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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1886, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOT. 10, 1888, •teMreaSTline Table. SOB ud after Mwtoy, June 31.) Trains will fui MeHeery atatien as below: ooivo SOCIO. lUianNVftrMMafw.... 7:» t. • UktOMm •stress 8:* ** . Uk* &*MT» rrelafct B:4» r. «l L*k* Geaera Pu*«i|«r S:W " oot«« foin. Lake Geneve Freight t*ll i. m Lake JenevaPaseeager KM " Lake Geneva Express 4:48 p. u Lake Geneva Paaeeasrer 6:57 ** * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. Bus*. Agent. MeHenrr. Ill Tec American Fat 8tock Show open­ ed In Chicago on Monday. Fltaslmmops & Svaiiaon are retiring from business. (r F THI / MCtlt | last. THE first snow of the Mason, to this Motion, earns on Saturday afternoon THE highest price in Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke's Hons* Bakery. Do HOT fall to Me Cutteredge A Go- lag, In their Specialty Acts at River­ side Hall on Friday and Saturday «wn» lags of next week. ** REMEMBER the Thanksgiving partv at the Riverside House. In this village, on Thursday evening, Nov. 25th. Mu­ sic, Anderson's Janesvllle Orchestra. "LAW without Lawyers" Is the title •f a now book. That's nothing. Lem­ onade without lemons ba< been an oM thing ever since plonics were Invented • THE slther solo, bv C. Rauscb. at Riverside Hall, on Friday and Satur day evenlogs of next week. Is alone worth the prloe of admission. MARRIED, at the Church. In Johns- burgh, Tuesdev. Nov 9th. 1886. bv the Rev. Father Mehrlng, John Buck tr Miss Lucy 81m<non«, both of McHenrv Air body can catch a cold now. Th trouble Is to let go. Ilka the man wi«| caught the bear. We adviM oi readers to keep a bottle ol Dr. Bulil Cough Syrup handy. THE "Dead Wlfiess" will be at Ri orslde Hall on Friday and Saturdaj •vanlogs of next week. Do not fa*1 to Ma It. ft Is OM of tho finest drama* on the boards. A WESTERN editor says: "The lont er we run a newspaper and write abon» people and events the more we realiz« how utterly Impossible It is to scrstci' every man on the spot where It ltche» the most. Chi rtisoRik J* A, Gowo was out from over Sunday. WILLIE Wamvo, who la away at- Mng school, was hoihe over Sunday. D. WEMTWORTH commenced thing school la the Harsh District week. ILISS CLARA B. OWEM IS 11 Janesvllle. Wla.. where aho was sent for to do some Portrait Painting. K.E . THOMAS and wife, of Wood­ work. spent Sunday with the family of E. M. Owen, in this village. /T J. VASET rejoices over the advent rof a daughter, which arrived on Mon- <4av evening. Miss GRACE OWEN arrived home from Kansas City, Mo., on Friday evening laat. HON. GEO. GAGE and wife, started on Monday merning last for Osborne. Kansas, where they propose tu spend tlie Winner. CHAS. L. CURTIS, of Oregon, 111.. hM laid ns under manv obligations lor a half dozen very fine Photographic Views of Scenery and obfeots of inter­ est In that vicinity. '..I' -:v'- la If the person who took the photo­ graphs of my children will have the decency to return them (through the DO»t office or otherwise) they will b* welcome to other articles missing and save themselves trouble In the near future. A. G. LOCKE. To perron* wishing to attead the American Fat Stock Show. American Horse Show etc.. to be held at Chicago from November 8th to Nov. 19th, we *1)1 sell round trip excnrMnn ticket- on the following davs at 12 06. Nov. 7tb. 8th. 11th, 13th. 15th and 18th rood to return uotll Nt>v.90tb, Inclu­ sive. B. Buss. Agent. /wbi I partUI< GEO. W. BKSLKT. the west, aide drug 'gist, is making a fine Improvement ii> pntting In a permanent double fron* to the entranoe to his store.A It win BOI flhly maxe lc much warmer but be an improvement In looks. A FASHION writer says that dre«*e« are to be full this year. Wo prefer them full. The idea of a dress emptv Is ri lloulons In the extreme. Wr should like to know what satisfaction It would be to a young man to hoi I ai> empty dress in his arm*. SALTATION Oil is the greatest cure on earth for pain. It affords Instant relief aud speedy cure to all sufferers from rheumatism, neuralgia headache, sore throat, pain In the back, side and limbs' cuts, brulM«, Ao. Price twenty fiva cents a bottle, TBE mailing ulerk of .the Waukegat> Patriot, attempts to t>6 fanny eacli week when mailing the exehange t<> tbe PLAINDEALER. The proprietors oi that paper should apply warm applica tlona to his head. It may prove some- ing serious. THE question of having* (tight watch In the east part of the vlllsg» to guard against fires, is being agltat ed. Tbe west side are employingone and we think It a wise thing to do.