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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1886, p. 5

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r,Vt., * * -: mmmtmsassm WEDNESDAY,: JUSTE AO. ISW. i . . Railroad Time Table. On awl after Matxtay. Jun* tt.f Trains will flu McHenry Mtattoa ti below: ooijro SOUTH. . Lak«U»a«va Passenger..............7:3S a. M UktOaitn Sxpress..«:25 " LAKT Q«Mn Freight 12:45 P. v L*U 6«nm PaaMimer..... ..3:36 14 Lake Geneva Passenger. '8:91 " »rn*fj MOKTn. Lake Qeneva Freight i. M Lake Geneva Passenger .......10:«0 " * Lakettonera Passenger ..10:10 " Lake tantn KxpreM 4:4ft r. h Lake G«nm Passenrer .6 :S7 " * Stops only to leave Passenger*. B. BUBS, Agent. MeHenrv. Ill SV BANANAS, choice Confeotlooery, eto.. tt Lock's Bakery. BEAD the new advertisement of J*erry A Owen, in knottier colunan. LADIES Willing Workers Society H^eet on Thursday afternoon next with Mrs. Covll. WHILE In this village the Sd to ttlebrate do not forget to cat) end pay jour subscription to the PLAINDEALER. C. H. DONNISHLY, ESQ.. of Woodstock, will Orate here on Saturday next. Do aot fall to hear him. THE singing and selections by the Unlversalist Choir last Sunday were of * high order. - ~ rnsoirit _ . . • 8. M. OWEN and wife are visiting with friends in Chicago this week. A. A, STUART, of Wuodstock. was a caller at this office on Tuesday. Miss MAOOIE (IAMBS, of Chicago, is visiting with the family of John B. Blake, in this village. WILLIS WOITTKMORE. of Ifuntley, I* visiting with his UNII. J. B. Perry, E«q.. In this village. JOHN BISHOP and wife, of Wauke- gan, were the guests of Bon. Richard Bishop aud family, last week. J. J. VASEY and wife, went to Austin Minn., last week. They expect to be absent three or four weeks. C. B. CCRTIS came up with a party of friends rrora Elgin, on Saturday, for ^ a few days fishing on Plstaqua Bay. SMITH COLBT and wife, of Chicago, are visiting with friends in this village this week. HON. CH\S. H. TRTON and Peter Burger, of Hebron, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Monday. JOHN MOLLEN. of the fira of I, A. Murphy A Co., Woodstock, was on our streets on Monday. Miss FANNIE FAIL 'S, ofChenoa. III., accompanied by a friend, arrived here on Monday evening, and are stopping at the Riversije House. They will occupy the Fails1 Cottage, at Pistaqua Bay. the latter part of the week. FRANK QUIOLEY has bought a mate to his bay mare, and now has one of the finest teams- to be seen on our Streets, EVERYBODY Mand his sisters and his cousins and his aunts," are Invited to come and help McHenry celebrate on gsturday next. BONSLKTT A STOFPEL have some* thing to say to the buying public on this page this week. Find it. Read it. WREN In town on the 4th remember that at Locke's Bakery you can get a good I.unch or a nice dish of Ice Cream on short notice. Call and see. .When attending the Independence Flirty on the 3<1, remember that the finest Tee Cream can he found at Locke's Bakery, a few doors North of tl^e Riverside House. WE acknowledge the receipt oi a complimentary ticket to the 34th An ital Exposition of McHenry county, at the bands of Secretary Wright. Th* Fair will be held September 14th to 17th. ESPECIAL attention is called to the notice In another column headed "^Special Celebration," by Fltzslm- Bkons A Evanson. They are offering this week rare Inducements to the ikying public. THE soothing and restorative effects of Aver's Cherry .Pectoral are realized In all esses of colds, coughs, throat, or lung tronbles, while Its powerful heal­ ing qualities are shown in the most serious pulmonary disorders. QUARTERLY Communion Service at Unlversalist Church next Sunday morning, immediately after the ser­ mon. Evening Service will consist of Fourth of July Celebration from' a Churchly standpoint. Choice music for the occasion. ^ ^ -We understand that Messrs, Shspan * Son will, early this Fall, build an ottier Clover Dryer an 1 Storehouse, i n tbeWeit part of the towa, thus doub­ ling their present capacity. This they are obliged to do In order to supply * the increasing demand for this article. r .. --! LOST, a She pard Female Dog, that answers to the name of "•'hep." Any persons returning the same to 8. Ray­ mond. McHenry, or J. Raymond, Volo, or sending word to either place where she may be found, will be suitably Jtwarded. EXCURSION Tickets for tile 4th oi jt)ly will be sold July 31 and 5th to any Station on the C. A N. W. at one . third Tariff rate for the round trip. \ Tickets good to return nntll July 6tb. locluslvo. e B. BUSS, Agent. V'1 " ' , -- OUR Algonquin friends are making preparations for a