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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Aug 1887, p. 5

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i 1 ; WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1887. , •:*e Railroad Time Table. _Taking effect June 20th, trains will paw tcHenry Station daily, except Sundays, as »llows: • ; . O O I N O S O U T H . ;f Lake Geneva Passenger 7:S5 A. M I^ke Geneva Express 8:22 Lake Geneva Freijeht.. 2:00 p. H Lake Geneva Paaaenger ..8:26 1 Lake Geneva Passenger 5:36 ' _ • Lake Geneva Sunday Passenger .5:36 ' OOINO NOKTB. ^Lake Geneva Freight 9 "1J A- * 'f&ake Geneva Passenger »:52 $*ake Geneva Passenger *10:10 l*ke Seneva Express .4:86p.M £*ke Geneva Passenger-- 8:57 * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. BUBS, Agent. McHenry, 111 MASONIC. MCHKKRIT LODGE, NO. 158 A.fF, and A. M. gegiilar Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. A JOHN L. 8 TORT, W. M. & • ' == MODRBN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker Hons© Hall, every Second nd Last Tuesday evening of each month, eighbors cordially invited- r*.. CAN a man give a friend the cold ^ shoulder such weather as this? I"" ' LOOK out for the new advertisement . ^ Perry & Owen, aext week. which will appear THIS IS the season when It will be to beware of the green fruit, #htcti biteth'ltke a serpent and gripeth : like a grappling iron. TBI celebrated Queen's Reclining Chairis sold at H. V. Sliepard's hard ware. Hammocks are nowhere com­ pared with these for ease and comfort* 5 : THE coming McHenry County Fair trill prove successful ^If farmers and lv; ethers prepare exhibits, Let there be •a large number of entries. : ID. W. THOMAS will sell a car of new llllchCows, In the village of Algon- qpln, on Saturday next, the 13th, •§»«. Granger, Auctioneer. / FLT time, gnat time, mosquito time III;AjlM hard times make summer time abythlng but a paradise for the impe- cunous bald-headed wretch satircally called a "lord of creation." BREAD, Rolls, Cakes, etc., can be had Locke's Home Bakery, Fresh Baked 5* every morning. Remember this. No Ktale goods there as they bake every M'Wto' . . " I,' . "TEMPERANCE" says an esteemed dbtemporary, "puts coal on the fire." Away with the temperance for the next four months, then! What we want new is something that puts ice M it. • A* advertiser says: "Do you weari k pants?" We do. A foolish prejudice ' fti this part of the country prevents us ^ from going without them, although it v. would be much more comfortable, jr Mis kind of weather. TY^'JFAA SALE.--A good strong wagon, well adapted for a Milk Wagon. 1b covered aad can be used for one or two horses. Will be sold cheap if applied feratonoe. At Locke's Home Bak •rj, McHenry. : Wi would again remind the dancing 1 |Mhlic of the Harvest Party, to be given at Howe's Hall, Hebron, on Friday evening, the 19th. Good music and a grand goo&tlme may be ex- pccted. •' THE Red Jacket Liniment, made by Mrs. Harriet IlolmeB, can be found at Locke's Bakery McHenry. Is the best Liniment known for cuts, bruises, •grains, bunions, rheumatism, etc.-- ^^Gpod for man and beast. \ Mas, M. H. COLYER, Elgin, is camp­ ing at Pistaqua Bay, this week. C.B. CURTIS and family, of Elgin, are rusticating at Pistaqua Bay. D. L. JONES, of Mont Clare, III., was on our streets on Saturday. E. W. HOWE returned from his Wes­ tern trip on Saturday last. JOHN I. STORY has been quite sick the past week, but la now rround •gain. GEO. MCOMBER closed his vacatio and returned to his position Ih Chicago on Monday. CHAS. HUBBARD and wife, of Wood­ stock, were calling on friends here on Sunday. I. N. CAMP, of the firm of Story & Camp, Chicago, was the guest of O. W. Owen one day last week. Miss CARRIE WAITS, of Elgin, Is (•pending a short vacation this vi­ cinity. CHAS. H. DONNELLY, EsQ.,of Wood­ stock, was over on FritiX^ on profes­ sional business. Miss MAY MORRIS, of Crystal Lake, Is spending a few days With Miss Nina Morris. Miss EMMA GREGORY, of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with her parents. In this village. T. J. DACY, the "Boss" machine m of Woodstock, was on our