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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1886, p. 1

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S-iT VOL. 12. Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe.** JKeJJeary Jltnietlef. Phumio Krur Wbdsbsdat btn }"• VJA N ^JL;Y .cjisi-- ^ , , EDITOR ASTO PBOPBIRTOR. Office In Bishop's Block, *% i".- if ,«4Houia. Paanf^ifc-Owcs**-- TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. |ne Tear (in vtvaaoe) if Hot Paid within Three Months Sataoription^ receive ! for month* in tne same proportion three ... .$1.80 . ...i.SB or lix BUSINESS CARDS. M P. ELLSWORTH, A' TORHKY at Law, and Solicitor in GhM eery, Nunda, III. ASA ATTORNEY AT LA W and Solicitor! ii /V Chancery.--Woodstock. III. m 3. r. BENNETT, M. D. PHTSIOIAW AND«U ttBON. I States Examining Surgeon. Illinois. Also Unit# Richmond -Vl'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1886. STANDARD PAUL BROWN, A TTORKET AT LAW. M LaSaPe Street t\. OH 10AGO, ILL. ALBBBT B. BOURNB. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AMD COCK t\. 8KLOR. WOODSTOCK, ILL. BnaiMM attended to promptly, Wltlicars, viil and integrity. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising IB the PuiHiiB^LRR, an I en 'eiv<»r to state them so plainly that thev will be readily on ierstood. They areas follows: 1 Inch one year . . 9 00 SInnhet one rear ;i , r ~10 nr» S Inches one year j» . • ' \ no V Column one veif . i . » 30 no H Ootnmn one Veafe > , t. 6000 Getnmn one yeaf . 100 00 One Inch >nean* the measurement of one achdown the coin nan, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insortion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. A.II others will be charged io cents per !ine the fl~stweek, and Scents per line for eaeh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged MARY (J. BARBIAN. HA k i u d s o f B a i r work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner of Public'Square, McHenry, 111, at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues Th~s, an inch advertisement wilt cost • 1.00 for one week, |1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three we< ks, and so on. 1 he Plaindkalsr will be liberal in giv'^ sd.torinl notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everyitody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. B T. BROWN, M. D. pHYSlOIAN AV1> SURGEON. OSes St Residence, McHenry, III. DHYSlOlAN 1 Ills. Olfii e C. H. FEGERS, M, D- AND iUIWEON, McHenry, at tte Idence. O. J. HOWARD, M D. iniOIiN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Ofllce at Residence, one door West ef M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. 0 Or IGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. w' ders solicited. Shop, 11 Old McHenry, In Retter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. - He. WuillTttAN, Proprietor first class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates, all kinds tone on ^hort notice Teaming of CtOBT SCHIESSLE Having purchase'! the oM «tiiml of Joseph Wiedemann, HEAR THE DEPOT. HnHENUV, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Public a First Class Saloon and, Where he will '* all limes kee, l.tquorsa to be found In the marl the^ltesi tl'S .. X$aL>: FRANZ Also Agent ror - ' FALKi MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. •" Orders by mail promptly attended to. * GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES, ' < fg^Oall and see us. Robert Sohlessle. McHenry, III., May Iftth, WW. IS SALOON and BESTAURANT . Buck's Old Stand, - , MoHENRY, ILLINOIS^ fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, ¥ llcHeniy Lager Beeit 1 --AKD*:' If By the Bottle or Case. . *We buy none biit the best ial art! at tteaaonable Prices. - Call and see me and I wilt uie ' 70a well. J ANTONY ENOELpfi t"y Sfcflenry, lit., 1NX6. Agents WantedI The moat su pnhll*Wed ( ihejxutcioht times a« fa-t roa THE OBKAT H*W BOOK, 'The W nd'i V rders lyj. W-Basl. The moat Hubxcription Itnols ever itilinhed Ovr half a million copie.t w<*rt gold " month*, nnd it is selling ih'-i-e timesao Ha-.t now is ever l>^f<>re. R*^guiar canvassers