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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1886, p. 8

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h>i<a, tkej (IM miss ot br(A|tiig Boatoo the w«*M, bat It Ultra a eitisea IM Mf from Ml leirt that he 1» of a etlr whest name bM been Iwelgltt before MM public iu auob • jj& «MM*sr,~-<)lnf, disc. Ati! a cheatnot WltlloOiag Its doltru! lay; let's vee. | f Oh! jn, teaas should hart baaa left U1 «Q(. * * 1 man foaod fl$8 a few day* ^L, *f°» *od the oiraer rewarded bin with pair of map*inert. Uooo re- . tttftlig the reward. IrifcteacTof belnc feC witaled. be kicked Mmself becauie h'KLr: iM turn of money Wasn't twice as SK" large. When **l£d why he wished tin earn bad be«#larger. be said he , J would have stood a show of getting a '5j5 pair of pants to match the new snped* ^ Hers. Some men are never satisfied!; ;,-v In these days, gratitude oan only be loud with a search warrant.-- *,y \ He was In big lode s to get the euspen- ff* * den. • |prAe old man who Is at fw#iw#;fre- hiding at the Jersey City. V. J., poor ? boose, has seven sons lirlng, all steam­ boat Captains, and all In good clrcuaa- «tao«iM. This ought to be a to ovor-ambltloua fathers, but It won't ' pake any d'fforeaoe, people will con- tlBN to receive birtb cards just as tkoqgl notMng of this kind had bap* peoed. This Is a mighty ungrateful ^ %orld, and • father don't know bow «v eooo his offspring will go back on him ** > "V>- mM'rfm & . * U4* 1TAVS JUST RECEIVED } << tarOne Door West of the Riverside House. flFl rj1 - " UIALfin WMimM it" At their Store, 111 >•«.... a*. t GARLAND STOVES & RANGES, And in short* everything in the Hardware Stove «nd Tin Line. Aw ih^V'IK inoii^wuninsim mmmm mmm W« HAVII FULL STOCK • ^ - * K ̂ tf *r*e f » * J ' ' wj&tm Which 'they have now open for the inspection of their customers and buying public in general. They are now showing one of the finest Stocks i|f Dress Goods! lad give him the dead shake. tfr Father of young girl--"I should think you would be satisfied after the treatment you got here last night. I licked you down the front steps and fet tbe^dog on you, and be came back with a big pleos of your trousers. Now '.%hat do you want?" Young Man--MFd like that piece ot cloth, please." |v'r What are Seppeelfceree. ft "4 O. Rose, from New Loudon. |fy Conn., writes: Send me two boxes of your Kemp's Pile Suppositories by ^ a«B. Our druggist Is out. They are Cor a Mend. I tried everything with out help, bat the Suppositories cared me. The treatment Is new aad within I'; teach of all, and would advise the IV efiseted to give them a trial. For I4'r4 pamphlet* oo Plies address Box 396 > } Le Boy, N. Y. For sale in McHeury. If Geo. W. Besley's at 60o per box, w ':i ifei pi Quinsy Can IM Cured. 8m|tb's Quinsy Specific Is an abso- lutely sure cure for this painful aad ,/! dangerous disease. The undersigned t;: ftf red from quinsy for • years, but ®; flaalbr discovered a remedy which cored him and all who used It. It has M'"" aever yet Sailed. • purely vegetable I"';' tea»dy, safw and pleasant to take. Single trial packages sent | tar 85c. Circulars and testimonials for I*-'-':-; Stamp. Get it now and be prepared VV toeontrol the next attack. Address: ^1; ,J^O. W.SIOTB. Sole FfopVr «od HaiiTr, Pbelps, N, Y. • ' Phase mention this paper. For Sale* lo the village of MoHenry, a frouse tad five lots. The owner wishing to Mild on land owned bv him outside of the corporation will sell very low. The house has been newly painted throughout, contains four rooms -besides kitchen and pantry below, and two good large rooms and closets In the second story. There Is a good barn, well, cistern, and other outhouses on the premises. Also an abundance of email trait of all kinds. Is well located aad eoaveoient to the Public School. Will be sold cheap If applied far soon. For farther particulars inquire at this olBoe. Also tweoty acres of good land near the corporation. Will be sold cheap A^nslblo Man. Would use •Kemp's Balsam fe# the Throat and Lungs. It is curing more eases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- chltls. Croup and all Throat and Lung | Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor hag authorized Geo. W ft Beeley to refiind your money if after I';" ioklng three-fourth# of a bottle relief | * ^ aot obtained. Prloo Me aad $1 t.'" Trial slse free. IK , Tea of finest quality picked IteV.