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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1886, 5 000 5.pdf

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sijMaaaaiiiKas POPULAR SCIENCE. - , s ; ^ * T ' •• /, ?i '* --V, sr.".^V'?••-•TK-'t X«5«FJ VlniNltf R WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1888. Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 81,1 Train* will 0M> McHenry station »• below; . . OOIVO BOCTH. Lake Ganeva Passenger .».t:38 A. V Lake Geneva Express . .g;fs »• Lake Geneva Freight M:« r. u Lake Geneva Paaaenrer t:W •• Lake Geneva Passenger 6:31 " , ^ O »IF» VOIIB. Lake Geneva freight 9-11 4, • Lake Geneva Passenger jo.-ao » • Lake Geneva Passenger .:W IO " Lake Geneva Express 4:48r. u Lake Geneva Pasaeneer 6:87 »• * Stops only to leave Passenger*. B. Bess, Agent. MoHearr, 111 AN "Old Maids" Picnic at Pox L^ke tO*day. No, thank you, we can't go. OLD SETTLERS MEETING to morrow Wltli good weather a large crowd U expected. Ir while at the Old 8ettlers you want a line cup of Coflee or Tea go to Locke's Bakery, near the Iron Bridge. Gus VOGLK had the misfortune TO be thrown from a horse one day last week, breaking hU arm. COFFEE and Tea. by the Single Cup or Pitcher, at Locke's Bakery, near the Iron Bridge. TBOTTING Rices ar« advertised at *the Harvard Driving Park tor Then- day, Aug. 26th. Liberal Purses <are offered and some good trotting may be expected. THE Moonlight Excursion, for the beueflt of the Cemetery, on Wed tea- day evening last was well attended. We have not learned the amount of tbe reoelpts. WE learn that Klchard Thompson, who lives Southwest or this village, had a vain tble blooded Bull killed by lightening during the thunderstorm on Friday morning last. THE Riverside House. In this villa (e. Is now full of summer boarder*, and uuder the management 0! Mr. Ford I* becoming justly popular with pleasure seekers and the nubile generally, ARNOLD'S Illustrated Lectures on An­ cient History, Bible Geography, Foreign countries and our own land have been entertaining the people at the M. E. Church this week, and are very highly spoken of. PERSON «U M. PABKEB and Hurtle? were the guests of Miss Julia; MB. Parker A. Story last week. Miss JULIA A. 8TORT is spedlng \ few weeks with friends In Chicago and Hyde Park. HON C. H. TBTON and W. H. Wilcox of Greenwood, were calif rs alibis office on Monday. - >, JOHN A. DUPIELD, of the Woodstock, Democrat, was on onr streets on Mon-r diy. CHAS. ©W4N. of Chicago, Is a guesij of Paul Brown, at Plstaqua Bay, ttil«C week. jc "BILLT" YAGER, of Waukegan, wai| on our streets on Monday and Tues-e day. - 11 MRS. H. C. MEAD and Mr*. L. D n Biackman. returned on Saturday from® a five weeks visit among friends In'a Nebraskj^ f. e ODOEHI PBRKWS Is the hepp^^- ^r .an In this town and measures nine® leet and three inches with his boots j > t>n. It's a boy and weighs 12J pounds, .[/and arr'ved at his residence^ on Wed­ nesday last.J Father and child are mint well. ------- •: , ,-FR ..... FOB a good Ln neb or a square meal go to Locke's Bakery, near the Iron Bridge. RRMFMBER the Paries to-morrow. Thursday evening, at the Riverside. House, Parker House and Helmers Hall. REV. J. AND MRS. WHEELEB received a complimentary; to attend the fair at Woodstock. Many thanks to" our gentlemanly Secretary A.S. Wright; tor his thoughtfulness and politeness nf to the Moid pioneer." er /^DCBIKO the thunder storm on Friday morning last a barn of Isaac Jecks;^ west of tbls village, on the Woodstock do road was struck by lightening and lie with Its entire contents burned to the n" gjpund.J We have not learned the te •mount of his loss. y® WHILE on the way to LlbertyvlHe,1(1 Mrs. Frank Sayles. of Fox Lake, was er thrown from a buggy and had tier arm badly broken near the shoulder. The ust accident was caused by the neckyoke ,ly break leg, letting the pole drop. iin frig itenlng the horses so that they^ ran away. • WE learn that there was a matched race for 9100 a side, on the Richmond Driving 1'ark. on Saturday last be twoen "Flora L." owned by Geo. W. WHILE at l.lbertyvllle last week we stopped at the Fisher House. C. P. Fisher, Proprietor, and can truly sav that It is one of the best kept Hotel* in this part of the State. Painstaking and attentive to his guests, and with first class fare one at once feels at home at the Fistier House. We advise all our readers who have occasion to visit Libertyvllle to give the Fisher House a call WE are in re>a»ipt ol a large and very carefully executed engraving nf the •tew Standard OH Company Building. 