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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jul 1887, p. 1

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VOL. It . BUSINESS CARDS. : ^PKRMSUKD Eriesri.WKDXKaD^t i ~!T. VAN 8LYKI FP EDITOR;AND PTTOPTTLKTOR. >»T. Office In Bishop's Block*! ' ' -OWOOfT* FIU* * IhTBUt,# V-/'- „ • „ ._ - $*/. > TfeftMS OF1 8UBSOHIPTIOK. Jn« (in Atvance) $1.00 If Nat Paid within Three Month* 3. OS Suoacriptions received for three or six •oaths in ttia nm« proportion. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising in the PLAINWKALKR, and endeavor to state them ao plainly that they will be readily un- lerstood. Tliey are as follows: 1 Inch one year • - . . 5 00 9 Inches one year ,... - ., .. . 10 00 S Inches one year * «'i, f *" 15 00 < 0*lumn one year"* ** ;",'t ,, *' 3000 •tf Oolajnn one year. • - * • 60 00 Column one year t * . «• »"<£ « 10000 One inch means the measurement of one nch down the column, single column width. Y*arlv advertisers, at. the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they shoose. without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will toe entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of fi cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 sents per !ine the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe . line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and I cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.00 fer two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDRALBR will be liberal in giving Sd.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary fain. • PAUL BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8d La8al<e Street fV CHICAGO. FLL. M. F. BLLSWO te-- A TTOttNEY at Law, and Solicitor la'Chan A eery, Nunda, III. v ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor! .tn Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. pHTSICIAN AND 8U KG EON. Also United L States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, TlllnoU. MARY A BARBIAN. • HAIR WORKER. All kind* «f Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry. 111. DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS ft DAH LIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 35th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occur* on Friday, I will stay but one day. E. R. BENNETT, M. D., Lata House Surgeon Cook County Hospital v RICHMOND, ILLINOIS* , Special attention given to difficult Surgical* ease*. DEVT&CH GKSPROCHEX. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Benuett. United States far Claim ipti -or- BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Residence, McHenry, 111. WSJ. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - • Illinois. Prosecutes all claitsss and' kinds of claims against the United States tor ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communication promptlv answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLm, Office at Residence, Madison St.. Woods toe c, Illinois. |>HYSIC1AN I Ilia. Office A H. FEGERS, M, D- AND SURGEON, McHenry, at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. |>HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 1 III. Office at Residence, one door West •f M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. .. . 4-- Livery Stable. HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First « class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. f ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph W iedemann,r" ; NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Keep* open for the accommodation .of the Public a Firat-Claac Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will r*. all times keep the beat brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars jto be found in uie market. Also Agent For 4 v , FRANZ FALffS MILWAUKEE LAGER BEES. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. tv GOOD HTABL1NU FOB HORSXSt iPTCall and see us. r THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an<1 Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on band, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. WELL DEI PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing - ~ f Pumps, Cementing Wells, or : will put in * V, Wsiort notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line, dan furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired* If you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, give me a call. «9*Orders by mail promptly Attended tp. Post Office, Jonnsbiirgh, III. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, III., May 26th, ItfeS. McHenry, 111., Kay llth,: I A. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. fine Kentucky Liquors, : •French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, JxVii' Xilwu'ii) B)»t --AND-- J. Sckliti liliaikee Bottle Beer \ ' In any quantity from £nitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as cheap as tfce cheapest. »• • We,buy none but theTjes't anc •ell at Reasonable Prices Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY EN0EL$, McHenry, 111** 1886, C. G. ANDREWS. SPRING GBOTE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most B1AS0VABU RHUS, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address ^ C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111. spring Irove, Sept. ,8th. 18M, 11.114m E. UWLUS, Warrants a Fit or We make Suits to order of the oust Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. "Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and MCHENRY. ILLINOIS, yEDNffSDAY, JULY 13, 1887. AL.BERT K. BOURNK. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AN© COUN. SKLOR. WOODS'TOCK, Ii.f» , Bumnets attended to promptly, With care, skill and integrity. , Office at the Oonrt House. • . " r I , • " i ' • • • ' • - • • • • - • J. F. CASE*, • -' "<-A; ATTORNEY and Counselor at l»aw." Office over Zimpleman's store. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt at­ tention. Woodstock, III. JOHM KLKIFCEN. HOUSE Painter, Gralner, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. ResWwioe one Rlock West of Riverside House. Work aUen4«d to promptly and onrea son able terms. . A. M. CHURCH, Watohnaker and Jeweler NO. 55FIKTH AYE., (liriggs House), Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given to re- nairing Vine watches and Chronome ters. 49*A Pull Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Weeks. The POT-ICK GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR, Literal discount allowed to postmasters, agent* and ctube. Sample eopies mailed free Address all orders to SICHABS X. roz, FBA*ix.ra SQUARE, New York. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public to my Htable of Stock Horses, four In num­ ber: Two Morgans, one \ Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all Rood rep­ resentatives of their bre d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. Th«* public are cor. dUlly lnyi|ed to call and examine <Ux*.k, get prices, ete. Wo business done on Muadan N. 8. COI.BV. 10-7-tf. M'UKKKT, ILL. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It W|l! pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to nail at rev premises before purchasing. I can furnish sucli by the car load or single cow. 1PORTEB H. WOLFRUM, Chbmvno. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. •* I Mo Favors Win us and no Fear SHali Awe." Moldlers' Department, l THE NEW OMrrmtmrTBD BT WV. H. OOWLIN. County C. A. II. Direotory* •ranioirD KM* WO the Mooad PrfaUj ITMIII OB.s.r,snnnrrT. On. mrononion. MM Ink an* third Mentfay evenings mt CMS aMMth. WM. ATBBT. OMb imi KMT and Drartk Ik. Wi,lm fiasets the ••finings ef ONIC. h will bear ALama > It 8COCKS3- Superior to street. New rs snmring. • to»7, " work In In six months. •stand on« Bridgeport. mfrSSvrj nerea irotn • poisoning which taofe weight il A POWEUri That the most delicate A SPECIFIC FO RHKUMA NBRVOUS P* And all germ THE MOSTSOIKNTiril FIT L BLOOD PUBIP: quinine. Mr F. A. Miller,#» York, was cured by Kaaki larial prostration aft«r " He had run down from on Kaskine in June .US, month, regained his fall Quinine did him no good Mr.Gideon Thompson, of the nkost respected citi Conn., savs: >*I am nm«t, for the Taiit three years malaria antl the effects I recently began with up the malaria and in pounds." • Mrs. T. A. Solomons, Jersay Oiiy, writes: M, v*»rs, was cured of Mai fifteen months' illness, a l l h o 1 * 1 . Lcl'ers fmm the aliovn details wilt be sent on ap| Kaskine can lie taken i medical advice. 91 per botl or sent by mail on rmclpt of BASK INK COMPANY, 54 York City. THE CHIC mi Nditratci the PopulAtian Illinois, Iowa, , Vistwii, 1c lliday Street, Marry, eleven Caskine aft«r i had given up giving toll t any spacta! Sold hy St., N«w res IVT BRAN, per To|U$13.50 • •V- ? SHORTS, per Ten . M.00 SHELL CORN, per bu*. 