clear • 15 to ti5, #4<t and #0<i Kr ila . ffolhlng like it w;i« ever known 111 e historv of book puiilishmg. Pro ft tent fr*»on appttoatio". No exi»eri>>nce needed to Insure success. We help pernons without HUH |nd»n larre busint-sa; no capital neeii #•1. Write for iwtrticular*. &ala>£eg guarnn- tetd lo person* who di> not u-ish to canvas* on coin- wfirinn We mean imsines*, and want live agents in every to^nehip. It will cost you •othmg to write for icrmsand full descrip tione of our plans of doing business. We also y UoMtard book* to persons who sent ttiflmitk agents. Write tor oar list dam books. HwrnmnAL PvnLiaHmo Co. WAWI. XUnt « At. LomeiWo. flWfMMV* UMMlwf DR. C. E WILLIAMS. rvBNTTST. .Residence Dundee. Will be at * ' M'V^!\rvv'lt p,'irker House, the 10th 11th I5th and 28th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday * make my visits on the following Monday,and the first dav of sneh visit occurs on Friday. I will stav but one dav. Slates War CI? b Apcy OF "WM. n. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all cH«sss and kinds of claims a5'!nlL tt,e U^'tel state* tor ex-Soldiers, their Wi'lows, Dep*»nfient Relatives or Heirs A spec.ialtv is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptlv answered if Postage SUmps are euo lose I for re pi y. . _ WM, H. CJ WLTX, Office at Residence, Madison Ht., Woodstoec, Illinois, Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the public to m^r StaMe ot Stock Horses, four in nurulier: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Hors«. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep 1 r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. t N. S. Colby. I°7 *' MOHKNRV, ILL flelils srs kstcs, bnt tboM who writs Is Siinwn A Co.,Portland, Maine,will hc«1t> Tree, full Information about.vork which they can datand It re at home,thal will pay thwn from'lft to $25 per day. Some have •sriMdovaravtlnaday. EttherfX, yonnr or old. Capital •at required. Too are waned free. Thoxa who vtart at onca aw ihtlalliy saw of sag little fartoaea. All is sew. C. G. ANDREWS. CENERAL mmm, SPatNG GR3VE ILL. Sales ot Stork, Farming TooU and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BEASQMBLS Tim, A.VO Satisfaction Guaranteed (•all on or Address B C. C. Andrews, Spring Grove, III. i ring irove, Sept. ;mtii, !»%. 11118m m PUMP REPAIRING,. CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared all joba Id •tte line of Oigging Wells. Repairing Pumps, Cementtng Villi, or will put in JLTew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia short will do all work in this line. Oan furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug. a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. •^Orders by mail Post Johasburg' CiR?" attended to. L. BANTE3. Johnsnurgh, III., May 98th, lenB. fOS BAE3AIH5 D B. B. BB.iNETT, M. U., Late Honse Surgeon Cook County Hospital, CHMON B, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difflcnlt Surgical cases. DEVTSCH QKSPROCHKtf. Ofllce at Residence of Dr. S. P. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be matte*, jeeurely wrapped, to any address In the United Sta es for three months on receipt of^,- ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed agents and cmbe. Sample Address all orders to to postmasters, mailed tiee BX0HA1S X. FOX, SQOAsa, Hew York. I. fit. CHURCH, Watelamalcer and Jeweler VTO.sariKTH AVE., (Brigga House), Chi- 1.^1 cago. 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Fnll Assortment of Goods In his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BOHSLKTT, SALOON AKD RE^TAURAKT. at » stand, opposite Bishop's mill, M< lit. The choicest Wines, Liquors an' tte old McHenry, ^ ^ --, and Cigars to he found in the connty. Warm or oohl meals on short notice on application PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. JOHN J. WINKLES. CARPENTER AN J0INI8 Is prepared to do alt work in his line on short notice and guar- en tee *ati faction. Will work by the job or day as desired, and do a* good work a» any man in the bnsiness. Orders left at his residence, Southeast corner opposite the Public School House, will receive prompt attention. Best of References given if de­ sired, JOHN J. WIMKLIfc McHBifR T, ILL., March 8nth, 18*8. AND Lunch. Room. JOS. PEKOVSKY. Having opened a Restaurant tind Lunrh Room, in hts block, two doors South of the Powt Offi<*e, is now prepared to serve a g«MKi Lunch, with Hot Coffee or Tea »t ail houra ot the day or evening, and on short notice. FRESH By the CAD, Quart alwavs on hand. OYSTERS, Dish. Give Us a Call. JT. PEKOT8KT. McHenry, Oct. 13. 