'•A; •' 'J- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1887, Railroad Time Table* Taking effect Jane 9Hh, train* will pass MeHenry Station dally, nxcept Sundays, as follows: SF'V- OOIWO SOUTH. V> Lake U an era Passenger ;?i» A.* v ' . ' - L a k e G e n e v a E x p r e s s . . -- . 8 : 2 8 t-vj Lake Geneva. Freight . 2-.00 p.* ijike Genera Passenger • ®:* ' §5- <i ,v Lake Geneva Passenger-- ...o:w f - OOtSO !IOIT«. C , . L a k e G e n e v a F r e i g h t ••II A. * jc," "Lake Geneva Passenger -.9:53 " Lake Geniya Passenger *10:1" Lake 4enera Express .4:55*. m lAk« Uenera Passeneer .......6:67 * Stops only te leare Passenger*. F B. Buss. Agent. MeHenry, III MASONIC. MO'IKWRV LorxjR, Xo. 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STOUT, W. M. PI f Id. MODBRK WOODMEN OF AMEUIOA. Meet ftt Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor tidily invited. C. H. OSTRANDER has put up a hand some sign in front of bis saloon. '"SOMK fin* trotting may b» expected kon die Driving Park on the 4th^ See prA^rafflffle aiyiiwhere to tnls paper. FRESH Strawberries. Bannanas. Oranges and genuine Vermont Maple Sugar, Figs and Dates, at Locke's ' Home Bakery, Howe's Block, J. PEKOVSKT has been painting and tuck-pointing the front of his Block, and It presents a very handsome ap- pearance. PROS. L, GALITZKI will be at the Riverside House every day, until July 2nd. from 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. Consult bim if you wish to have a pair of glasses to strengthen you r eyes. IT is not necessary to write up a two columa article telling people It was hot the past week, because everybody who has brains enough t« read is aware of the fict. THE game law goes into effect the first of July, aud mikes it a penal of fense to kill a prairie chicken, quail cr pheasant at any time within the next three years. NEW goods lu Surah Silks, fine white dress patterns, hulk Lawns* Jaconetts, Organdies, Misses Corset Waists, Infants Shoes, etc.. etc. Orders as usual at Mrs. H. S. Gregory's. THE Red Jacket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet Holmes, ctn be found at Locke's Bakery, MeHenry. Is the best Liniment known tor cuts, bruises. Pljno«4U Miss HATTTX STPKT spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. Miss CLARA WIGHTMAN Is visiting with friends at Palatine this week. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife are •pending this week In Cliictgo. LUKE BRENXKK, is spending this week at his home in St. Charles, III. R. BOWLVT. of Hampshire Kane County, was on our streets on Satur day last. < Miss BESSIE GOING went to Chicago on Monday to spend a week with her Papa. JOHN KLVIFGEN and wife, of this village, attended the wedding of their daughter In Chicago, on Saturday last. SHERIFF ECKERT. of Woodst«»ck, was attending to official ^business Iji €fii» village, on Tuesday. FRANK and Tonv Barb! an have been spending a few days in Chicago thi* weelt. Miss KATIK O'NEIL. of Chicago, spent a few days visiting with Rev. O'Neil In this village, last week. DWIGHT KENNEDY, who has been spending the past two weeks in Chica go, returned home on Saturday, WALTER PRICKETT, of Fairfield, Neb., was on our streets one day last week. • ' • A. W. HUTCHINS. Secretary Klgln Board of Trade, made us a pleasant call en Friday last. D. L. JONES, of Mont Clare, 111., but who is traveling for a Chicago boose, was a caller one day last week. MRS. L. MORSE, of Garden Prairie, 111., formt rly a resident of thi9 village, was calling on friends here last week. GEORGE CHAPELL and wife, of Chi cago. have been visiting with friends In this village, the past week. MRS. CHAS. ROUSE, of Norfolk, Ne braska, is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walte, |in this vil lage. GEORGE DATMENT and wife, of Chicago, visited In this village the past week. Mrs. Davment was for merly Miss Vesta Sturdevant. FRED RENICH. editor of the Wood stock Voltsblatz% who Is just recovering from the effects of a broken leg. was on our streets on Tuesday. He is obliged to still walk wltli the aid ef a crutch. * PRO£. L. GALITEKI, the Optician can now be consulted Free of Charge at the Riverside House. Do not fail to see him if you wish to have a pair of glasses to strengthen your eyes. He Is there every day duriug the hours from 10 A. M. te 3 p. M. trofli IU . , . , / A Celebration, under the auspices •pralQ.. trnnLn., rh.um.tlatt, «e.