION IS called to the new lid ' vertisemeut of" the Moline Plow C'm- ,^4UUIYT tobe found In another CO.IIMUI» Tills new Plow, the "Flying Dutch man, Jr." is said to be the best in the market. it k JOHN MYERS, with his gang of men. who.are Ailing Ice Houses at Fox Lake, filled the Ce lar Island house, which holds eighty tons, in five hours and*45 minutes. This inclnded marking, cut ting, drawing and parking. THB newspaper-* are full ot prescrip tions for the cure of hydr>phobf»a What we couslder the best prescription of all has not yet been published. It t* this: Cold lead, one half ounce. Directions: Apply internally to the dog's head. THE Sunday School at the Universal- 1st church has already assum ed tine proportions in so short a time,starting three weeks ago with 48, and last Sun day numbering 78. They have a fine •et of officers and teachers from some of the leading families in town, and all seem so thoroughly in earnest. HOMER WATTLES had the misfortune to come in contact with a Circular 8aw one day last week, and the couse que nee is he is now mlnm one Anger and a thumb badly damaged. Homer says they are a bad tiling to meddle with, as they are dreadfully cutting in their ways. He w*s lucky to get of! so THBC.&N. v. Ry. is building eight new parlor cars for Its main line and four for Its Omaha line. At the Schenectady locomotive works there is In course of construction for this com* pany thirty new passenger locomotivee, and authority has been given by the directors for the construction of forty new passenger coaches of the most Im prove n pattern.. THB Universallst Society has made rqutte an improvement in their church by removing the old seats to the right of the pulpit and raising the Aoor to the level of tho main platform, thus bringing their excellent choir up higher than the congregation, allowing them to be heard more distinctly, a* well as to enable-them to staml mom at ease facing the people. New chairs have al-o been furnished them. Taking It altogether It Is a great improve Lment. A. HV LOWRIE, editor of the Elgin Advocate* made our sanctum a pleasan. call on Thursday last, HON. E. M. I>KNNIS. OF AT. PUIL, Minn, lias our thanks for a* beautiful picture of the Ice Palace at that prace. Miss LIZZIE GIEHELKR and her cousin, from Iowa, are visiting with friends In Chictgo this week, JOHN UIKSELER. who is attending coile/e at Wat-rtown," Wig., spent a short vacation with his parents near this village. "THE congregation!* at Hie Universal J* church are becoming unusually large under the earnest and entlin»M«tic spirit of the new pastor. Rev. B. Brun ning His stirring appe-tl* to his peo ple for christian lives in spirit and in practice, are listened to witli wrapt attention and certainly muet do good, while his expository sermons are very clear and dissinct and cannot well he misunderstood; while his broad charity Bad kindly spirit towards other chris tian people will win him many friends. Last Sunday the church wit thorough ty Ailed, especially in the evening. His next Sunday evenings subiect will be "The Temptation.of Christ; or What or Who the Devil was. that Tempted Him." WM. WALSH A SO* have opewed*** new HmiessShop in the building one door West of Fitzsim nous A Evan- son's store West McHenry, where they propose to keep a full stock In their line, fill orders pronipt^f riM|d guarantee satisfaction. V ' * HE trial of Gray for the kilting of nyder in the barn of Geo. H. Haral son. in October last, came off at Wood stock last week, and resulted In a sentence of three years in State's Prison? flow so light a sentence could have been given after the proofs which were brought before the Jury, Is one of the mysteries. His own tes timony was enough to have sent him up for twenty years. When a man or boy, wnn com nits a petty theft is given from tw<f to four years Id State's Prison, and one who takes the life of a human being, and acknowl edges I he fart, only gets a sentence of three years, it looks as thougn justice was a tiling of the past, ftnd our courts a farce. » -- .... «... ur..-. XHK following 1 udicrom advertise ment was taken from the Hartford Conn.,vCoi*ran/, dated June 17th, 1807, and was handed us bv * friend with the remark "It is good enough to re- produceeven at this date: Thomas llutchins has advertised that T have absented myself from fus bed antI board, and foriii'ls all peisn.