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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1896. Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June U, Trains will (fees McHenry station as below: • <•4 OOIWQ SOUTH* Senova Lake Passenger....... Bencva Lake Express Geneva Lake Freijrtat tieneva Lake Passenger. aoi*o itoara. Geneva Lake Freight Seneva Lake Passenger Senan Lake Express „ Beneva Lake Passenaer... 6:57 B. Boss, Agent. McHenry, III .... 7:38 A. M . .S:M " ...12:48 P. M . ..3:» " ....*•11 A. M ,4:48r. M DB. CHILDS' office hours are 7 30 to 9 A.M.; 12:30 to 2,and 6:30 to8 p.lfc; and Sundays 12 to 1 p. M. Do not forget the Auction Sale of P. J. Clary, on Friday next, the 26th. See notices elsewhere in this paper. THIS Tillage needs a good Bakery. A man who knows his business and will ran a clean, neat Bakery, will And a good opening here. IN our hurry of g«in< to press last week several vexatious errors crept I Into our local columns. We shall be tnore careful in the future. H. L. ROUNDS, of the Central Barber Shop, is having a handsome new sign made, which will occupy a place in front of his shop. CIGAB CLIPPINGS, the finest Smoking Tobaoco in the world, at J. Pekovsky'S Cigar and Tobacco Store, next door to the Post Office. '"CHAPIN SMITH, an old resident of this town, died at the residence of George Lumley, near Rtngwood, on Friday last. THE Ladles of the Uulversalist So­ ciety are making preparations to hold a Fair in Riverside Hall at an early day. We have not learned the date. AT the Universalist Church, next Sunday evening, Feb 28th, Rev. B. Brunning will preach upon the subject: "Does anybody really desire and pray for an Orthodox Heaven ?" MABBIED.--At Lake Geneva, Wis., February 17,1886, by Rev, Henry Col- man, Robert Walkington, of Hibron, III., with Miss Annie E. Beeskin, of Richmond, 111. THB next meeting of the Ladles Society of "Willing Workers," con* nected wl& the '.Universalist Church, will be held at the residence of Mr9. Geo, W. Owen, on Thursday afternoon at half past*one o'clock. THE Holmes Brothers have rented Walsh's old Harness Shop, and are pre pared to clean and Oil Harness on short notice and In the best manner. Prices low and satisfaction guaranteed. Call aoi see them. I 111 II l/s 688^; been THE two years old daughter of Clar-j ence Colby, died on Monday nlglit, after several days of severe Illness, Diptherial Croup is said to have the difficulty.! Funeral from the Unl» versal 1st T^tTflrch to day at one o'clock. S L. A. PARKER has sold his residence and one lot, In this village, to Ellsha Hubbard. Consideration 91,300. Mr. Parker will build a new house the coming summer on the lot west of the one sold to Mr. Hubbard. ON inquiry we And that the Powell Bros. Manufacturing Co., Waukegan. 111., make the F. H. Manny and Advance "Broadcast Seeders. Write them for cktalogue and prices, and nearest deal­ ers sellirg them. ON account of the crowded state o our advertising columns we fehall nex weetc be obliged to Issue asupplemen in order to accommodate our patrons, As we shall Issue a large number of extra copies this will be a rare chance, for advertisers. Send In your orders. THE McHenry Military Band have decided to give a Musical Entertain­ ment at Riverside Hall, on Thursday evening, March 4th. Besides tho musi­ cal part they will have a Basket Social, a qulit drawing, etc. Full particulars next week. Colds yield to onions like magic, but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is still better and by far a more agreeable means of curing a cold or cough. You can buy a bottle for 26 cents at any drug store, and we are sure It will do the work every time. ATTENTION IS called to the notice of an Oyster Supper and Entertainment, to be given at the residence of James M. Carr, Rlngwood, on Friday evening of this week. A cordial invita'lon is extended to all. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the West Rlngwood Cemetery. IF there is one thing more than an* other that McHenry needs It is a Bank Our business men and farmers arw often put to great Inconvenience, and we believe that a man or company who would open a Banking institution In this village would find It a paying investment. IN another column can be found a notice from Hon. A. J. Hopkins, in which he notifies those Interested that . an examination for a candidate to West Point from this District, will be held at Geneva, III,, on the 18th day of May next. All interested should take due notice, MCHENRY now boasts of the best Band in McHenry County. The boys are practicing regularly, and their playing shows that they are profiting thereby. They treated our cltisens to some very fine music on the streets a few .evenings since. As we said before the McHenry Military £Band stands in V the front rank. L.W. Nichols, Jr. a Jeweler of large experience has located In G. W. Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry, where he is prepared to do all kinds o| repairing of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Spectacles, Silverware Ac. Fine watch work and engraving a specialty. FKB80NAU 0E. O. J. HOWARD IS dally Improv­ ing, and will be around again soon. CASPER MCOMBER and wife, of Chi­ cago, spent Sunday with friends here. D. B. WAKNE R, of Nunda. was on our streets on Saturday. PHIL. BUCK, s»n of J »s. Buck, has been quit? sick the past few week. "MRS. E. LAWLUS started OQ Tuesday for a visit among friends in Wisconsin- GEO. E. YAGER, of Chicago, wt* on our streets on Monday. WM. YAGER and wife, of Waukegan, attended the party at the RiverslJe House on Monday evening. MR?. DR. FEOEBS IS visiting with friends in Woodstock this week. She will return home on Saturday. PHIL GIESELER and wife left for Chicago Feb. 11th, where they tatted to make their future home. REV. FATHER FEGERS, of Sterling, III., was calling on friends In this vil­ lage last week. PAUL BROWN, of Chicigo. celebrated Washington's Birthday by calling on friends In this village, JACOB WENTWORTH, of WHlimette, spent Sunday with bis parents, In this village. MRS, S. B. HANLT, of Chicago, has been spending a few days with friends in this village. MRS. WM. MCCOLLUM IS again quite sick. Dr. H. T. Brown Is in attend­ ance. JACOB BONSLETT has been oonfaned to his bed for the past week bat Is now better and able to be around. V MRS. A. D. LYNN, 6f Chicago, was In this village last week, attending at the sick bed of her brother, Fred McOm­ ber. WILLIAM WENTWORTH, son of Isaac Wentworth. has been under the weather the past few days, but is now reported better. FRED MCOMBER, WHD^W^^MITAMTNM fc»4tt£>very low hist week with Pneu­ monia, is now much better and In a fair way to a speedy recovery. // HENRY BRINK is gradually falling and will not probably lastly great while. His disease is genera^ debility and old age. V j ISAAC JECKS and wife returned on Thursday last from a seven ^weeks' visit in New York City. They report a very pleasant time. REV. B. BRUNNING attended the New England Supper, gotten up by the ladies of the Universalis Society, at Nunda, on Monday evening. CHAS. S.OWEN, who is wlttf Patter­ son Bros. A Co., Union Stock Yards. Chicago, was shaking hands with friends here oa Monday. F EDWARD BRAHAN. who has been West the past three or four years, has been shaking hands with old friends yand acquaintances here the past week. /THE Washington's Birthday Party, fit the Riverside House, on' Monday 'last, was attended by ninety six couples, Slid all report one of the pleas- anient times of the season J And how could it be otherwise, with Slocum's Orchestra to furnish the music and mine host Ford to do the honors of the occasion, BURGLARS or sneak thieves again laid some of- our citizens a visit last 'eek. Bishop and Hanly'sMills and the Central Meat Market being visited. While in this instance the amount of the loss is but small, still the fact re­ mains that we have such sneaking scoundrels in our midst and some means should be taken to ferret them out, and when found let an example be made that will be a warning to all such hereafter. ; A SIGN often a mate Invitation only to those who pass bis place of business; his circular can ouly reach those to whom personal attention is given; but, his announcement In a newspaper goes into the highways and byways, finding customers and compelling the in to con­ sider III« argument*. „ . . ft IF you want bills, tag*, slips, notes, cards, labels, tickets, folders, circulars, enveloped, bill heads, price lists, cata­ logues. statements, mement>s, note heads, dance cards, programmes, letter heads, calling cards, business cards, blank receipts, mourning cards, fence streamers, blank contracts, business bulletins, remittance sheets, display pamphlet", introduction cards, presen­ tation cards, auctiou bills, dance pro­ grammes, dance numbers, in fact any and all kinds of work that can be done with type and presses, call at this office. Do not be deceived by thinking you can do better elsewhere. WE have received from the publish­ ers a copy of Smith's Diagram of Par­ liamentary Rules, an! on examining It we find ourself surprised at the In­ genious simplicity of ^ts construction and the clear and ooraprehenslve view it gives of the often complicated and perplexing subject of Parliamentary practice. The character of any motion. Its relation to every other motion, and the rules that govern ir, are givet^at a glance. The Diagram Is accompanied by a key, containing also concise hints and directions for conducting the business of deliberative assemblies, the whole bound In a convenient pocket form. Uriah Smith *s the author. Published by the Review and Herald Publish lug Association, Battle Creek, Mich. Price 50 cents. AN exchange says: "The local news­ paper is closely connected and identi­ fied with every legitimate business interest in the town and county. It is conducted by those witb whom you are acquainted. Yuu can contribute to its prosperity by giving It your patron­ age and support. The local newspaper is potted in regard