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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 81, 1886, 6 Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 19, IT rain8 will pMa McHenry station aa below: ooiiro SOCXH^ SenevaLake Passenger.. 7:38 A. M Oeneva Lake Express .8:25 " Geneva Lake Freight 18:45 p. M Genera Lake Passenger..... i;» " OOISIJ voBTU. Geneva Lake Frelghf. 9*11 A. * Geneva Lake Passenger 10:00 - 3eneraLake Express... 4:48p. 11 Benava L*ke Passenrer .6:57 '• . B. Bess, Agent. McHenry. Ill II I MCIIKNRV LODGE, NO. 158 \. F. and A. M.-- Berular Communications the Saturday on or feefore the fall of the moon and every two ireeks thereafter. OHAS. C. COLBT, W. M. XCIVRT JHAPTER UO. 34 R. A. M.-HeiTQ- irOonvoca.ions held on the second and fourth Fridays in each moneh. John Evaxsok, H. P ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SHERIFF. . I herebv annoanca myself as a Candidal for the office of Sheriff of McHenry county a tiM oomieg Fall election, subject to the deci •ion of the Republican County Convention. K Wat. B. WALKER. The undersigned, toeing requested by many citizens of McHenry County to become a can- didate for Sherifi, would respectfully an­ nounce himself a candidate for t hat office, •abject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. -C. K. CCLVJBK. F THE fliiiermftti, with hook. line, bob ( and sinker in now on the war path. >R AT the School Election, on Saturday / last, Isaac Wentworth was re-elected 1 School Director, without opposition REMEMBER the Ida Clark troup, at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening next, the 26th, (' WE learn that H. C. Faber has bought out the Richmoud Gazette, and will take posesseot May 1st. SEE the advertisement of Chas. H, Tryon, Drainage Engineer and Sur^ reyor, to be found in another column, THE Railroad Company have been! repairing the bridges oyer the culverts, north of the Ice House. REMEMBER the entertainment by the Ida Clark troupe, at Riverside Hall, on Monday evening next, the 36th, THERE will be an Easter Party at Heimer s Hall, in this village, on Monday evening next, the 96th, Music Ringwood Band. REMEMBER that Slocum's full Or chestra will be at Riverside Hall on Friday evening of next week, April 30th. CHAUNCY BECKWITH, who has been oonfinedtothe house for,some time with rheumatism, was seen on our streets again one day this week. IF you want to hear some fine music both vocal and instrumental, go in Riverside Hall on Monday evening next. THE heirs of Richard Carllle can learn sotuething to iheir advantage of S. M. Bragg, of 2006, Nicholas Street. Philadelphia, Pa, 3. M. BRAGG. Do not forget the Social Party at the Riverside House, on the evening of the 30th of April, one week from next Friday. OUR boys are talking of getting up a Base Ball Club, and The chilly winter is on the waneL The hopes of base ball m^n are hi And the umpire soon vfriUt1 With a broken uose aim I CORPORATION ELECTION The Corporation Election, bn Tues­ day. passed off In a very quiet manner. There were two tickets in the field, One hundred and sixty-one votec were polled, and resulted in the election of the following ticket. Trustees--H. H. Nichols, A. Weber, Geo. Rotliermel. »• Clerk--3. Van Slyke. Police Magistrate--H. IT,- Holmes. THE regular Communications of Mc­ Henry Lodge, No. 168, A. F, A A. M have been changed from Saturday to Monday evening, and regulars are no* held on the second and fourth Monday evenings in each month. The next regular will be on Monday evening, April 26th. ^A general attendance of members is requested. ^THE McHenry Brijk Manufacturing Company have commenced operation, getting their Yard in shape fer work. They will put in a new machine and make this season Re-Pressed Brick. They hayfe a large number of orders ahead, ^nd will rush the^Yard this season to^tsjuljest capacity, making 20,000 Brick a day, JOHN WENTWORTH, a McHenry boy, (^Superintendent of the building of flow's Block, corner of Lake and Franklin Streets. Chicago. It is a seven story building, and when com­ pleted will be one of the finest in the city, and has been tinder Mr. Went- worth's entire cliar e. from the base­ ment up. John is a fir-t class mechanic, and fully competent fer anything he, ktackels. and his many friends in this Vection rejoice at his success. WHO says our population is not In- easing? Since the last issue of the LAINDEALER an eight pound girl arrived) at the homo of E. W. Howe. O. N.Owen saw him and went him a half pound' better, with