^s from trusting' me on his account, and cautioned all persons against making inc any payment on his aieonnt. I now advertise the publick thai the said Thomas Hutciuns came as a fortune hunter into this town ni*>ut a year ago, with a recoin- mendation, which w't-h som- artfulfalsehoods induced me to marry him, and take him into my house and bed, f rom which nls brutality has drove me with wounds and bruis s; he has threatened my life, kept me by force from entering mv house lo lake any of inr clothing, monev or other property: he has also forcibly letained the chest, money and properly of my i-ister;--his fears lhat'anvliody will trust' him are in vain,as I will not pav his debt*; some debts due to me when ! married, f h<>pe will not be paid to him; I hat e never heard that anybody owed him a debt, if they do they had better p«y him immediately, as he will want it, for I shall maintain him no linger. 'If the four wives he Had before me. the last he q .arrelled away; how the other three •ame by their deaths he can best inlorm the public; but I caution all widows or ipaidcns against marrying hiin, be their desire foi mairlmonv ever so 8'rong. Should he make his a>l vance-i under a feigned name, thev may look out for a little strutting) talking, t'eetile, meagre, Hatchet faced tc.low with spindle shanks, an > a little wurp'd in the back. TIIANKFULL HL'TOIIIKB. East Windsor, May &i, 1807. GRCKMW60D EDITOR PLAINDBALBR:--H. R. Bald win, of Hebron, was at church and at his home a short time on Son lay. Mr*. Rylan Alden, of Strea'.or, Is visiting friends here. Ira G. Rick and Herman I*. Dal ley expect to go jto Valparaiso, Ind., this we«-te, to school. Mr. Dailey has friends visiting him from Oregon. - The Cemetery Aid Society will meet this week with Mrs ••Clint" Carr. We learn that Mr. Miller intends building a house tn the spring on the lot just south Of the school house lot. We learn that James Stewart is ex pected to work W. D. Stewart's farm another year. Prof. S.4J. Harsh, of Woodstock, will give a lecture at the Baptist church next Friday evening, Feb. 5. Subject: "Guided Thong lit." At the donation for the Rev. F. W. Swartwout last Friday event ig, and since, a square $100 was raised for him, • lip wing, we think, that the people ap preciate such men In ouir town. The Toung People's Literary will meet next Saturday evening at Mrs. Dike's, when the following programme will be rendered;' ....-- Society Boll Call.--Re«pon<t with quotation* from Longfellow > ;s' ' . Reading .Chaplain Select Reading..:."..Ji,Norma Lee ... A*na Douglass Vern Freeman .......Bertha Dike INTERMISSION. Biography of aome Noted Men.. ....Geo. Carr Recitation tfong philena Thayer Kssay I.iazie Dike Paper... nerman Dailey and Kit tie Smith Editor* Song ; Society THE, following is the folium present d l»y the liingwnnd Dramatic .'lub, for riiur-da.v and Friday even- i' g« of tlii^ wi'i»k. Feh. 4'h and 5di: Major Ira Wariield, (Old Hurricane) John Buck land Wool, hi i servant) I'ati ick Carr Herbert Grayson, (Uapitola's Lover) ...... . .John Green Black Donald (TheCointr) Col. Le Noir (villain). ..... Craven Le Sotr (his son) ( Headlong I la I f' Traverse It -eke (. Stealthy Steve f"'* Dick .... ... otnp (Comical Darkle) Officer Pr ies t . . . . . . . : Miirait Rocke. Clara Diy M rs. Comiiinent Dorcas Knight I'it-a-1'at Unknown ...... RINCWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--We are all going to the play Thursday and Fri day nights. It wasn't ccjld driving to Algopquin last Frlday/was It Howirdf Some of llie young people enjoyed a social surp^se at Lois Chase's on last Thursday evenTtig;-- Will Dodge and wife, of Ord. Neb., will return to the old farm, one and one-half miles northwest of here, the coming spring. H. E. Potter intends going west in a short time. He has a farm In Nebraska where he will locate. Mr. Langham talks of selling his residence here and going to Europe, This is a nice place, and we have no doubt he will find plenty of customer*. Howard Buckland, who is attending school at Dixon, 111., h s been quite sick with measles. " • Don't fail ^to attend the play Thurs day and Friday evenings. We guarantee to sell ynu as good an rrcoat, for nf little money, as can he Win. Smith .. . -- J tile Smith .. Jos. Rainthorp • Earnest Ingalla John Green Chas. French Frank Coates ...:.