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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1886, p. 8

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- 'i .e. -V, ? 't, ,wy£fe-: COLBY -^M'{ ^ -8 ^,w:-4 wsir;^i;fe,- •; WV.'* - •r %-;'>' "£ /*" */ ^.M^(Ja:sM JOttflT X. STORT Vsi$t« **y lhat thitM.fbartbs of dMl In mttttajf ctoAi Hi ••dt"- •fti» boards »•!«•, and teat titan ona- Jttjr kn*wle tt« of how i tewodted. TImi p*opt* should mittftkfft In their ip«M- throufh Ignorance of tKeto t« noi to be wondered at. ^ertape the gnatnt blunder on reo- MNm made by a gentlemen of deotd- f^tttonlo origin, whe visited my •ne day and asked point blank: ach truck dot vloief" "What Wtfta* do you refer tor said I. *D »t KVHM;lid»r Oonlon Cnnsllidated mine*1 wtatbe ready response. "There's no In the Union Consilldated mine that tbe j are llkeljr to strike at pree- I answered, and then thinking the mao might be a little confused In Ilia mining knowledge, I asked: "What doyov mean by a winze? What do IPSO suppose a winze Is?*' MA vinzef" :;|r shouted with a knowing smile, "oh. ft vinse Is a body of ore,'* "No, It Isn't" ii<d I, and taking a pencil, I drew him •h little sketch 01 a winze, and explain­ ed to him that is was a small shaft •link from one level to another, gener­ ally for the pnrpose of ventilation, "Is dot a vinze ?M he fairly yelled, In lie most astonished manner; "den, by t^-acious, I lose me tousands and thou­ sands of dollars on doe* vfnses. Every dime I see dey have starked a vlnze,.or «Chtrack a vinze, I buy der schtocks, and every dime dey go down right svay. It always vas a wonder to me Why de Comstocks didn't pay more dividends and levy fewer assessments Yen dere vas so many hundred vinses In der mines.** He walked out, leaving tike door open, and I could hear him repeat at every thlr J step as he went {fown the stairs: "Oh, does itasf! IQh, does vinses P ASsnilbie Man. Would use (Kemp's Balsam for the Throat mil Lungs. It Is ourlng more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron­ chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W. Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief ts not obtained. Price 60u and it Trial size free. •P*;' % What are Snppotltmti A. G. Rose, from New London. Oonn., writes: Send me two boxes of four Kemp's Pile Suppositories by mall. Our druggist in out. They are for a friend. I tried everything with* out help, but the Suppositories cured «M. The treatment Is new and within teach of all, and would advise the •fleeted to give them a trial. For pamphlet* on Piles address Box 295 Le Boy, N. Y. For sale In McHenry, kiT Geo. W. Besley's at 60o per box. > • Vegetable Sicilian Ilubbenewer *M the first preparation perfectly adapted to Mre diesases ef On Mtl̂ aad the first soo> essrfal restorer U faded or gray hair to its tttwd color, growth, and yootfcfol beauty. Ji has had many imitators, hut nooe have so tally aot all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair aad scalp. SAWS HAH Bonptlu steadily grown In favor, and spread its fame and usefulness t» evaty quarter of the globe. Its unparal­ leled saeeees can be attriboted to bat one eaaas; th* aUirt/itf/lbmetU it* jmmwtt. Ihe proprietors bare often been surprised ,at the receipt ef orders from remote coun- *rtss, where they had aaterasdaaa effort far |la lataodaatfoo. , O* ess for a short time of HALL'S HAIB ; Itaaawaa wonderfully Improves the pee- fanal appearance. It cleanses the scalp fuses all Imporitlee, cores all b amors, fever, and AJIW, and tbos prevents baldnsss. It MtamOates the weakened glands, and enables . ftea to posh forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not transient, like those of aloobolic prepara- tloa^bet remain a long Ua^^dth make* Its aaa a matter <tf eoonomy. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE , gf •' Ml *HB H WHI8KEK8 mfi eltiuige the beard to a natural brown, or hlack, a* desired. It produces a permanent eokxr that will not wash away. Consisting of * rtngto preparation, it Is applied withoat trouble. PREPARED BT 8.F.IAU I CO., Haibaa, I.H. •old by aU Dealers in Medicines. I0B ALL THE POBMB ov Meed Disorders, the bast remedy, became the Ayet*s 8arsaparilla. «H»»i4nDWili|ia,8labettl8Mfc , •:y •'. £ ' IgTOne Door West of the Riverside House. DEALER tX \ Also the Celebrated STOVES & RANGE And in sb^ft, Everything in the H«rd^vdr< Stove and Tin Line. 5fj, "^7.3? Wt'-~ • - -• £l<i ^ . -jt. W> HAVB A FULL 8T00K Ol 2k • 5 m • •*. ^ WM f'" s A FEW JOB LOTS OF OABS, OAB-LOCSS( IISB F0L1S, | ahb fxsmm fAcm or all xhtss. Which will be sold as low as the same quality of Goods can be bought any where. Call at my store before buying elsewhere. THE FINEST LINE OB BIRD CAGES IN TOWN. JOBBI2TQ AAD REPAIRING! Promptly AttDndeiy|| iSTNo Trouble .to show Goods , J i* i\A>- . |OHM I- STORY- At prices that should insure Quick Sales. Goods must be moving.- Cash Does It. 'HIS AND NEXT WESE Extra Heavy Calico and Satin J&ght Colors, Marked Down To ialance of our Lawns - S cents, balance Summer Shawls - $1.00. Ladies Velvet Collars - 1 cent. All small sizes, for Girlb from 0^ to 17 years old, 5 cents per pair, former price $1.00. ,r " A|g0nqU|n> |H(f raiin ni H, \>>i* ttawsw, In short, we keep everything In the above mentioned lines Which we are offe ingto the buy log public as cheap as any other • !S8h* in tbi* section. * . ^ and mam * bepaiehto, rSOMPTLT ATTENDED TO. 25 cents, former price 50 cents to $1.00 each. MENS UNLATTNDBED West -DEALER IN-- Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &i. ' The finest line of Pure Candies to be lonnd in the county. The best brands ot (Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. k. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, h&A takan a Window,in tihs Store, and is prepared to do all work in hie line. CEO. W. BESLEY. I Shirts Linen Fronts, 50 cenes each, ChiMrenu and Misses 16 ^ehts, fonner pi-lee d0 to 40 eenls. Summer Glovos half price. Job Lot Mens' IO CENTS. We are receiving and have opened this week the most com­ plete line of In town. In iact we are mak ing preparations to show one of toe mie8t and most com pie stock of Goods ever exhibited in this County and will sell them at prices, for Cash, that will make it pay to come 40 miles to trade with us. We Mean Business* CH AS. H. TRYON DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Levels taken, Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp and overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations taken of Springs. Ponds and Water Courses and all work req uirinsr Accurate Leveling ® P. o. Address, GREENWOOD, ILL, M. Bleedlnc at the LQTIM, £ lernKorbue^DyMntery, Chron > I. Johnson m Co., Bowon, Mm ShWnshUis. ST4u MAKE arsw. aioH SLOOD. Mmui erenadsi bene : . It onrts onoleri aad diseases of hens. vr AW!S4 FOB ALL CLIMATES, ALL PLANTS. All tested for vitality, and in Gardens for parity and value. LOW PRICES. SibUr • Imperial varieties; KOT PKOOF. r r ^ 1 M t M W l a r g e s t s m o o t h , a n d e a r l i e s t l a r » e a o r t • •ibler'a're^Ud n.i.v^ eeriieet, JjMWt^lgoductivt • mature uniformly! f>e*t for forC A IAr f frn »100« I* P8BMIUMI AT ALL PAIRS yST ?? ,re«et*bie- field seeds of all te«t« wadetiM ^i! promptly fil^^iakinf'a'aw^'itwi'at home.',Ci>OWE*ST #iilOE»! gltarsimmons * Branson. .TilnAM SIBLErf CO., Roeliestsr,N. Y., Chicago, III. McHENRYi X.L. Goods^ Clothing, AUD SHGZS, v. .Hl'Jc WHTIR STOCK vow to the upward tendency of most all kinds of 9 .yjjjjir purchases have been unusnally heavy, Oonseqently our cus­ tomers will have the advantage of one of the Largest and Most Varied Stocks, .