big celebration on Saturday, the 8d, and when they un dertake to do anything they never do It by halves. They are sure to have a grand good old fashioned time. The! r •, nmusement programme is one of the Iwst and lots of fun mav be expected. WE are r» quested to give notice to the subscribers to the fund for the •alary of the Pastor of the Uni versa- . list Church, that the third quarter Is tjow due, and as the collector is ab­ sent all are requested to hand their amounts to the Treasurer. Jss, B. ,, perry Esq., at as early a day as po»sl- . • . REMEMBER the Independence Party. £j$it Grand Hall, is Friday evening, July Wlocum's full Orchestra, eight jjieces, will be present, a full roster of #bich can be fouud in another place in :,^;.4.|his paper. They are too well known » to need any introduction at this time ftnd tiie dancing public can be assured * .J|f a glorious good time at Grand Hall t|n the a J. THE Spring Meeting of the Elgin ' IMving Park will open to morrow, luly 1st, and continue tLree days. 7 JjjPhey offer 91,600 in Purses and some Of the most noted flyers in this part •f the State are expected to be present, ^here will be trotting. Running and facing Races, The Secretarv, 8. W Chapman, will accept thanks for favors ,, fent us, . > ; THE ooncentiated power and cura- five virtues of Ayer's Sars*parlila -render It the most reliable and eco- f omlcal medicine that can be used. # Safe for patients of all ages. The best •tedlclne that can be obtained 1* none - too good, and Is the cheapest, whatever • • LET the people of the surrounding country remember that McHenry wld celebrate the coming Fourth of July on Saturday, and make It a point to be on hand, as there will be speaking by good speakers, and all fun imaginable. The committee having the matter in hand say that nothing shall be left undone to make a grand success of Evervbody co ne and get your moneys worth of pleasure. THE Waukegan Gazette says: "On last Monday Mr. J. G. Kagan went to Chicago to help celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Mr. Sidney Caswell's arrival in Chicago. He and Mr. Ragan arrived In Chicago together on June 20th, i836, on the ship Milwaukee, the first full rigged thlp that came up the lakes. They were on the ship when it was launched at Buffalo that year and came to Chicago on lis first trip." NEW MUSIC.--We have received from the publishers, "Stay, Silver Moon," a new and beautiful serenade song by Will N. G ites, which we can heartily recommend to our readers. The title page is emhellibfted with a view of Mackinac Island, the favorite summer resort of the West, and both words and melodv of the song areninusually flue Send 40 cents to H. M. Brainard A Co. Cleveland, Ohio, and receive copy by mail. "OUR Penal Machinery and its Vic­ tims.'1* is the title of a small volume sent to this office together with the compliments of the author, John Altgeld. The book is a new and revis­ ed edition of a smlltr -work-jw4-the only object |n view by the writer has been to briefly call attertton to the character of our penal machinerr and if possible to lead others to examine it in the hope of Improving the same. It is quite an Interesting book. •A A DAUGHTER of Miss JULIA PARKER, Musis Teacher, wishes us to Inform her pupils and the citizens of McHenry that having de­ cided to attend the Musical Institute, at Oregon. 111., s'.e will give her schol­ ars a vacation during the month of July, and that on the first week in Au­ gust she will again take np her classes In this village, better than ever pre­ pared to do justice to both old and new sch »lmt. On Iter return *he *111 be prepared to receive new scholars, either beginner* or those who are ad­ vanced. We caii trutlifu'ly say that Mls4 Parker is one of the best teachers in the county, being a fine musician nnd thoroughly interested in the ad­ vancement of her pupils, and we take pleasure In recommending her to those wishing to take leeeon*. ON what kind of milk does the Piano. III., people feed? We are led to ask this as oae paper comes to us, and tells of an editor having his only hat de­ voured by a ww and uo v comes anoth er and tells of a man, (editor we sup­ pose) who went in Swimming, and had his only shirt eaten by another cow. However much we may sympathise with the editors, thus deprived of their apparrel. our deeper, warmer sympathies go out to the people and especially the babies wh6 have to live on the milk distilled from such preven- der. How any cow ootild have such a perverted tnste. or how achlldould be expected to be truthful or reasona­ bly moral OQ the milk ofeuch a de­ praved cow, is more than can be lmag> tned. If the editors have any real humanity about them, they will su>ely use their influence to have the cows of that community differently educated in the future. 