WEDNESDAY, DFC. 16, 1886, N . J Railroad Time Table. "On and after Monday, June„ 11,1 Tralm will pass MeHenry station as below: QOIKO SOUTH. Lake Uenera Passenger Lake Geneva Express Lake Geneva FreUtht Lake Genera Passenxer ootwo WORTH. Lake Genera Freight .9-11 A. K Lake Senera Passenger 10:00 » Lake taeralxpren 4:«R M Lake Geneva Passenger 0:67 ....7:88 A. K r. M . ..8:* •• * Stops only to leave Passengers. " Bosi ess, Agent. HcHenrr. Ill THE December Meetiog of tbe Itoird of Supervisors will be given to oar readers next week. ( F THIS •ection Is now enjoying the flrst sleighing of the season. About six Inches of snow fell on Tuesday. MOBS money can be made In one day's strict attention to one's own : business than by ten days minding the #»LRA of one's neighbor. "FC A FASHION Journal says: "Bows on , chairs have had their day." Perhaps so; but beaux on chairs are still having •F their nights. 4^1 1 * ' . 1 1 BEAD tbe new advertisements of fienry Colby. Althofl Bros, John B. Blake, Geo. W. BeUey, Fltzsimmons A Evanson and A. G. Locke, else* Where In this paper. ;7 THE fellow, who, by mistake, sent Ms auburn haired sweetheart instead Ot a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup a . bottle of hair-dye wants to know the best way to commit suicide. THE Annual New Years' Party wil l held at Riverside House, on Friday evening, Dec. 31st. Music, Anderson's Janesville Orchestra. Tickets will be Issued this week. JOHN MYERS commenced the work ot filling the Brewery Ice Houses last week. We believe be has the contract to fill all the private Ice Houses In tbe Tillage. THE Parker House have announoed their Anuual NEW Year's P«drty,to take place on Friday evening, "Dec. 31st. Music, Siocum's Orchestra, Tickets will be issued soon. / 8. RAYMOND has sold his residence / and lan<9 on the West Side in this village, to S. and J. Sherman and will give possession of the same earlv In the spring. Mr. Raymond Intend* moving to Iowa. A SPECIAL Communication of Mo- Henry Lodge, No, 168, A, P. and A. Masons, will be held on Monday evening next, Dec. 20th,. Work on the First Degree. All urgently requested to Order. members are attend. Per SALTATION OH delights everybody, It can be had at all druggists and dealers in medicines. It eradicates pain by quickly removing the cause. It Is a specific for neuralgia, rheuraa-, ft" tl8m, and pain In the side, back, and * PEKSOXIU JOHN DORAN, of Elgin, was oo ou; streets on Moaday aad Tuesday. JAS, ;M. KIMBALL, of Elgin, spent Sunday in this village. S.\ fine 11} pound boy arrived at the 'residence of Geo. W. Owen M Wed- AY last. iss CLARI B. OWEN started on Monday last for her home, la New York. O Miss MAGGIE BLAKE has been speodlng a few days with friends In Chicago. Miss LIDA GREEN, of Cbioago, was the guest of Miss Grace and .Cfara B, Owen, last week. SIM KENNEDY has been quite sick the past week and oonfined to the house, but is now reported better. C. H. MOREY has been confined to home the past week on account of a serious trouble with his eyes. C. B. CURTIS and wife, of ELJC In, at tended the New England Supper, la this village, on Friday evening last, F MRS. HINMAN and mother, of Genoa Junction, Wis., were the guests of Mrs. R. Stebblns, in this village laat week. Very Complimentary. Rev. B. Brunnlng, of this place, it seems, has been writing "Reminiscen ces" of 40 and 50 years ago. to the Sherbrooke Gazette; the leading paper of the Important city of Sh«rbrooke, In the Eastern Township of Lower Canada; now called t̂he Provlnoe of Quebec. IN that locality Mr. B. spe»t his life from tbe age of IS to 21. It was a comparatively new couotry then. These "recollections" have attracted so much attention that he Is receiving not only complimentary letters; but has received an official invitation from the "Library, Art and Historical Asso ciation" of that city, to "prepare more extended notes of the same , written iu SUCH form as to render them easily available for reference" and for preeer vatlon In the archives of that public institution; and he has consented to do so. PATENTS granted to citizens of Illi nois during tbe past week, and report ed expressly for the PLAINDEALER by C. A. Snow A Co., Patent Lawyers, opposite (J. S. Patent Offloe, Washing* ton. D. C. 1 M. W. Ator, Bloomlngtan, Le'tter box belt J. B. Barnes, JSprlngfleld, Fnrnaee for loco, motives. 