43 cte. Ton. CARLOADS Quoted upon application W. A. CR18TY. At the Pickle Factory in West McHenry. -- i ill i ' i^i»i'>)iiil!i i^ ' " • " --BRKBDBR8 Of MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. r PoJl»d Aogu, And Jtmy Cattle. Hillside Farm, Mai'i, BAJS « KlaMt m&kr: Sunaw IT TBI LOWEST PRICES i hat good Qoods can be sold ll • • ji- ' O® ALSO Cldiii^ and Repairs Ctotte* Neatly and on short notice. JWL© 41. O^ll E. LAWLU8. Infest McHenry, IN* Our Morgan Stoek la all pure bred, and originated from the best Morgan stojk in the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head jf our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan iiorses in the country, and can show more and •etter sll purpose colts than any other horte i the West i« Invite the inspection of our stoek t» •orsemen and all lovors ot fine aniauUs. A few full blood Morgan Oolts an«l young lorsea for sale. Also one matched team, full 4ooda^ In (Httle we have the full blood short Horn vrtiu h we are crossing with the Bed Polled Angus and therefore instead of sawing ogtne floras we are breeding them off and With <ood ttioeess. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred ihort Horns and the cross above mention** tor sal*. J. *• faylor A Sons* Dakota, Tts train service Is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes fbr through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din­ ing and place uleepiae cars is without rival. tts road-bed is perfection, of stone halia*t> ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route fer the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new 'homes In th« golden Northwest. Detailed Information oheerfulty furnished by BERNA«D BUSS. Agent, MoHMffr III. MARVrtf HUQHITT. ami 6m. Manager. JL C. WICKER, Truffle Matwyr. I 'v; £ P. WJLWIft « « Omttral Panenger Aq*hL i . •• li.lM#--fa For Sale Cheep ABAUCBAIm; V ^ * • ' To Sscire a Gooi Bitsiiea Locatioi. I Offer ftraal* my store buildings* in the village of McHenry. They an «f brick, two etortMhtgh. and sultaM* for any kind oi basin oil, with goon residenc* rooaaa in second story. Also good barn end -nut­ houses. OnntnULy located, nearly *pp*slt* Bishop's Mill and next door to the post owam Also offsr for sale my Cigar and fttMsr business. Will sell building either wltb It without business to suit purchaser. J. PKtCOVMT. McHenry, til,. May 11. MM. OABTAa* KMT, m SBBb tonrta Hsutoy *V«n • ' L W. sunui, dm. aCASBMM PO«T, »A m. Mwto wyy .Swwi Hi rwntk Mm •VMlngs of «ach manth. A. J. BOTOMMK. Oeaa. and WIm« tolfa* Hsswmrr. "Dcmafegutgwhe are anzteni M <]«• ftat any an4 wtry MMMUI for M»f )u«tlw t* ihe Midlers, ate illi«c paMIe tir wllh din «boai the neiMl ty ef redeelaf una. wR«dwllea ef taxation*1 It • fascinating strain, and pleasss the ear. Is Is also aa easy phraa* to nMih« se tbal It Is wtlhla ths oapaolty of ihe slaatetest latellset •r lha most laslaeani hypeerlu. Bui It bas ltttla foros #r maaalaf witaa It i> applied te taxatioa ef wklelt ae ssaa coot plains, aad whleh loflists hardships OH no one. Whan the demagogue talks abool the * noossslty of reduelag Uxatlon," ho talks about soaaothlag that does net axlst, and bo pats out of sight a very taagablo aoossslty that doss exist. Tborols not tho slightest aoossslty for roduolag the tax oa whisky, but tbors Is a very doeidod noossslty for taking ovory disabled soldlor of tho Nation out of tho poor-hoase In whkrii be may bo langulsblag, aad for plaoisg him lo a homo of ills own. Tboro Is not tho sIlKbtsst- aoessMty for swelling tho galas of the wbotssale liquor dsalor or brewor, by abolishing thsir annual duos, but tbors Is savlag the National hoaor by rslioving the destitution of tho widows and orphans of those who foil la the struggle fer the National life. Tboro Is ae osrthly reason why II should bo made easier aad cheaper to start a salooa, but there Is every rea­ son why orphans of the eonatry's defenders shall not lack broad eloths. aad school books. Tbere Is no necessity whatever for taking oil the tax of 9S eeats oa eaob keg of beer browed--tho beer*drlnkers would not cot a particle of benefit from the reduction--but tboro is the strongest neoesslty that no ssaa who served his eoaatry