4th OF JULY AT McHENRY. in j 'ft It# fill! MCHENRY can now boast of some as fine stables of horses as can be found in this part of the State, and horses too that are hound to make their mark on the turf. We accidentally stepped in to the Stables of the Smith Bros, George and Henry, a few days since* and were surprised at the handsome manner In whi^li they had everything arranged. Flue box stalls, tastily painted and decorated with pictures, and presenting the appearance of com­ fort for both min and beast. We found there the trotters "Lady Argonaut," "Jockey," and the pacing colt-"Lakeside," a son of "George O," now a little over two years old. These are three very promising horses, and under the care of Thomas Phaien, (who knows his business to perfection.) are bound to make a good showing on the track. Geo. W Owen also has a very fine and well arranged barn, where can be found the celebrated young stallion "George O," and two of his progeny now just past two years old. We can­ didly believe "Georga O." to be the best horse of his age In the State, and the two colts now being handled at rhh barn would be hard to b^at. This barn is under the charge of E<nmett McDonald, probably a* good a horse­ man and driver as can be found In this section. ~ -- At E. J. Hinly's barn can also be found the trotting gelding "Boy Billy," and several other young horces whose name we have not learned. We propose soon to make a round V of the stables, and give our readers a John B. Blake, aze<| more particular descrlptioo of Surroundings. on Monday even- l^» / about seven years, met with a severe\rftcer8 • 'J their and and painful accident ii>g last It appuars she was going up the outside stairs to Blake's building, and when at the top by a misstep fell through the railing to the ground, about fifteen feet, breaking one leg and bruising her severely about the face and head, Dr. Fegers was im mediately called, who set the broken limb, and she is now doing as well as could be expected under the circum­ stances It Is a mlrScle that she was not instantly killed. i- as / J c< HE arrangements for the Indepen­ dence Party, at the Riverside House, on Friday evening of this week are all completed and promises to be one of the most pleasant over held In this popular dancing resort. Preston's Or­ chestra, of Eight Pieces, comes recom mended as one of 'the best la th« State, aud consist of the followlog. musicians: F. Pre-ton .. Violin and Leader Ed Brush Set Violin and Prompter Vrai k Rogers Violin Carl Ame* Cornet Fnnk Mitnhel Clarionet W. Ld. Goo I speed Double B ias John Xeiseuer Flute Soloist B. Webater ...Trombone Nothing will be left undone to make It pleasant for all who at|e«d, Com* out and hear the best music ever heard Ijn McHenry. **IN a few short years," says a Cbica go paper house in Its annual announce­ ment, '"In our paper shirt and paper trouses, we shall sit down to our paper tables, upon our paper chairs, and eat our eggs with paper spooos. When we go out of a morning we shall put on our paper gloves, seize our paper umbrella or paper cane aud paper hat, kiss the baby, happy In its pinafore, trip lightly down the^paper staircase, over the paper path vay to our paper carriage, and start for town, continu­ ing our noiseless ilde over the p*per pavement, bu*. stopping once more, possibly to order, the latest paper novelty for our better hall. Who would be bold enough to predict the end of the paper age p* Thistle * Notice. Having been Appointed Thistle Com missionnr for the town of Nuuda, 1 re­ quest all persons wno will help to rid our town of this dread pest to report to me any patches of thistles they may know. 1 also warn all persons who have thistles growing on their pUces, to rid themselves of them, or suffer the penalty of the law. QEO. KOBD, Coin, of Canada Thistles, BREAD, Cakes and Pies at Lock's Home Bakery, Gilles' Block. Fruits. Nuts an J Candles, largest as- tortoaeut la toWn, at Perry * Owens'. irs a ;ou^' Steamboat Arrangements for 4th of July. 1888. Steamer will leave Fox Lake on Fri­ day. 2d at 2.30 P.M. for the dance parties at the Riverside House and the Parker House. McHenry. Round trip tlckets^t a single fare. 60 cents, good for a return at 10,20 A. M. Satur­ day morning. Steamer will leave Fox Lake Satur- ay. 3d, at 6,30 A. M. for the 4th of July celebration at McHenry, returning from McHenry at 5 p. M. Rsund trip tickets 50 cents. Steamer will leave McHenry Satur­ day. 3d. at 10.20 A. M. for the