streets Friday. ED. WMITSOH, of the firm of E Whltson & Bros., was shaking handi with friends here on Friday. Miss CORA TAYLOR and Miss Gertl< Gratton, of Hebron, are guests of Misi May Wightman for a few days. MRS. LIZZIE KACTENBKRGER and tw children, of Waukegan, were the^ guests of Jacob Sishop and family, last week. A. N. TRIPP and wife, of Belvidere are visiting in this village with the mother of Mrs. Tripp, Mrs. L. Stod­ dard. PHIL. MAYES, who has bain spend­ ing the p&st month in Omaba, Neb., returned to his home, in this village, last week. NICK BARSTON and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of John Kleifgen and family, in this village, Saturday and Sunday, E. E. TAYLOR, of the firm of Taylor ros., well diggers, is at present at work in this village. He is putting down wells for Isaac Wentworth, Chas. T. Eldredge. and Geo. Smith, r,on Saturday evening last, be­ tween the restaurant of L. D. Lincoln and the residence of Isaac Wentworth a breast pio. It was In the shape of a gold key, with red setting. The finder will confer a favor on the owner by leaving the same at this office. F.A. HEBARD has shewn us * rial furiosity, although we do not know ^exactly what to call it. He found it on the inside of a hen's egg, next to the yolk. It Is about eight inches long, and has the appearance of a small snake or worm without any skin. Now the question Is, what is It and hew came it inside that egg? We believe JUr. Hebard has preserved It in alcohol. THE boys picked up a Nine and went to Woodstock on Friday last and played a game of ball with the Club of that city, the result being a score of 23 to 22 in favor ot Woodstock, The boys here have not played a game be­ fore this season, and the wonder is that they played as well as they did We have the materiil here for a good club, but they need practice. The boys say they were well used It the hands of the Woodstock Nine, and hope to have several more friendly games with them before tie season closes. AN exchange says that somebody claims to have fouad a substance which is three hundred times as sweet as sugar. The subBtance is supposed to be eighteen years old, wears a bustle, bangs her hair, and tells her father to |fina oil the perch. 'FOUND, between the residence of Jehlel Compten and the village of Yolo, a Pocket Book containing a small amount of money. The owner can have the same by calling on Chas. T. Eldredge, proving property and Jpylng for this notice. THERE will be an Old Settlers Dance at the Riverside House, on the even- lag of September 1st. Slocum's Full Orchestra, will furnish the music. Slocum, Welsh, and Wiggins will all fee there. Tickets will be issued this week. THE Good Templarapf this village Will hold a public meeting in the Unl- versalist church, McHenry, on Thurs­ day (to-morrow) evening. Miss Emma Norton, of Marengo, District President of the W. C. T. U., will ad­ dress the meeting.* All are cordially Invited. THERE will be an Auction Sale of Thirty Tons of Tame Hay, one span Of Horses, a lot of shelled Corn, Oats, and Mill Feed, on the farm of John Gurry, two miles Southwest of Yolo, to morrow. Thursday, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. F. E. Granger Is the •wner and the Auctioneer. LET editors, preachers, doctors, lawyers and everytody, caution the people, whatever they do, to be care­ ful with fire. At this time of year, When all combustible material is so diry that it will ignite without any trouble, too much caution cannot be exercised. So be careful with thi6 destructive element. AN exchange says that the .Chief lEnglneer of the Chicago & North­ western Railway, to test the smooth­ ness of the track, placed a glass of water on the seat ot a Pullman Palace far the other day, and carried it right through from Chicago to Omaha with- •ut losing a drop. Thinking specific gravity might have something to do with it, the next trip he tried a glass of whisky, and when he examined the glass at the first station out he found It as dry as the Resort of Sahara at /' Miss JESSIE WIGHTMAN, our mistress, has been quite sick the past week, but is now on the improve. In the meantime the Post Oftice