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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1886, p. 1

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,sf.. •* t ? ^ •v - ••--.•:.«• k^H-' *•/" 4^*? *T « itnm «i t * . • > - - Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." :# VOL. 12. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1886. NO. 9. eirj r. / PKBLISHBD ITIIT WKDMBBDAT BT . V A N S L Y K £ ; • t ' ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. | Office In Bishop's Block, pa PIUT A TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. to fear (In Aimeej tl.5# Not Paid within Three Month* J.00 Subscription* received for three or six Djpnthi in the ume proportion. Bates oi Advertising. ."-We announce liberal rate* for advertising .«K the PLA.ncDBAL.KK, an<l endeavor to state them so plainly that ther will be readily un- lerstoed. They are as follows: 1 Inflh one year - -i • . 58# . * Inches one year - .w.,. • • WOO S Inchesene year • Kgj'- K WOO X Oolnmn ene year - • *00 U Oolnmn one year- • * * 00 00 Oelumn one year . --*• •=*• . 100 00 4>ne inch means the meainrement of one ffch down the column, single colnmn width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra eharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will tee entitled to Insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per line the first week, and S cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements wilt be charged at the rate of 10 cents ne line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and I eents per line for subsequent issues. This, an Inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for ene week, tl.60 for two weeks, 92.00 for three fftvks, and so on. The PLAiKDRAtaK will be liberal in giving id .torial notices, but, as a business rule, It will require a suitable fee from everybody Ssktng the use. of its columns for peeunlary in. BUSINESS CARDS. a. T. BROWN, M. D. (HTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. 0«ce at Residence, McHenry, 111. a H. FEGERS, M, D- IHTSIOIAN 1ND SURGEON. McHonry, *111% office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. iHYUOIAS AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office one door West of rltsslmmons i Evanson's store, up Stairs. BARB IAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or-ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, #Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside o»®. Livery Stable. T1 E. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. First H class rigs, with or without drirer# rarnlthed at reasonable rate®. T6ftninf 01 ftli kind* «lon6 on short notice. flOBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand Joseph Wiedemanit, . HEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation [of the Public a Mrst-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will r* all times keep the|be«t te*ads ef Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be found In the market. , > Also Agent For ; FRANZ FALK« 1ILWADKEE LAGER BEER. 'Beer in Large or Small Kegs or bottles al. fys on hand, cheaper than any other* luiU* considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD BTASLim/ FOR HORSX& JTOali and see us. Robert SohleMle. - IpoHenry. I1L. May 15th, 1886. SALOON and RESTAURANT C$: Buck's Old Stand, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Hp Kentucky Liquors, French Bitter, I McHenry Lager Beer, Tallo* lfilmnkM Bhi, -AND- I. Wa lilwaite Bottle Beer. By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and fell^t Reasonable Prices. ' Call and see me and I wiJI ip| |ou well. ANTONY ENGE&S. ^ McHenry* IUM 188$. JAgents Wanted! FOB THE OIMT 5IW BOOK, •Th« World's Wonders ' lyJ.Wlusl. -The most suoeesssnl onbscrlption book ever published. Ovei half a million copiet were »old 0m past tight month*, and It is selling three Itawi as net now as ever before. Regular Canvassers clear from 915 to (K, (M and |H Krdav. Nothing like it was ever known in e history of book publishing. Pro ft tent em o>* apptteaUon* No experience needed to sure success, We help persons without Beans to do a lar<e business; no capital need- «1 Write for ^particulars. Salariet gwmm-UMI toptrmm who da net WTO* to ecuwam on com- We mean business, and want live agents in every township. It will cost yon •othing to write for terms and full descrlp- Moos of our plans of doing business. We also , MsatMV standard book* to persons who send St name i of book «gents, Write for oer llet , ffisiMdMkt^tooka. w MnfOBfOAS. PUBLUHIXQ CO. INI111N]Third Street, St. Ik>hU,Mo. BUSINESS CARDS. M. F. ELLSWORTH, A TTORNET at Law, and Solicitor la Chan JM. eery, Noada, IIL ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor) fat A Chancery.