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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, «EPT. 22. 1#M, Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, Jane 31,| Train* will pass McHenry tmiMa m below: •OIM SOCTB. • S Uke On«Tk Punaiar .....,...7:>S i. I Stake Geneva Express ..... 8:* " Lake On«n Fralirkt r. a take Geneva Passenger ..IS '• OIHH WOETB. bake Geneva Freljrht ........9-11 A. V Lake Geneva Passenger «. W:«0 '• Lake 4eta«va KXUMM 4:48 p. m Lake Qmm Pauenver 6:07 " * Stop* only to leave Passenger*. B. BUM, Agent. HeRenrv. Ill NOTICE. Having announced myself a candl- date for the offloe of County Treasurer, hope my friends will give me their tUDDOrt. THOS. MO. D, KKHiiH, Weodstoek, Sept., 9th, 1886. THE Cantata of "Queen Esther.* bt the McHenry Mimical Association next week. See notice In another plaoe io Ibis paper. /OUR merchants are making arrange­ ments to close their plaoas of business Lt8 o'clock on and after Oct. 4th. A [move In the right direction. acoouit of the sickness of Mr Oowlln, our Soldiers* Department la Omitted thi* week. It will appear In lis usual place next week, Jos. PEKOVSKT Is preparing to open a Restaurant In the rooms In his build Ing, formerly occupied by the Barber Bhop^ He now has fresh Oysters bt ie can. THR third of the series of Sunday evening Lecture Sermons, will he given at the Universal lit Church or Sunday evening next. Subject, "Law and Religion." R THE train which passe* this station going North at 1010 A M. and going South at 531 p. M. was dlsoontlnue J on iMonday,/ Travelers will do well to Mate"! note. WE would call especial attention to the new advertisements of Henry Colbv. Bon*lett ft Stoffel. Althoff Bros. Perry ft Owen. C, Y. Stereos, G. W Pratt, and W. H. Dwlght. wbloh can he found In this naner. J. O. SHERMAN had the model of a new Patent Gate at the Fair which beats them all It was handy, cheap and practical, and Is bound to come J'nto general use^J Every one should putting up a new gate. AN exchange says some hogs kept af ft brewery at Portsmouth, N. H., are In the bablt of getting gloriously drunk If these were the only bogs that go* "gloriously drunk," the Prohlbltloi> party would be wltnout a misslan. . «*. - • i H11 i -- WE learn that a son of Jacob Stock Who lives East of this v^ge. had th« misfortune to fall from a fence. o»> "yS'iadfty evening last, breaking his arm !>r. o. H. Fegers was called, ami dressed the broken member. A child of A. Englen, aged four years and five months, died on Thurs­ day last of Spinal Menengetis. It wa> .sick only about two days.i Mr. ami ie sympathy of thh- community. BT a nicely printed card we notice that Chas. L. Richards, of Hebron. Neb., son of McD, Richards, of Wood stock, was married September 1st. to Mis* Llda M. Ash by. at Fa. rile id, Nebraska.. A card just received aunounces th<r ^following: Married, at the resldenot of the bride, in Metropolis, III., Tues­ day September 14th. 1886, Mr. Heroshei V.Sbepard, of Barrevllle, III., aim Miss Norma E. Slater, of Metropolis. JU. Do you wlsb • bsaatlful complexion t Then use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. li cleans as and purifies the blood, aud thereby removes blotches and pimples from the skin, making It smooth and dear, and giving It • bri ,ht au« F"*Vfhy appearauoe. THE Union Club House at Fox Lftke. was entirely destroyed by fire out- day last week. This place waa former ly o vued by the late E. A. Sm»ll, ami was one of the handsomest on th« lake. The fire we believe, was caused by a defective flue. We did not lean the amount ol the loss. It was insureu a WATTLES, who,. slnoe the dsstij|etlon of his Creamery by (Ire. baft#N»n making butter from his own dairy, uy the Cooley Creamery »ysteu> He has thirty-one oows, some of them quite young heifers, from wbloh In- made In seven days. eudlng sometime last week, 242 pounds of batter. He Informs as that he fed two quarts oi middlings ft day to each oow and one feeding of oorn fodder. Who MI at this? WE would again remind oar reader* oi the Auction 8ale of flue blooded stock, which Is to take place in the village of Algonquin on Tuosday next. Sept, 28th. This stock Is ottered tor sale In order to dote it out, and the sale will |be positive and without re serve, Buyers should bear thiamin mind aud if In Want of some