- oflhe0ood T«mpl.r. Lodf of Good for mau and beast. V*. V* ' BE sure to consult Prof. L. Galitzki the eminent Optician now at the Riverside House. He has given satis faction to many of our best people, by ^ whom he is highly endorsee^ Hie glasses strengthen the eyes. WE were misinformed last week in relation to the name of the Bishop in attendance at the Comfirmatlen Services, at the Catholic Church. It was Bishop Phehan, and not Ryan, as we stated. LOST, on Wednesday last, between the resldenoe ef Patrick Phalen and the Catholic Church, MeHenry, a Watch Charm. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office. A REGULAR Communication of Me Henry Lodge No. 168 A. F. and A. M. will be held on Monday evening next, June 27th. Work on the Second De gree. A general attendance is earnest ly requested. By order of the W. M. BESLET, the West Side Druggist, has just put into his store a full stock »t School Books, Stationery, and Sclioo Bupplies of '.all kinds, to which he In vites the attention ef the public. HI will keep his stock complete at al times and will make prices to suit tb< times. AMONG other auusementt at Fo Lake our friends at Shanty Grove . of the east side of the lake, have a socia dance every Saturday evening. The platform is a covered one fitted up in good style, and one of the best of bands discourses music to the lovers of this healthy recreation. As we are now in the mftfst Of the mushroom season, we give the follow inf valuable receipt: Way to tell mushroom from toad stool--If, after eating them, you live, they are mush rooms; if you die, they'are toad stools. This m»y be relied on; paste It on the wall. WE would call the especial attention of our readers to the new advertise ments this week ef R. Bishop, Agri cultural Machinery, H. V. Shepard, Hardware. Joho Evanson A Co., ^Perry &Owen and Bonslett AStoffel, Dry Goods, etc., and E. M. Oven <fc Sons. Agricultural Implemements, which can be found elsewhere in this paper. BY an act of the Illinois legislature just passed, the ambitious youth will have to take the family Bible with h!m when be visits the tobacconist and prove frem the register that he is 16 years of age, or otherwise he most provide himself with the written per mit of his "governor" for the purchase of the seductive cigar or the cheap ^nd nasty cigarette, P*E post master at Peru received last week a collection draft for ten dollars drawn on a party living In Peru by the auditor of the treasurer for the ipost office department, with peremptory orders to collect within fifteen daja. The perfoa on whom the draft was drawn had mailed newspaper with writing enclosed, and the saving of two oents postage cost village, Will be held on the grounds, near the Clover Dryer, on Monday, July 4th, 1887. There will bi speaking, music. both vocal and instrumental, and other exercises^ Full particulars and pro^ramtqe next week. A pleas ant and interesting time ' pected, IF some of the people who think that others get all the local and per* sonal mention, would remember how easy it is for them to "tell us of their Items when they meet us, and how un certain it is that we will hear or them by chance, they might be a little more considerate. Either let the editor know about any item of interest you have, or else do not grumble and blame him if your item is not found out and published in spite of ^your dumbness. We are glad to get the personal Items and other Items of general Interest, and weuld thank all who assist us in gathering them. JOHN P. SMITH, the Jeweler, is mak- ng quite extensive Improvements on his store and residence and when com- pleted he will have one of the hand somest place® ou the ctreet. He has newly painted his buildings on the outside, put a