* * . r_. '<m£i£Lii T ' ' . * %* . '< C/af fbUUu WKPMESDAY, JUNE 29, 1887. j. VJLSi 8LYKE, Editor. PAPER JW o*a ™ Jfc CO.'S Newspaper Advertising . ^ (M Spruce Street), where advertising SrCTKNEW YORK. HTP. D. Armoar'a Packing House, attti« Union Stock Yards, Chicago. wm burned en Suadar Jait, entailing a Urn of a ml'llon and a half of dollars. MTTbe democratic part? showed Us hand with only a 'Jack high,' and the old Vets 'came In* with •P^Hish' and raked in the '.rack pot.' MT'His Ponderosity stepped on a banana peel, as It were, and wben he came down with a dull thud II was heard from Maine to California. MVOnr Blunderbuss was evidently disgusted with his Robing trip to the Adrinndacks, and for a change is now playing crawflsh for the atonement of the 'beggars.' M^'Tbe President has backbone/ Oh. yes! Bat wkea be went to monkey* lag with the old ratsrtn trophies, and the boys got after hia, bis spinal column wilted, too qafek. I^-Now days we read about oeraers in wheat, corners In pork, corners In coffee^ etA, but the greatest corner of them all was wben his accideccy thought be had got a corner on the rebel flags, when the old rets cornered him so quick that it made his head swim. MP*The indignation which swept ||ig: Hke a cyclone all erer the country, ftt the announcement that the flags captured during the civil war, were to (',-v be returned, should be a {warning to V"p!•• these political tricksters who propose V to hold power by making leyalt j odi ous. Men, who gave up all for their |;v N country, will not soon forget the cost. ,»• 1 MTldtices from Chicago In the *boodle' cases state tbst William J. McGarlgle has squealed, and Mike Mo- Donald is alarmed. Tbe Commission- •re' case was called yesterday before Judge Jamison, the bill of particulars filed by the State, and the case set for trial to-day. In the McGarlgle-Mc- Donald case, Judge Shspard refused ball. Pj. . Wtll. very convenient to make Adjt. Gen. Drum the "Bcape-goat" to bear tbe responsibility of tbe "tender" of the rebel flags to tbe "authorities" of tbe Southern States, but no one will believe that he would undertake such an act until ^instructed by tbe Honorable Secretary of War,* and "approved" by tbe P&sident. The Adjutant-General is not accustomed to take such responsibilities. r Pfv iVTbte bricklayers and masons In Chicago are meeting with bard lines. Some time ago. without reasonable cause, they quit steady work and good wages, and after spending their litUe savings began drawing npon the fund of tbe association. Now the treasury is empty and tbe deluded men must either starve or work. The lesson, though oostly, may be valuable in the long run as some men never learn wis dom any other way. 19"The city of Marsbfield, Wis, was almost entirely wiped out of exist enoe by lire on Monday. Tbe flames started in a lumber yard and the entire city, with the exception of a solitary store, is now a smouldering ruins. There are 1,509 people beraeless and the scenes of anguisb aid despair on the part of those who have lost all their earthly possessions cannot be described. It is simply awful. People with the household goods which they managed to save are scattered aloag tbe roads, and hundreds are left with out shelter, except the friendly sky, and with nothing to oat. Tbe loss is estimated at from 91,000,000 to 93,0*0,- 000. ELGIN DAIRY MARKET. Reported Expressly for tbe Plaixdealkb by A- W. Hutchins, Secretary of tbe Elgin Board ot Trajle. KLQ», I1L, Jane 27,1887, Tbe attendance large. Offerings not as burse as a week ago 363 tubs sold on the eall. No sheese sold. Market strong at 18#. OFFICIAL. BetUf. Pound*. Price. Amamt. Bartholomew. 1M0 ytH f 22100 Burton . .. ... 1300 •« 322 OS M. Manger 3600 « 666 00 Lovell 1300 - 222 CO C Busche .. ......... 1300 •• 24090 Buchanan 4200 " 777 00 Geneva 1440 «• 286 40 Wayne 270u «• 499 50 A H Boehmer 900 «• 177 go Xeier A Boehraer 1440 •• 26640 H. Meier- 234S " 432 90 21580 $3992 30 Prir.Sales--Butter.. 416413 98889 08 PriT, Sales--Cheese. 3500 297 50 Tetal trans'ns 441*98 fits178 88 CROP PBO8FBCT8. With the exception of light showers in few localities there has been no change for tbe benefit ®f crepg. Throuehont the Valley tbe weather has been very changeable. Far- merx in many localities hare given up the idea of cutting tame hay and are either pas turing or plowing their meaUows and sowing teeorn ana fall grasses. OUTSIDB MARKETS. &, LouU.