a girl that wsighed eight pounds and a halt, when R A. Howard, of the West Side Market, steps in, calls them, and rakes ttie pile with a nine and a hair pound boy. Mothers and children are all doing well, THE funds for salary and all inciden­ tal expenses of the Universalis! Society have thus far been furnished the Treasurer, by subscribers and through the collector, and the trustees desire to ask those who hare not already done so to pay to Mrs. Newell, the collector, their subscriptions for the second quarter as soon as may be, that all bills may be promptly paid. If more convenient they can hand It to J. B. Perry, Treasurer. EASTER services will be held at the Unlversalist Church, next Sunday •morning of a very interesting charac­ ter, aid«d large,y, by the choir wh'ch has been making especial preparations, by rehearsals of music of ahtgnorder for the occasion. The Coral part of the services will be as rollows: Voluntary. Carol.--"Easter sunshine breaks again." After the Lesson. Carol.--"Morn of Beauty." After Prayer, Response.--Christ on earth appears."' Anthem.--'-Now is Christ risen from" the dead. At the Offertory . Hymn.--"'Holy offerings rich and rare." Carol.--"Now all the bells are ringing." In the evening a Sunday School concert will be given, the exercises of which will be ^se^varied, as it Is hoped will make it a pleasant service. be aroumf again, blackened eye- DR. WILLIAMS, Dentist, will not make bis visit here on the 25th, this month as advertised, on account of other engagements. He will be here on the 10th and 11th of next month as usual. - • A SOCIAL PARTY will be given at the Parker House, in this village on Fri day evening. May 7th. Music Slocuu's Orchestra, five nieces. Tickets. 91.00. A good social time Is expected. Re member the date. May 7th. WE saw in the yards of C. E, Chapell Algonquin, on Monday morning last two cows that weighed 3600 pounds. Tbey were of the Holsteln breed, and were bought of Robert Hagar.-- They were as fine beef animals as we ever saw. Br the Lincoln, Neb., State Journal. we learn that A. F. Parsons, formerly of this village, was, at a recent elec­ tion, elected Polloe Judge of that city. •Al" Is a rising young lawyer and his many friends here are glad to hear°of hit success, at all times. A. G. LOCKE, of Chicago, has rented the Bakery, in Gilles* Block, aud will, on or about May 1st, open a first class Bakery and Restaurant. This has been along needed want in this village, and we bespeak for Mr. Locke a liberal patronage^ Read hit advertisement another solumn. FRED H, COE, General Agent of the Union Mutual Accident Association, of Chicago, Is in this village In the Interest of that company. This com pany, witaout question, offers Induce­ ments unsurpassed by any in the Uolted States, and we bespeak for him a good business la this section FOR SALE, one half interest in one of the best paying Oeaeral Stores in McHenry county. Stock and business In first claso shape and no old trash Trade well established and of long itanding. Whoever means business and has the cash, address 186 PLAIN DEALER Office, MjHenry Illinois, where all de:alls will be made known. "THE Police Gazette makes an an pouncement In this issue. No one Is compelled to seud J 1.00 or even for a •ample copy, but ihirteeu Issues would furnish enough pictures to cover your house, provided the house is not too large. If you want the paper and don't want to send for It, head us your fl.Q0 and we will forward it for you." Baking Powder, full pounds, only $1 ceats at Fitzsimm<m» Evanson's. AN Italian has, it is alleged, invented aluminious printing ink that renders it possible for newspapers to be re id in the dark. What a luxury It will be. when one is restless at night, to be able to take up a book or newspaper and read himself into a somnolent con­ dition, without the tiouble or danger attending other lights! Lumluious cards are not unusual, and the reader may not be surprised at some future time to find himself able to read his PLAINDKALER at night, without other light than Its brilliant pages will re fleet. Stranger things than ^this are constantly occurring in the invention line. AFTER you get upon your ear and make up your mind to stop your piper to make the editor reel humiliated, just poke your fingers in water and then pull them out and look for the hole. Then you will know how sadly you are missed. The man who thinks a paper cannot survive without bis sup­ port ought to go ofl aud stay awhile. When he comes back he will find