26 Broadway, New York, which Is noteworthy as the finest business structure on the great commercial thoroughfare of this continent. The enormous granite pile, 200 feet deep, and alinott two hundred feet In height from foundation atone to pinnacle, I* entirely given up to the executive offices of the Company, which is entl tied to credit for havirg added so im- poslng^nd enduring an example to the great commercial monuments of the Metropolis. anything smaller than an ax helve. W Eldrldge, of that place, and "Bloom- field." a horse owned In Wisconsin, which was won by "FJora L." In three straight beats. A superstlclous subscriber, who found a spider In his paper, wants to know If It is considered a bad om*n; Noth Ing of the kind. The spider was merely looking over the culurnn* of the paper to see what merchant was not advertlsl-g. so that It could spin Its web across hta store door and be free from disturbance. A MAN who has tested the use of black peoper for the destruction of Insects on cabbage, says that it is a sure dellveranoe from these pests. The pepper should be sifted on the leaves while the dew Is on or after a shower; to ordinary p»pper box answers the purpose well. This bit of Information may be of great value. "^THiTRaces at Libertyvllle, on Thurs* day last drew out a large crowd from both Lake and McHenry Counties The Interest, of course was the match race between "Georg* O." and "Co- manche." The two first heats were taken by "George O." and the three laat and the Race by "Comanche." We forbear comment. A good deal ot money changed bands on the result. fHiTspeclnl Communication of Mo* Henry Lodge No. 158 A F. A A* M.. which was held 'on Friday afternoon last, was attended by visiting brethren from Richmond. Waucond« and Haines- vllle Lodges, and a very pleasant time was had. And we are requested by C. C- Colby. W. M. to return his thanks for their attendaoee and assistants* on that occasion. EMMKTT MCDONALD, the trainer and driver of "George O." had the mis fortune to get hh arm broken on Sun* day last while taking care of said horse. Both bones of the right aim were broken, which will lay bim up lor some time. Dr. Fegere was called and at tbls writing reports him com „fortablo./ Emmett has tbe sympathy of all in his misfortune. AN editor Is a man who la liable to grammatical blunders, toothache, typo­ graphical errors and lapses of money, and usually be has ninety seven thous and people watching to catch him tripping. Hs is a man of sorrow, ac­ quainted with grief and poverty, and frequently liable to go ragged, hungry end dry for a long period. A*»d yet the woods are full of people who want to be editors, THE young of the condor, at their home in the heights of the Andes, re­ main in the nest for a year, being fed by the parents until they are able to fly. A MICRO8COPIBT of the Smithsonian Institution, who has investigated the subject closely, declares there is noth ing harmful in the green coloring mat­ ter sometimes found in oysters. THE bed of the ocean, says a foreign writer, is to an enormous extent cov ered with lava and pumice stone. Still more remarkable ia it to find the floor oi the ocean covered in many parts with the dust of the meteorites. A MEMBER of the Royal Horticultural Society of London has observed tliat dahlias collect much dew on tlioii leaves; the peach rose and eveninc primrose very little; while the quine and mulberry are only very slight 1 wet. IT has been found by Dr. Tait tha the ear in women can perceive highe notes, that is, sounds with a great number of vibrations per second, tlia the ear in men. The highest limit human hearing is somewhere bet we 41,000 and 43.000 vibrations per seco Few persons have equal sensibility acute sounds in both oars, the ri#ht / OLD SETTLERS. ' Remember Friday Sept. 17th, the week of the McHenry Co. Fair, Is Old Settlers day. given in honor of all Old Settlers. We d> sire your presence. If you have your badge please wear It. Hon. Samuel Randall will deliver the Annual Addresathat day. You cannot wflord t» miss the opportunity of hear­ ing him. Hon Wm McAdoo, Member of Congress