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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jul 1886, p. 5

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IflOlirO BOOTS* HfMI Utht ; n*er •Mnfer firso rotra. ilKM nger senger ESDAY, JULY 14. 1886, *<! Time Table. SU| Train* will ^Ulotu below: ....7:88 A. K ...12:45 r. It . <.S:» •« ... 4:31 " ....9-11 A, m ...10:10 " ... .4:48F. V _ S:67 » to tea ye Puingern. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry. Ill t Excursion. of tfi* Cemetery Aid jr lrtll give a Moonlight Excur- by Steamer to the Lakes, on lay evening next, July 30th, for feoeflt of the Cemetery. Fare trip, GOoeote. Tbla will be the oat pleat ant Excursion of the season. Id seem to as unnecessary r cltlaens to turn out and ft iliS 'ladies a rousing benefit on Ills o^tiloo. The money is needed put the Cemetery grounds In proper ipt, •nd all should be willing to lend (Mining hand In so good a. cause, he McBenry Cornet Baud will fur-, ith music, and some fine vocal musi ikay be expected. Remember the day and date, Tnes- y erening next, July 2dtb. I A LITTLK rata •ather Clerk. if you please, Mr |Tai Board of Supervisors «te In jmloa at Woodstock this week, I BIIIMBU theMooull<ht Excursion, ft* the benefit of the Cemetery, on [uesday evening next. \ FOB the beautifulBoquet that adorns lir desk we are under obligations to Irs. Joel Wheeler Thanks. f v : v •I \ P- ' •*v.̂ Ks is "# \ F. A. HEBAIID baa treated his build* ng to a coat of palot, on the outside, fhieh Improves Its appearance. ABB you going with the Excursion Milwaukee, Sunday June ttth.Only for the round trip. | If you wane a good lunch or a cup of {pffee, at anv hour of the day, go to ftocke's Bakery, near the Iron Bridge, T THB Universalis! Sunday School Alll hold a Picnic In Wheeler's Woods, jfk Thursday, (to-morrow.) They will, leet at the church at 16 o'clock A. MJ lA. DOCTOR says that whenever * per| sneezes be should take a drink of later and he will not take cold. Soma in would rather ehance the cold. 1 F- THESE are the day* when the farmer ! tis ties himself on the eight hour stem. Eight hours before dinner |nd eight hours after. The St stem In i great success In his case. Br Washington despatches we lea of the following new Postmasters a| pointed In this county during the p Week: Algonquin, John W. Adaraek.1 I ngwood, Miss. Frances Ingalls. GRAND Excursion to the Sangorfest,{ at Milwaukee, Sunday, July 26th Round trip only $2. Also one to Lake| Geneva Saturday next, Juty |17th. Rouud trip only 99 cents. Sei notice «lse where. PERSON %U KELTS*. of Chicago. Is village Miss Eui visiting with friends In this and vicinity. J. BAHZRI*. nf Chicago. spent a f««w diys last week with J. Kleilgen and family. A. L. PATTBRSOX and wife, «»f Chica­ go, »pent Sunday with friends In this village. Mns NETTIE TATLOR, of Belvldere. Is vlslilog with her mother in this village. I'ROF. 8. B. HDRSH and A. R. Murphy of Woodstock, were over tUhlng on Tuesday. JACOB BONSLETT and his sister. Mrs. Rowen. spent last week visiting rela­ tives at Appleton, Wis. JOBN W. PERRT, of Oreeofleld, Iowa, spent Sund ty with his brother, Jas. B. Perry, Esq., in ths village. •JOHN J. MUBPHT, of the First National Bank, Woodstock, was on our streets on Tuesday. MRS. T. F. COONKT and children, of Chicago, are spending the warm weather • among old friends, in this village. • ( Jos. MASQUELETT, of Chicago, for­ mer teacher at the Johnsjburgh school. Is spending a week with friends here Ashing at Fox Lake. THOMAS NOON AN, one of Chtetgo'S boss police .-nan. has been spending a tew days with friends in this village ^nd vicinity. »)i8s BERTHA HOLLISTER, who bat been on the sick list for ths past two weeks, Is rapidly Improving and will be around again a9 usual soon. LOVELL DRKSSER, of St. Louis, author of "Dresser's Drolleries,^ ac­ companied by a friend, made our sanctum a pleasant call this Wednes­ day morning. By the Steuben Signal, published at Hornesvlile. N. Y., we !earn that at the semi centennial anniversary of Alfred University, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy was conferred upon AsaW. &RHh, Esq., of this county. F Miss BATTIE STORY. Miss Amy Owen and Ml«s Lizzie Patterson, are In camp at pistauqua Bay under the name of the "Three Little Maids from School/ having named their pretty little camp "Tltipu. We all admire the line por­ traits of them which they exhibit near itlielr tent. /Rev. MRS. LTMAN STILSOK, from Jefferson. Iowa, Is visltilig McBenry for the first time and is a guest at th • Wheeler farm. Mrs. 8 was baptised by Rev. J. Wheeler 62 years ago In Greenville. N. B. Bas since been Mis­ sionary In Burtnah, Asia. She reports a great work now in progress among the Telugus, two thousand, two hun­ dred and twenty two converts, being immersed in one day by six native preacLers acting