--Butter Market healthy, with Slain goods at 18 to 19. Cheese market htrh and frem Wisconsin F C BHi Illinois. 1H to 8: Y • aeored at 9; skims 2 to 5. PhUadelphui.-- tiwlldr market quiet; west- era creamery, 18; cheese market weak and unsettled, choice stock 8yt to Boelon.--Market quiet; western creamery butter 10 to 20 , F C cheese, 7 to 9 ; skims 2 te 4 Baltimore.-- Butter market steady with ex tras IS to 18; cheese, western Cheddars, 8* to •X ; skims 2 to 4. New York --Butter weak; Eastern 19 to 20- western, 18X to 19; cheese, N Y Cheddars Shi to ; western flats 7 H to 7$£; cheese market firm. ITew Orleans.--Market steady ; Elgin butter ; fancy brands 20; cheese, Very little ao- t*g;a»ia*iigbt^ HUT0HINS> 3w< K> B> T< THK REPUBLICAN PARTY. No 4. The presidential campaign occurred In the fall of 1864, and Abraham Lln- ooln was reelected President by a ma< jority of the popular vote, a Tote which endorsed the Republican party and the administration, as satisfactory to the citizens of the nation, and thus expressed its approval of the actions of the executive head of the govern- ment and his steadfast determination to suppress the rebellion. As a moral effect of this election, and of the vigorous policy of suppress ing ibe disunion armies, which were uow in full operation, tbe secession movement approached Its end. Abra-* ham Lincoln was inaugurated Presi dent on March 4th, 1SG5, and on April 9th. 1865, only six weeks later, the Southern Army under Gen. Lee, sur rendered to Gen. Grant at Appomat tox Court House, and tbe Rtbellion was at an end. The armed forces of secession and disunion were whipped and crushed. Of tbe satisfaction and joyous celebration thl9 event caused throughout the North and' in the hearts of all loyal citizens it Is not necessary to speak. It was a triumph of patriotism and freedom, and as such destined to fill a high niche in the world** history ot humanity. But Abraham Llneoln was not des tined to complete the noble work be had commenced. A few weeks later, when as the leader of the Republican party, the champion of Freedom and the conqueror of the forces of disunion ha stood.the grandest potentate of tbe World, his apotheosis occurred. A crazy fanatic of tbe disunion element assassinated him. He died on the morning of April 15, 1865. His life ended, but his work was enduring, and it still lives, and will live while his tory endures. Andrew Johnson, by virtue of his office as vice president succeeded to tbe Presidency. During his official term, tbe work of Reconstruction was inaugurated aud made much progress and although he failed to satisfy his party, and much dissention was oc casioned by his actions which resulted In his impeachment, still the prepon derance of Republicans In tbe halls of Congress, rendered bis unfortunate course of little permanent detriment to tbe Nation and much good was accom plished. The Thirteenth Amendment, abol ishing slavery was submitted to the action of the states, and declared rati fied and a part of the Constitution on December 18tb, 1865. Then the Four teenth Amendment granting certain civil rights to freedmen and others, was ratified and declared adopted in July, 1868. The presidential campaign which resulted in the election of General Grant as the standard Nearer of the Republican party occurred in the fall of this year and he was inaugurated as President on the 4th of March, 1869. During his administra tlon the Fif. tee nth Amendment, granting tbe right to vote, without regard to race or color, or previous condition of serv itude. was adopted and declared to be a part of tbe Constitution on March 30th, 1870. This concluded the legis lative measures of a Constitutional character. Judged necessary for Reoou* struction purposes, and completed the work commenced by President Lincoln. Daring Gen. Grant's term tbe last of tbo seceded States accepted these various amendments to the Constitu tion. the last vestiges of tbe State Sovereignty doctrine being thus wiped out and tbe Union, as a nation, resumed its place ass whole, a united and indivisible government. In tbe next presidential campaign the Republicans renominated Gen. Grant. The citizens of the United States, recognizing the triumph of Republicanism and Freedom, and tbo raot that all necessary legislative ifis had