new oornish all around and decorated with scroll work in a very handsome manner. On the top of the circle front ot his store he has placed old father time, with a watch in bis band, the wholn surmounted by a beautiful weather vane. Smith has done the largest share of this work himself, and shows good taste and (« fhi! HAVE you already ooaaulted Prof, L. Galitzki now at the Riverside House ? He will be here nuw every day until July 2nd, because he had such a rush of patients. Many times people are un able to consult him because he had to leave to take the train. If you wish to have glasses to suit you, call on him in time. UU hours are from MA. M. to 3 p. M. Consultations free. No agents employed. As will he seen by reference to the Time Table of the Northwestern Railway, to be found at the head of our local page, quite a change has beer, made In the running time of trains which pass this station, of which travelers will do well to notice. A new train has also been put on the road, which passes this station, going North, at 10:10 A M. and going South at 5:36 P. M. THERE will be a Temperance Meet ing at the M. E. Churoh. in this village on Thursday evening, June 23d. at which time the following, programme will he carried out: 1 Male Quartette. 2 Prayer. 8 Double Quartette. 4 Address, ltev. W ill Barak. . fi Solo. 6 Closing Song. , * All are cordially Invited, -tie members of the Good Templars Lodge are requested to meet at Parker House Hall at quarter before 8, sharp. PROF. GAUTZKI, the eminent Opti cian. wno has been here several days of last and this week, has had such a phenominal success, that he conclu ded to extend his visit, in oonsequenoe of which he will be here EVERY DAY from Thursday June 23d until Satur day July 2nd, Hours from 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. Remember he is her# every day, and If yon have not yet consulted htm, do not wait until it Is to late, but see him In time so that you have & chance to try your spectacles a few days. His office Is at the Riverside House. He does no business outside of office. No agents employed. THE man who sits down in the cor ner of an old lot and waits for aa old cow to back up to be milked will go without milk all his days. The mao who prays "give us our dally bread." and tfits down to the table waiting for the Lord to put bread on his plate, will starye to death. And the people who close the doors, and is it were, expect prosperity to force an entrance Intojtheir houses, will croak hard times until the devil claims his due. You must work for bread If you wish to eat And you must open your doors and invite prosperity in If you expect she will ever come near you. If she doesn't come on invitation, go after her like an Australian savage goes for a wife- armed with a club, sneak up behind her, knock her down and draw her heme. After yon have oaon got prosperity, it is comparatively easy to keep her. but it's sometimes neces sary to employ harsh means to get her. AN exchange gives the following timely ^remedy for exterminating CanaJa thistles: "The easiest and surest way to destroy Canada thistles Is to give an absolute summer fallow, by which no green thing is allowed to appear above the surface. Shallow plowing once in two. weeks during ^pne season's growth will do this. If there be rocks, stumps, etc« all these places must be hoed thoroughly at each plowing. If the remaining weak roots should send up tops the next season, a thorough cultivation In corn will Kill out those remaining. The prevention of any green plant making leaves for one whole season will totally eradicate them." Mos? Rev' Archbishop Feehan, of Chicago, was at the Catholic church in this yillage, on Wednesday June 15th. and admlnAtered the sacrament of Confirmation to one hundred and Terty persons. After a simple but touching address to the children he performed the beautiful ceremony of blessing the bell. His Grace was assisted throughout by Vicar General Conway who accompanied him from Chicago, Rev. Fathers Leydon, of Aurora, McGavick, of Chicago. Clancy of Woodstock, Gallagher, of Hartland, Mehrlng. of Johnburgh, and our be le*ed pastor. Father O'Neill* The church was tastefully decorated and a large congregation was assembled there to meet the Archbishop and to witness the ceremonies. %' bargains at Evanson's previous to the National Don't forget te inspect Holiday. They have such goods as tent LODGE DIRECTORY. MASOKIC.