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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1886, p. 5

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y fir; KPN E8 DAY, AUGUST 4. 18W. Railroad Time Table. 'WfOn and after Monday, June Si.) Train* will *fjMa McHenry Miation as below: ^ OOIMQ SOUTH* V. Uk6ti)MT»P»«ttllgW ....7:38 A. II Lake Geneva Express „.8:25 " Lake Qeaeva Freight .12:45 r. K like Geneva Passenger ,.S:96 " take Geneva Passenger. ....5:31 " OOI *<> SI>BT(L. Lake Geneva PreiRht j'U A. a Lake Geneva Passenger 10:«0 " * Lake Geneva Passenger 10:10 " Lake Geneva Express ,(:48P. H Lake Geneva Pasaenrer.....;. .6:67 " * stops only to leave Passengers. B. BUM. Agent. £ McHfenrv. Ill Moonlight Excursion- The Ladles of the Cemetery Aid Society will give a MoonlUht Excur­ sion by Steamer to the Lakes, on Wednesday evening next, Aug. 11th, for the benefit of the Cemetery. Fare round trip, 60 cents Tliln will be the Boat pleasant Excursion of the season. FBR80N4U Jen* C. SMITH, of Rlelimond, was on our streets an Thursday last. J. J. VASRY and wife returned from their visit to Mini.e^ota last week. STEPHEN RAYMOND srarted on Tues­ day for a trip through Kansas. Miss EMMA GREGORY Is spending her vacation with her parents, in this Tillage. H. L. ROUNDS and' wife and E. Ellsworth and wife, haw . been camp­ ing at Pistaqua Lake, this week. JOHN SHORT and E. A. Stone, of Woodstock, were on our streets on Monday. JOHN RAAB, of Bartlett Station, Kane County, was the guest of Geo. Rosenberger and family last week. A.N.TRIPP and wife, of Belvldere, are visiting with Mrs. Tripp's mother. Mrs. L. Stodard, In this village. JACOB STORY, started on Tuesday, for a trip through Kansas. He expects to be gone about four weeks. MISSES HATTIE aod Mattie Smith are speddlng this week with friends in end it would seem to us unnec*ssary£to arge our citizens to turn out and give 9^r*>arl[« the ladies a rousing benefit on this oc- Jy FRANK MCOMBBK, 'Earl Mead, Miss easlon. The money Is needed to put ~ " tbe Cemetery grounds In proper shape and all should be willing to lend a helping hand iu so good a cause. The McHenry Cornet Band will furnish Music, and some line vocal maslo may bt expected. Remember the day and date, Wed­ nesday evening next. August 11th. Iff will be nu postponement this MRS. JOHN 1. STORY, Pres. Cora McOuiber and Miss Effie Gilbert .are spending this week at "Camp >^ltipu." Pistaqua Bay. MR. AND MRS. EVAKS and family, of Chicago, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. - Brown aod Mr. and Mrs. Knight, at their cottage at Pistaqua Bay, during the last week. ^WANTED, a few dozen of Spring l^i'ckens, at the Rlversidi House. * SEE the new advertisement of Bon* sfett A Stofiel, In another column, JHAHVEST PARTY, at the Riverside , Aug. 19(h, Oid Settlers Day. uslc, Preston's Full Or^h^stra, ,A lady In this village wishes MS to eavertlse for a circus. So we say bring on your show and we will guarantee an fpdleuce. '%(are nuder obligations to Miss Hdlth Carpenter for the handsomest Boquet tliat has graoed our desk this Mason. Thanks. * OB. M. OWEN, of this village, has been '}. Unpointed by Governor Oglesby dele • gate from this District to ihe farmers National Congress, at St. Paul. G THE first cucumbers of the season at a Bishops Factory were taken in on I Monday. Tbe crop, on account of the %dry weather, is bound to be short. REMEMBER the Moonlight Excursion to the Lakes, for the benefit of the ©smetry Aid Society, on Wednesday . .jffening of next week, Aug. 11th GRAND Harvest Party will be given at tbe fl'verside House. August 19th, Old Settlers Day. Music. Preston's full Orchestra. ^^FATLOR BROS,, who are~ diggings I at Atown well on the west SfdfcJ TouncT One [O.1 / day last week, eighteen feet below the I surface. In solid clay, a sound piece of I Cedar wood. The question Is how did \jlt corns there? Wi learn that A. A. Sherman, of . Blcbmond, bung himself at nls resi­ dence, In that village, on Saturdaj night last. We have not learnet' further particulars, only by rumor, and therefore forbear comment. CHE many friends of John Wight man, of Cbenoa, 111-, will be sorry to learn that his store and goods were* entirely destroyed by fire one dav last week. He was only partially Insured md his loss is consequently heavy. ^THE Northwestern Railroad ny have been Introducing new acconi­ dations In the way of accomodation ckets. Thirty ride family tickets ave been