been enacted to perpetuate fin Union, reelected Gen. Grant as Presi dent with the largest percentage of the popular vote which any Republi can candidate bad ever received. The reaction from the effects of the war had now been fully equalized, and the country bad entered upon an era of unexampled prosperity. Railroads were built everywhere, tbe Union Pacific having been opened in 1870. and ttie country was being settled and developed in every direction. Mines of the precious metals were being opened throughout the western terri tories and regions, manufactories were springing up, and all tbe accompani ments of financial prosperity gave evi dence of tbe universal tendency. A de velopment which has continued with tew Interruptions until to-day, and which has laid tbo toundation of the wealthiest country on t^he globe. The next presidential campaign re sulted in another Republican victory, and Rutherford B. Hayes was inaugu rated President March 4th, 1877. He however, received a smaller propor tion of the popular vote, than was polled at the election four years be fore. His administration was just and conservative, and he was the first President to take a strong position on the subject of civil service reform, A 0 Wt • JET lw('.7;,, Machinery At the W arehouse of IV* sell the Celebrated Piano and Minneapolis ^ BINDERS, Knowlton, Standard, Manny, Crawford, Phy**** lilttifiettpolis, and Eureka ;- All warrauted to give satisfac tion, and oqr prices are the low--; est. 'We also keep the celebrated ; COBTLAHD BUGGHS. They have g-ot a world-wide reputation and beat them all. The Cortland Spir&l Spring Cart is the easiest riding cart made. Absolutely free from horse mo* tion. We also have a large line of MILK Platform WAGONS, AND of ! lakes, Hay Carriers, FORKS, PULLEYS, Rope, Etc.. Etc. And guarantee prices as low as the lowest. We sell only first class ma chines and none but we can thoroughly warrant. Always look through out stock before buying. YOIR8 VERY TRULY ft. M. OWEN & SON. Fire-Works, all kinds, for tbe Fourth at Besley's Store. Weot Side. Taney flannel shirts. Neckties, collars and cuffs. :<J9andkerchie(s and Fans. AT BONSLKTT A 8TOFFEV&, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE ot John A. Want, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the estate of John A. Ward, deceased, late of the county of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appeal before the county court of Mc, Henry county, at t/io Court House in Wood stock, at the August term on the third Mon day in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notliled aud requested to attend tor the purpose of iiaving the same adjusted. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this loth day of June. A. D. 1887. LORETTA J. WARD, Administratrix. MIDDLINGS! MIDDLINGS ONLY •15.00 PEK TON. BONSLBTT A STOFFKL'S. U M B E R W A G O N S . We also have a very large line V* V'^ ~ * r JUL! IS COMING AND LOCKE'S HOKE BAK1BY Is now in complete running order, runninA x days every week and one-half of eacn night. Fresh goods every day in time for dinner. Bread, (wheat, rye or graham,)Bunns, Rolls, Fried Cakes, Pies, Cakes, and cookies, fresh every day. Everything home made. Weddings, Parties, And Picnics, ' Snpptied to order and oe Short Notice. --DEPOTS JOHN EVANSON 4c CO., West McHenry, Joseph Pekovsky, Centre Town. And at the Bakery, Near the Iron Bridge. Listen for the Bella of the Bakery Wagon. AT WAUCONDA, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. ICE CREAM Any Quantity desired. Locke's Home Bakery * Lnneh loom- D. NCEDHAM'8 SONS 116-11 ̂ Dearborn Street. CHICAGO Iri CUrer Bbssat, pKf Rheumatism, Dyspepcia, BlS MMueht.Co WhooDftn Coujrh, Sena far FOR SALE At H. V. Store, McHenrv. Shbpabd'a Hardware WEST SIDE NIGHT AND DAT, , ' • *- - r T_ i » <>wf, if.