VeratoOrtgtB of* Pfcra* Sophronla uki the origlA of i phrase she his frequently heard of tote, vts: "Re*d the answer In the ^ Mir*." We five its origin cheerfully. If has nothing to do with astrology as tniy bo .supposed. The expression § „ Originated during % gieat navtl battle t?".'. In which two men-of-war were h^tly |fu' engaged. The engagement had lasted |1 Several hour* and one of the waseK was badly cut up. The other boro > „ down upon h«*r to demand her Bur rend 'f \ fcr, but the captain, officers and crew Of the disabled vessel had no thought of surrendering. They were resolved .^ to tj,e last, fl^ht while a plank remained beneath their feet. The --^.--Other vessel steering alongside, her ,»• captain sprang upon the rail and cried: "I cal» upon you to surrender* |r **Never,n exclaimed the othef. | ' Then I will blow you out ^ |pie Water." - V Blow away." was the reply. !» A terrible broadside poured in upor the doomed ship, but it was promptly . returned, although with much less |p;,t fleet. "Will you surrender noWf* shouted ^ the commander of the victorious ship. ^ *»Ans ver quick! 'v-;: ••Surrender!" exclaimed the captain «f the heroic crew, with eyes blazing " \ defiance, were preparing to hurl an- :/• , Other broadside upon the foe. „You ^:|rant an aasver?** ' uRead the a-swer in these tars!',-- Courier. <. }j$r N V* ' ' And carelully exumiod all goods in Agricultural Implement, for SHI© Dy X t i 8 Z SSsnQne Door West of the Riverside DEALER IN t carry a full stock of all goods in this line and everything war- ranted as represented or n< sale. Bear well in mind that I will not be undersold and am confident that I cuu sare you monev Mfc anv. thing in my line if favored with a call. • A Good Reason. A jury composed of eleven business llien and an old fellow from across the Creek, returned to the jury room. The foreman, when selected, remarked that In thought that the prisoner , ought to l>e sent to the penitentiary for five years. ^ "That ain't long enough," said the old fellow. "Let's put It on to^tlm for ton years." ••Oh. no. that won't do." "Well, then.'stretching himself oat "oo a bench, "I'm with yon." "What, fere yon gofag to hang the JOry "That's about it." "My dear sir, we are anxious to get 1l*ck to our business." •"Then s»nd him up for tei." **But that would be a great tnjus> ttce." "Then squat and make yoorselvel Oomfortablf." * "Have you any special rea«on whf the prisoner should go op for ten years?" 4 Think l have," throwing'* quid of tobacco at the ppit toon. "Will you please name It?" "Yes. fur It won't take me long. . He lb my son-ln law, and Iv'e been sup port ing btm ever since be was mar ried." years.--^irAan- . .'Mm. Alsot he. Celebrated SARLAND STOVES & RANGES, West McHenry, - Illinois. Apd in short, everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. rHAYE i FULL STOCK OABS, OAB-LODKS, FISH POLS! AHS FI3HIR3 TACKLE OF ALL KOTOS, Which will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods ca,n be bought anywhere. Call at my store before jbuying elsewhere. THE FINEST LINE OB BIRD CAGES IN TOWN. jobbing and repairing Promptly Attended To. e^-No Trouble to show Goods, JOHN I* STORY. V{?»i'/. t i l . , " V f tf 21th, taw Re went up fasten iw Traveller T m m The quicfasst-tiiiy^ e:i rccor&J giaof the worst tvpe, cured byffnedo^ of 8-MLTiJ'S BILE BEA^iS in from one to four hours, p.s many who have triel i t can test if y. It xloes seem strange that sensible people \viljjjiiiler with this terrible dSSte^Wttra qteilv relief can surely be found liv this simple safe and inexpensive remedy. 25 cents. For sale b,V all drucrgists and dealers in medi cine, or sentany whero on receipt of price In stamps. s Vegetable Siciliaif ̂ O*9 tfae first preparation perfectly adapted to •are diseases of the scalp, and tlie first iu©- posif ul restorer of faded or gray hair to its hatural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so tally met all the requirements needful for «ie proper treatment of the hair and scalp. ({ALL'S HAIR RENEWED has steadily grown to faror, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal leled success can be attributed to but OM catue: the entire fulfilment qf iti promises. The proprietors have often bees surprised at the receipt of orders from remote oou- tries, where they had never made HH effortfat lis introduction. The use for a short tims of HALL'S WAIW wonderfully improTee pogt appearance. It cleanses the scalp from All impurities, cures all humors, fewr, dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of aleoholie prepara tions, but remain a long time, which maksa IU use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DTE son Tgi WHISKERS the beard to a natural Thrown, or black, as desired. It produces a permanent •Dior that will not wash away. Consisting of