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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1886, p. 5

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wm W*DNTGDAY. SEPT. IB, IMS. Railroad Time Table. ^:ss.,5Kji£a!iri/r.;y*,u- . . 001*0 SOUTH. t*ke<*saev»£aeaeater T:S8 A. • Lake Geaeva Ixpreu --8:» " Lake Qnmfntilt B:tf r. M Lake Geaeva Passenger t* '« Lake Geneva Passenger....... |̂ i •« 001 w® aoan. Lake Geneva Freight »-Il A. I Lake 3enen Passenger HA ** • I*ke Genera.passenger »:l» «• Lake *ene»a Express .4:48r. u Lake Geaen Paneuer .«:« " * Stops only to leave PaMenrera. B. Buss, Agent. -- ^ MeHenrr, III 1 ̂ Apprentice Wanted, j: A boy between the ages of 14! and 90 yean, who desires to learn the Art of Printing, can find a situation by applying at this office. To one who means business and desires to learn, a good chance will be offered. Those who expect journeyman's wages and to ran the business In throe weeks. . Med not apply. NOTICE, Having announced myself a oandlV date for the office of County Treasurer, hope my friends will give me their support, TBOS. MO. D, SioHABoe, j Woodstock, Sept., 9th, 1886. ' THE Board of Supervisors ape In, session this week, f H. E. WIGHT* AN Is building an ad- ' dition to his Livery Barn V LOOK out for she new advertisement of Althoff Bros., next week. W. R SMITH will pleaae accept oar thanks for flies of Huron, Dakota, papers, just received. JOHN P. SMITH, the Jeweler, has a new advertisement on the first page, which all should read carefully. BEAD the new advertisement of Fitsslmmons A Evanson In another *oolumn. X**GENE" PERKINS la preparing to /open a Restaurant In the Kelter I Block. He expect* to open In absnt two weeks. JACOB STORT returned from hie WES. tern trip one dfhy last week. 3. E. CBAPELL, of Algonquin, was a caller at this Office on -Monday. CHAS. H. BEEHS, of Hoxle, Kansas, was In this village one day last week. BET. JOEL WHEELER has been quite sick the paat few days, but Is now re­ ported better. Miss TRESSE HOWDEN, of Blcbmond, was a caller at oar sanctum on Monday last. Miss LUBA BLAKE, of Mendota, 111., is Visiting with her uncle, Rey. J. M, Coulee, in this village. Miss JULIA A. STOBT and Miss Cora McO nber returned, on Tuesday from an extended visit In Chicago, CHAS. KNOX, wfcp has been WITH Henry Colby, in this village, the past few months, has aciepted a position In the Northwestern Depot, at Harvard. ^ELDER POPE, who was Pastor of the Baptist Church, i) this village, some S3 years ago, Is visiting with the faml- Jyof F. A. Hebard, In this village. •Tfliss BEBTHA HOLUSTEB, who has been side for some time, is. at this writing, quite low, and but little hopes are entertained of her recovery. f" LINTON W^ELEB, of Blackberry. 'Kane County, hos been on our street? the past few days. He was called here by the sickness of bis father. Rev, Joel Wheeler. ' DR. H, T. BROWN and family and C. A. Knigbt and family, broke camp at Pistaqua Bay last week,) and can now beTdu*nJ"&t The" residenoe of the Doctor, in this village. C. E. CHAPELL, of Algonquin, adver­ tises to sell at Auction In that village, on Tuesday. Sept. 28tb, a choice lot of stock, consisting of Uolstein and Dur­ ham cattle, Milch Cows, and thorough bred Horses. The stock it all young and first class. Persons wanting anv stock of this kind should not fail to attend this sale. ytw MRS. WM. LANGS AM, has again put as under obligations for a very large and handsome Boquet, which adorns our table. BUT your tickets for Reserved Seats to the Hampton Students Concert, at Besley's Drug Store and the Store of Henry Colby. MRS. ST. CLAIB, of Nunda, died on Sunday morning. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 11 A. M. Mrs. St.Clalr was one of the first settlers in McHeo- ry County. THE second of the Series of Sunday evening Lecture Sermons, will be given at the Universallst Church on Sunday evening next. Subjeot, *'Pott- tlcs and Religion," JOHN HGRELLE has opened a Shoe Shop in the rooms over the Post Office. "where be ~is prepared to make Boot? and Shoes to order and guarantee sat Isfactian. Repairing ot all kinds done In a workmanlike manner. /JCTEHYBODT and "their sisters, and /their cousins and their aunts*' have gone to the Fair at Woodstock. The weather is fine and the biggest crowd \ and best Fair ever held