that half his friends, don't know be was gone. The other half didn't care a oent and the world at large hadn't kept any account of bis movements what­ ever. You will probably find, some things in your home paper you cannot endorse Even the Bible Is rather plain and hits some hard licks. If you were to-get mad and burn your bible the huudreds of printing presses would go on printing them, and if yoU were to stop your paper and call the editor all sorts of ugly names, the paper would still <>e published. A id what is more, you will sneak around and uorrow a copy of It every week from your neigh­ bor. • It Is much better to keep your vest pulled down and yoursubscription pai.t up. Riversido Skating Kink. Will be open on Saturday evening next. April 24th, Admistlou same as usual. W. H. FORD, Propile tor. Our Shoe Department is unusually large this Season and we invite close cash buyers to investigate our stock before buying as we can do you good. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. THE following are notloes of tlNf Ida Clark troup, which will be al Riverside Hall,- on Monday evening next: Miss Ida's Clark's Cornet Solos are very line. For one so young and of her sex, they arw really marvelous. She l« also a grand performer on the Bells and Tnmbleronlcont.--Daily Commonwealth, Topeka, Kansas. Miss Ida. what can we sav of her that has not already been said? She is phenomenal on the- cornet, ahd the bells and tumblers gave forth sweet music at her touch.--Marseilles Reg­ ister. As a cornet is t she is a marvel, while upon the silver bells and the tumbler* nnlcons she plays with equal profioien- cy. She is the superior of any cornet 1st who has ever b>en here.-- Wood­ stock Democrat, McHenry County. Those who wish an evening of real pleasure should not fail to attend 0P that occasion. EASTER PARTY There will be an Easter Party at Heimer's Hall, McHenry, 111., on Mon­ day evening, April 26th. Music. Ring- wood Band, Tickets, 60 cents. All are cordially invited. JOHN HEIMER, Proprietor. Buy only good Kerosene Oil. The est can be fouud at Perry & Owen's, IN the Fairfield, Neb. Herald, we find the following. We believe Mrs. Pricket was formerly a resident of Ringwood: DIED:--Sunday, April 11, 1886. of consumption, Mrs. Fannie Prloket, aged 32 years 1 month 16 days. The funeral services occurred at S P. M, Monday, conducted bv Rev. F. E. Townsley, In the presence of a large c&ncourse of sorrowful friends. She leaves parents, a devoted husband, a brother, and family of four children who deeply mourn the lose of a lovlnc daughter, a tender, affeetlonate wife and indulgent mother. Mrs. Prickett was well knqwn In this community and her loss Is keenly felt by a wide circle of friends who had learned to love her for the spirit of generous love and noble wo:th found always swelling out from her heart and born from her happy life. For several years she was the central figure and respected as leader of orchestra or choir on all public occasions andi where she felt that duty lay, her task was most cheerfully and faithfully per­ formed; but with those who mourn her loss, we can say we trust her song will no more be sorrow, but from hence forth heavenly joy; no more, anthems of the cross, but hallelujahs to the Crown. Catarrh.--ft* Symptoms and Care. A great many people are afflicted with Catarrh who do not know what ails chem. and a great many more oon* tinue sufferer! who might be cured. Thickening of the membrane which lines the nasal passages, thus making breathing difficult; a discharge from the nostrils, more or less copious, watery or thick, according to the stage of the disease; a sense of fullness In the head, a constant Inclination to spit; and/In advanced cases, a drop ping of Intensely disgusting matter In to the throat, are a few of the promt tient symptons of Catarrh. Deafness, inflamed eyes, neuralgic pains, sore throat and a los< of sense of smell. are very often caused by Ca­ tarrh. AH these troubles are cured by Plso's Remedy for Catarrh. Relief is had Im mediately after beginning its use, but it Is Important that it be continued without intermission until the Ca tarrhal virus is expelle 1 from the sys­ tem and healthy replace the llseased action of the mu*cous mem­ brane. Manifestly it is unreasonable to expect a cure in a short time of a disease that has been progressing for months or years. Ttiis question of time is provided for in the putting up or Plso's Remedy for Catarrh. It is so concentrated that a very 6mall dose is directed. Tne