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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1886, p. 4

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v > WiSmSSDAY. NOV 10, 1886. VAW[«LYKB, Editor. May be fbnad on file at GEO. P. 1 Newspaper Advertising ) RtrMtl where advertising NEW YORK. it.; - I MTAt Slflii, Monday, batter sold Kfotar al ST}987} cents, and skim flkSM* ftt t| cents. The sales of tfa* inj sygrsgfad tas.i 15.28. Is sUted that the Grand Junr St. Lnuls found an Indictment Hoi* lay against Fo the ring ham, the ex- press messenger, who was recently fobbed of 8100,000. 'Claim* are made that, to i alleged vlolatlou of constitutional Mrlsloaa the votes cast?at the recent station In Illinois for or against the Abolition of oonvlct labor are null and wld. i The Trustees of the new Illinois State Soldiers* Home at Qnincjr have Appointed General Charles E. Llppen- ;|»t»,of Cass county. Superintendent #f that Institution. Gen, Llppencott fpm formerly State Auditor of Public Aooouots. a^The McHeory County .Should take a few lessons in the com j|M> rudiments ef arithmetic before Hwy attempt to figure out majorities jagaln. Their figuring of last week sake a horse laugh. They can HpMto more misstatements to the etoare look than any paper •wet ' mw% German or American. tf£| sv J MTOne of our democratic exchange* •aye: they hope to hear ot the election '.,;sf Wm. B, Morrison to the United ||SUMR "Senate In the near future. Thai Jb^pe will never be realized. "Horizon- iai BUI" was wsnowed under" on Taos- Jtev, aid hla voloe will never more be ;%eard In Congress after th» # oi next March. r. Ut, ̂ ' Complete returns of the recent Illltiols State election from al' the eonntles foot up a total vote of 870.163 •f which STS^Ut, were cast for tb» BepoMlean candidate for State Tress «rer. M0.67I for the Democratic candi date, S4.M0 for the Labor candidate «sd 4SJU6 for the Prohibitionist. Hon ^•hs B. Tanner's (Republican) plurall 'If for State Treasurer Is 34.705 Prefeseor Rictard Edwards* (Republic mmi) finality for Sute Superintendent •f FAUe Iastruetion Is 35.771. TV toUlrotp. im the St-*te at the recen* •Mffim was 10X886 lew than thai cast ftrhwMist la 1884. which have led tf galna and Democratic los •M to Me late election, and to break* la the ranks In some of the bordet , will be better understood whet ' Public mind settles down to quiet Jht; out the leading cause mus* feuad in the questlou of tariff a» I*'** free trade. This, In oonnectloi- fi*k tha labor qoestior, must be cou­ rt derad the leading cause. On n< : Other hypothesis can we account to* Ifco defeat ot Hurd and Morrison, fo ; Osagress, both in Democratic districts «o tariff question aod the laboi qaestloos an so Interwoven that the* afe inseparable, and the working met a*e now becoming oonvlnoed of tha- fact. As party ties loosen men look more carefully at the underlying poll dee and principles of the respective parties. When the workers become thoroughly satisfied that their Inter este lie In protective tariffs they wilt naturally gravitate to the party wblvl. espouse* that theory and practices It Aa there oan be no doubt as to whicli party that is, the Republican part) will be strengthened by accessions This Idea Is taking hold in some of tb* Southern atates, and promises to work a great change wltbio tbe Democratic Party there, and may finally break over party lines. Some old member* have been retired by tbe party con­ ventions owing to this cause. orators, writers or painters. To un­ dertake te legislate *11 tig men down or all little men up to a uniform stan­ dard, would be to try to do that which could not aod which nature never intended should be done. Nevertheless there are many evils, inequalities, hardships and oppressions which It is possible to remove, or at least to greatly ameliorate, by wise legislation, and to the redress of such wrongs tbe best thought .of tbe coun­ try has been and will continue to be devoted, But after all has been done that oan be done In that direction, the fact will still remain that the only sure wsy to competency lies through the narrow door of Individual industry* economy and thrift.