W KDN KSDAY, MARCH. 17,1888. «f. VAN8LYKI2, l<Mltor. THIS PAPRRK^r KOWKI.L A CO.'S Newspnper Advertising Bureau (10Spruce Strcfl), where advertising STK'SNEW YORK. ifirThi) FU npreme court of Illinois bu appointed Judge Thomas A. Moran, Of tlie circuit, court, to succeed Judge Isaac G. Wilson on the appelate bench ?f this district, Ex-Governor John M. Hamilton, Hon. H. II. Evan* and J. M. Reece have Incorporated the Chicago Repeating Arms company, capital a half million dollars. $St Nlneiy-one per cent, of the prls^ oners of the state penltentary ar Jollet are under 40 year* of age. and lixty-nioe per cent, of them are under 80. The average age of all the prison ed there is 25. For God's sake, tell w how wecan help to Pave the boys. WST Kellogg Ni Jhols, an Express Ifessengeron the Rock Island Road, was brutally murdered on Saturday morning last, near Morris 111., and the Express Safe rifled of abuui 835,000, No clue has as yet been obtained of the robbers and murderers. The Rail road company have offered a reward, Of ilO OOO for their capture and it is to be hoped the} may soon be brought K) justice. §0~A Washington correspondent, under daie of March, I5ih, says: "1 am sorry to say that the opinion is rapidly: gaining ground In. this city. Uiong all politicians, thit no man ha* ever tilled the Presidential chair who possessed so 1'ttle natural and acquired ability as the present occupant. If it were i ot for Dnn Lamont it is hard to tell how Mr. Cleveland would navigate. Before his term expires, till the world will know that, in fact, \ the President it little better thau a cipher, intellect ually. New York Tribune* What Is to be said of the President? It It to be held that he is comparatively ignorant of law and has had no experience In public afiair*, ami neglected toseirch |i«r precedents in the conduct of the government, and so engaged in a grave conflict with the Senate, knowing nothing of i:s right* or his dutie s? No defense could be more damning. If that is true of Mr. Cleveland he I* less lit W be President than his worst foes have ever imagined. Is It to be said, on the other hand, that he is a headstrong man WIIO cares nothing for precedents and little for restraints of law. but intends to administer the government according to his own ideas of right? That Is to say that lie is a usurper, who liable* to require im peach went before all hdone. These defenses are suicidal. President Cleve land has bei ti pushed bv dishonest ad visers into a fatal and lawless attitude. They knew it was lawless. His first 1 f duty is to put them out of his Cabinet. his .counsel and his conflJeuce, and then to open those "glass doors" and let the public know how the govern ment has been conducted. To all' Snnday School Worker*, The next convent ion of the McHenry County Sunday School association will be held in the Methodist Church, at Woodstock. 111., on Tuesday and Wed nesday, April 6th and 7th 1886. co n inenciiig at ten o'clock A. M.. Tuesday. An interesting programme has been prepared 'or the occasion. Bro., W. B. Jacobs will be present and assist. Also I'rdf. E. O. Excell will conduct the singing. Every Pastor, everv Super intendent and all workers in the Sabbath School are expected to be present and council together in this grand work. We wish every Sabbath School in the county to choosa dele gates lo attend the meetings. Let all who car, come. W« would ask all superintendents to send In report of school at once, Ridge fie Id, III. March 15. 1886. B. R. MORSE, Preident. K. B. SMITH. Secretary. WABREH LEMND, whom everybody kaewa as to IIMIUMM aMMgwot the Largtst hum tfliirpnsii ot America, tayt that while a passenger from New York on board a skip going around Cap* Horn, in the early days of emigration to Cal ifornia, he learned that one of the officers of the vessel had oared himself, daring the vof- age, of an obstinate disease by UM use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since then Mr. LILAKD has recommended Area's SARSAPARILLA In many similar eases, and he has never yet heard of Its fail ure to effect a radical care. Sonic year# ago one of Mr. LlUXD'S farm laborers braised his leg. Owing to the bad state of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured Iliub. Hor rible itching of the skin, with burning and darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor mously enlarged, and running ulcers formed, discharging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. Ko treatment was of any avail until the man, by Mr. LELAND'S