xtantity in one package Is suffici­ ent for a long treatment, consequently the expense is a mere trifle, and there is no,ex use for neglect nor reason lor It but forgetfulness. A cold in the head Is relieved by an application of P>so'3 Remedy for Ca­ tarrh . The comfort to be got Irotn it in this way Is worth many times Its cost. Sold by druggists at 50c. a package. To Lovers of Fine Horses. Mike Justen will have his fine youog Stallion' two years old, sired by * "George O." at the stables of Geo. W, Owen. In this village, on the 27th Inst., next Tuesday, where he invites horse­ men and others to call and see Mm, as he considers him one of the finest colts of his age iu this section. This oolt it also for sale. Remember the day and and date, Tuesday next. April 27th Malaria! The very mention of it is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is, and how it seems almost impossible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH'S BILE BEANS will most surelv destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent releif. Dose, one bean. 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and dealers in medicine, or sent postpaid on receipt of price, to any part of the country. Wanted. Reliable and energetic men to sell all kinds of nursery goods. New and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light and easily learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and expenses and give steady employment. First class references required. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. 6 Co,, Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota, Harness Shop Removed. JOHN WIEDEMANN, having re moved bis Harness Shop to the Brick Store, opposite the Parker House. Is now prepared to show the public a fine stock of Harness, both single and double, whips, blankets, and in short everything usualiy found in a first class Harness Shop, which will he sold at the lowest living prices. 1 keep none but the be6t of goods and guarantee all work found at my shop just as represented. Call and see me in my new quarter*. JOHN WIEDEMANN. S"00 Ladles LI..en Collars at 6 oents each. Great bargal ns just received al Fitxsimmons 6 Evan sou's. ALGONQUIN EDITOR PLAnioiun:--Bonil April 15th, to the wife of C, W, Morton, a son. Charles is a little the happiest man In MeHsnry Co. The Lecture on Thursday evening last was a most decided failure, as It rained hard during the day ami even­ ing. Our Literary was well attended on Friday evening last. A flue pro­ gramme was well rendered. J. W. Kee and family, of Chicago, visited here a part of last week, Mrs. C. E, Chapeil gave a Birthday party on Saturday evening last, it be­ ing Charlie's 15th natal day. 'fhere need be no homeless wander­ ers In Algonquin when roOms rent for 10 cents per month. / Miss Effie Morrison and Miss Laura Frary, of Cary. attended the birthday party at C. E. Chapell's, on Saturday eveniog last. Robert Kee and family returned to thier home in California on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. <S, A. Sherwood are visiting In Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Morton has a fine display of spring hats and bonnets, which Is something that always Interests the ladles. E, S. Jaynes was elected school direc­ tor at the school election on .Saturday evening last. Emory Sennett Indulged in a runa­ way on Sunday last. There was no serious damage done. Mrs, W. Phillips and Mrs. Babbett spent Sunday at Mcnenry. The Se vlng Society of the Congre­ gations! Church will meet at Mrs. Jno. Johnstons on Wednesday of next week. Wm. Morehead, of Canada, has rent­ ed John Adamek's Blacksmith Shop, now occupied by P. N, Wollover. He takes possession May 1st, and P. N. Woolover contemplates building a shop In town for himself. J. Vau Slyke, of the PLAINDKALER, made Algonquin a flying visit on Mon­ day of this week. Chapell and Thomas shipped two carloads of stock to Chicago on Mon­ day. Oar Chicago Market Report Prepared Expressly for the Plaihdbaleb by Oar Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, April 19. 1886. The leading produce markets on 'Change on Saturday and to-day. dull; the tendency of values oontinues downward. Business in wheat is large ly of a local character, and fluctuations very small. Reports from New York dictated no Important change. The export movement is small, and re celprsat most o»nter< moderate. Hummer rates of storage went into ef­ fect Saturday, and all deliveries on sale will hereafter be made on a basis- of 1} oents storage. Corn and oats are sold sparingly, aud these and other cereals are h*Id stenly. Business In provisions Is moderate; lard un­ changed; mess pork and,short ribs are tower, The gederal live stock market was lower, but fancy bred cattle sold high. Hogs were lower. The general produce market not very active. 