--Woodstock, in. 8. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond. Illinois. MART O. BARBIAN. IT AIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair II Work done in flrst class strte and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, IIL DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. " Parker Hoose, the 10th llth rotn and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of snch visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. M States Var Claii Apej OF-- W.M. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all ela«s)s and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex.Sol<1S«rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs.< A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe <c, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep tor sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. MOHKNRY, ILL Mi. COLD Bdds an •esies, bat (boss Who write h . 8tfn«oa k Co., Portland, Milne,wilt receive firm, fall Inform.tfop aboot work which ttaycaodo, and limllimu,thil«illpi; th«m from |s to |25 p«r day. Some have •var950 Ins day. Either aei, joong or old. Capital notleqalied. Toaarastarted frea. Tboaewho»tart at onea sts stSSllMy sswsfi--glmlafartaaM. All la new. C. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIASOSABLS TIBMS. A N D Satisfaction Guaranteed. (Jail on or Address C. G. Andrews, Spring Grove, 111. spring 3rove, Sept. SOth, 188S. lMl-Sm m D PUMP REPAIRiNQ, DEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobs in tthe line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or , will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In Short will do ail work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If jpia wanta Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. MTOrders by mail promptly attended to. Pest office, Johnsbiirgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, III., May 25th, 1M, For Coal and Wood •»*OALIi OH-- E. H. HOWE, Opposite BiMlkop*a Mill* <7ho has a complete line of the best stoves'in the market, as well as a large stock of Harihraie, Mechanic's Tmli, rui, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, tnlflftet/ eireiry thlagpii OM hardware ttove and tin line. MS WILL ITOT Jft* UNDKB90LD. Call at his store before buying else wHere. fobbing and repairing promptly attended to SVRemember,extra good bargains canal, ways be obtained at Howe's. *tfMi*Peo.l.M«. E. R. BBNKETT, M. ft, Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, sCHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special atteiition given to difficult Surgical eases. DKUT&CH QESPltOCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. SI ft>r 13 Weeks. The POTjICK GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurely wrapped, to any address In the Ualted States for three months on receipt ofj| ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed troe Address all orders to BICHABD K. rffit, R7 J FKANKLIN SQUABB, New York. I. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler VfO. 55 FIKTH AVE., CRriggs IIouBe), Chi- capo. 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Uhronome ters. S9PA. Full Assortment of Goods in his line JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AND JOINER, Is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and guar- entee sati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do as good work ar any man in the business. Orders left at his residcface, Southeast corner opposite the Publ ic School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de- JOHN J. WINKLKft. McBEtfRY, ILL., March SWA, 1880. 1 ">iii t J. P. SMITH, » Illinois. As Vine a Stock of Walches, Clocks and Jewelry As can be found in the County, which I offer at prices that can not'be beat. A Fine Stock ol CHOICE CIGARS FANCY TOBACCO, STATIONERY, BOX PAPEIR Notions, Musical Mints, Instruction Bosks, (to. Call and exaodine goods and learn prieeB. \ J. P. SMITH. McHenrv. 