In the North­ -west will be the result. Mas. E. W. HOWE is now In the olty baying her Fall Stock of Millinery and wtd, la a few days bo prepared to show to the ladles of McHenry and sur­ rounding country tbe finest line of stylish Fall Millinery ever brought to this town. Csll and see goods and learn prloes before buying. THE Argon la (Kansas) VHppe»• of the 21st ult. publishes the death, from bronchial aflection, of Mrs, Henrietta, wife of Mr. Homer Abbott, and sister of Mrs. J. E. Bassett, of McHenry. In this oounty. The deceased was born In Chester, Geauga county, November 3, 1823. and was married to Mr. Abbott Mp^a, 1845. . THE Picnic for tbe benefit of the /German Church, Johnsburgh, held on I Wednesday last, was well attended I and all report a good time. The gross Xrfftftipfp w«r« f7H9 QS j Everything passed oil la the most quiet and order* ly manner, and the day will long be remembered with pleasure by all who attended. ' IF yon are golog to have A sale this fall, remember that we can give yon bills as cheap as you can get them anywhere, and In addition we give a good notioe of the sale In tbe PLAIN- DEALER free of charge. The notice often reaches persons who want to bay, and who would never see your bills, and is of nearly as much import­ ance as the bill. Give as a trial. While the officers of the Society, the people of Woodstock, and of the county in general are doing all In their power to make the Fair a grand suooess, W. H. Dwlght, tbe cash Boot and Sbo» dealer is making an extra effort to show you at his store the largest and best assortment of Boots, Shoe* and Rubbers ever brought to Woodstock. These goods were boaght expressly to please tbe vast multitude attending the Fair, WE have received a new advertise* ment from the firm of Bonslett A Stoffle, too late for this week, but which will appear In our next. In the meantime, however, we wonld call attention to their Immense stock of Cloaks, for all ages and all sizes. They have put In tbe largest stock of this line of goods ever brought to this town, which they propose to sell at low figures. Call and see their im­ mense stock of Fall and Winter Goods, all kinds, and lookout for>t»lxaaw advertisement next week, : THE celebrated Hampton College Students, the finest colored Company in the world, are advertised to give one of their entertainments at the M. E. Church, in this village, on Monday evening next, Sept. 20ib. This c»mpa nv are highly spoken of by both the public and tbe press wherever they nave appeared. Do not fall to hear 4hem, Remember the dav and date. Monday evening next, Sept. 20.B. AN exchange gives an account of * baby oorn witn a full beard. No one takes more pride In the rapidity ot ihe age th in ourselves^ but this is cariying it a little too far. It is likely to add to the expenses to s*y nothing of tbe perils ol matrimony. Just think, a full set of shaving materials will iiave to be included in the parapher­ nalia for each expected blessing. Bui the dear little creatures will, we fea , be kissed to death by the girls who dot«* on a full beard. IN the Waukegan <7o?ette of Satur­ day last we fiud tbe following: "Oo last Tuesday, In this city, Mr. John G. Ragan, so well and favorably known In our cltv, and Mrs Maria M.Green, were quietly married at the residence of Rev. J. M. Strong. The marriage •as quite a surprise to the man; irlei-ds of both parties. The bride was one of tbe brides* maids wnen Mr. Kagan was married tbe first time, so they have known eaob other for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Ragan took tbe noon train Inst Tuesday for Chicago where they will remain for a week." / PIERCKINO screams, emenating (rom the vicinity of the river, ahove the iron Bridge, a few evenings since, startled oue of,our young men who was leisurely wending bis way In that di­ rection, and being fleet of foot be im­ mediately started at a lively pace to th» point from which the sound of disturbance came. He there, found a lady who persisted that there was an AHgator In the boat and begged ol ul.0 to kill tbe horrid monster. Be­ ing a gallant youog man he seized club, and with main force and true tierolsm drove that--jluskrat right ack into the river. All has been with that 'gater eluce, v SOME "shady" individual, writing from this place to the Woodstock Sentinsl