JUNK 1. 9HL.YKX]. fl M Btreot May be fonnd on •le at OKO. P. • Adverttslag „ j advertising YORK- wu • f*1r attendance at tbe Klein Board of Trad* on Tuesday and IW Tubs of] Baiter were sold, price* raaffnf steady at 17 cents per pound. Cheese showed a few private tales at !• cents. MTA peat mortem examination «f several of (he cattle that died at Evansville, led., made on Sunday, proved the absence of pleuronen- nonla, and that death resulted from inflammation of the stomach and koweJs. 9V Governor Oglesby Tuesday ap proved several bills that have recently flatted the Legislature, induing that for the location of the General Logan monument in South Park Chicago, and also that prohibiting "book making" *nd "pool-Millng" at races. 90" fa resisting arrest near WNrtflrti* gan. 111., Monday evening, James Carroll was shot and killed by officers. The victim's mother, hie two brothers and a sister live in Chicago. He had made a murderous assault on a saloon keeper, and refused to accompany the Officers to Waukegan. PS .Major Ben. Perley Poore died tt the Ebbitt House in Washington, at 12:30 o'clock Sunday morning. It was reported Saturday that he was re ported a shade better, bat at six o'clock be grew rapidly worse. His physicians were directly summoned and % few friends sent for. but by the time the latter arrived lie was dead. ? i^-After July 1 the First and Second Illinois internal revenue dis tricts will be consolidated. The second district embraces :the counties of Kane, Boone, DeKalb. Lake, Mc Henry, Winnebago, DuPago, Grundy, Kankakee, Kendall, LaSalle, Will Carroll, Jo Daviess, Leo, Ogle. Steph enson and Whiteside. If the consoli dation takes place the office of collector at Aurora will be abolished. Andrew Welch Is collector. Parties leaving the SUM with cattle for Nebraska, and also for other states; should carry with them papers to 'ran1 pluro>pneumonfa quarantines. The Watseka Republic says: "Nebraska requires an affidavit of two disinter ested parties that the cattle are healthy and have bean exposed to no contagious diseases. The affidavit mjMt have the certificate of the county . clerk that the parties are responsible and entitled to credit. An Beeentrie Probably the most remarkable will ever made was drawn up by Alderman Hartman, of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, February 17* The testator, Ambrose Betharge, wh<* is 62 years of age, after disposing #10,000 In real estate, directs as follows: I direct that my body be taken to St. Michael's Church, and) after the proper religious services ^e performed, that it be given in charge of my family, who will convey it to Satnaon'fl crema. tory and there have it burned to ashes, the ashes to be put in a small bottle and given in charge of the German Consul lu Pittsburgh.. The gentleman will then forward my ashes to the Consul in New lft>rk, and will give them in charge of tho Captain of the German steamer Elbe, who will place them securely in bis ship for the ocean voyage. When in mid-ocean I direct the Captain to request one of the passengers to dress in a seafaring suit and ascend with my ashes in his hand to the top of the topmost mast, and, after pronouncing a last benedic tion, to extract a cork from the bottle, and cast its contents to the four winds of heaven. I direct, also, while this ceremony is being performed tha? it b«t witnessed by all passengers on board. After the Elbe has com pleted her trip and returned agaiu to New York 1 want a full statement of raj death and the scattering ot ray ashes in mid-ocean published in the Pittsburgh papers, so that my friends in this city shall know my burial place w s * ' -i Poor and cheap goods are high at any price. Of such we have none, neither do we intend to offer any for sale. ? QUALITY Amr ' KUCE Bealey's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter Ou draught at J. Bonslett's, A. En- ilen's and John Heimer't. ( THE NEW QUININE.) n.i liires tM iplite New Strength, Quiet Nerves Hapny Days Suet Sleep. A POWERFUL TONIC. That the most delicate stomach wilt bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION And all germ diseasses. THE MOST SCIEJIIIFIC AND SUCCESS-SJfTIl FT7L BLOOD P17VFIEE. Superior