well la her hear of need shall aow bo abaadoaed to waol snd wretobedness la the hour of bis need<eod her prosperity. There Is not the sllghtost aoosssity tor Baking diamonds aad jewelry^ Frooeh silks and Dutch laees, Mine wines and cognac brandy, Havana cigars and Turkish tobacco ob caper I# those who boy them, but there is« store necessity that ao man who bore tho burden of the battle shall be eess polled1 to take his broad from the cold hand ef charity. la short, the soheme ef I ho demagog Is to cheat the soldier that the rloh 4»aa may bo the richer- to take hardly earaed bread from the mouths of the widow and the orphan that the brewer aad distiller, tho rectifier aad the saloon-keeper may fattea and wantoa la wealth. He would- defread<et the baroetioomforts of life thoee to whom tbo Natlea owes everything, la order to pees per and fatten these to whom tbo'eeantry owes nothing. That Is what the false aad swtadtlng elmamr ef reducing taxation te defeat TO f: CHAnee£u>Ri^ Jib:; ' Having recently purchased a very One imported Clydesdale Stallion, ChanoeUor Jr . for our own use, will breed a limltM number of Mams outside. CbaneOtler 4ft ta 1 vears oUl this Spring; is a Cherry Bay wtth black points; MX band high and weighf abpnt 1700 ponnds; strong, clean llmba.Sne actloa, mild disposition. He was sired byOhaaoeltee (IS 10), he by Drew Prince of Wales. ((71). Dnat by Lofty. (460;; grand dam byDnkeorWett- ington, (IMS); great grand dam by Sir Wlinsist Wallace, (KM). He combines in hie breeding the best blood Scotland ever bad, and has proven his abliltp to get uniform Oolta, of great aise, fine form, strong and rugged. We also have CHAMPIDNV JR The Percheron Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for gen*- eral purposes, and caanet be beaten in the Northwest. Parties who Intend breedings the coining season, will find it to their advantage to calland see our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Marea from a, distance will be well seted for, at owners risk, at Moderate rate*. Call and see aa •SS tfUj'.. HANLY BROS. BII42 BBAHSI What a fanny name for a medietael Xavertheleee it is veer allied to the artiefe. Webster, to ffhotesyBtom; and is tiie teeult. 8MI' is a sore core lor awnplaink Price, 25 fer tautm Memorial Bay of 1887 has been marked by numerous sets of sectional fralereUy and good will, that will over distinguish It as tbs beginning of thetora of good feeling that has beoa all tOo long delayed. From all sec­ tions of the country reports have been received that tho blue and tbe gray united In doooratlng tho graves ef ihetr herees, aad that there to a grow. lag dUposition on tbe part of many In the South to accept tbe 30th ef May In fOtare as the common memorial day, on which they, tbo living shall pay to the dsad the simplest, the tends rest and tho most beautiful of all tributes. it Washington the Grand Army was escorted to Arlington by crack com* panles of troops from Mobile. Vloke- borgh, Memphis, and other points In the South, many If net all of whose ofitoers ser/ed in the Confederate ar miss during the war. As the yean Increase, the numbers ot tbe living are. rapidly lessening, and It cannot he far heaoo when all shall have passed ever tn the silent msjority. Of tho nearly two saillloa soldiers who furled Ihetr banners twenty-two years ago, fully one-half have gone, aad ere auotheg deoade, the great majority will have lolned their b rot hem who died en the £etd«of battlsj end have tela down wltta tbsm In tbe quiet blvecae ef tho Thee will eur ebtldrea and - ear ^bildNii's chlldfoa, perpetnsrte that shall keep-fONrver greea^uoten will he preseatetf fftnrasllvsr the memory ef the hereea whe fie- ssrved Bepublio, M Ntrvel FensSen Clatna, Mark Kewmaa, who died 1a August, 1884, was allowed a peasioa at a time whoa U weald do him the least good, to-wlt, la the following October, when he was duly Informed that tbere was •3.438 allowed him. He left ae Widow or children, aad so John Parsons, at whose home Newmaa had lived from his discharge from the army la 1864 until his death, filed a claim agatast the allewaaoe of #4.401 for expeases If oaring for Newmaa during the 30 yean bo entered from hts wound aad fer properly burying him. This was iled under the prevision of the law which permits aa allowance to be made from the peasloa money for the "expenses Incident