-..oan Ric nardson Oli /e Elevens Lois Chase ... . '.Hattie Dwelly .... l.i I lie Dales Lil'bic French ..Mrs. Nathan Stevens THE Winter Carnival and Ice Palace at St, Paul, which opene-l on February 1st and will continue the entire month of February (aside from t»«in? the Am carnival of tlie kind ever given In the United States) will bo on a scale of grandeur never ;>eiore attempted, and the novelty and variety of entertain ments offered will constitute a constant source of Interest and enjoyment to all visitors. Excursion tickets to St. P ul and return, via the "North-Western," will be sold at greatly reduced rates. And for lull particulars regarding rates sleeping cars, etc., apply to the ticket sigent at the lepot and secure your tickets via the Chicago 4k Northwestern Railway, the famout Dining Cat;Route to St, Paul ind the Northwest, The mammoth Ice Palace, 180 feet long, 160 leet wide and 106 feet high, Illuminat ed by hundreds of Ele ;trlc Lights, making it an Immense Crystal Palace of dazzling brilliancy. Tobogganing Slides, Skating and Curling Rinks, Sleighing and winter sports of all des cription?, day and evening. Feb. 1--Formal opening of the Pal ace and Carnival Park. Feb. 2--The unveiling of the largest ice Statue ever made. Feb. 3--The arrival of the foe King and royal reception. Feb. 4--Storming of the Palace and victory of the Ice King. Feb. 5--Grand Mardi Gras Procession "The Sea«uiis" and Masquerade Ball. Feb. 6--In Man Games. Snow Shoe Club Exli'bitlon in '^arnivul Hall, Feb. 8 -Pr iz» Spor t* , S t . Geor Clul i Kxl . i i i ion .e tc . Feb. 9--Grotesque l^arrtlval Disnnlvi.'ig Lights. Fire-works., Feb, 10--><-aiiditMiviaii D/ty St Paul Meals. F»-b. II--Grtnd'ArnTy" D ty. Storming and taking ol Palace by G. A. R., and an attractive and "aned programme torVvery day during the entire month. The l'hieago/& Northwestern Railway is the famous Mining (Jar Route to St. Paul ami lite Nnrthwest. fade, Ski Riverside Skating Rink. SATURDAY EVENING. FEB. 6lh. Twenty Lap Race. To Skate one at a lime and the one making it the quickest to reoeive a Prize of a Dollar THtet. SATURDAY EVENING FEB. 13th. Sheet and Pillow Case Skate Admission same as usual. w. H. FORD, Prop. DR CHILDS' office liou.-rf are 730 to 9 A.11.; 12:30 to 2, an.I 6:30 to 8 P.M.;aud Sunday* 12 lo 1 P. M. Song Comic Reariinjr Instrumental Music. Te have only a few left end they must be closed out at once. J. W. CutSTY A Son In the recent trial ot Gray the jury found the prisoner guilty of man slaughter, and the sentence Was three years in the peniteiitiarv. . , « Owners of Pianos and Organs, Read. R. L. Scott will promptly and satis factorily All all orders lor tuning'Hnd repairing Pianos and Organs.- No tinkering, but first cits* work only will be done. I guarantee my patrons en tire satisfaction I give organs a thorough* Factoiy" voicing and tuning which makes them as good as tfw. Read below a few of my many creden tials. < CHICAGO. Feb 25,1885. This may certify that R. L, Scott lias been in my euiplor, and Is fully qualifled to tune and repair Piano and Organs. W.W, KIM HALL. WOODSTOCK, June 5. 1883, This may certify Hiit Mr. R L. S *>tt lias repaired and tuned tlie Organ be longing to the Congregational church of tliia place to the entire satiefaction of all Interested. The orgau was ba,dly out of repairs and required the services of a skillful workman. E. E. RICH ANDS, MRS. A S. V\ RIGHT. Orders can be left at R. A. Howard's Meat Market, West McHenry. ICE DANCE. Myers' Ice men will celebrate the closing of the ice business by a dance at Heimer's Hall, in this village, on Thursday evening of next week, Feb. 11th. Music, Ringwood Baud. Tickets 60 cents, ^il are invited. * PER ORDM. For Sale or Exchange, On*' good bouse and barn with other out-buildings, good orcnaid and all In good shape, with land from I to 14 acres; or will seli a part of the laud by tne acre witliou' the buildings. Also will cell sonne good lots to anvone wishing to build. Wf|| sell any or the whole of the above property very low, trade for a good firm or for Western land. The aoove prope.-ty is well si u» aled near the depot in We«t Mdfenry, HI. 29TF s. RAYMOND. Now they speak ol Crude Petroleum as a remedy'for consump<ion; better not try It, but take Dr Bull's Cough Syrup--t'ie standard cough re me y of our ige. It is agreeab'e to the taste, never fails to cure, and co*ts only 35 cents a bottle. MTCol. Maisou, et la inn tn of th« coi|itniliee on Invalid pension*. In dis cussing the bill to increase the pen* nions of soldiers' widows from 48 in $12 per iiienth lt"t week. In answer to the question: "Where is thin to Hop?" propounded hy Reagan, of Texas, an swered: "You ought to have thought of that before." Keagan, lit replvlng, showed great indignation at being thus •"lectured by a fellow Democrat, and claimed the right to discuss all measures before the House without such reminders. The point Is that Reagan was the Confederate Pust mi ter General during the war, and the weigtit.of his considerable influence <vas given to making widows of the wives of Union soldiers. Col. Matson was not only a good soldier, but is a shrewd politician. He would have the countryvbelieve that his party, like himself, is the friend of tlte soldier and soldiers' widow. 