1886. M. p. SMITH, fATCHIAm S JimiR. tfoHeniy, -- piinoi*. For poal and Yi®>4 , ' --CALL OW--*-- E. M. HOWE, Opposite BUfhop's Mill, vho has aeomplete line of the beat stores in the market, as well as a large stock of Harfliare, Manic'! Tools. cm, COPPER & SHEET IRON WA1E, And, infect, everything it the hardware •tore and tin line. HE WILL SOT BE UHTDMRSQUk Call at hi* storo before buytng elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended to •^Rememlier, extra *ood bargains can al- Ae Viae a Stodlef Watches, Clocks and Jewelry As ean be found in the flonntv, whirh I tfltr at prices thit r-sn nrit be beet. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CIGARS fANCY TOBAfiCP, STATIONERY, BOX PAPEH Notiras, Misiwl lutniesli, bstneUsa Booka, ite. CMIsiid examine goods and leern prices. J. P. SMITH. McHenry, 111.. March 1st. 1MB. Record 2:30. STALLION O. NO- 5730. "Geerge O." is a Golden Chcsnut with star white spots on left shoulder, also little black spots on Itody, denoting a back strain of AmbUn Blood. Fouled June 6tb 1880. Pruigkbe:--"George O" was sired by Lakeland Abdalntti (.i5i) own brother to Bar- old, the sire of Maud ?», (QtiPfn fit the turf) 4 ; Noon title, 2:i0>i; Mattic Graham, 2:2U$ Mi"»;nri|y*s llttmiitcionian, Deciina, 2:27>i; Hermes 2:'£})(•, Good Mointnsr, 2:28ji; Teiuple 2:3u; and oiuers: Lakelmiit AIuImIIhIi by Rysdykes Hamble tonian (with 37 in > he i:«0 lift or better) he by Abdallah, by Mamhrino, by Imp Messenger; Dam the Chs . Kent Mare, by Imp. Beillound. kr. etc. Lakeland Abdallah's Dam was Enchantress, by AlHiallah, bv Mambrino, etc, as above, "George o s" D;»ai was the put Pacing Mare "Dannie B" (who paoe«l fke Chicago Track at .Seventeen years of tgem 2;27, with out any nre|mr ttlon). sired bv Autocrat by Geo, M Patehen, (record f.lSHh by cassias M. Clay, by Andrew Jack sen, toy Bashaw, etc. Dam of Fannie B by Toting Rowlin, by «3en. Gilford, her Dam t y a son of Imported Messenger "George O." Is a very promising yonnw horse and the record' he has attained is no measure of his speed as he has trotted pri­ vate trials very much below tut, and <*an •lo the Mine in a rare at any importunity His colts are very fast considering be has never bred a Standard Bred Mire yet, and hlf Colts are bringing from op, at two rears old. He can't help but be fc fast one, as he combine* the floods of old Kyjtdvke Ham oletonian, the f (under of our Tnptlng Family of to-day, Mnmbriiio, Messenger.-BelItounder Geo. M. Patcnea, the Clays, Bastllrs, etc. Terms, $25 Cash, AT TTME OF SERVICE. Mares uot proving in Foal are entitled to a return season Free, Accident* and Escapes at owngfes risk. Marcs carsd for, Including pa#Rirs, trying, etc., itt|2W per month, in Sumr"" For further particular" add Geo. W. O McHenry Co. Wtkt Mchenry, ill. POULTRY POR CEO. W. .. WAUOOHDA, ILLi far sale old and vonng «tock. df lhe Ibllowing breeds, ot thorough bred Po Itry, which I will <ell tor oce half the usual price Black B. tt. Games, Blue Games, lilacs Tarter Games, Black Cochins, Lang-sbans, Wy- nhdotts, Gold Lace | Sebright Bantam*, Light Brahajbis, K. B. Leghorns, 1 Wild Turkey Gobbler, 50 Pekin Duoks, • GEO. W. PRATT, Wuconda. SMrTKS BEANS gZflllK BlllaasMM: Sick Headache In Four hours. \g) One ioss relieves Neuralgia. They curs and pmsnt Chilis > Fever, Sour Stomach Bad ksath. Clear the SUn, Tone the Nerves, and aim ili> Vlfortothesyrteni^' DetsiONKBBAN. rv them once end veu will never be wHhont them. *HM, 2S cents per kettle. Sold by Druggists and Msdicine Dealers feneraHv. Sen on receipt s! price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, jr. P. SMITH « CO., Mannfaehir^r. and Sole Pmna. sr. imm SQL illeatioB* for