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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1886, p. 4

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r ,r« m WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1886. J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. THIS PAPER K't°Sko?i" KOWEl/I, A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 .Spruce street), where uilvertising arK r» NEW YORK- "iiw.-.y^ bw;: . ̂ ,• r-;• * %sv ii>, • - f&"Seversl Democratic sheets ln<the Mouth are sagely advising the colored people to let politics alone, and attend to real work, mental and phj'slcal. which will improve their condition. Good advise, that. But we rise to In­ quire why the whites of the South don't follow ItP Too much politics and too little hard work has held the South back in the march of progress, besides bringing oo the war, with its unnumbered woes. a - *' . P£<:%5,' "•'• tVGeorge Q. Cannon, the Mormon high priest, for whom the federal au­ thorities of Salt Lake City have offered a reward of $500, was arrested Satur­ day at Wtnnemucca, Nevada. He is wanted for a violation of the Edmunds law, he having been the most violent as well as one of the ablest Mormon leaders. He will be best remembered by the country as the long time dele­ gate from Utah In Congress. His nest address will probably be the peniten­ tiary of Utah. te~WIU Mexico become the Canaan of Mormonism ? An a ;ent of the church is no* on the soil of the Astecs nego­ tiating for the purchase of several million acres of land and it is reported that his overtures are favorably re oeived by the Mexican government. It is quite evident that the MormonB have come to the conclusion that their presence will not be tolerated in this country much longer. It they wait too long they will most assuredly feel the force of Uncle Sam's foot. Mexico is welcome to them, although It would be better for them to go to the Sand­ wich Islands, for the United 'States may want Mexico in a few years, in which case the Mormons would have to pack up and look for another place of abode. f t^THere is some plain truth from the New York Sun.- If the Democracy is to be saved, the whole Pan-Electric gaug and all Pan-Elecric proceedings must be eliminated. Mr. Garland must go; he allowed (be department .of jus tice to be prostituted for his private advantage. Mr. Goode must go; he began the uoautborlz§& use of official power for the purpose of a private speculation. Mr. Lamar must go; fol­ lowing Goode and Garland, he advised that the Pan-Electric scandal be fast­ ened more firmly upon the administra­ tion and the Democracy. A number of other high officials must go; they are deep in Pan-Electric stock books. Which should be saved--the Democ­ racy or the Pan-Electrlc? And which< ahonld a Democratic and reform presi- dent prefer? Horatio Seymour. iftntie year's death roll of great men to-day must be added the name of Horatio Seymour--the sage of Deer- fleld--who passed away Friday, Feb. 12th. Mr. Seymour was refined in taste and vulture and fastidious in the choice of language. By his party he has always been admired and loved to a degree scarcely approached by the regard shown tor any other Democratic lead­ ers; and by his opponents his abilities were conceded and his lofty character respected. Since 1S68 he has lived in retirement at Deerdeld among his books and friends. Occasionally be would appear on the platform on special occasions for objects in which bis sympathies were enlisted, and he never failed to excite enthusiasm by bis presence. His death will be sin­ cerely mourned by the entire country. ^ • 1 ' I l| VHf •HWVI sr s Tt1 * " fW' _ jSj*; ! IS FULL ! IS FULL ! Bonslett & S rOKl KL, IV GOODS C. E der 37 cents New i, all Boots Shoes, Standard Quaiy, towest Prices. HeOLAND M COM CENTS 1 a 3 CD xn e+ K O M W £! cd I--» t$ K § 3 xn- o < cn M ^Tj z cc if iS^The di fie re nee between Republl can and Democratic methods in cases where officials violate their trustB is clearly shown by a comparison of the cases of Belknap and Garland. When Belknap was Secretary of War, he was accused of selling out a post-traderslilp impeachment followed and be resigned to eseape conviction. Garland Is charged with having received half a million dollar's worth of Pan-Electric Stock for "his name and influence" as a senator, and with having used bis office M Attorney General to prosecute suits •gainst the validity of the patents of m rival company; in fact, of U6ing the legal machinery of the government to float hlsPan Electric stock to par. But he is neither Impeached uor removed, nor does ho resign. He ' pays no at- tlon* to the , charges, and Cleveland apparently backs him. The famous phrase will have to i>e revamped &o as to read, "Public office Is a private Full. All Kinds, »- • "-r- $ go* £.5 S-S'H « » * * * « > , ' H-P. g -oP B i:(KJ H tr ̂ £ o a h 0 B P •3 go West McHenry, - - Illinois GEO. W. BESLEY, f 3 J* FOR LENTEN SEASON, FOR LENTEN SEASON. ' 1L-- lr New Dry Goods i: West McHenry, Illinois. I --.DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &c. Choice Confectionery The finest line of Pure Candies to be lound in the county. The best brauds ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. &tl. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, has taken a Window in this Store, and is prepared to do all work in his line. GEO. W. BESLEY. BOBEBT C. BENNETT, BREEDER OF IS r-' !• • i. J©-The New York Sun thinks the biggest "pan-roast" ever served up for the American people Is the roasting that has been given by the press of the country of all parties, with remarkable unanimity, to the Pan-Electric section Of Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet. The lead­ ing Democratic papers are particularly lavage at the position in which the party is placed through the prosecu­ tion of a suit by Mr. Garland's depart­ ment at Government cost, in which Mr. Garland himself has'an enormoui money interest. On the surface of the affair appears to be as offensive as any thing revealed in the "Mulligan let­ ters," and no amount of explanation will eyer remove the cloud it has brought upon the Administration. JCvery candid person admits the pro­ priety of obtaining a definite judgment •poo the telephone question, but can­ dor nod the public's sense of propriety revolt at the presence in the Cabinet •f a largely interested party to the litigation.--£c. JT- , • f THIS WEEK.; We will sell Hamburgs on SATURDAY at one half price and continue the sale for a week. # Don't Forget our 11 Pounds of Green Coffee for - ONE DOLLAR FOWLS DUKE OF YORK STRAIN. KICHMOND, ILL. First Premium Awarded Wherever Exhibited FALLOF 1885. For the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early in the season, so they are now well grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and . rating by the "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and beat fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while t he number to choose from is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them. I will make reasonable rates for Pairs, Trios, or Larger Nomta. Call at the residence of Dr. "Bennett, Richmond, or address Robt. C. Bennett, micumqjsd, Mchenry oo., ill PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AND Musio Folios, VERY CHEAP, -AT THE- CT&ucond* Drug Store. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In McHenry. V MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. SSTTHE GREAT GRANT BOOK! Life and Personal Momoriee of Gen. Untiv£ , -- cnjer <ng 22x23 inches of all "Our Presidents" t RKS in one volume only f 1.7,1. first <lay; 10,000 sold first week. One agent soli A ft engra*. "ScV-M to each subscriber. Think of this! Some per* son should send 60 eta. for outfit and engruT- in;. unit secure this territory. Book now out --n-> waiting for commissions. Address GLDKI PuBLieiiisa Co., 364 Wabash Ave.. OhicamL Xlliuttis.

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