4. sharp decline in butter. Business in the leading articles was fair--eggs and eheese unchanged. In general merchandise sales are Increasing, owing to low freights to the Nort b- wee'.. Railroad freights are unsettled and iriegular. Money easy; stocks depressed, owing to labor troubles. WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red --; No. 3 red 8! J. SPKINO WHEAT-No. 3 73@73fr; No. 3 69@72Jc; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 88f No. 1 hard (Dulnrh market) . CORN--No. 2 3tf@36Jo; No. 3 33J OATS--No. 225}c; Mo. 3 by sample---- Barley Oats. RYK--NO 2 by sa nple. 67J@60. BARLEY--No. 2 By sample 44@47, TIMOTBT SEED--Poor to good, #1.65 ®<1.78. FLAX--No 1. #1.06 CLOVER--Poor to choice, $6.75<§#6.20 BUCKWHEAT-----. * BEANS--Cnol e* hand picked, $1.10 #1.26. POTATOES--36@55c per bushel. BUTTEB--Creamery fancy 24 to 26o; dairy tocholoen8@22u; common grade 6@15. Eoos--Fresh Northern. 11c. CHEESE--Young America ll@l2o; full cream Cheddar 10(910}; skimmed 6 @7e. POULTRY--Chickens 5@8c; Turkeys 8@ll*. C\TTLE--Good to extra shippers •5.30@«5.90; fair to choice *4 60@$5 40; commor. lo good $4.15(<$$4.95; poor to medium $4 0Q@4.75; stackers 82.70@ $3,80; feeders 83.70(3#4.50; Texans-- HOGS--Light weight $4/0(3*426 rough packing 84.20@$4 25: heavy packing and shipping 84.15@$4.30 MHKKP--Commof to choice $3 75@ $6 00. Wfcea Baby was slek, m gave bar Caatarta, WH-- aha waa a Child, ah> cried far Caatorla, IThaa aha became Miaa, aha elnaf to Cactoria, --L,ti 1 "M'1-tt rtifanth-- fTastwla. House and Lot For Sale.1 In the village of Ringwood. Con­ tains 10 Rooms. Also a Barn. Wood­ shed and other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., on the premises. Wlth- 'n twenty rods of Depot. Good Garden, Apple Trees, etc. Price •1000. For terms and other partleu* tars Inquire of WESLEY LADD, Ringwood, March Stli, 1886. 34-6 wraths. Red uced Prices. LUMBER WACONSy Complete, only $45.00. Carriages and Milk Wagons at cor­ responding low prices. Horse Shoeing a specialty. New Shoes... 25 cents Setting 10 cents Call and see us. ss-sm GBIKOLBY * Pin. Ringwood, March 17,1886. . Work Horses for Sal*. For Sale a good work team, 8 and 11 years old. Will weigh 1200 eaoh. For other particulars inquire of JACOB HAUFIBISOH. XeHeary, March !«, 1888. NUNSA. XDITOE PLATMDEALER;--The Auc­ tion Stpre made but a Brief tarry this time. The want of patronage sent them to newer fields. They thoroughly suppllsed our people with their kind of goods on their former visit. Two men who are old enough to know better, bit at the "'cake of soap and a ten dollar bill" scheme of swind­ ling on our streets last week. We wlthold their names. There is nothing more certain in this world, than that the man who seeks to get something for nothing, gets left. The game was run here by two men who took out a license to sell soap. One of them run the game and the other sat in his buggy near by, ready to skip if the officers should tumble to their racket. One^ of our constables stood and watched the gaaae. And it wasn't Lafe. Josh Ely's Insane son escaped from the County Farm last week. Chief Robb came down and captured him. Mr. John Gracy, senior, has been very unwell of late. Mr. A. H. Pettlbone is constantly in attendance upon him. For a little light on the subject or Southern Claims against the United States for War damages see the de­ bate in congress on the bill introduced for the benefit of the McMiniville Railroad of Tennesee. There is no danger In tLat direction to be appre­ hended from the Democratic party? Oh no.. Wait till they feel themselves securely In power and see. The first sociable by the young folks ot the M. E, Church came ofi last Wednesday evening at Mr. Osman's. There was a good turnout and every thing went ofl pleasantly. The enter­ tainment corslsted of Instrumental music by Miss Flora Jack man, A quartette by Mlsres Edith Ellsworth and |Nina Darby. Elder Cessna and Frank Jackman. Hymn by the entire company. Prayer by Rev Cessna. Pin picture by Miss Birdie Johnson, a dia­ logue by five young ladies "A revision of our school books." Refreshment* and a good social time. It was unani mously decided that Mr. and Mrs. Os- man had played