of tne finest stock offered for sale this season, be sure and be on hand on Tuesday next. / WE learn that a man by the same of Slamaa, supposed to be a tramp, at tempted to board the Fox River freight train, at Crystal Lake, on Frl day last, out made a misstep and fell under the wheels, having one leg badly crushed. Drs, Burlingame and Felt of Elgin wera called, and found It neoea- sary to amputate the leg above the knee. He was a youug man about years of age. sod said that be was an uphohter by trade and that Uther lived ftt DesMoines lows. his RAT Own oommeaeed Naoda on Monday, ED. ARAMS* of Kenoeha, Wle„ was on our streets on Wednesday. W. A. SKMSEB, of Elgin, was on oar streets on Tuesday. C. B. CURTIS, of Elgin, a petit Bun- day with friends In this village. O. N. OWEN and wife spent « few days with frleods In Elgin last week. Miss. MART MORSE, of Nunda. was visiting with friends In this village, last week. ISAAC HARSH and wife, of Rlngwood; < tar ted to-day, Wednesday, for a trip through Dakota. MRS. DR. C. H. FEGERS spent a few daya last week with friends at Woodstook. ED. BAKER and wtfof Chicago, are be guests of E. M. Owen and lamlly. In this village. JACOB BONSLETT ha« been quite sick and oonflned to his bed the past few daya. BEMJ. MADDEN and wife, of Janes- vllle, Vis., have been visiting with bis father, in this village. C. E. CHAPELL and wife, ofAlgon- quln, were the guests of Geo. IrOwen and wife one day last week. C. H. BEERS and family departed for lloxle. Kansas, their future home, on Mondsy. MRS. FRANK SCHNORR, of Athol. Dakota, la visiting with her parent* and friends In this village. Miss GRACE OWEN started on Sat­ urday last for Kansas City, Mo., to visit her sister, Mrs. Chas. P. Walt. DR. S. F. BENNETT, of Richmond, passed through here on Saturday last, «>•» bis way to visit friends in St Louis, Mo. J. A GontO, of Chicago, made a «hort call on friends here on Monday -*venlng. He returned to Chicago on Tuesd y morning. JOHN G, RAOAN. of Waukegao, was a caller at this office on Saturday last He was on his way home from th* Woodstock Fair. W. A. ROUNDS arrived here from his trip East, on Monday night. H« <*111 leave for bis home at New Rich •nond. Wis., on Thursday. J. M. TUTTLE, of Cottonwood Fal s Kansas, has been spending the pas* week with friends In tlila village. H« >s a brother of lira. James B. Perry. You can always get better bargain^ t'rom a merchant who advertises thai- from one who doesn't. Didyouevei lotice It? Just notice it and see if ii is not a fact. We will wager our oM "ho*-s (the only pair we hive) that you will fiud It so. PERSONS living at a distance and wanting printing of any kind done •tan send as the copy, and we will d« the work just as promptly and on th «-me terms as though you caine to th«- •ffioe. Remeraoer this when you warn tuotlon bills or any other printing THE Ladles Willing Workers Socie­ ty, oonnected with the Unlveipali* Jhurcb. will meet at the residence or drs. Henry McOmber. on Thursday ifternoon, the 23d. A general atten­ dance Is earnestly requested. Mas. J. B- I'Ebry, President. Miss GaAOK Owatr, Secretary. AN exchange says: the threshing nachiue men report that oats ralse«i >n tiled land turn out fifty to sevent> nushels to the acre, while rbo*e raise<i »n uiitiled laud tun from twenty fiv*- to thirty bushels per acre. If this b true, farmers should make a note oi it. THE following questlou should b*- put to every person capable ot work­ ing a problem In simple Interest, ami should be brought before the teacher*' • ostitute. vis: When beef cattle werr worth 5$@6 con's, beefsteak was worth t shilling a pound. Now wften they tre worth 2(§3| beef steak Is a filling" just the same. How doe* htat come? WE are requested to give uotlce t the party who gathered the Grapes on the premises of Dr. C. H. Fegers, a •bort time slnoe, (without his kuowl- -dge) that II they will call at bt* 'esidcnce tbey oan fiud the Lantern that they left there on that oocasiou Vs the Doctor has plenty of Lantern* »f his own he has uo use for this one tnd Is very anxious to return it to Its rightful owner. Don't be bashful, bui step right up aod own your property. ^QH*ttclfenry Musical Association tre now rehearsing for the beautiful Oantata of'"Queen Esther." under th*- •lirectlou of Prof. Da "forth, of Aurora, which