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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1886, p. 4

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mmmS: WK01TB8DAY, 27,1886. «3T. VANSLYKE. Editor. •oatraets may be wdt for U In YORK- REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. % ' Stat* Tlcko% ' f s& i < Treasuiil^ #.v-v « ^ JQHW R TANNEft. ;# - • Kor Sapertntendentjof Public Instruction, BICHABD EDWARDS. tlRiraulonil Tlokot. Iltmber of Congress, Fifth District, ALBERT J. HOPKINS. of Aurora. Ugl«latlv« Ticket. Representatives la the Legislative* •OS. CHARLES E. FULLER, of BOOB* GO ttt ABLBS A. PARTRIDGE, of Lake Oft. <6#., County Ticket ' For County Jnrige* - H - ' HON. O. H. GIL MORE, of Woodstock. 1 For County Clerk, ifs*, OOL. WILLI \M AVERT, of Marengo. n'-f For County Treasurer, WILLIAM H. 8TEWART, of Woodstock. #/*•£"• For Sheriff, « GEORGE BCKERT, of Woodstock. ? ' For Ooontr Superintendent of Schools, 1, ; LBSTBR BARBER, of Marengo. mm . . *TButler ruled weak, lower, am' dall, Monday at Elgin, regular sale* Ma r made at 27 cents. Four hundred Md fifty-nine boxes of cheese wen sold In a private weir. ^ Republican Voters. • Bemembe1* a part ot our Stat* Ticket was defeated a few years ag • by apathy on your part. Let It no* ? Hcur again, 10* Republicans, this if tii time tr net upon your laurals. Awake an<* work, for this oampalgn is but th« preliminary contest to the Preslden tlal battle of 1888. Let every Re pub Uean voter go to the polls on Thurs­ day next and do his whole duty. •~%j Secretaries Bayard, Endicott, Postmaa ter General Vilas, and Private Secretary J Jiamont, attended the State fair at Rich­ mond, Va. The party were warmly wel­ comed along the route, and on the fair grounds at Richmond the President re­ ceived an enthusiastic welcome. The events of the day were addresses by Gov. |jee and Mr. Cleveland. The party in­ spected the Confederate Soldiers' Home, where two veterans were injured while filing a salute. ' LEADING wagon-makers throughout the Country gathered at Chicago and organized en association designed to put an end to the use of convict labor Frank J. F. >} * Bradley, a defaulter to the Pullman Car &?-/•- Company for $5,000 or more, entered a t plea of guilty in a Chicago court, and V, Jrithin two hours was on his way to Joliet, . to serve five years in the penitentiary V A n i n c e n d i a r y f i r e a t G r a n d L e d g e , M i c h . , j-Hflestroyed Hickson, Tinkham & Co.'s saw­ mill and Waldo & West's planing-mill and • chair factoiy. The loss is $30,000, with f $9,300 insurance The postoffice inspec­ tors engaged in investigating the accounts : " • -0t Col. Bolton, late superintendent of sec­ ond-class matter in the Chicago office, ate frepared to prove the embezzlement of 20,261, but they estimate the total deficit • ; at $32,000, based on his average pecula- •< Sons for three years. THE SOUTH. : • tt^fKSWING details of the disaster caus- ;:£. / -%d by the recent Texas high tide and floods Y -?f. continue to be received by telegraph. Out *• y ' 'Of a total population of 1,200 along John- -'Y -ion's Ba\ ou, including the villages of Johnson's Bayou and Bradford, the dead S„ .* number 85. The deaths at Sabine Pass ?lj exceed 90. The destruction of life and property is terrific in extent, the number p»," «f deaths exceeding 200. Over 8,000 cat pf-' -tie in the valley of the bayou have beer drowned or are dying of thirst, as it i t ' * -- w a t e r . fSFTbe big ditch In the vicinity'of I ®ant'®F Is finished. It Is eight mile* long, twenty feet wide at the top, and eight feet deep on an average. There Is a good fall, ind hundreds of acres or hitherto worthless land can BOW be icelaimed by tilelng. About #16,000 it the cost of the ditch and Its successful construction Is a credit to the pro­ jectors, builders and engineers who surveyed and platted It. Quite likely I similar ditch will be made west ©f Huntley to dralo the sloughs and flats . and make good land of them.--Maren- H TEPUBUCAN. A Qulst Campaign. There has been such an entire ab- •MO* of the bitterness and strife that usually attends the election of state and county officers, that the advent of election day has come upon us this year almost without ootloe. Commit­ tees have met and men have been nominated for offioe without resorting to the abuse of mud-throwing, wtrich have been too common on the stump and in the press. With all the quiet­ ness that prevails, voters should not forget that their duties at the (tolls are as great and necessary this year as any other. The time and agencies for prosecut­ ing an actWe and thorough campaign are In a large measure lacking this vear. This fact puta upon the Individ* ital voter a greater responsibility. Re must help to do the work usually left 'o committees; he must not wait for appeals to Interest himself, but should evince activity on his own account. 