8. Barstow, Farmington, sweat pad for horse collars. J, S. Black, Summer Hill. Wheel chock. G. H. Cornuok, Rockford, pieparing grain products. O. Crocker, Freeport, cord and rope holder. L. C. For wood. Shipman, reversing mechan ism for engines. A. L. Keller, Elgin, watch and pendent stem therefor. W. R. King, Bridgeport, fence.": "'J, H. McPherson, Crete, rake. A. L. Listen, Pleasant Plains, Harness saddle. G. Morgan,'Freeport, securing covers on boxes, g O. L. Ryan. jQftlena, smoklng ssd drying apparatus. " J, O. Wilson, Clay ten, coffee pot. 1 P limbs. Price 25 ceuts. THE question has been asked as sev eral times why our Street Lamps were not doing duty on Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights last, three ot the darkest and most disagreeable nights to get along the streets this season. We givtt it up. Ask us something easy. • THE Ladies Willing Workers Socle |JF, connected with the Universalis Church, will meet at the residence of Mrs. C, A. Walsh, on Thursday afternoon, the 16th, at1^0 sharp. A general attendanoe IF ejurnestly re quested. MM. J. B. t-BRBY, President, . Miss GBAOB OWEN, Secretary. CHRISTMAS Eve services and enter tainment will be held at tbe Unlversa- llet Church on Friday evening. Dec. 24. An entirely new feature will oe intro duced, which Is neithei a tree nor boat. Presents will be distributed, aud we ask parents to bring presents for their children and Invite families to come and use our unique method of surprises. All are welcome to do so. L. W. NICHOLS, the West Slde; J Jeweler, bought a large White Owl a few days ago from a party who shot i t near Greenwood , I n th is county . I t measures two feet and one inch from bill to end of tall and five feet tour «ND one half Inches from tip to tip. Mr. Nichols has stuffed it IN very fine shape and it can now be seen at bis place of busines, in Besley'S Drug K Store. These birds are very rare In this section. IN another column can be found the professional card of Jas. P, Caiey, At torney at Law. Woadstock. In speak ing ot Mr. Casey*s opening an offloe In that city, the Woodstock Sentinel says: "J. F. Casey, a rising young lawyer of M Woodstock, has just located Jn his new law offloe over Zlmpelman's store and Is now prepared for business. Mr. Casey has a good legal mind, lis fluent speaker and we are confident that In the near future he WJJ^EI.TO the front In his profession.*' • R. A. HOWARD, of the West Side Meat Market , has just been put t ing I n a new large glass front in his building, which improves Its appearance, and is, we believe, tbe finishing touch to the many improvements he has been mak ing iu and about his market. He has now one of the finest and best arrang- ^MARKPTAL^ tha The new cellar Is Indeed a model, Ceaiented bottom, lath and plastered sides and overhead, makes, it both warm, clean and sweet. Howard not only has a fine Market, bat he keeps at all times a full Supply of all kluds of Fresh and Salt Meats. Smoked Meats, eto. Call and •ee his model Market. Musical Entertainmeivti Given in the Interest of the McHenry Public SJIIOOI, at tbe Public School Building, Friday and Saturday even ings, Dec. 17th and 18TB. Programme for the first e renlng: FART I. Male Quartette J. J. Vasey, T. J. Walsh, W, D. Wentworth and Frank Colby. Short llecitaiions-- Willie Smith, Clyde Car- tis ami Sammy Henry, Instrumental Music Walter Besley Recitation, "Boys Talk" Sammy Henry, Albert Holly, Harold Colby, Newell Colby nstrumental Duet Fred and Henry Wells OPERETTA-GRANDPA'S BIRTHDAY. --CAST.-- The New England 8upper. New England SAPPER, given by tbe ladles of the Unlvfr«alist Society, at Riverside Ha!l, on Friday evening last was a sucoess In every particular and one of the most eojoyable gather ings of the kind ever held la this vil lage. The success financially, was shown In the total receipts, #124, while otherwise It was demonstrated by tbe happy, good-natured faces seen all oyer tbe Hall, everyone seeming to en joy the occasion to the fullest extent. Tbe singing, under the leadership of Capt. Hill, was floe, many of tbe songs bringing to mind the days of Jong ago. But tbe Burlesque Peafte family was nearly the climax of tbe evening. They were eight glria of the "Peakses all females," a» tbe inimitable leader. Miss Myrtle Chlldii, called them. Ot the different characters, all well represented, we