is under the charge of Miss Kate Hill. P. K. ALLEN, of Richmond, who^s one of Uncle Sam's Mail Agents be­ tween Chicago and Minneapolis, on the Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R.. was a pleasant our sanctum on Tues­ day. F. BRENNEN, who has been in the Mill of R. Bishop the past year, has accepted a position in a Mill at St, Charles, 111., and departed for that plape on Monday. Luke has won many Warm friends during his stay here. READ the new advertisement Smith, Son & Od« to be found in of an­ other column. THERE will be a dance at the Mc­ Henry House on Thursday, Aug, 25th, for the benefit of Mrs, Karges. E. B. Perkins'Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Refreshments of all kinds will be served. Tickets. 60 cents. A general invitation is extended to all. THE War Concert, at the Universal- ist Church, on Friday and Saturday evenings last, was not as well attended as it should have been, but all who did attend speak in the highest terms of praise of the entertainment. THO re­ ceipts of the two evenings was only about 935, but should have been twice that. We presume the extreme warm weather kept many away who other­ wise would have attended. BOOMS never strike a sleepy town. They nsver slip into a town like a thief in the night to despoil It. They n«ver drop out of the sky like rain, all ready to be utilized. A boom is noth­ ing more or less than a tremendous revival of business, which invariably succeeds the persistent effort of ener­ getic rustlers who get up early in tbe morning, who plan wisely and execute promptly and who utilize tbe resources and advantages of the town in which they live. AT this time of year, when ourotf] zens are making an effort to preserve the health and cleanliness of our vill­ age, it may not be generally known that common dust, taken from the street, is one of the best deodorizers to be found. Take a shovel full and sprinkle in your water closet, and other places around your dwellings, and note the result. It will not only remove the odor but will drive away flys from wet and bad smelling places, Try It. Board of Health: There will be a meeting of the Board of Health, at the PLAINDEALEB Office on Thursday, (to morrow) even­ ing, at 7 o'clock sharp, and all persons having complaints to make are re­ quested to present them on that even­ ing. If any such are not able to be present on that evening they can make their complaints in writing and band them to any member of tbe Beard and they will be promptly at­ tended to. BATISTE dressing sacqnes, €6 cents. A new line of dress goods and ready- made dresses,corsets, gloves, fine hand­ kerchiefs, Infants' dresses, etc., at the ladles' salesroom. MRS, H. S. GREGORY. The Rockford Cutlery Company's fine Scissors and Shears, at W. P. 4#«evena\ Woe* McHenry. Jos. LAWRENCE died suddenly, while at work on the brick yatd in this village on Tuesday morning. He had been in poor health for the past year or more, but nevertheless since the yard commenced operations in the spring he ba» put In every day, and sometimes a day and a half's time. On Tuesday morning he was lifting molds when he complained of feeling bad and asked tho men to stop the machine, when foe sat down and in twenty minutes breathed his last. The doctor, wc believe, pronounced It heart disease. He leaves a wife and Ltwo children to mourn his loss.\ who ffare tfle eympainy oi all In this, their hour of trouble, TN looking over our subscription list we find that about one" thousand sub­ scribers owe us for one, two or three years' subscription. If we were wealthy, we should be willing to allow this condition of affairs to continue, but, Inasmuch as we are poor and make no pretentions to great generos ity, we must respectfully and em­ phatically request, insist and demand that these ovordue subscriptions tbe paid, not in the dim future or in the uear future, BUT AT ONCE. Please un- demand us: we are not asking you to give us what does not beloug to ua; neither are we dunning you for the pleasure of It, but because we want the money. Tffis is no advertising do^ge. HAVING arrived at the threshing season, it is now aj^pportune time