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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1887, p. 5

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; . tj m> Ha WEDNESDAY,, 1887, Railroad Time TaWe. ;»0« awl after MMMUJ. Jan® SLI***1** wU1 fMi MoHenry Stitloa m bitow loilt SOUTH. Lake Oaneva PHMU« Lake Geneva Kxaveea Uk« Offiun Pr«l|kt Lake flwwftiitm OOIWO ITOBTH. Liki Gwm Freight Ltt* Smn fwwtiw like tamlspin LtteQnm PMtnnr *«epe«***«• >*T* Agmt m*-- :53T. ..••II A. H ... .4:4Sr. * ....8:67 111 Do not roigtl th« Grand Banquet by the Modern Woodman, it the Parker House, on Tuidiy evening next. Owlro to the crowded state of our oolums, several Interesting OOBBOBI- catlons ere crowded out this week, bat titty will appear In our next. Do not fall to road the now adver­ tisement of Bonslett & 8tofiel, to be found la another plam In thli paper! It will pay you. I WHIR the weather will permit they have dead loads of fan over at the Toboggan Slide. It!« really amesing to tee them take their first elide. Do not forget the Grand Banquet by the Vailey Camp of Modern Wood­ men. at the Parker House, on Tuesday evening next, Jan. SSth. A grand good time may be expected. TH* Toboggan slide is well patre.I- ised, and the swifter they go the bet­ ter they seem to like It. It Is now In fine shape for those who love this •port. A COMMUNICATION from Fred Hatch la reply to the article of Rev. B. Brannlng on the breeds of Cattle, has been received and will appear In our next. READ the Statement of the First National Bank, Woodstoek. to be found In another placo In this paper. This Is one of the soundest and best conducted Banking Institutions in the Northwest. iku H C. E. CHAPBLL will sell at Public Auction, In the village of Algonquin, on Saturday next, Jan, 23d. one Car of Milch Cows. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M, F. K. Granger will be the Auctioneer. THBBB was a msn in our town, and he was wondrous wise. Hi jumped in­ to a bramble bush and scratched out both his eyes. And when he found hie •yes were oat, with all his might and main. He bought a bottle of Salva­ tion OH, and rubbed them in again. QUITE a number of the boys done a praiseworthy act by scraping the walks after the late storm. They maifofactured a soraper with a couple of boards, and with a horse attaohed done good service. They are dessrv- «ls|>ef praise and shekels as well. Wi are requested by the managers of the Toboggan Slide to announce ^hal under no consideration will it be ran on Sundaj s. Boys, and those who are not boys, are hereby notified to keep away from there on that day! Every other pleasant evening In th^ week It will be open to the public. THE handsome and valuable Jersey Heifer, belonging to John I. Story, had the misfortune t6 break its leg on Saturday morning last, while being led to water. The leg was set and bandaged and there Is some hope of saving her. Mr. Story refused 9160 for her some months ago. HAVINO been troubled with a very bad cough for about two years and having tried almost every cough mix tare that was ever made, I have found none that has given me such great re lief as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and I earnestly recommend It to all afflicted. Beej. F. Duggan, 14 Park PI., N. T. IRS. CASK, of Rlngwood, mother of L. Carr, who we reported as sick some few weeks since, died at her home, on the 7th, of Dropsy. She had been a long and patient sufferer, but nevertheless her death came quite un­ expected to her friends. She was burrled In the Catholic Cemetery, in this village. PET your advertisement oa a board fence alongside a railroad. The man la the express train, looking np from his newspaper, will notice It as a white atreak on a black background, and will get off at the next station and walk back a mile to find oat what It Is. If It was in his newspaper he might read I Mas. DR. B. A. B: with old frlenda In this ED TATLOR, of Hebron, wal calling on friends here on Saturday. FEED TAGOABT speat Sunday with trlends at Waaconda. DMTIGHT WARNEB of Nunda, was a oaller oa Thursday last. Miss LIKZIK Kuiron has beea spending two week* with friends In Chicago. Miss ETTA ALEXANDER, of Lake Zurich, Is visiting with friends la this village. MRS. J. PEKOTSKT was called to Chi­ cago on Sundav last by the death of a niece. CHAS. SMITH goes to St. Charles. 