^of Qooda - To select from «=ver shown in McHenry. and Prices respectfully solicited. « ^ W HENRY COLBYs Is now receiving his . -a •; % ,̂ 5"' 1 'h! > •':!: , r BPRIN5 AND SUMMER STOCK 1 / WAIT DOWN CASH PRICES. W* TAKE THS LIBERTY-ENUGHTENIN6 THE WORLD, In ragard to the unequalad merits fliflgiDJI (jltfilDIII Jr. 8T0VXS and HEATERS, AIB WARMUfO ORATSS, SCHOOL ROOM HEATERS. Bach combining the Radiation and Ventilation of en oral witLM with the operation of a *tu Aia nm AOS, aleo Parlor and Cook Stovea. Rangee, inPERUL FURNACES, *«. Glienlam mailed on applScation. THS RAYMOND FURNACE St HT5. 00. 76Beskman St. N. City. THE UNIVERSAL FAMILY SCALE Th* Original and Famous Three-Wheeled Plow, •Meh for Lightness of Draft and Working Qualities la ta Conceded Champion ol the Whole Plowed World. POUTS OFluPiRieiUTY; Xt runs lighter than any other plow made, Became by means of the perfect support afforded by three wheels the plow is carrieo, not dragged. It le easy on tbe team, because there is absolutely no weight on ftlte lioreee' nccka. I* turns eqaare corner*, turning for. sows either inwaro or outward, as may be deeircd. The rear ftarrow wheel le locked »hen plowing straight ahead, but unlocked by foot- trip when necessary to turn. After the corner ia turned it locks itself automatically. The caster wheele runniiy in farrow effectually prevent any strain on the frame of the plow, or on the horses when turning. The plow is lurned on the same principle as a cart. The front ftarrow wheel le at point Of plow, insuring a uniform depth whea •Rtasing dead furrows or ditches. The land axle hae a eprlng that •sea. the plow from being too rigid, and causes it to put level when crossing com furrows or ridges. The team le hitched the same as u a Walking plow, and the horses draw easily and nattt-edly. _The plow Is lit front of the driver̂ Where its work is constantly under his eye. These, and many other points, fully explained, fill®. Wsted and proved m our descriptive circulars, sent free to any address. We also mail, free of charge, tte Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, by John-with-a-jmlon, with illustrations; the Story of the Flying sjKfr^S?' * 8raphic sea sketch: and other literature Wwcn will amuse, entertain and instruct, tililr*>*«1 •0L1NE PLOW ca. Mkn, Ml 3%i IS AN INDISPENSABLE Household Irtlcla. Will Inst ft Itretlnie. o!>\ no woights to always ready, easily QB> lleistlidd, occupi^ Uttlo epat'o-ntid Ik the chuupoat tscaU- ever mods SEND POR 1G PACK ILM'BI RATED CIRCTLA& I. S. SPf^CEBS SONS, ClJK.renD, CONN. MAYS ¥ STOVE SHELF. NO STOVE^ COXI'LETi: WITHOUT c?:s. LiKht ««d Strong, of1- panie;ital and di • le, ami oxct'eiiinviy useful in warniiii/i ilisht'S, ctc.'̂ FITS ICY SIZE FiPE. Ask your hard-ware dealer for one or s?rtl to us for Circular. LS. SPEkSEBS SONS, ' GUILI OHO, CONN. MAKE MONEY! We want Agents, botH ladies gentle­ men, to sell our Standard Works, Gift Books, family Bibles and Albums. Previous exper­ ience utmfM-eosary. Positions worth from (1200 to (3000 pei year. Now is the time to commence. Do not delay, but address at once, E. P, JORDAN & CO., St. Louis, Mo. , oA DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA H. SMITH, -or- Woodsitook, - - Illinois. Banked by Mlllione or money, olu yon INDKMN1TT against damage oy Fire, Lightning, Wind 8torms, CTCLOfrm AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yen; aall on me and I will write you a policy, and waen either or any of these destructive ele nents devastates your property, happy will you be if yon hold one of my policies, for I will sureiy visit you, *nd .minister unto|you. *Ul a«T JOB. , , AJUl W. SMJ1B, Wos'lAnwawee Ag \ " W. H. DWICHT Woodstock, Illinois. * REPORT OF THE O O N D I T I O W --OF-- THE FIRST NATIONAL At Woodstock, lllinotof --AT TUB-- Close of Business, Aug. 27, '86. J RESOURCKS. Loans and discounts (167,849 22 Overdrafts 128 78 L ^ Bonds to secure circulation... 