to qninine. Mr F. A. Miller, 630 East 57th street, New York, was cured by Kaskine of extreme ma larial prostration after seven years suffering. He ha'l run down from 195 pounds to 97. began on Kaskine in June IS86, went to Work in one month, regained his full weight in six months. Quinine dirt him no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the widest an»t one of the most respect** citizens of Bridgeport. Conn., says: "I am ninety year* of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kaskine which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 22 pou nds." Mr*. T. A. Solomons, of 159 Halliday Street, Jersey City, writes: "My son Harry, eleven rears, was cured of Malaria by Kaskine after Ifteeu months' illness, when we bad given up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving fall details wilt be sent on application. Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advifee. #1 per bottle. Sold by or sent by mail on receipt of price. KASKINE COMPANY, M Warren St., New York City. MTA force of Deputy Sheriff and military Monday made a raid upen a ooteoy of about thirty desperate bandits, thieves and smugglers on the American-Mexican border, above Brownsville, Tex. The desperadoes made resistance, but after several casn all ties on both sides, they were Aspersed, and It is thought that a *ery troublesome nest of the worst dasa of criminals has been broken up. Several of the captured bandits were shot en the spot. P'J "Canadians affect snrprlee la ••tielng the coolness with which their overtures for commercial reciprocity are received in the United State. They are at a loss to understand sueh noneighborly behavior. If they will itfieet a moment they will find that their own conduct In dealing with American fishermen en their seaboard last year was anything but neighborly. Let them mend their ways this season a«d possibly another year the Yankee community will be more sympathetic When reciprocity Is proposed M^The great championship Boat Usee, between Hanlan and Gaudaur, at Pullman, on Monday last, Is said to have been the greatest aquatic event that has ever taken place in either American or foreign waters. Although towing in the rain both contestants beat the record, Gaudaur making the three miles in 19 minutes and 30 sec onds. and Hanlan crossing the line in 1834. The fastest three mile record ever made before this was 19:54. This race was for the championship of America and $5000, and was won fairly and squarely upon Its merits. MP»The DesMeines, la. Leader makes General Superintendent Royce, of the Bock Island read appear to talk gftlB this heartlesss fashion: "There is one fact that looms up In iy life like a square meal to a bed tramp, and that la that since i Inter State bill became operative jwesence of Iowa editors lu Chica- "Ihas become a rarity, and we are Ing of capturing one and placing a museum as a curiosity. No, sir. HIW|t»tem*nt that: the Bock Island inito to cushion its ties or establish I relay stations near adjacent hay • and convenient hen roosts along llloe Is of campaign origin and «x- jWly In the Imagination. Yes, and impecunious re i In particular; are required to »#ue side when onr trains go by. rise their mangled remain* will »spattered all over the flrst mort- gage bonds and part of the right ot Oh, no, we have not the slight |pKi«td«etloi! to allowlog them to sit i the fence and watch our trains pass, 1 |h«re Is no general order, nor will be one Issued, restraining the tr from squirting water| on ,or probiting the fireman from " r iff,.. *,,.1.1 ,Jl- : WEST SIDE £ tltai, Pro*, Having recently refitted my Bestaurant, near the Depot, in flrst class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours ef tbe day or evening. Ooffge ox Tea on five minutes notice. Hot A FULL STOCK Of 's Supplies, ALWAYS ON HAND. Choice Fruits, of All Kinds, it ICE W what INI submit for jrotir consideration. Merchandise, of whatever description we offer y»u«r. HONEST, RELIABLE And its quality examined with fpr# in every instance. Ot course we must be satisfied with smallest pawible profits for our system is M Oil), No credit profits needed in our case. Hence the close financier (and our county is lull of them,) that does not require Credit, may at once comprehend _ that our prices L A D Y By speciat arrangement with Publisher of DKMORE«T*S " R E A D E R S . JRHNIN08 DRMORK##, HLY MAGrtZIN E, 15 W. MONTH f. Eait Hth St., New York, wo are enabled to make all ot "our lady readers a handsome present. Ry inclosing (as directed therein) tho Coupon OrtlT found below.