over the slgoature of "Ob- se rver," slings oat a few dirty slurs against some of our citizens who do not happen to think just as he does In regard to our Public School. Now II Mr. "Observer" will come out from "behind the door." and show bis colors we will discuss th is matter of ?raorali ty and religion" with him to his hearts oontent. The truth of the matter la "Observer" has not got brains enough to see but one thing at a time, and thinks bis one Idea princi­ ple must be adopted by others or else they are-not "moral and religious!" We have no fault to find with tbe religion of "Observer" and his pet teacher, bat other qualifications are equally neoeesary to teach a Public School. As we sai«l before, show your colors, so that the people will know wbo we are talking to, and we will discuss tbe qaestlon with yoa in all Its bearings. Particular Notioe. Notioe is hereby given by tbe an* dersigned. Commissioners of High­ ways of the Town of McHenry, tbat the discharging of Guns, Pistols, any kind of firearms, on or from tbe Iron Bridge, in the village of McHenry, Is strictly prohibited, and any person or persons hereafter convicted of tbe act will be punished to the full extent of of the law, JOHH ^ BBLL , ALLEN P OOLBT, CASTOR ADA .8, OommlMkmers, A Tannine of Ladies Famishing Goods, at Mrs. H. H, Nichols. Trunks «ad vallsesftltooslett 4 StoSel's, Inns of the Board of Trustees. McHenry, Hi, Aug. M, WM, Board met on call of the President. Present full Board. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. It having been ascertained that the Special Police appointed for Old Set tiers Day were not qualified to *erve, S. McDonald, John Nelson and A. C. Granger were appointed as such Police Bill of Taylor Bros., for digging first Well, (9137.00) was received and oh motion accepted and the Clerk ordered to draw an Order for three- fourths of the amount. Moved by Trustee HowarJ that four posts and two rails be put around three sides of each Well when completed and accepted. Moved by Trustee Rothermel to amend, that no posts or rails be used or ordered until all the Wells are com­ plete 1 and acoepted. Amendment lost bythefollowlng vote: Aves--Rothermel and Weber. Nays--Howard, Cristy, Nichols and Gilbert. Tbe original motion was then car­ ried by tbe following vote: Ayes--Howard. Cristy, Nichols and Gilbert. Nays--Weber. Moved tbat the Committee be au­ thorized to purchase four Wooden Pumps, fonr inch Cylinder, with length of head suffiilent to depth of Well. Carried by the following vote: Ayes--Howard, Cristy, Nichols and Gilbert. Nays--Rothermel and Weber. On motion the Street Commissioner was Instructed to build crossings to entrances to Howe's lots. On motion Special Permit was grant «d the Old Settlers Committee to erect Booths on tbe streets August 19th. On motion the Board were allowed their Salaries to date. On motion adjourned to the next regular meeting. B. GILBERT, President. Attest, J, VAN SLTKE, Clerk. MCHKNBT, III., Sept. 6th, 1888, Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present full Beard. Minutes ot last meetiug read and approved, Tbe following bills were presented, audited and the Clerk ordered to draw orders on the Treasurer for the sauio: Thos Currens, Cleaning Calaboose 75 N L Homes, flight Watch,. 48.75 U Lincoln, Night <Vatch,.. ......... .. 87,t*) N Bowers, .Special Police *,uu S McDonald. Team Work, 48,75 S McDonald, special Police............. 4,Oil Wm Davis, Tetin Work,... 45,50 A G Granger, Team Work 1 jo 6i» l'homas Knox, Team Work, 1,50 P. Thalen, Labor,.... t8,5o J Rothermel, Labor Jit,50 J. Baruiau, i,aoor, : 6,iH» Geo itothermel. Labor 2.5«> <Vm Schreiuer, Street Commisiioner,.. 