--A. F. and|A. M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and M Wednesday even. In -s of each month- MoDiKir WoooxBK or rAMKRTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall erery Sd and 4th Monday even ings of each month. Neighbors cordially In vited. Soxs or TKMPRRAWCH,--Meet at Union^QaU on Tuesday evening of eaon week. THE Ladios Willing Workers Socle ty, connected with tHt TThlversalist Church, will meet at the resldenoe of Mrs. E. Lamphere, on Thurs* day afternoon, June 23, at 1:30 sharp General attendance is earnestly re quested. Mas. JOHK I. STORY, President, Miss GBACB OWBN, Secretary. Driving Park, MeHenry, 111. Monday, July 4th, '87, there will be three good trotting raoes aad one foot race at the MeHenry Driving Park as fellows': Purse f60.--Free for all. 930 to fitst $20 to second, and |10 to third. Purse |40,--Three minute class. t20 to first, tl3 to second, and 97 to third. Purse #20.--For three-year-old colts. Half miie heats. #10 to first, 46 to second and tour to third. Foot Race.--Half mile. Pursa, 96. |3 to first and 92 to second. National rules to govern all raoes. 5 to euter and 3 to start. Best three tn five to harness, mile beats. En trance fee 10 per cent of purse. Admission. 25 oents. Children over ten year* 15 cents. Teams allowed on the grounds free of cbargo, Refresh ments on the grounds. PER ORDER COM, GEO. SMITH, Treasurer. To the Dancing Public. I have been asked how It Is aboot our Orchestra for the Fourth, as my self and Mr. Parker have both advof* tised Slocum's Orchestra. I will say to the public this: That Slocum's Orches tra, with Geo. Wiggins. Leader and G.S.Welsh. Prompter, will pestlvly be at tbe Riverside House, "and don't you forget it.* 7 w. H. roan. EDITOR PLATNDEALEBSchool doc* es this week. Dr. Mansfield has severs 1 patients. Another new plow of sidewalk beau tifies Main Street. G. B. Stone's family have the measles. Piano muslc.at the church Saturday evening. Mr«. Mansfield has been sick for sev eral day*. Mrs. Qrenko spent Kst week at her old hom" in Elkhom. Tbe gale of Saturday night blew down a number of trees In this section. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tyler returned last week from a visit to friends In Mich- Igan. The streets are being graded la fine shape in town and just out In the suburbs. Read the aanouaoement on tbe large Mils of the grand programme we are to have the fourth and you will surely be present. The graduating exercises of the public school will be held at. the M. E. Church on Saturday evening of this week. Miss Delia Stearns will recite Thf Battle of Gettysburg al the oelebra- tlon. She Is a fine elocutionist. The Hebron Lightweights and the Linn club played a game of ball on Saturday laet for a bat and bail. The Hebron boys were victorious, the score being 2 to 1. The Lightweights are all under twenty-one years of age and some ef them excellent players. They are as fine a nine as oan be found la this vicinity. NOTICE. Excursion tickets for the 4tli of Jnly will be sold to any station on C. A N. W. Ry. at one and one third fares for the round trip. Sell Saturday July 2nd and Monday July 4th good to re turn until July 5th inclusive. B. BUSS, Aft. j|hoap Excursion Tickets To San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California pointe will be sold at stations on the Chicago & North-West ern Railway at frequent Intervals dur ing the summer. For rates, dates and Information apply to anv ticket agent of the Chicago & North-Western Railway, or address E. P. WILSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Chicago. WANTED at the Riverside House, one dozen good fat Turkeys. To be de livered about July 1st. For which