to summerize the pjtisiona of the law relative to traction engines; Persons in charge of any steam engine being propelled over the highways of the state, wholly or In part by steam, shall stop the engine within one hundred yards of any person or persons going opposite direction with a team or teams; also that the owner of such engine shall keep a trusty man from fifty to a hundred yards in advance of said engine to assist in controlling any stook that may be on said high­ way; also making it unlawful to blow the whistle of an engine on the high­ way. Also making it unlawful to drive * steam engine over any bridge or culvert on any highway without lay­ ing plauks not less than twelve feet long, one f«ot wide and two Inches thick, two of the planks to be kept continuously under the wheels of en­ gine while crossing said culvert or bridge. Also fixiiig a penalty of net less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for any violation of the bill and for the unlawful passing over any bridge or culvert the owner of the eugtne shall be- held responsible for all damagea to said bridge or culvert- Ex, Chicago, for the past two months, has not sustained Its reputation as a summer resort. With the thermom­ eter indicating 90 degrees In the shade for days together, it has lost what used to be one of the most cherished boasts of the oldest inhabitant, and he is forced to admit that hotter weather can not even be had in St. Louis. As a result of tbe ^ery blasts which have swept tbe city during June and July, there liasbeen an extraordinary afflux to the la^ regions of the northwest and to the breezy retreats' of tbe At­ lantic seaboard. Thousands of people who have been accustomed to paas tbe summer in Chicago have fled the city. So great has been ths demand for transportation that accommodations on lake steamers have to be secured three weeks in advance, and every out­ going train Is crowded to suffocation. The absence of so many of the wealth­ ier of the community has naturally affected the attendance at the theatres Two of the first companies in America --Daly's and tbe Madison Square--have played to very meager audiences at Hooley's and McVicker's, and at the other places of amusement with the exception of the Chicago Opera House, almost nothing has been done, At the latter house The Arabian Nights, which will enter upon its tenth week Sunday night, is still witnessed by au­ diences as large as those which gath­ ered at the initial performances of the piece. It is very evident from the experience of the present season, that ouly spectacular burlesque, and that on the most sumptuous scale, oan make money for theatrical management in Chicago during midsummer. The stay-at-home Chlcazoan when the mercury is striving to escape from tbe top of the thermometer, doesn't go to the theatre to think. > If In want of a Cook Stove call and see our Peninsular and London and Paris Ranges. W, P. Stevens. West did The committees appointed to make arrangements for tbe coming Old Set­ tlers' Meeting, are requested to meet at the PLAINDEALEB office, on Friday evening of this week, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of making the neces­ sary arrangements |o work In unison. The following «M the committees ftppolnted: , General Committee of Arrangements. F. K. Grai ger, W. H. Ford, John I. Story. On Vocal Music--T, B. Turner, T. J. Walsh, Mrs. E, J. Hanly, Mrs. Julia Bishop, On Band and Kfcttittal Music,--J. Van Slyke. ^ On Amtt96m*ntM,-*-Vt. H. Ford, J. Van Slyke. * On Licenses, John 1. Story. On Mnance.