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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1887, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty arifl Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 13. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1887. jje}[eBrf Jlahiedw, rifUHID KTMT WBDNBSDAY *Y "rJT •• VAN 8LYKE,- tDITORlASD PROPRIETOR. i Office in Bishop's Block,! --•OWOSITB PBSRT FT OVEK'I • . L MBRMS or SUBSCRIPTION. 3p*} Tsar (In Advance) 91.50 If Not Paid willun Three Months 4.00 Subscriptions received for three or six jgonths in the urns proportion. Rates of Advertising. ffe announce liberal rates for advertising I the PLAINDKACRK, and emleavor to state |em so plainly that they will be readily un- irstood. Tlioy are a« follow#; " : . , Inch one vear I Inches one year I one year • | Column one year • Column one year- Column one year 800 *00 IS 00 SO 00 00 00 100 00 ? j©ne inch means the of One |ich down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have fle privilege of changing as often as they Moose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having (tending cards) will be entitled to Insertion •f local notices at the rate of ft cents per line Mch week. All others will be charged 10 aents per Mne the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and • ceRts per line for subsequent issues. Thus, ft* inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one #eek, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three ^fecks, and so on. The PLATNDEALBR will be liberal in giving (jd.torial notices, but, as a business rule, it •rill require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary (kin. -•fc-i BUSINESS CARDS. ^ H. 'T. BROWN, Si. D. rHTSlCIAN AND SURG RON. OlSce at Residence, McHenry, 111. • .i < O. H. FKGER9, M. D- rliysIOiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. :m • " - O. J. HOWARD, M. D. tHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, III. Office at Residence, one door West M. E. Church. . IB- • i " 1 BARB I AN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Or­ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, t§ Ketter Block, third door west of Riverside Bouse. Livery Stable. Mr n E. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. First fj . class rigs, with or without driver* rarnishetl at reasonable rates. Teaming of all kinds done on short notice. KOBT SCHIE88L1 Having purchased the old stand iMpf Joseph Wiedemann, < JjgEAR THE DEPOT, yl J lloHENBY, ILLINOIS, jHeepe open for the accommodation of the Public a Flrst-Olass Saloon and Restaurant, Whore lie will *»- all times keep the best brands of, Liauors ahd Cigars (to be found in the market. Also Agent For FRAIVZ FALK^ (ILVAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in T>arge or Small Kegs or Bottles al> trays on hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty oonstdered. C. Orders by mail promptly attended to. (HOOD STABL1NU FOR HORSES. piro»ll and Me us. Robert 8ohiessle. ^ lleSenry, I1L, May 15th, 1885. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRV, ILLINOIS. %rj If? ;-A W. §r fine Kentucky Liquors, , French Bitters, HcHenry Lager Beer, WtSU MUwauk* Bwr, --AND-- 1 MM Milwankee Bottle Beer In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOELSALE OB RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as eheap as the cheapest . v We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use yen well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III.* 188®. BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL Bnowx, AfTORNBT AT l,*w. SB LaSal'e Street fx CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH,| ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitorpi4Chan eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and toiicitoii ;in Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. ALBERT E. BOURNE. ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR AXD COUN. SELOR. WOODSTOCK, ILU Business attended to promritly, with oar*. •kill and integrity. Office at the Court House. J, F. CASEY, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Ollee over Zimpleman's "tore. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt at» lent ion. Woodstock, 111, S. F. BENSETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SU KG EON. Also United I States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. MART G. BARB I AN. HAIR WORKER. All km<!a of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices, Rooms at residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS & DAHLIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th ami 2<?th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. . • •• » - . . ii E. R. BENNETT, M. D.» " Late nouse Surgeon Oook County Hospital RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention driven to difficult SurglcaP eases. DEVT&CH OE8PROCHBN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. Unites States ffar Claim Apncy -OF- WMi S. CQWLIH, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecutes all claassa and kinds of claims against the United States for ex Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims - All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIKT, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodatocc, Illinois. AT THE OLD STAND* JACOB BONSLETT 3ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or cokl meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. JOHN KLKIFCEN. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calcimlner and Paper Hanger. Residence one Bloek Wast of Riverside House. Work attended la promptly and on reasonable terms. A. IN. CHURCH, Watchmaker and .Jeweler NO. 118 SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special Attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. OTA Full Assortment of Goods in his line PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTtNti, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs in the line of Digging Wells. Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or Will put in .New Fumpa On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In ahort will do all work in this line, Oan furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as > any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. S^Orders by mail promptly attended to. Post office, Johnfcburgh, 111. L, BANTE8. Johnsburgh, 111., May 26th, 1885. 0. G. ANDREWS. GENERAL SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BIASOHABLI KRM8, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call on or Address C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111. ipring 3rove, Sept.£8th, 1885. ll-ll-Ma £. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or _ Men's, Boys and Mi MB* Summer Sat* «t Perry A .Owen't, f We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or Domes­ tic. AT THE LOWEST PRICES that good Goods dan be sold a HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes ' ' Neatly and on short notice. Me a Call E. LAWLUS. McHenry, SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurely wrapped, to any address In the United ̂ jates for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmaster*, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed fro* Address all orders to *•$. BICHAUD X. FOX, FMANKLIK SQUABS, New York. ATTENTION! Farmers and DairymsS., II will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to eall at a?y premises before purchasing. I eaa furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CHSMOn. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. t TUB MSs QUININE.) Sires Good A POWERI That the most deli A SPECIFIC RHEUI NERVOUS And all gen|i dlseasses, THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESS FUL BLOOD PVfvlKR. Superior to qninine. -S Mr F. A. Miller, eiSpest 87th street, New York, was cured by HSikine ol extreme ma. atfUljieven years suffering, poun<i» to 97, began New StreiEtli, pi Nerves Jappy Days licet Sleep. IL TONIC i stomach wilt bear m MALARIA 1TI8M, rOSTRATION Soldiers' Department, OOVTRIBDTED BT WM. R. COWLIN. TO HORSEMEHl CHANCELLOR, Having recently purchased a very line imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr.. for our own n»e, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with black points; 16hand high and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, fine action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew Prince of Wale's. (673). Dam by Lofty. (W0j; grand dam by Duke of Well­ ington, (1543); great grand dam by Sir William Wallace, (894). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and hat proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong and rugged. We also hav« * - CHAMPION, JR. The Perohcron Morgan Horse, Bl hM proven himself a line stock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannet be betten in the Northwest. Parties who Intend breeding, the coining season, will find it to their advantage to eall and see ear stock and got our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a Vllstanife #m ba ##|f earad far, at owners rtak, at Moderate ratea Call and see ua l pi He had run down on Kasktne in June month, regained his Quinine did him ao Mr. Gideon Them of the moat raspec Conn., says: "lam for the last three y malaria and the effeo1 I recently liegan will up the malaria and 11 pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, Jersey City, writes: years, was cured of ft" (went to work in one reight in six months. | whatever. the oldest and one (tlr,ens of Bridgeport, lety years of age, and » have suffered from Ofqulnine poisoning [Kaskine which broke reascd my weight 22 ' 159 llalliday Street, Jiv son Harry, eleven Krta by Kasklne after fteen months' Illness, When we had given up all hope. Letters from the slMf* persons, giving fall details wilt be sent on application. Kaskinecanbe takraTwlthout any special medical advice. 91 perttoltlo. Sold by or sent by mail on »unt||rt of price. KASKINE OOMPAKY$ft4 Warns St., New York City. TjT «#tt HANLY WEST SIDE L 0. LDTCOLir, Prop. Having recently refitted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Veals, At all hours of the day or evening. Hot Coffee or Tea on Ave minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF Baker's Supplies, ALWAY8 ON HAN0. Choice Fruits, of ill IMs, IN THEIR SEASON. ICS CREAM. Made every day, by the Quart er Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. WMt UeHcnrr, H«r SUt, IMT. BBBSDBR8 Of MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. Bid Pollsd Angtu, And Jersey Cattle. Sillsida Farm, West McHenry* Ills Our Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and sriginated from the best Morgan stojk in the United States. > Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head tf our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan itorses in the country, and can show more and 'tetter all purpose colts than any other horse t the Wetit. We Invite the inspection of our stock by torsemen and all lovors ot fine animals. A tew* full blood Morgan Colts and youna torses for sale. Also one matched team, full •looda. In Oattle we have the fall blood Short Dora tvliu'-h we are crossing with the Red Polled &ngus and therefore instead of sawing off the aorns we are breeding them |off and with {oodaaeeess, A few Heifers and Bulla, both pure bred ihort Horna aad the oross above mentioned Cor sale. _ _ J. R. Saylor A Sea* wtrt Measur. OVIMOi WL THI CHICAGO *»D IIORT WESTERN • : RAILWAY. Penetrates the Centre* ef Population In Iova, lush, Miclup, Mota, " NeWajSfyoiiiBtt. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din­ ing and place sleeping cars is without rival. Us road bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern Is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information oheerfully furnished by BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III. MARVITT BUQH1TT. Vioe-Prt*. and (Jen. Manager. '/ H, C. WICKttm ; Trajjlc Manager. ^ « P.WJLSON. Htheral Pauenger Agent. D. NKEDHAM'S SONS 116-111 Dearborn StrosS, cwoAee Btssas, fcnsf Cares Mm, , DmeisMtek >nnl|MUon\Pllea, Conirh, and all Send for etr-paper. __ , FOR SALE at II. V. SBBPARD'8 Hardware Store, McHenry. For Sale Cheap A BASE CHANGS To to a M Bumess Locatioi - I offer f#r sale my store buildings, situated In the village of McHenry. They are of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind ot buslnof 8, with gooa residence rooms in second story. Also good barn and out­ houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. PKKOVSKY. McHenry, III,, May 11, 1886. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public to mj Stable of Stock Horses, four in num­ ber: Two Morgans, one X Percheren, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are cor­ dially invited to call and examine stock, get pirMttM, jMtasness done on Sunday, N. 8. COLBY. H'HBHBT, ILL 10-7-0. BEANS U«E BUIOMaeas; Slek Headache In Four hear*. I® One doaa relieve* NamraMa. They cur* and prawnt aiMa Fever, fo«r Stomach y Bad 9rMUL Clear the Skin, Tone t£a NcrvM, and km Ut* > Vtaer to the •ysteei. Doeo i ONJE BKAK. Try thra MM and yes will never H* withoat them. Aelda* AAAMAA nnitasl!! " -- fWl * 9HBfi( IPMUfWHi IS '• J-.jf. - 4' s . i f . • J.F.SBnTH AOOw, taadSotoPiMtM *T. _v... JvL County C. A- R. Directory. mroitMoiro FOST WO MS. Meets the seeond Fridaj evenlne < aaofc aieath. 8 Da. 8. F, BairiraTT, Com. woooaTook POST, M KNI Meets drat aad third Monday evenings of eacfc month. Wu. ATBRT, Cess. ytnn»x TPOBT, . Meets the second and fourth Wednesdav evenings of each month. 