withdrawn, and ten ride amily tickets taking their place at he same rate per ride, and Indlvld-ial twenty live ride tickets are uow issued at the same rate per ride as has previ­ ously been charged for 100 ride tickets While this arrangement does not materially reduce'the rates, It provides for tbe purchase ol ten and twenty Ave r<de tickets at the rates which have heretofore been charged for 30 £nd 100 ride tickets. it #K. BISHOP has Just put Into his Mill n new feed Grinding Machine, that has m the capacity of grinding eighty bushels I of feed per hour. Mr. Bishop Is con- I stantly making new Improvements, 1 and his facilities are second to no Mill lii the North* west. DR. C E. WILLIAMS, Dentist, will be •t the Parker Honse, on the 36th. Inst, as usual, ready to attend to all who may wish anythlug in Ills line. He has been absent in the West, but will •sake his visits - regularly hereafter on *• 10th and 36th. of each month. GRAND EXCURSION to i>evils Lake, Saturday, August 14. Round trip only •3 .60. Leave Crystal Lake 7:62 A. M.. Rldgefleld 8 A. M„ Woodstock 8:12 A. M. Beach Madison 11:16 A. M., De Us Lake 13:16 P.M. Returning, leave Devils Dake6:30p. M.. Madison 7:30, GOVERNOR OGLBSBT. of Illinois. Governor Rude and Ex-Governor Falrcbltd, of Whoonsi n, are among the speakers who are expected to be pres­ ent at the Grand Army re-union at Jjake Geneva September 1. 2 and 3. The people of that place anticipate a large gathering of old soldiers from both states. An exchange remarks: There does teem to be a diBerence In men, We'v- "|jeeu a man at a ball match, when one \ of the players has called out 4,Judge- | went," stand up on his seat, wave his $at and yell like a hyeua; but the next •^ay when the minister has made use of $be same magic word he has continued lo sleep on as peacefully as a dead eblcken in a warm pot pie. •'OH, the hog, tbe beautiful hog curling his tail as he watches the dog E flefying the law for his bread and | |)aeat; roaming at large through every street, bunting, grouting, nosing ground,'til the open gate is sure to be |otind, with tbe hinges broken and tuined quite, by the lovers who bug *• fhere Sunday night; It won't stay shut. If \ |t won't hang level: In walks the hog I - f i n d r a i s e s t h e v e r y m i s c h i e f w i t h - the garden, flower bed and other \ things."--JEe. We Invito Tea drinkers that pay . fub to try our New Jap Tea, this Reasons crop. Cash prloe 60 cents per j£v |iound. F1TX81MMMOS 4k E VAN SON. , ' ' THF Woodstock correspondent of the Harvard Independent, says: "The idea that Slierifl Udell llltreated Dacy is periectly absurd There is not one man in a thousand that would have had tbe patience and forbearance to have dealt with tbe condemned mur­ derer as did our Sheriff. Dacy was a bad man to deal with, and Mr. Udell from first to last treated him far better than be deserved, and much better than would those few who are chroulc fault-finders and continuilly minding business that is not their own We have taken pains to inquire into this matter from the start aud paraou- ally as to the aoove." RACES, on Thursday Aug. 12th, 1886. at the Libertyvllle track. Liberty* ville, Illinois. ^ Mitch Race between the celebrated Stallionsf '•Comanche," and * George for a Purse of 1400. This race will be called promptly at 1 o'clock. Three Minute Race. I'prae 940. Twenty to Aral, Thirteen to second and 7 to Third; Runt ing Purse 940. Twenty to first. Thirteen to second and Seven to third Half mile heats best two in three. 2:46 Race, Puree 960, Thirty to first. Fifteen ta second, Ten to thirl and Five to fourth. Trotting mile heats, best three , in five to Harness. There will also be a Glass Ball Shoot. Admission, 26 cents. ANYBODY can soil the reputation of an individual, however pure and chaste, by uttering a suspicion that his enemies will believe and his frlende never bear of. A puff of Idle wind takes away a million of the seed of a thistle, and does a work of mischief that the husbandman mus*. labor long to undo, the floating particles being too flne to be seen and too light to be stopped. Such are the seeds of slander so easily sown, so difficult to be gath­ ered up, and yet so pernlc'ous in their fruits. The slanderer knows that many a mind will catch up the. plague and become poisioned by his Insinuations without ever seeking the an'tdote. No reputatien can refute a sneer, nor any human skill prevent tbe mischief.