45,45 Johu I. story, Nails, ..., 5 5u Peter Braban, Special Police 4,no J. Vf, siuiou, Special Police, 2,<k> Ou motion the President and Clerk mere Instructed to draw an Order on the Treasurer, in favor of Taylor Bros, lor the amount due as per Contract, on all Wells accepted, on being notified of such acceptance by the Committee. The report of the President on the Martin Claim for damages, was called for wbo reported tbat he had consulted Counsel who bad recommended to settle If It could be done for a nom inal sum. But that Counsel thought the Village was not liable for damages in law. On motion tho entire claim was re­ jected by a unanimous vote. Moved by Trustee Howard tbat a certain amount of Gravel be drawn into the low place In front and east ot AUhofi Bros., Store, and gravel suffl cient on the street running from Blake's corner to the Race Bridge to make It proper height to carry off the water. Carried by a unanimous vote Moved by Trustee Nlohols that a new regulation sidewalk be built from the Well, near the eorner of the Brick Church to a point 20 feet south of P. Hauperlsch's Blacksmith Shop. I^ost by the following vote: Ayes--Nichols. Nayes--Howard, Cristy, Rdtbermel, Weber, Gilbert, Moved by Trustee Weber tbat one window be cut In each Ceil in the Cal­ aboose, and properly grated, for the purpose of ventilation. Carried by a unanimous vote. Moved and seconded that Trustee Rothermel be a Committee of. one to superintend the putting in of said windows. Carried. Moved and seconded that a change of Burners be made on Street Lamps as shown by sample, and the President be lust rue ted to procure the new Burners. Carried. On motion adjourned. B. ulLBEBT, President. Attest, J. VAN 3LTKE, Clerk. Call and see the fine line of Fall Millinery, at Mrs. H. H Nichols. Our rubber goods were bought be­ fore tbe advance, so we can sell cheap­ er than others. BONSLETT A STOFFEL. To persons wishing to attend tbe Exposition held at Chicago, 111., from Sept. 1st to Oct. 16th, 1886, we will sell round trip excursion tickets tbe fol­ low! og days, at 02.36, which Includes admission to tbe Exposition. Sept. 1 and 4, good to return until Sept. S. « 14, ja, 18, " 1 " «• •« SO " SI, S2, 25, M " " 87 " 38,29, Oct. 2, - •• •• Oct. 4 Oct. 5, 8, 9, " " M «' U « is, 13, M, '• " " •* IS Parties wishing to attend the Illinois State Agricultural Fair, held at Chica­ go from Sept 6th to Sept, 10th, can take advantage of the above rates, although exposition admission tickets will not be received for entrance to tbe Fair. B. Boss, Agent. Jersey Caps, Piusb Caps and Tobog- gins, the latest thing out, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols, See oar UN Men's khoes, laoe or oongrees wor«* •&,<£ at Benslatt * tftoflers, EDITOR RI,AIS DEALER:-A little stranger at Andy Roots. Mr. Milo Munger Is visiting friends In the east. Postmaster Pettybone has been un» der the weather for a few days. Misses Carrie and Minnie Hodge arrived here from Ord, Nebraska, rhumday night. Mr. and Mrs Fraok Rowe drove to Elgin Thursday of last week, return­ ing Saturday. The transfer of real estate between Mr. Giddings and F. Millis was a failure. Mrs. Ira Ellis vistsd trie nil at Barrlngton, Dundee and Elgin, last week. The little child of George Burgettf, Ourrled here a week ago, was nearly four months old. Instead of years. Frank Rowe has on hand an Immense stock of clothing, from which a selec­ tion of any description of the latest styles can be made. Mrs. Georare Manor, from Genoa, and her sister. Miss Emma Martin, from Cheshire, Mass., visited friends here last week. Scholars are more numerous than seats !n the higher room of the pub- lie school, a sure sign of the need of more school room. Charles Stanton returned to his home In Janesvllle Saturday night, having finished his duties as olerk tor E. F. Hewes, Aaron Rowe and Wife, accompanied by Mr. and M^s. Albert Manley, of Harvard, attended the State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Millis spent a part of last week at Honey Creek, Wis., where we believe they Intend to move soon Rowe's Hall has been remodled, the floor raised and more thoroughly braced, a ticket office add id, and a stairway and more commodious stage built. Altogether It presents a better appearance, especially for the accom­ modation of dramatic entertainments. ALCONOUIN- EDITOR I'LAINDEALER: -Miss Emma Argard. of Eau-Clare, Wis. who ha* been tbe guest of her sister. Mrs, Chas Wau..drack, for the past month, went to Chicago on Tuesday of last week. Dr, Nason went to Madison, Wis., on Prld iy of last week, on & pleasure trip, returning home on Sunday last. He reports having a very pleasant time. Mrs. Helm, Sr, of Chicago, Is visiting here with her children, J. Helm and Mr«. Peter. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran returned home to Algonquin on Saturday last fr6m their trip to the west. Mrs. Howard Phillips visited with friends In Chicago last week. D. B. Sherwood, of Elgin, spent Sunday here, the guest of J, A. Sher­ wood. Rumor has It that Brother Dunn han taken unto hlmselr a better half, but tbe Brother says he don't know any­ thing about it. Algonquin has ao Artesian Weil. It is in Joseph Johnson's Blacksmith Shop. They bad only to drive fifty two feet. The flow Is about 3 gallons per minute. Mrs. D. T. Helm and children, qf Chicago, are the guests of tbe Helm and Peter families. There will be quite a delegation from here at the Woodstock Fair this week if the weather permits. Rev. Mr. Thompkins, of Chicago, will preach at the Congregational Cburch on Sunday next, Sept. 19th. Communion servless will be held during the day. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm took ta the State Fair last week, Prohibition County Convention. Tbe Prohibitionists of the several towns of McHenry county are hereby notified to choose delegates to attend a Icounty convention to be held at the Court House. Woodstock, on Thurs­ day, September 23, at 1.0 A. h. for the purpose of nominating candidates for county offices, for choosing 20 dele­ gates to attend the Congressional and Legislative Conventions at Elgin, and for transacting such other business as may properly come before the conven­ tion, The committee Invites one delegate from each W. C. T. U. aud one dele­ gate from each Prohibition Club, and tho following number from each of tbe several townships, which is based on an apportionment allowing two delegates at large for each town, and one delegate for every five votes (or major fraction thereof), cast for St. John-: Al'len Algonquin,.. Burton, ....%. Gtitfinunf Coral, Dorr, ....... Dunham .... Uratton - Greenwood... Hirtlaad, ., Hebron, Marengo .... HuHenry... Ninula Richmond ... Kiley ->euec* The Committee speolally urges the holding of town caucuses an I formal choosing of delegates in all the towns and a prompt appointment of Union and Club representatives. I. &. BIRD, Chairman Co. Committee. AYER'S Ague Cure acts directly on the liver and biliary apparatus, and drives out the malarial poisoo which induces liver complaints and billious d I sorters. Warranted to cure, or money refunded. Smith's Quinsy Spoolflp Has never failed. Used and re com nended by physicians. Be prepared for a sudden attack; this remedy will avert it* See adv't. While the McHenry County Fair will be the greatest show on earth, W H. Dwlght will have the greatest show ot Boots and Shoes ever brought to Woodstock or into McHenry County. A pair of Boots or Shoes for every man, woman andebild attending tbe Flar, Good plug tobacco only 35o a poand, at Bonslett & Stofiel'a. Fresh Rolled Stoflel's. jLu > **4 \ "i J?** r,-l t p t & TX&& ^1* % jj| ii I *" + d %* . 1 ft i~ ' £it- • • "Wjv {XnrTKiaOTffr BY "FLOSSIE." The Bakery has a new sign, Pack away the white dresses. . Frank Flsk has been up from Elgin, The hunters are having good lock at the Lakes. Dr, Herriek, Hebron's Physlolan, was In town Monday. F. W. Mead was np from Blgln on Saturday. Belle Fenner returned from Chicago Saturday. Monday: Dark and cloudy. Are we to have a stormy Fair week* C. F. Hall was looking after hU In­ terests in Richmond Monday. We will not see Sam Randall after all, unless be recovers very quickly. Quite.a nnmoer attended the State Fair last week, from Ricamond. Al. Schaller and Charlie have been down from JanesvIHe a few dsys visit­ ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Howe and chil­ dren have gone to Massachusetts on a visit. Everybody smiled when It got oool- er last week, oven thro* the gloomy rain. The C. & N. W. R, R. has issued or­ ders that no one be allowed as a pas senger on a freight train without a ticket. Mrs. Perkins left Nebraska's golden^ fields and came borne to visit her pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs, Hendricks, Itst week. Mr, a*d Mrs. Peter Whitney arrived from the West last Tbuntdaf. Mr, W is a Land Agent at Fremont, Dtkota, but does not forget old Irteods io Mo> Henry County. Summer is at rest. She seems to be viewiug her work with satislactlon, and nature is taking a long breath be­ fore she sweeps her fingers over this vast aud beautiful landscape, to chauge all to autumn's proudest splendors. The oraze ot polished clam-shells for breast plus has not abated, fhe femi- uine dre<s is incomplete without one