R fpjm/m ^ ip<"i in, mjij_ in • ' v' ".'.• V " 7 ^ / ^ si.-'it tSTlt is said that misfortunes hare followed so fiist ol lata „ year* OH MIR« Ami* DickIrHon. that fhto jonce noted •nd soccestfal lecturer no* fliids her- Mtf In almost destitute circiimstanccs. At one time MtM Dickinson seemed to have taken aflairs at the flood ti<?• Which led to fortune, and for years she was the most successful woman before Che American public, literally coining money with her lectures upon slavery and woman's rights, subjects then of ^absorbing interest to the public, hut tier vaulting ambition o'erleaped itself and she quit the platform, where she ttad won both fame and riches, for the •tage, where she lost both. Asa lectur er the was a sucsera, as an actress she was a failure. LAPWWJPJPRI , > ' yfe. •>#$. >7 |^v: !> ' w h\- AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases wliich Cause human suffering result from derange ment of the stomach, bowels, and liver. AYKH'S CATHARTIC TILLS act directly upon these organs, and are especially designed to cure the diseases caused by their derange ment, including Constipation, Iiidlges- . tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host of other ailments, lor all of which they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prac tice, shows unmistakably the estimation in which they are held by the medical profes sion. These PILLS are compounded of vegetable substances only, and are absolutely free iroiu calomel or any other injurious ingr^lieut. A tafferer from Headache writes: "AYER'S PILLS are invaluable to me, and are my constant companion. 1 have been - a severe sufferer from Headache, and Your PILLS are the only thing 1 could look to for relief. One dose will quickly move my bowels and free my head from pain. They are the most effective and the easiest physic I have ever found. It is a pleasure to lite to speak in their praise, and 1 always do so When occasion offers. W. L. PAGE, of W. I,. Page ft Bro." Franklin St., Kichmond.Va., June 3,1882. '•I have used ATKR'S PILLS in number less instances as recommended by you, and have never known them to fail to/accomplish the desired result. We constantly' keep them on hand at our home, and prize them as a pleasant, safe, and reliable family medicine. FOB DYSPEPSIA they are invaluable. J. T. HAYES." Mexia, Texas, June 17,1882. The REV. FRANCIS B. HARLOWE, writing from Atlanta. Oa., says: *'FOT some yer.rg past I have been subject to constipation, from which, in spite of the use of medi cines of various kinds, 1 suffered increasing Inconvenience, until some months ago 1 began taking AYER'S PILLS. They have entirely corrected the costive liabit, and have vastly improved my general health." AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS correct irregu larities of the bowels, stimulate tlie appe tite and digestion, and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and vigor to the Whole physical economy. PREPARED BT OrJ.C. Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. 'IfeHENB#..-! lUilli. To make room for early Spring purchases ws shall offer until closed our entire T«ne of - Mk&T FDR THE SPRING CAMPAIGN. n,., • YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. All experience the wonderful beneficial, effects of Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Children with Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, or any scrofulous or syffl:- 111 tic taint, may be made healthy and strong by its nse. Sold by all Druggists; 91, tlx bottles lor S5. Overcoats, Winter S SKIfiTS, CAPS, GLQ.VES ASS MITTEJTS, At a reduction of twenty per cent, for Cash. We 'also have a quantity of . CERMANTOWN YARN. All colors, which cost us from 12 1-2 to 18 cents a skein, 10 cents will now buy it. Embroideries at 75 cents on the dollar. riiilMi i"':- FOUND: FOUND WHAT! • r<-YyA_. ;J, A I / I ' l l OFF A'* .* 'V. 'k '•; j *'i ' • J AT LESS THAIV COST. 8B0EDT UHIS Of SHOES AT, HALF PBICI. ins IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. We are receiving new goods every week. A careful inspection of our new Dress Goods is respectfully solicited. Attentive and obliging clerks always in attendance to look alter youi wants and make shopping pleasant. Come and see us. M W* HENRY COLBY. NEW GOODS EVERi #VEEI% We ate better prepared than ever to sell you anything yotl want at Prices lower than ever before. We have PRINTS AT 3 CENTS PER YARD AND UP, A flu Stock of RiaghamiatS ots. ptt Tudaad up, Fine Ee&ry ShseUng at 6 ct». and up Dress Goods and Trimmings Of every description includ ing the celebrated Broad- head Fabrics. An extra fine line of Black G-oods and Cashmeres at very low prices. See our black Dress Silk at 65 cts. per yard, worth $1, warranted all Silk. • ri ' x? We have bought our Spring stock of Mens, Womensanr Childrens' ine Shoes at greatly reduced prices and can fit all at low prices. See Henderson's celebrated school shoe. Teas, Coffees, Sugars. Prunes and all Family Groceries at the greatest reduced prices. Sole agents for Campbell's Prize Baking Powder, every package warranted. * Perry Owen WE TAKE THE UEERTT'ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD, lh ragard to the unequaled merits TkiFliiBllDiiteliBaDjr. •MINE H. $20,000 WORTH 337 Of good straight Merchandise must be converee into HARD CASH at once. Note a few Cash Prices. Oood Prints. .9 centa per yard Good Ginghams 5 cents per yard Rockford Flannels (sold at 60 to 65 cents) we now offer at 30 cents per yard Overcoats (formerly selling from $7 to $10) we now offer at....i $4 to $6 Good White Union Flannel. 