the market price in cash will be paid. w. H. roao. JULY FOURTH At 'the Riverside House. Arrangements have been oompleted for tbe \nnual party at tbe Riverside House in this village, on tbe evening of July 4 th. SLOCUM'S ORCHESTRA, 6. S. Welsh, Prompter Has been engaged and will be In at tendance. Put down tbe Riverside on your programme for tbe Fourth, W. H. FORD, Proprietor. niftrn § fer..lQj&|,. "Mr 1§r- ̂ \ Kance! Danoe! JULY -4th, 1887. At Helmer's Hall, MeHenry, Monday evening, July 4th, 1887. Music, tfudgett's Band, Henry Wells Cornet. Tickets, includlug Supper, 91. All are cordially Invited te attend. .'M JOHN HBIMEB, Proprieter, 4th of July Patty. Yoursfclf aad Lady are cordially In vited to attend a Fourth of July Party at Adams' Hall, Johnsburgh, III., Mon day. July 4.1887, afternoon and even ing. Music, A Chicago Band. Tickets including ^Supper, 91. Everybody come out and have a good social time. 1 PETER ADAMS, Prop. 4tf! Vl July Party. Yoursjlfand lady are cordially In vited to attend a Fourth of July perty at Thalen's hail, Johnsburgh, ill., Mon day, July 4th, 1887, afternoon and evening. Music, J. Smith's Orchestra, of Rlngwood. Tickets, including sup per, 91. Everybody oome out and have good social time. IL NEUMANN, prop. INDEPENDENCE PARTY At the Parker House, MONDAY, JULY 4TH, 1887, To whioh all are cordially invited. The mu"lc will be furnished by N. E. SLOCUM in person, and his select or- ohestra. No pains will he spared to make this party equal, if aot surpass any ever gotten up at this popular dancing resort. Look out for the tickets In a few days. W. PARKER, Proprietor. Ifypuwant to buy a Mower cheap, oall at Bishop's warehouse' ' SPECIAL. 5 V The Crown Mower. We Invite at tention te our changeable speed mower, affording TWO SPEEDS for the knife. R. BISHOP. Bishop sells Hhe Red White and Blue Mower with new rocking cutting bar. Tbe latest improvement out. Be sure and examlns carefully. Rakes, all kinds at Bishop's. dump Rake. Sold by R. EUw< tod's Veteran self the best on the market. Bishop. In Mowers, I have McCermlck Steel lfp, 1 and S. Crown. Red White anil BIW, and N. C. Thompson. i R. BISHOP. ' • Look at the Thompson Mower, that I will sell for 9». R. BISHOP. 60 Jerseys at a trifle over half of regular prices at Evanson's. Slippers cheap at Ladies fine Bvanson's. 5 good Cigars for 10c at Evaosoafs. Ladies and Misses black silk gloves only 16c at John Evanson A Co's. Silk Gloves worth 50c for lfio at John Evausen A Co's. Silk Gloves worth John Evanson A Smjt. Silk Gloves wortn John Evanson A Co's. 60® for 31J it WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAIWDEALEB:--On Tuesday even ing Pr*f. Hursch entertained the Literary Circle at the parlors of Mrs. Ira Slocum, his subject being cyclones. On Wednesday evening Charles Schryver died very snddenly. In the early evening he was on our streets in usual congenial spirit*. At nine o'clock he was cheerfully chatting with his family enjoying the evening breeze on his front porch. At ten o'clock he com plained of an unusual pain for which his shoulders and hack were bathed with lini ment. At eleven a physician was sent for but ere his arrival our neighbor and friend had pasted away. On Friday at 1:30 F. X. at the late residence of deceased, shaded by the arbor his industry had made inviting during the sultry hours of summer days, a large as semblage of his neighbors and life-time friends, listened to an impressive discourse by the Rev. Plum, pastor of the M. E. Churoh, and prayer by Bev. K. K. Todd. A long pro cession followed his remains to their resting place at Crystal Lake. Neighbor Schryver has been Identitied ae alderman, superln- tendant of streets, or in some other capacity almost continuously from the infancy of Woodstock till his decease. Uls business was carpenter and joiner. He was a competent workman, a generous neighbor, an honest, en terprising, intelligent, upright oitixen and a kind husband and father. He will be misssd by his family more than words can tell. Al though not in offioe at his decease, his coun