patents msand application* foe patents fat triea^thep^Tsts efJbe^mUte '^Drawings sad speelflostlons prepeesj sad filed In the Patent OMee en short neMoe. Tenasverj •ensaaable. Mo «hars« for sxamiMUsa af modsla er drawings Adrioo by mail fr*e .. .. Patwta^tsi|^dthroajrh ManaAC^atenotlesd thslargMt dronlatiooj a Hettoe everypatentee neeteeapes IMajmHli dovoUdi to selenos. bmttiMM,. w^riBMriag weiks. and 1 4BSSS lJPfWC0TT8 • • LMC0TT8 • • LffFlNOOTT'8 Jb*ada all other MMarines • la Talcs ef Fiction A New Deportnro • poeaM of Interest • pleasing Short Stories Intnesting Mltceilany 28 Ot#, ladttSofevenriavya^Prteatj Swtio* to patent wilts to of BoieatiAa Contributions the Thaes A Complete Mew Novel • * Superlative Merit toanaifafwitiaalhtfiBatifcfc. •" Giving a library of is new and valuable work,, worth t$.oo to |tS.oo annually, at the nominal suat Ms nernmnth Subscriptkm, f).co yearly, by John Habberton, Frances Hodgson Bur* tliaa Hawthorne, Lucy C. Lillie, etc., etc.. Will apysr in early issues Ctrtiiieii,giving details, etc., mailed on application J. S. LtMNNCOTT COMPANY ytf and 7*7 Mnrbet St., PhUainlphin Send 10 rents postage and we will mail you free a royal, valuable, sample box oi goods that will put you In the way ot making mere money at once, than anything else in A®®*!**** Both sexes of al ages enn live at borne and work in spare time •trail the time. Oapltnl not rvn»«««»d We will start yon. Imasenae pay eere lor t PAIENTS Obtained, and allother business in the U.S. Patent Ofllce attended to for MODERATE PtRS Our offl -e is oppo»:te the IT.«. Patent Office, and wf can obtain p-itent-« m ie*« time than those t emote from W Af>HINOTON. >«-n i Mo'iel or Drawing We advise as to natentabilitj free <»i charge; and we make no Cliaricp itnit'KS we Olituin Patent. We ro fv r he.e, to the Po»im't?ter, the «npt.' ot Montu Or l^r Div . an-l t4» offi. mlsof the U. 8 Pa ent office. For cir-ular. advice, .erms, end references to actual clients in your own Gounty, write to C. A. SNOW&C% v'. - - lOppMlie atent Office, Washington l> 0. SIOO A WEEK. Ladies o. Gentlemen desiring pleasant, profitable employment write at once. We want vou to handle an trticle of domestic nee that recommends itself to everyone at sight. Ataole as Flour- ^ells like hot cakes. Prollas !W> Ht-r < ent Families wi-hing to Knetiee economy atiouM fr>r their own iiene it wiitr tor p .riM'iilars. Used ev<>ry day the year round in everv household. Price within reach of all Circular* free. Agents receive Unpaid Work of Newapmpere. The newspapers. Republican, demo* cratic, Intlependent and neutral, did herculean w irk lo the late state cani- pal^n. All thear papers advocated the advancement of certain men and measures. Some of these papers advo­ cated the (jtufm they espoused ably and vigorously, and uot a few exerted the Influence of,their columns success­ fully. All this editorial work wss done at a grjater or leas expense to each paper, and yet we wil' venture, taking the aggregate of the publications which used their oolnmm to elect can­ didates, that not one in every ten received either pecuniary or other t* qui volant for their efforts. Lawyers, doctors, teacher*, preaoh era, shoemakers, hod-carriers, profes­ sional and day laborers of every degree and station, all demand and re­ ceive pay for thel" work. Bat by general consent the newspaper Is expected to contribute months of service for absolutely nothing either in honor or emolument. Newspaper publishers who are ever exposing Im­ postors, shams and frauds, are them- selves more imposed upon by pretend­ ers than any other class. The politician will tell Che newspa­ per man that he should work for "1 he triumph of bia principles and sucoess of 1 he party." But does the politician seek office purely to vindicate a prtn l*le ? He would blush to acklowiedge hlmseit such a gudgeon. He wants '•he office because i gives him power and a good salary. Lop off the salary from the office and it would be found necessary to enact a law compelling certain persona to di«charg»* official duties or submit to a fl ie. There tin I a more mercenary class of meat tires unearth than politicians. Then