Indepen­ dence Celebrations at Col. Lippincotts Hotel and Middendorfs Grove, return­ ing fro a Fox Lake at O p. M. Fare 50 jents round trip. St'amerwill attend and call at all the dances on Fox Lake during 4atur> day evening. Stetmer will leave MoHenry Sunday. July 4th, at II o'clock A. M., sharp for Fox Lake, returning to McHenry at 6 o'clock p. M. Fares 50 cents. Steamer will leave McHenry Mon­ day, Jul} 5ih, at 10 o'clock A. M. for ex curslon round the different Lakes, re­ turning to Mcienry at 7 o'clock P.M. Fare 60 oents the round trip. ALFKBD HILI Captain. WALTKK HILL Captain and Snpt. SPECIAL CELEBRATION All this Week at Fitzsimmons & £vauson% Woo* nHoHenry. Illinois.' Special cash prices on Saturday morning and evening. 600 pair Ladies fine Shoes at $2 worth *3. 100 black JerseyB at 95 cents. Ladies Musi in Un­ derwear at prices unheard of in this section. Good Lawns 3 cents per yard Special cash sale on Friday of Ladies and Childrens Hosiery, half price. Parasols. Men's Shirts 25 cents to $1. Mens flue Suits. Come over, bring the Cash and you will always find some* thing new. novel and attractive at astoolsbinglv low prices at FITZSIMMOKS & KVANSON'S. Fire Crackers, Fire vVorks and tor­ pedoes are cheapest at Perry A Owens. Ladies Gloves aad Owens'. Mitts at Perry A Parsols ard Fans at Perry A o*reoi'. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything In my <lh% of busi­ ness. Work done oo short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- 'us' Store, KeHeary, At»l^l F. A. HEBAKD. U-4-if . SATURDAY , JULY 3d. is86. President of the 7>ay--Hon. R. Bbhop. Vice Presidents-- A. H. Hanley, Mc­ Henry. J. W. Crlsty, Rlngwood, Asa W. Smith, Wood«tock, Hon. C. rf. Trron. Hebron, A. R. Alexander, Rich­ mond, <J. V. Stevens, Burton, Henry Rogers, Vo'o. H. B. Burritr. Wattconda, B. F. Peck. Nut-da, Chas. Kuhnert. Johnsburgh. R Diesel, Woodstock, Dan Flavin. Hartland, John Huemann, Johnsburgh. Chaplain--Rev. B. Brunnlng. Reader of the Declaration-?K. W. Wheelt-r. Orator--C. II. Donnelly, Esq, of Woodstock. There will also be short speeches by H. V. Shepard and others. The celebration will be held oo the grounds occuplcd by the Clover Dry Ing buildings. In West McHenry. Every facility will be extended for a picnic dinner. Ample shade, and a building to cover, thousands if necessa­ ry, on the grounds. The Trotting Park Association will offer liberal purses for two good races on the Park grounds, and some as good trotting will be seen as the country af­ fords. Al-o a foot race. A prominent feature at the Driving Park will .be a matched game of tfase Ball, for a purse offered by the Asso­ ciation. The McHenry Military Band' will furnish music for the occasion.! MCHENRY DRIVLFTA PARK. The McHenry Driving Park Associa-i atton announces the following Trot­ ting Purses for Saturday, July 3d. 1886: Purse C50 Free lor all. $25 to flrsi, #15 to second and 910 to third. Mile Heats, best three in five to barney 3 Minute Class Purse $50. 820 to flr8t, 915 to second, 910 to third and 95 lo fourth. Mile Heart beet three In Ave to harness. Kntrance fee 10 per cent. National Rules to govern all Races. Trotting to commence at 2 o'clock p. M. A Match Gtme Of Base Ball on the ground*, at 1 o'clock P.M.. between Waukegan and McHenry, for a purse of 950. Also khalf mile Foot Racc^fora purse95 Three dollars to first and two dollars t® s«cond. Admission to Park. 25 cents. Chil­ dren under 12 free. WIm »nd otherwise. The Board of Trade--A Workman's bench, L. L. Whipple, Kintner, Mich,, writes: "Pifto's Cure for Consumption saved my life." New and tru'y sincere form of invi­ tation: "Mr. and Mrs. Brown-Jones request the favor of your presents at the wedding of their daughter" Wm. O. Outten, of Mayfville. Ky.. says: "I h-ive tried all the catarrh medicines I overheard of. but never re ceived any benefit until I got a pack­ age of Plso's Remedy for Catarrh." "Etiquette" writes to Inq.ilre it it would be proper for him to support a young lady if she was seized with fain'uess, even if he had not been in­ troduced. Proper, young man? Cer­ tainly-- propher by all means. R W, Lean, A^ent ot the Adams Ex­ press Co., at West, Sonora, Ohio. Jan. 23,1886. wrote as follows: • I never found any thing that we tit to the very bottom of a dhe-*se as Piso'S Jprire for Consumption does." French gentleman to h<s rustic servant: "Well Jean, did you give the Marquis my note?