sels will be missed from the council chamber. Although not a communicant, the church has lost a friend. And so it is, "In the midst of life we are in death." One by one the old settlers pass away, and their placos are filled by successive generations, and by this sue. cession time becomes Eternity. On Thursday afternoon a goodly number of our citizens, together with the parents of pu pils composed an assembly on the shady lawn of Todd's Seminary, and witnessed tbe clos ing exercises. , A large platform beneath an impromptu artior with tho stars and stripes waving hi the breeze f»m corner, in front, abeve and around, had been prepared for the use of the "dramatis personae," in front of which were comfortable seats for the audi ence. The Woodstock band discoursed sweet music while the audience were arriv ing and being seated. The exercises con sisted of declamations, songs, instrumental music, and a military review under command of (Oapt.) Mrs. R. K. Todd and (Lieut.) Prof. Newman. The exercises proved to the audi ence that thorough culture had been the busi. nessofthe hour daring the term, and that Dr. and Mri. Todd, assisted by Prof. Newman area host in themselres in preparing boys for manhood. The exercises were patriotic to sublimity, aad methinks if Pres. Cieye> land had been present he would have ex. claimed, "Druni, for God's sake let those Kebel flags stay in the attlo untl 1 we can get a Democratic congress. The foot is neither the soldiers who captured them nor the loyal people of the North will stand such an order. Indeed I thought the people had forgotten their loyalty to the Union, and were ready to surrender the principles tor which tbe war ot the Rebellion was (ought and all the tro phies won oy tbe patriotic Union soldier. For (irod's sake let the old rags stay in the attic till after electionI" Music on the piano by Mrs. Todd, Mrs. Fred Santord and Miss Lawson and by tbe Woodstock band added much to the entertainment. "The Star Spangled Banner," and '-A Thousand Years My Own Columbia," were sung by Miss Law- son, and called forth cheers of admiration from the audience. The Rev. Hutchinson, a one-armed seldler, related some thrilling in cidents of which he was an eye-witness and body target at the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Todd added some impressive valedictory remarks, pronounced the benediction, and hand-shak ing, congratulations, ice cream and lemonade, prepared by Kirk Bros., engaged the crowd, Grand, splendid, patrlotio. well done teach ers, well done, pupils, was the unanimous verdict of an impartial, intelligent jury, Woodstock may well be proud that Todd's Seminary is a fixture of Woodstock, and oo. worker in youth culture with ear publio school, two institutions, which, in tkeir re spective fields are equalled by few and ex celled by none. That two such institution can thrive and grow in our midst; teat our many beautiful churches aie filled each Sab- bath day by Intelligent and appreciative lis teners to sermons not incomparable with those of Beecher, Talmage, Thomas or Swing; that our literary circle is well patronized and productive of social, moral and religious cul. lure; that all these and much else productive of great good to mankind, flourish and grow in our midat, gives the lie to assertions ol chronic kickers in our own midst and In ea. paoity ef newspaper correspondents refleot. lng upon .the good name of oar beautiful little city. On Frldav evening were the graduating exerciiesor our public school. The speech of such as witnessed the same is laudatory. On Saturday evening we experienced a wind storm amounting almost to a hurricane but no rain. Sunday is drv and hot Those June show ers of which' we spjke in our isct, have ceased to foil. The mead >ws going back, and the pastures becoming dusty wastes. Tbe lowing kine be* for green fields wherein to graze. Monday brings a welcome shower, hut still the parched earth pleads for more. =1 . LADIES. Aro you gottlng Roady fW tho Fourth ? Whether you are or not you should not fall to oall at tbe Millinery