there is the political orator, who. If a man of prominence, values his services durli.g a campaign at thousands of dollars. And he gets It or he will oat lift up his voice, ft la only the newspaper m -n who are ex pecteJto work for that mythical virtue, sarcastically called "poli'lcal principle,*1 without reward or recom pense, and it la not to the credit or the intelligence or penetration of tli' prufesblon that It* members do work for nothing. The press N wielding '»» Itiltdnoe to "iiaanciuate serfs of labor a*id serfs of aocety nt -ttiftfflM from the iron rule of thx politician Newbpaper men should vacate a f*l«*> incl servile position--they should place the politician on the same plane is the clothier and grocer, and cha'g*' iiitn for his advertising 'h*> <a th> na the merchant is charged.--Blo >mtng ton .bye. Congressman Morrison's ConstUneats Coiivre)>sman Morrison is Hill utifr- itig his complaints and charging hie lefeat to •bribery." H» alleges that with a fe<* hundred do lar*, emral-sa- ries of the protectionists entered hi llatrlct and bought up the|lJeinocratlc voters by thousand* In t>rd«MT to secur«- nl6 defe »t« Mr. llorrison mtm have a peruli r Opinion of the people Who have elected ilm to Congress half a dozen iim» s or more. But prudence would have sug* igeeted that he shoultl have kept I* to himself. If he really thought that hie constituents could be bribed by whole­ sale, he should uot have said so. after tiey had repeatedly bestowed upon him evidences of their faiili and confl •lence. It is to be inferred that Mr. Morri «on does not Intend to be a candidate again for office In the (Jongr- a-ld'inl District where he lives. After having made the public charge, over and over tgaln. through the press and other wise, that the people of the district had been bribed by thousand* foe cash he will not have the impudence again to ask them for rheir votes.-- Journal , ,J---• "^iTialSi fli^ laws of Olilu require att proper­ ty to be hated fi>r taxation *'at Its trtie valu»- In motiey.*' N til uial bank a* a role, aw»'»Ja lb« wiasa jnitksi. .yishes iwlamis 1 hemw. ige« )n water |0r>The other day a young man at.4 youn< woman applied to R-v. George S. Ball, pastor of the Preabrierlan Church In Wrlghteville, l*a„ to b* oiade man and wife. They presented a - legal certificate from the clerk of the Lancaster County Oourt. under the Marriage License act Rut aa Mr. Bell lives in Wrightsville. York county, a L*nea>*ter comity cer 'iflctte could not be recognised. The oext best thing to do waa to go on tin* long bridge which spans the Susqa-*. hnnna river between Wr.ghtevllle and Columbus, far enough *o the ess* to get liito Lancaster county Thev started for the bridge, followed by a crowd of witnesses, a>id having enter­ ed far enough, the marriage ceremony was performed - I^Tbe official canvas* of the vote in Indiana shown the election of the entire Republican ticket by the follow Ing pluralities: For Llenf«na i? Gov­ ernor, R. S. R.»bertson 3 319; Secretary •>f S'at<-, Charles F Griffin. 3 68:4; Aud Itor. Bruce Ctrr. 3 077; Treasurer. J. A Lemeke, 3.063; Attorney General, L T. Michner. 3 670; Superintendent of Public In8trucffbn, H. M L*F»dette. 9047; Judge of the Supreme Court. B. K. Elliot. 4.832; Clerk of the Supreme Court. W. I\ Noble, 6.534. The to-al votes cast for Lieutenant Governor were: Republican. SSI 9J3; Democratic 228 603; ProhiLltlou, 9,185; National, . s- • - Who Pays? The paekers asks no unasual demand when they r- qu're a written contract, with a clause of forfeiture in the event of failure, from the men thev hire. They are themselves liable la the event of their to deliver goods at the time and |a the manner specified In contracts made with their customeis They can not fill their contracts If la­ bor Is 10 desert them, without a mo- '••ot's warning, In obedience to a fevr dictators of labor whose vanity may be wounded or whose caprice may be ex­ cited to msllctoas action by the deter­ mination of the packers to conduct 1 heir own business by tbelr own meth­ ods, Messrs, Barry and Butler are enemies of labor, H «ve not the voters of Sag! naw and Chicago *>g ill <1 tbeir desire that both of them should retire to per­ manent privacy with considerable em pbasisP Havo not the Knlglita of La­ bor declared In National convention that they would take the Powderly methods, and not the Martin Irons aud Barry policy, as tln-lr rule of action? It Is all very well for Barry to enjoy his three for a half dollar cigars and his luxurious board at the Transit tlouae. It is yen gratifying to the vanity of Butler to pose as a stage king of labor. But who pays for all t Labor, oerralnly. And labor whose moans of independent subsistence are g diminished by every hour of th» Mipremacy of tliese pretentious agita­ tors , p The men are offered more money for •on hours' work than men can get in any other olty for ton hours* work of ibe same kind. Because they ooold not get more for eight hours* work than Is given in any other city or ten hours' work they were "ordered" (noi went, luliid you), out on a strike. The demand waa so unreasonable that the strike collapsed from want of public sympathy The packers propose to protect themselves from 'u»un sudden •ordeilng out" by B»rrv end Butler. I'liat l<* all there la In the con>ract. It Is strange that no workman has asked •» Butler aud Barry, "Who mule 'her « ruler and a Judge over Ut^-i/iftr Oetai. • wmn-j As Master WoAi again a floors, tilt story may bo of Interest. wss mayor and of the town of SarMidhi* pie of Scranton regarded the incarnation of an (hat equity. One day last as he was < up his dooket, a mam rushed lo asked for a warrant. Meat rush in wh ?n they are after of »mi sort. Whtls Powderly questioning him another imbed In demanded a warrant for the arresQ tho one who bad. oome in first. might be expected each began a root of abuse. Powdetly com; •era to keep qnlet, but they They wanted to fight the* and thnieJ "Is there no war In which yon eon compromise this difficulty?" atksd Justice Powderly. No; compromise wss a tfciag of tbo past. "I «m sorry to set two dtlsens of Scranton going to law* said Powderly "If he would fight,** said one of tbo applicants, l wouldn't go to law; but he la a ooward." *1 will fight yon any time,* rotortod tbo other Mike,** said Justtaa Powderly, to his big bailiff, -lock tbo ft** door.** Mike obeyed. -Now take tbo oboira out of the floor and pile tbom «*ty." Mike did this. "Now take sty papers here and put thsm away and nuts the d*sk back against the walL* Ml also did Michael, the bailiff. "Now, genMemen,** said Powder!?, addressing the men who wanted war­ rants. "there yon are--plenty of room fight It oat--and Mike, yon keep vour hands« ff '* The situation at onoe uscwl a hs« llcrona phase and titers was no Ight, Neither sny warrsnta, for the two men •book hands .nd talked <way.-CMss go Harold v. w< nore than a hundred o» ts on the dol­ lar It was asses-fe'd last year at 65 cents on the dollar and the banks ad­ mitting It waa worth much more ban the a»i**H*ment, sought to eijoln the t'ollectIon on so large a valuation. I'liey founded h* Ir right to a reduc­ tion on the claim that other prop­ erty *a« not valued so highly Ir pro­ portion to Its iicuti value. This amounted 10 » claim that perjury, he lug general, slioul I b<- stamped wllh I lie approval of the courts snd made utiivernd. To tne am is<*<oent of lion est folk not a«-qtiain<ed with the lore of the law books. Mm court decided In lavor of this seeiul ngly absurd claim The law as I: now stands is thoretor that the banks have th« legal right to vlolat*- law b"c iu«e others are not con scientlous in lis. ing property for tax atlon. It is s »ch deep snd mystOrious • legsl decisions" ss the one rendered lo Cleveland last week that furnish ammunition to Jawsmlths and wild- -ved reformers.