of the many tinted beauties, for beau ties they are indeed, most of them, aside from those which are too large. The most aggravating t ilng Imagin­ able and which causes, too, eonaldera Die merrimeut, Is thost •' Chestnut Bells,*1 whioii some genius has Invent ed. No clever remark passes without aohime. Almost anything comes uu- Jer the head of "CbeBtuut" now, and receives applause from the 11 (.tie hlU» Jen bell. Miss Jennie Burger, after a three months visit In the far east, returned to home and friends last week. Jennie saw all naturea greatest, - grandest works, enjoyed them, aud came back with renewed health and bappier spir it. We do not envy ber her splendid trip, yet from way d iwn In our heart comes the honest wish that we had been with her. I RICHMOND, III., Sept. loth, 18S6L EDITOR PLAINDEADEB: -- Will you please state, for tbe benefit of youi correspondent, and others, tuat ourmis understanding was very quickly anu settled when the matter was looked at In a reasonable light and quietly talked over, witbout recourse to law, <* ^ FRANK HILL, JOUN K. NETHEROUT. Guy Wfttf'" died Thursday night after an illness of two weeks. The loneral was held Saturday afternoon, and tbe event has caused a shadow to creep IJIO many a heart In Richmond. Little Guy, hardly fifteen, wbo did not know the strange, happy child? and who ever passed bitn without lookiag again inio tbe laugblng face? Dead! Dead! How strange It seems. Tes, there Is another new made grave and one leas to meet life's battles. Many relatives aud friends mourn that so fair a life i£ taken. We too, bow our bead In grief when we remember bow long and bow often Guy will be missed and bow many lives he would have brightened If Death had not gently taken bis hand and chilled his heart. Quinsy Can ba Cured. Sinitn's Quinsy Specidc is an abso­ lutely sure cure for this painful aud dangerous disease. Tbe undersigned sufi *red from quinsy for years, but dually discovered a remedy wblcb cured him aud ail who used it. It has never yet failed. A purely vegetable remedy, safe and pleasant to take. Price 60 c, Single trial packages sent tor 35c. Circulars and testimonials for etamp. Get it now and be prepared to control tbe next attaok. Address: GEO. W. SMITH. 'Sole Prop'r and ManTr, Phelps, N. Y, Please'mention this paper. A fine constitution' may be broken and ruined by simple negleet. Many, boJily ills result from habitual consti­ pation. There Is no me Jicine equal to Ayer's Pills for restoring the sys­ tem to naturil, regular, and healthy aetiou. FOR SALE. A bran new Lumber Wag^ilu'Time will be given if desired. Also some Shepherd Pups. Inquire of 3. RAYMOND, West McHenry, Sept. 14th, 18M. BESLEITS Liver Wort Kidney Care, the best thing on the market, at Beslev's Drug Store. West Side. 17 lbs. good, clean, whole rice for •1.00 at Boaslett ft Stoflel's. Bear in mind tbe tact that you can save lots of money In buying your Boots and Shoes a Dwight's Cesfe Store, Wockbtook. Ilk Would Y»i« »•!!• V it? That we are aathevined by the pro- prietorof Kemp's Sarsaparlla to re­ fund tho money to any one who bis taken three-fourtbs of a bottle with* out relief P We are positive tbst no other proprietor has tbe confidenoejin his medicine to do this, it Is for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning ap the system. Price 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALS. For sale in the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots. Plenty of small fruit. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. For farther particu­ lars inquire of. O. E. WILLIAMS, Dundee, I1L 4-Sm. MRS. E. W. HOWE has removed her Millinery and Dress Making Rooms to r si donee, two doors East of the Keltei Block, where she will be happy to meet her old customers and as many new ones as may see fit to oall. Tbe latest styles of Millinery just received Dross Mfdtlng done promptly. The omtiett Van la Mo Heavy. ; As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to call on Geo, W, detley and get free a trial bottle of (Letup's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is selling en­ tirely upon its merits and is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Prloe 60 oents and 91. Frr Sale, < I wish to 8)11, no later than fteptem- her 15tb, the place known here as the Sonnenshlen property. Consisting of Stores and dwellings, all occupied. If required, time on part payment will he given. Also will sell my complete Livery Stock, cheap If taken soon. A. SONMBNSHIBir, Nunda, III., Sept, 1st,1888. 