saws JL ' \%y * n; > ; r f/ *\ ; * v) , •-y£*tT •A,./ ,_> V.; HKI-i^.'lM iM •ttuuletl erer nv, gnat Rray ejre«, cheennt and the coldeit; IimAHmI mbhw l ever atax ewi She la oerUinly out of her ele- ^W-4' V** *«* BtS: W 'A*. •-> " '*.. *"•>!* Mw! WANT ,/- J AJJI; tfO&V-Af MoHENRY. ^INISPPN^SMIMNMI" S %;jfcoa New London, ^Md me two boxes #i§i Suppositories bj * 1* oat. Tta«y »r«| id everything with Iwt the 8uppo«ttori«s sow tr«»tm«nt l« now and within •11, and would adviM the to give Ihem a trial. Ferj lit en Piles address Box 295; , I. Y. For sale In McHenry, Bealey's at 60c per bo*, obacrwd. meat; she is teaching » eotmtnr-sehool. '•'Well,* remark* Alfred, "did jihe wear any jeweler?--anything noticeable mean? She always wears a hive enamelled watch set with diamonds," returns Philip. "I noticed it beCAnse country acbool-teach- era don't generally possess watches worth a hundred pound*. ,?-- "I should think not!" n> tarns A^ " Well, my boy, l am convinced that she is Baron Payne's niece, and beiteBS to all his prop* erty. He lives at St. Bride's; when I was there last winter she was n great belie, bhe took immensely, just because she was so utterly indifferent to everybody. The Baron has a nephew who is a gambler and everything else that's bad; he paid j assiduous court to Miss any other medicine, met with no success. He wanted the girl's i plentj .Beal^y to refund your money If after [and Orna hated him. Finally, one night, A Sons I bo Main. use IKemp's Balsam for the it and Lang*. It Is curiug more of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron- ^ ^ ^ Croup and all Throat and Lung assiduous" court "to "m7ss Holnus 'ami lot, two any other medic' proprietor-has authorized Geo W taking three-fourths of a bottle relief #• not obtained. Price 50c and $1 Trial size free. pi money--she has plenty in her own right him. F she rejected him scorn-he T*»e Hosaltost Man la M«l« As well?as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on Geo, W, Secley and get free a trial bottle of iktmp'S Balsam for the Throat and jLungs, a remedy that is selling en tirely upon its merits and is guar anteed to cure and relieve all Chrome nwd AouteCooghs, Asthma, Bronchit is and Consumption. Price 60 cents n»d«l. : proposed; fully. She is younger than she looks, ed- icated in a convent in France,, and not rery well versed in the ways of the world. The scoundrel, furious at having failed, urned on her, told her she was a pauper, that she had no claim to Baron Payne's bounty, being only a waif he had cared for, and there is no knowing what else he may have said. She must have been nearly dis tracted. Keenly (sensitive and terribly proud, strangely enough she never stopped 'to question what he told her, but, taking a few things that were her own, among them the watch which bad been her mothers, she left the house thai night, leaving a note to Famous A1« and Porter On draught at J. Bonslest's X)«n*s and John Heimer's. the effect that she would not trespass any Wswltaean longer on the Baron's bounty. The Baron VA8 fmntip. TTA Annfrm>»Ai1 was frantic. He confronted his nephew the next morning, and the coward owned A, Sn-np to enough to make the old man forbid ? y .(v his ever entering the house again. Search jfor Miss Holme had been fruitless. Ijt is Some Foolish rMpl*. > marvelous that you, of nil people, should jutow a COtlfh to run untl It fifftlltie- bave found her out and fallen in love." wood the reach of medicine. They of-. "I didn't say I had fallen in love," said IWn say Oh! it will wear away, but inF^LiP>.te8tiIy- snost cases it wears them away. ?K'ould they be induced to try the. ... ...... ,, „ .... (successful medicine called Kemp's fe reach cilivizaUon, the old Baron will be Balsam, which will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immedl- ' atelysee the excellent eSect after tak. Jag the first dose, i'rice oOc and S1.0© Trial size free, at Geo. W. BeBley'B Veilearj. The Population of McHenry ^ Is About 1000, and we would say at least one-half