-the tender will receive by mail a Pattern of this graceful Jacset, and ol the Size she ii^y select. r , Tho pattern will he pert'fct In every particular, Ihfe name Of W. Jenuinpta Demorest being sufficient guarantee that it Will be :tll that is premised tor it. ; 'T;-; The fairest in the land .** invite inspection and are We WaiUag for YRA NOT. WILL YOU POKE? A SPECIALfT. RBSPRCTFUt&f* John Evanson & Co. H. FISH, ^ Practical Fainter and Decorator, fEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMINING, 0SAINING. Ac, Done on short notice and satisfaction guaran teed. Call on or address, H. FISH. Helicon, I1L, MAT 23d, 18S7. IN THEIR SEASON. Hade erery day, by the Quart or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in lirst class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. West McHenry, May 31st, 1887. REPORT OP THK C O N D I T I O N --or-- THE FIRST NATIO AL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois* --vr THE-- Close of Business, Hay 13* '( RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U.S. Bonds to secure circulation.".". Duo from approved reserve agents. Hue from other National Banks.... , Current expenses and taxes paid... Checks ami other cash item* .... ItiLls of other bunks Krc'i paper cur. nickels A pennies.. Spccie Legal tender notes ". Red'mpt'n fund with U. 8. Treasurer (ft per cent ot circulation......;..... We plaim "THE KOCKFORD," as now made, to be the best $3.00 Shoe ever offered for sale. They are? the Handsomeat, the Best Fit- and are also made for * ser vice, the most important pa?t. Kxcl usive agency, , John Xvanaon it Co. ...|182, Of, 1 37 1(W!» 81 30,000 00 39, IM 92 18,220 23 407 84 101 64 27,131 85 11,110 00 Total. 1,350 00 ...(£9-2,210 19 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 80,000 00 Snri.tus fund «,598 53 Undivided profits 153 fi6 National Bank Notes outstanding... 87,000 00 Individual deitosits subject to check 186,533 51 Demand Certificates of deposit 924 50 ...4292,21013 4TATE OP ILLINOIS, I „ County of McHenry. (u I, John J. Murphy, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is tree to the best of my knowledge *nl belief. . - ,. _ JOHW J. MCRPHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th MlT *f May, 1887. KI>WAKD O. QUIKLAIT, Notary Public. Uorrect Attest:-- B. A. Mcitrnv, W*. H. STKWAKT, Johm J. Mu BPHT, Directora. Money to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to *10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHT. ,000.00 ^ IN GOLD! r WILL BE PAID FOB mnCELES1 COFFEE WEAPPEBS. 1 Premium, • 2 Premiums, 6 Premiums, 25 Premiums, 100 Premiums, 200 Premiums, 1,000 Premiums, •1,000.00 •500.00 each •250.00 " •100.00 " » #50.00 ** •20.00 11 » 910.00 11 For full particulars and direction! see GlfCU- Ur In every pound of ARBUCELBS1 Comt Handkercblefs, all style* and price • atAltboft Bros. < COUPON ORDER. N Gasolins STovfiST flood for ONE Pattern of the Frederica Jacket, Bait Measure, 34,86. St, or 40 In, , ( R u n a pen or pencil through the size desired.) If eent, with a 2-cont «iainp for return postage, to DEMORF.ST'S MONTHLY Mifl- ifrw AZIBE, 15 K:ist Hth Street, New York, before January 1, 188-*. ' This pat tern will be'a full-size pattern of the size desired, and in furnished by ijieeial arrangement Willi ihe McHenry PLAINDKALBR* McHenry, III. The holder of thin i upon may Uu sssured of the value of the pattern, as it is «ent as a sample ot those obtained through the cupon system in the Fashion De partment of Dcmorest'* Monthly Magazine. . ... . In sending this coupon to obtain tbe patterii, please All out tbe following blank:. IT. JENA'INGS DKMOREST: , * ' , Incloted find the Coupon Ol der and two cents for return postage, for tehioh plecue ttnd me the Frederica Jaoket of the size marked out above. , , . " Name,....,, ' 4 ' < V,. State fBo tint incTose a letter with tbie eoufrt>n; §itnpl; All out, M dlrfpted, qpd la- elose with the accent stamp.] r' JOHN I, STORY, r , v v f I ' ' * < • - - ^ ' Door West of tti$ Riferside House. ffiFf DEALER IN Also the Celebrated QABLAND STOVES ANE BANQIS. Gasolene and Oil Stoves and Ranges. And in short, everything in th^^j^dwaro Stove and Tin Line. '•« 'JIQBBXJStQfr* AJS » Promptly Attended To McHenry, 111., May 18th, 1887. mm i- «tp«y 4 x.'