-- Ex. EVERT few days we are reminded how many of our business men are being humbugged by snide advertise ing mediums. The snide starts out by promising almost an unlimited l*sue of his sheet, when In fact, the adver­ tiser would have a hard time to'find one in the houses of our people. Many business men who pay money for this kind of advertising, will tell the pub­ lisher of a re<u kfly issued newspaper, with a bonaftde subscription, that goes right into tbe homes of our people, that he cannot afford to advertise, or that the rates are hlgn, at the same time lie is throwing away bii monev on the aforesaid snide concern. While we feel it a duty to c>ll attention to this state of aflairs, not on the score of any lack of advertising patronage felt by the PLAINDEALEK, for a reference to our columns wdl offset auy charge of this kind, but simply because we see our business men being Imposed upon. If these advertisers will but follow up tbe matter--Investigate for themselves--no snide will ever be able to humbug them In the future, and then chuckle over the amart trick he has played on them, as he pockets the money for which he has rendered no adequate equivolent. ... OLD SETTLERS* DANClfc There will be an Old Settlers' Dance, at Grand Hall. Parker House, on Thurs day evening, August 19th, Muslo, Slocum s Orchestra. All are cordially lovltod. Tlckots will be Issued In due time. TT. PABKBR. Proprietor. Taloottand Conw*V Coneofi A concert sill be given at the M* K. Church, McHenry, on Tuesday even­ ing. Aug. 191886. In the musical inter­ est of the M. E. Church. ' This concert will b» given bv Professors K. D. Talcott mid Conway, graduates of the nuift cal department of the Northern Indiana Normal<Sdhool, and gentlemeu of superior talent, fine culture, and wide reputatlou. As a vocalist Prof. Talcctt is rarely equaled. He has re* celved the highest encomiums from the press wherever be has sung. Prof. Conway Is one of the flneal Pianists of this country. With great natural ability, and years of persistent prac­ tice under the very best Instruction he has attaiued an enviable standing among pianist. The committee have secured a flne Emerson Piano for the occasion and all loveis of music mty expect tlds to be a grand concert. Remember the Talcott aud Conway Conoert at tbe M E. chusch Tuesday Aug. 20 1886. Admission 35 oeo'.s. Children tinder 13, 10 cents. Br ORBBB MUSICAL oomtfTTBB. AT a meeting of'the Committee of Arrangements for the Old Settlets Meeting, held on Monday last, the following sub Com nittees were ap­ pointed. Oa 8peakers Stand. Seats,eto.--W. H. Ford. » On Decorating Speakers Stand--Mrs. E. J. Hanly, Mrs. J. I. Story Mrs M. A. Howell. Mrs. Julia Bishop, Mrs. Geo. W. Besley. On Meals for Bands--John I. Storv. On Amusements--Allen - Walsh, Goo. W. Owen, H. H. Nichols. On Vocal Musi j--I, N. Mead. Mrs. E. J. Hanly, Mr, arid Mrs. T.J. Walsh. THE McHenry County Fair will suc­ ceed I,i gtrinirall who attend it a rich treat. The McHenry County Fair will ex- eel all others In making you feel at home. The McHenry County Fair will keep you busy from early morn tlH late at night In keeping up with Its pro gramme. The McHenry County Fair does not disappoint you. Its programme is al ways carried out. All otn vouch for Its truthfulness. Let all give lb extra assistance this year to make up for what It lost last season from rain. Encourage tnose who labor hard for itssuscess. It is youvs as much as theirs. In short be ready to attend the fair. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec'y. THE Managers an I Agents of the Mutual Reserve continue to give un­ mistakable evidotice that they are thotoogh'y tn earnest and that they are determined that the superior ad­ vantages of our plans and aystem shall be intel'igently made known to the public, During the past week, from July 19th to the 26th. one million four hundred and eighty four thousand dollars In N*w Business, was received at the Howe Office. --. During tbe past week the Hon. Henry Kelmun I, superintendent of the Insurance Department of Ohio, assisteJ by the book-keeper and ex­ perts whom he brought with him, has been examining the condition of our Association; he reports to our Presi­ dent, Mr. E B. Harper, that In all of his examinations of Life Insurance Companies, he has never found Oi>e so thoroughly, systematically and more carefully conducted in each and every Department than is the Mutual Re­ serve ; that the accounts and books are correct in every respect, and that the Association has a surplus over and above all liabilities of 91.061,430,03. J. R. Heverns, the local agent in this couity, Is still on deck, ready to take your applications. EDITOR PLAINUBALBR:-^ your issue of last week there appears an article "To the Public.