as administrators. THE handsome new house of Smith is fast approaching completion, and will be the handsomest residence In Town. ON Friday next h the day set for the ^hanging of the murderer Dacy, and unless the Governor again Interferes he will pav the penalty of his crime On that dav. Preparations are now being madu at Woodstock tor his exe- coti v . ^ IT'S safe to bet a merchant Is going m> the bad, If In the local paper you, fail to find his ad. But If lie1* always telling what he keeps te sell, you'll I tad Instead of failing, he's {always ] olng well. GRAND EXCURSION to Lake Gooeva, Saturday, July 17th. Round trip from IfcHenry only 90 cents. Tou can have jfp hours at this lamons resort. Leave pcHenry at 8:15 A. M. Leave Lake ftaneva at 7 30 p. H. Tickets for sale Iy Station Agent. IT the kindness of F. G. Mayes wo arts •ble to give the following school cen­ sus of this town: Number of males between 6 and 21 years 372. Number of females 338. Total number be­ tween 0 and 21 years, 710. Number of males under 21 years of age, 651. Num- iter of (etnaies 6;9. Total number of persons under 21 years of age 1080. Ir our lady readers wish to keep a boquet fresh, let tbem drop a table spoonful of powdered cbarooal Into-stte water Intended for the flower stalks and tbey will keep their freshness and perfume for sevgp*) days, and look and imell the saw* as those just gathered, y he «fc«rcoal settles at the bottom of SMvase and the water remains clfar. ^ Miss CABBIE GBIBLA, of Chicago, who Is boarding at t'te Riverside House, accidentaly shot herself in the foot with an air gun, one day last week, Drs. Fogers and Howard were tailed, and were obliged to cut the ball from the bottom of her foot. The wound was a severe and paln(ul one. but at present she is getting along WE re eel Ted through the Post office ft he following, which proves that Pietaqua Bay Camp ha< a Poet or a Poetess among them: We're in camp at Titlpu; Come anit aea us all of yon, And •< e'U thin it our oamp corap'ete x:M If you'll bring us something to eat. 4 . A FIIIHD or *'TaaaB LITTLE MA IDS.1* Titipu" Camp shall not go hungry, kven if we h*ve to take up a bunch of Inlons ourself. PREPARATIONS for the Old Settlers' ^Meeting, which Is to be held In this rlllage, Aug. 10th, Is progressing favor ably, and we hope to be able to give a full programme next week, Correspon­ dence is now being had with speakers, and as soon as definitely settled the Posters will be issued. No pains will be spared to make It one of the grand* est Ke-Unlon ever be Id by the Asso­ ciation. IT is said that adveriliers who un­ derstand their business advertise more heavily In the season of dull trade than In the season of lively trade. It Is the slow horse that needs the lash, not the fast one. The su ady goers are the successful advertisers. They build up a great business by keeping them­ selves before the public, summer and winter, and whether It rains or shines, or Is a frast day or Is a fast day.-- Printer's Ink U the life of trade, and Is the broad and sure way to pros peri ty. TED.--At the ve«l<lenee of his son-in-law, bert H. Mhtrburne, oil Friday. July <Hh« 1DK r& Colby,82 years. Mr. C<M%9 was one of the oldest set­ tlers In this town, and wa* a man high- y honored and respected by all who new him. He has held several offices f honor ai d trust In this town. He as the father of Hen ty, and C. Colby, t THE McBeily County Vottgbialt denies being the author of the slur on the PLAINDEALBK, of which we spoke last week, and lays It 06 on a corres­ pondent who It proposes to punish by seading bias the PLAINDEALER free frfe! the rest of his natural life. All flf^lt, Mr. Voitsblatt, we accept your apology and will do our share towards the punishment, but would suggest that you still retiln hltn on your sraff, for after reading the PLAINDEALKR carefully for a few months he will be much more competent to fill bis position, and will not, at the next cavalry parade, bf again left in the dust tn the rear. ITEMS that shout# be published are often left out ol local papers, from no other causes than that the editor fails to hear of them at all until they are old and moss covered. Quite oft<*n someone regrets that certain news Items were not In .{he |>a£er. So does the editor. A mlnlstifjfranted In some church news, but he d|||iiot want it In bad enough to go around and say so.-- Snme one has been away on a visit or has made some neat improvement, but does not think it worth while to noil* editor. 'A gentleman not long ago rsmarkftd that hi might come and ?o forever, but the paper would never mention it. The fact is, be Is a very clever gentleman when you meet him and draw biiu out, but he never comei to the office except when he comes to pay hla subscription. We aro glad that he comes that often, but an editor can never meution bUt nnless be happens to find out something. Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, Qood as now, never havlng been set *p but once. Will bo sola cheap. Inquire at this office. Tho MoHonry County Fair. It may sot bo necessary to Inform the many readers of the PLAINDBALR* that the outlook for the coming Fftlr Is far ahead of any prevloua year. Al­ ready we are receiving orders for re­ st-rved stalls in the sto<"k department hence you will see a fine exhibit of stock which goes so far tArard makiu; a fair successful. Our programme of attractions will excel any former year. The addresses will be such, and from those whom till ought to see and hear, that will create notice throughout the iMid. We have, as to Fair manage­ ment, made such arrangements for each day. that will fill In every hour, thus giving all a feast of pleasure. Wednes­ day will be Clitldr* n's Day. All under 16 years of age admitted free. Thurs­ day will be Old Soldier's Day. In honor »f tho«e who gave up all and went forward to protect the flag which all enjoy to-day. Friday. Old Settler's Dty, In memory to those who settled here when McBenry county was void ot Fair* and* many people; We owe much to the first settlers, henoe let all turn out and'do t lie in honor. Also let all old settlers come out and If they have badges w«ar tbem. You will see what a few years has accomplished In agtlculture, Hall, we say to the 34th annual Fair of McBenry County, the great fair of the West. Lincoln, Neb., July ft, KM. EDITOR PLAINDBAI.BR:-- thinking It would be a source of gratification to many of the McHenry school boys and girls of '68 and *70 to learn how ex­ tremely fortunate one of their former associates has recently been, I take pleasure In informing them that on Sunday. July 4tb, at the residence of acting official iu Lincoln. Nebraska, the Rev. Dr. Johnson, Pastofr of the Christian Church, united In the sacred bonds of matrimony, Mr. J. H Thurlwell and Mias 3ertrude Beeson. The Impressive ceremonies were wit­ nessed by a small compauy of friends knd relatives of the bride and groom. Alter the merited congratulations of the hour, tho party were driven to the B. A M. depot where the happy couple took passage for the West, After spending a few weeks upon the Pacific Slope, Johnnie and his bride will re­ turn to Lincoln and begin life In earn­ est in their new and elegant home but recently completed. That their brightest anticipations may be fully realised, and the glorious sunshine of forebearlng love, ever enable them to avoid the shoals and breakers along their voyage of life lathe wish of their many Nebraska friend-.especial­ ly so that of the writer wtto Is also a former McHenry School Boy. Tinkham's Excursion. From EUin to Lake Geneva, Satur­ day, July 17th, will stop at McH«*nry. Round trip only 90 cents. dollar will be charged on the train. Tickets for sale by the Station Agent. Leave MjHf nry at 8:15 A M., returning leave Lake Geneva at 7:30 R M. Free tables and excellent sprlug water at Kayes1 Perk lor those who carry their ltuiehes Remember yon have 10 uours at this famous resort. ALSO Grand Excursion to tho Sangerfest at Milwaukee, Sunday, July 25th. Round trip only 92.00. Pet sons wishing to return next day by way of Chicago can do paying 91 extra. REPORT of Creek Sehool for month ending July 3d. ^ Whole number enrolled .....24 No.days taught 22 Average daily attendance.....,^....20 Names if pupils not anient during the month: Alice Carey, Maud Carey. Beata Sweet, Louis Sweet, Clara Stevens, Chester Stevens. Willie Jack­ son, John Gerbracht. Absent only one half day, John Cole and Annie Cole. Those standing highest In written examination are, John Gerbracht 90, Beata 8weet 89, Clara Stevens, 83. LIBBIE HENDRICKS, Teacher. ALMOST every person bas tome form ot surululous poison latent In his veins. When ttiii poison develops In scrofu­ lous sores, ulcers, or eruptions, rneu- matisin, or orgauic dis«ases, the fuller­ ing is terrible. Hence the gratitude of those who discover that Ayer's Sarsaparllia will eradicate this evil. Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Expressly for the PLAIHDBALBB by Our Own Correapondent. CHICAGO, July 12, 1886 WINTER WHEAT-NO. 2 red 80;, No. 3 red 76. SPRING WHEAT--No. 2 78c; No.3 67@70c; No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 77 No. 1 hard (Duluth market) 77. CORN-NO. 2 36Je i No. 3 33@34. OATS-NO. 2 29}c; No. 3 by sample 29@31 $c; Barley Oats. RYE-- NO. 2 by «a nple, 56. BARLEY--NO. 2 By sample 42. TIMOTHY SEED--Poor to good, #1.70 @•2 01. FLAX-NO 1.91.10* CLOVER--Poor to choice, 95^005,60. BUCKWHEAT , BEANS--Uiiol * hand picked, 91.25 POTATOES--30@60e per bushel. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 14 to 15c; dairy to choice lOJo; common grade 6@10. EGGS--Fresh Northern. 