90c Try our "Leader" tobacco at Sweet Lotus, onlv 40c. BOKSLKTT6 SlOVVKL. ALOO*#tt1* EDITOR PLAINDRALB^:--Wna. M^Cre die, gf the Spring Lake Cheese Fad^ory filled Itis Ice house last week. He the Ice from the river here. It was quite a distance to dray it. but It was the best that he could do. Bern Tubbs bossed the Job, On Friday of iasfweek Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ferguson, Jr.. of Aurora, Neb., were in A.gonquiii calling on their old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were called to attend the"funeral of Mrs.F.'s sister, at Elgin, little Annie Dodd, daughter of Thomas Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. J A. Sherwood arrived home from Michigan on Friday even ing last, where Jim went to test the virtue of the baths of the Hot Springs. He derived no benefit from the baths. If anything be grew worse. After leaving the springs lie went to hi* brothers, at Detroit, where be had a very bad spell and the doctors ordered hlra to get home as quickly as he could He arrived home In good sh tpe. At the present time he is able to be around. It is hoped he will continue to 1-0prove. Jim says there Is no place like home after all, W. H. Jencks has bought out Gfeorge Lowe's Bran business, and he informs us that he will keep a good supply or bran on hand and sell as low as the lowest. All in want of anything in hie line would do well to give hi.n a call. C. E. Chapell Is op norfh buying milch cows. He is expected home on Wednesday of this week. He Is billed for an auction sale of a carload o* milch cows on Saturday, Feb. 6. . At a meeting of the Algonquin Literary on Friday of last week the folluwlug officers were elected: Presi • dent, Ernest Benson; Vice President., George Helm; Sec., Matie B«ns»n; Treas., Fred Phillips; Critic. Ed Ben son, Jr. The Misses Birdie and Ida Morton spent Saturday and Sunday last with relatives and friend* in E'gin. The Algonquin Literary will meet at the school house on Friday evening of this week, and will liaye a literary programme. All are cordially Invited to attend and J.>ln the society and lend a Helping hand. Dr. Nason lias been kept very busy for the past few day*. The doctor has been very successful in most of his oases. To tell the truth the doctor has few equals and no superl<rfs. Mr*. Clark and IJtftle(^MiSnf Pullman, are the guests of C. C. Citing Mr. and Mrs. James llnhhar:!, of idcage, were the guests of S. Seieber over Sunday. * We sa# some buggies and carriage* in frn.-ii of Morton & Snblik'a paint shop. This is a splendid lime for any one to have buggies or tnilk wagons painted so,as to have them In g oil •hape wlien spring up«ns. The hoy* ofler to do painting at R<»ck-Bott<im prices. > DIKD-Jwuf 26th, 1888. Mr. F. V. K»*yes of diabetes. The deceased w.»s in his6S4-p**r, He-leaves a wife-Mid I wo cow to mourn his loss, as well as a large circle of relatives and sympathis ing frienils. The funeral was field at the Episcopal church on the 27th of January at 11 o'clock p. m The «ervl- ceg were conducted by Dr. Cleveland' of Dundee, and tlie remains were In terred In the cemetery at Dundee. The family have the sympathy of the entire community iri this their sad bereave* ment. r ' ft •' - WAUCONDA EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--A donation at Mai man Hail tor the benefit of Mr. Satterfield, Thursday, eve., Jan. 21st, resulted in a pleasant time, and some- thing over a hundred dollars in cash and other valcable considerations. The funeral services of Mr. Sumn> r Davis were held In the Me'hodist Church OII Monday afteiioon, Jan. 24th. TI.e Bangs building has another tenant, Mrs, H T. Ladd having put in a stock o* Ladies furnishing goods, etc, Wauconda bids lair to be unusually musical f M* the next two weeks, as Mr. Spencer, of Janesville, * friend of Dr. McChesney's, and an experienced musical director, is in the village a< d is making preparations for a concert to be gif«a about tiie middle of Feb ruary. VOLO. EDITOR PLAINDEALKU:--The