6 Republican voters in this Senatorial District have. In the character and record of their candidates for the leg- Nature, reason fcr congratulation, and <hould unite in giving them willing ind hearty support. We can no better •xpress our views than by copying the following from a county correspond­ ent: "The Republican party have nominated two worthy and capable rentlemen. Hon, Chas. E. Fuller and Mr. Chas. A, Partridge are men who tre a credit to the party, and are de •ervlng the support of every true Re publican. Mr. Fuller has "been there*' tnd has repeatedly proved himself to he a leader In debate, a sound reasoner tnd possessed of brains of that charac- er that enable him to cope with those vho have In the past been considered he leaders In the General Assembly of 'he state. He has been honest wltt> his constituency, and has a clean rec­ ord In every way in the matter of hi* stewardship. Mr. Partridge la a man veil known In this and especially in Lake countv. where he has resided, If •ot all his life, for the greater portion •f it. He was formerly for years the 'ditor of that able and staunch'Repub Mean paper, the Waukegan Gazette, »nd the postmaster at Waukegan. He is a man who Is respected and admired vberever known, and especially at hie tome where koown the best, an effi dent business man, and one wbo will *epresent our district with honor to ilmself and to his constituency." Let every Republican In the district -emember these facts and help to give '.hem a majority they so justly merit. •ucriox SAL* The undersigned will tell at public auction, on hla farm, 8 miles east of McRenry* on Thursday. Nov. 11th, '88, commencing at ten o'clock, the follow- I* g property: 8 good Miloh Cows, 9 Work Horses. 1 Colt coming two years old, 1 sucking Colt. 4 Hogs. 7 8boats. 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Plow, 1 Drag, and other article*. Also 40 acres of Land, will be sold at the stme time and place. TERMS --Al* sums of 810 cash. Over that sum a credit of one year, on ap­ proved notes at 6 per cent interest, Tei ms on land made kuown on day of sale. FRANK COLEMAW. F. K. GBAVoaa, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his residence in Johnsburg, on Saturday, Oct. 30, '86, commencing at ten o'clock the following property: 1 Cooking Siove, Tabl«. 12 Chairs. 1 LonngA, 1 Bedstead. 1 Bureau, and oth> er household articles too numerous to ueotion. Terms cash. CHBIST BBICK. Would Yuo Believe It? That we are authorised by the pro­ prietor of Kemp's Sarsaparlfta to re­ fund the mouey to any one who has taken three*fourths of a bottlo with­ out relief? We are positive that no other proprietor has the confldence^in hit medicine to do this, it I* for en­ riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the system. Price $1.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. r ;r. :»"{ m^s • - 6^ Mr ^IIEADQUARTE^iyFOR! rv: - ss&iaSe f. !Ve have uow in btock" BEANS Breath. Clear tke I Ufe> Vigor to thesjsteia. Doooi ON* Try then once and newM aster be WMM Pries. 28 eeirts per betHe. 8eM fcy "-- Medicine Dealers esaeraffy. Sam pries la stsaips, postpals, to J.F. Maaalactorer* and 'ampaign ur Stock is very ('omplete. at our i We have now such an arran^emeut with the leading Cloak Man­ ufacturers of the west as will enable us to offer Cloaks at about the price which many dealers have paid for their stock. es NewmarRets. • »W»M4 ^ of our •' ^The Mormons have renominated wltftte <'aine and declared In favor *f Statehood. From a Democratic P®^®t of view this is not so absurd as It seems. The party that is capable tv. If d0,0« ,uch 8™* Injastlce to Dako- @r, because it has a Republican major! * '• equally capable, If it had the K > J»wer, of outraging the moral sense ? tf n*tlon by the admission of . Utah because it had a Democratic ma- i , Jority. Iodeed, there are democrats present House, who hare ex- ® pressed themselves unfavorable to •uch a oourse. ¥% , I^Last week we printed an artiele ^ . tinder the caption -Ot Interest to Par- i na®rs»" that showed plainly how Hon* Chas. E, Fuller