the host and hostea« tojperfection. and that in their parlors was a pleasan' place to be. Th9ir next sociable will be held two weeks from last Wednesday evening at Mrs. Smith's. Misses Hattle Goodwin and Birdie Johnson and Frank Jackman were appointed a couam'ttee on pro gramme. It seems not to be generally known that these social gatherings are for old and young alike. But such l>* the fact. Let the paters an<^ maters come out and brin; their purce»,| At the Meeting ot the Milk Shipper* on Saturday morning last, the com uiittee reported a contract with a penalty ol five dollars" for shipping each and every can under price. Eleven name* were appended, and 'helmet*ting adjourned till Tuesday morning April 20th. The contract Is aot binding un til signed by forty shippers. Shippers w'shing to sign It, Can find it at :ho office of M. F. Ellsworth, The follow ing circular was handed around by the Secretary. - APRIL lAth, 1886. To the Afnebers of the Local Unions. Gentlemen: The price agreed upon by the joint committees of the Chicago Milk Ex change and the Milk Shippers' Central Union at our late meeting held at the Grand Pacific Hotel, iu Chicago, Is a* follows: Eighty cents per can for May; eiglfly five cents for July aud Angus aud ninety cents for September a CM I October, an average of eighty five (85) cents for six mouths Irom May 1st. it is expected that there will he no milk sold oy any member of this Union at ess price than that agreed upoo; it Is i<»w enough In all conscience. Aud inasmuch as the members of the Chica 40 Milk Exchange buy about thrn> fourths of all the milk sliloprd to Chicago and are themselves Interested In having a uuiforui price maintained, the want of any goodTeacou for :ut ili.g the prices will be appa'ent. Al this meeting also the follow ing resolu­ tion* was adopted: Resolved,:-- That the Eexcutive Com­ mittee be instructed ao take action In regxrd to working In union with the Chicago Milk Exchange regarding the sale ot milk produced by members of the local Milk Shippers' Unions. In order to facilitate this .matter, the Secretary of each local Union will please fill out the enclosed blank, if! vlng names only of such shipments asaie members of their respective Local Unions, and return same to the Secretrry not later than April 20th W. W. NORTON, Pres. G. F. ABVKOSON, Sec. Dundee, 1U. Oarpentertville, 111. On Saturday morning lase, while two freight trains were approaching each other on different track, Carl Orfman, a section ma 1. stepped out of the way of one Into the way of the otiier. He was struck and injured allghly about the head and face, and bis right foot was badly mangled, Dr, C. C* Watson was soon on the ground. He had Mr. Ortman carried into the Depot, and telegraphed to the Ball- road Surgeon at Harvard, who being at Palatine reached here on the 11:17. Soon after two more physicians came from Harvard, and the patient was qarried borne and bis leg amputated six inches above the ankle. He is as comfortable as could be expected under the circumstances. The M. E. Church was crowded on Sunday morning last, the occasion being Quarterly Meetlnr, Rev. Ander­ son preached in the morning from the text " He took not upon himself the nature of Angels,w In the evening the house wis filled again, when Presiding Elder Van Horn preached, setting forth Christ as a co nmander and ruler. At the close of bis sermon he an nouced than the Nunda charge was expected to raise, ror the support of the missions and worn |out mlssonaries the sura of $124, which he proceeded to raise, three men giving $15 each, five giving $10 each, five giving 85 each, a number $2 eaoh, a number 81 each, then be allowed others to give fifty cents, when on summing up he bad raised over one hundred and forty dollars. He said he was ashamed for himself that be was not obliged tc set • higher figure 00 the start, so as to give all a chance, as be saw many who would evidently go home, dissatisfied with themselves for aotfchavlng In­ vested.