sick ot this town are improving under fh« careful and attentive trefjjtmeut of Dr. Child* uf McHenry. Mr. Wm. Mndgett made ^a clean score of ten balls last 3aturday'atv the Glass. Ball rlioot. Fred Aillnsby second at 9 Bails O^car La vrance. of Barrlngton, and the Oetieral Agent of tbe Thurley Food Co., visited our town the other day. They are selling to our best stock-men. for the food lias been tried and proved itself to be a success. y / Campbell's Prise Baking Po*der found only ar IVrry A Owen's. * FARM FUlt REN 1'. Containing nearly 300 Acres, situa ted two in lies from McHenry vil.age. Potuerfslon given March 1st, 1886. For further information call ou R. Bishop, at the Fox Kiver Valley Mills Mlt1*. L. C. GATES. Mcllenry. Feb. 1st 1886. 29-4 w. MILK! MILK! The undersigned will commence on M-tnday. F?b. 8ih, to deliver Milk in the village of McHenry. Persons wish ing Milk c*i leave orders at John Blake's Furniture Store, which will be promptly attended to. Price 5 cents per quart. JACOB MILLER. FARM FOR SALE. The un>.erclgned ofiers for sale his farm, situated four ibiles west of McHenry, consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade fir a smaller /arm. Apply to FHIUP GISSKLKR. 30--3 piouths. NUNDA EDITOR PLAINDKALER ^The January terra of fh* Circuit Court adjourned r the term on Thursday night last, after a three weeks farce. The Crimf- *nal Docket was preity much cleared, the man Gray, for manslaughter, get ting three years in penitentiary. A grist of coal thieves from the Harvard Railway Coal yards were sentenced to twenty days each in jail. One or,two criminal cases were continued. Ouly one common law case of any Import ance was tried, that of Mrs. Frasier vs. the City of Woodstock, resulting In a verdict tor the City after a long and strong contest, with three prominent attorneys on a side. Photographs of the scene of the accident were intro* duced by both parties, and a shorthand reporter of evidence was employed. The suit of Tiffany vs. the Village of Nunda Was finally dismissed after be ing figured over by the attorneys for three terms, the declaration of plain tiff being demurred to at the several terms, and the demurrer being over ruled, and plaintiff employing neijr counsel at the last term. But your correspondent believes If he had more money the case would not have ended as soon as it did. ^'here was forty-one cases on the common law docket, and fifty four on the chancery side, which called to Woodstock through the snow and co d for the greater part of three weeks from two to four huudred men and women, parties, jurymen, and wit nesses, most of whom went li«ime at last without gaining anything except perhaps a bitter knowledge of the fact that "the dispensing of law Is mighty uncertain?' The growling and sw jar Ing was deep and emphatls * Our inlik shippers continue to meet and Resolve. The meetings at the M. E. church were continued nightly through last week. Several conversions are re ported. An auction house has been in full blast the past week, In D. C. Mailory's old stor». and our merch%nts are mad Why did they not club together and out of their re/use stock combined start.,the same kind of a sale, and there by keep these fellows out, and dfspo«e of their odds and end*, reinnai-ts, mis matches, etc. The same thing wa« suggested to some of t'lem some tijn»* since. Waueonda Post. O A R., are arrang Ing wlih flo'i, O. H rillmore to deliver a lecture at thai place for the benefit of their relief filed. In the near future. The subject w 'I iirniinh'v l»e th- "Lif1 and Services of U. S. Grant.*' N-» ma of our acqua mance Is better prepare"' tn do the subject justice. .Indg« Gil more |« an enrMMit-tic-(over of tie dead hero HI d ha* lak«". grea- i'Here«»' in tin roughly posting hi* .self with reference to ii|<. life work. He was ro< a soldier, hut if in - lie «»rd« r of thing" he had come upon llie sf«g«» of «ci|o>. about 'en yea*-s sooner, be would have been. He is of the stud from which soldiers are made. We hope Wauconda w il secure sticii a lecture from him and our Nut da Post would do well to do likewise. Yo tr correspondent was not permit teil to listen to the literary exercise* at the Union S«liool on Friday last but *as fortunate enough to hear read "The School Mirror," a paper edited by a couple of the pupils, and we do not hesitate to say that <ome issues which are printed ami dubbed news- papersm\(\ circulate quite extensively, mi ht learn lessons in grammatical construction of