®* .lie? only 60 cents per youod at Fltssimmons & ErtoioDii, • If you want to learn how to Paint v for One Dollar, c»U at BedeyVurug Store, West Xud. s^C'y CLOTHING, .•-Aapfc,, Underwear, Ifer Shown in Mc Henry. ^ Ifcl Thaj Ean Mads a Sncctsa In Knocking out High Prices, and are now showing their cus­ tomers that it is for their interest to trade with them, " GROCERIES. A Full Line of Choice Family Groceries always on hand. Call and see us and learn prices before purchasing elsetahete. ALTHOFF BROS. Mchenry, Sept. 20tJu l88fi*. v !. ij 1.1 in i .1 . I.I .....III.ijii.;. .lUriiir/mniiil AHD inmiB TACKLI Of ALL KHIDS Which will be told ,m low as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere. Call at my store before buying elsewhere THE FINEST LINE OB BIRD CAGES IN TOWN KBBXNGt AJND MPAHUITC e Promptly Attended To. o Trouble to show Goodf * ^ Mcenry, 111., May 24th, 1886. , " tjrnkrnimmm r'rrn inifiaMaiiiail^ GROCERIES, ETC., ETC. mil ut mnn sum aow cumin. GEO. W. West W WAT iww* I.OW 1 £ M'*- 1 Our purchases ha?e been unusually heavy, tomers will have the advantage of oneiof the Conseqently our cua- Illinois. •m&EALER IX- S&f • and To select from f?er shown in McHenry. and Prices respectfully solicited. Corner Maine Street and ?n|Ue Senate. iW. il. DWICHt An inspection of Goods -•S/M. * Woodstock, Illinois. Choice Confectionery. be tonnd m the county. best brands ot (Mgars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on land. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. ®TL. W. Nichols, Jr., a Jeweler of large experience, has tab an a Window in tiha Store, and is prepared to do all work inhis Hue. GEQ. W. BESLEY, DONT YOU FORGET ITf ASA W. SMITH, Woodoloek, * % * lllftnolm. Banked tar Millions ot money 'olfci you (NDKMNItT agalnat daaage by Fire, Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TOBNADOJB& Drop me a poatal eard and I will Tiait yon; flail on me and I will write yon a policy, and waeneitber or any of these destructive el* aenta devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold one of my policies, for I will surety visit you, and .minister untolyon. will not forsake yon. . A&4* W. BMIlBt , Omt'l Xmmmmm AW TH» UWiVSIISAL SCALE • u nraispsmma InmM lithk. wmiMaa ate, no CHAS. H. TRYON DRAINAGE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Levels taken/ Drains located and Grades established for Tile and Open Drains. Swamp apd overflowed lands reclaimed. Elevations tafcen of Springs. Ponds and Water Courses and all work requiring Accurate Leveling |»( 0. Address,:GREENWOOD, ILL. apace and Is ttw< scale e*w mi Owe MMi 16 Piai lixcsnum LS. SPENCER'S SMI, ®®nroBi, oomi. ILV1TS HANDY STmiKlJF. MO mw OOMPLETE WITHOUT ONI. Strong, or- and durable, useful mmwtm. (a«r bacd-s wm&Ui us fin floras and BXA.TEB8, AUt ViflOM SXATKS, SCHOOL ROOM HCATXaa. 1 semMalac the Radiation and VsntHsUou ef an • raa with the operation of a WAaa ant vmuuea, also Parlor and Cook Stovaa, Xaa| nviauL rvBKAcss, *m, Otreatas mallsd on application. TBI UT1C0ND m^ACE k *T». 