to your wants. Your Interest Is its Interest; It Is your friend and neighbor. You owe to it a duty in preference to all other papers. No outsider or foreign paper c«n possi­ bly have any claims upon you until you have discharged your iuty to your home paper. No outsider or foreign paper can have such interest In your business affairs as the local paper must have. The locil paper aims to build up home trade and encourage home in­ dustry. You can contribute to this end by suoporting the home paper and increasing its patronage, snd conse­ quently its Influence, you will doubly --.nore than doubly--be repaid for so dUng." ' " . THE following was adopted at a meeting "of St. Mark's LoJge No. 63, A. F. and A. M„ Woodstock, held on^Hie 2lst day of February, 1886: Brethren, hardly yet has the Ink ^ried upon our records commemorating the decease of our time-honored and beloved brothers, John 8. Wheat and Daniel Blair; not yet twiee has the moon waxed and waned since we cotn- memted their spirits to God, who gave, and consigned their bodies to the earth, whence they came, ere once again our outer doors are alarmed by Death, who appears in our midst and snatches from our told our worthy, faith­ ful brother and worshipful master, William E. Hughes, in consideration ot whose loyalty to our order, faithful deportment as an up­ right citizen and devotion to his family as a kind and affectionate husband and futher, the obituary uoiumitiee offer as the sentiment of this lodge: Thut, in his death, our order has lost a brothei, true ami tried, that our com­ munity has lost a highly esteemed citizen, that his family have lost an Indulgsnt father and kind liusband, and his emp overs a care­ ful, prompt and trusty servant. That a ropy of these sentiments be furnished to the family of deceased, to whom we tender our un­ feigned sympathy in this their dark hour of bereavement, and that copies hereof be fur- BisbeU for publication. » ABA w. SMITH, Chairman, I WM. H. HTKWABT, VOom. A. K. BUNKKR. % AT the Auction Sale ef Elisha and Charles Hubbard, on the 12th, F. K. Granger proved himself one of the best Auctioneers in this section. He sold In a little less than three oours 91 700 worth of property, and on nearly everything offered, from stock-to farm­ ing tools, the be6t prices were obtain­ ed?) Being a good judge of the value of articles offered" at Auction, he Is better able to get nearer their value. Persons having Auctions are fortunate If they secure his services. ON Friday of this week, the J6th, Is advertised the Auction of P. J. Clary, two miles south of this village, on the Barreville road. Mr. Clary having rented his farm this sale isposltlv and without reserve. There will be no by-bidders and Mr. Clary .will not bid In anything himself, as he has ad­ vertised it because he wants to sell^t. There are some very fine young horses offered for sale and a choice lot of other stock. Remember the date. Fri­ day next, the 26th, and he on hand. THE following is one of tha unrepeal­ ed laws of New Jersey, passed wlill- the State was % British colony: "That all women of whatever age, rank, pro­ fession, or degree, whether virgins, maids, or widows, who shall after this act impose upon, seduce, and betray into matrimony any of his Majesty's subjects by virtue of scents, cosmetics, washes, paints, artificial teeth, false hair, or high-heeled shoes, shall incur the penalty of the law In force against witchcraft and like misdemeanors."-- Exchange. WASHINGTON'S BIBTHDAY was cele­ brated at Nunda by Literary and Musi­ cal exercises, under the auspices of the Universalist Society, the ladles of which are among the most earnest workup to be found anywhere. Exer­ cises in character and dress of the olden time were admirable, A histor­ ical sketch of Oeorge Washington was given hy Prof. Paul that was literally condensed into "a nut shell," and yet it was full of meat, and Readings by Miss Sessions and Andrus. Rev. Mr. Brunning and others were down from here, and speak In the highest terms of the entertainment. Oyster Supper and Entertain­ ment. At the residence of James M. Carr, Rlngwood, III., on Friday evening, Feb. 26th. 1886, for the benefit of the West Rlngwood Cemetery. A cordlil luvl- tation Is extended to all. Single tickets 30 cents; 70eeuts per couple. By Order Committee. Riverside Skating Rink. Will be open on 'Saturday evening next, as usual. W. H. FORD, Prop. OLD SETTLERS ASSOCIATION. Aimual Meeting. The Anuual Meeting of the Old Set­ tle r»' Association of McHenry and Lake Counties, will be held at the Riverside Hou*e, In the village ot Mc­ Henry, on THURSDAY, MARCH 11th, 1886, at one o'clock p. M., for the pur­ pose of electing offlcei* for the enduing year. and transacting such other busi­ ness as may come before the meeting. A general attendance of Old Settlers and all others Interested Is earnestly requested. R. Bisnor, President. «T. VAN SLYKB, Secretary. Why Don't Correspondent* Toll It All? MR. EDITOR:--I'm a kind of a fussy old fellow, and want