7 WH. BVTLBB, Com. •AKTABO TOST, WO US. Meetathe secona ana rourtn Mondav-aven each month. I- W. SKAriRink, Com. F MABBWOOPOST,Nam, Meata every Second and Fourth Frldav evealnga of eaoh month. A. J. BOTIKOTOH, Com. Ths way the ioldler>httiii( papers talk tfcay mast bell«T« that the only geod soldier Is a dead on*. It Is the men outside of the Q. •. R,, and who cannot get Into it, who hare the most to say how it should ho run. Those Inside are very well satisfied with having It run as it is. 8*ldi*rs' aad Sailors' Reunion. GALENA, III,, July 2Q.--Sjiecial Tele­ gram.--'The Old Soldiers and 8ftilora' Association of Jo Davlew County will bold their next anuual reunion at War* ren on Thursday. Sept. 1. General Sheridan says that the Idea th^t he had recommended the return of the rebel flags is preposterous, He said: "The troops that I commanded captured more than 300 of these flags. These flags represent 400,000 men who ?aied for their country, and are memen |ocs of their heroism and their death." Colored Veterans' Reunion. BOITON, Mass., Aug. I.--There was held here to-day, a reunion of colored veterans of the late war. they num­ bered about 300. After a aeesioa in Tremont Temple they paraded through the city, were reviewed by Governor Ames and Uayor O'Brien, and tn the evening held a banquet. Report of certificates istiued during Hhe week eliding July 23, 1887; orlgl* Hal, 691; increase, 1,471; reissue, 38; restoration, 86; duplicate, 0; accrued, 67; arrears, 0; Act of March 8, 1883, 1; Order of April 8,1834,6; Act ef Maich % 1886,0; Order Oet. 7,1885,«; Act of Aug. 4,1886,3; Supplemental Act Aug. 4,1886,11; Mexican war, 95; total 2,606. ueissue, same date, 7. Wisconsin Veterans' Home. WAUPACA, Wis., July 28. -- Special Telegram,--The committee appointed by the G. A. R. of Wiscousin to select a site for the new home to be known as the Wisconsin Veterans* Home, se­ lected the one oflered by this oity. The property Reelected is at the chain of lakes tbreeamlle9 west of Waupaca, and is known as Greenwood Park, POSSOMIOO will be given Sept. 1 next. Comrade Halsey, an old soldier of Lowell, when In Xew Orleans at the olose of the war. getting into trouble with a local tough, struok his own oom- rade, named Darnley, a killing blow on the head with a piece of cord wood. The blow was of course Intended for the other man, but Halsey was haunt­ ed Jiut the same by the thought of his aot for twenty years. The other day the two old comrades met. The rec­ onciliation was something only old soldiers know. Major Geo. 8. Merrill, chairman ol the National Grand Army Pension Committee, with the Pension Commit- toe and Commander-iu-Chief Falr- ohlld, have drafted a pension bill wbloh contains the features of the ve. toed Dependent Pension bill as well as some new ones. The new bill ,has been drawn with the utmost oare, and will oontaln none of the crudities and imperfections urged ag&lost the De­ pendent Bill of Representative Matson. This bill will he presented to Congress as soon as^It assemble* at the next session. Pension Case Deeided. WASHINGTON, July 29.--Special Tel­ egram.--Secretary Lamar to-day de­ cided the Hedgespeth pension case, which has been lying upon his desk for nearly a year, by refusing Hedge- speth his pension. The case is one whose history has been given to the country several times as one of the most complicate:] and puzzling that has yet come before the department. It Is decided purely upon a technical­ ity in tbo law, which provides that no person shall recieve a pension who has given aid aud comfort, to the enemy. The decision will be severely criticised The committee having Ig^ji preparations for the «i St. Louis have thus far the 8100.000 subscribed, th# $47,096.60. But seven sen ting $67.60 have refoatd their subscriptions. The flmiiiitli committees are rapidly pet their arrangements for decorati<M|^| tertainment, etc. At the Fourth sf July esMtMk held at Terre Haute, one ||| clpal features was to have kw»fc< R. display and parade. Tbo socialist. Robert Schilling, of kee, was selected by the citizens M l as one rather of the Sparks breadth of I principal orator. The old construction of law In view of the fact found it out, and la a sorloe of iwf Wt' in® . 4US7 . 313S4 . 1(17388 . 1*779 . 33066 The official record of deaths Union soldiers while in the service as follows: *>trai»- General officers... Died In action Died of wouacis Died of disease ....... Died of other kaewn onuses Died of other unknown cansss ... COLOBBD. From all causes BsaciuJis. From all causes.... 