ha¥E but space to mention a few of the most prominent. Geo. Washington and L%dy, repre sented by Ed. W. Owen aud Miss Maggie Clark, was unusually well rep resented In dress, looks and dignity. Elegance In high life, with powdered hair, Miss Grace Owen AND Miss Clara Wiglitman. Character Dressing IB Pairs, Mrs. C. S. Newell and Mrs. W. 1$. Ford, In Scarlet. Also Mrs. E. Cafpeuter and Mrs. E. Lamphere, in ancient black berry bush and fruit. Quaker?, Mrs. E. B. Walker and Mrs. Dr. Brown. Peculiarly old fashioned Yankee household life was well sustained by Mrs. John I. Story, Mrs. C. A. Wal»h> Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Mrs. B. Gilbert, Mrs, 8. Covlll, Mrs. Chas. T, Eldredge, and others. Girls - Character Dressing. Misses Amy Owen,Kate Howe, Rattle Story, and Dora Besley. * Tbe Peek-a-boos, fancifully dressed, and everywhere present, Edith Car penter and Belle Whiting. . Many ladleaof the entire village were In character dress, and among them were Mrs, O. W. Owen, Mrs. E. M. Oweo, Miss Julia Story, Mrs, F. K. Granger, Mrs. E. J. Hanley, (who wore a steel colored satin dress, 100 years old, very elegant.) and many others. There were anoient relics In plenty. O. W, Owen made and pat In place a splendid imitation Fire-Plaoe, with orane, etc., very fine and natural. Wesley Ladd, of Ringwood, however had on exhibition somo of the most ancient relics known In this section, among which were a Primer Cate chism printed In 1777, making it now nearly one hundced and ten years old, an Almanac of about tbe same date, a Platter of 1775, a small Iron Kettle, that was used by Ills grandmother a hundred years ago. two Snuff Boxes, made from wood taken fro^the old Frigate Constitution, and last but not least a babies dress, worn by Caroline Col bur nR at Hebron, N. H., In the year 1811^ MlssColburn in after years be- C$NFIFE the wife of Mr. Ladd, the dress Grandpa J, J. VASir Little May MAMIE BESLE f Little Claude... WILLIE SMiTil Maud EDITH WALSH Alice GRACE MEAD Clara... STELLA MOREY Lyda FLORENCE .SEARLES Eva ....HETTY WENTWORTH George FRANK MEAD Lillie „ MAUD COLBY Henry LONNIE BISHOP Mabel AGNES COLBY Willie.... DELL FORD Ruth ...ALLIE SMITH Assisted in chorus by Masters Edgar Bish- Luttie Lincoln Charlie Nordquest and Misses Villa Morey, Alice Waite, Lena Smith, Kftle Kennedy, Nellie Hill, Carrie Colby, and Daisy Hill. PART IL Duet and Chorus, "Friends of Long Ace.1* tf request....Star Quartette. Recitation, "Remember Boys make Men..Guy Clemens. "Call John" Male Quartette CAXTATA--MONTHS AND SEASONS. -CAST- JAN (JAR?--BabS ROBERT HOWARD FEBRUARY-Soprano....BELLE WHITING MARCH--Tenor... FRANK COLBY APRIL--Alto HATTIE STORY MAY--Soprano LOVINA UK1MOLBY JUNE--Soprano ELS IK GAGE JULY--Soprano..., HATTIE MEAD AUGUST--Alto DORA BESLEY SEPTEMBER AMY OWES OCTOBER-Soprano ...NINA WELLS NOVEMBKR-Bass .. .WM, WENTWORTH DECEMBEU-Bass GLENN WAITE Assisted in chorus by Misses Delia Gage, Eva Montgomery. Annt Nordquest, Florence Searles, Effie Kennedy, Hetty Wentworth, Grace Me&ii, Delia Welch and Messrs. Vernie Foril, ThomasMoore and Frank Mead. S^Tuis Carii&wi coatains uau*uniiy liirac- tive >nu sic,; consisting of Solos. Duets. Trios, Quartette, and Ghoruaes, interspersed with tonr Tableaux representing the different seasons. Miss Mary Wentworth, Organist. Admission. 30 cents, Child reft under twelve, 10 oents, Doors open at 7 o'clock, programme promptly at 8 o'clock. E. B. Perkins' Orchestra will Inter sperse each programme with tbolr excellent music. "Initiating a Granger," a most lacgh able faros, on the second evening^ GOOD SHOES CHEAP. T One lot regular price #2.50 to W.00, now $1.50 to §2. Ooe lot regular price 91.50 to (2.25, now 91, One lot regular price #1 to 91.60 now offered at 50 cents One lot regular price #1 now reduced to 25 cents. Must be sold before Jan, 1st. HKNKY COLBY. California Oranges, very fine, at Perkin'S Restaurant, Kelter's Block. having been preserved and highly prized in the family. Mr, Ladd takes great pride in his relics of long ago, of which he-has a large number. Taken ail In all tbe New England upper of 1886 will long be remember ed with pleasure by the citisens ol Y YICHENRY and surrounding country, AT MRS, SCHUMACHER'S On the West Side, can be found a full l ine ot Goods for tbe Holidays, consisting of Fancy Goods, Silk and fine Linen Handkerchiefs, Lace