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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1886, p. 4

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riSDAY, JULY 14, 1886. lNSLYKB . Editor. THIS PAPER ROWBI.L. * (NX'S Newspaper Art verdun* liureau (W Spruce Street), where advertising SSTfiTPSNEW YORK » | v t L E V E N Y E A R S O L D . f tTllh tills number the PLAINDBALIB 1* eleven years old tad It is with pride that we to-day point to Its past course and pro ofse that in the future its march In all respects shall be onward •nd upward. In tbe past eleven years we have met with many sore trials, and while not able at all times to do just as we would like to have-done, we have done the oest we could, and are pleased to know that our efforts have been appreciated, as is evidenoed by our constantly increasing subscription list, and tbe general patronage of the office. For the coming year we have, no especial promises to make, only that we shall strive to make the PLAINDRALER better than ever, and if bard work will do it we shall suoaeed. With this issue a large uuntber of subscription expires. We hope, there* fore, ail will be prompt in their re­ newals, and thus aid and encourage us td make the Improvements and meet the demsnds that are constantly made upon a publisher. With these few words we ahall close volume 11. and will next week com­ mence unfolding the pages of volume 18. IS M^The President made another bid for votes by a id by, when he vetoed the bill to authoriie the construction of a railway through the Indian Reser­ vations. No better evidence of hia demagogism has been displayed by him, than In the number and charac­ ter of liis vetoes. He would have the public believe per «e that he is the great watcb-dog of the country. No crowned head of a limited monarchy has in latter years exercised as much power AB the late sheriff of Buffalo since he has been elevated to the Ohlef Magistracy of this country. i&*C. D. Graham, a native of Pbtla- delphia. 33 years of age, succeeded In making tbe decent of Niagara Falls and passed through the celebrated whirlpool, Sunday. He was imprison­ ed in a disk and sen t over tbe falls. The cask struck a ttrong current and passed over the falls and through tbe whirlpool In which Captain Webb lo?t his life, rapidly, and Graham was rwleased five miles below unhurt, save a few bruises. Tbe success of ibis fool will be tbe means of making some other fool ioseJilAJifMfeAnd still the begins to look as if Mr Cleve­ land had declared war on the toldier •lenient believing that It will be a big card for him In tbe future. If be can retain the friendship and support of the Democratic soldiers (and he is very careful how he vetoes a pension for a Democrat) and oontlnue to have die support of the party. Including the mugwump element, he wilt stand a go»d chance of posing before tbe oountry as a reformer of public econ- my. Nothing that he h%* done since he wts inaugurated has made blm so many friends among tbe -confederates in Congress and out. All the sl<ns Indicate that at the next election the war will be fought over from every stump In the land, *nd a soldier will lead the Republican hosts. This, in the very nature of the fight, will be necessary. Who that leader will be no man oan now tell, but that It will be a soldier we are Just as sure as we are that the He publican party will live until opposition to this govern meut Is broken down and destroyed. aerWhatever may be thought of the statesmanship of President Hayes, he was at least the true friend of the Union soldier. In his ad frets to the Grand Armr at Toledo before 3,000 veterans the ex-President exprrsjed bis contempt for President Cleveland's action In vetoing Inconsequential pen­ sion bl'ls, and said the spirit which in­ spired tbe vetoes characterized "a rap idly growing feeling among ths men who did nothing to put down the re­ bellion." It must be remembhred that Mr. C!eveland was never much of a sol­ dier's friend, even during the war. One of his most notioeable vetoes when be was mayor of Buffalo was that of an appropriation for the observance of Decoration Day. Under the pretence that he has not time to devote to trifling matters, he baa passed over flagrant violations of the civil service law by his subordinates; but