111., March 1st. 1886. SMITH'S BEANS /"*URE BlltoatMCt: Sick Hsadache In Four heart. lg) one dose relieves Neuralgia. Thsy cure and present Chills «* Fever, Sour Stomach / Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and give Life Vigor to the system. Dose t ONE BKAM. Try them once and you will never be wlthoetttiem. Nee, 25 cents per bottle. Sold b» Druggists and Msdlclne Dealer* generally. Sent on receipt w price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J.F.SMITH* CO., Maanteeto«rs sad Sole Proes.. ST. LQUIS. HO* E. IAWLUS, HOLDS THft FORT A8 JOHNSBURGH HENRY MILLER, --DXALBR nr-- Fireio and American Scotch and American Granite MOAUMMmn TABLETS, HEADSTOXE8 CEMETERY COPING, XTd JOHM8BUR6H, ILL. Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address :(e makes Suitslto order of the oest ('loths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. A! TBI LOWEST PRICES i'hat good Goods can be sold H> Ai«0 Cleans and Repairs Cfothes Neatly and on short notice. i *lve :ile a. Call t. I.AWLUS. •fcRflnrv, Jan tfyth, l»8K. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSJ.ETT, ^ALOON AND RESTAUftANT, at the old j stand, op(K>site Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. v£HNey'« ^ TO CURE R H E U M A T I S M . •Riis remedy has a ipsC-Si a»-',v.n nuon tli« tint-!: of the bo»lJ, Huppltin^ .<i ti»<- aru lubricating the Joints affected t>y tho ilisnnse. N. titv sru _ ,-- -- tho ilisnnse. Ki •tiff mr Distorted I-lmho rentain nftor « euro h; this speciflc. Atrial of H single bottle will convtnci the most sceptical that wo have not told )>:•! t its vir tnes. Price VI.OO per bottle. For, sale by al. drngxiBts. Manufactured only by ' LENNEY MEDICINE CO.v CHENOA. ILLINOIS. 'OB TH4 • WanTeV^^y day afeofLiacoIo. -BY- THOSE WHO KNEW HIM From the obscurity of his boyhood to the date of his trngie death, A near Biofcrapliv of the great American President, from a new stand-point-- accurate and exhaustive In fact and incident, replete with ane<'<iote. profuse and elegant in illustration (100 engravingi- frora original designs illustrating incident^, anecdotes, persons, le., including ,ie Steel Portraits.) Ananffi WatlfAfl «M>nd for full particn Mycins WW alllcu Inrsand for evidence ili;tl 'his is tins mont salable and pro 11 table book published; or. to save time, send $1.25 al once for Canvassing Book, ami state your choice of to wnslups. Address N. D. THUMP SON PUBLISHING CO., Pubs., St. Louis, Mo„ or New York City. A GIFT send 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box ot goods that will put you in the way ot making more money at once, than •iny thing else in America. Both sexes of all iges can live at home and work in spare time, >r all the tuna. lUpitiil not required We will start you. Immense pay sure lor tho ho start at once. STINSNO A C» till DOfHS' COESST [IMPROVED.] la the only perfect fitting, truly comfortable »nd health.preserving Corset made. Hasan Elastic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely different from any >ther.' Kverv Corset is stamped and absolute Iv Guaranteed in everv particular. Be sure to get the Downs Patent. Manufactured onlv ->y the Gage-Downs Corset Co., Chioago, and for sale by lirst-class dry.goods stores every* vbera. Pnce 11 .BO. D! SODA Best intheWsrlJ; ' w • ;vl" If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, cell al Jfeslej'i Drug Store, West Bad. * T ' * . tiThw Soldiers' Department, OOHTSTBUTED BT WM. H. COWLIN. County C. A- II. Dlreotofya niCHHOKDfrOST wo 988. Meets the second Friday evening of each month. OB. S.V, BBKHBTT, Com. WOODSTOCK ROST, vo toe. Meets first and third Monday evenings of each month. GEORGE ECKBKT, bom. HT7KDA TOST, ... "Meets the second and fourth Wednesday eweatngsofeach month. V W». B0TLBB, OOBU HABVAnDfPOST, no 9BS. Meets the seoona ana fonrtn Monday even tags ot each month. Dr. H. T. WoooBvrr, Com. MAKBNQO POST, Kd, 168, • Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. A, J. BOYuraTOir. Com. The number of - pension certificates issued daring the week ending Aug. 28,1886. was as follows: Original, 618; increase, 456; re-Issue, 196; restoration, 62; duplicate, 12; aoorued, 1; Act of March 3, 1883 4; Order, April 3. 