*** It could be paid by subscription and would be a light burden upon each one. Let the matter be pushed Cor- THIS IS tho mouth In which every one should get ready for winter. Predictions are made that It Will be ooe of the m-iet open ones for years and also one of the hardest. Too can take your choice, but If you prepare for a oold one you will not miss It as much at though ror a warm one, should It prove different. THERE will be a grand Muslca; Soiree. by the Pupils of Miss Moillv Killey, at the Congregational Church. Ring wood, on Wednesday evening. Nov. 17tb. The programme will con­ sist «f Vocal and Instrumental Musis Readings, Recltatious, etc., and will bo an entertainment well worthy the patronage of all. Remember the place and data. Congregational *Churoii. Ringwood, Wednesday evening, Nov. lTtb. WR are under obligations to Mr. Ign Fischer, music (ublisher, Toledo, O. for the Knights of Labor Grand March? by J. Y. M. One of tbe most pleasing and captivating marebes that has come to our notice for some time put. It Is of medium difficulty and ss well adapted for organ u for piano and can be highly and conscientiously recom­ mended to young and hopeful musi­ cians. Mailed by the publisher on re­ ceipt of the price, 40c. du«t 50c, As will be Men by a notice elMwbere In this paper, the firm of Fitzsimmon* A Evanson {have decided te close out their entire business In this village. t and will, for the next sixty days offer thslr entire stock of Good*, Store and Refrigerator Buildings for sale at cost for Cash. This firm have been doing a large and profitable business iiere for ttao past ten years., and their decision to CIOM out will be much regretted by our pommuftity. Their stock is large and «r|ll bo sold at private sale aod auction without regard to post, tttslr aotiosQte aoother ookuu. understand that the Higher De partuient of the Nunda Public School •tow has fifty-four regular scholars twenty of whom are from outs'de oi 'he District, six being from McHenrv This at 95 each per term makes flOi* tier term benefit which this school de Hves from having a first cla«8 school Now tbe question naturallv arises whv is It that these benefits, both of reve­ nue and having a good school. ar< lenled McHenry? It is a question S^hat Is daily asked bv our cltisens. WE have just received from th' •nuslc publishers: A. W. Pery&Soi >f Sedalia, Missouri, two pieces of •nuslc: the Garden Prairie March, b* Dieter, and tho Heliotrope Waltz, b\ «wayze. These charming conposit'oic ire gotten up ou very fine paper i« Inted wrappers, and can be played upon either o'gan or piano. Price oi -4ch40 cents; but In order to Intro- luce, the publishers will mall i>ostage paid both for 40 cants. Post- ige stamps taken. State to ̂ e pub ishers when ordering, the paper h vhich you saw tale-notice. SOME of our erdhenges e$» in th' tabit of Mnding us papers that w <:annot read, such as blanket Impress IOOS, ofisets, torn and mutilated paper- in every conceivable way. Thos* vhlch come this way the most fre­ quent are the Waukegan Gazette and Belvldere Northwestern. Now we » «ke pains to send out none but good •tapers to' our exchanfes, as well as ou> •ubscribers, and wish the same cour tesy extende 1 to us. We exchang* because we dt>slre to read your pauer. If we cannot read it we do n^|j?J|h t« xchange. WHT Is itfv A docrorslts downand writes a prescription; time, five minutes; paper and Ink. one fourth ot * cent--charges fifty cents to ten dol­ lars, as tbe case may be. A lawyer «files teu or twelve lines of advice ind gets five to twenty dollars from 'iis]cllent. An editor writes a half •Htiumu puff for a man, pays a man • lollar for pntting It In type, prints li on Mverai dollars' worth of paper, tends It to hundreds of people, and then the man kicks like a Texas aleer uid threatens to scalp you If you make any charge. REV. H. O. ROWLANDS, of Elgin, who oonducteJtbe funeral services of Rev Joel Wheeler, was a very highly es­ teemed friend of the same. He is the very successful Pastor of the 1st Baptist church ia Elgin, bis commuf- cants numbering six hundred. The* •re