Scirft, etc. Also a well selected stock of stylish Winter Millinery, all of wblch will be sold at tbe lowest living prices. Call and see Goods and learn prioes, MRS. SCHUMACHER. Richmond Department, Far, Plush and Sootoh inast aasortamnt LA town. Bros. - " " " Caps, the At Althofi For "a substantial go to A1 thoft Bros. Holiday Pro sent German town Tarn former prioe 9140 to 9U5, all offered at 70 oents a pound at Henry Colby's. Candies and Nuts, a large and oho loe stock, at Perkins' Restaurant, Eeltar*s Block. QUANTITY AND .QUALITY. | The finest Plug Tobaooo LU tko mar ket at Althofi Bros, . . ; . , Boys two pleae Suits at leas than half prioe at Henry Colby's. Five on aces of Plug Tobaooo for ten oents, at Althoff Bros. Toys of all kinds, cheap at Perkins', Kelter's Block. Handkerchiefs, all styles and prioes, at Althofi Bros. Oysters In Bulk, by the can or dish at Perkins' Restaurant, Kelter'.* Block. Madame McGec'S Coronet Corsets, for sale by Althofl Bros, Russian Liniment is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Diphtheria. Chilblains. Frost Bites, Lameness, Burns and Bruises. It Is also tit# best Liniment in the world for the horse. Cures Spavin. Ringbone, Splints, and Lameness caused by sprains, etc. Oue trial bottle will couvince you that the above does not overestimate the va^ue of this wonderful medicine. For sale by ail druggists. Vermont Home at Althofl Bros. Made Maple Syrup COKTBLTTVTBO *T "FLOSSIE." Siie Harrison has recovered from his late severe Illness. Fred Parsons hat Alexander's. been clerking at How do yon like this kind of a win ter, anyway? Conductor Brink punched tickets on Hamilton's rua last week. L. B. RLOE was under tbe weather last week, aa also was Russell Fuller. Quite a number of RIchmondltea at tended Hebron's dance Friday tilgbt. Monday six cars loaded with stock were coupled to the freight train at this Station, If any of the churches Intend to havfc a Christmas Tree the faet has escaped oar notice. Clark White, who has been visiting friends in this vicinity, started for his home In Western Iowa. Saturday. A. R. Alexander has HE en fixing up his drugstore for Holidl|Y trade and It appears handsome as CAN be. Quite a number of Richmond lovers of Athe light factactic'1 will attend Parker's dance Neif .YO^'S, The boys HAVETFIWR |SNCE the 23d at~CuIvor's. Slocumertllniayand you'll be there, won't yon? | Elgin Is to have A Toboggan Slide, almost in the heart of the beautiful city. The work la already begun there- on and the yottilg pSopto anticipate a world NF fun. J The young frlends-^more than a houseful--of Johnle Rowe, enjoyed themselves Immensely last Friday evening, at Mr. and Mrs, George Rowe's. Big Bargains in Good Robes, at Althofi Bios. Call and see them. Hall and Stand Lamps, very cheap, at Bonslett & Stoflel'S. Remember the facta that Dwlght's old reliable cash store, at Woodstock, Is Headquarters for Felt Boots, Rub ber Boots, Gum Boots, and Mens, Womens. Misses. Boys and Cbildrens Buckle Arties, Alaakas aad Self Acting Alaskas. . Great bargains In Holiday Slippers at Dwight's, Woodstock, 111, Fitzsimmocs & Evanson are retiring from business. Cups and 8aucers, In great variety from 5o to 91, at Bonslett & Stoflel's, See our cheap Albums, from to 91 and 93. BONSLETT <FC STOFVML. Plenty of warm goods of all kinds at Dwlght's, Woodstock, It will pay pou to come from'all over McHenry County to trade Dwlght's, Woodstock, at O the shaking of the ague! O the tortures of Neuralgia l O the misery of dyspepsia! O the wretchedness of headache I O the gripes of bilious colic 1 All of these will surely vanish Like the snow before the Southwind, If you'll only take SMITH'S BILE BEANS You can buy them at your drug ator® For a quarter of a dollar: Vt ; s And U von will only try them w never be nitiinL * and respects FHTNK Joslyn, and he Is one of Blackstone's most Intelligent scholars. We hope that fate and for tune may be kind and that the angel of good luck will leave her finger prints on every page of the future lives of Carrie and Frank. The Individual who. prophesied an open winter walked around with an air of self-satisfaction and a MI told you so" expression on his countenance all last week, L'he weather was so pleasant, so springlike, why, all thro' the woods tbe very buttercups and lit tle violets opened their leaves and seemed regarding