1884, 12; Aot of Mareh 3, 1885,0; total, 1,384. A pension of 911,741.13 was granted Aug. 30 1886. to Marcus D. Richardson, of Milton, Trimble Co., N. Y.. late private, Co. E. 63d Ind., at 972 per month for total bllnJness as result o. prison life. He was reported as miss­ ing In action at Atlanta, Ga., July 22, 1864; was captured and centlned In Andersonvllle until Sept. 18, 1864 This man was a County charge. All cases involving large amounts ean onh be examined and passed upon by the Commissioner or Acting Commission­ er. This case wae passed upou by Col. McLean, Asting Commtsioner, The Spoils of War, Some time ago Acting Secretarj Falrchild instruote 1 .Mr. Krltes^Chiuf of the Division of Abandoned Proper­ ly, to carry into effect the provision* -of the act of Congress authorizing th* Secretary of the Treasury to delivei to the rightful owners certain article* of Jewelry, etc., captured by iht United States army during the wai and deposited in the Treasury Depart ment, Mr. Krlteshas accordingly pre pared rules and regulations which will govern the restoration of all suci< articles on deposit. They are con­ tained In two boxes and consist oi *ilverware. jewelry, watches, por i raits etc. One of the boxes container nearly 600 watches, gold, silver ano brass, and a number of jack-ltiilves. pocket books, letters, eto. These wer» mainly taken from; prisoners Jof wai who died in hospitals around Wash­ ington, Cape Lookout and Elmlraauu were deposited In the Treasury bt Gen. Ketchara. Some of them, how­ ever, belonged toJUnlon soldiers wlu< died during tbtf war near the placer designated. The other box container a lot of articles captured by General Sherman's troops at Camden, 8. C., Ii> the early part of 1865. They consist ol family plate, jewelry, eto., whlcli nad been deposited In a bauk at Cam­ den by Mr. McRae and other wealth) residents of that section. An inveuto ry has been made and it is thought th articles can be easily identified bj their owners. They will be restored upon application, accompanied bj satisfactory evidence of ownership The two baxes referred to oontala ai< the property of the character 'de­ scribed now In the United States Treasury, except possibly the presen­ tation swords belonging to Genera Twiggs, and oaptured by Oea, Butlei In New Orleans. It Is an unsettled question as yet whether tnese swordt- can be restorod under the provisl^nc of the act referred to above. All ih> other articles mentioned which hav< not been restored by April next will be advertised, and suoh as shall stir remain in ihe Treasury foroneyeai from that time will be sold at public auction.--National Tribum. Stonewall Jacksoals ; Flank Attn ok at Chancellorsvllle. From Gen. O. O. Howard's article li the September Century, we quote a* follows: "SomeboJy's guns thundered away for a few snort minutes, and then came the fitful rattle of musket­ ry; and before I could again get into the saddle there arose the ceaseless roar of the terrible storm. *•1 sent out my Chiei of Staff, Col. Asmussen, who was the first Ulcer to mount--'The firing Is In front of Devena, go and see if all is In order on the extreme right.' He Instantly turned and galloped away. I mounted and set off for a prominent place In rear of Scburz's line, so as to change front to the northwest of every brig ade southeast of the point of attack, il the attack extended beyond Deven's right flank; for It was divined at once that the enemy was now west of blm. I could see numbers of our men--not the few stragglers that always iy like the chalf at the first breeze, but scores of them--rushing Into the epeofng, some with arms and some without, running or falling before they got behind the Cover of Devon's reserves and before Gen. Scburs's waiting masses could deploy or charge. The noise and the smoke filled the air with excitement, aud to add to it Dick- mannas guns and caissons, with batterymen scattered, rolled aad tumbled like runaway wagons and carts in a thronged city. Tho guns and the masses of the right brigade struck the second line o£ Deven's before Mc­ Lean's front had given way, and, quicker than It could be told, with all the fury of the wildest hailstorm, everything, every sort or organization that lay in the path of tthe mad cur­ rent *of panic-stricken men, had to give way and be broken Into frag­ ments. "My own bora? seemed to catch the fury; he sprang, he rose high on his hind legs and fell over, throwing me to the ground. My Aid-de-Camp Dessauer, was struck by a shot and killed, and for a few moments I was as helpless as any of the men who were speeding without arms to the rear. But faithful Orderlies helped^me to remount. **I rode quickly to tha reserve batteries. A staff officer of Gen. Hooker, Lleut.