from N*w J«*rtey. who ac­ companied Mr. Randall on his trip through the South, will be here also **o will many others. Everything Is being done towards making ihe day a memorable one, and we are anxious to have a large attendance. Make your arrangements to be present. A S. WBIQHT. Secretary. A man calling bis name, C. W. Sldmati, and profeaslng to be some sort of a Doctor, arrived In Rochelle a few days ago and applied to liveryman Guest for a team to be used In the country for t vo or three daya, and as he was to have a Rochelle boy for driver, he secured the' team and at the end of the third dav at noon, they arrived at Ashton. when he to?d the - oy to put the horse In the stable and feed him. and he would go and s-e some parties and be back at three or four o'clock, and then drive to Rochelle. The boy would nave been at Aahton yet waiting for him If he had not beoome llacour- agedanJieft for home late In the evening. ' When the boy arrived and reported progress to Mr. Guest It ^ was well that distance was what sepa» tried tying tlie pen-holder tomv elbows crated them. It can be set down, that but they wouldn t bend with that kind,*,.. n_ a,,i_an . . . of an implement. Mv hands arc a lit; ^,8 °r' 8,d»*» down under tie better this week, but I am as badlv,he n*na<' of d**d be*t- *«SS him ax ridden as ever. I hear voices <>nllin0**ol*nd,-^AocAfi£fe HcctUl. even now for "more wood," though } assure you I have cut a cord betweoi IIISUranOB that D068 IrtSUre! every paragraph. At least, I think : During the storm last Friday. Aug. I™'elL * £° °1ut *™13.I hHdacow killed by lightning in chop until the ax flies olF the handle ... , . . . • which is every five minutes, and then ! ""J °-P9n *slued at $30 and insur- am going to heap high the faggots, an< through Bon»)ert A Stoflel. crawl into the camp-fire and show tin '•» the Phenlx. of Bro klyo. New old martyrs how sweetly and joyously 1 York. S tturdty evening 24 tio irs al- man can roast himself rather than cu ler th(. discovery of my loan; It was ad- one solitarv single other stick of wooi ... , , more.-lioberr J. Burdetie, in th J1""1 by R »nd Brooklyn Eagle. READERS of the PLAINUKALER will remember that the State Fair will be held in Chictgo In^ September, b»- gitudng on the 6th and (losing with the 10th. Besides the usual attractions, visitors to the fair a e pro>11 Ned a number of new ones Inclulinjg the annu d shows of the American Clydes­ dale Percheron a»id|<h1r« Horte V«ao- elation, for whi*h nearly 110 000 In premi'ima are offered,, and for this reaa on It Is expected that the diHplav of horses will be the Urgent and beat ever seen In thin country. Tlie coininh«lo<i men at the Union Stock Yards ofl-r a herd prize of 11.000 in addition to the large cattle ureinlu ns ofi-red by the Board of A* icilrure. The trotting puree is 91 80<i and the ptcing pn^e $1 200. The entries closed April !5th and numbered 67 trotters and 21 pacers. All rf the railroad'* lines cen terlng inCtilcigo will oirrv nas en- gers at not to exceed one and one thlr! fare. A Dakota exchange ha4 the ro low ing: We intimated some fe*r weeks ago that the vague feir was growing on ua that our subscribers were on a strike. Subffquent events nave gone to confirm the suspicion. Onlv one or two. have reported at the offl» for duty during the last month or so. If they arestandidg out as we firmly be­ lieve we wiah it understood right hero we are willing to arbitrate. Even without that will concede eight hours a day--if t'>ey, will labor faithfully at paying their subscriptions for eight hours each dty. they can put on their oats and go home /We wish they would appoint a / committee to come in and see about It any *ray. Wo will meet them and take them by the hand; capital and labor should be allies, not enemies. We thought we detected symptoms of boycott one* when a man who had taken the paper for some time refused to remove it from the postoffice, but happily this d tnger has been averted," > Convention Kotloo. Tbe Commissioners of Canada This­ tles of the several towns of McHenry County are requested to meet in con­ vention at the Court House, in Wood> stock, on Thursday t»e 26 b. of Aug. * A. BOCKME, President. H. 0. MA AO, SECRETARY. (JARPET~WEAVING. The undersigned Is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notioe and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully solicited, and s«ti«faetioo guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. MeHenry, Aug. Wth, 18SS. l-la Good Mens «hlr s, 28 cents at Fits- simmous it Evanson's. tendered me then and there. I must heartily redo nmend the Phenlx of Brooklyn, through its agency at West McHenry, III. Respectfully, HBNBT *TIU.I*O. On the R'llwf Far*. SEALED PROPOSALS. Sealed Proposal* will he received by the undersigned. School Trustees of District No 1, In the 1 ownship of Mv* H»-nrv. Ill , until Mondav AilifiKt 23rd, 1886 for the hu!l<1|* g of a !