111., to-day, to work la a Cheese Factory, for Oitman Bros. DR. M. BRANDT* of Chicago, FK stop­ ping with Dr. C. H. Fegers, la this village. /THE friends of Thee. Smith will be glad to learn that the prospects are favorable for his speedy recovery from the very severe iojuries he lately re­ ceived by being caught fa ft bole In aa Ntjevator. in Nebrasaa. /MR. AND MRS. H. C. SMITH, of ME- faenry, III., came all the way out to Osborn to help celebrate J, M1*. silver wedding. The famlles are doubly re­ lated, H.C. being J. lTs. cou'ln, and having married his wife's sister. Like the rest of that particular branch of the Smith I'amily, Mr. aod Mrs. H. C. re very pleas int people.--Otborne, as, Farmer. ABRIED.--By the Rev. B. Brannlng at bts sldence, on Bandar afternoon* Jan. 16th, 'Misa Roae L. Kimball, of McUeary, III., to Oarl Langkilde, of Gary, 111. I The wedded couple go to house (keeping Immediately, la the village of Gary, where Mr. Langkilde has a permanent situation as butter and cheese maker at the factory In that place.) The good wishes of their mends will follow them to their new home. THE ladles "Willing Workers Socie­ ty" of the Universal 1st Church, will meet with Mrs, Amos Whiting, next Thursday afternoon. Teams will be provided for all to go. Those wish­ ing to go leave word with Mrs. Crlsty, Mrs. John Story, J. B. Perry or Bev. B. Brunning. Mas. Jour I. STOKT, President, Miss arnica Own, Secretary. REMEMBER that at the Banquet and Ball given by the Valley Camp of Modern Woodman of America, at the Parker House Jan 25th, 1887, that tbe supper will be prepared by Mrs. F. A. Parker. This we hope Is sufficient evidence that, (unless your appetite be like the Ohio man's who ate 19 mince pica In 19 minutes and woo the wager) It will be satisfied. All are Invited to attend. mimlirfreet The programme of the 93d annual meeting of the I. P. A., to be held at Quincy, Feb. 1st to 3d, is at hand. The anaual address will be delivered by Hon. E. X. Haines or the Chicago Legal AdvUter* Other features are an address of welcome by the mayor of Qulncv; response by act!ngQpresident J. K, LeBaron of Elgin; also addresses by J. C. Bnndy, M. E. Stone and Mr*. A. V* Wake man, Chicago; S. W* Warner, Hoopeston; F. B. Mills , Lin­ coln; Chas. Holt, Kankakee; Geo.E. Doylng, Jacksonville; E. B, Fletcher. Morriei L. A McLean, Urbana; Hoi\ M. B. Castle, Sandwich; Miss Lillian Whiting, Boston. On the evening of the 8(1 a complimentary ball and ban* quet will be tendered the association, at the Tremoat House, by the citizens of the wGem City," and on the after­ noon of tbe td a drive about the city to tbe aew Soldier's Heme and other points of interest. It promises to be the most profitable and enjoy­ able session of the association ever held in t he state. aheap Breeder* Meeting. The Eighth Annual Convention of the Northern Illinois Merino Sheep Breeders Association, which was held at Elgin on the 12th Inst., was not largely attended, there bein{ fewer sheep breeders present than usual. Among the breeders were W. C. Vanderoook, of Cherry Valley, Fred Collison, of Richmond, C. C. Hunt < of Greenwood, Geo. E. Peck and A. S. Peck, of Geneva, No papers were read, but informal talks filled in the time, Tbe election resulted in the choice of Geo. E. Peck for president. Isaac Harsh, of Rlngwood. for vice president, Col. J. S. Wilcox, of Elgin, for second vice president, and W. C. Yaudercook for secretary and treasur­ er. * It wrfl voted to make the annual fees fifty cents for tbe ensuing year. Richmond was selected as the place tor next meetlug, and the time the second Wednesday In January. It is thought a larger attendance will be had by meeting at Richmond^ No publlo shearing exhibition wa* arranged for, as has previously been done. It is likely informal ones will be held at President Peck's, Geneva, and at Richmond. An efiort will be made to have an at- tractive programme prepared for the next convention. m WE are requested to give notice •• to whom It may concern,*1 that F. G. Mayes has resigned the office of Treasurer of Township School Funds, and that the Board of Trustees have appointed Henry Colby to fill said offioe. Mr. Mayes has held this re­ sponsible position for the past eight and a half years, to the entire satis­ faction of all, and retires from tbe office at his own request. J The ap- polntmentoi air. Colby- Is as good a one as oocld have been made. Those having business with this offioe will do well to bear tbe obange In mind. DIED.