sentences. In spelling puncituat'Oii and in fact everything that goes to make up good reading mat'er. Among their advertisements we notice those of lawyer*, doctors, ministers, etc. V* ithout doubt some-- per hups all of them--will some day, appear In papers of more general cir culation. . Here we are In the month of Febru ary, and If this is one of the "mild winters" predicted, we prefer another kind. The meeting of the M. C. T. A. at Woodstock on Saturday last Is reported to have he«*(i a success. The teadher* of our Union School were in attend a nee. See Henderson's Celebrated School Sh «es for boys and girls every piir warranted; found only at Perry A Oweu s. • For Sale. 1 offer my F <riu of 110acres,situated 8 miles from Kiclim oid. known as the old Newcombe Ftrui; one half mile f om school house, ami with a living spring running through i«. MAJOR NOBLE. Richmond, Feb. 2.1886. AUCTION SALE. T >e undersigned will set. at Public Auction to the highest and best bid ders, on his farm 2 miles north of tbe Mudgeft Cheese Factory, and 3 mile# southeast from the Village of McHenrv on Friday. Feb 12. 1884. commencing at 10 o'clock a. ui., the following prop ertv: S Choice New Milcli 11 I.itmh -r Wagon t low S 3 icne olil Heifers mminir in s»on Sftriele llnlnijin year linx Hiiifera Ixr.i.le MoUtein year. tin;; li ill I 4-v'e r ulil HoUtet'i /Bull I «|.in matched Bay .Mai en . 3-vearol<i Norman U.»it * IS snoats j ltro<»t Sows 800 I?IIsheU Out* 1IKKI liuslieU Corn Quantity $ee<l Corn Top Kiiirfrv I <loulile »i'aie'l Ruirg> « »et ilouiilr Harness I Itay 'fa ,e 1 -ti'llliltS Plow i sulky Cultivator 1 Mowers, 1 Hav Rack I 4ft ItoliH I new Oesley 8ulky Plow 1 seeiler. 1 Drair 1 Siar Feed Cutter I OroHs-cut Saw Mi'k Cans 2S TOUH Choice Tim- olhy Hay 1 Mack straw ' Quantity Corn Fodder farming Tools, etc. There will al>*o he offered for sale at the same time and place the Faun, consisting of 120 acres. Terms of sale to suit purchaser. If the ftrtu is not sold then, it will be offered for rent to the highest and beet bidder. TERMS OT SALIC:-- 910 and under. Cash. Over $10 Due year's time on ap proved notes at 7 per cent (merest ;S per cent off for cash. So property re moved until terms of sale are complied with, Sale Positive and without Reserve. Free Lunch for everybody at noon. ELISHA HUBBARD, CHAS. HCBBARO. F, K. GRANGER, Auctioneer. Our roasted Coffee at 12Jc. cannot be natobed In town. BONSLBTT A 8TOFKL. THEWXSTOXPLOWHAI •dine • fflinals. A handsome, vigorous and practical twenty-four page monthly, devoteJ to the best interests of the Home, Farm and Family. Not sensational, but ag gressive. fearless and full of Western vim and snap, its Agricultural informa- •lon will be fresh from the fields, aod reliable. Its home reading matter will be pure ind instructive, but too highly seasoned with vii, humor, pathos and spirit to be dull. It has a rod in pickle for a million social follies, and It will be wielded vigorously, no matter whom it may strike. No farmer can*aflurd to be without it. The housewife needs it for the pracMcal Information contained In its household department. The boys and girls will be-benefited aud instructed by the live, wide awake articles), sketches, puzzles, poetry, wit and humor which enliven its pages. It la a household paper containing no trash, no exaggerated pictures of life, no sensational "news," but a careful record of all that is intended to make life better than it is. We offer you this literary feast For Nothing. The only condition being tbit ytftt fitj •1.60 lor one year's subscription to the PLAIN DKA LICR. Call at this office and see sample copy or drop us a postal card and we will send you one. Taxes.! Taxes! The undersigned. Collector of Taxes for the Town of McHenry. Is now readv to receive your Taxes, and will be at t he following places on the days named: MONDAYS, at the Store ot Lay A Adams. Johnsburgh. TUESDAYS, at tho Store of J. W. Crl9 y & Son, Ringwood. WEDNESDAYS, it the Shop of Nord- quest A Weber, McHenry. SATURDAYS, at the Store of Fitnl>0n mou* A Evansou, West McHenry. GEO. ROTHKRMBL, Collector. HALL'S Vegetable Cicillan Hair Re- ifwer imparts a fine gloss and fresh ness to tbe lialr. and is highly recom mended by physicians, clergymen, and scientists. Jt r-unoves dandruff, m*ke« • lie scalp white and clean. <tnd restores •.'ray hair to its y urhful color. We are tead quarters tor "Lu*ter Band" ware. BONSI.KTT & ^TOFPKL. Try Our 85c. mm 5 'V, Hue out T- baco BONSLKTT A STOFFEL. A Sewing