are troubled with some •flection of the Throat and Lunge, as itboee oomplalnts are, atoerdim; to su- tistles, more numeroos than others We would advise all not to neglect the opportunity to call and get a bottle ' of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs. Pries 60c and *109. Trial size /roe. Bespeetfully, GEO. W. BESLET. It Is So. That we are daily guaranteeing Kemp's Sarsaparilla to the people in this way that, after taking three-fourths of a bottle without relief, we will refund the money. Tt is the greatest and • beet remedy on the market for clean- sing the blood and giving; you a new lease of life, A Well-known business man informs us he has gained 8 pounds on two bottles of this Sarsapa* rilla. Price $1.00. For sale by Geo. h: W. Besley, McHenry. Jv " ^BUKDtlB tfORGAN HdfiSE^ Short Horn^, |i M Polled Angus, And Jerwy Cattle. your apoearanCe indicates that I shall telesrraph her uncle as soon as veriojed." Old liemm j. [American VWd.] Some fifteen years ^fo I ,wae a boy in my teens, but an enthusiastic lover of the chase and an ardent admirer of the fair sex. I could never quite de cide in my own mind which was dearest to my heart--the girls or tho hounds. It is true I went to see the girls oftener than I went fox-hunting, but many time and oft have I cut short a visit when the fife was warm and the girl was pretty,to go home to give to Rowdy and Kival their evening meal and see that they were comfortably housed for the night. I had learned to hunt under the old squire, an old-time Virginia gentleman, who, althongh j>ast three score years, was a boy in his ardent admiration of the chase, and a desirable partner but dreaded opponent in a game of marbles or quoits. Oh, many Ir game of seven-up, of euchre, of whist, and of. draw-poker have I enjoyed around bis hospitable board. Peace be to his ashes; he is now no more, but his memory shall ever be dear to my heart. He once paid me a compliment I can never forget. After an unusually long and unsuccessful day's ride he turned to me, calling me by name, and said: "I have raised eight sons and taught them all to hunt, and have also taught a good many other boys, but you are the only one who would ride over with me all day and be as eager to hunt at night as you were in the morn ing ; like myself, yon never know when to quit." We had a very dry season the latter part of the summer and early fall, and could not take the dogs out, somewhat to our chagrin. One day by the way of consolation I rode over to see my elderly friend, and while there the rain began to fall and we hoped for an old-fashioned "dog mire," but were disappointed, for just before sundown the clouds broke away and the beautiful rainbow declared that the rain was over. "If we had your dogs and George's we would go * . ltfidnro -*-4 ; t tj-N, J --W-K.I 'v :,X>- We wish to inform our jfriends, and the Public in generalr tint our stoek is now complete in every mn^tkaHXf being replenished with every description of ^ ;» »• 'j General Merchandiser Purchased directly from first hands, at bottom Pr.ices, and which we now offer at the very lowest prices consistent witn Honest Quantity, Excellence in Quality, and general .Fair Dealing. An inspection of our new and beautiful goods is solicited. No trouble to show Goods. We like to see all our old friends often, and desire ,|$j^ke,the acquaintance ot as many new ones as possible. '"t '4 \ 5TTA: ft! this Department can be found one of the largest ~ Ready Made Clothing in McHenry County, which for style, finkih and gefesral make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices ar«i r« moderate and we are confident we can ples*e you. Give us a S tiai nal^ ¥ PB* ̂ m u m m Mtmt McHenry* Iff* Oar Morgan Stock is all purs bred. .