also strong financially as their church Is made up of the most enter­ prising people of that city. He Is very highly esteemed by all who know him and jnstlv so. Rev. Rowlands ax ^pressed himself as highly delighted by McHenry's beautiful Oemetery, and everyone understands that all tbe credit Is due to theladies of McHenry for -tbe same. I wish to Inform my old frloods In MoHenry and vicinity that for the >ext two months I can be found at tbe «tore of FltZflnimons A Evanson, hav­ ing been engaged to help them close out their businesa, and shall be glad to meet all, exchange greetings and gi re them tbe biggest bargains ever offered In McHenry county. DELL, GOING. THOSE who are working for nothing and boarding themselves should c»re- luliy cousider tbe following paragraph from the New York Statiorer and Printer and stop tbe ruinous practice: "A determination to do business Is a goud thing, but when it leads a print­ er to cut prices to such a point that he will IOM money on a job, bo had better determine not to take It. We reoent ly heard of a caM In this ctty where a printer furnished ten thousand cards for seven dollars and a half. This is foolisbnew In the extreme. Every man Is entitled to a profit on his work; aod if he has not the courage or abil­ ity to rnske it, tbe quicker he goes out of business tbe bQ|*ex for hljpf^ his Qompetitors«% thM Village, OB Moadav. Ifav t Ooasamptton, Mlsa Beriha r, a|«fB yaars. t Is with feelings of the utmost sadness that we are compelled to make the above announcement. The writer and family have known Miss Hoi lister for the past seventeen years, and we think we can sately My she had not an enemy In the worl 1. Of a obeerful disposition, she always had, a kind word for all, old or young.^/She" ha* m«de Tier hftttt !W the past fourtee u ^ears with the family of James B. Perry, SsqM In this village, and wa» cherished and loved as an own daugh­ ter, and will be missed and mourned L*S suchJTPntil a few months since she WM apparently In good health, but the fell destroyer had sown seeds of which «he henelf was not aware, until too late. All that medical skill could do was done but without avail, and after long aod patient suffering she Mtik peacefully away on Monday at hall past ten. She leaves an aged father 'and two brothere, beaides a hostoi relatives and friends to mourn ber early death. Her funeral was held from the residenoe of Mr. Perry to­ day, Wednesday, at il o'clock. Rev. B. Brunning, of the (Joiversallst church, officiating. THE Belvldere Northwetterm says: "We do not blams the merchants and business men when they grumble be­ cause many of our citizens purchase goods in Rock ford or Chicago; but will these same merchants allow us the right to grumble a little when we Me them using commercial stationary furnished by a foreign firm P We be­ lieve in home patronage and we be­ lieve in protecting home trade-in all Hn»s; but we do not believe In dl« iTlmloatton. If the merchants art protected, let the printers also je protected. If a tax is placed upon auctioneers and peddlars. let the city tlso tax the retail venders oi print* <1 stationary and those who take order* tor general job printing." Truth, •very word of It, and that dootrlne Is just as good in McHenry as li> Belvldere. THE Standard Theatre Compmy. hich Is composed mostly of McHenrv talent, has announced to give two ntertalnment at Riverside Hall, In his village, on Friday and Saturday vening of next week, Nov. 19th, and 10th, at which time they will bring •ut the beautjfttl Drama of "The Dead Vltness," together with a Varletj performance that will excel anything yer before wltne*Md in this Mctlon Hitteredge and Going will appear In here speciality act*. C. Rtusci will ive one of his celebrated Zither Solo, rhich alone will be worth the prlo<« oi Imission, Little Miss Nettle ichiessle will sing some of her betutl- ul songs, and othera will appear li- tonga. Duetts, etc, In short It wll. be me of the fittest entertainments evei nought out in McHenry, and no on-* tiould (all to go and see It. E, B t'erkin^ Orchestra of six pieces will r"r"'*tl fnr rha o oaalon.l R« uernber tbe date, Friday and Satur ity evenings of next week, Nitv 19th end 20th, 'IOUM. We bespeak for them a full Riverside Skating JUnk, Grand Opening on Saturday even- •ng next, Nov. 13th. The McHenrj Military Band will be preMnt and fur- ••ish some choioe music. Let all who love to skate turn out. Admission 2ft v*ent8. Rink to be open from 7 to 10 o'clock, p. M, W. H, FORD. Proprietor California Excursions At extremely low rates will be run by tbe Chicago & Northwestern Rail­ way, connecting with Excursion trains •eaving Council Blufts November lltli and 17th, and December 8th, 1886.