tbey propose to bring out some time the latter part of next week! the •»lact dilfillf wKlcB win ae annpunoed oy posters io due time. The work i* pregKsaing finely and promises that this beautiful Cantata will be rend ered In a manner never before snr passed In this section. The date and taller particulars next week. THE MuHeury Coun ty Fair for the year #886 la numbered among the things of the past, but It will pass into history as one of the best ever held by the Society, With the ex­ ception of one day the weather was good, and the grounds were thronged with people througoout the eutlre week. The show of stock was tbe largest and the best 'ever seen on the grounds, and wai said to be almost equal to the State Fair. We would like to give a more extended review of th* proceedings bat owing to other matters crowding us we are unable to do SO. ^ THE best medical authorities ac­ knowledge the value of Ayer*s Cathar­ tic Pills, and frequently prescribe their use with the utmost confidence as the moat elf actual remedy for Jis- easeotfuaed by derangement of the stomaoh, liver, and bowels. subMBribers: "We would like a nusaber of old gannle sacks that are worthless for holding grain to be given as on subscription by these in arrears. We want to use the|gunnle sacks to make us tome underwear. Those who btve neither gunnle sacks not money, can slip us In some wood. If we can't have underwear, we want to fire up, pro­ vided you bring us the wood. Pleas" send us some flour sacks for Sunday THE Ogle county newspapers are agitating the question of paying sab scrlptlons In advance. To pay In *d vauce for a newspaper Is nothing more than a business transaction. If we buy a hat, we, or some of us, at least, do not expect to wear It a year and. if asked for the pay. then gram ole and tell the bat seller he can take hl> hat. Many times the subscriber Is carried ilong for years, and if he Is asked for his dues he files to pieces and atops the paper. Business I» business, and It takes money to rah It STANHOPE A EPSTEAN, the popular Dime Museum men, on Randolph Street, Chicago, will, on Monday nex*. Sept. 27th, inaugurate a season of Opera In the Bijou;Theatre connected with tbelr Museum. The leading Operas of*the day will be presented from week to week by a company of 'alented artists, with appropriate costumes fand scenery. No additionil charge will be made, ten ccnts admit­ ting to every part of the hoase. Messrs Htanhope A Epstean are the most enterprising Dime Museum men In the West, and at their establishment can be seen attractions far ahead ot any other Museum in the city. Re member the plaoe. 111 and 117 Ran dolph Street, and when in the city do not fall to spend an hour or two looking over the wonders to be ther* «een and bearing their talented Opera Com pan y. To persons wishing to attend the Exjposltlon held at Chicago, 111., from Sept. 1st to Oct. 16th, 1888, we will sell round trip excursion tickets the fol­ lowing days, at 82.25, which Includes admission to the Exposition. <ept. 1 and 4, good to return until Sept. S. « *1, ». 8* ^ «* « ST " 98,», Oct. % * * «* Oct. 4 Oct. 5, 8, 9, .* ' « «• 11 ** IS, H, M, ' «« » •• IS y' ^ B. BUSS, Agent, Prohibition County Convention The Proiilbitloiilsts of the several towns of McHenry county are hereby notlfied to choose delegates to attend a tcounty convention to be held at the Court HuusC Woodstock, on Thurs­ day, bfrptembJr 23, at 10 A. M. for the purp<l>se of flrofmluatlng candidates for county offices, for choosing 20 dele­ gates to attend the Congressional and Legislative Conventions at Elgln^ and tor transacting such other business as nay prpperly oome before the conven Ion. The committee Invites one delegate irum each W. C. T. U. aud one del -- <ate from each Prohibition Club, and the following number from each ot the several townsjips, which Is based in au apportionment allowing two lelegates at large for each town, and me delegate for every five votes (or major fraction thereof), cast for St. John: Vl-len . Vlgoaquin, •Jar.ton ,iitiinung, -<*pl i>orr, i>uunam jration jr«en«rood ihe Committee specially ur*es the holding of town caucuses an 1 formal jboosiug of delegates in all the towus aud a prompt appoiutment of Uulon 4ud Club representatives. E. R. B1KU, Chairman Co. Oommittse. AUCTION SALE. i he undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at bis resideuoe, in Jnlu.s- ourgh on Thursday, September30<h 1886, oommenolug at 10 o^ulock A. M.. he following property: 1 Horse, four vearsoid, 1 Top Buggy, almost new; i SI ogle Harnesses; 1 Cultivator; 1 Pair. Dragi*; 1 Plow; 60 Bushels ol Oats; 80 Bubheis of old Corn; and other articles too numerous to men tlon. MjTAIso my house and four teres of land. TERMS --All sums of 910 and under. Cash. Over that sum a creditor One Year will be given on approved Notes it 7 per cent interest. Two percent ••fl for cash. Terms on house and laud •no half cash and balanoe on time to »uit purchaser. , JAOOB ROTHERMPftL. P. K. Qnaaoaa, Auctioneer. We have the best -chool Shoe lit • he township, at reasonable prl<»«*a for cash. FITZSIMMONS FT SVANSON. 4 | H irtland, 7 I Hebron, ... A | M.trengo 3. ttcileiiry., 4 I Nunda ... . 9 | Hicbinond . i . Riley 4 ^eneca...., 8 From Monday Oct.4,1886, till March 1st, 1887, my store will be closed at 8 ••'dock P. M., except Saturday even- ings, when we will close at 6 P- M. HENRT COtiBT. Smith's Quinsy Speoiflo Has never faded. Used and reoom oended by physicians. Be prepared for a sudden attack; this remedy" will avert It* Bee adv't. Elegant Dress and Jersey Flannels at HENRT COLBT'S. Rock ford Flannels, best in the world, tar sale at E1TZSIMMONS A EV ANSON. Boots and shoes. an imioense stock UTFNKT COLBT S. at Ladles and Gents underwear, large assortment, very low prices for ca sb at FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON , The largest hue ot Clothing ever ahowo In McHenry, can now be fouud at HENRT COLBT'S. MRS. E. W. HOWE IS now In the olty baying her Fall St«»ok oi Millinery ana wl,|, in & tew days be prepared to sbow to the ladle* of McHeoty and sur­ rounding; country tbe finest line of stylish Fall Mi III tie ry ever brought to this town. Call aud see goods ftad leara prices before buying. 10 poands of Ri>* t«»r gl at flfZiUIIJNi * JBVAHSOIL EMTOR PLAIN DEALER: --^Doctor McDonald was called last week w visit Mrs,- Woodbury, Hiram Ro«e, who was considered dangerously 111, Is recovering. The shelves In H, W. Mead's Cheese Factorv. are clear, every cheese hav­ ing beer, cold and shipped. tlebron sent a large delegation to the Fair and many returned trinmph aift with badges of blue ribbons. Henry J, Mead, from Nebraska, vis ted his parents and other relatives and friends last week. D. A. Clary has fo r some time been confined to the house with rheumatism his arms being the worst afflicted. The'road commissioners are contem­ plating and makl )g preparatlona to thoroughly grade the road South of town, between the church and four corners. Also the hedges considered a nuisance are to be demolished. Mrs. O. Dart took a business trip to Chicago last week, purchasing Millin­ ery Goods for the Fall trade. Give her a fall, Rev.^Flsh. tbe Baptist Minister from Geneva, who preaches to us every Sunday evening, cal led on friends the first of the week. The H imp ton College Jubilee Sin gers will glye one of their tfamous Concerts at tbe M. E. Church on Wed­ nesday evening of this we 'k. Admis­ sion 25 cents. Reserved seats 35 cents. Manor and Reynolds display with pride twelve tittle emblems of premi­ ums received at the Fair, eight of tbe Blue and four of tbe Red, Tbe marriage of Mr. Roy Wickham tnd Miss Anna Prouty. at t<ie Fair. Wednesday, was a surprise to but fewa as a little whisper had grown until conjecture had become a certainty.-- 1'he ceremony was a quiet one, wit­ nessed bv a vast number of people be happy couple left Woodstock Im­ mediately for a short wedding journey to Dakota and other pieces, wben ihej will return to their new home near thr Wickham homestead. May their whol*- life be as fair and bright as thi day which saw them one, the Fair Wedaes 'lay of McHenry County's great ludustrlal Exposition of lt$86. ALGONQUIN- PLAINDBALER:--At C. B dispell'* auction sale of a carload ot Milch cows, on Tuesday of last nfoek cows sold on an average of 945 25 p«i <ead. J. A. Sherwood officiated. G. E Dunn, of Sheldon, Ills, made his father a short visit on Saturday oi last weex. Mrs. Ki lg, of Minnesota, and Mrs Gardner, of Kansas, are the guests ol her cousin. Miss Birdie Morton. Mrs Peter gave a family Birthday Party on Saturday last, in honor oi uer mothers 72nd natal