*' censuring me tor having all to do >*ith making the prlca of tickets for the 4tb of July parties. This I claim is false, and 1 deny tbe whole charge. 1 was not In the dancing business, and had no In* terest in the party whatever. 1 ad nit meeting Mr. Ford and having some talk at out tbe pariet, and well re­ member his saying that two dollars was altogether too cheap tor a 4th, of July Party and furnish the music he had to, and I told him I (bought there would 6e no trouble of arranging the' price with Mr. Parker, It aipear* that afterwards he sent his clerk over to the Parker House to sea if the price could be fixed at 93.60. W. Parker agreeing with him to sell the tickets at that price. Now If Mr. F. Is sick of his bargain, I can't see who is to biaine but himself. He says that they were sold at all prices at the Parker House. Now If there is one thing I do kuow about It Is what the tickets were sold sor, as I sold them myself. There was not one sold for less than 92,60. There were no compllmentaries. nor were theie any giveu away to parties if they would iofiuenoe their friends to come with them. And that isn't all I didn't have to register the names of all the help In tbe bouse and then multiply tbe whole number by two to be able to show up 106 N is. sold as he did, but Instead sold 160 tickets. Not a man even asked me to take a cent less, and if Mr. F. will bring me a man who bought a full ticket for less than 92,60 I will present him (Ford) with a ten dollar note (a greenback) Now Mr. F. don't be whining around at this late day and blaming Innocent parties for your bavlng charged the boys a half dollar more than the thing was worth (for they all know that) but go to them quietly, ask their par* don. and say to them, hfrt Is fifty cents. Come again and I will make tbe price aooordlng to the fare. R, A. PAKKKR. PRIVILEGES to let now for,Fair time A. S. WRIGHT, Setfy. rooHdi Pres. ting read lies T •V - » o» ....... .. 'A.23 3 O'l ... « 00 ... « 75 ... <;.on ... 1.50 ... 17.48 ...St 38 ..31.V) ...35.80 ..35.00 . . IH.S1) McHenry, Board met pursuant to a<l, ent hit Roanl, Minutes of last an<l approved. The flrst question before the Boatd being the veto of the Pubtie Square <ppropriatH>n It was moved and seconded that tt I e passed over the veto, and was lost by the following vote. ) Ayes--Weber, Nichols and Rothermel. Mays--Howard, Cristy and Gilbert. Tbe minutes of tbe special meeting of July 93d. was then read and approved. A bill for damages in favor of Prank Martin and his sister, asking for fioo damages in con. sequence of his horse running off s bridge in the West part of the corporation, was pre­ sented by his attorney, H. C." Mead, and on motioii It was voted to take the matter under advisement until the next regular meeting and tne President was instructed to consult counsel in relation to the matter. An Application of Joseph Buck for a Li­ cense to keep a Dram Shop, with the proper Bo'id, was received and oa motion accepted and the Clerk directed to issue a License on bis complying with tbe Ordinance, T^e following bills were presented, audi­ ted. ami the Clerk erdered to draw orders en the Treasurer for tbe same: E M Howe, aaila I N Mead, naila J Hnupcrisch, team work.. .* S McDonald, team work W Davis C stegemann, team work...». F Quigiey, team work J Iturtiian, laimr ...... P Thalen, labor J Koihcrinel, labor. .. Wm Schreincr, labor.... ... . N L Holmes, night watch ... C. Lincoln, night watch ..... A Myers, labor On motion the Clerk wss instructed to draw up a Dog Ordinance making it a penalty of (9 for the owner of any dog owned Inside the corporation to allow said dog to run at large without being muscled, from August 15th to October 1st of each year. Movfd by Trustee Nichols that the street from the Public School House to the Ceme> tery be graded and graveled. Carried. Moved by Trustee Cristy that the street committee be instructed to have built a regu­ lation sidewalk from the railroad track, West lo the residence of Dr. Childs. Carried. Moved by Trustee Nichols that the eide- waik running on the east side of the Brich Church to Mauperlsch's shop, bo condeineu and taken up. Carried. Moved that a sidewalk