-- riieM excursions ofler unusual oppor­ tunities for either a short or extended uip to the Pacific Coait. M tickets. «fter a stay of thirty days In Califor­ nia, will be good to return any time vitnln six months from the date ot sale. Ample sleeping oar accommodations wIllH be provided and proper atten tlon will be given to every detail which will enhance the oomfort of pa- irons of theM excursions. Arrange menu will also be made so that parties who desire to do so can <ro via one route and return via aoother to trans- continental terminals. For full parti culara regarding tbe cost ot tickets, location in sleeping car, etc., apply *o any Ticket Agent of the Cbioago A North-Western Railway, er address m. p. WILSOV, General Passenger Agent. OJueafO. CLOSING OUT. BUSINESS TO BE "WOUND UP* AT ONCE. Fifteen thousand dollars1 worth of new and staple merchindiM to be con verted into CASH AT ONCE. Sale absolute and positive, beginning on Fr day morning, Nov. 12th. Having decide 1 to retire from business In this place, we will on Friday, Nov. 12tb« commence selling out our entire stock both at private sale and auction, and invite buyers in need of merchandise of any description to call on us. Ocr stock is new and clean, hi nee we say we are offering you no shelf-worn trash. We also ofler our store and re­ frigerator buildings at a bargain. In making this announcement we wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many customers and ousiness associates throughout the county for the liberal support and patronage bestowed upon us while we have been among you dur ing the pafft ten years, aud as a further token of your friendship, aid us liber* ally with your prssence and lnfiuenoe that tbe closing Scene may be prompt and decisive. Very respectfully, PlTSSMHOM A EVA*SOW. Fltsstmmons A Er&usou will soon | haveweekly aaoiieas, ~ Ooath of Itov- Joel Whoolor. It Seems to have become our Md do­ ty to record the demise of our much esteemed old irlend. Elder Joel Wheel­ er of McHenry Co,, Hi., whom we learn departed this life on the 30th day or Oijtober last, aged 78 years. The de- ceMed, we are Informed, WM born in Dunbar ten, N. H.of Welch extraction. Was ordained to the Christian minis­ try in 1832, emigrated to Illinois io 1837 and entered upon the arduous du­ ties of a proclalmer of the gospel of Christ, tramping up and dowo this then wild region, not heeding wet or oold, promptly responding to the nu­ merous calls of the sick and distressed^ burying the dead, nobly, cheerfully «nd faithfully administering to the physical and spiritual welfare of bis charge, without thought of compensa. tion. The «tory of toil, sickness and privation incident to the pioneer life of this now Garden of Eden, need not be told, especially that of the preacher of the gospel, who WM generally con­ sidered to have belonged to the com­ mon heritage, and could be made use of at any and all times. The writer having had free access to the dally diary or the deceMed, con­ siders himself competent to say that a good man has gone to his rest. The last item iu our friend's diary reads as follows: *"0, my heart overwhelms me when I think I must die. ' How can I leave my home and friends, my room and ray dear wife. Let me sa^ not my will but thine be done." It Is evi­ dent from this last written thought of Elder Wheeler that he dreaded to face the grim monster death, which Is no <nore than his Master! before him shrank from, saying, "Father, if thou tie willing remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, t>ut thine ue done," Yes, Jesus dreaded to grapple with the king of terrors, and when we see one who Msumes to be more lion- hearted than the sou ot God himself *e are led to believe that such an one •s more brave than WIM, A few days previous to the death of the subjeot of 'hi« sketch, he expresMd his unbound­ ed gratitude to the undersigned for the unremitted care and watchfulness •f bis kind, faithful consort and chit •Iten In the family. Just forty-eight years on the twen tv-elghth