things to salt me, and I'm a great hand to >eac| the cor­ respondence from the dltlerent towns. First: I want to know what's going on; who is dead; who l» married; who Is going to be mart led; whose new baby has come to town, and who Is burned out or come near it, and lots of thing*; but I don't think It's ju9f. the thing to be hinting at things and folks and promising "to let the cat out of the bag" about To n, Dick or Harry, when nobody away from that town knows who they are. For instance somebody migh^ sa^ "Dick, look out." Who is Dick, and what Is he to look out for? Who knows, or cares ? Then things happen, or are going to happen, that are prominent and no word Is mentioned about It. For Instance your Nunda correspondent--a good oue, too --gave a fine notice of t'ie doings of the "Woman's Relief Corps;" splendid. I enjoyed It ever so m.ich. T'len to begin with ths correspondent grew enthusiastic over the meetings at the Methodist church and the revival, and the converts, etc., etc., which was ex­ cellent and all right; but what a taut the Uulversalist meeting? arid what about the Universalist's Washington Birthday party f Has a correspondent a rl<ht to be partial? I don't thh k so. We have Methodist meetings here and revival services In that church, and we have Universalist meetings here and a largely revived Interest in that church, and our minister read a notice, all printed, of the Universalist's Wa?h. Ington Birthday party, at Nunda, and then we looked at the correspondence, and behold It was not there. Dumb as an oyster. O, now, come, let's have it all; and to pay these correspondents for lettlog everything out we'll tell them that we have some ugly boys right here In McHenry that are "spotted" for jail ir they don't quit untying horses and letting them go, and somebody will soon have a stove blown "sky high" with ths gun powder they will find in the wood they steal. We don't know who steals It, but a "busted" stove will reveal the secret. And now, Mr, Editor, we don't want to edit your paper. We are uot hungr^ for that kind of business. We don't think we could do It if we tried; but we wouldn't bury folks until they were dead, because they might nor die ; and then we should dun our subscribers so sharply so as to have something to buy bread with, buy paper, pay debts, etc., etc., ami maybe'-make them so mad that they wouldn't take the paper any longer. By the way wouldn't that be just as well as to not get pay for It? Anyway. I guess that Is enough to say for once by a newspaper DYSPEPTIC. New Music. "The Klrmess" Schottlsche Milltalre by Lo.iis Grayle, has just been issued by H. M. Brainard A Co., Cleveland, O. It is a delightful little Piano piece, well arranged and very attractive, and especially adapted to the latest fash­ ionable dance, the "Military Schott­ lsche," Copies will be mailed, post-paid, by the publishers, H. M. Brainard A Co. 209 Superior street, Cleveland, O., on receipt of 85 ceuts. Farm Tor Rent. The Farm known as the Stewart Farm, containing 290 acres, situated three tulles south of McHenry, two miles from Terra Cotta Depot and one mite from Barreville Cheese Factory.| Ter.ns reasonable. For further par­ ticulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. 32-3 w MRS. WM. STEWART. POCSK or RKPRKSKNTATIVKS O. 8. \ WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 17,188(5. Notice is hereby given that a compe­ titive examination for the selection of a cadet to West Point, from the Fifth Congressional District, will be held at the Court House in Geneva, Kane Co., on Tuesday, the of May, com­ m e n c i n g a t 1 0 : 3 0 o ' c l o c k A . M . Candidates must be not less than seventeen nor more than, twenty-two years of age, actual residents of the District, unmarried, and of sound phy­ sical condition--to be tested by a strict surgical examination thoroughly proflcleut In Reading, Writing, Orthography, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, and es­ pecially the Geography ot our own country, and History, particularly with the History of the United States. In Arithmetic, they must possess such a complete knowledge as will enable them to take up at once the higher branches of Mathematics, without the further study of It. As the successful candidate must be at West Point not later than the 11th of June, 1886, and will have no time for further prepara­ tion, the examination must be search­ ing end rigid. A. J. HOPKINS, Member of Congress, Fifth District. WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.KK:--Mr. Permct, of Minneapolis, has been visiting hia sister, Mrs. Oolgrove. Wm. Stone and Morris Hill held auctions on Saturday afternoon. They intend starting for Alabama tbe last of this week or early next. Sunday, Feb. 21st, the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Pntt was celebrated at the hotel. All the large family of children were present, and most of the gracdchildren J. S. Pratt, from the Black Hills, Is here after an absence of thirteen years," and Ross Bur­ ton and family from Michigan . The new meat market in the old hotel build Ing opened Monday moruing. Thursday evening, March 4th, a social gathering will be held 1h the M. E. Church* It is understood that 10 cents will be collect ed from those present, a lunch will ,l<e served and au entertaining programme consisting of readings, recitations, music, etc., will be given. Everybody is invited aad a good tine expectod. Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry & Owen's. Tike your old watches to tbe Jewel­ er In Besley's Drug Store. West McHenry, and have then nicely re- paired. ALGONQUIN- PLAIKDEALKB On Taeaday of last week Comrade Matlory, of the Nunda Herald, was in town investigating the Potatoe busi­ ness. Are potatoes legal lender, Ira? J . W. Kee, of the Arm of Kee A Chape 11,of Chicago, has rented his father's dairy farm, situated one mile southwest of town. Thos. Kee, who has been working the place for the past three years, has hired oat ID Deloa Dun- ton, at C.irpenters vile. Chapelt A Thomas shipped another carload of stock to Chicago on Thursday of last week. Mrs. llelm. Sr., returned to Chicago on Fri day Ust. Mrs. J. Peter accompanied her home. Mrs. D. T. Babbitt, of Elgin, Mrs. Wm. Chapman and her daughter, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Owen, of McHenry, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Chapell last week. Miss Marion Ford spent a day here last weok with her cousins, E. A. and V. X. Ford. Fred Bar tell* went to Chicago on Monday of last week and secured a situation (8 But­ ter Maker for the Boston Oyster House. His family moves in this week. Died, Feb. 301 b, 1896, Mrs. Henk, wife of Henry Henk, of dropsy. The deeesasd leaves a husband and seven children to mourn hor loss. The funeral will be held at the German Lutheran Church, in this plsce, on Tuesday, the 23d Inst., and the remains will be Interred in the cemetery at Dundee. The family have ths sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement. * The Literary on Friday evening was well attended and they had a very good pro­ gramme. Subject of debate was; Resolved, That Jackson's administration was of more importance than Jefferson's. The negative got it. Chas. Butler, of Kansas, mad* frtends here a short visit last week. Mlus Nellic Riley, wlj3 has been teaching in the Robert Uager district, finished her term on Friday last. She also taught a writing school for which there was a reward offered to those maklag the nost progress. Wm, A. Kason, Juo. Adatnek and Jas. Philp, Jr., were chosen Judges. They report a very docliletl improvement'in a majority of specimens. Miss Birdie Morton spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends In Elgin. One of o irciiisens met with quite a fright one morning last week. While gotng up the river road at 4:30 in the morning he overtook a person who acted rather strange, who ran about and at last jumped the fence and htd behind a tree in Hie woods. But upon Investi­ gating tho affair he found it to be a young lady retr.rnlngfrom town where she had been employed the night before. Hereafter the said gent will take help with him for fear of accidents, When is that new factory going to start np? George wants the position of inspector. We should think that the Nunda Herald had better issue a special edition expressly tor Algonquin, as they had four correspond­ ents last week.and we know of ten or a dozen more spoiling for a chance if they only had room, Mrs. I'hebe Smith, of Nunda, Is visiting here with friend*. The Sewing Society of she Congregational Church will meet at the resltMfoce of tfrs. W. MortonThursday of this week. the Why Not? Patronise home institutions, R. L. Scott ofter| to tune Pianos as cheap and as thoroughly as any tuAer from Chicago or any other town. Work warranted to satisfy or no pay requir ed. Special attention given to tuning and voicing Organs, all of which, in­ cluding tbe best, need this as often as once in two or three years. CHICAGO. Feb. 25.1885. Tbis may certify that R. L. Scott has been in my employ, and Is fully qualified to tune and repair Pianos anil Organs. W. W. KIMBALL. WOODSTOCK", June 5, 1885. This may certify that Mr. R. L. Scott has repaired and tuned the Organ be­ longing to the Congregational Church of thM place to the entire satisfaction of all interested. The Org in was badly out of repair and required the services of a skilllul workman. £. £. RICHARDS, MRS. A. S. WRIGHT. Orders may be left at Howard s Me at Market or with Barbian Bros., Me Henry, 111. 32-2w R. L. SCOTT. Bobbers and Rubber Boots all liies at Perry 4 Owen's. H E B R O N . EDITOR PLAIMDBALBR.--Remember School Sociable Friday evening. The season for Auctions has arrived. ' vio and hear "Among the Breakers" Satur­ day night. " Truth is stranger than action." They say our Democratic postmaster was "soaped" last week. The shoet and pillowcase party w as a great success. The ghosts wore numerous anu lively. 