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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Apr 1886, p. 8

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"""fv »r of bas%ome out «t the little flic born. lie aado uiost serl- •gatast Ins predecessor, «of farortIsm In the con- pension claims, but be bat inked the Senate Investigating com­ mittee for permission to withdraw his (!M«. •• He got the deplred permission, l»ot he got, at the same time, a decided opinion of the meraders of the com- lalttee concerning hie conduct In mak- the charges, when he wis utterly «aw)»le to grove them. Notice. . To those that want Tubs, Vats, Ha#;, fecks, and any thine In my »lne of bus!*! cess. Work done on short notice order. Shop one door South of Law* Ins* Store* . „ P.A.HKBARD. TBI3V ' APETT T o c z i i r a OBTSB Si Leade rices MEADQUARTERS FOR £ . - ^ TAND BORDERS AND DECGRATIOHf. * N E o 6* l i ° | H 3 § w 8 * 00 FOR RELIABLE GOODS. Till Brightest, Hiwirt, and Best Spring Stylo. » r.i&K-r. Children'*, 1 to Srears, - ; ' • ' ditto, two attachments, tfissf-s' . * - *ife a pal* wtthtlwk,' - 13c. 15c. • 20c. " " • • aso. '<• < 8t>>rkinj». Abdominal, and Catame- J mal Bandage Supporter com- '4;*--.-^^. l»in«*d, - - - - • • 504 ; U.-jiltli Sltirt Supporter, - • • 850k " Brighton Gent s Garter, . - 15c. " , * for sals BT ALL FIRST-CLASS STORES. ,§¥'*'. Samples sent post-paid to any addrew upoo Wf- • tixeipt of price in 2-cent stamps. \ LEWIS STEIN, . $ .*• \ Sole Owner and Mannfacturer, |}. ITS Centre Street. New fork* I CWfiPA PrD A book of MO pages. l«US^rnrftI\ The best book for an advertiser to con- iKlUQsult, be be experi- ** enced or otherwise. „tcontains lists of newspapers and estimates lifthecoatof advertising. The advertiserwho Iraotato spend one dollar, finds in It the In­ formation he requires, while forliiin who will Invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad- • Vertising, a scheme ia indicated which will , Ineet hie every requirement, or can be made • to do to by slight changes easily arrived at by cor- i +c*pondencc. 149 editions have been issued. ' Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 cents. ; Write to GEO. P. HOWELL A CO., NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING BUREAU, |108praoe8t.Printinf HooseSq,), New York. Complete in assoitment, splendid in quality, and at the very low- | est prices consistent with good quality and honest quantity. W; Honest dealing, truthful representation in connection with the largest line of Ready-Made Clothing ever brought to this market, •" : - • » • "> ' fRIMMED W CHARGE. - O U R * fSSHfPfWfS ~h: *v5i • >J > rf V, U -'i'--'•*/v"' • * * W. $ U .;-vRR?W We have the Finest Stock of •>6 T In the County. See them. Oarnew Spring stock of FINE CLOTHING lb afceadoHhem all in fit and style or goods. Prices guarenteed which for style and general make up cannot be excelled in America] the lowest. We invite every Man or Boy who contemplates buyiug a Spring suit to SEE OUBS.. are the inducements we offer in this department. Boots and Shoes for 1886! Now in and arriving. shown in „McHenry. We have made The largest and most desirable ine ever Style. Quality and Servioe | Our special 6tudy, and feel confident we can please every taste and every pocket. © R O G E H I l S . Stock vpry complete, and Prices exceptionably low. Everybody knowe Henderson's celebrated BOOTS AND SHOES. We carry a full line and warrant them. Henderson's Red School House Shoes for Coys and Girls are noted for durability. We have m m And every other Department full of Seasonable Goods, in wide range for Styles, in quantity and quality, in newest aud most exclu­ sive Styles, in prices uniformly low on every article, we offer the best opportunity of the season. In stock. Also sell from samples. Latest novelties in Dress Goods and Trimmings, W hite Goods, Embroideries, etc. Full line ofGanned Goods and Fresh Groceries. Perry & Owen. Ready for Spring Trade WALK UP WALE 171* And carefully examindall goods in Agricultural lmplemenst, for sale by £t$.