*rhon| H'»u*e In said Dis rict. Plans and speclfica* t|i>ns i-aii be M>en at the renfd**noe of Ma' Hei-ner. In the village of Johns hurg, wher» other nxr'iruNr* <;an he learned The Tru"^"!" reaerve the tight to r»J<>ct any and all hl la JOHN HtTKWAtnr MAT Hkim "a, JOHN K raaown. Truiteea District No. 1. Don't fill the system wl'h quinine in the effort »o prevent or cure Fever and Ague. Aver's Ague Cure is a mor* pn tent, remedy, and it leaves in the body no poiaons to produce dizziness, deaf­ ness. headache, or disorders. Toe pro­ prietors warrant It. MRS E. W. HOWE lias removed her Mill'nery and Dr»*ss Making Rooms to r side nee, t»o doors East of the Kelte* Block, where she will be happy to meet her old customers and as many new ones as may Fee fit to ea!l. The latest st vies of Millinery just received Dress Making done promptly. Young, old and middle agej. all ex perlence th* wonderful beneficial effects of A?*r's Sarsapanlla. Young children, suffering from sore eyes, sore ears, scald-hend, or with any scrofaloua or syphilitic taint, may be made healthy and strong by I ts use. 3UN FOR SALE. For sale a good double Barrel, tnozsle loading sho», gun for Sale, or trade for Produce of any kind. Enquire st tnla office HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale in the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots. Plenty of small fruit. Will be sold cheap If applied for so>n. For further psrtlcu« lars Inquire nf. G. B. WILLIAMS, Uua<l«e, IIL 4>3m. Wliat ere Snppotltorea. A. G. Rose, from New London. Conn., writes: Send me two boxes of your Kemp's Pile Suppositories by mall. Our druggist Is out. They are for a friend. I tried everything with out be.p. but tbe Suppositories cured me. Tbe treatment Is new and within reach of all, and would advise the effected to give tbem a trial. For Eamphlets on Pll»s address Box S9§ ie Roy. N. Y. For sale 1 •* Mclleurv, by Geo. W. Besley's at 60a per box. Exooutlvo Oommlttoo. The executive committee of the Mo- Henry Co. Ag'I Board oset at he Seore tary's office Monday Aug. 9, President Richards presiding. Memb-rs present; Vloe President Dike, Superintendent Wright, Codi- mitteemen Forest, Bourne. Fenton, Colllson, Andrew*, and Charles Dike. Minutes ot last meeting read and ap­ proved. The following were appointed a committee on Ananee: A. Dike, Robert Forest, and W. H. Huffman. On motion David Fenton was ap* pointed Superintendent of the Amphi­ theatre. to take full charge of th» same, as far as the gate's time of open- log and closing was concerned. Moved that the matter of increasing tbe box stalls be left with the Super­ intendent. Owing to the accommodation of those who make bonified entries and those who are entitled to *tall*. the follow­ ing resolution was concurred In, viz: All entries In single and double car­ riage teams be required to deposit tbe sum of 11 00 with tbe Secretary on making their entries. saldfti.OO to be rofuuded when such entries are carried out iu the show ring. It was moved and carr'ed, parties renting booths shall not set tablea for regular meals. Moved and carried that the Superin­ tendent of departments se'ect their own committees, the stock committees subject to approval of executive com­ mittee. Tbe committees In class A B. C. D. and H. were selected and the secretary was Instructed to notify them. The Superintendent of t he Dining Hall was instructed to run his depart­ ment In keeping with the good name of the McHenry County Fair, |to set a table with abundance, cooked in splen­ did style, everything to be clean and or. a high >rder. All who know Mr. Hlckax. well know the above will be carried out. and those who patronize the Society Larder, will as In the past go away satisfied. The<-e being no further business meeting adjourned to eall of the Presi­ dent. A. S. WRIGHT Secretary. Ton An, Wis., Aug. 13th. 1885. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--I am more peculiarly altuated just now. than ever before In my life. In relation to drouth and forest fires. I read the ac­ counts of these fires In the C>dea*o papers, and while they are true to the letter, perhaps, they do not give any­ thing like a full conceptiono< the case, as can be gathered by tne being among the people whose whole mind, body and estate are thoroughly bound up In the lumber Interests of this Im­ port tnt section. To see the Interest and anxiety mingled with hope and fear, expressed In the eye and work­ ings of the countenance; to watch for and catch the peculiar Intonations ot voice; to see the nervous Intense movements, as word comes from this source and that; from this direction and that; then, to see the fires bright­ ened up trom the smouldering embers ^>y this coming along of the brisk breezes, and living In the blue h*s« of the smoke In which you are more or less enveloped n<ght and Jay. Indoors and out, with the light twinge* or strong smartlngs aacordlng to the density of Its preaence. giv«»s a feeling nf interest In the matter that will not nnd cannot be obtained from any written description, by a oorresp 11- dent. who does not take thementaloo»» dillon of those interested int » the ac­ count ot these already st rlotta disaster* or possible immediately future devas tations. The fires have not only run In the woods, hut also re run oyer territory that haa be«n striped of all the good pine lumber years ago, and also it burns down Into the hogs a *d mucky lands to the depths of a foot or two. Itunderminds iar<e trees so that even a slight wind tips them ov-»r. Fields have been burned over and farm buildings and stacks of har and grain.lia^e fwen destroyed by this element of terror. The drouth is^more terrible here than e sr I have seen; hard wood trees are literally dying In some places, and tbe leaves are wilting on mat.y others and on this sandy soil oorn "talks are actually drying and cured as fodder ready for stocking as it stands on the ground without being cut. Winter wheat was excellent. Mpring wheat and oats only middling and green crops almost a total failure. Toipah, Is a prosperous village having some very fin« stores; the lumbering bu«lnes* being the greater support, although In some parta of the county adjacent to here, there are some very prosperous farmers. In tiie imtm dlate vicinity, however I should take It as an Insult to be offered land for a farm, of any else, the considera­ tion bel»g that I live upon it as a permanent citizen. The leading per­ manent residents in business and tbe lumb-r luterests are a sharp, enter­ prising and Intelligent people, and In many instances showing taste, require* inent and mental culture. The Good­ year 'umber Co. Is a strong power here. The members thereof are a progressive people. They are putting in a plant of tbe B msb Electrl 5 Light, to supply their general store and their plaining mill, and will supply any other part of the v.llage desiring it. The population is about 2000. The village would be very pretty were It not on such a sandy plain. They have a flue school, numerous churches and hotel accommodations sufficient for ail who come. It is located on the through line of tbe C, M. and St. P. R. R„ and Is about 40 miles from L.- Cross- No rain has been had hero since gome time in June, not even a good heavy shower, but this morning there Is a threatening aspect, ana possibly tbe change Is near by. B. Banmrmo. ALOONOUIN. EDITOR PLAIMDSALBR:-The bam on the Cyrus Ford farm was struck by lightning and burned down on Friday morning of last week. The teoant, Mr, Orkftts, saved his horses and cattle but his bay and a pert of his farm tools were burned. J. A. Sherwood has gone to Waukesha, to try the virtue of the springs there. Miss Qan tah Eckstrim spent Sun­ day with frteuds at Elgin BORN, August ISth. 1888. to the wife of Robert Hager, a 10} pound daugh ter. Mrs Dr. Bentley, of Sacramento. California spent Sunday Ian here, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell Mrs. Bentley iiad been called to attend the burial of her mother, Mrs. Nervins, of Medina. Ohio. Rev. Mr. Douglass, pastor of the Congregational Cliursh. with his wife and