day of . October iMt, Joel Wheeler united the writer in the holy bonds of matrimony to Ann France# Freeman, who now peacefully sleeps in t e Ridge fie Id cemetery. It might be truthfully said of this, our esteemed, •leparted friend, that he WM a pecul- i<r man, lu some things eccentric. <*hich is manifest in a written charge '•o bis son Eugene to be read on the «ve ot his departure, gjving full direc­ tions for blji funeral and interment. <lso giving orders u to his position *hen laid In the casket. He wished 'hat his rlgh t hand might be raised to •lis shoulder in the attitude of prayer, that the plainest coffin obtainable was to be bad, with no handles or other irimmlngs to wulch tiie body was (<> oe removed, " He wife not to be taken to the church. There were to be no /tell-rlngings or other demonstration. He forbade every species of ostenta- Ion whatever. Services were to be 'told at the houM. They were to con­ sist of remarks and prayer. Tlfere wa< o be no singing. The mourners were to put oo no ohanges of apparel. H< «M to be taken directly and deposited in his iMt resting place. Bro. Wheeler leaves a bosom companion, three sonr and numerous friends to mourn his loss, nut we do not mourn as those wh» have no hope, J. A. Fort Hill Precinct* Lake County- EDITOR PLAINDKALBR:-- We are all very glad that elet tlon is over, but yet eH are not happy. The interest of the voters in our county centered on the offices of Sheriff and Democratic Rep­ resentative, on which two offices there was a bitter fight in all the towns of the county. For county officers the regular Republican nominees were all elected. The Prohibition vote was very small. Tae e'emocrats in Avon plumped three votes for Haines or Waite exclusively, and It WM doubtr less so in other towns. The following Is the list of officers *Ieoted In this oounty on the 2d:-- For County Judge, Francis E. Clarke.' Couuty Clerk, Lewis C!. Dorsett. Sher- B, Chase E. Webb. County Treasur­ er, Albert L. Hen dee. Supi^Nitendent Peter Filher. Hen dee ami Webb are new officers. Tbe others sffijjljseleo- clone. The vote on RepreMntatives in this oounty, as reported to the Cbioago rribune, which report of course you already have. Is: Partridge 4412; Waite 3837; Haines 2423; Fuller 881. Every Republican In the cqpity want­ ed fuller elected, but some thought It necessary to plump for their favorite among the other three candidates. Christopher Horan, reported sick in my former communication, li still suffering. Mrs. Owen, wife of Elder Joseph Owen, is very sick at the preMnt writing. s SOLID Meat Oysters, in bulk, at J. Pekovsky's, next door to the post of- floe. • ~ ATTENTION DELINQUENTS. Notice is hereby given that all par­ ties knowing themselvos indebted to us, are requested to call and settle without delay. All accounts not paid previous to December 1st, next, will be sued without further not ce. FITZSSMMOH8 A EVAHSOIT. FitMimmons & Evanson are closing out. BILE BEANS! What a funny name for a medicine! Nevertheless it is very significant as applied to tbe article, Bile, according to Webster, is " a yel­ lowish bitter, viscid nausceous fluid, secreted by the liver." Whenever the liver does not act properly this fluid is retained in the blood ana poisons the. whole system, and sallowness and misery is the result. SMITH'S BILE BEANS is a sure cure for biliousness and liver iHngiiriiit. Rfcce, S& cents per bottle. AfcfiitUltt. EDITOH PLlittftiifcE* i~Le wis Mo Nett, of Cary, and Miss May Miller of Algonquin, were married on Tuesday, November 2d. at Woodstock. They started the same day for Colorado, their future home. Eugene Bennett aod Mln Cora Dy- gert. both of this piece, were married at Genoa Junction on Wednesday, November 3d. H. B. Jackson and wife, of Ochkosh, Wis., were the guests of Mr, aod Mrs. C. E. Chapell on Wednesday of IMT week. Mr. and Mrs. SlaJe, of Barrlngton. were the guests of Mrs. Wm. Morton, on Thursday of last week. At C, E. Cliaped's auction sale of a car-load of milch cows on Thursday of l*st week, cows sold on an a /erage of •41 80 per head. Died, Nov. 4th, 1886, Mr. Frederiok Meckeil. The funeral WM held at the German Lutheran church, on Monday. November 8th, and the remains were Interred In our cemetery on the bill. The Congregational society haye en­ gaged Rev. L. M. Pierce, of Chicago, M their pastor for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell spent Sun­ day with friends in Elgin. Ike Klink returned home on Sun lay lsst from California, where he went iMt spring. Ike gives California a good setting oQ. He says of ail the God-forsaken oountrys in the world, that beats them all. The Free£ Methodists held their quarterly meeting here on Saturday and Sunday last. Miss Nellie A yer, of Dundee, spent Sunday here with friends. Miss Belle Rattray Is very stck. Born, Nov. 8th, 1886, to the wife of Vlc Enaults, a daughter. Yig aAd baby are doing w»11. HEBRON- TOMTOM, PLAINDEALER:--Tbe first «now storm of tbe seasoo Saturday afternoon. Frank Rowe spent Friday and Sat­ urday In Milwaukee, H. W. Mead Is having a new brlek smoke stack built on his cbMW fac­ tory. The first club danoe will be held on Wednesday evenlug of this week, In fttead ot Thursday or Friday, M ha» been advertised. C. A. Stone, Chas. Brlgham, Sanford Rotnour and Jack 8pice. started nortl tor the pine forests Thursday night for a few *Mks hunt. They will doubt- leas return with game too numerous to mention. The Hebron Public School is pre par ing for an Exhibition, to be gl#eu In Rowe's Hall, on Friday evening, Nov 19th. to consist of recitations, decla nations, dialogues, vooal music. «tc., the whole to be Interspersed viti» music by the "Hebron School Band/* The proceeds of the entertainment are to be appropriated toward th«- purchase of a new bell for the school nouse belfry. Let all attend and giy< their mite, that they may listen to th> sweet chimes of a new bell instead of the old craoked one. Admission lee twenty live and fifteen oents. J-P- SMITH. The Jeweler, has now a large* of good* than ever, consisting In part of 8crap Books. Magio Lanterns, Ster^ xoecopes and Stereoscopic views, Bu ties. Waltzing Tops. Work Boxes Writing DeBks, Music Rolls, Music Fo IOS, Piano and Organ Folios, with mu­ sic both vocal and Instrumental, In­ struction Books, Musical Instruments. Toy Engines, etc. Nice Box Paper, only, 15 cents. Alarm Clocks cheaper than ever. Also a full stock of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, etc. Goods cheaper than ever, In spite of the assertions of en­ vious competitors to the coqtTirj", Call and see for yourself. J. P. SMITH, McHenry, til, PARTICULAR NOTICE. All persons hunting ire hereby warned to keep off from my lend, as I allow no hunters J^here, and this Is to Kive notice that any one known to have so trespM<»ed on my premises will be prosecuted to the full extent ot the la*. T, J. ELLIS. TURKEY RAFFLE. Clay Pigeon and Glara Ball 6hoot-At Volo. On Thursday. Thanksgiving, Chi 1st- mas and New Years days. I ask all that have patronised me for the last four years to come again for we will have a bigger time than ever Biz money for the best shots, and lots or Turkeys for the lucky ones, for thi* year excells them nil. Fresh Oysters In any style at J. N. Barrus'. ) f you wish a good Cigar, a good plug of Tobacco, Candles or Nuts of all kinds, call on J. N. Barrus. Amunition, sweet and hard Cider. Pops and Ginger Ale always on hand at J. N. Barrus1. AUCTION SAL ft. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on his farm, 3 miles east ol McHenry' on Thursday. Nov. llth. '86. commencing at ten o'clock, tho follow­ ing property: 2 good Milch Cows. 2 Work Horses. 1 Colt coming two yearn old. 1 sucking Colt, 4 Hogs. 7 Shoits. 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Plow, 1 Drag, and other articles. Also 40 acres of Land, will be sold at the s»me time and place. TEKMS.--All sums of §10 CMb. Over that sum a credit of one year, on ap­ proved notes at 6 per cent Interest, i'ei ms on land made known on day of sale, PRANK GOLEM AH. F. K. GaAitoen, Auctioneer. T!»» iniitit ttala Vsnttry. . As well M the handsomest, and others are invited to call on Geo, W, Betley and get free a trial bottfe of hemp's Balsam for the Throat aod Lungs, a remedy that is Mlllng en tirely upon its merits and Is j;uar- anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit is and Consumption. Price SO oeuts and fl. Tbe celebrated Watertown Flannels at Perry & Owen's. See the new stock of black dress goods at Parry 4k Owea'a. Mrs. H. H. Nichols has>Nt recaraed from the eltjr with a taiga sad weQ Mlected stock of Fall aad Wtater Millinery, aad our lady readers should not fall to call at ber store and sea the large assortment of new Fail aad