day. Cbas. Waudrack says he doa't want any more com cutting In bis. Mr. aud Mrs. A. E. Helm, of Chicago, dpent >u iday la«t here, the .guests oi itr. and Mis. Peter. Mr. and Mrs. F. D, Coltrln, of Chica­ go, spent Suuday last here. Frank returned to Chicago on Monday and Mrs. C, will remain here for a fe* days. Mr. and Mr*. G. E. Chapell, oi Chicago, are the guosts ot C* E, Chapell. airs. Chandler Is very sick. Dr. Nason <s It attendance. C. E. Chapell starte J out the first ol ibis week to buy milch cows and he I- expected in the laet of this week. He is Bt.led for a large sale fo» Tuesday. Sept, 28th, consisting of 20 bead o* milch cows, 67 head youug stock, 5 tiead bones, 30 shoats and the undivi­ ded half of 36 acres of corn in the shock. Any one in wmt of some fine young stock will find it to their ad­ vantage to attend this sale. D. S. Babbitt and daughter. Lulu, -pent a part of last week here, visiting with relatives and friends. Win. Morton has commenced tbe erection of a new barn on his lot. Henry Keyes Is doing the )ob. Chas. Jura commenced house keep­ ing on Munday of this week. He oo- t-uples tbe upper rooms in H. S. Hu >bard*s house, vacated fey Mrs. Douglass. Ownrnsnss BT "PLOSSIE." This Is one of the abort months. Fred Dyke drives a new trotter. ** The Capron Herald ia for sale. Have yoa hang up your sammer hat? You attended the Fair, didn't yoa? Corn cutting Is tbe order of the day. Lonte Weeks has been hoase a few days " Richmond has street lamps. What for? Frank Hill Thursday. Guy Maloolnr Fenners'. returned to Chicago la vliffAag «p ito has gone back to Miss Ellen Crossen Elgin, The school house fence has been lowered. Very tasty. Dr. S. F. Bennett started for St. Loals Saturday evening. Mrs. Cole aud Grace Elgin friends. Roll In yonr house plants. Qora Denlson has gone to Lake Geneva to attend school. ire vlslttag coal and tike np the Mrs. 8. Glbbs will Oet. 7th. have ho taction Particular Notice. Notice Is hereby given by the un­ dersigned, Commissioners of High­ ways of tbe Town of MoHer.ry, thai the discharging of Guns, Pistols, any kind of firearms, on or from tbe Iron Bridge, in the village of McHenry, I* strictly prohibited, and any person or persons hereafter convicted of the act will be pnaisbed to the full extent of of the law. JOHN B. BELL, ALI.EN P UOLBf, OAS TO it ADA S, Mv Commissioners, Jersey Caps, Plush Caps and Tobog> gins, the latest thlog oat, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols, 8ee our §2.99 congress worth Stofiel's, Men's shoes, lace or •5,00 at Bonslett A We have a few pair MenVftw shoes. Elgin and Rockford, make at extreme ly low prices f >r ca<h. Man b* sold / A full line of Ladies Famishing Goods, at Mrs. H. H. Nichols. Trunks Stoflel's, and valises at Bonslett St TetDrlnkers will find an extra fine Teaof unsurptftfted quality at FITZSIMMONS & SANSON. To-Night and To-Morrow Night. And each day and night during this week, you can Bud a Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old sufferers from this dls- strerfsing complaint are at once re­ lieved and in a short ti ne a perm me it cure established. Check the disease In ti ne by using tbe "most efifctive remedy. Prioe fiOo. Send address for ^am^hlet on plies. Box 295, Le Roy Rockford Carpet * Stoflels. Warps ftt Bonslett Is barb wiie to blame for so much fatalities? The breath of several lawsuits Is floating In the air. The trees are just beginning to show the effects of the several frosts. Miss Myrtle Mead, of Elgin. Is visiting Richmond friends this week John W. Hay thorn will have a very -legantdrug store when he Is entirely settled. The Chinese concert last week wa«- fairly attended and quite an agreeable novelty. Elk'iern Fair will be held Sept, S8. . SO and Oot. 1. Many Richmond I tes will attend. Ole Johnson furnishes lots of fun for •verybody with that Mexioan pony he has. Charlie Granger and were here Sunday on byclcle. Beitnte Bus* Hi Railway Tuesday night, «ept, 2l«t, th* Hampton College Students give s concert In the M E. Church. VMM You Bsll*« It? That we are Authorised by the pro­ prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparilft to re­ fund the money to any one who h«s taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has tbe confidence, in his medicine to do this, it U for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying tbe Blood and toning up the system. Price fl.