the snow patches on mother earth's dress with awe. And then came gloomy dajs, gray above and below, which made us almost wish that the Frost King would ceme danc ing along with bis armies FOF snow flakes, to dress nature up in her spark ling array. But there, time's up; train's coming. Mail Agent Nlsh will not wait; Engineer Smith won't let him. Neither will Uncle Sami. Will tell you the rest SOME other day. While Mike Flutter, Ifrank Wray's hired man, was driving cittle Satur day, the horse be was riding stumbled and fell, breaking Fluker's leg In sev eral places. Dr. E. R. Bennett at tending him. Dr. Todd, who believes the worl L Is round, and Dan McArthur, who de clares this world of our is flat and resting on water, furnish many unique and Interesting discussions for Elgin- ttes. 'TJ[I SOL#; that the Daaelng Club will have a party soon. It is hoped the at tendance will be better thau at the last one, for tbe boys always have first class music and endeavor to have every thing pleasant. The $llnk Is open E^ERV Saturday olght and Is well attended. The mu sic Is furnished by either the Genoa or the South Hebron Bandi Charley wil l doubtless have something extra for Holiday attraction. | I f Canada's favorite Jgport, Tobog ganing, i» received lb "the States" with as much favor as was Roller Skat ing, there Is a possibility that Rich mond may have a slide. Why not? There are. plenty desirable hills, and hew nice It would be. One of the changes wfiich time has brought since the PLAINDEALER last heard from me Is that Dr. S. R. Ward has sold his praotlce anl bis home to a Dr. Waters. No one who knows Dr. Ward will need to be told how much his friends will rnlss him and how re luctantly they part with so kind, so patient a Physician, so honorable a gentleman and so good a citizen. Dr, Waters comes •plendldly«rocoramend- ed and has already won fnany friends by his medical skill and liis cheerful, benevolent face. He Is I kindly ap pearing man, with the air of a thor ough gentleman and we welcome him and his wife to tbe village we call home, hoping honestly that they will find here many friends and many, many happy days. Hattle Cottlng died December 3d, 1886, In her sixteenth yesff. How In finitely sad Is such a death; And bow invariably do we pause at; such a time to wonder why such great sarrows are to line a mothers brow and make every heartache, Fain would I tell jou of that beautiful life which,like a fragile rose just budding Into sweetest, fair est bloom, was plucked by the scythe which the relentless band of death held. The saddened home circle has all the sympathy that human hearc can feel, and they are many wpo wish that that enemy, consumption, had stayed his cruel hand and left that fair young girl. The world seems dark When such a life Is taken; the sliver lining to such clouds seems very far away Yet after all they say 'tis best and I believe it. That soul wenc back to its God untarnished by this world's bit terness and left behind a record of un alloyed goodness. How gr^at a conso lation and how much better such lives mske us all. JOSLYN--MEAD.--In Elgin, on Tues day evening. Dec. 7th, by Rev. H, O. Rowlands. Mr. Frank W. Joslyn and Miss Carrie Mead. About stxty friends of the happy pair assembled at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, F, W. Mead, 20 East View, to wituess the ceremony, at the close of which ele gant refreshments wers serve 3. Nu merous and costlfr presents were re ceived. Mr, Joslyn Is well known as Elgin's city attorney, and few young men have as many and as warm friends MS has he, His bride, the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mead, Is a beautl ful young lady, a tine musician, and where best known is best loved. Tbe newly wed left on an evening train for a visit to Mount Morris, N. Y. All our citizens will throw congratulations and good wishes after Frank and his bride. . * Tbe above we clip from the Elgin Dally He tot. 