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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1886, 5 000 5.pdf

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m...: *SSSSm VUMakr. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1886, Moonlight Excursion- The Ladies of th« Cemetery Aid Society will give a Ezcu r- •lon by Steamer to the Ltkfi, on Wednesday evening nez',Aog. 11th, for the benefit of the Cemetery. Fare round trip, 60 cents This will be the most pleasant Excursion of the season, and it would seem to us unnec issaryjjto urge our citizens to turn out and give the ladies a rousing benefit on this oc­ casion. The money is needed to put the Cemetery grounds In proper shape mod all should be willing to lend helping hand In so good a cause. The McHenry Cornet Band wilt furnish luusic. and some fine vocal music may be expected. Kern ember the day and date, Wed­ nesday evening next. August 11th. There will be no postponement this, tlihe. Mas. JOHN I. STORY, Pres. Put village, las X"TITIPU 1 */.. the ocsupa m ' Til Desplalnes Camp Meeting I begins August 19th, and closes August I 30tb' ' READ the new 'advertisement of Locke's Homo Bakery. ID another column. BBV. J. C. BIOKLOW will preaoh In the M. E. Church next Sabbath at 10$ •. N. and 7| P. X. and at Biogwood at SP.M. We understand that Vera Smith has sold his residence In this village, to Albert Colby. Wi have not learned the price. A LARGE number of our citizens will goto Libertyville tomorrow to see the match race between "George O.," and "Comanche." DAVID PABKEK IS building a wing on the east side of his residence, which will much improve it, both in L looks and convenience. W EVERYTBINO looks as though Tbors day of next week, Old Settler Meeting, would be the biggest day see i In MiHenry for many a day. £#l all turn out and help make It so|| HKNRY MADDEN IS building a" ad­ dition to his Harness Shop, which I* necessitated by his Increased busine*^ "Wh^oropleTeTrWTri^^ a little shop, as can oe .found in this section. F ONE hundred and eleven lu the / shade. Pretty fervent that--most as f hot in fact as the American people F have made it for the Attorney General I of President Cleveland's Reform Ad- V ministration. ir MES. E. W. HOWE has removed her | Millinery and Dress Making Roo6is to t r sidcooo, two doors East of the Kelte* yJ|lock\where she will be happy to meet her old customers and as many new ones as may see tit to cail. The latest styles of Millinery just received Dress Making done promptly. PERSON 41* ELIJAH BOWERS, of Richmond, was onouyuyu on Monday. JOHN I. STORY b» sold his entire property at Pistaqu* Bay to Chicago arties. REV. J. fj. BROOKS, of Waucooda. made our San Mum a very pleasant call on Monday, STEPHEN BUS LET, of CounclMBIufl*, Iowa, was visiting with his brother. In this village, last week. Wit. BBSLKY, of Waukegan,'father of Geo. W. Besley, spent a few days In this village last week. MRS DR. E. V. ANDERSON, of Wood­ stock, was vlal'ing with friends in this village, last week. CAMP* has broken up and ocsupants of last week have gone home to see their Ma. HON. F. K. GRAKOEB starts on Mon­ day" next for a two weeks trip to Dak' R. SMITH has sold his property. Pistaqua Bay, to John S, Carpenter, of Chicago. . J. M. < ONLKE exchanges pulpits with Rev J. C. Bigelow, of Rocktoo, next Sabbath, MRS. FLORENCE MCPHERSON, OF Hvde Park, III. and her son Harry, are visiting this week at the Wheeler farm. MRS L. L£W and daughter, of Spencer, Indiana, are vtslting with Mrs. Law's sister, Mrs, B, Gilbert, % this village. J. M. Stimpson, of Chicagft, made our Sanctum a pleasant ca'l on Friday last. He is spending his vacation with his family at Harry DunnllTs, Fox Lake. REV. J. AND MRS. WHEELER receiv­ ed a complimentary to attend the Waukegan Fair, sent by request of Hon John G. Ragan. for which they rpflupKf us to return their thanks. F JOSEPH HEIMER and wife, John Schnene nann and wife, Lewis Kuhnert and wife and August Kuhnert. all of Chicago, came out on Tuesday to help celebrate the 65th Birthday of their father. Charles Ku'wert, of Johnsburgh DR. C. E WILLIAMS. Dentist, who visits this nlace evri two weeks, has just returned from Nebraska where ha* located a claim of 160 acres. HI* family are now on ih* claim and are well pleased with the climate and pro«pects. As »here sf em« to be some dersanding In relation to the Tub Race, advertised for Old Settlers' Day. we will say that the Committee will insist. that the rule