--Near Fairfield. Nebraska, Friday, Jan. 7th. 1887. of Diphtheria8 Artie, son of Hubert E. and Martha L. Potter, aged five years. DIED --At the same place on Mon­ day, Jan. 10th, 1887, of Diphtheria. Bessie S., daughter of Hubert E. and Martha L. Potter, aged two years. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were former res. idents of Rlngwood and have a host of friends there who deeply sympathize with them In this--their terrible afflic­ tion. ti-x LIMBS TO MR. AMD MBS. IOTTBB. , "Two stars fer you are •hintiUE, .: - Two robes of spotless wbltfl^/V • ^ ̂ Tour iittle one® are wearing**' ' - t - ,< In realms of fadeless light, I- When e'er yon miss your treasures. ' ' So sadly from you riven, J Remember tho' two less on earth, Two more are yours In heaven. Your buds will bloom in Eden. Where blight ic never known; They wait you by the river That flows from 'neatb the throne." A rJIIBMD. NOTICE. Special Meeting oi the Board of Supervisors. the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County will meet In Spec tal Session at the Court House in Woodstock, on Thursday, the 27th day of Jao. 1887, lor the transaction of such business as may come before them. WM. AVERY, Clerk, REPORT of the Higher Department of the McHenry Public School for tbe term ending Dec. 24th, 1886. A CLASS, 1 Harry Blackman..9ii4 Delia Gage 3 Marv Wentwertb.99 5 Elsie Gage 3 flattie. Storx--.. - -----901 Fight shy of shower baths; theyi shock the heart. What is the good of superfluous flesh ? In short, what is the good of anything superfluous ? t Breathe through your nose when running, and always run on your toes. * U oi/AS** * * * 11 Florence Searles 87 U Frank Mead 89 13 John Fay SB 14 Owlght Kennedy 87 15 Joseph Wheeler 84 13 Dell Ford........83 17 Mollie Sutton....79 W Maggie Walsh....78 19 Lonnie Bishop...74 20 James Loaghlln..92. EDITOR PLAmbaAUtnHow Is this for wloter weather ? A great plenty of snow for sleighing. Now the roads are filling np which makes it bad for milk teams. Miss Dwelly and Mr. Lumley are home from their school at Dixon. 111., on a short vacation. We noticed Warren Cole aud Alfred Richardson, of Sprang Grove are at home also. Little Cland Thompson has been quite side for tbe past week but Is better this Monday morning. The sad news came to this village Saturday, Jan. 5th, tbfrt Artie Potter, son or H. E. Potter, of Fairfield, Neb. bad died of diphtheria? Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Lawson started on the afternoon train for Mr. Potter's and arrived there in time to attend the funeral of little Bessie, she having died after Mr. Lawson left here. Mr. Potter's folks have the sympathy of the entire com­ munity in this, their time of sorrow. Mrs. Carr has alio p&ssed away. Although death was looked for It came quite unexpected at the time. She was burrled at Mcfl|pnry from tbe Catholic Church in that place, of which she was an honored member. She leaves Ave sons and two daughter*, with a host of friends, to mourn her loss. Tw# of the sons are in the west and were unable to get heme in time to attend the list sad rites we owe to our departed oriet. We have also heard of the death of Miss Cherry Walton, Cherry attended school in this place a few terms and some of the young folks remembered her well. Tbe meetings that hive been held at the M. E. Church have been discon­ tinued. If you are In want of any article from a silk dress to a spool of thread, call on Crlsty * Son, and they will help you out In fact tliev htve every thing, Dry Goods' Groceries, Hard­ ware and every thing we would ex. pect to find In a country store. Nick Blake la alio looking for you. Bring along any thing sud every thing that you want repaired and Nick will do It *p in No. 1 style or no pay. He can be found for theprecent In tbe old warehouse. Russell Fuller is able to be around. liiss Ellen Crossen bas returned to Elgin. Henry Johonnott has gone down to Valparlso, Ind., to attend school. Wm. Hoyi and wife, nee Ella Ashtoo, have gone to McHenry to reside. Miss Lute Turner has almost recov­ ered from her late severe Illness. Are you going to attend the Modern Woodmen's banquet at McHenry tbe Mth? Many of our people were disappoint* ed that tbe Klckapoo Indians did not visit Richmond. Among Richmond visitors of late are Miss Ella Allen, of Marengo. Also Ex-Post Master Adams. Mrs. Herb. Gibbs had a very fortu­ nate tip-over, one evening* last week, as no serious damage was done. Somewhere in this hamlet I have lost a silver thimble. It is valued as a gift, and If you find it please return It to the one whose name it bears. 