} • Our town |ia this week taken by storm, by the Reverends of the Rock River Conference. It is expected that we shall have such a shaking np as will last us some time. Well we have had worse company. At a village caucus held on {Saturday avenlng last, W, H. Huffman, W. Keller, P. H. England were nominated as Trustees of the village . There will probabiy be no other ticket, as it is a settled matter that Nunda is a tem­ perance village, for all time. In our sistor village Crystal Lake a general causus was held, at which two pro­ nounced lisense men were nominated and one temperance man. They were nominated with the understand­ ing that the result of the ballot on election day "for or against lisense," styuld determine the action of Ibe board on that question. . But a like agreement last year resulted in a tie vote of the board when all were present, so that the only way to de­ feat the llcenlng of a saloon wa9, wheu all the prohibition members could not be present the others remained away, thus preventing a quorum, The pro­ hibition element will probably put another ticket in the field. It Is a somewhat notorious fact that a mem­ ber of the present board has dealt largely In the prohibited, aud that in defiance of the fact that the board unanimously refused to grant him a Druggist's permit, . The Presi­ dent stating to him that they could not trust him. * . MUSIC LESSONS. Miss CARKIB MEAD, of Elgin, would inform the citizens of McHenry and vicinity that she is prepared to tike a few more scholars on the Piano or Or­ gan, either beginners or advanced scholars. WH visit McHenry on Fri­ day and Saturday of eaoh week, and any wishing to take lemons can leave word either at the Parker House or at the residence of C. II. Morey. Satlsfac tlon guaranteed. For Sale- In the village of McHenry,"a house and five lots. The owner wishing to build on land owned by him outside of the corporation will sell very low The hou«e has been newly painted throughout, contains f >ur room? besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large room! and closets in the second story. There Is a'good barn well cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. AIpo an abundance of small Iruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap if applied f >r soon. F. r further particulars inquire at this office. H. H. Brom^ell & Co. Chicago's Leading Pine Furriers, have ju<M. opened in connection with their large Kur business, 161 State street (near 'lie Palmer House Chicago), tht largest arid finest line of Imported Millinery ever shown West. Our lady readers should give them a call. a« they can always rely upon strictly first-class goods at "Popular Prices"*1 38--13w. Cucumber Seed, We have made arrangements by which we can supply best qu ility ol Cucumber seed at very low prices. Quality and vari -ty guaranteed. CHISTT, WALKKR & CO. 36 6w Machine Nee lies for every Kind ol Se win; Machines, at M. Engjen's. Butter and Eggs wanted at M Ktiglen'a, OUR PAPEK I UIMMER Is running /constantly now. We trim all our Wall Paper free of charge. Call early and see our N**w St.vies. Perry & OwrU. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry & Owen's, Sole Agents, Ladies Rubbers Only 29 cents at Perry 'Owen's, Sole Agents For C. M. Henderson's celebrated school shoes. See them at Perry & Owen's, Pumps, both Wood and Iron of all kinds aud sizes, at E. M. Owens & Sons, ^ Men's Rubbers. Only 49 cents at Perry & Owen's. Largest assortment of Accordlans at M. Englen's. , Seeders, Seeders, Seeders. Van Brunt, Prairie City, Williams and Buckeye, at E M. Oweu & Sons. For Sale. I offer for sale my Farm of 110 acres, situated 3 miles from Richmond, known as the old Newcombe Farm; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through It, MAJOR NOBLE. Richmond. March 17, 1886. For Sale. A house and lot in this village. Is well located, the house new, iiaving been built last season, and is a very desirable piece of^nroperty. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. Will give possession at once. For further particulars Inquire at this office. Plows. Plows,! and Plows. We have the following makes which we warrant to suit any farmer. Grandetour, Moliue, Johu Deere. Case Norwegian, Thompson's Norwegian Skandia, Garden City and Star, all of the oldest makes which insures success in a good plow anl warranted to scour in any soil. E. M. OWEN & SONS. Great Reduction. 1 will until further notice make plo- tures at trie following low rates: Cabinet Photos, per dos.....4....g3.00 Cabinet Photos, per half do*. 2.00 Card Phoros, per do* 2.00 Card Photos, per half dox 1.50 Satisfaction given In all oases, as formerly. 1 L. E. BENNETT. Business Notices, City residences for sale. Apply Ml Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Itt, P' s Everything in the Hardware 11M I| bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. CALL and see the new stock of Spring Millinery at Mrs. H. H. Nichols, Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever ho* fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Fine Scrap Books only $1,25 at G. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20eents, at W. Besley's, West Side. Lace Curtains. Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. Window shades, lace curtains, Ism* brequius, scrimb cloth. In great varle* ty at Bonslett & StoffeFs. PLOW SHOES. . Plow Shoes folly warranted slett & StoSell's. Potatoes; Patatoes; atJtonslett A Stoflel's. Best Smoking Tobacco at 20 cents pouud at Perry A Owen's. x&M .5! California Al.ralfa clover Bonslett & Stoftel's. seed C. H. Fargo's Box Tip shoes aft Boo* slett & Stoflel's. For Lsce Curtains. Screen Cloth, new" style Window Shades. Curtain Poles and fixtures, call ou Bonslett A St©f- fel. Remember that L. W. Nichols. Jr the West McHenry Jeweler, does al. kinds of repairing in his line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. ,*"V-t'J _ v'^f Jai~- Flm class Goods at lOw prices at K • Englen's. - 1 * $ If you want your Garden Seed call " fo* the Seed In bulk, at M, Englen-s. ^ -'-y,, v Hi Look at the choice Candies at Bes- ; ley's Drug Store, West End, . , ;|| ; WALL PAPER. I Full Line at Perry & Owen's, Bishop means business when he^says he wid not be undersold. WALL PAPER Trim ned free of charge at PlDtf & Owen's Buy Henderson's Red Srhool House i Shoes for Boys and Girls, found only - * 4*^ <*| at Perry & Owen's. •> J i All Standard G >ods. at the Ware- < house of R. Bishop. * s Look at the Manny Seeders, 1$ • Bishop's. • ' wy Paints and Oils. a >d Mixed P«IntS, \ lowest prices at Perry & Owen's » ' "'J J DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol-* * i«h. th" finest thing iu the market. M .•& >s Besley's Drug Store , v '• Besley's Famous Waukegan 1 J Ale and Porter . ijy On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. En- , ^1-1 glen's and John Heimer's. IF you want to m»k* your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's l»rug Store. .. _. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every weekend Wilt rZ: v«ke in your orders and furntsh gomts ^ it the lowest Chicago prices. , BKSLKY'S Ale and Porter is the best nade. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's, A. Englen's. and John Heimer's. % EASTEK GOODS, ju«t received at Mrs. ^ II. H. Nichols. v ; ^ Jersey Waists, a full supply, whleh *111 be sold at lower prices than any other store In McH»*nry. Mrs m. sciiumachbb. If you want to h'.irn how to Paint v our Buggy for One Dollar^ call at 'esiey's Drug Store. W»»8i End. Lo tk at the Brewster Bug y.full ^hllriug H»ll, double st-*e! Coll >r Axle, it Bishop's Warehnuse, tt prioes that ire sure to please. A lot of 16 inch Rotary Steel Dtso Pulverizes, thar will tw closed out at « low price,-it Bishop's Warehouse. Don't fall to leok at Goods ottered lor sale at^ Bishop'* Warehouse. No goods will he ofiered but what are first •-lass and will be sold way down to Bed Rock, Call for the "Winning Stroke",anew Brand of five cent Cigars, manufacture fd by Barblau Bros. It beats I be at a!l. - . L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, In West McHenry. does not make a speciality of CHKAP WORK, but has for his motto, "Promptness and good work. The finest line of Spring Mllllttenr ever brought to this town at Mrs. It H. Nichols. The finest Hue ef Top and Combined Buggies ever brought to this County at E. M.Owen & Sons, and way down on priccs. • J * * 4 •f* i < . * VJ i! Rubbers and Rubber at Perry & Owen's. Boots all Mass FARM FOR SALE. The unoerslgned ofiers for sate Mb farm, situated tour miles west of McHenry, consisting of 246 acres. In good location and an excellent Dairy' farm. Or will trade f ir a smaller farm. Apply to PHILIP GIESELEB. 29--3 months. Best Clothes Wringer %3JS0 at X. Englen's, Down Coes the Prleos. 1 „ New Styles Suits............ m Best in market...15,00 Best Vests ................*.00 Cashmere Pants 2 25 Be6t Worsted all wool Pants 5.00 A large dtock of Boys Suits 2,75 E. LAWLBS. Opposite Riverside Bouss. Cows! Cows I Cows! * ALDtir, III., Feh. <tk,.MI • C Dickinson <£ Son, Barrmgtan, 1U. J DEAR SIR:--Please send my by tar press two dozen Cow Prescriptions. I got oue of my neighbors to try It on a cow that was almost dead with milk fever aud it cured her. It is a good thing. E. S. Surra. For sale by all Druggists. , Pulverizing Harrows. ^ The Randall, Keystone, and IwiH® Disc for a wheel, and the Lane whleh beats the Acme, for a Knife Harrow J' * , , r .J, VMM mailto:0Q@4.75

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