- *- ; . ' ' ' ' If need'be'we are ready and willing to litbof In ttta iutercst fttod f «r the benefit of our patrons. What business we do is conducted on basis of . v. " * 4' , ;V *.">*• ' -it » - «> # •' -t: no What we buy and sell is for The profits placed ui>oii each article is tbe smallest of all living IANH PROFITS OIVIjT, That bur Customers are required to pay. NO CREDIT PROFITS, •Necessary in out ea^ and you who pay cash M you go ate required to share the loses we may suffer by reason of "trusting out" our goods. We place at the BUYERS Dispdiit f reasonably complete stock of nearly all kinds ot* Mer chandise, in the shape of L. S. LUCOLH, Prep. Baying recently refitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, In first class atyle, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all houra of the day or evening. Hot Coffee or Tea on Ave minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OP Baker's Supplies, ALWAYS ON HANI). Choice Fruits, of All Ms, IN theih season. ICE OHBAMe Made every day, by the Quart or Also tbe Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit » share of public patronage. {r.,?ut,uJ£COLH- NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING,^ H A T S A N D C A P S . ~,y\ ' *Tr T* 'S To the Farms'3 of MzHsnry County and Vicinity : I aril now prep.u\»d to show :i new and clean assortment Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at v prices that I am confident will pav you to investigate before mak- ^ B I S H O P W A G O J N T If you want to own, the best, behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable* superior quality, unex celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine Myitis hop before you buy. - . M O W E R S f «ai Blue .ookatthe McCormlck Steel Mower, McC'ormicU No, 1 and No. 2; the Uedi Siid ; the N. U. Thompsoun, Grown; and don't forget that #15 buys a Thompson. - r a k e s i ' I have ihedld tAllablfi Ilolliiis?6wortli, that never fails to plenac. Ti¥fttr and Veteran, whloli ta site best self-dump s rake on the market, and lo examine is only lo become convinced. The MnOonlilek Steel Harvester still stands ,at the head in all Held contest^ feiil. riiStr fails to cut aud pick up dOWtt'atfa taofled frtiTn. Look aMfte l|e«#-o you buy. R. BISHOP. 11 <X*0 THE PUBLIC, **yy~w To which we invite the closest investigation and solicit a moder ate share ot the cash paying trade. Please remember that Is all you are required to pay. That We have strictly : oida. .mens* And every adicle marked in plainfigures, "Will you come J il Attetrtion to : • - Has recently put in a f»ll new st04>|tjj|fv-.: SHELF AND Heayy Hardware Which he will sell at such prlcos as. will make it an objoct for every person, when in Mcllenry, to call if in Avan t of any Ooods iu his line. A IITLI. LINE OF STOVES. For both Coal ami Wood, of the best makes, always on turnd. B B 1 N G A N D R E P A I I I J N G , Promptly attended to. A share of Public PAtmnage respectfully soiioftBtl. «^»toro opposite Kishop's Mill, ( HoIIenry,.June 80th, 1887, H. V. 8HEPARD i-?-' CHEAPER THAN EVER; W. West McHenry, VEEY BESPECTFULLY, ilCftW ^ If?mm rMf* JOHN B, BLAKE. Two Doors North of Perry & Owen* --DKALER IN Stoves, Tin, Copper and Sheet-Iron Ware -A FtfliL, STOCK OF THK OBLEBBA.TED-- A PENINSULAR GASOLINE STOVES, Come and see our Galvanised Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make our.elveo, that wil h01 Theb<Church Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hanging*, Floor Hooks and Pulleys, the best in the market. Call and see It. TTTTT.T. LUTE OF STOVES. For both coal and wood* of the best makes, always on hand. In my Tinner, and all West MfiHenry, May AHD REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A specialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage respectfully (solicited, W. XV 8TEYBKS, Mv stock of Furniture is com plete with a larger stock than ever, and will be sold as cheap as any other in the county, and it will be to the interests of the buying pub lic to call upon riie when, in want of anything in that line. In this department f keep a fiist class ass oilment of Caskets and Collins and shrouds of all kinds and qualities. A H.earse furnished at reasonable rates. „l. PEKOVSKY, estaurant. T\vb-Joors South of tlio Post Ofllce, nctrly opiioaite BTSimui's Mtil, Mclicnry. ICK CREAM, By the Quart or Dish Always en hand ami guaranteed to be the beat. Warm or Cold Heals, At all hours. Choice line of Confectionary, Canned Goods, Etc. . Call and see ua. J. PEKOVSKjf, - MeHenrj, June 15(ti« 1^7. H. FISH, Practical Painter n| Decoratur, HEBRON, ILL. ^ i S . Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALVIMINING, GRAINING, Ae Done on short notice and satisfaction gMNMv teed. CaM on.or address, * H. FISH? ITelinin, 111 , May 21<t, I Besley's Famous Waukegau Ale and Porter Ou draught at J. Bonglett'li A« ui JohD HDwer-i. 'sMl.