1 Hetty Wentworth 95 3 Nina Welts 94 3 Maud Colby 9-2 4 Nellie Hill 91 5 Louis Walsh !* 6 Delia Walsh 90 7 Frank Smith 8!» 8 Guv Clemens... . , .88 9 EAe Kennedy.... 88 10Chas. Nor«tqnest..83 J. J. VAS Elf, Principal. ' THE third sermon of tbe evening eeurse, at the Universal 1st Church on next Sunday evening. Subject, The 90 and 9 and one lost. Question, "Will )be last lest one be fcuod f The Inter #et In these meetings Is Increasing The cburoh was full last Sunday even­ ing. •The choir rendered some line music exceedingly well, and the pastor at his best. WE learn that W. T. Hamilton and Dwlght Warner, of Nunda, have both Mid out their business In that village sad contemplate entering into a polit leal partnership In the near future. Just what that partnership portends we are not informed but It "Tip" wants to go te Congress and t'Dwigbt" Minister to Gormany, we'll go la for It with car coat oft, Ir there Is one tiling that we love to ; f|fe It l« a Arm (of any kind; that do business on tbe euMhroat plan Mgo up Ike Use* se to ipes, A printing Arm In Reckford madtfBfe assignment last week for several thousand dollaia, caused meet swely bv the way they did their basinest. They would take tb printing fM eat side towns at a wer prloe by IB per cent than they would do It for their own town. Such Arms have no right to live and we have #» sympathy for any of them,--Haxw y/lfl TME grand Cantata of the Flower Queen, will be produoed at Riverside Hall, McHenry. Friday evening, Jan. 28th, 1887, by young ladies of the Lake Geneva Qigli School under the direct­ ion of Will J. Cutteridge. The Canta­ ta of the "Flower Queen" is one of the most brilliant eflorts of the celebrated composer, Geo. F. Root, and consists of a collection of beautiful Solos. Duets, Trios, Quartette and Cborasee. The entertainment will be given In the Interest and for tbe beneAt of tbe Lake Geneva High School, and should be liberally patronized by all. ARGUMENT.--The Flowers meet In a secluded dell In tbe forest to choose a Queen. A person discontented with the world, seeks. In the same place, re­ tirement from Its cares and dlsap- peintments. Tbe Flowers tell of love and duty, and the Recluse--learning tbat, to ill well the station alleted by Providence, Is to be happy--resolves to return again to usefulness and con- tentmeDt among his fellow creatures. Two Tableaux representing "The Sleeping Flowers" and' Th® Flowers' Prayer." Prices ef Admission. Children, under 12 years, 15 cents, adults. 35 cents, re­ served seats,86 cents. Doors open at 7:00. Opening march aud 8^0 sharp. OATS I OATS! OATS1 1000 to 1300 bushels of good Mack Oats for sale. To be eold in lots of from 60 to 1000 bushels. To be sold within three weeks. For sale by P. J, Clary, one mile south ef Bishop.s Mill, lUlaaU, REPORT of the principal department of tbe Rlngwood School for ttie month ending Jan. 14tb. 1887, Whole number enrolled... ... .43 Average dally attendance......86. Number of foreign scholars 14 Roll of honor No. 1, composed of those present every day during the month: Scott Harrison,Eddie French Henry Stephenson, Wallace Lumley, Joseph Frlsby, Luella Carr, Frank Bratt, Minnie Mudgett, Agnes Forth. Mary Churchill, Walter Crlsty. Fred French, John Bobbins, John Kittle, John Harrison. Amos Smith, Rose Orvis, Ells Spaulding. Roll of honor No. 3. composed of these absent one day during the month: Lewis Lumley Eddie Harri­ son, Charges Carr, Frank Fay. Standing of the A. class in deport­ ment and lessens for the month: Lois Chase, 95: Ella Spalding, 95; Rose Orvis, 90; John Harrison, 85; Walter Crlsty, 80; Amos Smith, 86; Fred French,80; John Bobbins, 96; John Kittle. 85; Clayton Harrison. 85; Benjamin Sherman, 90; Dell Noonan, 85; Frank Fay. 90. A CLASS. Herbert Harrl«on, 90; Charles Carr, 80; Frank Bratt 90; Eduie Harrison, 95; George Carr, 90; Laura Stephenson 80; Mary Churchill, 80; Agnes Forth, 96; Emily Chase. 80; Mary Coats, 80. C CLASS. Lucy Dodge, 95; Luella Carr, 90; Lizzie Lumley, 90; Stella Lumlev,90; Lizzie Shaffer. 90; Charles Dates, 86; Scott Harrison, 901 Elon Harrison, 87; Ora Harrison, 80; Eddie Dodge, 80; Henry Stephenson. 