shall be that those In the Race must be ins'de of the Tub, not with their feet hanging over as some supposed would be allowed. • hey must be inside of the I'ub and do the paddling with their hands. TAYLOR BROS, who are engaged In digging Town Wells In this village, completed the first one last week, hav ing dug thirty-two feet and bored tfil-ty-three more, making sixty five feet, aid at last ac- ounts had nine feet of water. They have commenced the Re rond one, but do not expect to A SPECIAL Communication ot Mc­ Henry Lodge A* ^ obliged to go as deep as tne firsts-- Masons, will be held ou Friday after- ... .» noon next, August 13th, at I o'clock p. M,, sharp. Work on the third degree. Every member Is earnestly requested to be present on time.* Visiting breth- cren from Richmond are expected to be present. By otder of the W. M. THE wife of August Beckel, who lives east of this village, died quite suddenly on Monday morning last. She was the only daughter of John Slmes, and had been married less than one year. She leave a babe about t<vo jreeks old.} Her husband and friend* have the sympathy of all In this sad hereavment. THE n»w Feed Grinder, lately put Into the Mill of R. Bishop, Is meeting their expectations in every particular. It will grind eighty bushels per hour with ease. We are told that the first day it was In operation tbey ground [Venty four bushels in ten minutes. ightnla{ Is no where with this line. THE Ordinance requiring the muz- sling of dogs from Aug, 15th to Oo tober 1st, goes into effect on Sunday next. The Board proposes to see that this law is carried out fully, and that every dog In the corporation Is Koperly mutzied. j This Is a good IrdYiiauoe**aod~vfll *d<l much to the genera! comfort and safetv. IN New Toik, last week. Judge Peckliam decided that i»ase ball was not an acrobatic performance. Per­ haps the judged has never seen a ceo ter fielder turn a somersault while after a long fly, or two players turn- ble over each other on second base, or a crack pitcher d > the contortion act while in the box." The j are first class men at the business and are bound to ger good we lis. Miss JULIA PARKER has again co nthenced giving Music Lessons in this village, and wishes us to intorm her old scholars and as many new ones as may wish to commence, that she is now belter than ever prepared to dn rhero justice, and hopes to merit and receive a share of their patronage. She will be here ou Friday and Satur day of each week and will b * happy to meet all who contemplate studying mu»lc. IF a bottle of oil of penry-royal Is left uncorked In a room at night, not a mosquito or any bloodsucker will be found there In the morning. Mix pot­ ash with powdered meats, and rats will depart' If a rat or mouse gets Into your pantry, stufi In its holes rag saturated with a solution of cayenne pepper, and no rat or mouse will touch the rag for the purpose of opening a communication with the depot of supplies. THE value of mutilated ooins -coins with boles puocbed through them-- has received the official attention of the treasury department, and the law­ ful valoe of such coins has been es­ tablished as follows: Double eagle, fifteen dollars; silver dollar, seventy- five cents; half dollars, thirty-five cents;quarter dollars, eighteen cents and dimes five cents. Parties handling coins might be saved some annoyance and some clean cash by cutting this out and pasting it la their hats. WE are In receipt of a copy of the Premium List of tne Marengo Agri ulturt* Society, who will hold their Eleventh Annnal Fair in that village, on the 1st 2d. 3d, and 4di of Septem bernext. The book is from the press of the Marengo Republican, and is a apecimen of printing ol which Brother Babcoclt has reason to feel proud of. In fact It Is the best specimen of Fair Premium Lists that we have seen thi* season. THE Hebron Dramatic Club, under the direction ot Howard Wall, will render at Band Hall, Ringwood Aug 14th" the beautiful one set Drama, "Bessles Burglars." Alter which will he given the roa Ing Comedy Farce in three acts entitled "The Private Secretary," The Hebron Military Baud will accompany the company, and every one failing to attend will miss a rare treat. Co ne one and all and give the H. D.