*' ('Tas sir, I gave It to him; but there's no use writing him letters--he can't see to read them. He's blind--blind as a bat!" ' Blind?" "Yes. sir, blind. Twice h<) asked me where my hat was. and I had It on my head all the time. (Blind as a bat!" Dr. D. P. Neihart,of Nebraska. <>'ity. Neb., says: "I have prescribed Plso's Cure for Consumption In many cases with good success and can recommend It to all having weak lungs or throat difficulties. For Consumption, it has done more good thain any other medi­ cine I have been able to find. It gives universal satisfaction.'. Extra fine. j«t black, all wool, patent seam Jerseys, only 90 cents. Extr* fine, jet black, all wool, patent seam, coat hack Jerseys only 91.i0. Extja fine, jet black, all wool, patent seam and richlv braided coat back Jerseys, only 91 25. Very fine vest front, plain black Jerse vs. 91 90. 12$ Inch Ecrne and Cream Lace only 19c«otswortu 50 cents. BONSLKTT A STOFFIL. FIRE WORKS--All slett A St offers. kinds at Bon- For Sale* In the village of McHenry, a house and five lots. The Owner wishing to build on land owned bv him outside of the corporation will sell very low. The hou«e has been newly painted throughout, contains f >nr rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms aud closetB in the second story. There is a itood barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small iruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap if applied f »r soon. F<>r further particulars inquire at this office. Also twenty acres of good land near the corporation. Will be sold cheap. Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set up but once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire ^t this office. HEttite*. "EDITOR PLAIN DEALER.--Ice Cream livery Saturday night. School will close ou Friday of this week. Nick Mergeuer returned last week from a visit to his home If* Michigan. Mrs. Galen Phillips and Grade, from Geneva, visited friends here the last of week. Jack Spice went to Chicago Sunday to meet his father, who ha) lately arrived from England. Mr. Roy Wlckham Is having a cot­ tage erected near the old homestead. Roy appears to be getting his cage ready. The funeral services of Mr. R. Hawley were held &t the residence of his son Allen, on Saturday and the re­ mains Intered in the Presbyterian cemetery. Workmen arrived Saturday night, and this week will probaoly see the grand new Depot under headway. Won't we be proud when the old depot steps aside for a new one. Every person in the township|should be present at the Semi Centennial celebratton. July 3d. the year 18S6* being the fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the town of Hebron. MARRIED, June 16, 1886, at the resi­ dence of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. E, Soule. Vienna Wis. their daughter, Miss Edith, to Chas. E. Merrick. Charlie is well known la Hebron, the home of his boyhood, and has many warm friends, while Edith is one of Vienna'a rairest daughters. Many Invited guests were present to witness the ceremony. At eight o'clock the couple took their place heneatb a beautiful arch of leaves and white llllles, when they were made one by Rev. G. H. Hubbard. Congratula­ tions were then in order after which came the bounteous wedding supper. 1'ho presents were numerous and aliow more than words the love and esteem of many friends. The follow* ing is a complete list. 8et »r>li<t silver toaapoont with plush ease, Avers Bros., Honey Creek. $et silver table spoons. Otto smith, Vienna. Silver butter ilisli, Mr. ami Mrs. U- B. JlcOannon, Spring* Held. Clock, mother of groom. Silver table exstor, Mr. aim Mrs, N. A. Uookin, Genoa. Book artistic eiubroitlury, K L. Wilson, VI. ennH. silver t»l>io castor, Mr. ami M>s. T. Mtson, Hebron. Mounted wuik box. Mr. ami Mrs J. Crocroft, Spring i'rtlrie. Parlor iHinjj 11. Murrick. Oil painting, Mr. anil Mrt.O. K. Nome, set K"I<1 binil litshcr, Mr, Hint Mrs. I)avi<l Hcaiy, Roches lor. Uoia bamt chit miter hci, Mothei Merrick, ami brother Muri. UUu net, Mr and Mrs. Allan Stetson an<l >lauKtuer, Itochester. Class sauce <Jish, Annie anil Car­ rie st'-tson. Butl spruail, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vaughn ami daughter, Spring I'rairie. Silver butter knife an I pickle tork, Mr, ami Mrs U. M. lleniy, Koclioaior. Silver pickle castor, uram 1* In I lips ami Will Merrick, Hebron i.*lass cake stan<l, K K AU<l«r*on, Hons; Creek, solid silver sugar ami cruain s;soon with plush case. Mrikiiu Mrs. 6 lieiubauoh, Mi an«l Mrs S Vaughn, Mr ami Mrs VV. Kirle, Mr anil Mrs K **age, llonev Creek. GUis truitilish, A Mirtm, Vienna! Glass set, Anua ami N. Hit Williams, Vienna, l'air silver nap­ kin rings, M>-and Mrs K Kerimld, Witillirup, linva. Volume of p>»ems, li Boombs, Itoches­ ter. Butter kuite, Will ttowe, Rochester, l'air vases, Inez Uowe. Set desert spoons, Art tluibert, Waterlord. One dozen napkins, l.eou Ward, "• s uraig, Caldwell. Pair towel* Kiruest Mavuew. Spnug Prairie, Picture frame, Will® l.ewis, Vienna. Glass-niug, Ckusier M.tylie*, .springllcid. Cream pitcher t idle Ma.