child, started for Iowa. Ian week to attfend the marriage of a sister of Mr, Douglass. The Ladies Aid Society of the Con- gre^ation«l church will meet at Mrs Hum's on Wednesday ot this week D. W. Thomas came In with a car load of milcn cowa on Saturday of last week. He Is biUed for an Auction Sale for Tuesday of this week. ^ Mrs. Henry Benthusen, who has been quite sick for the past few days. i« rocoverlng. Dr. Nason Is In attend- ance. Mis* Mamie McKee goes soon to try work in the Elgin watch fac ory. Miss Anna La«!e started on Monday of this week for Ful>on, Mo., to visit her sister, Mr». Geo. Peacock. Ed Chandler, of Chicago, Is visiting here with the Chapeli family. We had one of tbe most severe thunder storms on Suudaj night last 01 tbe season. C, W. Morton offers his farm for sale or rent. It ia situated two miles west of town. MARRTKD, At rt Wayne, lniiana, AU« lit , I8M, Rev W. von Soheak, of Algwaqcia. to Mix* Henrietta Katk of P Wayne- Mr. von Holienk returned home 011 Friday of last week with hU bride The Parsonage has been repainted atol nicely luruislied and all was In redi nes" for the occupancy of the newly wedded pair. May happiness atteu«i item. Good Fiour only |l,W per sack at Booslett A Stoflel's. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDHALKR.--Lewie E Merritt. from Elglu. Is nsiting his rel­ atives here a visit. Miss Patterson is the guest of Mr. and Mrs I. W. Webster. The Cheshire picnic called a great many to Keyes Park Thursday. Elmer Merry spent a part of last week with Ills couMi, tlie druggist. Mrs. W. R. Kane Is visiting her daughter and other friends at Broad head. Wis, Rev Andrews, from Apple ton. Wis., the ne % Presbyterian minister, moved Into the parsonage Saturday. ? Delos Blodgett, M. S. tioodsell and Ridlo Phillies are camping at Geneva Lake th s week. Ho * ard L. Wall left for Chlcag Friday morning. Although Ills staj with 11s has been short, he has now mar y friends who »l<l miss him. A number of our townsmen attended the racea at LI l»erty vllle Tburs lay and report a good time. The new cr»am s par at or In M tnger •> cheese fao'ory, was put In operation 011 Monday morning. T ie remains of Mrs. J A. Rotoou* were hro ight here tor (mermen* Mon­ dav afternoon, the funeral advice* be Ing-held at the houae. near Richtnord The Progf stive Kuchre partv. gl^nn hv Mr. and Mrs. O. D*rt.wa« a vrv enjoyable affair "Mel*'!• quite proud of his prize, a I've, crowing rooster Among those who attended the Queen Anne Harvest festival from hen were Mr and Mra. Peter Rowe Mr. ami Mrs. Orton Phillips and <*. Thayer and family. The H D A. were sadly disappoint­ ed Saturday evening In being unable to visit Ringwood as advertised, but a* Mr. Wall recel /«d a tel»grarn calling him Immediately to Chicago It wv unadvoldahle. However the company do not yet despair o* giving Rlugwood an entertainment. Oar Chicago Market Report Prepared Bxpreesly for tbe Pt.AtaoaAi.Ba br Oar Own Oorrenponrlent. CHICAGO. Ang 16, 1886 Higher 1 ables. heavy buying orders from abroad, a lively export movement east, wet weather and only fair offer­ ings here, all help to strengthen the markets, With firmer cables and good export demand, wheat shows unusual buoyancy and atrength and prices ad­ vanced 2c within the pan -two days Corn Is easier with only a,few outside orders, and business reaches only a moderate volume Oata rye and barley sell sparlnaly, and prices are eaay. Dairy products are in good demand and fir ner. G.-een fruit and vegetables are In good demand. For the past week the cat'le receipts have aver­ aged over 800 per day, and the arrivals of calves are the largest for several months There ts a brisk outside and •ocal demand, and prices hold firm at 5 to 10c higher. Dressed beef m»n are the principal buyers. The demand for hogs is acfve, and competition between b-iyers Is lively, especially for good corn-fed stock, as they are very scarae and In some cases prices are higher. A fair trade exists in the sheep market and prices rule steady BDTTER--Creamerv fancy 18 to 20©; dairy tocholoa 11 @ 14c;oommon grade 8@10. j Eoos--Fresh Northern. IDJc.' CHKESE--'Young America 8jc; full cream cheddar 7f; skimmed 2@3c. POULTRY--Chickens 10 Turkeys 8J. C\TTLE--G-iod to extra shippers •510@$&20; fair to choice 94 80@95 10; com.nor. 10 good T3 65@G4.40; poor to medium $3 W@4.00; stockers $2 20<A •3.16; feeders 93^0(8#3.75; Texaos 92.60 <9F3 60. Hotts--Light weight $4 803*4 85 rough packing *410394 60; tieavy packing and shipping *4 9J MIEEP--Oomuaon to cuoice 92.503 •430. Annual Re • Union AMD BASKET PICJTIC, --or THB-- - Old Settlers Assee^iei Of McHenry and Lake Counties --AT-- M'HENRY, ILL., THar, Aipst 19th,' i486. The following Speakers will address the Meeting, Hon. A. B, Coon* Hon. Isaac G. Wllsoi^ ^ Capt. John Eddy| Frank Mpltzer, -Aa* Others.