4S69 Total 877248 The above does net Inclule those who died in prison or soon after their release. The War Department esti­ mates these at 36,401--probably 60,000 woeld be nearer correct. Adding this to the figures given would make a to­ tal of 317,248 deaths from April, 1861, to May, 1866. There are (to-day about 1,000,000 of the soldiers who returned in 1S65 yet living. A million and a quarter of the men who wore the blue during the War of the Rebellion sleep their lt>8t sleep where the bugle call wakes not to duty. Yearly 10,000 step from the ranks to answer to roll call beyond the river. Twenty years heace a corporal's guard may answer to roll call. Thirty years from now nearly all will be answering to roll call with U^r old tew. Thomaa aad ̂ ogaa. that Hedgespeth's good faith toward the government was never questioned Hedgespeth was an Indiana volunteer, who was captured by the rebels ia one of the battles of the war and sent to the Andersonvlllo Prison. Among others he was oflered his liberty if he would join the Confederate army Having lain in prison for months, and having nothing but death staring him in the face he oonsented with the pur­ pose In view of deserting to the Union lines at the first opportunity. He served a month before that opportu nlty arrived, and having joined his regiment, served until relieved for disability. He asked, a pension on ao- count of disability contracted in the army, and Commissioner of Pensions Black re{ected his claim enuthe ground that having served in the Confederate army he had made himself an enemy of the United States and under the law was not entitled to a pension. An appeal was taken to the Seoretary of the Interior, the case going to the Board of Pension Appeals. That board, .bellevlug that the case was based entirely upon |a technicality la the law la the administration of whiob the Secretary had certain disoretion, reversed Black's decision. Assistant Secretary Hawkins, a country lawyer with a love for a quibble refused to sign the decision written out by the board and the case went to the Secre­ tary himself. He pondered over it for nearly a year aad to-day signed the case which was written up by Mr. Hall, private secretary to Mr. Hawkins, who is himself in Missouri. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Dspartmsnt of Illinois, O. A, R. 7 e gorty-Firet Illinois Voluatftti; infantry will. It is expected, "be atst. Louis Sept. 27, 28r and 29--200 strong, aud will be in camp with the Illinois department. Circular order No. 2 his been Issued by the Camp Commander requesting post commanders to make immediate application for tents. The time for receiving application Is limited to August 1, The following posts, in addition to those reported last week, will attead the National encampment: No. 6, Chicago, 60 men; No. 7, Chicago, 60 men; No. 30, Springfield, 30 men; No. 40, Chioago 40 men; No. 70, Gibson City, 16 men; No. 88, Effingham, 100 men; No. 96, Qulncy, 160 men; No. 100, Casey, 76 men; No. 102, Salem, 260 men; No. 119, Marshall, 26 men; No. 127, Rosevllle, 6 men; No. 138, Shelby- ville, 60 men; No. 141, Decatur, 200 men; No. 143, Kewaunee,20 men; No. 160, Birds,30 men; No. 166, Delevau. 20 men; No. 180, Greenup, 12 men; No 181. Sparta, 3G men; No. 196. Wheeler. 40 men;No.200, Athens, 26 men; No. 201, Da Witt, 20 men; No. 203, Win­ chester. 60 men; No. 206, Mt. Pulaski, 30 men; No. 206. Elsah. 36 men; No. 208, llllopolls, 26 men; No. 211, Farmer City; 16 men; No, 244, Fairfield, 200 men; No. 259, Coultervllle, 40 men; No. 273, Vandalia, 100 men; No. 286, Vlrdin, 26 men; No. 289, Mt. Sterling, 22 men; No. 410, Kane, 36 men; No. 661, Stlllman Valley. 6 men. Posts No. 141,146, 88, 196, 259. and 273 will be accompauled by brass bands. AT LARGE. The soldiers* home at Beanlngton, Vermont, will be dedicated next month. A German post has been organised at Minneapolis, ^innM and will be known as Shelter Post, No. 163. Char­ ter membership, 26. The fourth annual reunion and en­ campment of the G. A. R. Association of Southeastern Michigan will be held at Adrian, Aug. 30 and 31, and Sept. 1 ind2. The ex-Union colored soldiers at New Orleans have been refused admis­ sion to the G. A. R. by the Depart­ ment of the Gulf. They will appeal to the National Encampment. The eleventh annual enoampment of the New Hampshire Veterans* Associ­ ation will be held at Weirs, N. H., on the shores of Lake Winnepesaukee Aug. 23, 24,25 and 26. David Hunter 8trother, of West Virginia, by gallant services in the Union army won the title of