93; Lewis Lumley, 75i Eddie French, 85; Wallace Lumley, 95; Thomas Carr, 80; Joseph Frlsby, 90; Henry Tonyon, 80. Er. Editor, if there Is In McHenry County a school having a finer class of young men than we have this winter in our school, we will spend a day In going to see them as soon as we find where they are. We have also, some excellent pupils amoog the young ladies as their marking in this report shows, A few are not marked very hljgh bnt we honor them in school by letting them sit In an arm chair. Mr, Bobbins Is doing excellent work in tbe primary department, and. on the whole, our aobool .la,progressing very pleasantly. HC8ROK. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Dr. Herrlck has been quite flfk with quinsy. Club <tdance oflt Friday evening of this week. The snow scraper makes nice roads In town. We are sttrry to learn of the Illness of Mrs. Frank Willis, at Honey Creek, of typhoid ffver, t>r. Herrlck is at tending her. . ^ \ Mr. and Mrs. George Manor and Miss Emma Martin, from Geffoa, have been spendiug a few days with friends la this place. Rev. Andrews will deliver a lecture on Thursday evening of this week at the Presbyterian chureli. Subject "The Battla of Getysbnrg." Admis­ sion twenty-five ceats. A merry party of young people from here spert a merry evening over in merry Aldeu at the reeidenoe of Mr Merry on Friday evening last. Miss Delia Crewe has lately finished enlarging a picture of the late Mrs. Henry Turner. It is done in Crayon, is a flee specimen of the work and does great credit to the artist. The buffalo robe stolen from Willie Giddings' cutter, a few weeks ago, wa" found hanging under the church shed one morning last week. Tbe thief did a wise thing for himself by returning It. On account of bad weather the crowd st tbe dance Friday night given for tbe benefit of the Hebron Cornet Band, was small. It will be repeated Friday evening JaQ. 98th. Remember the date, ALGONQUIN- EDITOB PLAINDEALER:--C. E. Chapell startled north on Tuesday of last week to boy milch cows. He is ex­ pected in on Tuesday of this week with a choice lot and be Is billed for an Auction Sale for Saturday, Jan. 33nd. Those In want of ohoice cows remember tbe date. Geo. Thomas, of Michigan, spent a part of last week here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Fred Arvedson, of Carpenter- vllle, visited here^ one day last week with Mrs. E. A. Ford. Last week finisttpd filling the Algon­ quin Ice Houses. Tbey were filled in good time, and with No. 1 Ice. Our mild weather of last week caught a very sudden cold on Sunday night last. Ed Morton Jr., who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is now able to be out again. John Johnston went to Chicago oa Saturday last i to attend the funeral of his Father, who died on Jan. 13th, at Minneapolis, where he was spending tbe winter with hie son and daughter. Rev. L. M. Pierce preached his farewell sermon at the Congregational Churoh on Sunday evening last. At this writing, Monday evening, having a regular bllzz||d. CONTRIBUTED BT "FLOSSIE.1 Mrs. John Cairnes Is on the sick list. The fox which Jesse Allen succeeded in wouuding, after several days chase last week, was killed by a farmer be­ yond Spring Grove. We are at a lose to know to whom the glory Is due. Heretofore we have actually for­ gotten to mention the vast business which has been done in tbe poultry line in this village the past few weeks. Waugh and Hastings, and also G. W* Eldredge. are the interested Arms, and are shipping large quantities ef dress­ ed poultry, mostly to eastern markets. _____ r 4H0W wickedly cold it has been, and bow it has snowed day after day, until every object was dressed up with trost and white aod the trees seemed like Jeweled lace work, wheuasunny day did at last come. The wind has played Its wildest games and the roads are drifted 'fence high,' tbe open-win- ter weather prophet bas sought green­ er fields. How great a consolation there is tho' in remembering tbat each day brings us nearer to springtime; jaeh dawu carries with It a few more precious moments ot sunshine than yesterday. But O mid-winter! If you would give us just one single day bor­ rowed from tbe month ef flowers, that wis might forget on what page of the calender we are living, and enjoy this rich sleighing to our hearts content. As It Is now--Thermometer down to zero; snow flying; Ice cracking; wind blowing a gale; last yeat's leaves dancing over the drifts with an un­ musical dirge--don't it make yon shiver and make you wish that your home was where no winter ever comes ? Kent, offers for Rent his / Farm for The undeisigned farm, situated 4 miles West of McHen­ ry, insisting of 246 acres, all under a good state of