12c. CHEESE--Toung America 7@8c; ful cream Cheddar 6; skimmed 3@4c. POULTBT--Chickens 11@13 Turkeys .8 C \TTLE--Good to extra shippers 95 20@*5 40; fair to chok* *4 30@*5.10; COIUUIOI. to good 93.9o@94.40; poor to ine<tium 93 7&O4.20; stackers #2.55(§ 93.30; feeders 93.10@#4.l0; Texans 92.60 @94 30. HOGS--Light weight 94 70@94.80 rough packing 94.6t)@§4 70; neavy packing and shipping 94 82J MIKKP--Common to choice 92 50@ 94 00. Bowery Dance at Volo. There will be a Bowery Dance at Volo, on Thursday eve. July 15th, to which all are cordially Invited. Music, Mugett's QU tdrilie Band, four pleoes. Tickets 50 cents. Refreshments will be served on the grounds for all who desire. Come out and have a good time, Nothing will be left uodone 10 make It pleasant for all. J. N, BARBVS. Proprietor* B biroa on the witness week in the which time in a very pi There is in oar Villxge, -- W a l l o r y w a s aa hoe# or more last er R. It. lawstti:. since •J»ad another relapse. He Is a state of health. Iy nothing to write about ¥he farmers are busy la the hay flelds. and oar basinesj men are either off flsntng or dosing aronnd town. The Ave year old son of Mr. Oleson, Jiving near the Old Clay son place, wa» bar le<1 last Snnday. Elder Conglon preached the fune­ ral sermon, and the H. £. Choir furnished the singing. In response to the call published in the PiMKDitiiR, and other county papers, the officers of the Veteran Association of the 95th III. Infantry, net at the Court House in Woodstock' on Saturday last,- to arrange for the 20th ananat re-unlon of survirors Of the Regiment. It |was derided to hold there - nuion at Marengo. Tbe}4th of September is tn day. that being the anniversary of the muster of the Regiment into the United States ser­ vice. That day is also the last day of the Marengo Fair, the management of which will give free tickets to. all in em bert of the Regi­ ment. There were present at the meeting, Col. Wm. Arery, Captains Stewart, Beekley and Ntsh, Lieutenants A. J. Boyington and M F. Ellsworth, Quartermaster G. S. South- worth. Sargents St, M. Goddard, Sanders and Sheriff Udell. A committee on arrangements composed of Marengo comrades was appoint* ed. Alki a committee on invitations, one from each Company as follows: Co. A, Lieut. A. J, Boyington, Oo. B, Maj. Chas Loop, Oo. C, Lieut Sam'l Cutter, Oo. D, Ctpt. J. B. Beck, ley, Co E. Oapt. John Eddy, Co, F. Licet, M. F, Ellsworth, Co. G, Robert Horan, Co. H, Sergt B. M, Gortdard, Co. I, Capt, Jas. Nish, Co. K, Capt. Skeliinger. Committee oa pro­ gram, Lieut. B., Quartermaster G. ft. South worth and Lieut. M. F. Ellsworth. It will be the aim of the different committees to make this the best re-unlon of the twenty since the war All old Soldiers will be made especially welcome, and thev will be guaran­ teed a good time. Especial pilns will be t-«ken to secure the attendance of comrades from a distance. Let til comrades resident In Mc­ Henry Ce, furnish the names and vldress of any comrades non resident, that they know ot to the member of committee on invitations most convenient to him. W. T. Hamilton's family horse and buggy were hitched to the post in front ef his store on Mond»y morn'ng, when a team drove up behind him. The horse backed 'the buggy in­ to the wagon, upsetting the buggy, breaking a thill and demoralizing the harness. The bbrse waa caught by the bystanders. Harvey Cox is fitting up his carriage team for a premium at the Fair, They are hard to beat. The American Bagle must feel htmselt aw. fully sore, about these days, after all the taffy he was made to swallow on the 3rd, tth and 5th Inst, Yet his representation "at the other end of the Capitol," goes right on ve­ toing pension Mils, and "Horizontal Morrison, wants to levy a special tax of some kind, to pay pensions with. If the famous old bird bad a reasonable comprehension of the eter­ nal fitness of thlngi, he ought to have "flown" to the mountains of Hepsidam, where the Lion roareth, and the Whandoodle kmourneth for her first bern; until after the 'turning out of the rascals.' This portion of the vineyard needs rain very badly. Vegetation curls all up in the mi Idle of the day Late potatoes will be a smill crop unless It rains soon. Small gratia will be very short of straw, and the berry not half Sited, HEBRON. EDITOB PLAINDBALKB:--Quiet reigns slnoe the fourth. Charlie Brown is home from Chica­ go for a short vacation, A party from here camped at Geneva Lake the la»t of the week. The 8ons of Temperance have Ice Cream from Kenosha every Saturday night, at Union Hall. Frank Millis* mother,from St. Louis, Mo.. Is making him a prolonged visit. Mr. George Colburn, accidentally fell from the ladder of a hay rack Saturday breaking two of his ribs. The married and unmarried men play a game of base ball in the near future for a purse of ten dollars, E. T. ifteWes has engaged a new clerk. <The smiling counten tnce of C. A. Stanton may be seen behind the counter. Mr. Whiting, tn old and respected citizen of Bloomdeld. and well known to many In Hebron, fell dead upon the street at Geneva Lake on Friday last. of Items ot Interest, The Sole durvivor~-The"upp*r' an old shoe." 