„A. a Mill house. SPECIAL premium 8, viz., given the couple who will unite li bonds of holy wedlock during the Fair has been taken, and a forfeit or money left in my hands which means business. The ceremony will be performed in the Amp'theater, Wednesday, Sept. 15, at I P. M, by Rev. E Buggert. The ltdies of Woodstock will tastefu'ly decorate the stand for that purpose and all will be done towards making the occasion beautiful A. S. WRIGHT, Secretary. WE learn that the R<>gencranz boy, who we noticed as being.'shot In the foot by some roughs at \lgonquln on the 5th of July, still has the bullet In his foot, and Is suffering {considerable therefrom. At the time of the acci­ dent Dr. Nason, of Algodquiu, was called, who examined the wouad and advised them to take the boy home and let him rest quietly until morning when be would take the ball out but other councils prevailed and another Phjsican was called, and the result Is as stated above. It Is proved that too much haste in matters oi this kind Is not always advisable. Badger state Overalls and Jackets at Booslett ft Stoftela, Fire at Woodstock. We learn that the Brewery of Ziminer. Herman ft Co. Woodstock, was, with Its entire contents, totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning. Loss about 975,000. Insured for $22,000. The fire Is supposed to have caught from their engine near the Malt room. WE were unavoidably prevented from attending the semi centenlal cele­ bration of John G. Ragar, at his rest denje near Waukegan. on Wednesday last, as we intended to have done, but we are assured by those who were there that the event was a most suc­ cessful and erjoyable one. There were present in the neighborhood of five hundred persons, coming from Mc Henry, Cook, and Lake Counties. After asplondld 'repast served under the trees, speeches were made by the Hon. O. H. Gilmore, of Woodstock; Daniel Brewer, Esq., Waukegan; Gen, A. L. Chetlain. of Chicago; the Hon. A. B Coon, of Marengo, the Hon., E.. B. Washburne. of Chicago, and Hon. Richard Bishop, of McMenry. The Hon. E. M. Haines was master of cere­ monies. Mr. Ragan received many tokens of the esteem In whloh he Is held fcy pioneer friends, among which were a valuable gold watch, a "History of Mc Henry County" and an elegant badge. It w as a notable gathering and highly gratifying to the venerable host. Among those who were oresent from this town were A. H Hanly and wife^ Joel Wheeler and wife, .Hon. R. Bishop and wife. Hon. Geo, Gage. Hon. F. K. Granger. O. W. Owen, Wesly Ladd, and C H Morey. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER: -The 50th Anniversary of the settlement of Hon. John G. Ragan, of Lake Co., III., oc­ curred the 4th of August. By a kind invitation wc were summoned with hundreds of guests to the delightful residence of friend Ragan, 1} mllrs ••outii of Waukegan ;lty. The lollov- ing towns were we 1 represented: Harrington, Nunda, McHenry, Vulo, Woodstock and Haiuesvilie as well as i he cities of Chicago and Waukegan. The forenoon was pt^sed In happy greetings each trying to outdo the other lu soci ibllity and welcome to eacti and every new-comer. Refresh­ ments were eerv» 1 on the lawn at noon .t«jd notwithstanding the 1 »rge number present, all were bountifully provided lor. Interchanges and renewals of former friendships characterised the •ccaslon to a wonderful ex'eut through <>ut the day. Our venerable host ob- uiued a catalogue of the names of • hose present and arranging them in proper order on the lawn the whole ec<-ne was photographe I. Many speech­ es were offered, in connection wlrtroue hy Mr. Whitney when a splendid golJ watch was presented to friend Ragan. by the "Old Settlers" of Waukegan. The n« xt in order was a speech by Hon. R. Bishop, of McHeory, present­ ing (o Mr. Ragan the History of McHenry Co., from the "Old Settlers" of McHenry and vicinity. Sereral very able speakers graced the occa­ sion, among >vhom were Mr. Haines, and Hon. E. B. Washburn. Hon. O. H. Gi more, of Woodstock, made the opening speech which was very touch­ ing and beautiful, as he offered a glowing tribute to the wives of the old sett er* and mothers of the ^resent generation. The entire event was de- llgutful to all. and moved off like clock-work, and all came away at night with the Impression that It was good to be jhere. E. D. W. Conrad-Taloott Concert. One ot the moat popular entertain ments of the season will be the Coorad I'alcoit Concert at the M, E Church, on Thursday evening of this week. Mr. D. Frank Conrad, of the Un.ver- alty ot Wooster, Ohio, and a graduate of the well known German Pianist. Karl Merz. will play selecti >ns from he classic and popular writers; also a lew original compositions. The press