7--3w. Bargains extraordinary, at Fltsslm- •nons & Evansou'8 this week. Lawn*, fast colors, 2 cents per yard; Satins. Cambrics, linen finished Calicos. 6 oents per yard. Ladles Hosiery at re duced prices. In fact every article at bargains. Come early and avoid the rush. *• Extra fine roasted *>ftee, 8 lbs. for 91 at Fitsslmmons A Evtnsons. Good fine cnt tobacco only 80o a lb„ at Bonslett A Sroft«r«. 3UN FOR SALE, For sale a good double Barrel, musslt loadlng shon gun for Sale, or trade lor Produce of anv kind. Euqulre at tnls office Ladles Muslin Underwear, Meents at Fitssiinmous & Evanson's. Good smoking tobacco only S)e a lb., at Bonslett A Stoff -t's. Call and s» e our fine new shoes at Perry A Owen's. Flannel, Rock'or>l, best in the world, at Fitsslmmons A Evanson'S. CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned Is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Re tsonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. McHenry, Aug. 16th, 1888. 6--3m Buy Warner's Magic and National Teast at Bonslett A Stoflel's, Good Mens tthir s, 25 oents at Fits* •dmmous & Evawon's. To the fellows that pay as they go, we ofier a superior article of Flour, Cash price 91,26. FITZSIMMONS A EVANSON. Look at the cnoice Candles at Bes- ley's Drug Store. West End, Middlings, Bran, Salt and Oil Meal in stock at Bonslett & Stoffel's. The Selz celebrated hand made Boots and ^hoes, and other standard goods at Dtvight's old reliable Cash Store, Woodstock. III. Ladles and Gents fine Shoes.a speo- ia(ty at Dwights. PRIVILEGES to let now for Fair time A. S. WRIGHT, Sec'y, Wanted. Reliable and energetic men to sell all kinds of n irsery goods. New and hardy varieties adapted to tbe cli­ mate. Business light and easily learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and expenses and give steady employment. First class references required. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. A Co,, Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota, 17 pounds good, clean, whole rice, for 11.00 at Bouslett A Stoflel's. All grides of Rock ford and St. Charles flour, 91.05 to *1.65, at Bouslett Btoftel's. Remember tbe faot tbat W. H. Dwight will not be undersold by any house In Woodstock or McHenry Co. "Hi Pompeyl what yon 'fraid off What makes you shake and sbibberV 44 Law chile I ise got de ague An got de tropic libber." " De tropic libber Pompey ? I don't know what you meaBSS But you can cure your aguer By taking SMITH S BILE BLANS. Two bits a bottle, don't pay morel You'll get dem at de drugman's store." Tbe most economical and best remedy for ague. 25 cents, per bottle. For Sale* In the village of McHenry, a house and five lots. The owner wishing to build on land owned bv hfm outside of the corporation will sell very low. The house has been newly painted throughout, contains four rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets in the second'Story. There Is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of small Iruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap if applied fjr soon. For further particulars inquire at this office. Also twenty sores of good land near tljp corporation. Will be sold oheap New Tea of finest quality picked last May only 60 cents par pound at Fitsslmmons A Evaason*s. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L f Everything in the Hardware Its bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever be* fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. j Fine Scrap Books only 91» at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 20oents. at€1* W. Besley's, West Side. p 16 eases new Boots A Shoes just re­ ceived at Perry A Owen's. Fruits, Nuts and Candles, largest as*" sortment In town, at Perry A Owen's. Good Rockford Flour only 91.35 pet sack at Bonslett & stoflel's. Best Smoking Tobaooo at 30 eeat* ̂ pound at Perry A Owen's. Before yon Insure get terms fet ! Fire, Lightning and Tornado IMW- rance, of Bonslett A Stoffel, West Me- Henry, 111, Knowlton. Standard, Manny. Crows Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen A Son, and In price from 945 to 990. Laoe Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns^ 1 Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Ml**.