'All sunshine makes the desert." says an Arab proverb. In boarding-school parlance'* A stlch in time aaves nine" is now rendered-- MThe first impression of aueedle upon a rent obviates s olne-fold introduc­ tion." Piso's Remedy for Catarrh bas done Miss R. A. Mtudley, of Cornwall Bridge, Conn M Huore good tbau any­ thing she ever tried for that trouble before. "There's some things as old as the hills anyhow," said old uncle Reuben. "What are they? asked bis niece •'They're the valleys between 'em. child," solemnly answered the old nan. Adolpb Trlppel. of Salem, N. J. be­ lieves "that If It baden't been for Pico's Cure for Consumption his two children would have died from Croup and whooping Cough. To the editor <»f a Chicago piper a farmer writes--"Dear Boy,--I saw In a paper that a Western farmer plant­ ed flax with potatoes and it kept the beetles oil. I planted flax with pota­ toes, and the flax came up first, and the beetles roosted on It, waiting for the potatoes to come up. Could you give me the address of that Western far­ mer, that I may call upon him?" MA year ago ifst September I caught a severcrtfiold. It settled on myfliungs, add I have bad a bad cough uutll a month ago, when I was induced to try Piso's Cure, for Consumption. I have taken Your bottles, which worked like a charm. My cough has left tnd ^ '°lt my old self again. I ha J been under a physician's treat­ ment, but receiving little benefit therefrom."--Mrs. S. E. SANDS, 171 Broadway, Newburg, N. Y. To most children the bare sugges­ tion of a dose of castor oil is nauseat­ ing. When physic Is necessarv i»r the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills They ombine every essential and val­ uable principal of a eathartic medicine and, being sugar coated, are easily taken. Look at the eboioe^Candies at Bes- loy's Drug Store, West ̂ Snd, ALGONQUIN* EDITOR PLAIHDBALBR:--Our Fourth of July Celebration, on Monday of last week, was a grand success. The people began to assemble about 9 o'clock. At »:3C the Dundee Cornet Band arrived and marched down Main Street, delighting the people with their choice music. The next on the programme was the procession of Horribles, numbering about 5") characters, which were pronounced by com petent judges to be the best in get up they had ever witnessed. We always supposed until now that the Devil beat everything, bnt it waa proven that his Satanic Majesty was no where besido a Mooly Calt and a Bag Baby At I0:3S the'procession started from in front of the school bouse, led by the Band. Next ^came the cat drawn by four gray horses, whieh contained 39 ybung ladies to represent the States and the Goddess of Liberty, which was driven by Uncle Sam In uniform. They were all appropriately attired, aSm young lady carrying a Japanese parasol. We must admit it was the best representation of the states we ever witnessed. Next|came Presi­ dent of the Day, W. A. Nason, Orator and Chaplin, in carriage, followed by the Proces­ sion, which was fullv one mile long. Arriving at tbe grove, where a fine stand had been erected, the following programme was carried out: Music by the Band. Prayer by the Chaplin, A. H. Dodd. Song, Bed, White and Blue, by the Choi*. Rffcdlng of the Declaration of lade|MBde n ce Miss Mary Adamek Music by the Band. . ^ . OrslioB by 1J. B SherWtMi ' Song, America, by Company. - Benediction by .Chaplin. Then all made a break for thelr lunch bas­ kets, where it is supposed ample justice was done. After dinner came the games which were well contested, each victorious contest­ ant receiving his reward in hard cash to the satisfaction of ail present, ltlhen being 4 o'clock the people began to disperse to pre- pare for the evening's amusements. A plat, form had been erected in H. B. Hubbard's field, in the river flat, for the accommodation ef the committee on flreworkst At 7:30 the crowd began to assemble again, and at 8:30 began ths display of fireworks which was pronounced by those present as being the finest ever witnessed In this section. It was, estimated that there were over3>KK> people here during the day. and |we should judge there was nearly as nany In the evening. We would make a few comments. The era. tion by D B. Sherwood, was well received. It woald be commonplace to say It was good Also the Dundee Cornet Band gave us some very fine music during the day and evening. They well earned their honors. Great credit is also due the committees as a whole, for the able manner in which they carried the thing through. There being over 3000 people pres ent, from al; parts of the country, still there was not