--yba^stoiwi i£hu>) Telegram. astoMtlc nod Veeftsl. The b*st remedy for chilblains Is • j said to be a mlxrjrs of one part of tincture of !odlne, and three potts of glTcerlne, ('anada t>al~am. thinned with s littIs i turpentine, bensme or ether. Is tbo cement nas i in joining tran parent 3 gla«s, such ss lenses, ete, Spasmodic croup I* generally rellff# f! d i»j' a few dos* s of cure. •^Joseph Seanor, of Riley, tells a novel wsy of hsndllng shock corn which Is becoming quite popular among t te farmers of th it town. The earn is taken la th* shock to a thresh ing michlne convenient!r located for the pu>pose, and threshed the same ae oats Ths concave Is first removed from the thresher; the stalk sod leaves are n! <ely cur up for feed; ths corn la shelled, and oomes out nlce*y In the half bu»hel, while the cobs, broken on. go ont with the stalks, A>>out ton acres a day can bo run through tho thresher. The stalks, iesves ana cotis. cut up as they are when they come irom the thresher, make the finest feed for ca'tle. Tbo plan Is simple, and any farmer ean ten It to his own satis taction. It mav prove a bonanst Is our farmer* --M-u^ngn Republican. •V It an era of darkness at band? in New York h rhor the torch of Lib erty has already been extinguished and now the managers of the Chicago Board trade announce that the electric iighia that encircle the d'ssr spire of their edlfta. Illuminating tho region roundabout, will b« extinguished at tne close of tha year. It Is the first time in Its brilliant history that tbo I 'liica^o Board of trade ha* ackuo vl edged lta preference of darkueas to light. MP»Ootigree*raairPrioe, of «*1eeon sin Is dying the same kind of plucky death that characterised hla oolleague the late"Jie** Rankin. Pr Marts, of Milwaukee, was recently oalled to vl»> It hlto. and, after examining hla «vmp- toms. told him that hia recovery was hopeless. 4 Doctor, I admire your can­ dor. hut I don't believe a d d word yoossy; yet I guess PR make my will,** wss the reply of tbo Congress­ man to tbo information bo bad i»y »h- mu-etihr con*ractlon'of t'iile off bladder. At d- ith the mu-clv* retnx aud the air bladder expands, ralsleg »lie fi-h »o t e surface. An eminent phVMlcia>i l« reported ait havingsild that uiauy lives are lost hysiarvailon owing to an overesti­ mate of the tm-rltlve va*ne of beef res and meat juices In lyphns and typhoid fi v« r , be save 'here I no g «d aulistltute for m Ik and -gg». Piso's Kem-djf for Catarrh Is elsO good for cold In the bead, boadae to, etc. 50c. A pa«te that will not draw onfiwN / lugs when panted down on paper nuist bs thin. A mixture of gum trsgnn* snth and gum arable forms with wat«r a thinner muciiiage tbtn either «| these gums alone. R oe tk or i« sold to make an excellent paste /or fine po­ pe r work. Consumptives most not despair. rhousa..ds uave been saved by Pistes Cure; therefore take oonrage and nsn this valuable medldno. Onlr ii oenta. Grease and Stain Extractor: 80ft «osp and fuller's north, of eaob balf pound; boat well 'agetiter la a mortar* at d form into onkes. Tho spot, tint moistened with water. Is rubbed wltb a cake and allowed to dry, when It Is well rubbod with a Httle warm, and riased or rubbed off dean. 51; (^"Dude" Is a -vo-d that meaning wltt different loealltlna ag dearly as "tarifl reform" or '*reg«lnt» Ing tho liquor business" dons. In Nnw Tork and 6 is ton no one la a du-le wfto won't sarry a big. natural wood aiMt with a gnarled faoe carved on It. nn# i« dfls't w?5? -- i'Sgn «J« Out In Wvomlng a man In who wears a papor oollar toothbrush, while In the lowlands of Ankansas a man Is a 'dude* wbs tnkno quinine for t >e *skakea' Inst* ad of tho common febrifuge of dogwood batlu tansy and sorghum whlnkv. MV*A reporter for a paper to M Iowa town where a Chinaman bad got up a laundry conceived ibe Idoanf ^o|- ting a "scoop* on all the otber poipers In the S'ste by Interviewing the Oeioa* tlii In regsrd to tbo outrages ps American ml s«l on or lea in China, Bo spent hslf an hour l-t trying to SSeko Mr Toy Lnng und>*r«tand bl« qneottons and then come away with tbe tot ̂ sw­ ing result loacrlhed In hi* note oonk: •Towel fl oen; sodteo fl oen; shnttonton sea; want wa«heera |0*9omM time a«o It waa onnonncnd that Anarchist Parsons bad been mm* pelted frees tbe Kolgbte of Labor, stcsd of expelling him, t to erblcb bo belonged bos Issued cular eulogising Parsons and < dog tbo trial of tbo anarchists son * traveaty on Jnstlos.1* Tot tbo, doctors that tboy have no wltb anarchy. m iii&iiliEaSliliaMsil 'A

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