cultivation. Is well adapted for Dairy purposes. Will put on ten or twelve cows If desired, er will rent without. Terms Reasonable Apply at once, "*"* 7 PHILUr GIBSKLEK, Sucklen's Arnica Salve. TTII beet Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptians, and pos- tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For .sale by Henry Colby. Don't buy your now Cutter until you have seen the nobby ones at E* M. In a stray newspaper recently I read the following: "If you would know and not be known, live In a city--es­ pecially Chicago." As I was waiting In the Northwestern depot the other day, for the minute hand ef tbe tall clock to warn me that the train was In readiness which would bear me away from the whirl that invariably makes me heartsick, I thought of the volume of truth there is In tbe above simple declaration, and bow oonclusive was the proof I had3 at the end of thst short time. It you, my dear, bad been with me, you would have known be­ fore you were fairly seated, tbat there was a bridal party opposite .us aud tbe iclcly young bride possessed an abomi­ nable temper and she intended to rule tbat insipidly aristosratlu young hus­ band. You would have known that there was a funeral party on the same row of seats and that tbe pretty, sad- eyed child sobbing near the door, was motherless aod unconsolable; you would have known that the music teacher in a gray suit was a lady to her very finger tips, and that she was heartily wishing the restless little brother had remained at home. In­ stinct would have to'd you that the dark, pleasant man with the conta­ gious 6mile Is a conductor on one et tbe best runs out of Chicago, and tbat his companion enjoys a like good for­ tune ; you would have known that the two chaps wearily climbing the steps were mall agents on a night run, and tbat the good natured policeman had his eye on that foppish appearing man who may be a professional pickpetket. You would have known too, tbat the funeral train which was solemnly and slowly passing was Judge Rogers' and you would have agreed that the Aoral display, which almost buried tbe beau­ tiful casket, was very, very sweet, and perhaps you, like me, w*ild have un­ consciously decided that you wbuld much prefer your friends would brighten life's pathway with such offerings than to wait until your eyes were sightless and your hands in Death's clasp. For surely no flowers can brighten our "six feet of earth." Yes, and there is much more you would have known and seen ere the train was carrying me homeward and reminding me of the appalling number of disasters by rail tbe new year had already recorded. How glad I was to leave the confusing surroundings and breathe pure, fresh air once more; what ages seemed to have gone by on lagging wheels since I had seen bonny ! Tbe undersigned, Collector of tbe Town of McHenry, will oommenoe re­ ceiving Taxes, January 10th, and cat be fonnd at the following places on the days named; Mondays, at tbe store iff Lay A Adams. Johwburgh, Tuesdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, In the village of McHenry. Wednesdays, at the store ef J, W. Crlsty dc Son, Rlngwood., Thursdays, at the store of C. Y. Stevens, In West McHenry. Call and pay your Taxes at an early a day as possible. MAT Hancaa, Oolleeter. Collector's Notice* I will be at Gilbert's Store in West McHenry, 111., from 10 o'clock A. M. until 3 p. M. every Thursday. Barre- ville, Tuesday. Nunda, Monday's and Saturday's, commencing Jan. 10th. '87 D. L. BABWST. Collector of Nunda Township. 33--lm Sagwa. Indian Oil. and all tbe Klcka* poo Indian Remedies can be found at Henry Colby's Drug Store. Only chanoe to buy SO Gallon new Jars for #2,75 at Benslett A StofiePs Money to Loan. Money to loan on real estate securi­ ty, time and amount to suit borrower. Low rates of Interest will be made on desirable notes, £. A. MURPHY, , Woodstock, IU. Greatly Cxelted. N^ m-fiaw of the citizens of McEteury have recently beoome greatly excited over the astounding facts, that several of their friends who bad been pro­ nounced by tbelr physicians as incura­ ble and beyond all hope--suffering with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, the only remedy that does postiveiy cure all throat and lung dls eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Henry Colbv's Drugstore, large bottlesfl. It yon want a first class Cotter cheap go to G. M. Owen & Sons, They have the finest stock in tbe market, ' ' WOOD FOR SALE, We have a quantity of good weed for sale, which will be delivered to any part of tbe village at a reasonable Bilce. Orders can oe left at the Brick [Ills or at the West McHenry post of­ fice. HANLT BBOS, C. H. Fargoe's Custom boots and Shoes, all warranted, at Bonslett A Stoftel,8. New clothing for spring trade, latest styles at Bonsiett A Stoffers. Look Out for Bargain^ A good hat, 50c. „ Lined gloves, 50c. A good stiff bat, 91.96. A mole-skin shirt. |I, A wool suit, 05. «*- A fur cap, fine, 11.20. ' t #3.