«Col. Dlckiuson, joined me there; my own staff gathered around me, I was eager to flU the trenches which Barlow would have held. Buschbeck's second line was ordered to change front there. His men kept their ranks, but at flrst they appeared slow, •rtTIU they ^never get there P' "Dickinson said, *Oh, General' tee those men ooming from that hill way off to the right, and there's tho enemy titer them. Fire, oh. Are at them; ?uu may stop the flight!' '•No, Colonel,' I said,' I will never fire on my own ment" Not being able to attend the He- Union el the 95th. which was held at Jftarengo on the 4th, we take pleasure n copying the following from the Mareugo Republican In relation there- is The eighteenth annual ^e-union of the survivors oi the 95th III. Inf. Vols.. iccurred last Saturday, Sept. 4th, in viarengo, the anniversary of the mus ter into the U. 8. service In 1862, at Camp Fuller, Rockford. Tne boys gathered In goodly numbers, some ooiniug by c irrlages and others by car iome came long distances to attend the re-union, of whom we mention < !apt. A. 8. Stewart, ( A) Indianapolis; tjewls M. Gray (A) Odebolr, Iowa; Jar ti. Smith, (A) Juliet, III; Dr. Geo. H Bassett, (F) Hobart. Iud.; Dr. McKen- dree Bishop. (E) California, The bov* *ere In good spirits, and each had » itearty welcome irom his old comradei- III arms. The boys whow^nt out H. 6*2 full of life and olood to do battle ' or the Uulon. have passed <tway. rtany of them fell on the battle field, •thers died in prison-pens, hospital ot •amp, Tliose that remain are grey- leaduil, battle-scarred, (many of the.i. lecrepid) veterans, a grand, nobl< i»and of patriots--God bless them ivery one. The re-union of Saturday was one oi lie best and pleasautest ever enjoyed tiy the old vets, aud yet, at Its clogt •tie of the saddest, for in the midst oi lielr happiness aud fraternal gieet- ngs, oil" ot tiielr number, Capt. Joht Body, after a most thrilling and elo­ quent address to tneco urates, in which vltb wonderful power be portrayed lie courage of the Union Soldier, he •tepped down and fell to the ground, > •orpse! It was a sad. sad ending of * lelfghtful reunion. One less of out .umber, one more of the noble, berok- lead. 1'he business meeting was held at 12 H. In G. A. R, Hall. Col, Wm. Avery. President, in the chair. The Secr<* ary's report was r**d and approved B. S. Parker, the Treasurer, made hi­ re port, showing a balance of #65 69 ii. lis hands. Comrade Parker having uet with great financial mlsfortum i-ecentiy, the sympathy of his comradet- #as eloquently expressed in a unani •nous vote that tie be wholly exonera ed from all claims of the association. Cul. Avery vat re-elected President B S.Parker, Secretary and Thoe. Gil person. Treasurer. One Vlce-Presideu 'rotn each Company was elected a*- tollows: A - C . W , Mallory; B-Tra B. Hill: •J--Sam Cutter; D--Wm. Butler; E-- W. Andrus; F--M. F. Ellsworth; G--R loran; H--H. Freeman; I--Jas, Nlsli: K--Capt. Schellenger. It was voted to hold the next re union at Capron. th ' local members oi he 95th to make all necessary arrange men is. Adjourned till September 4th. 1887*. Death of Comrade Kddy' * The readers of the PLAINDEALKR nave read In last weeks Issue the par­ ticulars of the sudden and sad death oi Comrade Eddy, which occurraed a< Viarengo on the 4th Inst., and there fore we need not particularize here, hut can only add our sympathy with others to bis bereaved family. A brave soldier has falleu, and as has been truly said, '"not upon the field of battle, but amid the victories of peace, and anong his old comrades in arms-- tbe very place of all others, we believe tie would have chosen." Capt.,Eddy as a soldier was brave and loyal; as a friend true as steel, and his name will ever be held in high esteem by all where be was known. The following sketch of his life we clip from the Marengo Repubttoan of Friday last: Capt. Eddy came to Illinois tn 1837, and was therefore one ol the old settlers, having lived here 49 years. He bad filled the office of Justice of tbe Peace. Supervisor, and a term as Sheriff of this County. He was natur­ ally a leader, and possessed that mag­ netic influence that bound men to him in strong friendship. Hence he was honored ana respected wherever known, vas enthusiastic In whatever he undertook, prominent in poli­ tics, an unwavering Republican, marked ability and pleasing ad­ dress. He enlisted in Auguat, 1862. and waa made Capt. of Co, E. 96th, 111. Vols. He wus mustered into the U. S. I service with the regiment at Camp Fuller, Rockford, Sept. 4th, 1882, aa&' M1. vV died on tbo 24th anniversary ot muster-In, aged 66 years. Capt. Eddy was a brave soldier* participating In numerous engage­ ments during the war. and was warmly . esteemed by the officers and me* <| the regiment, as he was also amoac?' his large circle of friends at hodl*«. Surviving him are the Wilis, oa#'; daughter. Mrs. Susan Osborne, of