--John I. Story, W. H. Ford, F. K. Granger. It is hoped that every one of the above committees will be present to­ morrow evening. The time Is short and there is work to do, but If each one will do their ahare. it .need not come hard on any.. Remember and attekd the -meeting to-morrow even­ ing. THE Wilbur Lumber Company, suc­ cessors to Smith, Son & Co., have a new advertisement this week. Tbeyare replenishing the yard with as fine a stock of lumber of all kinds as can be found In the Northwest, and persons wanting lumber can rest assured that the prices will be as low as can be round In any ether yard and the qual­ ity the best. Read their advertise­ ment in another column^ Exhibition! Exhibition! The for nor and present pupils of tbe Rlngwood school will give one of their best entertainments at the Con­ gregational Churoh in Ringwood, on Saturday evening August 13. The en­ tertainment will consist of vocal and Instrumental muslo, dialogues, etc. The proceeds will be divided between the band and the Ladies' Church Aid Society. Admittance, 15 cents, chil­ dren, 10 oents. Exercises will com- ioeilti|^ea(S.o'clock. WM. NICKLE, Teacher. ' ' - RACES. There will be two good races on the Richmond Driving Park Track, Satur­ day August 13. Igfo Free for All, Paeers; purse |50. We are assured of the following Btarters: Arch Wray's Dom Pedro, Geo. Caskey's Pilot Clay and Byron Martin's Pacer, from Woodstock. A)$> a $50 Spedal Race, between the following hoites: E. E. Manor's. Wm. Besteder's, J. H. Vinton's. Holmes & Heck's and Geo. W. Eldredge's. i'he above are closely and evenly matched and will make good races.--Gazette. WOODSTOCK. EDITOR PLAINDKALEB:--What shall the end .be? With eight or ten months of fodderlftf before us, with crops about one-third the usual yield, some plan should be started and ma tured at onoe for the economic impor­ tation of hay and feed from more fa­ vored regions, It it reported that the prairies of Minnesota and Iowa would yield an abundance of hay If the en terprise were utarted now of saving it, which oould be brought to us with profit to the enterprise aud economy to our stockmen. Why will not some man or men start the boom while yet the season for making hay is with us, and thua prevent the stock famine which seems upon us. On Mr. E, Furor's farm, about two miles south-east of Woodstock, there Is a basin or sink, which in ordinary wet seasons is filled with water cover­ ing about,five acres of land, but which is now dry. Mr, F, proposes to take advantage of the drought by drawing from toe bed of this basin tbe accumu­ lations of years and depositing the same upon bis cultivated fields as fer­ tilizing material. Some twenty yeare or more ago we tried a like experi- meat to tbe amount of about one thousand loads, and to tbe present time the beneficial results can be traced. Farmers, try it. There Is no royalty to bs paid and you will find that Horace Greeley was correct when he said that more wealth could be ex­ tracted from our swamps and sloughs than from the mines of California, The plank crosswalks around tbe park are soon to bs replaced by as­ phalt. During the quiet of evening twilight it is refreshing to swing in the ham­ mock and listen to the "mellow, mel­ low hern" as tooted by the Spring City band. Toot away, boys, we de­ light to hear yonr music. Almost dally an engine and caboose, loaded with men, go flying by, hurry­ ing to quench some 0re started by sparks from engines. Copious showers ar<&nd and near us one day last week, bat only dust and smoke for ua, A. L. Derry, of Marengo, supersedes Elam Felt as agent for tbe Singer sewing machine. The reason for the change does not appear. Mr. Felt had represented the company so many years that he has been considered by this community about the same as tbe company. Predictions for rain to-morrow, Tuesday, "Watch and pray, and that without ceasing." The mlulster who objeoted to bering for oil or gas or mining for coal be­ cause it would leave no fuel with which to burn the world, need give himself no further anxiety unless rain eomes soon as the earth is dry enough to burn without coal or gas. The M, D. Parsons Dundee Milk Can, warranted four cross* tin all through, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. A fine line of bird cages, cheap, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. .. tatke Brum's Mai* nMuiysai Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY. MA80NTC.--A. F. and'A, M, meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st :and 3d Wednesday even iocs of each month. MODKRH WOODMEN OF AMERICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited. 8OHS OF TEMPERANCE.