50,000 00 < Duo from apjiroved reserve agents. Si,"8088 Duo from other National Bonks , 1M46 24 Current expenses and taxep paid... 1.06140 One ks and other cash items 579 34 ItuiH of other lianks 1,8(K>rtO KI-I-- cur. nickels A pennies 1137 Specie 98,70175 J i.ogil tendernotes 8,500 00 „$ (tc'l mpfn fund with U. S. Treasurer -i'-R ("> tier cent ot circulation 2,-35000 Duo frum U. S Treasurer, other than 1 per cent redemption fund.... 1,380 00 .iSikU..^Bo5to5 Oapi^al paid In ..... JV .V iv.. BO.OOO00 Siit'itlus fund 25,00000 Undivided profits ... 4.B05 84 >; National Bank Notes outstanding... 46,00000 indi vidual dei*osits subject to check 166,433 39 Demand Certificates of deposit...... DM51 total .$290,96823 STATE OF ILLINOIS, Lm C«".:inty of McHenry. f 1 John J. Murphv, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tbeabove statement is true to the best of my knowledge m l belief. JOHN J. MVBFBT, Cashier, subscribed and sworn te before me this 1st lav of Kent, 1A86. ' •*, - , EDWARD u. QCINLAH, Notary Public* Oi'rreet Attest:-- E. A. MtJRPHT, ^f'f WM. H. STEWART, . $ JOHK J. MURPHY, Director '• to Loan \ Or, Heal Estate, in sums of $500 U» *10,000. Time and payments i>o iuit borrower. • J- - JOHN J. MURPHY, 'J Chancery Notice, STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry Oonntf# Circuit Court of McHenry Ooantif.«^ September Term. A, D. 1886. Nathan S Hooker vs. Kllen A. Hooker.-- in ChHncery. Affiiiavil of the non-residence of Ellen A. Hooker, defendant above named, having been filed in the ofllc.e of the Clerk of said Ciicnit Court of Mcllenty County, notice is hereby given to the said Ellen A. Hooker that the complainant heretofore filed his bill of com- plaint in saifi Court on the Chancery side thereof, and that a summons thereupon Is­ sued out ot said Court against said defendant returnable on the fourth Monday ot Septem­ ber next. fl8S6).as is by aw required. Now, unless you, the said Ellen A- Hooker shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court ot McHenry County, on the first Hay of a term thereof, to be holden at Wood­ stock, in said Conntv, on the tourth Monday of September, a, D. 1886, and plead, answer or demur to the said Complaina >ts bill ol com- plaint, the same, and the matters and things therein charged and slated, will lie taken as confessed, an<1 a oecree entered against yon according to the prayer ot said bill. E. E. RICHARDS, Glerfc. 0. H. DoKHBLLY, Complainants Solicitor# - •| "% 4 Administrator's Notice. I2*STATE of James Uracey, deceased, ft* !/ undersigned having been appointed Ad­ ministrator of the estate of James Gracey. deceased, late of the county of McHenry and state oi Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will Hppear before the County (Jour- of Me* Herry County, at the Court House in Wood­ stock, at tiie September term, on tbe third Momlay in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are not fled and requested to attend for the pnr- pose of having the same adjusted. All per. eons nxieiited to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 2d day of July. A. D. 1886. JOHM H. GKACKY, Administrator. 61-«w MATCHED TEAM FOR SALE. A matched Team, four and year# old. all sound antd right. Wilt make a fine carriage Mam. Ioqntft at this offloo. If t -if

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