speaks highly ot his playing wherever he has played. S. Delano Talcott, of the University of Wooster. also a pupil of Karl Merz will give selections from the Standard Opera1*. Will also give a number of popular Character Songs, College Songs and Plantation Melodies. Two or three songs will also be given by home talent, among which will be a selection by the star Quartette. Come anil hear an instructive as well as pleasing programme. A percent of the proceeds given to th<> church. Ex pt-ct to enjoy a rare treat at the M. E. Oarch, Thursday evening, Ang. 13. Admission 25 cents, chlidreu under 12 10 cents. Concert begin* at 8. By Onier Musical Com. HO Ml AGAIN. After a Most enjoyable ivc weeks absence from my varied duties and puriutU, I And myself onr.e mora at borne, and, having doffed my habiliment* of ease and pleasure, and donned my garb of business, I hereby an­ nounce to my numerous patron* and friends that I am i.oir to be fonnd at my post of duty, and it shall be my aim In t^e future as It has been in the past, that tbe standard ot honors conferred shall not ta lowered, and that my Alma Mater as well as my friends and patrons shall deem them wortnily bostowed. To Alfred Universlt* I owe much of gratitude for the aid she rendered roe la my early strug­ gles with ignorance and poverty. By her motherlv care, while she was yet but an em. bryo college I was enabled to eke oct tbe results ot my own labor and invest tbe same in a course of study which prepared me to enter odvanced classes at Union College where I recei\ed successive degrees of scholarship and merit, vis: "A. B." and "A. M. D„" conferred after due examination and lawful information. and now, that after these many years Alfred Academy has grown into a University In all that the name implies where any person can receive instruction in any study, and has conferred upon me the highly esteemed honorary degree of Ph D* t should be ungrateful indeed should I neg lect to acknowledge the honor. Alfred Uni­ versity is located at Alfred centre, Allegany county, M. V., has a eommodious suite of buildings, cabinets, libraries, various literary societies and all the needed attachments which, under the direction of a competent (faculty and corps of teachers, cannot fall to make an accomp iahed scholar of any student endowed with teal and application. Alfred Centre has not an extensive population, but her cilisens are a unit In support ef the Uni­ versity, and in the encouragement of indi­ gent young persons in pursuit of a liberal ed ucation, highly moral and religions, of all denominations with seventh day Baptist predominant, strictly tempe<ate and probibl. tory, as no licensed places for the tale of In. toxlcating drinks are allowed withla six miles. By reference to a late oatalogne of the University I lerrn that the entire annual ex* pense ot a student need not exceed fiSO and It any ot my young acquaintances and friends contemplate a University course of study, I should take pleasure In favoring them with letters of introduction that 'will insure them a eordtal reception by the faculty. ASA W. SMITH, KDITOB PLA !HOAAL«A:--Once, more it becomes a duty to let my opponent, Mr. Parker, know that T still ejriat Withal his honorable representative, frank Parker, has taken It upon hl-n««lf to exft^ain thin** to hln satislaction, I suppose. In my flrst letter to the public I made no reference to htm In the matter onlv to state what talk he had with me the evening he and his wife drove up to my door and aeked me if we eon Id make certain ariangemnnts, which I explained In my first letter. I don't wish to Injure any innocent party, nor never did, hut if 11 <y down a coat and an Innocent party puts It or and buttons it up. I suppose It must flt him or he would not«*wear It. Mr. Parker aavs In his Setter, "he says they were sold at a I prices at the Parker ltou*e." If he refers t> me with his pronoun he, I say he, Mr. Prank Parker, Is a liar, and if h« ran read an-l wilt read my letter over he will find I neve* said anything about what they sold their ticks s for. In one of Mr Parker's foolish remarks he says I had to register all my help, and multi. ply it by two to make out tflS If he keep* on he • ill give me quite a nmnber of pointers In regard to getting scrowd, for he has had more experience than I There is one thing I have noticed when I have been to Mr. Pnrker's dances and that was that he kept his regit ter on a little I took that he con<d p-t t In his pock­ et