(11. . 'it. A 14.50 shoe for toys' luits at cost t E. Lawius' Chicago Store. la front Riverside Hotel, Bast McHenry Wall pafer, trunks, valises, haad bags etc., at Bonslett A StoAeKs. We offer big drive* on balaaoe of cloaks and wraps. BONSLETT A STOVFSL. Wonderful Cure*, ^.. A W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Betail Druggists ot Rome, Ga., say: We nave been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck ten's Arnlea Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac­ tion. Therd has been some wonderful cures eflected by these medicine* in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee (i«»m alwars. Sold by Henry Colby. 16 ounoes good plug tobaco, only 35 cants, pt Bonslett & StoAel%* Some Foolish Peoplo. Allow a cough to run unci it gets! be­ yond the reach of medicine. Tbey of* ten say Oh! it will wear away, but In most cases it wears them away. Could they be induoed to try tbe successful medicine oalled Kemp's Balsam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, tbey would immedi­ ately see the excellent eflect after tak. log the first dose. Price 50c and 91.00 Trial else free, at Geo. W. Besley's McHenry. Try our Leader smoking tobaooo, only 30 oents per pound, at Bonslett A StoAel's. To-Night and To-RAorrow Night. And eaoh day and night during this week, you can find at Gee. W. Besley's drugstore Kemp's Suppositories, ac­ knowledged to be the most successful treatment yet Introduced for the cure of plies. Old suAerers from this dls- stresslng complaint are at once re* lleved and in a short time & permaaeit cure established. Cheek the disease in time by using tbe "most effective remedy. Price SOo. Send address for pamphlet on piles. Box 395, Le Roy N. Y. Rockrord Flour, of all kinds, war­ ranted, at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Tho Population of MoHonry Is about 1000, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some afiectlou of the Throat and Lungs, as those complaints are. according to sta­ tistics. more numerous than others We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Price 6tc and $100. Trial size free. Respectfully. GEO. W. BESLET. City residences for sale, W. Smith, Woodatoek,M. Everything In the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Cellnlold Sets, cheaper tban ever tm ~ fere, at G. W. Besley's, West Side. Fine Scrap Books ooiy #1.35 at G, W Besley's, West .Side. Celluloid Combe, only 30 eebts, at 6. W. Besley's, West Side. Horse Blankets, 75 cents per Pair, at C. Y. Stevens'. West McHenry, 111. Oysters In Bulk, by tbe can or disb at Perkins' Restaurant, Setter's Block Madame McGee's Coronet Corsets, fer sale by Altboff Broe, Lnoe Curtains. Tidlee, Lansberklni, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, a# left* Schumacher's, near the Depot. DOMESTIC Piano and Fnrnltare Pot-* lsh, the Anest thing in tbe market, at Besley's Drag Store. If you wait to learn how to Patat your Boggy for One Dollar, cell at Bealey's Drug Store, West Bod. IF you want to make your Top look as good as new get the ] tional Patent Leather Enamel Besley's Drag Store. YANKEE Brown Braad and Baked Beans every Wednesday and Saturday, at LOOK'S Home Bakery, McHenry. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at lower prices tban any other store In McHenry. , MRS, M. SOHUXAOXAA. Look at tbe choice Candle* at Bea­ ley's Drag Store, West End, Ladies and Gents Ane Shoes a spec­ ialty at Dwights. Great bargains In Holiday Slipper*, at Dwlght's, Woodstock, III, Plenty ef warm goods of all kiads Mi Dwlgbt^ Woodstock, a- at It will pay pou to come from all over McHenry County to trade A# Dwight's, Woodstock, Plush Sets, the finest In town, oh at Geo. W. Besley's. California Oranges, very Aoe, at Perkln's Bestaurant, Kelter's Block. For a substantial Holiday Present go to AlthoA Bros. Five ounces of Plug Tobacco for t#a . cents, at Althoff Bros. ?! Toys of all kinds, cheap at Perkln*% Kelter's