00 76 Bookman St. N. Y. City. Master's Sale of Real Estate. *} Ma vj Term, A. D. UN yon insure, get terms Lightning, and Tornado L, in the Phoenix, of , or German, of E'ree- Bonslett & Stoffel STATE Or ILLINOIS. MrHenry County in the Cireutt Oourt, Ruth Thurtwell et. al. 1 va. > In Chancery. Oluwaee A. %e11e, et. al. t By virtue of a decrteta) order of the Mc­ Henry County rurcui Oourt. mt'te an d enter­ ed r.t the May Term thereof for the year 1M8. in the above entitled cauae, I ahall oarer for sale, and sell at Pnblic vendue on the pretni ses, en Saturday, October *th, IM, at the hour of one (1) o'clock, r. • ol said day, the following described real estate situated in tbeOount* of McHenry, and State to-wit: The Rest bslrof the Sontl ter, the Southeast quarter of the ... |aarter of Section thirty one (U) and the _ . J or •Mnenme, aastor Tsaua O» 8ALB >-One-faatf Gash, __ "siiiiTKsawMsriff6"1" n. Sieeding at the x.«mea, orbus, 9*imuqr, CbroniA uCheiim Morbus, SjrMBMry, CI Dr. I, B. Johnson > Co.. Boston. MAKE K»W. axes BLQOD in the world. WiU poaitivel* our« or .Mn times the eost of a bo* of Meoiil to worth ten times the eost of a box or irotunc on Mrth wiU b«>I< bent laj Uk* It. of h«n«. m bj mail JTQR ALL CLIMATES, FOB ALL SOILS, ALL PLANTS. All tested for vitality, and iu Gardens for parity and value. LOW PRICES aiUev's Pride ef the Monk Oorn. rinmaA in mmu North in 'Sa and 'Bi. Sibler's Imperial _ _ r i p e n e d i n e x t r e m e N o r t h i n Sz and *83. Sibley Bailey, yielded at rau o| 2M hash, psr eera, 2>afca«a Bed Potato hest of «s varieties; rot pkoof. SUCHT raoor: yield 7» •Sf'HPfr am* ,Booh--tor Tesssts, teigeet smooth, and earliest Iar.eeort: SKWP roe CATALOGUE^p FRfCK LlST ef Vec^Me. flower and field *ee<to of all tested valuebl* varfetMe. J4aU orden_promptyr filifd, making a aked'stori at home. LOWBST PBIOBS.' t, &<h||!I§§$^^ wai;'£i \ m tiEADOUARTEtS FOIt General Merchandise. Our Stock is very Complete, Look at our Wt TAKE TBI We have now such an arrangement with the leading Cloak Man­ ufacturers of the west as will enable us to offer Cloaks price which many dealers have paid for their stock. UBEBTV-ENUGHTBIIN6 THE WOULD, In regard to the^unequaled merlte TMsFl9i&9 Dvfeliian Jr. From $4 up. Don't fail to get a pair of our We are more than pleased with the success of our Eve have a ry person who buys a pair saves a dollar, i Kid Shoe at same prieet Don't forget it shall shortly WE HAVE THE BEST MAKES OF 9U In the market; ill short we have a nice stock and out prices are the lowest. By dealing with us you oan get value reveived every time. The Original and Famous Thrae-Wheeled Flaw, "-M •Mch for Llghtnsss ol Drafl and Working Qualitiee Is . i. •M Oawoadad Champion ot the Whale Plewad WMrM. ^ POUTS OF SUKaUMTT. It runs lighter than any other plow made, aecauae by means of the perfect support afforded bf y. ^ J Shree wkwle the plow i» carried, not dragged. . ^ xt la eaey on tbe team, because there is « absolutely no weight on tne horses' y aecfta. or outward, as may be desire" it turns square corners, turning fnr- ws either inward or outward, as may be desired. TU» rear fhrrow wheel is locked erhen plowing etraight ahead, but unlocked by foot- trip when necessary to turn. After the comer is turned it lock* itself automatically. The caster wheels running In farrow effectually prevent any strain on the frame of the alow, or on the horses when turning. The plow is famed on the same principle as a cart. The front fhrrow wheel is at ftolnt or plow, insuring a uniform depth whea grossing dead furrows or ditches. The land axle has a sprint that feecj-- ' ' '• ' ant ii" .Ssft * •alking plow, and the horses draw easily and aattt- (ally. *he plow is in front of the drtvWt v Where its work is constantly under his eye. ' !i- ', .V These, and many other points, fully explained, Ulna* V grated and proved in our descriptive circulate, • , 'S, tent free to any address. We also mail, free of charge, the Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, by J0hn-with-n» *••%*'% Bunion, with illustrations ; the Story of the Flying . " • Dutchman, a graphic sea sketch: and other litenrtwe vhich will amuse, entertain and instruct, address, MOUNE PLOW CO., Mm, IHiMiS C . P'k'-rte',. m&m _ 5 Wr-Vilf

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