1 , . The next club dance will be given Friday evening, March 5th. Music by the Janesville Light Guard Band. Jlr. Page has an anctlon this week, after which he intends moving to Iowa, where ne has purchased a tarui. At Howe's Hall, on Saturday evening, Feb. 27th, the Hebron Di%inatic Association, assist­ ed by Mr. Wall, formerly witb the Budget of Fun Company, will render "Among the Breakers," and conclude with a roaiing negro farce. Mr, Vail will spare no p.tins to make this a rare treat for all lovers of the drama. Admission twenty-five cents. Thursday morning death came to the relief of Atra. Smith Vanderksrr, who had been a great sufferer for a number of years. She was sixty two years ot age, was a laay respected and loved uy all who knew her. The funeral services were held Sa.urd iy and the remains taken to their last resting place in the family burying ground near tier old home. One day last week a sharper made his ap­ pearance on o,.r streets. He was selling live tiny bars of Kirk's soap for Ave dollars and giving away a ten dollar bill with eaeh pack­ age. A few invested but found the green­ back had mysteriously disappeared when the package became their proper ty. We prefer to patronize the stores and get the worth of our mouoy, unless we could afford to throw away live dollars "Just to show the boys it was all a humbug." We haven't tbe delusive prospect of making our fortune during the next three years. RINGWOOD. EDITOR PLAIKDBALKR:--Alex Brewer it visiting friends in tbU place. Jerry Smith's little boy Is quite sick at this time of writing. Tbe Ladies' Church Aid Society will meet at Mr. S.'Simmons' on Thursd&y, Feb. it. Weare selling the Eureka Clothes Wring ers, which are the cheapest and best made. J. W. CRISTr * SOH. Mrs. H. P. Buckland has been on the sick list, but is somewhat better at present. Robert Jones and wife returned to Ring- wood on Monday evening last. Rob. will commence work in tbe cheese factory again, about the drstet March. I.. O. Andrus'little daughter has been quite sick but is much better now. Mrs. Andrus is also on the sick list. Remember the OysterSupper and entertain- ment at James M. Carr's on Friday evening, Feb. 2tith. Price ot supper 33 cents. This is for the benefit ef the west Ringwood Ceme­ tery, and a full attendance is earnestly de sired. A new assortment of ginghams and prints also a new steck of wbips have arrived at J. W. Cristy A Son's. You should not fail to call and examine ths.u. Alt goods seld by us, under our recommendation, will prove satis­ factory or your money will be cheerfully re funded. Mrs. Mary Dodge and Miss Carry Ladd visited triend* in McHenry last week. Chapio Smith, an old resulmt of this neigh, borhood, but of late a resident of Velo, dlfd Friday, Feb. 19th at the residence of O<£org«t Lumley, who liyes about five miles west of Ringwood. His death was caused by a severe cSfcl on his lungs, and his sickness was ot but ibort duration. Mr. S. Potter, who for the past year has been living at Fairfieid, Neb., returned to Ringwood on Wednesday of last week. He is looking rugged and is very much taken up with the western country, whither he will return should he succeed in disposing of his farm here. MUNDA. EDITOR PU.TVDRI.LRK A tea*, harness and wagon were sold on our streets on Satur­ day morning last, by Majah Beardsley, Esq., en chattel mortgage. They only brought $60 and Mr. Beardsley was the purchaser. OJ Sunday last there were about twenty- five persons joined the M. K. Church on pro­ bation and by letter, showing that there were more sinners to be tonnd in Munda than in McHenry, according to the report of the Mc­ Henry correspondent of the Woodstock &'niinel of last week. There were about eighty at class meeting on that day, which shows that the subjeotof religion is receiving,, some attention in our midst. Munda is blessed with a worthy successor to Rev. J. M. Coulee. Mr. Cessma is generally acknowledged to be a Christian and a man of good common sense,, as well as of liberal culture. Our milkmen continue to meet and resolve^ By request we withhold the proceedings of the last meeting. The results will be pub­ lished in good time. We wisfy them success. On Friday la it a man who had rented his brother-in-law's fi»r n, in Bull Valloy, gather, ed up his own effects and a bout a thousand dollars worth of property belonging to the owner of the farm, and shipped them from Ridgefield for Kansas In charge of a man by the name of Fox, himself and wife going from here to Turner Junction on the passenger car In the evening, the owner of the property (who lives In Chicago) came here with a friend from Wooodstock who had put him onto the racket of his tecant, and securing the service of Officer Benthusen, telegraphed the author­ ities at Elgin and the Junction to stop the car of stolen property. At 6:3) next morning they took Jencks' train and overhauled the burglars at Tnrner Junction. With consider­ able difficulty the property was secured, and Fox was lodged with Sheriff Udell te await the;setting of the Circuit Court- Out