-8XS3HC RON^T FTT ^TOFFFT i mchenry, XX^X-.. •UV^/ 1 1 X X v\. VsJ X X X X^/X^l I carry"a full stock of all^ goods in this line and everything wai- I ranted as'represonted or n« sale. Bear well in mind that I will 110^ j|^yQ tO S*hOW be undersold and am confident that I can save you money on any- buying public one of thd thing in my line if favored with a call . ynt TAKE THS liBEftTY-ENLlGHTEtUHG THE WORLD, p1 *° the<̂ neqUaIOd merlt* I Stokes of General Merchan- •Fliiio lintfilman Jr. Idise to be found in fourteen! Counties consisting of Dry Ms, of : Hie M|MI and Famous Three-Wheeled Plow, t*teh Jtr Ufhtneis ol Draft and Working Qualities it Censed Champion of the Whole Plowed World. .i 90INTS OFIUPERIORITY. . Xt ram lighter than any other plow made, . lyase by mean# of the perfect eupport afforded by PB wteew the plow is carried, not dragged. W ®®#JT On Uie team, because there is •Mtelr no weight on the horse*' tor all ages, New* Cneap, otylish, and well made. No Shoddy or Tiash. Wedding Suits a Specialty C. A. FARGO'S Custom Made Boots and Shoes'. Spring I Styles. Lars:e Assortment, ot good Service and Low Prices. It tariui aonare corner*, turning fur- MldlMr inward or otitward, as may be desired. vlwiear ftarrew wheel Is locked "Tag straight ahead, but unlocked by foot- ---7 turn. After the corner it I a locks itself automatically. I CftAtef whodB running In furrow wily prevent any strain on the frame of the or OA the horses when turning. The plow it **4 cm the same principle as a cart. "} front furrow wheel Is at tei UOWi insuring a uniform depth when * dead farrows or ditches. land axle has a spring that I the ploy from being too rigid, andcauacsit*to m>1 I iMM luniiurcorn furrows or ridges. * I IS hitched the same as to a the horses draw easily and rt'Ut- rls lit front of the driver. 1 constantly under his eye. . 1 many other points, fully explained, lUus- I l^roved in our descriptive circulars, addren. We also m^il, free of charge, ,w~«al Pilgrim's Progress, by John-with-a- iltllstratioQS; the Story of the Flying . , a graphic sea sketch; and other literature "(prbich will amnse, entertaia and instruct, addiess, MUNE FLOW CO Sprint Designs in Stock, Borders, Ceiling Paper. Centers, Cor* I ners, Decorations, etc., in great variety, all Trimmed Free. ] * 4 Window Shaies, Trunks, VoUses, H&nd-Bagi, Packard & Grovers worlj renowned Men'n $2.99 Shoes, in But- ton5 Lace or Congsess, fully warranted equal to any $4,QC Shoe on j the Market* We are sole agents here. BONSLETf & STOFFEL. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Kotary Stoel Disc Harrows, wrought iron frame, chilled cast iron bearings, self feediug oil cups, and all journals protected trom dirt PLOVS, PLOWS* PLOWS, The celebrated John Deere. N. C. Thompson, Brigg's Enoch & Co's., all warranted, and as all farmers know, standard goods the world over. BUCCYS, BUCCYS, The Watertown in all styles, not dipped, but well painted, finely finished, lull shitting rail, and double collar steel axlo, which you would do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. BISHOP. Is complete, and one of the Stocks in select from. Styles est vr':f y t f * - ] fill Sill 01 SaMai, The best Prints made, viz? the Cocheco Standard at 5 cts, per yard. Remember this sale is for that day only* ffyakm* Ope| ie4i ' : HEW DSY BOOHS, STAPU AHD FAHCY. Wfi' '"i/'-ViifeS BOOTS AND SHOES; Remember, that Selz, Schwab Sc Co. toofc the first premium at th& World's Industrial Exposition, and that we have a full line ol their Best Goods, which for Style and Quality are bet­ ter this year than ever and are always the best. A 3EN3IBLE MAN Would use Kenip'B Balaam for the Throat and Lungs. It la curing mote cases of Coughs, Asthoit, Bronchitis, Croup, and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your mont-y If, aft^r taking three-fourths of a hot tie, relief la not obtalued. Prloe 60 cents and fi. Trial size free. ^ __ For sale In McHeory hy w* Moline, Illinois j To Cash Buyers We oiler extra Inducements in Flour ad« from Minnesota hard Wheat, a ^predated. uaSmmons db Evaoson. DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA SMITH, --OF-- Woods! on I*. - - Illinois. Btii'kP'l t>v Millions or nonev oflej you INIHSMNi'l'Y uguin«t damage by fire. Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop nie a poHtal o,;tr<l aiu.1 1 will visit you, call on me ami I will write you a policy, :<mi wnen either or any of these destructive el«» ments devactatea your property, hnppy will you be if ytm hold one of ray policies,'for "T will surety visit you, and minister untojyou wiU not forsake you. A,84 IF. ann rt, tim'i iiWMUMOS Af You will buy it you see them and want a good Plow Shoe. We Want Your Trade. And will give you Good Goods at the very lowest prices to get iti Yours Truly WES® M'HENBY, mm mMvK' f'/§£s >.»

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