to the last sickness aad hartal," aad several effioers of the Treasury decided that Parsons was en­ titled to all the money due the pea sloast at his death, te be applied la satisfaction of his claim. The Seooad Comptroller has deolded, however, theft this caaaet be done. Be says that the phrase "last slckaess* has slwaye beeollmltel to thai which Is the Immediate eanso of death, aad oan aever bo applied te a leaf period of disability, as la this ease, from which no fatal results were to be ^Immediate* ly appreheaded. The Comptroller al' lowedCthe elalmaat for expenses ef hoard, nursing and ears of the peasloa* er,fS3t; for bill of physldaa. #83, aid fer fiineral expenses, #B7--In all, #468. When are fist ate eoppwtt At a certain battle of the late war a Federal Chaplain happened te get Into the vleialty ef a battery ef artil­ lery whioh was hotly eagaged, The Coafederete shells were plewlag farrows about the guns, and the eaa- noneers were grimly aad actively et work te aaswer shot for shot. The Chaplaia addressed himself to a8er~ getat^ who was very sfflsleat bat at the same time rather prefaee, In the following Words: My; friend. If you go en In this way can you expect tbe support of Divine Providence 7" Aiat expeetlag it,' said the Ser­ geant. *The 9th. N. J. has been ordered to support this battery.'-- SbufAern Bivouac. Department mt IlUaate O. A. B. MPost No. 848, Beoeher city, has been reo^ianlaed with fourteen eherter memhem. Pest No. 636, at Qleobura, was mot­ to red by M. J. Barger, 8. M. O.. June 21, with a charter membership of nlaeteea. Poet: No. 633, located at Altemoat, Kffln«ham County, was mustered June 13 by Benson Wood. B.M.O., with thirty*elght charter mombert. Ladles' Aid Society No. 3, auxlllery to Black Ksgle oemp, No. 61,8. of V., Qrsnd:Cresslag, gave a lawn soclel last eveaieg. Many oomrados aed broth­ ers with wives aad sweethearts at­ tended# John A. Logan Post, No. 646. oole- hratedtIndependence Day at Evaaston le an appropriate msoaer. Comrade B. A. Calkins, of 3eorge H. Themes Pest delivered the enrtlep." ATUMI. "The department of Indiana has 606 pasts. There are now twenty-seven organ* I sod dtvlsioas ef Sens of Veterans. Them art 130,060 ex-Union soldlen residing In tbe State of Kansas. The Tweaty*fOttrth .Iowa Iafaatry will hold a reualoa at Cedar Rapids Oct. 19. Qeafral and Mrs. J. C, Fremoat will attend the reunloa at Weln N. H. la Aagast. Tbe Third Iowa Iafaatry wlU held Its third biennial reaalM at West Unload Iowa, Aug. 31. A Qermaa post Is to be orgealaed al Mlanoepolls, Mlaa. Three huadred names are already oa tbo list. Headquarters of the dopartmeat el ladlana durlag the Natloaal Bacamp- ment^ will be at "Lucas Maoo,' St Louis.1 The hotels at it. Leals eear It Is claimed, aosemmodste abeot 16,000 people-; the bearding houses will oare for 46,006. Lincoln Post No. 1. Topeka, Kan., la a series of resolutions, recommend the removing of the National Baeamp- ment fromSt. Louis. The Old Country Memorial, a paper published at Plymouth, Mass., desires Memorial Day ehaaged from May 3# to the last Sunday la May. Tbs Twelth New Hampshire Velon- toon held Its tweaty-secend annual reneloe at Bristol, N, H. Jaao 36, ahoat 160 members helng la attead- NO. S3. mm of New Hampshire emmted the fallow- lag law: "Any person net aiiuilttber of tbe Grand Army or the Bepntbllc, who shall wear the hottea or ha|ge Of said Oread Army ef the Bspnhlle^ shall be toed aot exseedlag #301, PeasloB Commissioner Blaek his do. olded to exorcise the eotherlty veeted in him by lew, aad rsstrlel the legal fee la oases of attorneys for Mexican peasloa claimants to #10, The law allows a fee of #36 if tbe Pension Commissioner apprbvee tho eeatmst. A sodal degree ls te be lastltated by George H, Chapman Post, Iadtaa- spoils, lad. te which the membenof the oomrados families will be eligible; also the widows of honorably dle- oharged soldlen aad sallon. no object Is soclel enjeymeat and greater acquaintance amoag the oomrados aad their lmmedlete families.n • •' Oa Thunday. Augost 4. the sar- vlvors of the Third Beglmeot Arkaa* sss(Uaton) Cevalry will hold arena* loa at Morrllton, Conway eenaty. Ark. Beunleal of Indiana roglmenU take plocteaa follows i Tweetleth Iedlaaa* 80|«k l, et BaUle Ground; TweoSy- sefootb and elsty-soventh Indlaaa, at Seymour, Aug. 346-«; Thirty-ninth Indiana, Sept. at Tiptoe. A reunion of Wllder's Brigade will be held at Greea Castle, led. 8ept. 7 ladtk It Is expected that General J#ha T. Wilder, wife aad sea, will at- Each member attending the re- msdal aed brigade badge. Meg 6. 