of sympathy for the principal's wife, who was In a delicate condition of health, tney were allowed to continue their immigration pro­ ject 0 There Is considerable inquiry for desirable residence property in ear town. And the prospects are that we shall see some etaanges in real estate this spring. Washington's Birthday receives attention hero by giving a Mew England Supper In Rational Rink, with a programme of literary cxercises. Bert Rose ncrans, late of the 17th III. Cav„ last week received pension arrears amount­ ing to abou t ono thousand dollars. He has been seven or eight years in prosecutl hg his claim, owing to the rascality and inefficiency of pension attorneys in his employ. But it comes in very conveniently just now, in the depressed condition ot business. It is enough to convince anyone that he onght to be pen­ sioned when it is known that Ue served with the "bloody 17th Cavalry." & -- • Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best medi­ cine for eyery one In the spring. Emi­ grants and travelers will find it an effectual cure for the eruptions, bolls, pimples, eczemas, ete., that break out on the skin--the effects of disorders In In the blood, caused by sea diet and life on board ship. PRIZE PIGS. C. STREET * SON, Hebron, liSve Juat received a very fine pair of Octo­ ber Pigs, from the firm of Duneld A Shellenberger. Somervllle, Ohio, the Kreatt>6t Prize Breeders In the West. - These Piga were sired by Consolation, who was nold for tl7,5 th < 18(h of De cember. 1885. and breeding Interest reserved. With this pair and others which we have added to our herd, ena hies us to be in the front rank In tireed ing Poland China Swine. We have some Spring aud Yearling Sows, bred to Ferron In September and May, which we ofler for #20 and 925, ten dollars choaper th*n other breeders for first class stock. A few male Pigs, old enough for service, for 910,'to close out. It will pay you to see our stock If you do not buy. C. STREET & SON. Hebron, 111., Feb. 22d, 1886. It is a good rule to accept only such medicines as, after long tilfcl, have proved worthy of confidence. This Is a case where other people's experience may bo of servloe, and it has been the experience of thousands that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is the best cough medicine ever used. Buckwheat Wanted. At the Fox River Valley Mill, for which tbe highest market prloe will be paid, ^ R. BISHOP, FARM FOR SALE. Tbe unuerelgtied offers for sale his farm, situated four miles west o' McHenry, consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade f->r a smaller farm. Apply to PBIUF GIESKLBR. 28--3 months. There are two forma of chronic rheu* matism: one in which the joints are swollen and red without fever, aud tbe appetite and digestion good; In the other tbe joints are neither red nor swollen, but only stiff and painful. In either form Salvation Oil m«y be re­ lied on to effect a cure. It kills pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. Pish! Fish! Pish! Mackerel and White' Fish In ptfW and half barrels, whole and boneless Codfish, Herring in quarter barrels and Ladles Rubbers Only 29 cents at Perry & Owen's, Sol* Agent* For C. M. Henderson's celebrated tchool shoes. See them at Perry A Owen's, Now is the time to havo your silver­ ware cleaned and engraved by L. W. Nichols Jr. the Jeweler, in Besley's Drug Store, West McHenry. For Salt). A good Work Horse. Inquire at Besley's Drug Store. If you have a watch or a clock which cannot be repaired, take it to L. W Nichols Jr., the Jeweler In Q. W. Bes­ ley's Drug Store, West McHenry, and you will be surprised. Ip you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. Best Smoking Tobacou at 10 cents pooud at Perry A Owen's. PUBLIC AUCTION. ft Having leased my farm for a term of years, I will sell at Public Auction, on my farm 2 miles south of McHenry, on the Barreville road, on Friday, Febru­ ary 26:h, 1886. commencing at 10 o'clock A. 11., the following property. 5 good cows, 1 span geldings 1 Bpan brood mar«*s. I span mares good roadsters. 1 colt coming 4 years old, 3 colts coming 3 years old, 2 colts coming 1 year old, 10 heifers coming 2 years old, 2 bulls coming 2 years old, 1 calf coming 1 year old. 10 shoats, 1 Deer ing twine binder. 1 mower, 1 lumber wagon, 1 truck wagon, 1 rniik wagon, 1 pair bob sleighs, 2 hay racks, 1 grindstone, 1 Tiger cultivator, 1 diamond cultivator. 1 smoothing harrow, 2 good plows' farmlcg tools, nearly new, 1 wheelbar­ row, 1 saddle, 2 set double harness, about 50 bushels of wheat, about 30 bushels of potatoes, 300 bushels of oats, and other articles. TERMS:--Sums of 910 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of 10 months will be given on approved notes at 6 percent Interest. 2 per cent, off for cash. No property removed until set* tied for. Free Lunch at Noon. P, J. CLARY. f, K. GKAXCWB, Auctioneer. i,;; Business Notices, City residences for sale. Apply Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, III. Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be* fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. Clothes Wringers, both the Novelty and Universal. Your choice for 92.75 at John 1. Story's. Sewing Machine* to Rent, or for sale at *8.00. by E. Lawlns, opposite the Riverside House. McHenry 111^. Fine Scrap Books only 91M at O. W. Besley's, West Side. "Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Lnce Curtains. Tidies, Lamberkina, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. A fine line of Stove Boards, different sixes and styles, at John I. Story's. Look at the choice Candies at Bes­ ley's Drug Store, West End, Weare headquarters for "Luster Band" ware. BONSLKTT A SIOPFIL Try onr 35c, and 50c, fine cat Tobaco. BONSLETT A STOFPEL. A Sewing Machine, good as new nly 914.00, at E. Liwlai: Try our uncolored Japan Teas at 30e( 50, and 60c. BOXSLETT & STOKFEL. , 221 bs..choice dried Apples or Peach­ es, for 11.00 at BONSLKTT A STOFFEL'S. We sell 1 keg pure Syrup for only 91 ,15. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. Last chance to buy a nice Library Lamp for 92,50. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. DOMESTIC Piano and Fnrnitore Pol­ ish. the finest thing iu the market, at Besley's Drug Store. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plats' and galvaniKed,decidedly the best Wire in the market, at John I. Story's. Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. En­ gine's and John Heimer's. We sell Star, Climax. Magnola, Spear Head, Chocolate Cieam, Scalping Knife, andCogiiac Cocktail plug tobao* eo's. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. Hay for Sale. Twenty Tens first class Timothy Hay for sale, on the Osman Half farm, oi<e half mile South East of Burton's Btldge, on tbe Wauconda road. PATRICK FLUSKY. Cook and Heatini; stoves, both Coa) and Wood, of the latest styles and patterns, at J, I. Story's. BirdCages. both Brass and Japan, the finest asaortmeut' in town, at J, I. Story's. BKSLKY'8 Ale aud Porter is the best made. On draught iu McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's,. A. Engleu's. and John lieimer's. Our roa*ted C'tff at 12J: cannot be matched In town BONSLETT A STOFFEL. GLASS ! GLASS ! We keep Glaa9 of all sizes constantly on hand. SpecUtl slaes cut wltboitt's extra charge. JOHN I.STORY, Five Gallous 150 test Oil for 66c at Bonslett A S to Bel's. The Nickel Barn Door Roller, ae-» knowledged by all to be the best thing of the kind on the market, for sale bjp Jobu I. Story. , , , ------ .;.j^ Try our "Leader" tobiooo at 20e Sweet Lotus, onlv 40c. BONSLETT & SIOFFKL. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods st the lowest Chicago prices. Full stock of Ladies line shoes. Mist* es fine shoes. Mens fine shoes, Boys tat|e shots, at Perry & Owen's. If you want to learn hpw to Pairt your Buggy for One Dollar, csll at Besley's Dsug Store, West Eud. Our immense line ot new Wall Papei Borders, Ceiling Paper, Center Pieced and Corners will be here soon. Waff and see our samples. PBSBT a Owxw. NOTICE TO HOLDER* OF McHENSf OOITNTY ORDER*. s Notioe Is hereby given that on tlM first day of April, 1886, I will pay a|{ the outstanding 6 per cent. 9300 Mc­ Henry County Orders. Interest will cease on eald co-orders April 1st, A. D. Itt86. JAMES .Visit, Co. Treas.. Woodstock, 111., Feb. 22, 183& 3S-4W FARM FOR RENT. Containing nearly 300 Acres, situa­ ted two miles from McHenry village* Possession given March 1st, 1886. For further Information call on R. Bishop* at the Fox River Valley Mills MRS. L. C. GATES., McHenry, Feb. 1st 1886. 4|l--4 wm f Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, H«y Racks,and anything in my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot La#* lus'Store, F. A. HEBARD. MoHenry, Aug. 10,1S85. ll-4~ly For Sale or Exchange, One good house and barn with other out'buildln^s. good orchard and all In good shape, with land from 1 to 14 acres; or will sell a part of the land by the acre without the buildings, Also will sell some good lots to anyone wishing to build. Will sell any or tbe whole of the above property very losr, trade for a good farm or for Western land. The above property Is well sitlfct ated near the depot In West MeHenrjr 111. 29tf S. RAYMOND. Great Reduction. 1 will until further notice make pi#*- tures at the following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per doz..... 93.00 Cabinet Photos, per half dos...... 2.00 Card Photos, per do* 2.00 Card Photos, per half doz 1.50 Satisfaction given in all cases, s» formerly. L. E. BENNETT, A SENSIBLE MAX Would use Kemp's Balsam for tk» Throat and Lungs. It i* curing noil cases of Coughs. Asthoit, Bronchitla. Croup, and all Throat and Lusft Troubles, than any other medlclasw The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money if, after taking three-fourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Prioe 50 oents and fl. Trial size free, For sale In McHenrj Besley. -'

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