Roefc- ford, and three sons; T. V. ncnt lawyer at Watertowo« Robt., L. also of WatertOWa, Henry Ii. who lives on tbe f home. All of the children were i at the funeral. A brother, California, a sister, Mrs, E. R. of this village, and tbe aged L survives of his father's family. Morris was present; and the bowed with the weight of mora ninety years, followed tbe body ofl dear sen to its last resting plane, " family have the earnest sympathy «f neighbors, comrades and the ontlro community. At the request of Mrs. Eddy, the funeral was conducted iby Harley Wayne Pecs, G. A, R., of which orgaa* ^ izttion Capt. Eddy was a membec* It was also deemed appropriate the servioes be held in the Para wherO be died, an«l arrangements were ac­ cordingly thus made, the funeral ser­ vices being held on luesday afternoon, the 7th, Comrades being present from Woodstock, Capron, Nunda, and other" places. 1 The Butterlne Bill. ..: ^ As the new Oleomargarine law gfegi ^ Into effect at the close of next moftt^.' ^ the following salient points In the hwr -i||f furnished us by Andrew Welch, collect* or of Internal reveuce, will bo of Inter- est to every butter dealer and dtania* er in this neighborhood. DEFINING THE TBRH. - Seotlon 2 of the law reads as follows: "For the purpose of this act, certain nanufactured substances, certain eX> tracts and oertatn mixtures and com­ pounds with butter, shall be knows and designated as 'oleomargarioa lamely: All substances heretofore known as eleomargarine, oieo, oleo- nargarine-oll, butterlne, lardlne, sutne ind neutral; all mixture* and com-- pounds ot oleomargarine, oleo, oleo- nargarine-oil, butterlne. lardlne, sulne and neutral; all lard extracts and allow extracts; and all mixtures and •ompounds of tallow, beef-fat, suet, ard, lard-oil, vegetable-oil, annotto, md other coloring matter. Intestinal iat. and offat lat made in imitatlou or ambiance of butter, or when so made, .calculated or Intended tiO be sold as •utter, or for but ten THR TAX. The tax required oy law ts two tents per pound, and must be paid by • he manufacturer by placing on each 41 package a revenue etamp of the amount »f the tax, SPECIAL TAX AS; num.' ^ ' Manufacturers of oleomargarine snail . 4 pay a laxofslx hundred dollars (8800) >| tier year. * Wholesale dealers shall par ; - > tax of four hundred and eighty dol­ lars (8480) per year, *v>| Retail dealers shall pay a tax of forty <lght dollar^ (848) per vear. These special taxes are to bo paid o Andrew Welch, the collector of tho llstrlot, at Aurora, 111,, tbe same as tho •peclal taxes lor selling clears and . »bacco, and every dealer In oleomar» < trine .s liable to tax aa a»ove after Jet. 31, 1886, and oleomargarine on tbe ^remises of auy dealer a, that time ft subject to tbe tax HOW PACKED. Before being removed from a»y factory, every package of oleomargar­ ine shall h«(branded or |stenciled with the serial number of the package, tho «ord "oleomargarine," and the factory •umber, and the district where made. • be letters in tbe word "oleomargar­ ine" shall be not less than three-quar­ ters of an Inch in length, .and all other letters and figures shall ue not less than one half of an inch In - length. 1'he above brands shall be both on tho op and again on tbe side of each pack- tge. The gross weight, the tare, and he taxable weight must be branded >r stnuciled on the top of tbe package, •n figures not less than three-quarters f an incn in length. All oleomargarine shsll be packed by the manufacturer thereof in firkins ubs or other wooden packages not ^e- fore rued for the purpose, each co»- (.ainiug not less than ten pounds. Retail dealers must sell only from >riginal stamped packages. In quaoti­ les not exceeding ten pounds, and they are required to (pack what they -tell in suitable wooden or paper pack­ ages, and such packages shall be mark­ ed and branded with tae name aad address of tne dealer, with letters not less than one-quarter of an I neb square and the word "oleomargarine," and the quantity in pounds contained thereto, as follows: § -/Si • tki i M SPj JOHN JOHNSON, 138 Broadway, Sterling. Illinois. OMB-HALP POUND O L E O M A R G A R I N E , DUTIES BBQUIKED Every manufacturer of oleomargar-* Ine shall place and keep on the end or side of the building wherein his busi­ ness Is carried on, so that It can b« easily seen, his name, business number of tbe factory. Ho keep the neoeesary books pr by tho commissioner of internal ICttwhidKi en La*

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