Midline, good as new td> 914 h0. at E Lawlus; Ap*iy ti I'rv our u«ic<dnre<l .1 toan Teas at 30c. 50, and 60c. IbiNSI.KTT A STOKFEL 22lbs .choice drb*d Aptd^s or Peach ••• lor |1 00 at RONSLI-.TT A STOFFRL'S V*'e sell 1 kev pur- Syrup tor only *i,15. BONSLKTT & SroFFKL. L-»«* cha ee »'o btiv a idee Library Lamp for #2 50 BOXSLRTT A STOFFEL The Lyman Barb Wire, both plait anil gxlyaidzed.decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John f. Story's. Beslev's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On drauglit at J. Bonslett's, A* In- glen's and John llelmer's. We sell Star. Climax Magnola. Spear Head, Ch colate Cieam, Scalping Knite, andCognac Cocktail plug tol>ac- eo's. BONsLETT A STOFFEL. Hay for Sale. Twenty Tens first class Timothy tfay for sale, on the Osman Hal* farm >• e-.half mile South East of Burton's Btidge, on the Wauconda road. PATRICK FLUSKT. Wanted To Exchange. For McHenry County Farm, vorth ihout 93 600, a small biHine«s property at Dundee. Apply by letter or in per son to iJ. F. HALL, Dundee. Will pay Cash difference. 25-4w Dktc For Rent. The undersigned offers her farm, -ituated 2 miles south ot Mcllenry, on • In* Nunda road, known as the Flusky homestead, for rent Terms reasona hie. Apply on the premises. A. D. THORNTOX. ed Jan. 2d, 1886. Notice Extraordinary. We wish to call the attention of our friends knowing themselves to be owing us on book acsount, that settle* ments must be made previous to Feb 10th. next. After that data unpaid xcounts will be left with a Justice for colieotion. FITSSIMMONS A EVAN SON. Great Reduction. I will until further notice make pic tures at tne following low rates: ,'abinet Photos, per dot 93.00 Cabinet Photos, per half dos. 2.00 Card Piio os. per doz 2.00 Card Photos, per half doc 1.60 Satisfaction given in all cases, as formeny. L. E. BENNETT. Fashionable Dress-Making. AlRs. H. L. ROUNDS has opened I>re.s« Making Rooms at her residence, iver Lawlus Clothing Store. McHenry. ind is prepared to do li'Si class work tt treas nable prices. Perfect fit and HI *IIre satistaction guaranteed. Chil dren's nothing a specialty. Th- patronage of the ladies of ibis vicinity is respectfully solicited. A SENSIBLE MAW Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat aud Luugs. It is curing moie cases of Coughs. Anhni, Bronchitis. Croup, and ail Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. I'he proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money if, after taking three-fourth* of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price 50 cents and fl. i'rlal size free. For sale in McHenry by Oeo. W. Besjey. Farm lor Rent. Well Improved and highly cultivate J Farm of either 140 or 190 acres, situ ated two miles north of Wauconda and two miles south of Volo; only a short distance from three different Creamer ies. and especially adapted for dairy business. Terms of lease will be for long or bhort time, to suit lessee Must be rented by March 1st. Apply on the premises, or a4dfjM# E. J. CALLAHAN, 28-3* Waucouda, 11L ty residences for safe. A w. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware line gf bottom figures; at E. M. Howe's. Randall and Keystone Pulverizer!. IS sad 1« inch at E. M. Ow*n A Son. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever It*' fore at G. W. Be^ley's. West Side, Clothe* Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choice for 92.75 at John I. Story's. Sewing Machines to Rent, or for s;tle at '8.00. by E. Lawlns, opposite tbe Riverside House. McHenry III. : Floe Scrap Books only 91.25 at O. Wj'l Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at W, Besley's, West Side. * ^ Lace Curtains, '('idles, Lamberktns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. * " A£flne line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at John I. Story's. Look at the ci>oi9e Candies at Be#* ; ley's Drug Store. West End, Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for you5 Farm Machinery. They keep none but the best, and warrant everything. 1,1 \ Cook and Heating stoves, both Coil and Wood, of the latest styles nntf J; patterns, at J, I, Story's. Bird Cages, both Brass and <fap*n, the ffnest asaortmeut in town, at J. I. Story'8. ______ BESLEY'S Ale and Porter is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonalett 'S, A. Englen's. and John Heimer's. The Buford wlieei sulky takes, the lead, also Hapgqod, Case, Skandia aod ' Flyng Dutchman Plow's at K. M. Owen A Son's. CUTTERS* A Large Stock of fine Cutters fia4 Robes at Low Prl at E. M OWEN A Sos*a. t .