* lie w. I; Im moor set aud hanging lamp, Mr "and Mrs L> .vlarks, Mr and Mrs C HuoUii'd, Mr and Mrs J * Lewis, Mr and Mrs Palmer, Mr and Mrs C G Mttrey, Kit* Karlu, Levis, nettie Ziiiu. Victor Z.thn Vienna. Ilan i palmed tan. Mrs s Saw­ yer and sou. S Iver vase Uowera, Mr Hud Mrs J A Mcintosh and diugnter, iloney Creek Paper Holder, UK soule and wile, Tess Corners Sack lljur, Corueiius Zann. Silver iriiniutxl teapot, Mr an I Mrs W itowu, Kochesier. Tooth* and lioiuer, f Morey, Vienna. Linen tabl - cloth and dozen uapki. s, Smith & Cunningham, Burlugton. Bed spread Mrs il Ma> new, Spring I'rairie. GUas set, Mr and Mrs A P Ciaik, Honey Creok. Cabinet pictures of Mr and Mrs K Peruald and Master Hugh. ALCONOUIN- EDITOR PLAINDKAI .BR:-- Big excite­ ment on Chicago St. on Thursday at- tt-rn 'on of laH veek, all on Hccount ot aBtrbod Wire fenee. Nobody killed and no blood shed, only a little wealth squandered. The CarpenteravlUe Ban.l gave u» Algonqtiluitps a serenade on Thursday evneing of last week. C. E. uhapell came in with a carload of milch cows on Friday of last week. Miss Butler, of Elgtn, was in town on Saturday last trying to get a clacs to teach hand painting. Our School Board have engaged Miss Delia Balch, of Elgin, to teach our I'riinary department for the next term. Ml*s Balch comes well recommended* Mrs. Plumlelgh, of Dundee, has been vieit ing here the past week with the fa< iiy of James Phiip. Miss Bella Rateray has been quite sick for the past few days. Charlie Balch, with his two sisters, of Elgin,|spent Buuday here with the family ot W. Phillips. Mrs. Bartell, of Chicago. Is visiting here with her lather. F. C. McKay. Ida Morton has gone back to Crystal Lake to pick clover blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Har<lque«t, of Aurora, Nebraska, are visiting here with their daughter, Mrs. Henry Ben- thuse n. 1 he arrangements are about com­ pleted for our fourth of July celebra­ tion. The following ladies have been chosen as a committee to select and ar* range 58 girls to represent the states and also decorate the wagon to take them to the grounis: Mrs. Wm. Morton, Mrs. J. Helm. Mrs. D. W. Thomas, Mrs. Henry Keyes, Miss Bird­ ie Morton, Miss Josephine Adamek and Mls6 Nettie Phillips. Miss Emma Argard was chosen the Godesa of Lib­ erty. Committee on Singing. Miss Birdie Morton, Miss Annie Philp and Miss A nelia Adamek Judging from all appearances, the weather permitlng we will have the largest turnout ever witnessed In Algonquin. Rev. Douglass goes to Genoa Junct Ion this week ar.d will spend the fourth there. There will be no services at the Congregational Church next Sunday- Malaria ! The very mention of it is a nightmare! Whoever has suffered from this blighting disease knows what a dread scourge it is, and liow it seems almost impossible to eradicate it from the system. SMITH'S BILE BEANS will most surely destroy the germs of Malaria, and afford permanent releif. Dose, one bean. 25 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists ar.d dealers to medicine, or sent postpaid on receipt Of price, to any pait of the ^ountfy." < (To* Ladlest and Gentlemen's Summer Underwear at ^oaslott A Stofltft, Independence Party At Grand Hall, Parker flsu--.Trtday evening. July Sd, 1888. Music Sloeam *s fall Orchestra. A general Invitation Is extended to all come out and have a good time. Slocum 'i Orchestra Is too well anown to need any further men- tlon here. No pains will be spared to make it pleasant lor all. The following Is the roster of 81o- cum's Orchestra for this occasion. Wiggins Welch Quttertdg*... 9 locum....... Wiggins Sabin Pal ma B dlard ...... svnprw-' Violin .....Violin and Caller Flats ...... Clarionet ..... Cornet Cornet Harp ....Doable Bass W. PAKKBK. ivoraide House. JOLY 2d, 1886. • A grand Independence 5Party Will be given at the Riverside llouse. McHen­ ry, on Friday evening, July 3d, 1886. Music, Preston's Military B*nd Orches tra, the finest music In the Northwest* All are ^vlJLcd. Come aud will use yon wo W. H. FOBD, Proprietor. 4th of July Partis There will be a 4th of July Party, it Adams Hall. Johnsburgh, Monday evening, July 5th. Music, Rlngwood Band. Tickets, In­ cluding Supper, 81. Dancing to commence at 4 o'clock, PETKK ADAMS, Proprietor, Cnca; w midnight dreary,! v ^ I -was tossing weak 'end v.eary, ' i'\)r 1 l>:i,i ;v lit of ague, And my bones were very son, oiuldenly I read a label, Of a mediciiio cn my table, But to reach"t I scarce was * * I V.T.S 1:0 infernal sore! .... V'-.'