--Journal. Ma* Up. '. of tbe reasons which Colonel Ingersoll assigned for favoring the election of Henry George as Mayor oi Mow York was that he wanted *4thf laboring men themselves, by experi­ ence. to a*oertaln how little, after all can be done by law, and how much ftfte? air s man must depeud on hi* •wn exertions." Therefore be thought it:«V«IKP ba a good thing to let them Ifjr their hands at making and admin- isteilng the laws. Laboring men will find in tbe end as OOI. Ingersoll says and the world's experience abnws, that tbe laws have Wl little to do with any one's getting on In life. When the striker at the Stock Yards charged bis brother Irlah- «on, who had become a packer hlm- celf aod waa riding in bis buggv, with fitting on airs, tbe other silenced him Iflth tbe question, "Well, why aren't fon riding In your buggy too? You had the same chance that I bad." Bat ho hid not Improved It as the other hod done, or else, which may be very ifMsly, too, he lacked tbe natural abll- HSoa whloti tbe other possessed. But this fact furnished no argument against the rkbt of the one to sucoeed beyond bis brother. AH men are not Mid* #T the same size mentally or phy McaUy. and it would be as foolish as it would be Impossible for tbe law to undertake to do what nature has teen Itiot to da All men have the same opportunities, so far as the laws are cencsrnsd, to become orators that Col lagMMll had, hot not one in millions MO do It, Some men possess the same kind of genius for becoming ftah that others do for becoming great Washington Letter [FrtotnOur Regular Correspondent.] : ' WASHINGTON, D. C., NOV. 6th, 1888. The first Democratic Administration with which the nation has been afflict­ ed since Democratic statesmen plot­ ted agitnu theold flag in the Cabinet of James Buchanan, has been tried for twenty months. Through the Novem­ ber elections tbe country says •'enough." The fact that Democratic ooutrol of t'<e House of Representa­ tives is Imperiled if not altogether lost, is no accident of politics, it means something. Tbe Republicans were well satisfied with the tacts and figures the day after election, but now they are iubilant. From California to Massachusetts there is an almost con­ tinuous succession of Republican gains The few losses due to local causes are Insignificant when compared with the many surprises of the opposite ciaracter. Colonel Morrison and Frank Hurd are gone, and the political at- •nosphere is full of farewells of tbe dying and mourning for the dead. Tbe Senate too U safe In Republican bands for at least two years from the foarth of next March. Harrison and not McDonald will be Senator Voor- hees' next colleague, for Indiana came up on the right side, as did tlso California and Nevada, while old Virgins showod what she would have done last year if she bad been per motted to elect* Tbe Democrats here are over­ whelmed with surprise at their losses, and the result of the election is still the chief subject of discussion. Con­ gressmen are now returning to Washington every day, many of them madder but wiser men. I was thinking of the expression of disappointment the Democratic side of tbe House will present this winter. There will be tbout thirty of tbe more distinguished men of the party who will leave • Congress next March, never to return, besides those of less importance. Members of Congress have been {reatly missed at the autumn races which have been In progress here for 'en days. Last Spring tbe Legislature attended in large numbers. Col. Morrison had just finlthed his tarlffl *111 and was awaiting an opportunity ° get it, before theHouse when hit >wn followers were at hand and when his enemies were their guard. He thought tbe racing season would be a <ood time, but he soon learned that ils free trade brethren were too fond •f the horses to stay at tbe Capitol. The Kentucky delegation, his chief dependence, went to the race track In i body nearly every day, and all of Morrison's most earnest entreaties «x>uld not keep them away. Moreover rhe Republicans learned what he was up to. and resolved to wait patiently iround so as to thwart. liis schomes. Several of the Kentucky Congressmen *re excellent judges of horses, and know the records of leading racers •nuch better* perbapa than points in political economy. The French guests who came to this ountry to psrticipate in the ceremo­ nies attendent upon tbe dedication of rbe Bartholdl statue, have been in Washington this week seeing the eights, Tbey gave a banquet to tbe representatives of their government here, although the French Minister himself was absent from the city, i'bey went to the Wblte House, of course, to be