the least disturbance If there were any t^ft had too much beer they kept it to themselves. Taken all in all the celebration ot July 4th, 1886, Algonquin can well be pooud It was a credit to the town. And furthermore we must not forget that it re quired means to accomplish theabove results. All our leading citizens, with very few ex. ceptions, encouraged the affair with liberal subscriptions and sympathy, The Dance Platform was tastily attired In a new awning and lit up with Chinese Lanters, 5S numbers befiig sold, enough to make a nice little party and all went merry as t marriage l>el' until daylight reminded them that the 4ih was over, and soon the sound of revelry was hush­ ed aud peace reigned onre more. J. Van 8lyke of the 1'LAIHDBAT.BR took a peep at our celebration ou Monday of last « oek. Mr, and Mrs. E. Batch, of Elgin, were the guests of Wm. Morton last week. Mr. and Mre, J. Bin.nlt*, a id little daughter Llllie, spent the 4th here with Mr. and Mis E. A. Ford. Mrs, Argard and two daughters, of Eau Clare, Wis., are the guests of C. Wandracki Miss Nellie Wandrack, of Elgin, fepenta few days here last woek. F. D. Ooltrln, of Chicago, was in town a few days Inst week, Jim Tlbets and Mike Donnelly have return ed home from their trip to California. Mr. rnd Mrs. Robiuson, of Detroit, Mich, visited here with J. A. Sherwood last week. Mrs, A. McKay, of Chic.,go, is visiting here With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Doi*. Mrs Bigelow aud hor son Henry returned home on Saturday after a legthy (visit abroad Mr. A. D'dg Is having a row of piles driven in front of his dam and we should judge by the way he Is going at ft, he intends making a permanent job of It this time. Miss Suoie Ayer, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with the fainilv of 0 E. Chapel 1. Dundee was pretty well represented he,e on Sunday last. It must be that we have better looking girls here than at Dundee How is it boys. Sealed Proposals, Will be received at the office of J. Van Slyke, Village Clerk, of the village of McHenry, until July 16th. 1886, for the digging of Four Wells. 8 .id wells to be located as follows: Two on tne South side of Main Street, in West McHenry.between the Depot and the Parker House. And one on the corner opposite Jobn Blake's Furniture Store, and one near the Public Square. Kaid Wells to be 5 feet in the clear, excluding brick. The contracting parties to furnish everything except Pumps. The Job to be let at so much per foot. The contracting parties to guarantee the wells to throw a two Inch stream of water for five hours. T ie committee reserve the right to reject any and all bids. GEO. ROTHRRMEL K, A HOWARD, W. A. CRIBTT, Committee. BANANAS, choice Confectionery, etc.. at Lock's Bakerv. BBEAD. Cakes and Pies at Lock's Home Bakery, Gille*' Block. Ladies Gloves aad Mitts at Perry & Owens'. Buggy for Sate, The undersigned has a good single Buggy for sale. Is as good as new. Will be sold cheap. ALBANY FBSTT. For Sale. A house and lot in this village. Is well located, the house new, having been built last season, and is a very desirable piece of property. Will be sold cheap If Applied for song. Will give posaession at once. For further particulars inquire at this office. Short Horn Bulls for Sale. The undersigned has for sale full blood Shore Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap. Call ou or address FRANK COLK. One mile East ol Spring Grove. April 34,1886. Extra fine, jat black, all wool, patent seam Jerseys, only 90cents. Extra fine, jet black, all wool, patent seam, coat hack Jerseys only fl.iO. Extra fine, jet black, all wool, patent senm and richlv braided coat back Jerseys, only 91.23. Very fine vest front, plain black Jerseys, $1.90. 13J Inch Ecrue and Cream Lace only 19 cents wortn 60 cents. BONSLKTT * STOFFBU L«tter from Bath, N. T. BAT|, N. Y., July 8th, 1SS8. DEAR PLAINDEALBB:--Having un­ dergone and suffered much from dust and heat, and my time being devoted to greeting old time friends by "scores and by dozens" 1 have allowed my thoughts of old McHenry to fall Into that state where President Cleveland consigned tbe civil service. Tbe ooot wave lias reached ns and the tempera* ture is endurable, but the dusty roads are a terror to eyes aod dress. My time at Alfred University was very ag eeably spent with many old time fellow students who In days of yore were lellow recipients of favors and honors conferred by our Almamater and who like myself have not been for* gotten in the distribution of honorary degrees at this her semi-centennial commencement. May an old looldent was made to pass before my view as a panorama and I am glad to have been present and once more as in other days contributed my mite to the entertain­ ment. " I am. now enjoying the hospi­ tality of Dr. Dolson whose wife is my sister and like her husband