Store of Mrs. H. H. Nichols and examine the great bargains being there offered In goods In her Hue. consisting of the latest styles In Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons Plumes, and Ladies Furnishing Goods generally. As she Is anxious to clost her stock before going te California, you can buy tho best ef goods almost at your own price. Tbe goods are all new and stylish, and wo Invite all te call and examine them and learn prices. To any person wishing to buy my entire stock and rent store I will offer a rare bargain. From now until the time la which 1 close out Dress Making will be attend ed to with promptness and satisfaction guaranteed. Mns. H. H. NICHOLS. D^N'T FORGET. The Centre draft mower at E. M. Owen A Son's. The "Eureka," which all the largest and best farmers will back, such men as A. H. Hanly & Sons Geo. Abbott A Sons, W.S. CovellA Son. A. O. Whiting, John W. Smith & Sons and others, all of which give it the best of praise. As grass cut with a Eureka will cure better, hay Is worth more pe^ ton cut with a Eureka than a si ie cut# as your machine never touches the grass after It Is cut. Will cure and dry in one half the time than gfttjU cut with a side cut mower. TROTTING SULKY. for tale at t *. \ AW'pound track sulky E. M. Owes A Son's. MOWERS AT E. M. OWBN A SON'S 8tandad. Manoy, Improved Craw ford, Eureka, Minneapolis, (Like the Crown) Knowlton. Piano, (Like the Warrior,) and others. Call at E. M. Owen A Son and look over their carriages and combined wagons of the celebrated Cortland, Lacrosse. Wallace, Beany, Enterprise, and a number of other makes. All warranted for three years'aud at tot- WIVES MOTHERS DAUGHTERS! BE YOUR OWN PHYSICIAN! A lady who for years suffered from dis tressing female complaints, weakness, etc.. so common to her sex, and bad despaired of a cure, finally found rem edies which completely curei ber. Any suflerer can .use them and thus cure herself, without tbe aid of a physician. Two receipts, treatise and full direc- tions FREE, Sealed. Address MRS. W. C. HOLMES, 658 Broadway, N. Y. (Name this paper.) NOTICE. All persons are hereby forbidden to trust any one. man, woman, or child, on my account, as I will pay no bills unless persons lly ordered by myself. All will therefore tako due notloe. STEPHEN P. 8MtfH; Dated Jo lid iOth, 1887. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the F« BOSSLETt & STI V- Rock ford flour only 91.05. Best uncolored Japan tea only 60, oents. \ Splendid whole rioe only 5 cents. Good raisins only 6 oents. Good fine cut or plug, only SB' oents per pound. x Climax er Spearhead, only 40 cents per pound. Good Scotch Cheviot all wool good suit, only 98.50. Best oil 17 cents; 5 gal. 15 osnts. Good oil 13 cents; 5 gal, n cents. 30 gallon jars only 92.75. ' Mason A Lightning fruit jars, 15c. Hose for 5 cents--no humbug, St. Joseph Hosiery, best made. C. H. Fargo's sboas all warranted. Badger State Overalls^ Clothing! Clothing! Faney flannel shirts. Neckties, collars and cu8s«; Handkerchiefs and Fans. AT BQNSLErr A STOFFEL'3. MIDDLINGS! MI DD LINUS I ONLY $15.00 PER TOtf. || BONSLETT A STOFFEL'3. Mrs, M. Schumaehor. Wishes to Inform the Ladies of Me Henry and surrounding country that she has now a large and well selected stock of the meet stylish Summer Millinery ever brought to this town, to which she Invites their careful in spection. Hats. Bonnets, Plumes. Ribbons, etc., in endless variety and at prloes to suit. We do not pretend to sell at cost, or below, but will give you the best goods at the lowest living prloes. Call and see us. Store on the West side, near tbe Depot. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Handkerchiefs, sill styles and prloes at Althoft Bros. New style Carriages at bottom figures at E. M, Owen A Son's. All the latest styles in Straw Hats at Althoft Bros, Our 92 Kid Shoe gives the best kind of satisfaction. Every pair warranted at Perry A Owen's. LaCross, Cortland, Stavor and six other makes of oarrlages at B. M. Owen A Son's. Henry. ox River Valley Mills, Mc- R. BISHOP. We have an extra good bargain In Ladies Lisle Thread Hose prloe Me at John Evanson dt Otft, T PARASOLS. The best assortment of Parasols at Perry A Owen's. The Peninsular, one of the beat Gasoline Stoves on the market, can be found at the Hardware Store of W. P. Steveas, West MaHeury. Call and see it. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market price, in oasli, will be paid for good Milling Wbeat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Me Henry. • R. BISHOP. The Badger State Indestructible Paotaloon Overalls only 80 cents for the best made at Perry A Owen's, Two seated Carriages at E, M, Owen & Sou's, very low. Bargains in Silk Mitts and Gloves this week at Perry A Owen's. Milk and Lumber Wagons at E. M. Owen ft Son's at lowest priois. Harness very low at E, M. Owen A Son's. Fine Carriage L.ap Robes at Perry A Owen's, If you are looking for a first olass Carpet cheap, go to John B. Blake's Furniture Store. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums of $500 and upwards, on good real estate security. Apply to MRS. L, C. GATES. Call and see our stock of Sheep Shears. W. P. Stevens, West side. The Church Swivel Hay Carrier, Track Hanging. Floor Hooks and Pulley. And the best Manilla Rope, all sizes, at W. P. Steven's, West Mo- Henry, Prices to meet anybody. The reliable Water town Buggies oan always be found at Bishop's Ware house MeHenry. Gasoline Steves, two throe and tour holes, at as low prloe.aa any other good, stove can be bought. At W. P. Stevon's West MeHenry. Great variety of plain and figured Lawns at Perry A Owen's. Fruit Cans, Fruit Cans at Perry A Owen's. . Fine Dress Goods, In black and colors, and a full line of Trimmings and Buttons to match at Perry Owen's. Stand Straight. Men's, women's, and children's braces. No more round shoulders. No more fiat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Tailor, MeHenry, 111. Carriages, Combined Wagons, Bug les and Wagons, both Milk and heavy "agons at E. M. Owen A Sons. CLOTHING. We will cive you a big bargain la Mens and Boys Suits before July 4th. Be sure and call at Perry A Owen's. LADIES SHOULD SEE. Dr. Suhelllngs world renowned Health preserving Corset at Perry & Owen's agents for MeHenry. Tbe onlf perfect health corset made. m Hi * " »-V vv •••i'ifl * V" i \ j V* ""J **> ~ ' i la Coming. But -cr*.-&* ,\> ; * , ,• - V - A ' V\ - - " i -4 WHEAT WANTED# . The Highest Market Price, In cash, will be paid for good milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Me Henry. R. BISHOP. Carpels by Sample John B. Blake has now the finest line of Carpet Samples to be found In tbe county, aud can furnish you a Carpet from tbe cheapest to the best grade made, at prices ten per cent be low any other dealer in this section. Call and see bis samples and learn prices. Dissolution Notice. The Co- Partnership heretofore ex isting under the firm name of Carpen ter A Nelson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All knowing themselves indebted to the late firm are requested to call and settle the same as soon as possible. The business of the late firm will he continued ;fir til* Old stand by E. Carpenter. • i K. CAPENTBB. Job* Swap*. MeHeary. 111., June 6th, 1867. «^ITw. WHITE GOODS. ̂ ; Fine Dotted Mulls, India Linens. Striped and Check white good*, at Perry A Owen's. ^ js rs . Are here with a Full slock of new and seasonable Goods in tbeif line, cor-*iating in part of CLOTHING, benrwrt Suits from $6.25 to $25.00* - t Dress Goods, Ami Dnmeatica. x *5 -tUh. srM-Jt+f. - J*" ~ ̂ K A full assortment ot good Dry Goods always in stock* at living prices. No lady can afford to purchase el where before she has inspected our greafc of Summer tfoods. WUtsfaMimd Bdrtfeg. 41-1 yd. ift skirt 45 to. from $2.65 to $7.25 per pattern, Lace Flouncing 55 e* White Robes $1.25 to $7.00 Buggy Kobes 1.25 " 5.00 Fancj <Jolf*d Robes SATINES, , <Vt,j BATISTE GOOP3, White Goods, HATS. HA •AM GUTS' FURNISHINGS, fVERALLS, ilttTf, Provisions,' Vj When in town tumble IK us for Bargains. . S.'llL.lt. AUL. -,.A * . * •'••til 2..'/.- Bcatttt 4 StriM. 4 *