Wla- ter styles, which are being sold at prices which cannot fall to pleaM all Be sure aod call before buying. XRS. a, a. NioaoLS. FARM TO RENT. Of Two Hundred Acres, situated two miles East from McHenry village, on tbe Waukegan road. Inquire at ferry A Owen's Store. MRS, P. H. SMITH Hereby offers iienelf M 'Nurse for tbe sick. HM bad large experience and is sure to give satisfaction. Terms Reasonable. Can be found at residence two doors East of the West Side School HOUM. MRS. E. W. HOWE IS aow la the city buying her Fall Stock of Millinery and wld. In a few days bo prepared to sbow to tbe ladies of McHenry and sur­ rounding country tbe finest line of stylish Pali Millinery ever brought te this town. Call and see goods and learn prloss before buvlng. NOTICB. To whom It may concern, (i It known that my wife, Mrs. Minnie Coates, has, this 1st day of November. A. D. 1886, left my bed and board with »ut any provocation whatever, and be it also known that from this day forth 1 will pay no bills of her oootraotlog, and let this be sufficient notlM thai no one may give heranything on my aooount. GOO. H. 0O4TBS. Biagwood, ILL, SOT. 1st, 1888. lS-Sw MONI\ TO LOAN. In suns of from ooe Huodred to Two Thousand Dollirs, on good securl ty. Inquire at this Offise. Would Yuo Believe ft? That we are authorised by the pro prieterof Kemp's SarsaparlKa to re luod the mouey to any ooe who bv '•aken three-fourths of a bottle with Hit relief? We are positive that no other proprietor hM tbe oonfidenoe.ln ut* medicine t9 do this, it Is fop en richlng, cleansing and purifying th* itiood and toning up tbe system. I'rloe 91.00. Call at our store. Respectfully. GEO. W. BESLBT. Boot and Shoe Sale at tow CMI> prloM at Perry A Owen's this week. KEG oYRUP Warranted all pure sugar, at 90MBU per keg at Perry A Owen's. Get your Horse Blankets for 75 cent* oer pair, at C. V, Sevens', Weat Mc­ Henry, 111, LISTEX for the Bell of the Baker'* Wagon. As good M new. A Moond hand •Joal Stove sound aad In first class or> ler that will be eoM oieap, For lur her particulars Inquire at P LAIN DEAL ER othce. THIS WEEK Great Bargains in floe kid Shoes at <mt prices for cash at Perry A Owen's We took advantage of a low market ind bough; our Overcoats very cheap •or OMIi, and can give you bottom prl oes. See them. PERRT A OWEN. Our rubber goods were bought be lore the advance, so we can sell cheap #r than others. , BOHSLETT 4 STOPPEL. Jersey Caps, Plush Caps anil Tobog­ gan. the latest tbiog out, at Mrs, H. H. Nichols, See our 92.99 Men's khoes, laoe or iMncnis worth 96,00 at Bonilett A HtofieTs, I New Glo^s and Mitleos just recslv- ed at Perry A Owen's. A full line of Ladles Furnishing Goods, at Mrs. H. H, Nichols. Trunks and values at BooSlett A StoffeTs, Bear in mind thai tact that you ea< save lots of money In buying you* Boots and Shoes at Dwight's OMb itore, Woodhtock III. Fcr Hale. Ooe hundred ROM Comb Brow* Leghorns. Rose Comb White Legiorn. tntf Houdan Pullets aud Rooaters, at fifty oeots each. 4 < W. H,DWIGHT. M-tf i Woodstock, IU. 3ARPRT WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared to Weave Rag Oar pets on short notice >ind at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-wesi corner of tbe Public square. Orders respectfullv solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. wc Henry, Aug. Ktiu im. fiSTC, Dickinson A -ton, Barrlngton. ills., are daily receiving testimonials irom ail over the Uulted States in lavor of their celebrated cow preserip lion. Milk fevsr Is a iblng of tbe pMi where this medicine la used. Never WM a case of It known where thi* medicine WM given soon after calvlnc. it will also increase the flow of milk. For sale by all druggists. Cash paying buyers are rMpeetfully Invited to cdl at Fitzslmmou A Evanson'* store at the West End, to examine a few articles offered at bargains during this week* Wanted. Reliable and energetic men to sell all kinds of n iraery goods. New and hardy varieties adapted to the cli­ mate. Business light and eMlly learned. To successful men we ean pay good salaries and expenses and give steady employment. First claM referencM required. Send for terms. Address L* L. May. A Co,, Nurserymen St, Paul Minnesota. Tha Ppulation of MoManry Is about 1010, and we would My at least one-halt are troubled with some affection of tbe Throat aad Lungs, M those complaints are. aooordlag to