and keep it to himself, ani was very eare. (til that no one saw it except a certain few. while my book always lays on the counter for the people to see who ha* Registered If th»>v winh. And an­ other one of hi sharp thin trs was forme to go to t le boys tnd give them jback a h tlf dot lar, for it was more than it was worth and to come again and 1 wonld make the price aecorlinc to the tare. This I care nothing ab »ut. because the public »re about as good ju'igek of what my house and the fare Is as he is. In regard to Mr. Parker's remarks I am a good deal like the man that was kicked by the Jackass. I consider where It comes from and piss It by for, the time being, for what ean a man expect from such an animal P. 8 --I wish itdistinct'y understood that I do not have to get Mr. Morey or anyone else to do my writing, (a< has l»een reported ) I idionlder it all and am able to tack it, "and doa't you forget it." W. H. POBD. The Great Pair, Let all old Soldieis bear in mind that Thursday, Sept. 16th Is old Sol diers day at the McHenry County Fair. Generals Sumner, Connelly and Post the Istter State Commander of the G. A. R. will deliver addresses. If you have a O. A R. badge, wear it. Hon. A.J, Hopkins, our tnembBr of Congress will oe present at the Mc­ Henry County F^air September 16 and 17. All should meet our worthy Con­ gressman and hear him sp->ak. If you desire a piogramme of tbe Fair.send to the Secretary and be will send you one. We wnnt 10 000 School Children pres­ ent Wednesday, Sept, 15tb, Admiss­ ion free. Wyant's celebrated Genev* Lake museum at tbe McHenry County Fair each day,free. Be sure and see the special race of George O's. get on Thursday. Sept 16( The McHenry County Fair, the great health Invigorator, and It pleases all who attend it. A. 3. WRIGHT, Secretary. Bock ford Carpet Warps at Bonalett & Stofiels. New. fancy Glassware at Benslett ft S tollers. Attractions tor All. Ipfrom State hegister July 27. IMS.] The m?s* intelligent and progressive farmers and stock breeders of the county and the leading spirits In many other lines of business are deeply la terested in agricultural fairs. and are now making unusual preparations for the great fair to be held In Chicago. be premium live stock, farm pro­ ducts, horticultural dlsplave. col­ lection of art, etc., exhibited at the thousand or more state county and dls trie fairs throughout the country, wi'l as usual, find their way to the great fair at Chicago, whtc opens on Mon­ day, September 6. 1886. The Illinois state board of agricul ture has given each Industry that wl.'l be represented at the Illinois state fair eucourtgeioeut in proportion to its importance to the oth r interests dema ding the fostering care of tills asso ilatlon. The managers of the Illinois stare lair since Its organic iclon ha"* oft-red more ihan one-third of a million ol dollar* in premium* to the enterp'ls ing people oi the world, as an Inuen- tlve to exhibit the best results in breeding live stork, the skill of the in­ ventor and manufacturer of labor- saving farm machines an Implement*, the growing of superior specimens of agricultural products, etc , etc. The managers of the Illinois state fair have made many additions to the premium list this season and largely Increased the htndsome ind icements heretofore oft'red. The { remiuins oflered the several departments of the fair this season aggregate over 834,000. This large sum of premium money is app irtloned as follows; Cattle, #4.230; horses, §15.850; *>ieep, $l.9S0: h<ig«. 82.* 000; poultry. 8865; farm products. 8788; hortlcul'ure.81.215; fine arts. 8455; tex tile fabric* 8655; science and educa­ tion 81.337, and dairy. 81*20; speed, ?5, 750. The la"ger premiums offered will in* duce exhibitors from all parts of the country to attend th-« great fair ft Chicago, and It Is believed that the additional facilities provided hy toe- large number of railroads centering it' the place of exhibition will enable the vast crowds to speedly reach the fair without Inconvenience. ALQONOUIN- EDITOR PLAIHDBALBK : --At S. C. Chape IPs auctioo sale of a car load of miich cows, on Wednesday of last week, cows sold .on an average of •41.80 per head. I," Jk. Sherwood officiated. Frank Jackson, of fEtgln. was the guest of C. E. ChapeII on Wednesday of last week. J. Van S!yke, of the PLAINDKALBK, made Algonquin a short business call on Thursday of last week. BOKN.