looks after the dairy - Interests of the State. Two years ago lie supported the Butterine bill | £|tkr©ughout. He wrote the bill requir Ing the manufacturers of butter |o . give bonds--has been personally Intro ^ mental In bringing other bills of like ;; nature before the Legislature, and has 'i always supported every fill or me a aure that protected or favored the farming and dairying Interests of this •eetiea. The agricultural and dairy tag Interests of this section need Mr. Nli&n the Legislature and be should receive the you ot every farmer*-- JBeraUL of window-glass manufacturers^the oBJSCC being to advance and maintain prices. SEVERAL. A OOCBT at Toronto has ordered the commitment for trial of Patrick Burns, a Erominent coal-dealer, and John H. Vena-les, engineer at the city waterworks, fox conspiring to defraud the city on a large scale. THE German who murdered his neigh­ bor's wife in the vicinity of Pembroke, Ont., a few days ago, has been arrested. His crime is a most atrocious one. He went to the shanty where the murdered woman lived, of which he was the land­ lord, and ordered her to vacate it Being sick and alone with two small children, she refused to obey the tyrant's unreasonable demand, where­ upon he nailed up the door of the shanty from the outside and set fire to the premises, with the helpless familv inside. The mother recognized her perilous position and managed to break 1 open the door and rescue her children fronj j the burning building. The fiend, as soon as he saw her outside, pounded her life out with a club and threw her body back into j the burning building. J 7iTTr.rT"iBaiiS!^ZZ-- Headquarters dlcHenry County Republican Central Committee- WOODSTOCK, III , Oct. 28, 1886. To the Republican Voters qf Mc Henry (jnunty. The extraordinary exertions now making to secure a full attendance ol the Democrats at the polls on election day should warn all Republicans to be m the alert. Illinois is ordinarily a a safe Republican state, but four years ago the Democrats succeeded In de­ feating our nominee for superintend­ ent of public Instruction. This year the oontefct Is taklng^such shape, owing to the local complications in a few dis- rlcts as to make It necessary that a special effort be made In the Republi­ can strong-holds to get out the vote, l'bis Senatorial District Is one in which the Democratlo vote Is certain to be out to the last man. lfone-rhlrd the Republican voters of this District stay at home while the entire Demo­ cratic vote is cast, it may happen that one of the Republican candidates for the legislature will be defeated. Not only should the full vote be oast, but it should be cast evenly between the two nominees, Messrs. Fuller and Part­ ridge. This with a fairly lull vote will make both men safe, while If the vote is plumped one or the other may be beaten. Another thing:--Do net try to aid the Democrats In settling their quarrel. Let them fight it out. Vote for the Republicans and make them safe,and be content to let the Democrats settle their own dispute. G. H SOUTHWOHT.H Chairman, lore than pleased with the success of our •as Cedar St., New York, Oet. 38,1882. resides at Glover, i sufferer from Scrof- ilstter will tell youwhas 'i\- (• '- iV' Uederwear for all ages male and fe wde. Assortment reasonably large **4 prices very moderate at Fitaaim- MMII Zvaason'si MFMrs. Cornelia M.Stewart, widow of the millionaire merchant, A. T, Stewart, expired Motday morning in her marble palace at Thirty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, New York She was early 85 years of age. The Pp ulation of MeNffiry Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-halt are troubled with some affection of the Throat aud Lungs, aa those complaints are. according to sta tlsties, more numerous »han others We would advise all not tp neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for th" Throat and Lungs. Price 58c and 8100. Trial sis* free. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLET. BREAD, Cakes and Plea at Home Bakery, Gtlles' Block. Lock's If you want to four Buggy for learn how to Paint Besley'i ijers Sarsaparilla has had la Us ease. I think his blood most have contained the honor for at least tea years; tat it did not show, oxeept In the form ot a serofulous sore on the wrUt, until about five years ago. Fran a few spots which ap­ peared at that time, it gradaally spread ao as to oover bis entire body. I assure yon he was terribly afflicted, and aa object of pity, when be began naing your medicine. Now, there are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as ho has. I ooold easUy name fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his ease. Yours truly, W. M. SXHiUrs." "It is both a plOUQId ud a duty for me to state to yen the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months ago I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an Incessant and intolerable Itching, and the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced the nse ot the SAASAFABILLA In April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well In every respect--being now able to do a good day's work, although TO years of age. Many Inquire what has wrought such a cure In my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell yoa, AYKB'S SASSATABILLA. Glover, Vt., Oefc 21,1882. Yoors gratefully, / Houx Fuiun." iitfl giMirtinat easts lenAds end pll Scrofalmis G«mplatnts, Iryilp. «las, Teseme, Ringworm, gletehee, Soree, Bolls, Tnmors, wed •rapttoneef the Skla. it clears the blood of ell Impa­ rities, elds digestion, stimulates the action ot the bowels, and thus isstorss vitality and etrongtbsne the whole system. FROM THE FATHER: Dr.J.O.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. •oM by eU Druggists; 81* six bottles for fBb THE UNIVER8AL FAMILY SCALE 18 A* INDISPENSABLE Reauhold litMi. wm hurt a Vfettee. esse at*, no weights to leea% h.wrvn ready, easily e» dervt. 'Oil, occupies Mis spac<- . nd is the cheapest scttlr ever made 8am> von 16 Pies IIACBTRJLTBD Cnctua I. s. spnncrRS sons, BIIU OI:D, CONN. ALWAYS KALlV STOVE OOF. NO STOVE.-J COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. IjiRht and Strong, or­ namental and ilurthle, and exc««din^ly useful in warming dmnee, etc. FITS ANY SIZE PIPE. Ask your hardware dealer tor one or send to us fcr Circular. I. S. SPEAR S SONS, GU1L1H»I I>, COPTIEPF'T5R Every pe rson who buys a pair saves a dollar, have a Kid 8hoe at same price. Don't forget it We shall iftertl: WE HAVE THE BEST MAKES OF the lowest, time. In short we have a nice stock and our prices are By dealing with us you can get value reveived every STANDARD Record 2:30. I STALLION E O. No. B730. "George O." Is a Golden Ohesnut with s'ar white spots on left shoulder, nieo little black spote on body, denoting a bank strain of Arabian Bloon. Foaled June 6th 1880. PSDlOBaa:--"George Q" was sired by Lakeland Abdallab (8SI) own brother to Har old, the sire of Mauds, (Qu^en of the turf) S:08K; Noontide, 2:J0X; Uattic Graham, 2:21% McCurdy's Hamhieionian, 2:2t)>£; Decixna, 2Hermes Good Morning, 2:28X; Temple 2:3u; and others: Lakeland Atxlatlah bv Rysdykes Hambie tonian (with 37 in the 1:20 list or better) he by Abdallah, by Mambrino, by Imp Messenger; Dam theChss. Kent Mare, by Imp. Belltound- kr. etc. Lakeland Abdallah's Dam was Enchantress, by Abdallah, by Mambrino, etc, as above. "George O e" Dam was the fast Pacing Marc "rannie B" (wbo pared the Chicago Track at Seventeen years ef sge in 2;27, with out any preparttton), sired bv Autocrat by Geo, M. Patchen. (record 2^3X;, by Cassius M. Clay, by Andrew Jackscn, by Bashaw, etc. Dam of Fannie B. by Young Rowlin, by Sen. Gifford, her Dam I y a son of Imported Messenger "George O." Is s very promising youn& horse and the record he bas attained is no measure of his speed as be has trotted pri­ vate trials very much below that, and can do the same in a race at any opportunity His colts are very fast considering he has never bred a Standard Bred Mare yet, and i Colts are bringing from up, at two rears old. He can't help but be a fast one. as he combines the bloods of»ld B.vsdyke Ham bletonlan, the f Hinder of our Trotting Family of to-day, Mambrino, Mesxenger. Belltounder Gee. M. Patches, the Clayt, Bashaws, etc. Terms, $25 Cash, AT TIME OF SERVICE. Mares not proving In goal are entitled toe return season Free, Accidents and Escapes at owners risk. Marcs rared far, including pasture, trying, etc,, st 99 00 per month, in Summer, for farther particular* address, Geo* W, Owen, jfeatawy Co. MCHENRY, ILL. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies or Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We want yon to handle an article of domestic use that rsoommsxds itself to everyone at sight, •table ae r lour Pells like hot cakes. rroSTs 800 per cent Families wirhlng to mstise eceaomy should for their own bene at write for particulars. Used every day the year round in every household. Price within reach of all Circular* free. Agents receive Sample Free Address unioti >turing Co., srJSBRt8«tan- For the Grand New Book a J t e d i i f t h e F l a k Aieots i wanted i BT J. W BUSL. >pi< tory of the lives and wonderful adventures of Wild Bill, Buflaie Bill, Ca POULTRY One Dollar, cell tog Store, West End. •,£ KixV'. V.UsfiV CIO. W. PRATT^ " WAUCONDA, ILL. Has for sale old and yonng stock, of the following breeds, ot thorough bred Po 'Itry, which I will sell tor one balf the usual pries. Black B. R. Games, Blue Games, Black Tarter Games» Black Cochins, Langshans, Wy- aadotts, Gold Lace Sebright Bantams, Light Brahams, B. (J. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 50 Pekin Ducks, GEO. W. PRATT, Wsscssds. 'vyft iii •;<*«>. »5. This splendid new book Is a complete bis- "ul advenl . .1, v'ap( Jack, T«xns Jack, California Joe, Kit Carson, •'White Beaver," Gen Custer and other great West­ ern Heroes, Scout* and Indian fighters, H is endorsed by letters from tiens. Sheridan. Hancock, llerritt, and other distinguished persons. Copies of the letters will be &ent free en pnplication. Agents who are now pushing the canvass are meeting w ith grand success. The book is splendidly illustrated with over 180 fine engravings, including 16 full-p go colored plates, is low in price, and lularwith the people. Itii the greatest k of Western adventure ever issued, and it* splendid endorsements secure the best class of trade. A grand opportunity is offered to earnest workers- JVb money required till the books art m>UL Write for our extra terms and special plans. Address, DAN. L1NAHAN a CO., PUBLISHERS. 4th St, A Washington Ave. ST. Louis, Mo. .Hend 10 cents postage and wo will mall you free a royal, valuable, sample box ot goods that will put you tn the way ot making mors money at once, than else In America. Both sexes of all 1 can live at home and worhln spare time, I the time. Capital aot jroquirod We I start roe. laiit*** gay euro tor those • -- Wftmsao * Co., atne A N D LUNCH R0011 Gllles' Block, McHenry, Is the only place in the county where you can get Genuine Home Made Bread, Fresh from the oven every day, Buns, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Do you entertain company? Call ou him for your fine Cakes, cheaper than you can make them yourself and save the trouolc. NO VISITOR Should leave town without a cup ot his delicious Coffee, or a plate of Oysters. It will do you goo l and make }ou good natured when you get home. HOME HADE CANDY, ABSOLUTELY PURE. A full line. of our Bakery Supplies can be found at the Restaurant of J. Pwkovsky, two doors south of the Post Office. Locke's Homo Bakery McHENRY. ILL! Ladies, ChilHreos & Misses THE,-- LATEST STYUS, TffltM Found la the Cc-unty. Overcoats. WA • -FOR ALL-* Large Assortment, all new up to $20. --OUR FALL Styles, and at prices from $4 AND WINTER STOCK QF- OLOTHme. CHEAP AND COCO. ITTEXIS, Of all Grades. ^ Ladies, Misses and childrens Underwear in White, iscarlet and Camels Hair. Lap Kobes and Horse J^Iankets M| gp*f variety and from the cheapest to the best. Menasba Woolen Mills Flannels and lfricots. Appleton Yarns and Zephyrs, and in short everything usually tound il| Ikvpeneral Store. , , * GROCERIES! GROCERIES I Canned Goods, first class and always fresh, 17 ponn is Rice for *1.00, whole and cli pound either gend p1--- -- "-- " "" -• --- rlkO, of ail atads. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. (Hind either gend phiir or Fine Cut Tobacco for 80 cents. FLOUK," S VLT, OIL JPresh Buckwheat Only 8S cents. Keg Syrup only S1.16 Cash MAKE MONEY! We want Agents, both ladies aid'gentle, men, to sell onr Standard Works, Gift Books, Family Bibles and Albums. Previous exper­ ience unnci-cAsary, Positions worth from S1200 to 93000 pei year. Now is the time to commence. Do not delay, but address at once. E. P, JORDAN A CO., St. Lowin, Mo. We wish to remind our frieods in need of footwear, that we have the most com pie te stock of Boots, Shoes. Rubbers, e»c., that can be found in the county. We pay particular attention to Child's fehool Shoes, and respect­ fully Invito cash huv»r* to examine. RITSAIMMOKS * BVAMOA. Ready Pay Business Has been inaugurated and now* in successful operation. "Will find it profitable to trade with us, and EVERY INDUCEMENT#; •* *i» *S' >*h'. t J Consistent tilitli honorable and square dealing, is offeiv ed to this class of trade! .'"i FITZ8IMMONS A EVANSON. sa': • I,

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