10 cents per yard We have a few Cloaks left which e«ld from $10 to $18 we now ofler younr choice in lot for $5,00, > ; • --WE MAKE THE LIBERAL-- Liberal Cash Discount of 20 Per Cent. On Ladies and Gents Underwear, Ladies and Gents Woolen Hose, Mens Overshirts and Cardigan Jackets. Mens Fur and Scotch naps, Woolen Yarns, white and colored Blankets, Gloves and Mit tens, Shawls, etc. We also have a few broken.suits for men at HALF PRICE. Also 50C pairs Ladies Shoes'at greatly reduced prices. It will pay you to trade with us provided you buy for Cash, as we will offer extra inducements to that kind af trade. FITZ8IMMONS & EVAN8DN. the Original and Famous Three-Wheeled Mow, Which for Lightness of Draft and Working Qualities is HM Conceded Champion ol the Whole Plowed World. POINJS OF SUPERIORITY. '* M inna lighter than anv other plow made because by means of the perfect support afforded bv three wheel* the plow is carried, not draped It is easy on the team, because there is absolutely no weight ou tbe horsea) necks. It turns square corners, turning fur rows either inward or outward, as may be desired The rear farro^r wheel is locked when plowing straight ahead, but unlocked by foot- trip when necessary to turn. After the comer is turned it locks, itself automatically. The colter wheels running in furrow SSrtfllSlljr prevent any strain on the frame of the plow, or: CO the horses when turning. The plow is ' Isrnrd on the same principle as a cart. TJhue front furrow wheel la at point of plow, insuring a uniform depth when , Crnssim dead furrows or ditches. . Tlw land axle haa a Spring that •MM the plow from being too rigid, and causes it to when crossing corn furrows or ridges, team is hitched the same as to a plow, and the horses draw easily and natu- plow ia its front of the driver. " •ortt is constantly under his eye. Mdmany other points, fully explained^ illus. •d proved in our descriptive circulars, to any address. We also mail, free of charge, MJtonl Pilgrim's Progress, by John-with-a- wkh iOastrations ; the Story of the Flying , a graphic sea sketch ; and other literature amuse, entertain and instruct, address, M0UNE PLOW CO., Moline, Illinois SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering, discoveries, in ventions and patenta'ever published. Every num- 1 .'."nstr»te<! with splendid engraTings. Thl« publication fnraishes a most valuable encycl opedla ot information which no person should be without. The popularity of the SoiEtrrmo AMERICAN ia such that its circulation nearly equals that of all othe? papers of its class combined. Price. $320 a ( J^iscount to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealen. M1JNN 4 OO., Publtehera. Ho. SKIBroadway, 117*. D securing to inventors their rights in ^•United Stat•• is, Cnnada. England, Kranee, ^M German} and other foreign countriea, • pared < ' • Info] • fully g infnrar ITPilTP Mann & Co. havo i AT-fe N T S« »,8° hlld Thirty-1 Eight years* I practice before Ithe Patent Office and have prepared •more than On* Hundred Thou- Taand applicatioriK for patents in the ' United states and foreign countries. , Caveats, Trade-Metrks, Copy-rights, AasignmeBte. and all other papers foe pared at short not ice and on reasonable terms. ents cheer- ... d-books of information Bent free. Patents obtained Information as to obtainingpatents ( I fully given without charge. Han through Uunn it Co. are noticed in the Boienti&o American free. The advantage of Huch notir* *" well nnderstood by-all persona who wish to pose of their patents. Address MDNN * CO.. Office AmcKicm, am Broadway, New Tort A CIPT Send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free » royal, valuable, sample box of goods that will pot you in the way of malcinp more money at ouoe, than anything else in America. Both sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, °r ?i » 0> Capital not requiretl. We will etart you. Immense pay sure for those who etart at once* BTINSON A Co., F.mtUnd, Jttalne E. LAWLUS, TIE TULN HOLDS THE FORT A8 A He makes Suits to ordes of the best Cloths, Foreign or Demes- tic. AT TBS L0TE3T PRICES That good Goods can be sole a& HB AIjSJO Cleans ami Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. G-lve Me a Call c. LAWLUS. .Jan. JOHN B. BLAKE, --DEALER IN-- ALL S I have one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Fur- ' niture always on hand MY PRICES WILL BE Lower Than th.e Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will saye trom 5 to lo per cent, by giving me a call. #rthe place to buy Goods, tftes, Etc., Our Stock is Complete, our prices are Low, and our Goods the best to be found in the market. We visit the city weekly and therefore our stock is fresh and new. \ Calf and see us, examine goods and learn prices. • • ALL GOODS WARRAITTSS ' JUST <A8 REPRESENTED. • A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited *' ,• - « * 6 • ; -4 'V%H ®be Highest Market Price paid for Batter and Eggsi ": ATTUFTCP PPFL0 McHenry, III., Jan. 25th, 1886. A full assortment of Coffins and Cast ets always on hand. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE. DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or- Woodstook, • " llllnoisi. Bftcknd by Milllona of money'; offea you INDEMNITY against damage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; eall on me and I will write you a policy, and Witen either or any of these destruetive olla ments devastates your property, lu^py win you be if you hold one of my 1 will surety visit you, and .minister uptojyou. will not forsake you. ura W. SMI1H, em'lJnnKtnee Ag' See Henderson's Celebrated School Shoes for bojs and glrU, every pair warranted; found only at Perry & C. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL AUCTIONEER, SPRING GB0YE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most SZASOHABLZ TSB2IS, -AND- Satisfaction Guaranteed. (Jail on or Address C. G. Andrewsj , , Spring Grove, 111. 3krove, Sept. sutk, ism. THE WORLD'S BEST, FOR SALE BY JOHN. I. STORT, -DEALER IN- McHENBY, ILLINOIS. FOLDING CHICKS BY 11 III' I III Ull INCUBATOR. ' Wilhtiio !Uo*t ?erJVct iiixi Kuceevi* lBciiiaCl4»u ot* the THE! OnA.IOr Simplicity Itself. Nolmnps ii> explode. Ifo hr.tti-rles, clockwur11 I'IIIHIOIS. .lv:ivr»»r«. (>r vulicr con ' - - • - - ' ' IFNU- IN OPIMITLNFF. NI-I-IU II® trlvances to get out of ord watcliing. Matches all Ici tllo e?Ks. Isocust or experltnn•<>. and very lln !<' Tho upper portion folds buck placed In a n< ston natural sol! In tin- li.wcr es8ary heat from at nnk of warm water In l ik<' i lie lid uf n nunk. the imri lou and receive the lie lid. Proper heat In main tained by drawing o(I a purUof the water twice a day and rephttlug with boiling water, about 10 quarta at a time for smaller size. EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Sell at from 50c to $1 per Pound. It In alio n Brooder and will rare for tlm chicks an >onga» they need artiticlal heat., tlitis saving expense of Hpcclul brooder Both a* an Incubator and as a Brooder It Is u limit passed by any imicli I ne.no mat ter what the coat, and la [lie accent, chcand trtoct «nally manaKeil candidate for public favor. The Crule Incubator CM lit run with profit at any season. Any peraon should have a paying hatch the first time. It batches In froin 18 to 24 day*, aud equal* thol>eaS work of the hen. I A nRCQ --Ton thonmnd* who «ra nrrnirRnnirfor iteenitSarf br'aMEiV#« Independence will ttnd artiticlal rearliiKof poultr* a most profit able home Industry. It require* the leant |xMi<ib|e capital. Does not Interfere with household duties. The (ante Are that preparat tbe meals can heat water for au Incubator. 42 IIOKBSON STRBRT, MEMIMI!*. Tenn.--Krom 'JOOegRg I hatched 1»7 Chicks In the Craig Incubator. I know It Is the best one made. Yonr Diana for brooder are unexcelled. 1). C. HATCH. HoPKnAi.it, til.--Third trial, out Of 78 eggs hatched <5 chicks. Had •ery Rood *uocc8s first trial. Kev- er bad a finer lot of chickens. HELEN OKNDOUFF. SHANON, 111.--Tour Incubator beats all the hens for hatching. I set 145 eggs under hens and have chick*. I set 101 In Incubator and have 9t good, healthy chlclca an a result. C. W MAYS. RIVKHTOX, Keb.--Matched on® brood toget my hand In, fully 60 per cent of all ceim put In. No trouble to keep an ev< n tempera" tare. Shall run It all winter. K. VAN DKCSKN. EtteA**Ttrro«*. N. Y.-Br at- Ing the Craig Incubator I consider my first attempts at artificial Inou* a complete success. A. WALTEIl DUltAND. Fa Ds CRAIG) MAOTFACTOkIe, North Ivantloni III. •E>'D 4 CEWT8 IN STAMPS FOR CATXlaOBV •> Contains more useful poultry information than any *3 book. Descrtbaa nil breeds, diseases, cures, hen-houses, brooders, Incubators, eta. T£LU HOW to HAKJE tOMrwawl. rr*M ssMktasi Aioiceient Extraorlinary. BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Men Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Snoes in al the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip,-Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Childreu's Buckled Arc tics, Alaska*, Seli-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Kubbers and Arctics in alt the latest novelties. >len's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fall Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in ftct everything usually found in a first-class Boot and Shoe -store. We makea specialty of Ladies and Gents. We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind of Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Caah Pi ices wtll justt nlease you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable (Jash Store ve Know mux uui way twwu uuw v^tidu ruwti win JuSP yuu. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable (Jash Store Jor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. ---House Established 1865. n pWIGHT, . .U ; ; „ y , .S' riX \ lf ^ *** X .V x > .-U si^v ** f A