~ l r SMITHS BEANS LsOOK OT1B OUR LINE OF 'mm best in the marset for the foHowing reasous. s Irit is not an untried experiment,, 2--It is minufactured by the Rathb me Stove C6., which i« proof of its durability. v " J:| 3--It has a sepaiate generator burner which saves time an<| Gasoline in starting the Stove, atid causef a perfect com uistion a$ vapor, thus d.»ing away with that puflPing and hissing sound cat by many interiot kinds in the market. W H Y - * u • Recotrifiiencted to 1--They wil do all'the work of a large family^ washing ing and ironing in LESS TIME and at LESS EXPENSE than any coal o* wood stove made. 2--They do not h4at up yourhouse and make a furnace of little kitchen, tp^hus break down the health.. daughter, ^ * V'" 1 FDRNITDRE! CHEAPER THAN EVER -tar- B, Two Doors North ofHi^i^& Owen. My stock of Furniture is com# plete with a larger stock than evet, and will be sold us cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub* lie to call upon me when in of anything in that line. i Ms. and In this department I keep a class* ass ortment of Caskets Coffins and shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN 5* -XV They can't be beat as we won't keep any but the best. The cel ebrated HORWEGIAH PLOWS. That will outwear any two ether makes, are always at our place, also the Star, Canton, Clipper, Grand Detour, Garden City, Moline, Case and others, at bottom prices; Flying Dutchman Jr. sulky, Case and Hapgood, that are the lightest draft sulky plows mado. /TfUBE Biliousness; Sick Head? ch© in Four hours. \6) One dose relieves Neuraiqia. They cure and preient Chills Fever, Sour Stomach ** Bad Breath. Clear ihe Skin, Tone the Nerve*, and alve Lite > Vigor to the eystem. I>oso i ONE BEAN, Try them once and you will never bewtthbut them. Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by Drugg'rt* and Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt Of price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH Si CO., Manufactur^pand Sole Props.. ST. LOUIS. HO* 4.--: -- F.I.A, Lake Co., III., Jan. 10,1687. O. DICKIWSON & Sow--Harrington, 111. Gentlemen:--I had two boraes cat with barb wire fence very bad, and I applied Dickinson's Russian Liniment and it caused a speedy cure. 1 also use ft fn my family, and 1 can say that it U tbe best liniment I ever used. . JOHN KOBBBTQDK, For tale by all druggists. * Of all kinds, lever and com mon, 40 and 60 tooth. We can outsell any firm in the county on ivcsaiii,. Wagons and Carts, also Lum ber Wagons, when the quality and finish is considered. We al ways have ou hand the unowned Cortland makes, all styles and they make the best side spring made. Also Maud S. spring And fine Phaetons. Gall and exam ine our Cortland Cart with a 24 foot spring; can't get them fast enough. Thanking you for past favors we solicit your future trade, Be M. OWP & SOU. w$~ W. P. West McHenry. ' • DTCALER IN Slielf and Heavy flarilwar Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware" FULL STOCK OP THK CELEBRATED-- PENINSULAR &ASOLINE STOVES, Come end see oar Galvanised Iron Korosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that wil hold a barrel. ^ The Church Swivel Tlay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and Pnlteys, the best in the market. Oall anil see it. A FUZZ. XJXTS * v.. For both coal and wood, of the best makes, always on hand. In short I will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in McHenry county. Do not fail to cajU.,.^rhcn in want ot anything in my line and see what can be done, I have employed a first eta#' Tinner, and all ^ " « JOItBIXS AND REV A IKING Guaranteed. A public patronage Will be done on short notice and Satistj specialty of Gutter Factory work. A. s respectfully solicited. STfiVBNS, f-:X t&bm ,