--Aug. 8tb, 1886. to the wife of James Seyk, a son. Tlnk Perry went to Chicago on Monday of this week to peddle milk fnr Kee A Chopell. Wm. Lade and wife,, Dundee, spent Sunday here wltli his parents Mrs, Henrv Benthusen is quite sick. Dr, Nason Is attending her. Mrs. Relm and Mrs. Peter visited a part of last week at Lawrence, III. with the parents of Mrs. Helm. D. B, Sherwood and wife, of Elgin, spent a few days here last week with bis brother, j. A. Sherwood. Miss Maggie Donavln, of Chicago, Is visiting here with friends. Georgle Helm and Eddie Peter have gone Qn a voyage by the Lakes to Buffalo N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Chapell visited with friends in Chicago a part of last week. Frank Plngfy, of the Algonquin Hotel, has got four city boarders. It seems rather mixed at the present time whether we will have a Post Master or a Post Mistress here. Wm. Estergren, living east of town. Is quite sick with Pneumonia. Dr. Nason Is Attending him. DIED.--Aug. 7th, 1886, Mrs. Hannah Morion, wile of C. W. Morton, aged 2M years 1 month and 26 days, JTlie deceased !eaves a liusha*id and a four months old baby and a large circle ot relatives and sympathising fr|end« to mourn her loss. Mrs Morton was H daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton, of Solon, 111. The funeral w*s held a> Solon Mondae Ana:. 9th, Good Flour only tljK per sack at Booslett A Stoflel's. We are beailquarters for Meoasha Fl-tooels, latge ^ BoiiLstr * ATomak HEBRON- EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--E. O. ROW I* quite sick at thi writing and under the care of Dr H-'rrick. Nearly slx-y coupe attended th» dance Frid y night Harvard. Genev . and Richmond were well represented T<e Ml-Men Reynolds, fr »<n Moui-d Prairie visited at ttr. Rollo Phillip* las* week. Wha'> meanet i those plans of two new cottageg "to be erected In Hebron," that were being displayed last week. Was one a merry, merry joke and the other a wall of nonsenseP Mrs. C K Pr-'Utv is having a sever* attack of the quinsy. Mr. Gillelt, of Joliet, i« visiting hU telailves here, the families of C. L ami H W. MM ad. Mr Howard Wall, assited by the H. D A. will amuse the people ol King wood at that place on Siturday evening of thla week, by the renditlo • of he beautiful little drama "Bessie's Burglars" and the roaring comedy "The Private Secretary.11 Tbe Ring wood Cor rat Band will be present without fdl. The entertainment given bv t ie above at Richmond Saturday nlght brought out a large crowd, and we judge the efforts put forth by the club were appreciated by all. despite the disappointment occasioned by tne absence of the Hebron Cornet Brn . The band had promised falihfullv to accompany the ,H. D. A. to Richmond but as on the Saturday evenlnx previous, were scarce. They are per­ haps forgetful of the favors done them by our people, at least tliey appear to make n-» effort to return ftfvor for favor. A few of the boys were present both at Richmond and Hebron. In fact Inconvenienced themselves to fulfill their promise. Those few by the irood #111 show.i have the sincere thanks ot the H D, A. GRAND EXCURSION to i>evils Lake. Saturday, August 14. Round trip only 82 50. Leave Crystal Lake 7:52 A M Ridgefl«ld 8 A. M . Woodstock 8:12 A. M. Reach Madison II :15 A. M . De II* Lake 12:1&P.M. Returning, leave Devii« Dake6:30p M.. Madison 7:30. HOUHE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale In the village of Al/onquin. a large house mid three lots. Plenty of small fruit. Will b» sold cheap H applie I fo; so in. For further partial Urs inquire of. , C. 8. WlLLIAJn, Dnu'lga, IIL 4-3 in. ••Personal " In Ju«»lce to myself snd those who «re as^H-ia^ed wi<h me in the grand and noble work of* making McHenry county the f »refiiost county in agricul- tu al matters, we tru*t all will be lieve our good Intentions and not doubt our progr.m. We deaire to state that the F «lr this year will be the most noted one in the history ot the 'society" In many particulars The attendance of Hon. Sam1! J. Randall, from the East, Is oue matter great in many ways, and we want it understood by all that he will be here unless death prevents. We humbug no one, and he or she who doubts it we refer btck to 1881.1882 1883. 