- Chaplain, Rw. M Mhwlar. The Re*0nlon will be of the Plonlo order and will be held on the Publle square, where ample accommodation will he furnished for all. In the afternoon there will be a Boat Race, for a Purse of 915.97 to first. 96 o second a id 93 to third. Also a Tub Race f<>r a Purse of 96. 98 to first. 92 to second and 91 to third. Also a one hundred yard Foot Raoe for a Purse of 95. For tlie Boat R too an entranae fee of 10 perc nt wl I be charged. All •»ther raoea free. The Oli Settlers* Champion Flag will be contested for this year. A 'ufBcient number of Marshals will be «ppolnted to tiave charge of evert mad leading Into the village of M«*H enry, and the town bringing In lie largest prneeKslon of teams on th< day of the Re-Union will beavarded 'lie Champion flag. Let every town in M^'Henry and Lake Counties mak*- aneflirt to carry home the Flag Appoint your Mar-di-tla, organis**, and trrangemen'S will be made to meet ««>d count your delegation at a certain it'Hir. that no delays may occur. The McHenry Military Ban-land a choice Choir ^wlll furnish Muslo fot • he occasion. A general invitation Is extended to all to come out, meet the Old Settlers, and have a day of real enjoyment. R, BISHOP, President . J. VAN SLTKK, /Sbrretary, HARVEST PARTY. At the Riverside House. McHenrr. Thursday evening, Aug. !9ih. Old Hetilerii' Day Music. Preston** Or- Hn-stra. Th-kets including Suppet ind care of Horses. 91-60- All are cordially Invited. If. H. FOBD. Proprietor. OLD SETi'LERS* DaNOE. There will be an Old ^ettlerc* Danes, at Grand Hall'. Parker House, on Thurs day evening. August 19th, Music, ^locuui s Orchestra. All are cordially invited* Ticket* will be Iktued in due time. . PARKKB. Proprietor. DANOE A f HKIMKR'4 HALL. Thursday evening. Aug. 19-h. Old Settlers* Day. Music, Ringwood Band four pieces. All are cordl illy Invited. Jonw HRIMKH, Proprietor Middliugs, br .u, bait and Oil Meal in stock at Bonslett A btoffel's. WtewildeocM for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, HL MATCHED 1 b,AM FOR SALE. A matched Team, four and Av< years old. sll sou id* and right. Will m«ke a fine carriage team. Inquire at this ofllee. Rockford Stoffels. Ba'ts at Bonslett A Speetat Fremlomi. Let all remember the many special premiums offered by the merchant* of Woodstock and other places for the coming Fair. Just drop a postal card to tbe secretary and he will send you a list. A. K. WBIGHT. Secy. Th e omlteat Man la SfoHenry. As w«*ll as t'<e ha (dsome*t, and others are Invited to call on Geo. W 3e»ley and get free a trial bottle ot - m p's Balsam for tbe Throat and Lungs, a remedy tnat Is selling en. irely upon its merits and ia guar- an teed to cu»e and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchlt is snd Consumption. Prloe 50 cents and 91. To the fellows that pav as they go. we offer a soprrlor article of Flour, Cash price 9i FITZSIKMONS A ETANSOK- 16 cases new Boots & Shoes just re­ ceived at Perry A Owen's. Look at the cnoiee Candies at Bee* ley's Drug Store. West End, BOXKD and open stalls can be seetir ed now. A. 8. WBIOHT, See'y. McHenry Oonoty Fair. Everything in the Hardware Uae st bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever fes* fore, at G. W. Bealey's, West Side. . F.,6e.Sc£?P Books oulj 91 * at G* Besley's. West Side. Celluloid Combe, only 20 eests, at Ck W. Besley's, West Hide. Hammocks and Lap Rnbee, a mad stock, at Bonalett A Stoffefs. Fruits. Nuts and Candlea, largeet as> . sortment In town, at Perry A Owea^s. Good Rockford Flour only |ljt aer sack at Booslett A StoffH's. Best Smoking Tobaeeu at iO seats pound at Perry A Owen's. Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado Inau* ranee, of Bonalett A Stoffel, West Mo- Henry, III. Knowlton. S'andird. Manny. Crow a Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Boa, and la price from 945 to 990. Laoe Curtains. Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near the Depot. Psrsols and Fans at Perry A osreM. " DOMESTIC Piano and Furnitore Pol­ ish. the finest thing in the market* at Besley's Drug Store Besley's Fantu Waakegmo* Ale and Porter On draught at J. BonslettH, A, Xa- glen's sad John Helmer*s. Ip you want to make your Baggy Top look as good as new g* t the Na- fl«nal Patent Leather Enamel st Besley's Drug Store. _______ Mrs. 8ohumaoh«re Visits Chicago every week and will take In your orders and furnish goods it the lowest Chicago prions. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the beet •nade. on draught In McHenry at Jacob ttonsletts, A. Englea's. and Join lieimer's. Jersey Walata. a full «npply, wbldi 5 *111 be sold at lower prices than aay »ther store la McHenrr. staa. M. anvoKAoaaa. Call for the *• Winni -ig Stroke**, a new Brand nf five oent «Mgara. maun factor* **d by Barblaa Bros. It beats thess ill. Carriages the heat of makes and fully warranted for two years at E. M, Owen A Son. **fefl framed Plows, and Minneapolis Binder* which bv th»tp w-»rk t»av* oroven the best, are st E. M. Owen A ^on. PRIVILEGES to let now for Fair tlma A. 8. WRIGHT, Sec'y. Rockford Carpet W arps at Bonslett A Stoflels. B «dger "fate Ov«ralla and Jackets at oaslsu AStollels, BEEAO, Cakes , and Plea at Leek's Home Bakery, <*ll|ek* Block. Ladies Gloves am Mitts at Pom A Owens'. Short Horn Bulls for 8nl+» The uuder«igued haa tor «ate lull do«HlShor H«»rn Bulla. Will be sold •heap. Call on or addresa FBANK ' One mile Btst ol Spring Gruigfe April 24.1889. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderaon's B tots and Shoes are the heat. We sell lots of them.-- P»*rrv A Owen**. «<oi.. Agents. House and Lot For Sal*. In the village of Ringwood. Cea» alna 10 RtM»m«. Alao a Birn Wottd* -bed and other outhulidiiiga. well, *isr«*rn. eto^ on the premises. With* n twenty nids of l>*pot. Go d harden A pole Tree*, etc. Price "•1**00 For terms and other partleu ar* Inquire of WEStEf Ringwood, March 5<h. 1886. 34-6 monthS. Koettah Feapla. \llow s rou;h to run un i It getsl be* vond tlie ifich of m**diclne. Tney of* •*n sty Oh! it will wear away, bu> la nost cases It wears them away, ould th»y be induced to trv the "uccessfui m dlcine called Kemp*s Ba sam, which will eell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would iinmedi- ttelysee the excellentefl» cf after tak* Ing th** tlrst doae. Price 50c and 91J09.- Trial -lie fr» e, at Geo. W. Besley's, McHenry. E. M Owen & Hon received seven ot lie celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot eat Mowers one day la*t we«*k. Woaa than a so-Cent Bottla Ctiree Bona Spavin. NDITDA, III May n, MSI. O. DtCKtirsoa A Sow--Barrinfion lit GttUkman: I ha<l a horse lame for •v. r elfhteen mouths with a Bow "fiavin. and I procured a bottle Of DicktusonV Russian Ll>tiin«nt. and last than a fifty-cei t bottle eompleiely cured tlie spavin. W. D. PARKS. SAVE A (J< LLAR We have had consigned to ua by tha mat ufact >rer a* an advertisement of heir work some extra fine genuine Tampico goat Shoes for ladies wear, «uco as h ve been *old tor Three Dol­ lars. We are Instructed to sell them at Two Dollars. Buy a pair snd save a dollar. PBRRT A Own. N, B. Every pair warranted. Cash paying buyers are respectfully invited to c 11 at FliKlmtoons m Evanson'. store at the Wrst End* tft ••xamlne a few articles offered ai bargains during this week. ^v Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, Good as new, never having been set op bat onoe. W||| be sold ebeap. Inquire at tbls office. B'ack Dresa Goods and tH ram lags, sad Flue D.esa silks at Perry A Owea. Hotice. To those that want Tuba. Vats, Bay Racks,and anything iu mv lite of basl* less. Work done on abort notice to order. Shop one door South ot Lav* 'tis® Store, SeBaery, Aag. Ml MS - • ' r Il ta So. That we are dally gimraoteelng Kemp's Harsaparllla to the people la this way, tl.ia». after taking three fourths of a bottle without relief, we will tefaad the money. It Is the greatest aad beat remedy on the market for etsae* sli.g the blood and giving you a ae«r lease of life, A well known business •.an Informa ua he has gained S pounds on two bottles of this flaittaa rllla. Price 9100. For sale by Qea •M • ">h: mailto:W@4.00

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