sta tistics, more numerous 'ban others We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a battle or Kemp's Balsam for the Threat aad Lungs. Price Mc and 9109. Trial sis* fcea. BMpcottully, GEO. W. BBSUS. Citi IvetytiMag In tfea bottom figures, at B.1K* Celluloid Sots, fore, at G. W. Besiey*i. Fine Scrap Books oolf «1JI i Bealey's, West Side. Oellulold Combs, oaiy SO oeate, W. Bealey's, Wert 4lde. Boots aad Shoes, aa Imms at H«HBY Goad Rookford Flour only; sack at Bonslett A StoOel's. Overcoats and clothing at Perryj Owen's. Good fine mat tobacco only 28oa I at Bonslett A Stoftel'e. Good smoking tobaoco only 21c at Bonslett ft StoffeTa. Hone Blankets, 7# oents per Pair, C. V. Stevens'. West McHenry, 111. Elegant DnMSaod Jersey at HEWET Bed Blankets aod heavy Shawls a specialty at Perry A1 Before yon insure toMi Fire, Lightning and tornado ranee, of Bonslett A Stoflsl, WaHi Henry, 111. Laoe Curtains, Tidies, Laml . Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at J dohumaoher's, near the Depot. Fresh Rolled Oats at Boosletlt StofiePs. DOMESTIC Piano AND Furniture Pol­ ish, the finest thing In the market,at Besley's Drug Store. If you want to learn how to P vour Buggy for One Dollar, call iy's Drug ™ *"* ~ * tesley'i Store. West Bad. The largest line of Clothing e In McHenry, can now be foi HENRY Oousft, shown at Betters Faau W* Ale and Porter Oa draught at J. Bonsletfa, A. <len*s aad John Helmet's. IP you want to make your Top look M good M new get the looal Patent Leather Enamel Bealey's Drug Store. UNDEHWEAB. Alt slses, grades and prlcM at Perry A Owen's, TANKER Brown Bread aad Bake4i Beaus every Wednesday aad '4aM^liM^ ' •t Loot's Home Btkery, McHeary. Jersey Waists, a foil vlll be sold at lower priees •ther store In McHenry. one M Buy Warner's Megleand Natleasl' TeMt at Bonslett A StoSeTs, flee our new Cloaks, Newtaatijils and new style wrape before^ovU^||" Look at the oiioioe OaMIes at Bsa*, ay's Drug Store. We-' " Middling, Bran Meal ia stock Htoffel's. Ladles and Gents fine <a|ty at Dwights. NEW CLOAKS. Best fits, be-n styles, aad lowest ftfe *»s at Perry A Owens. 17 pounds good, clean, whole rloetflf ^ •1.00 at Bouslett A Stoffel's. ^ All grades of Rookford and St., o'harlea flour, 91,06 to $1JU, at Boualett A S tollers. Good plug tobacco only 39e a pouM# ! »t Bonslett A Stoffei'e. $ Look tor your Kid and Goat I 4hoes at Perry A Owen's this weak at •xtreme low prices for cash. ' BESLET S L^ver Wort Kldiey Chili, 1 be hest thing ou the market, at Besley's Drag Store. West Side, v f 17 lbs, good, clean, whole rise for «.00 at Bouslett A Stoff-IL'S. Call and MO the fine line of IMt ^ Sflliinery. at Mrs. H H Nlchcds. o Rock ford Carpet rtTarps at BoasleU ' A Stoffels. _____ 15 pounds standard Granulated Sugar > for 91 casht at Perrv A Owen's, s?| 16 pounds standard A. Sugar fu |i CMh at Perry A Ow*nX Trloots and UMM Flannels l»: ; «nades at Perry A Owen's J Call and see our fixe new shoes at »; Perry A Owen's. 17 pounis light C. Sugar for 91 casb it Perry * Owen's. Notiee. ts those that want Tubs, Tats, Star tacks,and aaythlnc in ay laa f£fgMMI* less. Work done oa short natlai to •rder. Shop one door South ot L^# •us'Store, F. A. BEBARO. 1 tfeHeery, Aag, Uk Ml Ml; , ^ 10"Russian Lioimeotis fastbeeem- ing the most popular remedy la tbe (Jolted States. One trial bottle will convince you that it is tbe bMt reme­ dy lo tbe shape of a Linlmeat yea *ver OMd, It will cure Bhaamstwwa, Neuralgia. Dipbtherla or Sara ^ •f whatever cause. Tooth Ache, * Spraines and Bruises. For tha i it Is a Liniment ever used. Put 25 and 50 Cent Botttee aud said by i Druggists. e PoolUti peeple. Allow a oou<h to rue anil It, yond the reach of medicine, ten say Ob! it will wear away* most cases it weara theia Could they be induosd to ftuccessful medicine called Ba.Mm, which will MU oo a guarantee to cure, they would I atelysee tbe excelleat effect log the first doM. Prloe 50c < Trial slae free, at Geo. f. McHenry. ' To Nlght and To Bsirww l And each day and night durit week, yoo can find at Geo. W. drugstore Kemp'a Su( knewledged to bo the most treatment yet Introdassd for \ of piles. Old sufferers front stressing oomplalat are at lleved aad la a short time a | cure Mtablished. Chaok I la time byuslegthe "an aMdy. Price Bfetk Bead I l .1 ««,' Vi , ' .X > .W,.l ^ .i.

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