be laid of material taken old walks, from the residenee of Thos. Ilalpin running soutb to the next cor. ner. Carried. On motion the Street Commissioner was in­ structed to build a ten foot walk In front of M. bnglen's store, as per report of Street Committee, M. Englen to pay tor extra length. Moved by Traatee Cristy that a new eight toot walk l>e boiit in front of Smith * Snyder's ulock, Casper Wtrts and across tlie alley to Gilbert's Store, the owners of properly to pay for extra length. Cairied. On motion three Special Police were ap­ pointed for Old Settlers Day, Aug. 10th, as follows: Peier Branan, Win, Sexton, Tboa Currena. On motion the Street Committee were em. powered to 811 in or raise the street from Blake's Corner to the Mill uaae bridge, to the extent ot not more than throe days work with three teams, On motion adjourned. B. GILBERT, President, Attest, J. Yam SLYKK. Clerk. ORDINANCR. BeH Orrtntltrt by the Board of Trtuiees of the Village of McHenry, 111. That it shall be unlawful fo>- the owner or owncre ot any Dog, male er fern* e, owned within this Corporation, to allow I lie same lo run at large, unlesa securely muzzled, be* tween the ljiti uay vt August and Hie 1st day of October ot each and ever yeitr, un ler a penalty of not less than $6 for each and every offciiue. This Onlinenoa to take and be In force in leu days on and after us passage and pu u- ucailen, B. GILBERT, President. Attest, J. VAM SLYKB, Clerk. > Tskohor's Institute. MARBMOO, 111 , Aug. Sd. 1886. The McHenry County Teacher's In­ stitute will be held " at the Public Sohool Building in Woodfttock, com­ mencing Aug. 16rh. Every school officer and patron of our schools Is, or should be, directly Interested In its success. A general Invitatiou is ex­ tended to all of our friends, to visit us at auy time, even It you cannot <-tay but a few minutes. Remember that State Superintendent Raab will be with us Monday the 23d, and deliver a public lecture in the evening. He i* an ernest worker, a ready speaker, and canuot fa l to Interest you. aud withal, he is a gentleman with whom you would be pleased to become acquaint­ ed. Do not fall to come and hear him. Our teac <ers are manifesting an un­ usual degree of interest In the coming Institute. Many of them will not have closed their terms of schools at that time. In such cases I earnestly urge the Directors to remove that obstacle, by granting them a limited v»catlon. No matter how successful we may have been in our school work, there Is still room for Improvement. The growing demand Is for better teachers, and the design ot rur Institute Is to assist In supplying that demand. I have received many inquiries In re latlon to board duriog the term. If our friends In, and near Woodstock* who can entertain a limited number of teachers, will notify Miss Alice Blikes- ley, by card, or otherwise, of their terms, and ihe number they can accom modste, they will confer a great favor. We hope the list requiring such accom modatlons will number at least 150. Very respectfully. LBSTER HAKBKR, CO. Supt, Schools. Gall and s* e oor Perry A Owecft, floe new *t HEBRON. EDITOR PLAIHDKALBR:--Our Band failed to appear Saturday night. Miss Phebe'tJrossman, from Chicago, is visiting Mr. Hyde's people. Henry Householder is having an ad­ dition built to his bouse. Charlie Brown came home from Chicago Friday night for a few days. E. O, Howe's new cottage, on Main Street, is about finished and will soon be occupied. M ss Cora Woo'from visited friends In town the flrst of the week. Dr. E. L. Herrlck went to Chicago on Saturday morning, returning at night. Mr. John Wlijkham has so far recov­ ered from bis Injuries as to be out. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, from Ringyrood, spent Saturday aud Sunday at E. F. Hew-»\ jprs. Wm. Rotnour may hereafter be found - at Mrs. John Reynolds', on Wednesday and Saturday of each week, to receive those wishing dresses eat. She Is giving goo&eatlsfactlon. The H. D. A. played The Private Secretary" to a laffce audience on Saturday evening, and all |>ronouncad it to be "the laughing success of the 19th century." All did well. Little Millie Householder. InBessie's Bur­ glar," noting her part to perfection. The H. D. A., under the directions of Mr. Howard Wall will repeat this entertainment at Richmond on Satur­ day evening of this wefj|« A treat. lion's miss it. _________ EDITOR PLAINDKALER:-Tbe weather continues very dry and very hot. The