--Meet at Union^Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. ^•*isn lately school EDITOR PLAINDEALEB:--A. F.Brown is building a largfc addition to his livery barn. V-/: Henry Crane's heuso ttal treated to a coat of paint. New lightening rods have been placed on tbe public building. Frank Bill's mother and brother, from the east, are making him a visit. G. B. Stone and family ud Ira Phillips and family camped at Porter's Park last week. A party of young people from here visited Twin Lakes Friday and at­ tended the dance at Richmond in the evening, Mrs, E. Merrlt and daujhter May, from Elgin, are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. The Massachusetts people bold their annual picnic at Kaye's Park on Fri­ day of this week. Quite a number from here joined the Elgin excursion at Ackerman's. Sun­ day, At an early hour Sunday morning, a wedding party left this place for Genoa Junction!, the ^principle actors being Mr. Will Seaman and Miss Katie Scott. They were acaompanied by the mother and sistar of tbe groom. Rev. Harbaugh performed the ceremony at six o'clock. Ed Sanderson, who works for Mark Stone, met with a serious aocident Saturday while threshlrig at Mr. Morgan's which might have cost him his life. As they were stopping for dinner, he stepped from a wagon on to the feed board, and slipped but with presence of mind threw himself, so that but one foot caught In the cylinder. The toes and part af the foot was badly mangled. Dr, Waters dressed the wound* and amputated three of tbe toes. Do not forget the Woodman's Picnic Ang, 17, at Crystal Lake. Everybody are Invited, and a grand , time is ex­ pected, Look for Programme. ALGONQUIN. L.. 'B.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin­ ity, knowing themselves inuebted for tlic I I.AINHKAI-HR can learn ot' the amount by culling on John Ueliu, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for ttie same, in oar name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call on ihiin and get a sample co py.] EDITOR PLAINDEALEB:--Mrs, Hugh Renney and children, of Chicago, were the guests ol Mrs. E. A. Ford last week. Born, August 1st, to "the Wife of James Lyucb, a daughter. W.P. Benson is gaining very fast, tie Is able to sit up. DIED, Aug, 4th, 1887, of apoplexy, a . Sherwood, aged 57 years, The people of Algonquin were pain fully shocked on Thursday morning last to hear that J, A. Sherwood, was dying. He retired to rest Weduesday evening apparently as well as usual, aud rested well all night, At 9,15 A., M. he passed away. Mr. Sherwood was born April 23d, 1830. Tbe funeral was held at the Congregational church on Saturday afternoon, at 2,30 oYlojk, Rev. Mr. Balch, of Elgin, preached the funeral sermon, which was attend­ ed by a large concourse of friends, foe remains were intered in the Cemetery on the hill, Mr. Sherwood Wis a man who was highly esteemed and respeCtod by all. He leaves a great many friends and a heart broken, widow. Mrs. Sherwood has the heart felt sympathy of her many friends, in this her hour of deepest sorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ray. of Elgin, were the guests of Wm. Morton over Sun­ day. John A. Miller has been quite sluk for the pait week with dysentery. Henry Beauman moved his stock of Drugs from here to Dundee on Friday of last week, Mr. aad Mrs. Horton, of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Anson Sherwood and daughter, or Detroit, Mich, at­ tended the funeral of J. A. Sherwood on Saturday last. Mrs. Robert Philips la reported quite sick at this writing, Monday of this week. Dr. Nason has put la a small stock of drugs to meet all emergencies and will have a full supply In the old Drug Store soon, of new fresh good^. Mrs. King, who has been here help­ ing take care of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. 