General. He is better known as "Porte Crayon." He is 70 years old and enjbjs perfect health. Philip QMSW, of Corinth, Mlsa. who served In the secret Mrvice under Generals Roeeerans and Dodge. Is about 60 years of age. Is 6 feet 2 Inches tall, as straight as au Indian, and standing erect his beard reaches the ground. It hi ot eleven years' growth. resolutions kicked deatof UMptiMMfe.' The police and- fir* dopwMMMl •$$*• lowed their example. Tlw:|aM|||'»: was a fizzle. '• Mr-A master of legerdoalala vlait- ed an Indian oamp near fHHtjjljjtf'" Idaho, a few days ago. and small dog he asked how would sell it for. The they didnft want to sell. _ good dog" said the magtelan, rabMiqf ^ him down the bade, at eaek stroko tafc*.. ^ Ing a handful of moaay tt*m tfct of his tall, and also from Ut MMilfc, ^ ears and nose. The Indiana lodktd mtij In stolid silence, bat after tin •§• t§J gieian went away, they took the dog F down to the river bank and kll!ed ..aai4^ dlssecUd him. To their they found that the sleight «f man had milked htm of all the moaoy NO Dais FOR THRIIOincai. About two weeks ago a geatiemaa arrived with his family and teMNklla, to make his home hero,' rented a idle and began hooMkeej Among the articles exhumed fetal j packing boxes was a thonaoaMMi^ which the good housewife neath the sheltering roof of a perch on the west side of tbo boildlag. Three t!cafes each day she, as was her custom, carefully noted the mercury. Mueh to her surprise, the qatikallver seemed to remain stationary. Finally after four, days* time she called her husband's attention to the mattof. -There must be something the matter with that thermometer, my doar. It has been seventy degrees ever staee I bung it up four days ago. I thlak it must have been Injured In MM with the other things." The come to San Diego In tbo early fijNk of the boom and had ajlttle mora ex­ tended aequalntanoe with the local weather, "Oh, the thermometer Is all right," he replied. "This Is an equa­ ble climate you know. It will aot vary very much from the figures if JOR , leave it there till next Cbrlatoias.*1 --San Diego (Cat.) Union. A Bi* Urow« rtsM. An Incident happened the otter day that melted a crowd in a hurry. A tall quiet man stood looking intently at a show window on Broadway. Two other men paused and looked In to seo what the eurious object was. In a few minutes four messenger boys onrelao» tantly drew up and concentrated their gaze. In three minutes at least twenty men, woman, boys, and Gfctaaasaa were clustered around tbo tall, quiet man, and trying to discover the great curio that attracted his attention. Ho said nothing, never moved and intent­ ly kept his eyes fixed on the show window. Several policemen strolled by and asked the crowd to arrange Itself so that people could get by on the sidewalk. Every Moment tbo numbers increased and they soea stretched far up and down the street. The proprietor ef the store came out and went back aad asked for tbo elerka who arranged the window, in order to find what special attraction they had put In for the public gaze that morn­ ing. A little newsboy who edged hla way to the side of the toll, qniot maa. squinted his eyes at the window aad blurted out: "I doat see nutbln.** Bat the quiet man continued to gaze bo* fore blm unmoved. "Hey, mister what do yor saof* quired the boot blade, teaching the coat of the qnlet man. > J He turned and said : "'Nothing; I aaa ' blind; I am waiting for my boy The newsboy gave a keen wblstio and ran away. Tbo crowd separated, . eaeh ashamed to look the other la the -:ig' face.--New York Mail and Mxprem, - ' ' - . K% ' ' € • Tho Population of MeHonry • ; is about lOtO, and we would saff at least one-hall are troubled with soma ^ sfiection of the Throat aad Loags* ao those complaints are acoerdlag to St*- ' * t iisttcs, more numerous *haa otbero • ' i'l vV't would advise all not to asglsnt tbo j opportunity to call and golafottlo -I of hemp's Balsam for tho Throat aoft Lungs. Price 60c and 91001, Tftal free. Reapeottully, GKOW W, FOR SALS I ofler lor sale my boose aad lot pleasantly located Ut the village of McHenry. 11 appMod for an oaoa will be sold cheap. Houao almost aow, aad a very desirable place. Inoalre oa tbo premises of KBIKST WnOKU. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Prloe to will be paid for good mllUag Vksaft at the Pox River Valley nib, Henry. R BUBQT, My stock of Milllaerv Goods SUM* bo closed on or baforo Sept. 1st. Gall now aad seonro Mt Ms^H» Nlohota^

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