̂ v Mrs. Schumacher. A Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods * st the lowest Chicago prices. If you want to learn how to' f*ai$t vour Boggy for One Dollar, Oi*; tesley's Dsug Store. West End. Notice. • To those that want J'ubs, Vats, Hay Kacks.aud anythintr in mv due ol busi- neas. Work done ou •iu»rt notlc* to order. Shop door South ot Law* ' us' Store, F. A. FIRBARD. McHenry, Aug. to, I"8ft. U-4-ty Farmers and Dairviueii. do not fall •o USH IMckiu^o'i's Cow Prescription, as t will oftHii «ave the p ic-* of tne cow in preventing tuat fa<al disease, milk •ever; will entire the cow to do wefl • tiercalving.curesgarge .horn ail «nd ill dise ise of tne cow. aud wi<l rep^y told in increa-tltig the ft »w For sale by all Dru ;gi«ts. .3 -m For Sale. The West Division of Clover Dtle Karm. contai'ii"g 160 acres, si mated on the Waukegan and .MoHjury .rotd, tbont four tndes from tne new Rtil- road now being built, and only live •nlles ftom the i«<»x Lake resort. Terms reasonable. Apply ou the p -euiUes. E STANFORD, 16,-II Fnrr Hill, Like Co.,TJ|» fojr Spot Citsh. You can buy at Fitzsiunnons &Evau« son's 30 pound* Pru ies for 91.0^; 20 Vird^Coiton Flannel 8100; 10 pounds tfond green Cofr*<» 91 <H>;8 pounds g wjd roasteil Coffee 9100; 25 yards Prims 91.00; I gillon Apples lac; 5 gallons "Xtra Hue Syrup 91 25; Rickford Flan* neIs below cost, to close. We aUo have bout 200 t> iir childs Shoes, sizos from 7 to 11. at 95 ce.its, all extr* d ie aud •vorth double the money, and a few pair ladies >hoe-, former price from 92 25 to 93.00. to lose thein out we offer them at 91.75, b ith side lace aud button;300ii yirds Remnents of differ* euf kinds. Come out and look tliem over. It will pav you. 'f* FITZSIMUONS A EVANSOS. - restores, with the gloss and lresliness oC youth, faded or gray liair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair may be darkened, thin hair thickened, and baldness oftsa, though not always, cured. It checks falling of the hatr, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and cares scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressing, the VIGOR is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicats^ agreeable, and lasting perfume. MR. C. P. BRICHER writes from Kirhii, ©- July 3, I8&2 : " last fall my hair commenced foiling out, and in a short time 1 became nearly bald. I used part of a bottle of AVEK'S HAIR VIGOR, which stopped the fall ing of the hair, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of hair growing vigoc*- ously, and am convinced that but tor the ase of your preparation 1 should hare beea entirely bald." J. W. BOWES, proprietor of the McArikwr (Ohio) Enquirer, says : "AVER'S HAIR VIGOB Is a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 speak of it from my own experience, lta use promotes the growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The YIOOK is also • sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." • MR. Axors FAIUBAIRX, leader of the celebrated " Fairbairu Family " of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Ihistou, Mass., Feb.9, 1880: " Ever sinee my hair began to give Sil very evidence of the change which tieeting time procureth, 1 have usvd AVHR'S HAIB .VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of vouthfulness --a matter of Considerable consequence to ministers, orap tors, actors, and in fuct every one who lives lirthe eyes of the public." MRS. O. A. PRESCOTT, writing from tt Xte St., Ck'irtrstoicn, Mass., Aprit 14, 1882, says: "Two vears ago about two-thiids of my hair came otf. It tliinneii very rapidly, aud I WWB fast growing bald. On using AVKK'S HAIR VIGOR the falling stopped aud a new growth commenced, ami m about a month my heed was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now as good as before it fell. 1 regularly used but one bottle of the ViGOa, but now use it ooc&sionaUy aa • dressing." ^ We bare hundreds of similar testimonial to the efficacy of AVER'S HAIR VIGOR. It needs but a trial to convince the most sk«pti> csi of iu value. NTEFABEO BT Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co,, Lowell, Man Sold by all Praggief The Nickel B>rnDoor Roller, ic- knowledged by all to be the best thing || of the kind on the market, for sale by M John I. Story. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggy is the leader, A*k tbe 900 ia this oouuty what they think of them' Always on band mS.)L Owen A State * 1 i * >, J g-1