•>» originated from the beat Morgan etosk in the United States. and Old Giffoni Morgan, who stands at the tiead •f oar Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan horses in tbe country, and can show more and better all purfOM aeUs than aaj other hone . In the West. We invite the Inspection of our stock bv none men and all lovors ot llae animal*. A tew fall blood Morgan Oolts and yonng iuonea for sale. Also one matched team, fail idoed*. In Oattle we hare the fall blood Short Horn vrlurhweare crossing with the Reti Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing off. the Aorns we are breeding them off and with good success. A few Heifers and Balls, both pare bred ebert Horns and tbe cross above mentioned tor sale. <J. If. Saylor A Sons* Vest McHenry, 111,, Dec, asth, 1888. E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or wo CHEAPER THAN EVER. fsr Two Dodrs North of Perry A OwenS^l My stock of Furniture is com plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as an^ other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lic to call upon ine when in want of anything in that line. »». <», I In this depaxtment I keep a first class* ass ortment of Caskets and Coffins and shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKft We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or-Domes tic. IT Tffi LOWEST PRICES 'tt»iSood Goods can be hold m* - i» au»Oj \ ; • Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice* ML© a. Oall im- LAWLUS. iL Hanry, Jans 19th, 1886. Table and p°cket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, B«k«, Nail., etc. Building Hardware a ipecialty. Fishing Tickle and ~ Materials, etc. Fancy Groceries, Flour, Grocery, Cigars and Tobacco, Pipes, e 1 Gun -•# lou run no risk. any other house in the yifManratee my pH«teg -to fttmge lo^feHthan a county. I guartntee evervthinff that ifoes out of my btore or money returned. What risk do' , $tear the Iron Bridge^ McEenry, HI, o goes you run? * KNCELN • -.v. The coming season will find ns supplied with our usual coaapletc line of i chlsriis, missis, m lamb ami. In all the latest styles ftnid novelties, also a fine line of 2£ens stxxd Which will be found up to their usual standard of exoellaaee 01- ND FOR •l.OQ This Department contains many new and beautiful Goods, and is 4»ow uimsu»lly complete. We have one of the etc., in .McHenry. ? choicest stocks of Groceries, Canned Qoodi, CTTO Just received a beautiful assortment of Decorated Crockery, call and see it. t 5 v 20 LBS* &OOD HlOES Stock compl«te, including a very large line of standard Patent Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sell to be as repreeentfd. Thaniclul for past faveas, we hope by liberal, fair dealing to merit a generous share of your appreciated patronage. HEHHY OOLBV. $1.00, p o i N T n n s JOB LOT- • > " .33 •a •4 •A BOOTS A SHOES; We have bought all 1>ur Spring Goods tor Spot Cadhu plenty of Credit but Cash will buy more goods for the same money so we have bought for cash and can sell you goods at prices t s low as any body Consider this pointer* m fUBMBMBKR THIS. fSLOW yrf i o not buy the old, lazy, easy way, but make your purchases where vou can make most the dollar bu - You should see our new Spring styles in Clothing if for more than to get prices. We have an elegant lino of Men's B^'s and hildren's Suits. New, stylish and desirable. The prices4Uk thei§t||||l sell them every time. 1 m '5 4 % •H Most every housekeeper wants new Wall Paper ^t this gsannn of the year. Drop in and see our 300 new patterns in all grades irom the cheapest the cheapest to the finest embossed bronzes, also ceilil^ decorations, centers, co* nets, etc, Borders in all grades to matofc. All paper trimmed free. We carry the largest variety nf Curtains and Curtain Goods of any noose in town,* • * - We have the carpets fni you in stock. New ones just and we can compete with anybody in the county. Mark this. We also sell by sample but nobody wants to buy that way whim they can see carpets m the piece, dee our stock before buying r •f 'I :"l -i •4: ' -I ! • $ '4 This pointer speaks for itself. Bed School Hoase Shoe. s r iutiri.!Ao.. Everybody knows Famous Red School Hoase Shoe. IsSTConsider these 5 pointers and call on us ^Fl perky I * J? • ' . .̂ Ch4 ;1