-SM Took T just ono doso, 'twas pile bbAKS; Soundly slapt I and did snore. Had the ague nevermore 1 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Before yoo Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Bonslett A Stsflel. West Mo- Henry, III, Knowlton. Standird, Manny,Crown Eureka. Crawlord and New Warrior, Mowers at K. M, Owen A Son, aod In price from 846 s'o 80*1. The best assortment of Hats, either Felt, Wool, or >traw, to be found in town, at Bonslett A Model's. Hammocks and Lap Robes, a good stock, at Bonslett A StoftePs. Great Redaction. I will until further notice make pic­ tures at trie following low rates: 0ab<net Photos, per dot..... 83.00 Cabinet Photon, per half dot 3.00 Card Photos, per dox a 00 Card Photos, per half dos 1.50 Satisfaction given In all oases, as (otmQtty. L. E. BBNNBTT. r por . I oiler for «ale my Farm of 110 xcreg. •41'timed 3 mi leg fro<u Ricmhond. known as the old Newcombe Farm ; one half mile from school nouse. and with a living spring running through it, MAJOK NOBL.k. Richmond. March 17. 1888. FARM FOR SALE. The under«lgtied oilers for sale his farm, situated lo^r miles west o McHenry. consisting of 246 acres In iC<H>d location *nd an excellent Dairy farm. Or will trade f»r a st*»ller farm. Apply to PHILIP GiBSttUNt* 80--8 months. ^ Foe Sale. A house and lot In this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built, laet season, and is a very desirable piece of property. Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. Will give poa*emion at once. For further particulars inquire at tills offioe. " Wlial* i tlie m-.tior fIV " you aro no* joking well. 4k O nothing only a slight old." In two days after the above con- • ersation " Si" was very su k with pneu­ monia. Had ho at first taken a dose of SMITH'S BTLE BEAXS (1 bean) he would have been surely cured without harm. A cold is congestion; BILE BEANS will relieve a cold quicker than any other remedy, as it relieves the congested part at once. For sale by all medicine dealers. Price, 25c. per bottta E. M. Owen«& Sou received seven ot the celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot cut Mowers one day laH week. ATTENTION DAIRYMAN. We sell you K6 lb satks, salt In Linen Sacks at 6it cents, for cash. FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON. Inspection is solicited by Soldiers. Grand Army Suits at bargains for cash ,at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. C- ' Wanted. Reliable and energetic men to sell all kind* of n irsery goods. New and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light and easily learned. To ouccesiful men we ean pay good salaries and ex lenses and gl ve steady employment. First class references required. Send for terms. Address L' L. May. A Co,, Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota. Short Horn Bulla for Sale. The undersigned has for sale full blood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap, Call on or address FRANK COLS, One mile East of Spring Grove. April 34,1886. This SMITH'S BTLE "BEANS as a family medicine, and acted upon that know­ ledge. One half the miserv of the world comes from ailments which arise from a bad stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest anion# these are dyspepsia, biliousness, •iek headache and "Neuralgia. BILE BEANS will cure all of these, resides all miasmatic diseases. Dose: Ono Bean- SUMMER MIJLLNERY. La lies who desire stylish and artis­ tic Mlillnery Goods, of any description should call on MRS. H H. NICHOLtS, who has just returned from the city, with the finest line or Summer Mini" nery and Fancy Goods ever brought to this town. Her stock consists in p irt of the latest styles of Hata, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, etc. Sat­ isfaction guaranteed Lu style, price and workmanship. An inspection of stock is respectful­ ly solicited. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Good Rockford Flour only 91M per sack at Bonslett & Stoflel's. Best Smoking Tobacco at SO teats ysw<l at Perry A Otrtrt. Business Notices City residences for sale. Apply w. Smith, Woodstock, III. Everything in the Hardware Rat i§S bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever 6t» fore, at G. W. Besley's. West Side. FinefJcrap Books ouly 81J5 at G, W» Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 30cents. atO. W. Besley's, West Side. ? Butter aod Eggs wanted at M. Englen's, Machine Nee lies for every Kind of Sewing Machines, at M. Englen's. Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads aud Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher'^ nfear the Depot. C. H. Fargo's liost i'ip shoes at Boa slett A Stoflel's. $1 •Al: Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jt the Wjest McHenry Jeweler, does al* kinds of repairing In his line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. First class Goods at low prices at X ! Englen's. _____ If you want your Garden Seed call fo» the Seed in bulk, at M, Englen's. Look at the choice Candifli at Bet ley's Drug Store, West End, DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol­ ish. the finest thing in the market, at Besley's Drug Store. Bealey's Famas Waukegao- Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonsletfs, A, *»•' glen's and John Helmets. If you want to make your Buggr Top look as good as nfew get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel ..&L Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week aod will 'ill take in your orders and furnish goods st the lowest Chicago prices. ^ BKSLKT'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonsletts, A. Englen's. and' John '• : Heimer's. Jersey Waists, a full snpply, which will be sold at lower prices than any other store In McHenry. MR*. M. 9CHVHAOBH. * If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, csll at Wesley's Drug Store. West Eud. Call for the "Winning Stroke", astir Biand of five cent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them all. 'ft • L. W. Nichols, Jr. "the Jeweler, Id •!': West MeH*Mir»?. d »e<i not mike a speciality of CHKAP WORK, but has for •" his motto, ^Promptness and good work. 0$ One Thousand Lace Collars new and stvllsh. 'blij disvoun s," at Fltcsim* inons A Evauson'ft. '•Hh Call and exam I. e a line of Ladies Muslin underwitro. (Ixgit i«rlc^ 50 cents, FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Our Shoe Deptrtuieut is unusually large thi* Season a» d we Invite close Citsh buyers to investigate our stock '•etore buying He we ean do v«m i^ood. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON Carriages th* o»-s. of nutkes and fully warranted for two years at E. M, Owen A Son. ' Lawns In newest styles and of extra Kood quality.-6 ct'iirs per yard at Flix- "luimotis atid Kv i->ao>>*«. a , Stylish, well iiikiIh Seersucker Coat* and Vests only 83-00 at Be SioOel's. *<teel framed Plows, aud Sf Binders- which by th**ir w oroven the best, are at E, Son. Largest assortment of Aocordlaas at. <M H. Englen's. i Best Clothes \\ l inger 82.50 at II. ̂ Englen's. .: K0. "J Try our warrtnted Badger 8tata il Overalls, Jackets and Shirts. " j BONSLFTT A STOFPKI., Don't forget the Eureka 6 foot Mow- ' ft «*r at E. M. Owen A .^on. You cau cut J more and cure it ready to put In the baru right out ot the swath. No use for Tedders. EVERYBODY KNOWS ^ That Henderson's Boots and StMtftt are the best. We sell lots of them.--• Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, Down Coot tho Prices. New Styles Suits Best in market ...II Best Vests. Cashmere Pants .2j36 Best Worsted all wool Pants......6.08 A large stock of B jy* Sui ts.... ....3,75 E. LAWLCS. Opposite Riverside Boost.- House and Lot For Sal#» / In the village of Ringwood. Con­ tains 10 Room". Also a Barn Wood­ shed and other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., en the premises. With- •n twenty rods of Depot. Good Garden. Apple Trees, etc. Prico f1000. For terms and other part leu lars Inquire of WESLBT L£*JNV Ringwood, March 5th, 1886. 34-6 moatfeiat ) •1 H.H. Bromwell & Co. Chicago ̂ Leading Fine Furriers, have just opened in connection with their large Fur business, 161 State street (near the Palmer House Chicago), the largest and finest line of Imported Millinery ever shown West. Our lady readers should give them a call, as they can always rely upon strictly first-class goods at "Popular Prlcea* 38--13w. For Sale. The undersigned oflers for salt litt i residence, and two acres ot landj sltoa* ? ted In the village of Ringwood. la well located, in good repair and on tho premises are all kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition. l,t is, with all. a very desirable piece of property. Good baru and outbuildings For terms an j other particulars call oa the undersigned on the premises. W*.LAKQI&Ap*r 3 Rlngwood, March 9th, 1886. ,\ Oswsl Cows! Cowtt ALU EN, III., Feb. tlK IMt ' h C- DteUtuom dt Son, Barrutj/ton, JtL DEAR SIR Please send my by'tJL press two dozeu Cow Prescriptions. I got one ot my neighbors to try Itoa a | cow that was almost dead with Isllk ^ fever aud it cured her. It la a |oo4 thing. E- s. Sam. . ikw aale ^y aU Dnqfrto* ̂

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