direc tion, was supplied with AYER'S SARSAPA- KILL A, which allayed the pain and irritation, healed the sores, removed the sweUtatfe «J4 completely restored the limb to use. Mr. r.ici.Avn has personally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla- for Rheumatism, with entire success; anl, after careful observation, declares that, In his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorders^ Goat, the effects of high living. Salt Rheum, Sores. Eruptions, and all the various forms of blood diseases. "We have Mr. LKLAKD'S permission to invito all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers ot AYER'S SARSAPARILLA to see him person ally either at bis mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. Mr. LELAND'S extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled «sdkst»r«f blood poisons enables him to give Inquirers much valuable Information. ^ FBXPABBD BY Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. lold by all Druggists; fl, six bottles tori#. * 1 : „ -n' v , •> \ * H5< r >. •r-oAj' 'm':' f^The air of the whole country jqkpears to be burderned with the re port! of strikes and lockouts. The latest extensive strike Is that of work men on the Gould system of railroads This strike was inaugurated at St. Louis, on Siturdiy, when over 500 •leathers of the Knights of Labor in the Missouri Pacific shops quit work at half past ten A. x., at a signal sounded by a whistle. At Sedalia, 3lo„ it was reported that 1,000 employ- •esnf the Missouri Pacific obeyed the Whistle order to cease work at the same hour. It was claimed by the . Knighis that every man employed by toy railroad where Gould is interested ifrould go ont. An "occasional reader." humbly apologizing for his ignorance, begs u^ to tell him what all this Pan Electric scindal is about. No need for apology % hy so well Informed a public roan as the President apparently hits not heard auytnlng about it. It's a long story and not a very pleasant one for Americans to read, as it involves the worst Cabinet scandal kuown in the political annals of the country. Better wail now for the Congressional inves ligation. Perhaps the President him self will hear of it at the same time 19* Congress certainly bas its hands lull, nit there is a slowness about its "Stork that worries the people. Quite ft large number of matters have been ttnder consideration frr the past week, but there ha6 been more talk than any thing else. Of course, the main topic .'§8 the discussion of the resolutions in JRPgard to suspensions, Introduced by Senator Edmunds, and it is just to say ijbas Mr. Edmunds' speech was the best Of his life. Its eflect upon the country •ill be disastrous to the administra tion party. It was a plain, modes but able arraignment of thi^xecutive for bis refusal to furnish the Senate ,frith such papers on public file as may Have influenced him in the suspension Of officers. His gleanings from past fecords were telling in their eflect The reply of Senator Pugh, of Ala bama, in defense of the President, was «rell prepared and well delivered, but it was weak Mom first to last. J®" What wilt the President d<» con- l--«e ruing the offices for which his nouii- nations are rejected by the Senate P Will be extend his bull-headedness to ' ft defiat ce of provisions of law, as he : lias already defied the Senate's prerog fttive. and public opinion nho* The United States statutes provide that it •She Senate shall refuse to advise and consent to the appointment in the place of any suspended officer, then and Dot otherwise the President shall nom In ate another person, as soon as practi cable, to the save session of the Senate for the ol&ce." The Sentte lias refused Unless it may know the reasons 'or suspension. Mr CLEVELAND must jtlther nominate somebody else, or transgress the law. To leave the office Vacant until the adjournment of Con gress and then to reappoint the rei'Ct- «d Lomlnee Is Impracticable, under the law. much as GHUVKB would doubt less like to do It. Cows! Cows! Cows 1 ALI>EN, III . Fen. itb, 1886. C~ Dickinson A Son, Barrmglon, 111. DEAR SIK:--Please send my by ex press two dozen Cow Prescriptions. 1 got one ol my neighbors to try it on a cow that was almost dead with milk Lever and It cured her. It is a good thing. E. S. MUTH. For sale by all Druggists. The finest line of Spring Millinery ever brought to this town at Mrs. H. . H. X ichols. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, Jacob Hem and Anna Hetn his wife, of the town of McHenry, in the countpof Mcllenry and State of Illinois, by their certain Mortgage Deed duly executed acknowledger! and delivered, beari ig date February 6th, A. D. 1877, and corded in the Recorder's Office of seid Count , in the State of Illin >ls. in Ibook 47 of Mortgagee, at page 138, did convey unto «amnel H Walker of the County of McHcnry and State of Illinois, all the tollowingdeecrih. ed premises situated in ilie oounlv of Alt- Henry and State of I|linoif, to-wil: The North twenty-1 wo acres of the Norih-West quarter <>fihe"N«r:h West quarter of section number twentv-fonr, Township number forty-five North Range eight. East of the third pri-icipa! meridian--to secure the payment of two cer lain promissory notes executed by Jacob llein, bearing date February 6th, A. D. 1877 ind payable to t he order of Samuel H. Walk er as follows: One Note for one hundred and twenly-five dollars, payable one year after • late, and one Note tor two hundred dollars p» vaiile two years after date, with interest at the rate of ten per cent, payable annually. Anil whereas it is provided in and by said mortgage detd, that in case ot default in the payment of the said promissory notes, oriny part t hereof according to the tenor and effec '•I said notes, or in case ot a brcach of an; of the convenants or agreements ot said mort gage deed container, then and in such case the whole of said prin cipal, sum and interest. »ci'nred bv the said promissory notes in said mortgage mentioned, shall thereupon at the option of the said mortgagee, his heirs, execu torf>, administrators, attorneys, or assigns become immediately due and payible, and this mortgage may be immediately foreclosed to |-ay the same, by said mortgagee, his heirs, executors, administrators, attorneys and as. signs. Or the said mortgagee, his heirs, ex ecntors, nriinini*tjators, attovneys and as. minis, aftei giving thirty days previous notice of such sale, by publication once in REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --*T TUB-- Close of Business, March 1, '86. BESODBCKS. Loans and discounts f183,136 20 Overdrafts 520-GI U. R. Bonds to secure circulation... 60,000 0!) Due from approved reserve agents. 24,6 9 Due from other National Bfnks 12..W0 M Current expenses and taxes puil... . 1.2*3 25 Checks and other casn item*. 1,212 Bills of other banks 1,935 Krc'l cur. nickels & pennies.. 54 Specie £3.452 55 Legal tender notes e,6tW 00 Red'mpt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent ot cin-ulation Due from IT. 3 Treasurer, other than 6 per £enl redemption fund Total LIABILITIBB. Capital stock paid in 2,250 TO 1,080 00 '.(203,781 St lio.ono on 24.000 00 3,326 78 National Bank Notes outstanding... 45,000 00 Individual deiiosits snbjcct to check 170,530 <*> Demand Certificates of deposit 924 50 Surplus fund. Umiivid' il profits Total... . .#293,78134 STATE OF ILLINOIS, (. County of Mctlenry. f I John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN J. MUBPHY. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March, 1886. EDWARD C. QCIKLAM, Notary Public. Correct Attest:-- E. A. MURPHY, WH. H. STEWAKT, JOHN J. ML RPHY, Directors. Money" to Loan On licai Estate, in sums of $500 j to $10,000«^Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. :4> f9*The Senate has no objection to the President removing Democrats from office. It is only K»'pulicans ho fkiuBt not lay bands on.--Exchange. Not so. There is no objections to the President removing whomsoever 'ke may see fit. If he will but corn* out fair and square and asslgn as a reason that be makes such removals because tie believes that as a Democratic President, he should be surrounded on *11 sides by men of his o *n political faith, There Is a Civil Service Law In existence, and Mr. Cleveland was ^elected President because of bis belief fa the tenets of that law, and promised to see that they were scrupulously " followed. If since his election he has ttecome a convert to tbe doctrine that ***to tbe victor belongs the spoil let bits puplicly avow it and no longer •ttempt to maequeru.de be lore an in " t«U!gent people as an apostle of Civil fltnrlf*) Reform. Tell tbem, Qrove jron flred tbero out because they were * Btpublloana. Act like a man, and we * YtBtttre to say you II have no more tHNlbte--utiless it be finding something 19 40 when four term expires. each week for lour successive weeks, in any newspaper at that time published in the said McHemy county, may sell said premises, and equity ot redemption of the said mortgagors, their heirs, executors, mliiiiniairators or as