a prac­ titioner in the healing art in this beautiful town of Bath, nestling among •the hills of Old Steuben where is loca. ted the New York State Soldiers and Sailo rs Home of which institution Dr. Dolson is surgeon. I with my two nieces Misses Carrie and Mary Falkner formerly of Woodstock, accompanied tlife Dr. on his this morning's visit and titer his duties as surgeon were dis­ charged we were courteously shown by him through the wards, cellars klfhen, dining room, baking room, wash room, drying room, bath room. etc.. all of which we found in perfeet order and the Inmates have reason to congratu­ late themselves that the great state of New York has not forgotten their pa triotic services in her time of sorest need and is now able and willing to furnish a home of comfort to ail with­ in her borders who are in need aod once did wear the blue, Tbe Home Is located a mile, more or less above the town on the Conhocton river. Tbe grounds are beautified by lawns, vege­ table and flower gardens, sbady groves, fountains and boulevards, which, with beautiful substantial buildings,present an attractive view, and Inviting scenes iunilfchlng abundant thought fool to the reflective mind. By oourtesy of Hon. Reuben Roby, Secretary of the Hieuben Agricultural Society, I was shown over the Fair Grounds of the society. The trark Is one half mlfe and with .ts judges stand, amphitheatre ajid home stretch Is situated *o nearly like our own that either might be said to have heen patterned from the other Tti» office building consists of Presl* dent's, Secretary s and Treasurer's office, all so c nveniently arranged as to arou*e a hope that . some time In the near future we might be as well supplied. . The halls are made mor* extensive than ours and the stalls as well. One attractive feature was the commodious log cabin built by a fund r ilsed by selling rights to have the name of t h>> contributor pi teed upon the inner wall, The' arrange uients of tbe building were much af er the style ol our fathers cablo In the olden time, a door at either side, bung on woolen hinges, wlih wooden latch and "the latch string always on the tmUside."" The tire place without, jams supplied with wood, trammel and hooks and a place lu the chimney to place a«ay the pipe when not in use. On tbe outside is the well, curb-sweep, and "tbe Old Oak»n Bucket that hung iu the well.*' This building is used tor a resort for old people and storage for relics, such as spiuning wheels, an tique desks, swords, pistols, valises, old hull ploughs with wooden mould boards, &c., Ae. I spent tbe 4tb (3d) at Woodhull, In south part of Steuben County, and lis* tened to an instructive, able and pleas* ing address by the Hon. E. O, Baker, of Corulug, who Is spoken of as a rls ing star in the political horizon. And while his sddress was entirely non partisan, such speech Is certainly war rantable. To-morrow, with a party of friends, I hope to embark on the Steamer Holmes on Lake Keuka, to visit friends at Wayne. This beautiful Lake Ilea among the 7lne-clad hills of Ibe Steu­ ben county wine oeliars. The time is short before our Old Settlers' Re-Union and our Fair, and I hope the "boomc ang" will call forth an enthusiasm that will push on to "fortune" those Institutions we so much love. I have not finished my circuit, but expect to greet mjf^many western friends In time to make up in part for my vacation. It has been very dry and hot here. Crops are thirsting for rain and except winter grain gener. ally light. Far seen -ry I enjoy the hills, but for farming the prairies suit me better. A. W. S. E. M. Owen & Son received seven ot the celebrated fiureka 6 aod 7 foot put Mowers one day la*t week. Wanted. Reliable and energetic men 19 tell all kinds of n irsery good*. New and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light and easily leanied. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and ex •onses and iri ve steady employment. First class references required. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. A Co„ Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota, For Sale* In the vlliage of McHenry. a house and five lots. The owner wishing to build on land owned bv him outside of the corporation will sell very low. The hou«e has been newly painted throughout, contains fmr rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets In the second story. There is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small fruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. VV ill be sold cheap If applied f ir soon. For further particulars inquire al tbis office. Also twenty acres of good land near (be corporation. Will be sold chaap. City relidei W. Smith, Everything in the bottom figures, at 8. Celluloid Sets, CIIL fore, at G. W. Besley Fine Scrap Books ouly tlS at G. Besley'a, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 