introduced to tbe Presl dent. After the presentations bad been made Count De Lesseps made a •ittle speech for his companions and tbe President made a little speech in reply. It bas seldom happened that so many distinguished and represents tlve Frenchmen have been in Washing- 'on at one time. Prlnoe Napoleon was also here duriug the week to see the city. As tbe Congressional session draws near, and the President bas to prepare his annual message. It would seem time for bim to abstain from tbe Fairs, statue inaugurations, and aniver «ary celebrations, but be Is going to take tbe Boston trip to be there next Monday, at the 950th anniversary of HarvarJ College. Arrangements for the visit have been perfected, and be will be tbe guest of the city and State authorities and will be accorded military and militia escorts, and will be escorted also by 1^000 Harvard students. it seems that Mrs. Cleveland Is going too, although this is a profound secret. The Secretary of War has been making very frequent visits to the Wblte House during tbe past few days, which were not upon affairs of State. They were all about a quiet trip to Boston for Mrs. Cleveland, so that she might unexpectedly lionor tbe Harvard celebration. As tbe plans now stand, site Is to accompany Secretary and Mrs. Endlcott to Boston, to-day, and be tbe guest or their relatives Mr. aod Mrs. Mason, but no oae knows what changed plans an hour may bring ^ ~ • •vrrr----- ; . 'ry-.vv-' tm Bislniw in all the beef and pork HS:SH;,= PERRY ;: & OWEN, of the employees, some U»ii.MN^k * * V* ** | " **•' "V :** ** * w ber. On Monday mattera nwond ' , > ; '« •//' * f, * <*i < *.fr £ * - such a threatening shape that by re­ quest of tbe sheriff the Governor! ordered two regiments of the Statol troops to the Mene of the disturbance^ and at present the First and Seoond Regiments are doing duty at tho^ Stock Yards. Up to the present writ- log there has been no serious distur-i banoe. The packing oompanifes have; united In a resolution to employ no members of a "union1* hereafter/ Mean*; time, tho officers of the Knights of Ltbor have ordered the strikers to keep away from the packinghouses, to avoid intoxicants, and to behave them*' selves peaceably. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T l 6 ? i < --or-- THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock* Illinois, • ' --KT TH*-- Close of Business, Oct 7, '86, forth. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and 8hoes are tbe best. We sell lots of them.-- Perry & Owen's, Sole Agents, ^ Remember tbe fact that W. H. pwigbt will not be mderaold by any house In Woodstock or Mcfienry Go. KKSOUROBS. u viiis and discounts Kontrafts ' U ^ Bonds to secure circulation... i>ue from approved reserve agents. lino from other National Banks.... . Current expenses and taxep paid... ;no< ks and other casb item*........ ituiNof other Itanks Kn" cur. nickels ft pennies.,......'. spocte • .euril tender notes •te-l'.npt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer per cent ot circulation 1,630 OS l'»tal ...fl50,8tt 91 794 ftt 60,000 SO 29.0 IS SO 9,965 19 l.SSi 40 195 78 •7 37 B J.75C 85 9.SS3 OS 60,000 00 25,000 00 7,S2SOt 45,000 SO 4161,871 35 LIABILITiaa. Mpital stock paid in .. .. <nridns ftind Undivided proflts National Bnnk Notes ontstanding. individual dei>osits subject to.check 158,617 SS Oeintnd Certificates of deposit M4M total ..4881,87135 'TATE OP ILLINOIS, I.. County of McHenry. f I, John J. Murphv, Cashier of the above uAmed bank,do solemnly swear that the a bore statement is trse to the best of my knowledge ind belief. JOHW J. MraFHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this JStb lav <»f Oct, 1886. KDWABD U. QUUIAV, Notary Pablio. s Uorrect Attest:-- E. A. MURPHY, W*. H. STEwm, JOHK J. MOB7BT, Dlrecters. Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to 110,000. Time and payments! u> suit borrower. S JOHN J. MUBPHT. BEANS rfllK Mllommss; Slek Keatfaehs InFoarheers. V9 One Sosertlleves Nea ratals. They cars Mi pmentChills / Fever, tear Stemaeli / iaf Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Hems, an* alve Life> Vlfor to the system. DOMIOKX BIM. Try them once anS yea will never fee wHhset tksat. Pries, 25 cents per bottle. SoM by Drafflstsaai Matfelne Dealers generallv. tem ea rifistftw pries in staaips, postpaid, to any aMrass, J. r. SMITH A CO., •aaelschrsrs and Sole Props* ST. LQIIII. Mr UniUd :ri<N ,-s "'v All Corn must in on or before November 20th, and must be raised in Lake or McHenry Counties lii'r . '5 •j m West MeHeery, llinois, Would say to the buying public if you -wish to see a fine new stock of Goods, he has them. tflil A Wolf Robfc worth or Silk Dress Pattern, winner may #hoose. Irani waul. i|«jf Ljyipn; in ... svas preparation of mot* UM On* Bandrad application! for patents in d SlatM and Foraln tow. tries, tha pabliahm of the BetentUlo American oontinne to act aa solicitor* for patents, caveats, trade-in arka. oopjr- rifhta, etc., for the United Statea, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Oermanj, and all other countries Their expert- We have bought a large and elegant line of the latest style Cloaks, •nee is aneqoaled and their facilities are anrat* pMMde Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In tbe Patent Office on Short notice. Terms venr reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained t hrough Mann *Oo. are noticed In the SCIENTIFIC AMBIUCAW.which haa the largest circulation and is the moet influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of snob a notice every patentee anderstanda. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper to published WIXKLTat SS.OOa.year,irndis admitted to be the beet paper devoted te seienoe, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of Industrial progress, pub­ lished in any country. It contains the names of al 1 patentees and title of every invention patented etch week. Try it four months for on* dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If yon have an invention to patent writ* to Mann A Co., nnbliahers of Scientific Smsricsn, in Broadway, New York. HMDBOOK IBFTTTL PIIFAIG FWTT PATENTS Obtained, and all other business In the U. 8. Patent Office attended to for MQDXRATM FKES. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent Offlee, and we can obtain patents In less time than those 1 emote from WASHINGTON. bend Model or Drawing We advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make no Charire unlets we Obtain Patent, We refer heie, to the Postmaster, the ftui ot Money Order Div . and to officials of the 8. Pa'ent Office, For circular, advice, terms, an.« references to actual clients in your own state or County, write to C. A. SNOW & cc| Opposite Patent Office, Washington. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of John Olaxton, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Ad> •ninistrators of the Estate of Jonn Olaxton, Deceased, late of the County of McHenry, and State ot Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the Count v Court of McHenry County, at the Gonrt 'House, la Woodstock, at the Januaiy term on tbe third Monday In January next, at which time all persons having claims against said Kstate, are notified and requeseed to attend for tbe purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said Estate are request­ ed to make immediate payment to the aader* signed. Dated the 5th day of Nov. A. D. 1H86. JOHN r.OUXTO*, . EMMA L,. MUDGBTT, /17-Sw Administrators. ipt, s U. And can sell you the best fit, best makes and newest style gar­ ment ot p-ny house ii^ithe County , und guarantee the prices the lowest. BEAUTIFUL LINE Of Blankets, worth $5 Desolution Notice The between S heretofore existing rned, under the firm TS«"' Co-Partnershl n the unders name of Baldeman A Iteish, is this day dls olved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be continued at the old staud by Andrew Neish, by whom all indebtedness of the late firm will be paid, .ill persons know­ ing themselves indebted to the late firm are requested to .call and make immediate pay. dent. I>. HALDBMAW AlDBIW NllUL Spring Grave, 111- Oetober 1st. lass. also 11 lbs Good Coffee, $1.00, ft Good Tea, Good Flour, 1.00 1.00 T HIED FKEMrUM ON CORN. One pair Selz Sc Schwab's best Shoes or bolt of Cotton Cloth worth $3.0Q<, Before you insure, get terms for Fire, Lightning, and Tornado insurance, iu the Phoenix, of Brooklyn, or German, of Free- port, ot Bonslett A Stoffel, Agents. At Prices to Your Advantage* Our $2 Goat and Kid It will pay you to try » Are immense and are pair. Bemember the place. very ovnsssr The above Premiums are for the five largest ears of Corn, the test being their weight when seasoned, wk r f-: i nM , '<f j •• in WEST 'iSHbh f'-v

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