he lias plenty of time to write voluminous ve­ toes of bills granting apeclal pensions of *3 or $4 a month to veterata or their widows. New York city has become so crowd ed and cramped for room, that the State Legislature has authorised tbe construction of a duplicate Broadway, eighteen feet beneath the 6orftoe of the present Broadway In which shall be business transacted as in any other street. A party ef capitalist will un­ dertake the scheme, backed by ample capital. The plan is to have a street same width as Broadway, with stores, banks, hotel*, etc., cars, gas, electric lights, and all manner of commercial facilities the same as other streets of the city. Impracticable as the plan may seem at first glance. In this day and age of progress and stupendous achievements. It will doubtless be car­ ried forward to a succeesfjl accom­ plishment. At least such Is the view of the prime movers In the scheme. *'• ^ vy ' 1 * " f ' ' :'h WEST MCHENRY. READ OUR BARGAINS Si GENERA >'* 'v '• t-f. 6 j' ^ * - wm MOW OFTEN wast I*. .,t<, ^ ^fi. •--fa & ; < td tbat&pr ih«*€HJro of The ajpnth. The doum. half sent most. If not all, of the regular appropriation bills to the Senate, and It depends on what amount of time tnat body may give them when the adjournment shall take place. Thus far the Senate has scrutinized important House bills very closely and made nuny changes. The Biver and Harbor toll la a ease, Tbe bill has been swelled from 15 to 18 millions In committee, and many Items have been strlckeo out. 8300.000 are inserted for beginning the Hennepin canal. The Senate is now considering tbe bill, but, even if it should past the caual Item, it would be beaten in tbe House. Indeed the leading Democrats are alarmed, fearing the President will veto tbe bill in any event, and it is proposed to lay tbe bill on tbe table when it somes from tbe Senate, fearing tbe effect of a veto on the fall electlou. 89*A Western newspaper contains tbe following: "Everybody in this camp knows Towser, the Mono mine Towser. The dog lowaer rides up and down on tbe cages, through drifts and crosscuts, and goes ail over and through tbe mine perhaps oftener than any miner of them all. Yester­ day a brilliant idea struck John O'Nell and some others, and they spirited Towser into a backyard. They wash­ ed his hair as dean to tbe akin as it possibly oould be washed, and then carefully panned the muddy water to tbe very highest percentage, and the entire dog absolutely assayed in floe gold «23.17, as weighed on Soder- ling's scales. When Mono assays $23.17 to tbe dog, sbe Is certainly starting out on a boom, and we defy any mining camp on tbe Pacific coast to beat it. ft trti» Best, and Cheapen" than raa oaa buy Goal or Wood aqd make it yourself.} • Lockt's Hon* Bakery, ICE CREAM PARLOR -AND LUNCH ROOrH. GILLE8' BLOCK, Hear the Iron Bridge. All (roods Home Made, from Home Receipts. KoAllum or other drug used to lighten "or whiten our bread. Nothing but-good old fashioued Yeast, absolutely pure and whole some. 'Tca Cream, from Pure Cream far parties and Festivals. All kinds of Cake on taand. A, G. LOCKE. 19"An exchange says: "The laws of Kansas prohibit under penalty the burial of tbe body of any person who served In tbe union army. In the pot­ ter's field. The funeral expenses to the extent of fifty dollars of such as die in poverty are chargable upon the county. Kansas is about tbe only State to place suchtlaws on the statute books, fa fact It Is one of the fe States where- an overwhelming public sentiment in their favor makes such enactments possible.*1 Would that we could say likewise. We oan never pay the debs we owe these old soldiers, whom we most thank for onr pros­ perity and greatness, and whatever we can do we should do* Let the nball be vigorously pushed. s The delegation who met in con VMftlon at Elgin, June the first 1st probably represented tbe most unani mous constituency of any like class who bave assembled for years. From every voting precinct In every county In tbe district, there came but one TOlce. No one seemed to think of anyone bnt A. J. Hopkins as repre­ sentative it congress or tbe fifth dis­ trict, and yet so great'was the Interest, that eve y delagete elected was on band to raise his voice in acclaim for this popular favorite. It is a high compliment