'Twill interest Richmond people because the bride's home was for several years in this village. We remember ber as the brightest and kindest of school mates and a soul full , of grandest music. All Elgin knows Pence Posts for Sale. About 200 good Oak Po<its for sale. Inquire of W. H. Ford, at the Riverside Bouse, McHenry. E, A, MUBPHY & Co., ofier for tbe Holiday Trade , an extensive l ine ol plain white, hem stitched and fancy bordered Handkerchiefs, at from live to fifty cents apiece. Plain white and brocaded silk handkerchiefs at from fiftv cents to two dollars each. Plaid aud brocaded silk Mufflers at from ope to four dol lars each . Table Linens at from eighteen oents to one dollar sev- eniy-five cents per yard, Linen Nap kins Irora fifty cents to ten dollars per dozen. Leather and plush Writing Desks and Work Boxes, Hand Mirrors, Portmonias and Ladies Hand Bags. We have a few pairs of fine, all wool Blankets, also a lew Silk Plush Cloaks that will be closed out cheap, Bar gains in black and co!ored„Silk8 and Velvets and all wool Dress Goods. Don't fail to examine our stock before makiug your purchases. E. A, MURPHY ft oo. - Woodstock, ill, HAY FOR SALE. Ton of good Timothy Hay ft Twenty Ton of for sale. Apply to Patrick Flusky, on the Osmond Hale farm, 1} miles south east of Burtou's Bridge. FOR SALE OR RENT. A FARM of 71 acres, situated 3 miles east of Spring Grove, ill. Good House, and other outbuildings, Also a good well of water. For further particulars Inquire of . DAVID SUILKT. J 'J Spriug Grove, 111. 20-W.6, ••/.iil'Witei A pure bred Cotswold Ram for sale. Bred by J. L. Connelly from Imported stock. GEO. Q, IIARKISCN. CARPETS, all kinds, at Chicago Prices, from now until January 1st, Call and see samples at Justen Bros. West Side, THE finest stock kinds,, In county, West Side, of Furniture, all at Justen Bros, MRS. P. H. SMITH Hereby offers herself as 'Nurse for the sick. Has bad large experience and is sure to give satisfaction. Terms Reasonable. Can be found at residence two doors East of the WIST SIDE School House. FI Would Yuo Bellovn It? '/ That we are authorized by the pro prietor of Kemp's SarsapariAa to re fund the mouey to any one who h«s taken three-fourths of a bottle with out relief? Wears positive that no other proprietor has the ooufidenoejln HH medicine to do this. It Is for en riching, cleansing and purifying the Blood and toning up the system. Price 91.00. Coll at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESUIT. ^ • Horses and Sheep for S*f6. Sixty medium grade Sheep, the average of a flock of 180, for sale at Herqian Kllbourne'S, on the G. C. Ben nett farm, near Spring Grove. Also a « span of black driving mares, 4 and 5 years old. good lookers, good steppers, kind and absolutely sound. Caa be seen at Dr. Bennett's, Richmond. 19-2W, 8. F. BKNKITT. J- P- SMITH* The Jeweler, has now a larger stoek of goods than ever, consisting in part of Scrap Books, Magic^Lanterns, Ster eoscopes and Stereoscopic views. Bu gles, Waltzing Tops. Work Boxes, Writiug Desks, Music Roils, Music Fol ios, Piano and Organ Folios, with mu sic both vocal and instrumental. In struction Books, Musical Instruments, Toy Engines, etc. Nice Box Paper, only, 15 cents. Alarm Clocks cheaper than ever. Also a ful l stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Goods cheaper than ever, in spite of the assertions of en vious competitors to the contrary. Call and see for yourself. Farm for Sale. The uiderslgned oflers for sale his Farm, consisting of 157 acres, situated four miles West of McHenry, For terms and other particulars inquire of FRANK HOB ART, 19.2m Terra Gotta, IU. THE hi {host price In Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locke'a Home Bakery. _____ Boot and Shoe Sale at low cash prioes at Perry A Owen's this week. 15 pounds standard Granulated Sugar for 91 cash, at Perry A Owen's, Rockford Carpet Warps at Bonslett A Stoflels. _______ 16 pounds standard A. Sugar for FL cash at Perry & Owen's. Tricots and Dress Flannels IN all shades at Perry & Owen's.jl Call and see our Perry & Owen's. fine new shoes at Look Out for Bargains. A good hat, 50c. Lreed gloves, 50c. A good stifl hat, 91.25. A m o l e - s k l n s h i r t . I L . A wool suit , 95. • fur cap, tine, 91.30. A 94.50 shoe for 93.00. Boys' suits at cost. At E. Lawius' Chicago Store In front Riverside Hotel. East McHenry, Tete<-a-Tete Sets, Bread and Milk Sets and Tea Sets, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. We have a few good Cloaks left which we ofier at half price. FlTZSlKltONS A EVANSON'!. Remember the fact that W. H. Dwight will not be undersold by any house In Woodstock or McHenry Oo. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything In my line of busi ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ot Law- <us' Store, F. A. HEBARD. IfoHenrr, Aug. 10,188S. 11-4-ly Oonse Foolish People. Allow acou{h to run untl i tgetsl be yond the reach of medicine. Tbey of ten say Oh! it will wear away, but IN most cases it wears them away. Ceuid they be Induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedi ately see the excellentellect after tak ing the first dose. Price 50c and #1.00. Trial size free, at Geo. W. Besley's, McHenry. To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night . And each day and night during this week, you can find at Geo. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ac knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet introduced for the cure of piles. Old suBerers from this dis- stressing complaint are at once re lieved aud in a short time a permanent cure established. Chock the disease In time by using the "most eflective remedy. Price 50c. Send address for pamphlet on plies. Box 39$, Le Boy A Sensiba Man. Would use (Kemp 's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, It is curing more cases of Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, Croup and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine. The proprietor has authorized Geo. W Besley to refund your money If after taking three-fourths of a bottle relief Is not obtained. Prioe SOU aad 91 Trial size free. Quinsy Can be Cured. Smith 's Quinsy Specific is an abso lutely sure cure for this painful and dangerous disease. The undersigned suff red from quinsy for years, but finally discovered a remedy which cured him and ail who used it. It has never yet failed. A purely vegetable remedy, safa and pleasant to take. Price 50 c, Single trial packages sent tor 35O. Circulars ana testimonials for stamp. Get it now and be prepared to control the next attack. Address: GEO. W. SMITH. 'Sole Prop'r and Man'f r, Phelps, N. Y. Please mention this paper it Is So. That we are daily guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparllla to the people in this way' that after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. It Is the greatest and best remedy oo the market for clean sing the blood and giving you a new lease of life, A well-known business man informs us he has gained 8 pounds ou two bottles of this Sarsapa rllla. Price 91.00. For tola by Geo. W.Besley«McHenry. ng two Wallace WOOD FOR SALE, We have a quantity of good wood for sale, which will be delivered to any part of the village at a reasonable pi ice. Orders can oe left at the Brick Mills or at the West McHenry post of- fiat. HAMLT BROS, BULL FOR SALE. A grade Durham Bull comin, years old for sale. Apply to Colby, one mile north west of McHen ry. 18tf Fltsslmraons A Evanson are CLOSING out. TURKEY RAFFLE. Clay Pigeon and Glass Ball Shoot--At Volo. On Tbursday. Thanksgiving, Christ mas and New Years days. I ask all that have patronized me for tbe last four years to come again for we will have a bigger time than ever. Big money for the best shots, and lets of Turkeys for the lucky ones, for this rear excells them all. Fresh Oysters In any style at J. N. rnus^ ] f you wish A good Cigar, a good plug of Tobacco, Candies or Nuts of all kinds, call on J. N, Barrus. Amunltlon, sweet and bard Cider, Pops snd Ginger Ale always on hand at J. N. Barrus'. W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Everything In T£E HsrdOrare bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Celluloid Sets, cheaper thao evei fore, at G. W. Besley's, West Side* Fine Scrap Books only 91.35 Ot G. W Besley's, West Side. Celluloid Combs, only 30 eeitts* at Gv W. Besley's, West Side. Boots and Shoes, an Immense stock at HENRY COLBY'S. Overooats and clothing at Party A', Owen's. Horse Blankets, 75 oents per PI|ir, OL C. Y. Stevens'. West McHenry, III. Elegant Dress and Jersey Flannels at HENRY COLBY'S. Bed Blankets and heavy Wlater Shawls a specialty at 'Perry & Owen*a. Before yon Insure get terms for Fire, Lightning and Tornado LAM* ranee, of Bonslett & Stoflel, West Mo- Henry, 111. Lace Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs* Schumacher's, near the Depot. DOMESTIC Piano and Furniture Pol ish, the finest thing in the market, at Besley's Drug Store. If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, call FCT Besley's Drug Store, West Bad. The Homltest M»n la McHenry. As well as the handsomest, and others are Invited to call on Geo, W< Beeley and get free a trial bottle of (temp's Balsam for the I'hroat and Lungs, a remedy that Is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to cure and relieve all Cbrontc and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronohlt- Is and Consumption. Prlee 60 oents and 91> The celebrated Watertown Flannels at Perry A Owen's. Bear in mind the fact that you can save lots of money In buying your Boots and Shoes at Dwlght's Cash STORE^ Woodstock. 111. CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared to Weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Reasonable rates. Residence one Block West of the North-west corner of the Public square. Orders* respectfully solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed UEO. SCHUSTER. McHenry, Aug. 18th, 1888. •--8m2 S&^G. Dickinson A Son, Harrington, Ills., are daily receiving testimonials from all over the United States in favor of their celebrated cow prescrip tion. Milk fever is a thing of the past where this medicine is used. Never was a ease of it known where this medicine was given soon after calving. It wilt also increase tbe flow of milk. For sale by all druggists. Cash paying buyers are respeetfnlly invited to call at Fitzslmmons A Evanson'3 store at the West End, to examine a few articles offered at bargains during this week. Mrs. Schumachers Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. EVERYBODY KNOWS That Henderson's Boots and Shoos are the best. We aell lots of them.-- Perry A Owen's, Sole Agents, The Pp ulatlon of RRoHonry Is about 1000, and we would aay at least one-halt are troubled with some affection of tbe Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are, acoordlag to eta tistics, more numerous than others WE would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle or Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 69c and 9109. Trial slat free. Respectfully, GEO. W. BESLEY. The largest line of shown In McHenry, can now be found at Clothing ever I nowbefounf HENRY COLBY'S. Bedey'a Famous Waukegao Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett'S, A," En- glen's and John Helmer's. IF you want to make yoor Buggy get the 'IFIT- Enamel Top look as good as new tlenil Patent Leather Besley's Drug Store. UNDERWEAR. All sizes, grades and prices at A Owen's. YANKEE Brown Bread and Baked Beans every Wednesday and Saturday, at LOCK'S Home Bakery, McHenry. Jersey Waists, a full supply, whloh will be sold at lower prices than any other store In MoHenry. Has. M. soHtniAOna. See our new Cloaks, Newmarkets and new style wraps before baying. PERRY m Owxs. Look at the choice Candles at Bai ley's Drug Store, West End, Ladles and Gents fine Shoes a speo- lalty at Dwlghts. NEW CLOAKS. Best fits, best styles, and lowest $I)^ < ces at Perry A Owens. Call for the M Winning Stroke**} a HAIR Brand of Ave oent Cigars, manaf I facta r- Bros. It beatr them Sit ed by Barblan all. Look tor your fine Kid and Shoes at Perry A Owen's tbis week extreme low prices for cash. BESLEY'S Liver Wort Kldaey OAVET the best thing on the MARITAL A>! >? Besley's Drug Store. West Side. P* KEG SYRUP Warranted all pure sugar, at 90 eea|I per keg at Perry A Owen's. Get your Horse Blankets for 75 oents per pair, atC. V, Stevens', West Mc Henry, 111. for the Bell of the 9aker*s LISTEN Wagon. As good as new. A second hand Coal Stove sound and I n first class or der that will be sold oheap. For fur* ther particulars inquire at PLAINDEAL ER office. THIS WEEK Great Bargains In fine ktd «T&§S IP out prioes for oash at Perry A Owen's. We took advantage of a low market and bough; our Overcoats very cheap for cash, and can give you bottom pri ces. See them. PERRY A OWEN. • <'! I«$II New Gloves and Mittens just receiv ed at Perry A Oweu'S. 93.50 for a Handsom i 14 inch Decora ted Shade. Hanging Lamp, at BONSLETT A STOFFEL. FOR TBE HOLIDAYS! EATLOCKE*S BEST ON B LUNCH ROOM- GUles' Block, McHenry, Is the only place in the county where you can get Woe Hose Hade Bread, We have o laige stock Choice Confectionary and HOUE 1CADE GAUDY, ABSOLUTELY PURE. FRESH OYSTEttS, By the Can, Quart or Dish, j Leave year orders early and avoid the rush. 1 Cash Eggs Lobkft'a Homo Ba! at< ~ 7~'v "vf, 1* I• f * rt.. .lA/tLxf. . I'S#, 5# . .. - . The highest market prioe in paid for strictly