lawn sociable, given by tbe M. E. Church society on Friday evening last. In Clay son's I'ark, was pronounc ed a perfect success, socially and flnan daily. Geo. Dickinson, of the'Drog Store, has been an the road with proprietary medicines, prepared by hi« father and himself, for the past week orftk. His father. Comrade C. Dickinson, of Bar­ ring ton, has in the mesntlge run George's Store. The Shootists of WoodstoqJi^were down again shooting with our home team last Fri 'ay. B. Shet man carried off the most of the honors, as hettsoally does. F. E. Cox carried off the leather medal for missing six itraight shots at their shoot at Woodstock lastiMHelt, and Lewis Crjw captured it hpre on Friday. Comrades of the old 05th Jll.^#re again requested to send In the address of any non resident comrades. that they may have, to some member of the committer on invitation, to the re union, Sept; 4th, at Marengo, We hope to reach a much larger number of the absent ones than ever be for# Each year some will meet with *us. most likely for the last time. In the past week or two your correspondent has heard from L. C. Wh teisck, Cyras Wheelock, D. C. MoCrory, Barney El­ ton and Peter Witsel. All of Co. F. 96th, and others of other oompanles. Ou last Veduesday mariilng, at the home of Dr. Ballou, in this village, Aunt Mittle Grover laid aside her ten- ement of clay and joined the silent majority, . She was the sister of old tJol. Huffman, deceased, and aunt of Phillip and W. H 11 a (fin an. She was great aunt of Mrs. Ur, Ballon. She Is the last of her family, having burled dve children and her husband. She died at the ripe old age of 82 years, with paralysis. The funeral obsequies *ere held at the M. E. Church. Tbe Rev. Batch, of Elgin, preactied the fun­ eral sermon. r»itsrem;tin8 were follow­ ed to their last resting place by a large concourse of Irieuds aud relatives. On Friday evening last, at the La vn Sociable, Mrs. Camiu, wife of pur mill­ er, was smitten witli a strokeof paraly sis. She lies very low at present, aud her recovery is not looked for. A series of illustrated lectures on Egypt and the iloiy Laud will be giv­ en in the M. E, Church, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday eVnningsof this week.fur the b^nefic or the Church fund. Prof, \gmkli OQMM* AJgbly re commended. In spile or the drouth pickles art "be­ ing brought into the factory here. • There was a man in town last Mon­ day morning with blood in hi* eye for a McHenry saloon keeper. There is trouble brewing for hiin. Next Sunday the lust quarterly meeting of the year will be held t the M E. Church, Ht tills place. Love feast at half past nine in the morning Rev. Cessna will exchange pulpits with Rev. Coulee. ALCONOUIN EDITOR I'LAINOEALEU:-- At FX W, Thomas' auction sale of a carload of milch cows on Saturday of la«t week, cows so d on an average of $41,22 per head; J. A. Saerwood done the talk­ ing. Mrs. Robinson and child visited here a part of last wetk with her uncle, J. A. Sherwood. George Helm Is taking In Chicago. C. E. Chapell cttne in with two car loud of milch cows oa Saturday last, and he Is hilled for an Auction sale of one car for Wednesday Aug. 4th Algonquin wis treated to a fine shower oh Saturday last, It bei ig the first time that tt has rained enough to cause the water to run In the streets since the 16th '»f May. Jas. Philp. Jr, has his new residence ready for the Masons. Mies Birdie Morton has gone to Elgin to clerk for her father. Mrs. Wm, Morton has been quite sick for the past' week, but is on tbe im­ prove now., Mrs. Howard Phillips is in Chicago. Miss Birdie Morton visited at Turner Junction last week with her uncle, L,* Church. BORN.--Aug. 2nd, 1886, to the wife ot Nebon Hickman, a Ion. John Johnston had a brother and his wife from Chicago visiting with him here last week. The funeral services of Eugene Chapman, of Chicago, were held here on Mondav of this week, at tbe Con. grenational Church. The diseased was the only son of Mr and Mrs. Smith Chapman. The remains were intered at our Cemetery on the hill. A large circle of sympathising friends accompanied them out from Chicago Mrs. Sinnett and children are visiting with ber mother at Rockford. OLD SRTLIB8' MIRlfld. BOXBD and open stalls can be secur­ ed now. A 8. WRIGHT, Sec'y. McHenry County Fair. 16 cases new Boots A Shoes just re­ ceived at Perry & Owen's. To the fellows that pay as they go. we offer a superior article of Flour, Cash price $1 £26, FITZSIMMONS 3b EVANSON. MATCHED TEAM FOR 8ALE. A matched Team, fonr aod five years old. all sound and right. Will m»ke a fine carriage team. Inquire at this oAoe. Business HotMn. residences for sale. A Smith, Woodstock, I1L Everything lo the Hardware _ bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than over fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Fine Scrap Books only 91JB at < Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only tteeots,, W. Besley's, West Side. Hammocks and Lap Robes, i I stock, at Bonslett & Stofiel's. Fruits. Nuts and Candles, largest 'ill sortment in town, at Perry A Owen*»i^ Good Rockford Flour only |1J5 per sack at Bonslett A Stofiel's. Annual Re BASKET ?IC*i4, --OF THE-- Old Settlers Association Of McHenry and Lake Counties --AT-- •; M'HENKY,. slLll,' May, inpst lltl, ili. Tbe following Speakers * ill address tke Meeting, . Hon. A, B, Coon, Hon. Isaac G. Wilson, Capt, JohnEddy, --And Others.-- Chaplain, Rev. Joel Wheeler. The Re-Union will be of the Picnic order and will be held on the Public Square, where ample accommodation will be furnished for all. In the afternoon there will be a Boat Race, for a Purse of 915, $7 to first, IS (o second a id 93 to third. Also a Tub Race for* a Purse of 96. •3 to first. 92 lo second and fl to third. Also a one hundred yard Foot Race for a Purse of 95, a For the Boat Race an eftranse fee ot 10 perc nt wt I be charged. All other races free. The OIJ Settlers' Champion Flag will be contested for this year. A sufficient number of Marshals will be appointed to have ch%rg* of every roid leading into tile village of Mcll enry, and the town, bringing in the largest procession Wt teatns on the day of the Re-Union will be awarded the Champion Flag. Let every town in McHenry and Lake Counties make' an effort to carry home the Flag. Appoint your Marshals, organise, and arrangements will be made to ' and count your delegst^ou at ace^ulli,| hour , tha t no de lays^ r iver" T w o u U l " McHenry Jfae ftnd h n) nee according a* mate of his strength r own. Bur tfttse »rs+> rfcwhicii I desire to be y of i^rle|f md General V a. AN SLVKK, SberetafJ LPNISR.*TV Best Smoking Tobacco at SO eentt pound at Perry A Owen's. Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Inan* ranee, of Bonslett A Stofiel, West Mo- Henry, lit. • Knowlton. Standird. Manny.Crewe Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, and in price from 946 to §90. The best assortment of Bats, either Felt, Wool, or straw, to be feead i« town, at Bonslett & Stofiel's. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Las Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at MttJ Schumacher's, near the Depot* C. H. Fargo's Box Tip shoot at Boa slett ds Stofiel's. Remember that L, W. Nichols, Jr the West McHenry Jeweler, does el- kinds of repairing in his line and guarantees perfect aatlsfactlon. Parsols and Fans at Perry A ovNtfift.... DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol? Ish, tbe finest thing in the market,at Besley's Drug Store. Beatoy's Famas Waukegaa- Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. Ka~ glen's and John Heimer's. If you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Ne~ - tlonal Patent Leather Enamel a*. Besley's Drug Store. t&'- Mrs. Schumacher. -f Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. BESLKY'S Ale and Porter is the heal made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett'8, A. Englen's. and John | Heimer's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, wblfd' will be sold at lower prices than e • »ther store In McHenry. MR*. M. SOHtTMACBf . i the Stylish, well made Seersucker..,^, and Vests only 92 00 at Bonst Stofiel's. Call for the ** Winning Si Brand of fiv»^iy(3ivn^ a bj*i» pay Clio Ice DANCE AT HEIMER'rt HALLJ Thursday evening. Aug. 19r|i. Old Settlers* D»y. Music, Ring wood Band, four pieces. All are cord Id I v Invited. "JOHN HETMKR, Proprietor "Ili Pompcy! what you 'fraid of? TV bat makes you shuko and shibberV" 14 Law chile I ise got dc ague An got tie tropic libber." "De tropic libber J'ompey? I don't Know what you means: IJut you ti.!i tine your ngue Ly taking SMITH S I3ILE JBEA27S. Two bits a bottle, don't pay morel You'll pet dem ntdednigman's store." 11 o most economical and best remedy for ague. 25 cents, per bottle. «o Increase." >. ,•'» "Then I presume we can cuosid*r < that settle^" The committee looked troubled, and held a cousnlt-tiIon In the il«»or-waf. Tnen they gave their ultimatum as f o i l - • w e : , ~ " ~ . . . . . ̂ Well. "If that's *1! right as far a« II goes, but we will have to •trik** utness vou will agree io pay for the beer.