signs tlieiein at Public Auction at any door ot any building used as a Court liouae in said Mctieury county, to the highest bidder for cash at the time ami place mentioned in sai> uotne. Andup'iii making sucl&sale as th< attorney ot said mortgagors, for sucHi purpose hereby constituted irrevocable, or in the name of said nuirtgagee or his legaKrepresen tatives or assigns, shall execute and deliver to the pnrchusers at audi sale, a good and sufficient dee<l or deeds tor the conveyance in fee ot the premises sold, and out of the pro cveds of such sale, after first paying all ex pen«es of ad vertlsing, selling and conveying as aforesaid, including atlorueys fees and all moneys advanced tox tuxes, assessments uiher liens, then to pay the principal and in terest on said notes up to the time of such sale, rendering such overplus, it any, to the said mortgagors, their legal representatives or assigns, which sate so made shall be a per petual bar ijoth in law and equity agalust said mortgagors, their heirs or assigns, and ail other persons claiming said premises by through or under said mortgagors And whereas default has ueen made in the payment of the bait ' notes and Interest there ou, and that there is now due on said uotes and mortgages, for priucip.il and interest, the sum of three hundred and bixt eight dollars IT ltd seventy three cents, (368.73.) and the legal holders of said notes has made applica lion to the undersigned execu tor of the last willaud testament ol said -amiiet 11. Walker deceased, in said m -rigage oeed named, nu requested hi in as such executor, to sell and dispose of said premises under tha power ot said mortgage deed and for the purposes therein stated. Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of taid mortgage deed, and by virtue ot the power and author it> to uie granted in and bv the saute, ind by virtue of the Statute of the Mate, 1, the un dersigned, will »n Monday the twelfth day ot April A. 1>. 18«6, at one o'clock R M , at the Ectsldoorot the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, sell and dispose ot the piemises above aud in said mortgage d eed described and all the reghl, title, benefit ami equity ot redemption of the said Jacob tlein and Anna Heitf his wile, iheir heirs or as igns therein at public Auction, lor the highest aud beet price the same will bung in casli. Dated at AloHeury, this 9tu day of March A. I). IStW. J. W. CRHTT, Executor, Of the last Will and Testament of Samuel H talker, Deceased Notice of Final Settlement. Estate cf Mary Keed, | s T B I N " A F E T ? Tocszira "JPPORTE XI C. E. ANDREWS & CO'S full pound Bakin •3 si • & s '•?VVr; ?S'tC:s ier 37 cents. New Shoes, all Sizes?;; New Boots and Shoes Standard Quality^ ILowest Prices, N the matter of the Deceased. Creditors anil all others persons interested i the Htoiesaid estate, are hereby uotifiea that I shall apply to the Probate Court, in and for the County of Mcllenry, sit ting at the Court House, in Woodstock, County of Mo- Henry and -state of Illinois, on the lVtte day of April, A D 18SS, fot a ful! and final sottle- eni of said Estate. 34 5w P. O'NEIL, Executor J. P. SMITH, VATCHMAKER § JEWELER, McHenry, - Illina/ui. Croat Tumble In Wotoh Work, From this date I will do Watch Bepalring at tha following Prices : Cleaning Key Wind Watch B0 cts Clewing Stem Wind Watch,....*. 75 cts Main Spring, .. .... ..7ft cts Best, Warranted, fl.W Cleaning 30 houa Clhcks........ .. ... -.60ets. Cleaning 8 day Clocks.., .. .. 76 CIS All work warranted, and if not sat is ft vctory money ref inded. JTP. 8MIT»L McH^nrv. III.. March 1st. 1S8B. Buckwheat Wanted. At the Fox River Valley Mill, for which tbe highest market price will be paid. B. BISHOP. B 8 Sc. •pair. 5 is § a n o . o Children's, 1 to S years, - . . ditto, two attachments, • Misses' " " • • Ladies' " " • . Misses', with a belt, " • • Ladies', *' " " • Stocking. Abdominal, and Oatama* nial Bandage Supporter bined. Health Skirt Supporter, • > Brighton Qtat'i Garter, • FISH» 111 KINBS Fish, AIA* KINDS ! i FOR LENTEN SEASON. FOR LENTEN SEASON: tl. Call, <UUUb 1 soa. . lia von SAta ar ALL FIRST -CLASS STORES. Samples sent post-paid to. an J stltlrsSS aM receipt of p-ice in a « ent stamps. LEWIS STEIN, Sole Owner and Manafactnrar, t?8 Centre Street. Nrar Toria Bent Mooking Tobxcco at HO cent* pound at Perry A Oweu's. Hew Dry THIS WEliK. m We will sell Hamburgs SATURDAY at oqe hal fprice and continue the sale for a week. Dpft't Forget o»r 11 Pounds Qfeen Co«8fi. M ONE DOLLAR. WV-' MSeMki •i&J- - •v'i