Block. Ltmns complete, for 35 oeets, at Geo, W, Besley's. Call and see them. Candles and Nuts, a large and oho tee stock, at Perkins' Restaurant, Kelter's Blook. Albums only 30 cents, at Geo. W Besley's, West Side, QUANTITY AND QUALITY. ' )• The finest Plug Tobacco In the mar­ ket at Althoff Bros. Buy tbe Candee Rubber GoOte; every pair warranted, at Bonslett A StoAel's. DOLLS of all kinds, cheap, at fteo. W. Besley's. Big Bargains in Goat Robes^ ii? Althoff Bios. Call and see them. H. Rosenblatt Overalls, Shirts, Jack­ ets. and Pants, ail warranted at Bonslett A Htofiel's. The Homlleat Man Is MeBeary. well *21 the handsomest. and others are invited to call on Gee, W, Beeley and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy tbat is selling en­ tirely upon its merits and is guar­ anteed to cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchit­ is and Consumption. Prloe M cents and #1. Rem siant Sale* We will ofier, commencing Saturday, January 15th, and continue to offer until all is closed out. Remnants of every description at about quarter value. Bemnants of all Wool Cash­ meres In two to ten yard pieces at twenty-five to fifty cents a yard. Cotton and Wool Drees Geods at six eight and tec cents a yard. Remnants of all Wool Flannels, Tricots. Table Linens and Wool Cloths. All Woo! CloakIngs at one dollar and one dollar fifty a yard, former price four and five dollars. Odd lots of Ladies aad Chil­ dren Shoes at twenty five aod fifty ceuts a pair. Suits for Men and Boys at your own price. Job lots of Rib bons. Buttons. Gloves. Hosiery, Em- jqoiderles and Wool Hoeds at any price. We have a few Cloaks left, we will close out at one and two dollars a piece. This is our annual clear log sale and will be found worthy of yonr at­ tention. Goods sold as remnanta will not be exchanged nor tak«in back. E. A, MURHHT. Woodstock Otl Meal„ Salt. Bran and Middlings, #t Bontfett <& SvoQefs. Fur, Plush aad Sootoh Caps, the finest assortment In town. At Althoff Bros. Call for the H Winning Btroke",anew Brand of Ave cent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barblan Bros. It beate them all. _____ BKSLET'S Liver Wort Kidney Care, the best thing on the market, at Beslev's Drug Store. West Side. Get your Horse Blankets for 75 cents per pair, at C. Y, Stevens', West Mc­ Henry, 111. LISTEN for the Wagon. Bell of the Btto^K As good as new. A second band Coal Stove sound aod In Ant class or* der that will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars Inquire at rlAINDBAL* EB office. Bear In mind the fact that you can save lots of money In buying yonr Boots and Shoes at Dwigh^iw jCash, Store, Woodstock. 111. Notice, To those that want Tubs, Yats, Hay Racks,and anything in my line of busi­ ness. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law- <us' Store, F. A. HEBARB. IfeHeary, Ana. Mi 1885. AT MRS, SCHUMACHER'S On tbe West Side, can be found a full line of Goods for tho Holidays, consisting of Fancy Goods, Silk and fine Linen Handkerchiefs, Lace Scarft, etc. Also a well selected stock of stylish Wioter Millinery, all of which will be sold at the lowest living prices. Call and Ma Goods and learn prices. *' MKS. SCHUMACHBR. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale bis Farm, consisting of 157 acres, situated four miles West of McHenry, For terms and other particulars inquire of >'&AMK HOBAJKT, 19-2m Terra Cotte, III. THE highest prloe In Cash paid for strictly fresh Eggs, at Locfca'a Home Bakery. _____ • I had a cow taken down with milk fever Sunday evening, Nov. 7fb, 1886, and she lay two days covered np with blankets givea up to die, when a neighbor recommended Dloktaeoa*e Cow Prescription. 1 got and gave her two bottles gave one half both every three hour* and warm water every hour and sit cured her. I think It ta tbe best medicine in tbe world for the cow. For sale by all Druggist. Har­ rington 111. Nov, 16th, 1886, H. A.MAT4* 'i Would Yuo Believe That we are authorized by the pie. ' prletorof Kemp's Sarsaparilla to re­ fund tbe money to any one who hse - taken three-fourths of a bottle with­ out relief f We are positive that no other proprietor has tbe confidence in bis medicine to de this, h Is tor en­ riching, cleansing and purtfylag the Blood and tool eg np the afBtett* Prloe #1.00. Call at our store. Respectfully, GEO. W. BBSUKP. Poutiac knit Weol Boots, bei made, wear three seasons, as & StoAelV "MM

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