**-» Rambler. , / Story of m Great PubllalMr. ] ^Wfepelda. the Boston piihll*h»,r,lw 2 Mens iinlaundried Shirta. g>ind.Mii)r> i Ove: price 60 cents KvauBow's. at Fitsniiumoua Remnant sale on H«turday Muly SI thf at Fltsalininoii* A Kva sun's. Firs«immons A Evan*»n #111 sell y«»u remiianM on Saturd *v July Mtlt at bargains, but on I v tor cash. BREAD, Cakes and Pies at Ledtfi Home Bakery, t'illeK* Block- Ladles Gloves ana Owe os'. Mitts at Perry A The Uomtloat Man la McHenry. As well us t >e handsomest, fcntf others are tnvited to call on Geo, W. 3e«Iey and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is selling en> tlrely upon its merits and Is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve al 1 ICbromc and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit Is and Consumption. Price 60 oeuts and 91> ' SAVE A DOLLAR. We have had consigned to us by tbe mat ufacturer as an advertisement ot iheir work some extra tine genuine Tampicogoat Shoes for ladies wear, suci as h ive been *old r'or Three Dol­ lars. We are Instructed to sell tbem at Two Dollars. Buy a pair and save a dollar. PBBRY A OWEN. . N, B. Every pair warranted.. Cash paying buyers are respectfully Invited to c II at Fltzdmmons A Evanson'* store at the West End, to examine a few articles ofiered at bargains during this week. • Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set up but once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at thi» office. B!ack Dress Goods and trimmings, and Fine D.ess Silks at Perry A Owen. Notice, To those that want Tubs, Vats. Hay Racks,and anything in my ine orlrasl- less. Work done on ohort notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- 'us' Store, F. A. HKBAUK McHenry, Aug. 10,1S85. 11-i-ly Some Fool I.h People. Allow acou;h to run un i itgetsl be­ yond the reach of medicine. Tbey of­ ten say Oh! it will wear away, but In most cases it wears tbem away. Could they be induced to try tbe successful medicine called Kemp's Basam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi­ ately see the excellent efiect after tak­ ing the flrst dose. Price 60c and 91.00, Trial sise free, el Geo. W. Besley's, McHenry. ' If you want a good lunch or a eop of ooflee, at anv hour of the d iv. go to Locke's Bakery, i.ear the Irou Bridge, Short Horn Bulls for Sale. The uiider*lgned has for «ale tall blood Short Hum Bulls. Will he sold cheap. Call on or address FBAWK COUU^,.,;.- One mile East ot Spfing Grove* April 94.1886. . ? >,*:• Good Mens xhir s, 16 cents at stannous 6 Evawon'*. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Sheet are the best. We sell lots of tbeiii^ Perry A Owen's, Hole Agents, /I House and Lot For Sale. In the village of tttagwood. Oea- tains 10 Room*. Also a Barn Wood­ shed and other ontfcelldtnga, well, cis:ern, etc., en the premises. With- •n twenty rods Of Hepot. Good Garden. Apple Tree*, otc. Prlee •1Q00. For terms and ether part ice tars Inquire of WESLEY LAD% Rlngwood, March 5th, 1886. 8M months. Ladles and Gentlemen's Summer Underwear at Bon*l«tt A Stofiel's. E. M. Owen ds Son r* celved seven ot the celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot cat Mowers one day ia*t week. Leee thasi a 50-Cent Bottle Cure# Bone Spavin. KCNDA, III May St MIL O. DICKINSON A SoN-Barringtoa, III 5^* Gentleman: I had a horse lame for over eighteen months with a Bone Spavin, aud I procured a bottle of Diekiuson'R Ru«3ta>< Liniment, and less than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. W. D. f*AMn. The most deadlv «oe to all malarial diseases Is Ayer's Ague Cure, a com­ bination of vegetable ingredients, of which the most valuab e is used In no other preparation. This remedy is aa absolute specific, and succeeds wfcea.> other remedies fall. Warranted. _______ i U la 8*. That we are dally guaranteeing KempV Sarsaparllla to the people in thlaway* that after taking three fourths of a bottle without relief, we wp refuad tbe money. It Is the greatest tad best remedy on tbe market for deas* sing the blood and giving yoe a aew lease of life, A well known beslaass informs us he has galeed 8 pounds on two bottles ol this Hsn«ps* ride. Price 9100. For sate hy W. tfc-slej, McHeary. •Mi' .V, " " * /-

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