•'& Schumacher's, near the Depot. ^ r Parsola and Fans at Perry ft owd°s* DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol* : j Ish, the finest thing in the market, at Besley's Drug Store. ( Besley's Famtu Wan Ale and Porter .On draught at J. Bonslett's, A. Sn- glen's and John Heimer*s. IF you want to make yoar Buggy Pop look as good as new get the %W- clonal Patent Leather Knamel at Besley's Drug Store. ;. Mrs. Schumacher* .. Visits Chicago every weekend will tske in your orders and furnish gOOCM 4 -i at tbe lowest Chicago prices. ' BESLEV'S Ale and Porter is the best made. Un draught in McHenry at Jaoob Bonslett's, A. Englen's. and John tleimer's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prloes than any other store In McHenry. -v1?' f MRS. M. SQHPMACHna. Call for the "Winning Stroke'*,a new X'/t Brand of five oent Cigars, manufactur- ed by Barbian Bros. It beats them all. Carriages the best of makes and fully warranted for two years at E. M, Owen A Son. Steel framed Plows, and Minneapolis Binders which by their work havA oroven the best, are at E, M. Owen# Hon. V#>y - BREAD, Cakes and Pies at Lock's '> 4 Home Bakery, G i lies* Block. " ; • S Ladles Gloves and Mitts at Perry AM. 1 Owens'. wli Short Horn Bulls for Sale. The uudersigned has for sate fall *vlood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold cheap, Call on or address FRANK COLB. Ooe mile Bast of Spring Grove. ^ April 34,1886. -• EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoes are the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, House and Lot For Sale. In the village of Ringwood. Con* tains 10 Rooms. Also a B*rn, Wood* «hed aud other outbuildiugs, well, cistern,etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Good Garden, Apple Trees, etc. rrleei " #1000. For terms and other part ion . lars inquire of > WESLET LADD, Ringwood, March 5th, 1886. 34-6 month* Some foolish People. Allow acou<h to run unr.l it gets] be­ yond the teach of medicine. They of­ ten say Oh! It will wear away, but In most cases It wears them away. tJould they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Ba sam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedl* uelysee the excellent efiect alter tak­ ing the first dose. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial eize free, at Geo. W. Besley's, McHenry. E. M. Owen A Son received seven ot the celebrated Eureka 6 and 7 foot eat Mowers one day last week. JLeee than a BO-Cent Bottle Curst Bono Spavin. NCHDA, ILL.. May «, •O. PteaiHSOM * SON-Barrington, III Cfantleman.' 1 had a horse lame for over eighteen months with a Bone Spavin, aud I procured a bottle of Dickinson's Russiau Liniment, and less than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. W. D. PARKS* SAVE A DOLLAR. . We have had consigned to us by the : manufacturer as tin advertisement of i heir work some extra fine genuine ^ Tampico goat Shoes for ladies wear, such as hnve been cold tor Three Dol­ lars. We are instructed to sell them H at Two Dollars. JBuy a pair and save • dollar.. f ^ " Y„ PERRY A Own. N, B. Ever/ pttr warranted. Cash paying buyers are respectfully Invited to c«ll at Fitzsimmons Evanson's store at the West End, to ! examine a few articles ofiered bairns during this week. .. Tent for Sale. A good 10x13 Wall Tent, new, never having been set up but once. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. Black Dress Goods and trimmings, and Fine Dress Silks at Perry A Owf** » ,f * ' , Notice. ~ To thoeo-that want Tnhe, ^Tats, Bay Racks,and anything In my <ino of bssl* aeee. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- lus' Store, „ „ „ F. A. HKBARI* ^ MoHenrr, Ao*. 188S. U-4-ly ll USo. That we are dally guaraateelng Kess^s Sarsaparllla to the people in this way. that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It Is the greatest sod best remedy oo the market for clean­ sing the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well-known business man Informs us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Saistpse rtlla. Prloe 91.00. For sola if Qm W.Besley, McHenry. /is**' « . • ; > ,r j.; ... -v',.. 'rj. Av,„vjo... i'Ji ilk

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