ft single preparation, it to applied without trouble. PREPARED BT 1 P. HALL t CO, Mia, H.E Bold by lU Dealers in Medicines* FOE AIL THE P0BX8 0* Sweftalems, Mercurial, Ml Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because most searching and ihoiDuk blood-purifier, is Oyer's 8arsaparilla. •old by all Druggists; $1, six bottl«,i& P YOU PORCFET ITI A8A W. SMITH, Woodatfoolc. • # lllinoUi, yw w RECEIVING O O D G O O D S , fv. . V (• - At Way Down Low Cash Pries. faff Corner Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, W. H. DWICHT. GEO. W. BESLEY, Druggist I Apothecary, West enry, Illinois. -DEALER IN-- Drags, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, JL Choice Confectionery. m. The finest line of Pure Candies to be toond in the county. The best brands ot Cigars aud bmoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. "•k' Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, hwg takin a Window in tihs Store, and is prepared to do all work in his line. GEO. W. BESLEY. (Mr*, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCJLOME8 AND TORNADOES. Drop B»«J a postal card and I will visit von • Mil on me and I will write you a policy,,and Woes either or any of these destructive ele y°ur RroP«rty, happy will m be if you hold one of ny policies, for 1 Will surety visit yon. and ^minister untotrou. Will not forsake yoo. A&SMW: SMITH, " " " ' 4» % , * *% ' ̂ m-K CHAS. H. TRYON DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. •Levels take n, Drains located and grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taten of Springs. Ponds and Water Courses and^ all work requiring Accurate Leveling * P. O. Address, GREENWOOD. ILL. Yon Wait 31 Oil some suit ot Clothing this season cheaper than you can buy them in McHenry coun ty, Style and Quality con sidered, .ow Does This Strike 7ou, THIS IS OIII OFFER. A well got up Suit - $3.5C New Hat - -. 5c to 75 c Pair Shoes - - 1.25 Boied Shirt - - - .65 Good pair Suspenders - .00 Total $6l5 3Et I Our stocl| for style anc. quality is first chop, It you wan tasuit that fits you to the Queens taste, choice im ported goods, come and see us. We can deal Dress GtoodS, Shwls, Parasols, Fans, "Willie Goods, Embroidery, ---IN FACT-- « and Fancy LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Rotary Stoel Disc Harrows, wrought iron frame, chilled dast iron hearings, self-feed in a: oil cups, and all journals protected Irom dirt The celebrated John Deere. N,n, Thompson, Brio's Enoch & Co's., all warranted, and as all formers know, standard goods world over. BUCCA^, BUCCYS, The Watertown in all styles, not dipped, but well painted, finely finished, lull shitting rail, and double collar steel axle, which you tvould do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. BISHOP. FOUND: -THAT- ALTHOFF BROS., Cheaper this year than ever. Lawns to cJose at 3 1-2 cents per yard. Call, we will save you money and guarentee satisfaction. <3. V. STEVENS. I IU. McHENRY . - Is the place to buy Dry Goods, Clothini Groceries, Etc. Cheap Our ttock is Complete, our prices are Low, and our Goods the bfi t to be tound in the market^ We visit the city weekly, aiid therefore our stock is fresh and new. (Hall and see us, examine goods and learn prices. AT.T. GOODS WiLRRAlTTED JUST AS REPRESENTED. A share of public patronageJis respectfully solicited. Tbe Highest Market Price paid for Batter and Egg* ALTHOFF BROS. McHeury, 111., Jan. 25th, 1886. M. ENGELN, --DEALER IN-- % Table and Pocket (Jut'ery, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines* (iun and fishing Material, Sporting Goods, etc, ALL AT BOTTOM FRXOSS. Also a good stock of Fine Family Groceries, Canned Goods,^ Con fectionary, fresh Breid and Biker Supplies, the largest stock in the Oounty. 4 , ROLLER MILLS FLOUR, WA9RANTE% Ho Snide Goods kept in Stock. Prices Satisfactory. M. ENCLEN. "L ; For Sale or Exchange, On® good bouse and barn with other out-butldfn^e, good orchard and all In *ood shape, with land from I to 14 teres; ur will sell a part of the land by (tie acre without the buildings. Also will sell some jfood lots to anyone wishing to build. Will sell «ny or tbe whole of the above property very low, rade for a good farm or for Western and. The aoove prope*ry Is well situ- tied near UM depot la West McHenry I ll{. 39If 8. BATMOKO. 1 To Cash Buyers We offer extra Inducements in Floor made fn»m Minnesota bard Wheal,a trial will be appreciated. Fliwlmmnnn & Evanano. UIPI - en<l to cents postage awl we will mail you frm a royal, vaiuabfe, Muaple box of goods ittat will pat you in the way ot mklaf more m'mey at one*, thaa anything elae in America. Both MXM of all ages can live at home and work la spare,t|MM( Uapltai mot raquirwt. ft o r all the lime, will start TOO who atari at taaeaae par sura tor these ST iTiaaao AOs,