1887, the General Aaeesahtf Oiweiheiena sat A copperhead Is neeswDy a black­ guard, or a eepperhead doesn't knew the dlffsreneo between cepperhoadlsm aad blackguardism, aad when It oamss to a question ef eommea fairaem te the Graad Army of the Bepobito or te aay other soldier orgaalaatloB, or to soy crippled veteraa, he fills te the level ef a blackguard without kaowli| it. It Is tf meet beyond belief that to this day aad age a maa whe poeoe ae aa American clttxen, should oa every occasion speak with bltteraem and vladletlveness ef the soldlen ef dm eld Union army aad tbe oense they fought for, but a aamher of those al­ leged Amerieaa cltlsons are new en­ gaged In editing Democratic newsp*- pen. They probably wore dealed some privileges during the war oa ao> oeuat of their dlsloyslty, bat new they are gottleg la their work end taking full revenge oa the ex-eoldiers. They aever let en opportunity for meklng e depreciating or remark about either the ofBeen soldiers of the eld Ualea rhey take advantage ef every epper* tualty la which the eflleen aad est dlen ef the old Coafederete army oan be mentioned to the dlsadvaatage of tbe Ueloa soldlen. As a matter of feet they deal In Inuende end item and Insults where the ex-Ceofiderates speak out frankly words of kladaese, praise and finest appreciation. Com- pared with the men whe fought In the Confederate army these eaeaks whe air their moathlngs through the feeer- ; boa sheets ere very lew far the Mile oT American cltlsensbip. This oonUmml saeerlng at the soldlen of the old Uoloa- armies Is not a matter ef busi­ ness, because U does not ssoot with tbe approval of evea the aiost extrease of the ex-Coofoderetee. It may give pleasure to some of the old-ttme cop­ perheads, hut there are not seongh of these to meke up a paying eonetltuea- cy; therefore It most he emnmed tfcet the snarling aad saeerlag Is bora of the personal spite of men whose sia» llgnanS natures were stirred by the uprising In 1861, and wbeoe malevo- leace is tbe outgrowth of the kilter dlseppeletmente thai anise to all meat of dlsloyel impulses la the tlsse el war. . The trath Is that the majority ef the survlvon of the Union armlee are good, fair, avenge men. Meet ef them have been as sueoesstnl In base­ ness snd have made as good repata- tloas fbr fair dsallag as their oppon­ ents, They may be a little outspoken oa the question of disloyalty, tone- clous In the matter of respset to the eld fisg end National authority, bat ool evea tbo ex-CoafOderates have ever accused thsm of (*oonduct unbe­ coming e soldier ssd a gentleman.** These old soldlen of the Union army may hesitate to accept the dietnm ef a demeeratle President, bat that diee not lavalldete their claim to feed service la the hour of the eattiito need a or to the name of goatlsmsa aow. There are however, Demeeratle edlten who cannot speak of aa ex- Uelea eeldler but te heap Insult oa hie name er deal In Inuende. It would Is Interesting to have each one of thoee fellows explain why he holds seek bit- ^ tor bate toward the Ualea soldlen ^ end the memories that are te, tbilt ̂ • * * \ % very precious.--Jfcfer>Oeean. Whoa Gee. B. F. Bailor was a Mee*» her of Ceagress, he ead Mr, Waadall were irequeatly pitted agalast cash other, ?>ut they as e rule, preserved good temper aad oordial poneaal fiel- lag for oae eeother. At one polat of the famous deadlock ever the elvll rsgnts bill, wbsn Beedall was maneg . lag the Democratic side as asoal. Bai­ ler, whe fevered holding a seaelea oa Buaday, weet over to BeedalPQ do ' arraage for It. Bsadell eeaU agree to tbo peepositloa. "Bad a am, I have some neiwet fer OodPi < said ho, Mand I doa»t think It to hold a sossloa ef Congrem oa day.* -Oh, pshaw!** replied Botler; tbe Bibiosay It le lawful te poll yeir ox or ase out of a pit ua the Sebbeth deyf Yea hove eevoavr-tteee esase oa your side of thle Peass that I togetoutof ihledltoh to-menrow, eed 1 tblek I am eagsisd la , 'i ,a)0* **DeaPtda It Butler." dell. "I have 'iat I »eate day te swot world.'* leeyen Sorted Bailor,es faM« lower" ?:'48 plsadsd J met fir t. % • • «

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