to Mr. Hopkins, that so Intelligent and wideawake a set of peop.e should unanimously wish htm to continue to represent them, and on the other hand the district does It- self honor In thus showing Its ap­ preciation of, bis ability and trust­ worthiness. In every place be has shown himself capable of doing the work set before him and has always done it--Sandwich Free Preu. MFSajs the Spirit of the Timet: "We bope tbe next Legislature will make It a penal offence to carry any other save the American flag in any prooesslon or demonstration in our midst* We are tired of seeing the American flag entwined with every foreign flag known to the vocabulary of tbe flags of all nations. What right has an American citizen to march un­ der any other but the AmeMcin flag ? If he is not an American citizen, let bim get back to the country represen­ ted by tbe flag under which he de­ lights to perambulate, and kick tbe oobble-stones to death." That's what. AV \/ '/ TO CURE RHEUMATISM This remedy has a specific action upon the fluids of tbe body, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating tbe Joints affected by tbe disease. No •tur «r Distorted Limbs remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince tbe most sceptical tbat we bave not toiq half its vir­ tues. Price tll.OO per bottle. For sale by aU druggists. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO.t CMKNOA. ILLINOIS' E. IAWLUS, HOLD THE FORT He makes Suits to ordes of the oest Cloths, Foreign or Demes­ ne. THE LOWEST PRICES 1 hat good Goods can be sold at s- > . u Rumors are coming from s Washington tbat Attorney General Garland Is at last to retire by reslg- t-1;; nation, apd tbat Allen G. Thurman is *o be his sucoessor. This Is the scbem e ^ toy which Mr. Cleveland Is no be white* . Washed for his connection with tbe ^"Electric scandal. The device 5" will not work. The president has ^ . thrown tbe mantle of executive pro- j > - tection around the attorney general *V.* defying public sentiment, during the Investigation, and refusing to respect ' v»he demand that tbe department of Justice should be lifted out of the mire Into whloh it has been dragged. Be has suffered his administration to Stocept the stain of the scandal and be ' used to demoralize the popular con f>. ; tcleuce and to strengthen tbe jobbers £ /' In their speculations on government ; Influence. When he could have done i something In behalf of political mor- M- ality, be refused to lift a finger, and be let the defenders of tbat cause light Its battles alone, and agalnat tbe whole Itfluence of his administration. The fact stands as an Indictment which •anaot be brushed away. r Tbe spirit of the trades unions appears to be as bitter against labor as against capstal. In Chicago they bave conspired to drive a few non-union workmen out of the city. These non­ union laborers are honestly striving to earn a living by working ten hours a day, and this Is the burden of their oflense. Tbe unionists say that they must come into the union* and work but eight hours a day, or be systemat­ ically harrassed until they are driven out. And yet this Is supposed to be a free country, HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. Ciive Me a* Call E. LAWLUS. McHenry. Jan. 19th, 1»86. OTaTE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry ^ • J - VTbe outcome of the Oregon elec tlon is somewhat peculiar. The Re­ publicans have elected Hermann for Congress, McBride, 8ecretarv of State. McElroy, Supt. Public schools, and Baker Slate Printer. The Democrats elected the Governor, State Treasurer and Judge of the Supreme Court. Had the Republicans pulled steady they could have elected tbe whole ticket. There were 2.775 prohibition votes cast In a total 54,954. Connty mcHenry County Circuit Court Louisa C.Gates, O>nservator of Wilson S. Ha'.t vs. Frank Waterman and Wilson S. Ilait. Bill. Public Notice is hereby given that in persu- ance ot decree of said Court entered in the above entitled cause, at its May Term, 1S86, I, A. B Coon, Master in Chancery or said county, will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on the farm herein after described, on the 23<l day of July 1886. at 1 o'clock p m., all the interest of ths said Wilson 8. ilait, in and to the following de scribed Ileal Estate, to-wit: The we^t half of the southeast quarter (SO of section number Ave (6); the northeast quar ter of the southeast quarter HO of the south west quarter (Jf). except 10 acres soil to Plusky; the northwest quarter (M) of the southeast quarter (M) excepting W acres sold to Fiuskv All in townshipniimberforty-iour (44;. north range eigiit (8) in said county. A'so lot number four (4) block number eighteen (18J and lots No 8- »--12 and twenty feet off the south si'leot lot number live (5) in block No. 19, in the village of McHenry, in said countv. The interest of said Wilson -4. Hait in said premises being owner infeeof two- tliiriis (&) part thereot, subject to the flower of the aiu L. C. Gales, as widow ot Nathan Halt deceased. Dated June 30, 1888. A. B. Coow, Master in Chancery for said McHenry Co. T, D, M CBFHY, Complainant's Solicitor. Also at the same time will be sold the por­ tion of the above larm belonging t > me in tee simple, in connection with thut portion be­ longing to Wilson 8, Hait, and a title in full given. Possession of farm given Nov. 1, 1886. Mas. L, C. GATES. I^The central part of this State was visited by a terrible hail and wind storm on Friday night last, re- suiting in the loss of life and property At Clifton and Clinton, windows and window blinds were broken, and in some Instances the aiding of buildings wss split by the hail stones. iCrops In tbat section are totally destroyed I corn being cat down as if with a 1 scythe. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of James Gracey, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of James Gracey. deceased, lute of the county of McHenry and •tate ot Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will uppear before the County Cour. of Mc Herry County, at the Court House In Wood- Stock, at the September term, on the third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All per­ sona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 'id day of July. A. D. 1886. JOHN H. GBACBT, Administrator. Sl-4w & O REMEMBER "Well, I've been all around and find that I can do better hcr9 than anywhere else. We wail I to aiiur the • • s w c RBfAT BARMS HOUSI IN MeHINItY. There i« bttfy irijf 41 .Mkk'. • u We guarentee to please every purchaser, both in quality and price of Goods. Wefaftfi-*' Dress Goods, In India Linen and Baptiste Cloth, fapcy, containing 12 yards of material and 9 yards of Em- bnfidery, from $1 25 to $5.75 per pattern. Overdress or Flouncing, Ecrue or White, 45 inches wide, at 95 cents a yard. ] Real Lisle Thread Hose, Mi, colors and sizes, at 25 cents pe$ pair. '; Biilhant Lisle Thread Hose, imported, in colors and black, at 50 cents per pair. Worth 80 cts. A well got up Suit - $1 New Hat - -H 5c to 75 c. Pair Shoes t -j - 1.25 Bolied Shirt |f - - .65 Good pair Suspenders » .00 Total I $6.15 Creat Bargains gs fe Jdst, i.-isSM.sfesj ~ > V P I In Ecrue and White, 7 inches wide, 16 cents per yard. Narrow­ er in proportion. Our stock o+ Lawns and White Goods is large and well selected. SEERSUCKER DRESS M, 32 inches wide, at 8 CENTS PER YARD. Ribbons and Fans all shades, styles and prices. ^ Our Clothing Department ir complete in every particular. Our $2.99 Sh.oo Is warranted by the manufac­ turers to be equal to any $5 shoe in the market. LIGHTNING AND MASON {At the lowest market prices GOOD ROCKFOBD FLOUB, $1.05 a Sack. Qood Vis* Cut Tobacco, For 25 cents per ponud. Good Smoking Tobacco 20 cents per pound. Barrel, Kiel Jtfl Ddirj Salt. 20 pounds good Dried Apples ̂ or Prunes for $ 1.00. Aud all other goods in propor­ tion. W hen you are in want ef any­ thing in our line call and see uaf We are sure we can save yon money. e can seu you a hand­ some suit ol Clothing this season cheaper than you can buy them in McHenry coun­ ty, Style and Quality con­ sidered! Does This Strike THIS IS 7^1 Our stock for style am quality is first chop. II you want a suit that fits you to the Queens taste, choice im­ ported goods, come and see us. "We can deal Dress SJiawls, P&rstsols, Fans, • -M4 White Goods, BWhPdldery, IN FACT » h s" : 'W- jpheaper this year ever. Lawns to close at 31-2 cents pef yar<|> Call, we will save you money and uarantee satisfaction. YOURS BONSL1TT * 8TOrPKU McUenr/, Joa« S1.U86. ' .rTf »

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