1884. and 1885. No. indeed; we have no object to humbug anyone. Now It is not necessary to tell you all who will be here, but I assure you on Thursday. Sept. 16 (old soldiers1 day) the g *ound« will be full of note 1 generals and high privates. If you doubt It, call and see their letters. Friday, Mr. Randall will deliver the annual address. A great many prominent men of his party will fie here with him. Wednesday (chil­ dren's day) it is expected Col., Jacob- son w 11 deliver an address on manual training. He is one of the most gifted men In this land. Now get ready and have a good time. A. 8. WRIGHT, Secretary, Annual Re - Union AlTD BASKET P1CITI0, --or THE-- Old Settlers Association Of Moltonryand Lake Count!** --AT-- M'HENRV, ILL., I, 1886. Good MensHhirs, ISjsottts at Fit* slmssoos A BTIMOK*S. The following Speakers a ill address the Meeting, Hon. A. B, Coon, ^ Hon. Isaac G. Wilson, Capt. John Eddy, Frank Spltzer, --And Others.-- Chaplain, Rev. Joel Wheeler. The Re.Uulon will be of the Picnic order and will be held on the Public square, where ample accommodation will he furnished for all. In the afternoon there will be a Boat Race, for a Purse of 815, 87 to flrst. 85 o second a id 83 to third. Also a Tub Race f <r a Purse of 86. 83 to first, 82 to second and 81 to third. Also a one hundred yard Foot Race for a T*ur*e of 85. For the Boar Rice an entranse fee >1 10 per c nt wi I be charged. All •tb'er rMcea free. The Oi I Settlers' Champion Flag will he contested for this year. A •uffloient number of Marshals will he <ppolnted to have charge of every roid leadinz into the village of M«'H et\ry, and the town bringing in he largest procession of teams on the day of the Re-Union will beavarded 'lie Champion Klag. Let every town in M>'Henry and Lake Counties make in ef) irt to carry home the Flag Appoint your Marshals, organ>z», and itrangemen'8 will be made to meet ami count your delegation at a certain •i »ur. that no delays may occur. Hie McHenry Military Band and a choice Choir will furnish Music for the occasion. A genera! invitation is extended to all to come out, meet the Old Settlers, and have a day of real enjoyment. R, BISHOP, President. J. VAK SLYKE, Secretary, HARVEST PARTY. At the Riverside House, McHenry. Thursday evening, Aug, I9th, Old Settlers' Day. Music, Preston's Or­ chestra. TIekets including Supper and care of Horses, 81.50. All are cordially Invited. W. H. FOBD, Proprietor. OLD SET TLERS' DANCE, There will be an Old Settlers1 Dance, at Grand Hall. Parker House, on Thurs­ day 'evening, August 19th, Music, nlocum s Orchestra. All are cordially iuvited. Tickets will be Issued In due time. '. PARKER, Proprietor. DANCE A T HEIMER'S HALL. Thursday evening. Aug, 19'h. Old Settlers' Day. Music, Ringwood Band four pieces. All are cordl *11 v Invited. •lonv n Proprietor Middlings, Dr.a, o.nt aud Oil Vleal in stock at Bouslett & ^toffePs. MATCHED T LA.AM FOR SALE. A matched Team, four and flv» years old. all sound and right. Will ut .ke a fine carriage team. Inquire U this office. I Cock ford Ba'ts at Bonslett A Sitofli-ls. RpeeUl Premiums. Let all remember the many special piemiums oflered bv the nierchanU of Woodstock ai|d other places for the coming Fair. Just drop a posraj card to the secretary and h" will send you a list. A. S. WRIGHT, Secy. We Invite Tea drinkers that pay cash to try our New Jap I'ea. this reasons crop. Ca«h price 50 cents per pound. FITZSIMMNOS A K VAN SON. The Homlleat Man In McHenry. As well as t '6 handsomest, and others are invited to call on Geo, W. 3efley and get free a trial bottle of K^mp^ Balsaui for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is selling en­ tirely upon its merits and is guar­ anteed tocu-e and relieve alllChronic and Acute Coughs. Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Price 50 ceuts and 81. _____ To the fellows that pay as they go. we oBer a superior article of Flour, Cash price 81.25. FITZ9IMMONS & EVANSON. 16 cases new Boots A Shoes just re-' ceived at Perry A Owen's. Look at tbe ctioioe Candles at Bos- ley's Drug Store. West End, BOXKD and open stalls can be secur ed now. A. S. WRIOBT, sec'y. McHenry Oonnty Pair. Business Nottoe*. £jj§ City residences for sale. Apply # W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Everything in the Hardware lino at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's, Celluloid Sets.cheaper than ever bo- fore. at G. W. Besiey's, West Side. Floe Scrap Books only flJ6 at G, W. Besiey's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20 cents, at Q. W. Besiey's, West Hide. Hammocks and Lap Robes, a good | stock, at.Bonslett A Stoflel's. Fruits, Nuts and Candles, largest as­ sortment in town, at Perry ft Oweo'i, Good Rockford Flour only |liB fir sack at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Best Smoking Tobacou at 10 cents pound at Perry A Owen's. Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Booslett A Stoflel, West Ma- Henry, 111. Knowlton. Stand trd, Manny, Crow a Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, aad la price from 845 to 890. WM Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lambetktns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. Parsols and Fans at Perry ft Qwaat. ' DOMESTIC Piauo and Furniture Pol­ ish, the finest thing in the market, at Besiey's Drug Store. Besiey's Famus Waukegan- Ala and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett^ A, Sa- glen's and John He Inter's. Ip you want to make your Buggy Top look as good as new get the Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besiey's Drug Store. | Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish gpodS at tbe lowest Chicago prices. BKSLKY'S Ale and Porter la the best made, uu draught iu McHenry at Jacob Bonaletts, A. Bnglen's. and John lieimer's. Jersey tValcU. i lull «upplj, which >vill be sold at lower prices tliao any . •tlier store In McHenry. MRN. M ANNUM AOHBB. Call for the"Wiiini Hiroke'\anew Bi and of five cent <<'igar<. m mat act or* •••I by Btrbian Bros. It boats ihens ill. Carriages the bes> of makes and f ully warranted for two years at E. M. Owen A Son, "*teel framed Plows, mid Minn* a polls Binders which bv th»*ir work tiav* oroven the best, are at E. M, Osreu ft •M»n. BREAD, Cakes ami Pies at Lock*! Howe Bakery, ('ilW* Block. Ladies Gloves a iu Mitts at Perry ft Owens'. Short Horn Bui Is for Sale. The undersigned htag^or »ale (ult hlood Shore H<>rii Bulls. Will be sold chaap, Cail ou or address FRANK R*UUT. One mile East ot Spring Grove. April 24.1886. EVERYBODY KNOWS J That Henderson's Boota *ml Shoos are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, House and Lot For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. Con­ tains 10 Room*. Also a Barn Wood­ shed and other outbuildings, well, cisrern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Go<'d Garden Apple Treea. eic. Price *1000. For terms and other particu lars Inquire of WESLEY LAXKD, Ringwood, March SIII, 1886. 34-6 month*. Some fuuiUh People. Allow a cou;h to run uur,l It getsl be­ yond the <each or medicine, i'liey of­ ten sty Oh! it will wear away, but io mot-t cases it wears them away. • ould they be induced to trv the »ucceasful m-dicine called Kemp's Ba saiu, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would imm*-tii- ttelysee the excellentefl«>ci alter tak­ ing th* first dose. Price 50c and 81,00. Trial -ise fr> e. a' Geo. W Besiey's, McHenry. E. M. Owen A >-> < ceived. seven ot 'h»* celebrated Ku>vka 6 and 7 tout Out Mowers one day la-it we* k. PBIVILVORS to let n'uv fv»r Fair time A. S. Wuear, SeeTy, Loss than a BO-Cont Sottla Curaa Bone Spavin, NUNDA, III May M, *84. O. DICKINSON A SON-Barriogton III Gentleman: I ha I a hor«e lame for • >v< r eighteen luomiis with a Bone spavin, and I procured a bottle of Dickinauu'K Russia Li i|io<*«it. and less ^ ihan a flfty-cei completely cured tin* t>pavi>i. W D PAKK«, SAVE A t>< LLAR We have had consigned to us by the ina» ufact .rer as mi advertisement Of heir work some ex'ra fine genuine TampfC'i itoat Shoe« for ladiea wear, «uc i as h ve been - old tor 1'hree Dol­ lars. We are Instructed to sell them at Two Dolla a. Buy a pair and save a dollar. PBKKT ft Own, N, B. Every pair warrauted. Cash paying buyers are respectfully Invited to o II at FIIKIUI'DOHS ft Evanson'i store at the W«*at Bud, to examine a few articles oflered at barg»lus during this week. Tent for Sale. A good 10x13 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set ap bat once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. Black Dress Goods and trimmings, and Fine D.ess Silks at Perry ft Owen. Notice, To those that want Tubs, Tats, Hay Racks,and anything in my Ine of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- >us' Store, F. A. HlBAim MoHenrr. Aug. 10,1MB. Ii4-Jy It ia So. Tbat we are daily guaranteeing Kensp^s Sarsaparllla to the people to this way, tbat after taking three fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It Is the greatest and best remedy on the market for eioaa* sing the blood and giving you a aatr lease of life, A well known boslaeaa •nan Informs us he has gained 9 pounds on two bottles of thi* Sarsapa­ rllla. Price 8100. For sale by Get* ;'W. Besley, McHenry.

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