30 cenls^al W. Besley's, West Side, Hampoocks and Lap Robes, a, good stock, at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Fruits, Nuts and Candies, largest as* sortment In town, at Perry & Owen's. Good Rock fori! Flour only fl.25 sack at Bonslett A Stoftel's. per Best Smoking Tobacco pound at Perry A Owen's. at 99 oents , Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Bonslett A Stoflel, West Mc­ Henry, III. Knowlton. Standird, Manny. Crown Eureka. Crawford and. New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, and In price from 946 to 990. The best assortment of Data, either Felt, Wool, or straw, to be found in town, at Bonslett A *toflel's. Lace Certains, Tidies, Lamberkins, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. C. H. Fargo's Box fip shoes at slett A Stoflel's. Bon Remember that L. W. Nichols, Jr the West McHenry Jeweler, does at* kinds of repairing In his line and guarantees perfect satisfaction. Parsols and Fans at Perrjr A o^ens DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol- lab. tbe finest thing in the market, at Besley's Drug Store. Bealey's Famut Waukegan- Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonalett's, A. En- glen's and Jobn Helmer's. IF you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel st Besley's Drug Store. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at tbe lowest Chicago prices. BBSLBT'S Ale and Porter is the beat made, on draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonalett's, A. Englen's. and John Helmer's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prloea than any other store In McHenry. Mm. M. SdHOKAOBiat. If yon want to your Buggy for y's £>] Besley'i learn how to Paint One Dollar, call at rug Store, West End. Call for the * Winning Stroke**, a new Biand of five cent Cigars, manafactur- ed by Barblan Bros. It beats them all. L. W. Nichols, Jr. the Jeweler, tb West McHenrv. does not m ike a speciality of CHRAP WORK, but has for ids motto, "Promptness and good work. Carriages fully war Owen A Stylist^ and Veftts Stoflel's. Steel framed Plows, and Minneapolis Binders which by their work have proven the best, are at E, M. Owen A Son. Try our warren ted Badger State Overalls, Jackets and Shirts. BoNSLrrr A STOFFBL. Ladles and Gentlemen's Summer Underwear at Bnn*l«tt & Stoflel's. Don't forget the Eureka 6 foot Mow­ er at E. M. Owen A >on. You can cot 1 more and cure It ready to pot in the barn right out of the swath. No use for Tedders. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, For Sale. I offer for sale my Farm of 110- acres, situated 3 miles from Rlemhond, known as the old Newcombe Farm; one half mile from school house, and with a living spring running through It, MAJOBXTC Richmond. March 17. 1886. iOBLB. House and Lot For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. Con­ tains 19 Room*. Also a Barn, Wood­ shed aud other outbuildings, well, cistern, etc., on the premises. With* in twenty rods ot Depot. Good Garden, Apple Trees, etc. Price 91000. For terms and other particu lars Inquire of WBSLBY LADD, Ringwood, March 5th, 1889. 34-6 month*. for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his residence, and two acres of land, situa­ ted in the village or Ringwood. la well located, in good repair and on the premises are ail kinds of small fruit, all in a healthy and bearing condition. It is, with all. a very desirable piece of property. Good barn and outbuildings For terms and other particulars call on the undersigned on tbe premise*. WM. LANOHAM, Ringwood, March 9th, 1886. Cows! Cows! Cows! ALDEN, III , Feb. tth, KMC C* DicMmon Sbn, Barrmgton, Jit. : DEAR i*iu:--Please send my by exf press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, got one ot my neighbors to try )t< cow that was almost dead with fever and it cured her. It Is a i thing. E. S. Si For sale by al! Druggists. Ageats Wanted! VOB THS OBEAT-PS# BOOK, •Tho World's W«nd«m> Baal* The most mceesuul subscription book < published. Over half a million cvpies KWI ) Iht past eight months, aud it is selltnf " times a® rast BOW .IS ever before. eanvnasers clear from #13 to (40 aMt Iter da<-. Nothing like it was ever knOWaTtK^ the history of book wutslishmg. Pro-,A fr«9 on apptioa&m. No ex|»erieuee newtoi MS; insare aueeeaa. We help person* wlthMt^ mean* to do a lar<e business; no capital i ed. Write far martini lure. &il<tries §m teed to per MM* who &£® to m miMtoxh We mesa l>uimie»«, ami wut I agents in every towndnp. It will cum nothing to write !ur i^nns aod full tion* or oar plans of doing butineM. We i givt away tkHodarti book* U> portoos who i ua name* « book agents. Write lorourl •f Aree staadaru book*. Rmoucii. ruuittiiN Oa M * 411M. Third dur*e«, ftk LMU.1I, ST-Sw, •rSV mailto:93.9o@94.40

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