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. a valuable cow Electricity took Andrew Huff lost Thursday morning. her breath away. "Good bye until next sammer" Oonduotor Sblpmao said, when th* Cisco train went in Saturday evening Willis Fountain, of -Woodstock. »W engineer on the C. A N. W. R. R. called on frleods In Richmond and vicinity Sunday. Myers, the wholesale liquor dealet from Chicago, has been out to hi- •xmage at the Lakes, for ft week. Muotlng. Those who battled the rain on theli way home from Woodstock Saiurdat light I'eclare 'twas .the Equinoctial norm sure« We saw a cherry treft la blossom last Sunday, and Mr. L. L. Mart I a ha> "wen enjoying a second crop of red raspberries for several weeks. Miss Ibble Rowe, of Hebron, and Miss Martin of Massachusetts, viewed Kichmond attractions und»r the happ\ guidance of Nellie Andrews, one da} last week. Miss May Reed an i Casper Klmbal were married at Genoa Junotlon, last week» Madame rum*r telis us of thr narrlage of Henry Berger, also, a highly rospected youug man of our neighbor, Keystone, Of oourse aim »st everybody attend •id tbe Fair. A great many chose th* rainy day which had a tendency t<> dampen their elothes. but not their spirit. The general decision seems to be that the Fair cam » up to its usual excellent standard and tbere are no regreta because of attendance. It Is un<H»oess*ry to complain or the lack of news. The universal Interest manifested for the county Fair hai> passed away, and no happenings have iiroken the wearisome quietness tha' wraps Richmood so completely and s<> frequently. Madam Rumor throw- her shadows aod her sunshine as ev -r. yet so seldom do we beed her that sb* treats us disdainfully many times, and when we bear her wild ideas fly­ ing about we recall the lines some author once wrote as follows: "first somebody told it. Then the room wouldn't hold It, ,|0 the busy tongues rolled It, 'xiil tney got it outside; Ifhen the crowd eame across it, ft never once loss it, Bat tossed It and tossed It, 'Till it grew long and wide.'. And we dismiss her and tbe reports from our mind. The world appears to move mnob smoother while Danoe and Gossip a!asp bands and aeek fresher fields. HOUSE AN;D LO R FOR SALE. For sale in the village of Algonquin, a large house and three lots. Plenty of small fruit, Will be sold cheap If applied for soon. Fbr further particu­ lars Inquire of. ?C. £. WILLIAMS, Dundee, HI 4-3m. FOR SALE. A bran new Lumber Wagon* Time will be given if desired. AltO some Shepherd Pups. Inquire of 1 KLTSOID. West McHenry, Sept. 14th. UN. BssLsrs Liver Wort Kidney Cure, the best thing . on tbe martcet, at Besley's Drjg Store. West Side. 17 lbs. good, clean, whole rice for #1.00 at Bonslett & Stoffil'a. MRS. E. W. HOWE has removed her Mlllmery and Drets Making Rooms to r stdcnco, two doors East of tbe Kelte? Block, where she will be happy to meet her old customers and as many new ones as may eee fit to oall. Tbe latest styles of Millinery just reoelved Dress Making done promptly. Thi omlleit Si an In Hoaenry, As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on Geo, W, detley and get free a trial bottle of (Lemp's B&lsaas* for tbe throat and Lungs, a remedy that Is selling e^- Hlrely upon its merits and is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chrome aod Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Prioe 50 oents andfl. I wish to sill, no later than Septem her 15th, the place known here as the Sonuenshlen property. Consisting ol stores and dwellings, all occupied. If required, time <*n part payment will be given. Also will sell my complete Livery Stock, cbeap if taken soon. A, 80NMBMSHIBW. Naoda, III., Sept, lst,lS8flL 7-8w. Extra fine roasted toffee. 8 lbs. for 91 at Fitzsimmons ft Evtnsons. Good fine cut tobacco only 25o a lb, at Bonslett ft Stofiel's. Ladles Muslin Underwear, CO cent* «t Fitssimmons ft tfivtiHon's. Call and see the Millinery, at Mrs. H fine line of H Nichols. Fall LtW* «*rf k *1 •.v.'wai^5 Oar robber goods were boaght be­ fore the advance, so we Oftn sell cbeap or than others. . BORSLITT A STOVCU. Good smoking tobacco only 2)o ft lb., at Bunslett ft Stoff -I'S. Call and s*-e our due Perry ft Owen's. new shoes ft) Flannel. Rock*or I, oest In the world, *t Fitztimmons ft Evanson's. CARPEL' WEARING, The- undersigned la preparl#^^. Weave Rag oar pets on short notli^ and at Reasonable rates. Residence •tie Block W«st of the North-weai corner of the Public square. Orders respectfully solicited, aud satisfaction {Uaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. Mellenry, Aug. 16th, 1886. S--Sm Buy Warner's Magic and National Yeast at Bonslett ft Stofiel's, Good Mens .iliir s, 25 cents at Fits "immoua ft Evanson's. To the fell»ws that pay as they <o. we offer a superior article of Flour, Jash prioe #1,25. FITZSIMYOVS ft ETANSON. Look at the c<<oioe Candles at Bes- «y's Drug Store. w»»«r find, Middlings, ttiuu, Salt and Oil Vleal in stock at Bousiett & •Jtoffel's. The Sels O'ieorated hsnd mad» 3'»ots aud Shoes, and other standard tood* at D wigut's gild reliable Cash •*tore, Woodstock III Ladles and Gents flue 8boes • speo- !a|ty at Dwlgh'«. Wanted. y Reliable and energetic men to sell ill klnd« of n irsery good*. N«w and 'tardy yarihtles adtpted to tbe cli- •nate. Business .light and easlh learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and ex tenses and five steady employment. Firs t clasx references req>itred. Send for terms \ddrisfi L* L. M ty. ft Co,, Nurserymei Sr. Paul Mlimennta, 17 pounds good, clean, whole rice, tor #1.00 at Bonslett ft Sr oft el'a. All gr des of R»okford and St. Charle* flour, #1,05 to <1.65, at Bousiett ft Stofiel's. Remember tbe tact that W. H Dwight will not be u tdersold by ftny house In Wood«">"|< nr McHenry Co. Good plug tohaitio only 25c a pound at Bonslett ft •»'« Many a person is starving with a fall table before them. Appetite gonel Am­ bition gone! Life a burden! I What ifl the matter? The Liver has oeased to do its proper work. The life channels are clogged. Poisonous fluids are thrown Mick into the blood, which should be thrown out. SMITH ̂BILE BEANS will surely stimulate the liver to do its work well, and headache, sal* lowness and bad breath will flee away. Price, 25 cents per bottle. All druggists. Quinsy Can be Cured. Smith's Quinsy Specific Is an abso­ lutely sure cure for this painful and dangerous disease. The undersign >d suff red from quinsy for years, but Anally discovered a remedy which cured him and all who u*ed It. It has never yet failed. A purely vegetable remedy, safn and pleasant to take Pric* 50 j. Single trial packages sent tor 35c. Circulars and testimonials for stamp. Get it now and be preptr^d to control the next attack. Address^ GEO W. C*MITH. Sole Prop'r and ManTr. Phelps, N, Y. Pitisif mention thi« •>aper. For Sale- iii the village of McHenry, a house and Ave lots. The owner wishing to build on land owned by him outside of tbe corporation will sell very low. The hou*e has been newly painted throughout, contains f >ur rooms besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets In tbe second story. There is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of •mall fruit of all kinds. Is well located and convenient to the Public SohooL Will be sold cheap if applied f >r soon. For further particulars Inquire at this office. Also twenty seres of good land near tbe corporation. Wlll be sold oheap Now Tea of finest quality picked last May onlv 50 cents per pound ftt Vltsslmmous & Evanson's. City residences for sale, Jtl Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, HL Everything in tbe Hardware bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. SI Celluloid Sets, cheaper than ever I fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side, Fine Scrap Books only |ljf ftt G, If, Besley's, West Side. # Celluloid Combs, oolytteratlttt^l W. Besley's, West Side. 16 cases new Boots ft Shoes jast oeived at Perry ft Owen's. Fruits, Nuts and Caudles, largest fts> ^ sortment In town, at Perry ft Owen's. Good Rockford Flour only #1.25 per j sack at Bonslett ft Stofiel's. Best Smoking Tobacco at 20 ceotsl pound at Perry ft Owen's. 1 Before yon Insure get terMi Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insu­ rance, of Bonslett ft Stoffel, West Mo- Henry, 111. Knowlton. Stand trd, Manny. Crown Eureka. Crawford and New Warrior, Mowers at E. M. Owen # Son, and la price from #45 to #90. L»ce Curtains, Tidies, Lamberktnti*'] Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, ftt Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. Fresh Rolled Stofiel's. Oats at Bonslett 41 DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pot- » Ish, tbe finest thing in the market, ftt Besley's Drug Store. * ^ ---- ' Besley's Famis Wiakegao- Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslettft, A* glen's and John Helmer's. IF you want to make your Baggy Top look as good as new get tbe Na­ tional Patent Leather Enamel at Besley's Drug Store. - % *• RNrs. Schumacher. ' Visits Chicago every week and will * take in your orders and furnish it the lowest Chicago prices. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the best nade. on draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonsletts, A, Englen's. sad Jobs tlelmer's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices than any ither store In McHenry. MR*. M. SCHCMAOHHL Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five oent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barblan Bro|. It beats tbess M ' Carriages the best of makes aod lully warranted for two years at E. M, «Jwen ft Son. Steel framed Plows, and Minneapolis ; Binders which by their work baW uroven the best, are at E, M. Owen ft • '[ ' • vH BREAD, Cakes and Pies aft Stock's liome Bakery, Utiles' Block. Ladles Gloves aad Mitts at Perty ft > we ns'. Short Horn Bulls for Mb. The undersigned has for sale lull dood Short Horn Bulls. Will be sold 'heap, Call on or addresa . FRANK COLE. f One mile East of Spring Grove* •, s; Vpril 24,1886. -- 5'-} EYERTBODT KNOWS }J That Henderson's Boot* and Shoet tre the best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry ft Owen's, Sole Agents, House and Lot For Sale, In the village of Rlngwood. Con* ains 10 Rooms. Also a Barn. Wood- •hed and other outbuildings, well, I dstern, etc., on the premises. With- n twenty rods of Depot. Good a harden, Apple Trees, etc. Price <1000. For terms and other particu ars Inquire of WESLET LaOI^ u'- Rlngwood, March 5th, 1888. ^ 34-# months. Some FoolUh feople. Vllow^ S eou;h to run UII I It gets] be- • oud the teach of medicine. They of- •>n say Oh! it will wear away, but la •nost cases It wears them away. 'ould they be Induced to trv the -uccessful m-dicine called Kemp's Ba sara, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi- itelysee the exc<*ll«nt •'flpct alter tak- ing thn first dose. Price 50c and #1.00.^ Trial «ise free, at Geo. W. Besley's* ! ttoHenry. V E. M. Owen ft Son received seven o§ i: • C' 'lie celebrated Eureka 6 aud 7 foot cot Mowers one day la«t week. :• -• • Lees than a BO-Cent Botti« Gur»« Bone 3pavln« ^ NDNDA, III. May im. ' P U DICKINSON 4fc SON--Harrington, III Gentleman: 1 had a horse lame for •>Vrr eighteen months with a Bone Spavin, aud I procured a bottle of Dickiuson's Russian Liniment, and less than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. W. D. PARKS, 'Jk • •: •' 1 SAVE A DOLLAR • We have had consigned to us by tbe narufactxrer as an advertisement of .heir work some extra fine genuine I'ampico goat Shoes for ladies wear, <ucn as ij »ve been *old I'or Three Dol- >ars. We are instructed to s<*H them 1 at Two Dollars. Boy a pair and save ft dollar. PEBRT ft Own. N, B. Every pair warranted. f | Cash paying buyers are^respeotfaltar v Invited to c<11 at Fitzslmmoaft EvansonN store at the West End, |S '"-"I examine a few articles ottered fci^ bargains during this week. | " ; Tent for Sale. A good 10x12 Wall Tent, new, never having been once. Will be sold cheap. this offloe. Black Dress Goods end .... and Flite Dress SUkn at Perry ft Owes. Notice, To those that want 3'ubs, Tats, Hay Racks,and anything In my toe of bast- less. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law* «us' Store, 1 „ „ „ F. A. HLBARST deHeary, AOS. ins. u-«^ it HtSaC That we are daily guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people in (his way. that after taking three fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refnad the money. It is the greatest aad best remedy on the market for cleao- slng the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well known business uaa Informs us he has gained 8 poanda on two bottles of this Sarsipa* rttla. Price #100. For sale by Ge% . W. Beale£% McHenry 4" . Good ftS . set np bat Inquire a trlmmlngs> ' i . • VV.C A % * t. /A,

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