3, Chandler, returned to her heme in Minn., on Monday of this week. Special Premiums* Send to the Secretary for printed list of Special Premiums offered for the Great Fair, and compete for them. A. S. WRIGHT, Sec'y, COME AND SEE ME. Why don't everybody try tbe Lake­ side Family Flour, at four dollars per barrel, or one dollar and five cents per sack? The best and cheapest bread stuffs ever made. To be found at B. Gilbert's only. Notice! We are vary much la need of onr Pump Lifter and one pair or Pipe Tongues which some party.bas borrow­ ed and forgot to retura. Hereafter we will not loan them. Party having same would confer a great favor by returning them at once; E. M. OWEN & SON. Businemlfc Handkerchiefs, all styles and prtOM at Althofl Bro s. « w AH tbe latest etyiee In Straw Hate at Althofi Brew, Flour and SAVE Feed! MONEY By laying in a season's supply of Feed while prices ars low and mill- stnffs are to be had, as the great Drouth is bound to force pricee much higher before long, and feed will be very scarce. We name unusually lib­ eral terms on car loads or large lots for ready cash, and sell good Middlings in small lots at lowest possible prices. Try the "Honest Abe" Rockford Flour, only $1,05 per sack and fully warranted, none better. Flour, Feed, Salt Oil Meal, always on hand. V. BONSLETT & STOFTKLW lira. M. Schumacher* Wishes to Inform the Ladies of Mc­ Henry and surrounding country that she has now a large and well selected stock of the most stylish Summer Millinery ever brought to this town, to wltich she invites their careful in­ spection. Hats, Bonnets, Plumes. Ribbons, etc., in endless variety and at prices to suit. We do not pretend to sell at cost, or below, but will give vou the best goods at tbe lowest living prices. Call and see us. Store on the West side, near the Depot. MRS, M. SCHUMACHER. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price in cash will be paid for good milling wheat, at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry.^ R, BISHOP. When you are prepared to buy feed come to me for prices. I can make it an object for you. And bear in mind that I charge you but one profit There is no three dollar bonus here. W. A. CRISTY. FOR SALI. A good farm consisting of 117 acres, situated three miles east of Spring Grove ar.d known as the "Haney place." For particulars apply on the premises or address Jos. Gerbracht, Spring Groye,Jlls. 1 m, WAUCONDA. 111., Sept. 6, )884. C. Dickinson & Son, li irringon, I®. Gentlemen.--I find your Russian Liniment the best medicine I ever used. I am on the road most all the lime and always carry a bottle of your liniment with me. I use it for bruise", pain in the stomaoh and bowels, diar­ rhoea aud cholera Morbus; one dose al­ ways cures me. I use it aleo for my horses. N. JivitaiUtt*ss Smoke Evanson's Mule. McHenry Laundry. The undersigned, having bad OX* perlence lu the business, has decided to open a Laundry in this village. Fine Shirts, Cuds and Collars a spe­ cialty, but washing of all kinds will be done for persons or families. • All washing will be called for and returned in tbe shortest time possible and satistaction guaranteed. Orders can be loft at resldenee, one door west of Cathelia Parsonage. Pri­ ces reasonable. FRED CURTIS. A higher thaG market price will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Wauconda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. « Ar.DE!?, Ill, February 4,1806. C. I>rCltfN90N & SON, Barrington% IU% Dear &ir,--Please send me by ex­ press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try it on a cow that was almost dead with milk fever, and it cured her. It Is a good t„hing. E.S.SMITH. The Metropolitan is the Boss carpet sweeper, and no housewife should buy one before seeing it. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sale by John L Story. Examine Goods and learn prices at Bishop's. It will pay you. E3TRAY NOTICE. Came Into the enclosure of the un­ dersigned, on Wednesday night, Au­ gust 3d, 1887, one Gray Mare. The owuer is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take her away. O. W. OWEN. McHenry. Ill, Aug. 8,1887. YAWL BOAT for sale; 18^et long, mast,sails,etc.,complete; fast sailer; dirt cheap. J. K. MILNE, ________ Fox Lake. FOR SALE. Fourteen acres of good laid, situat­ ed within a mile of the village of Mc­ Henry. There is a good house, b%rn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reas' Apply at this office. FOR SALE. Fifteen horses, mares and colts, all grades, from 940 to 9200. Among them is a 3-year-old Hayes colt, a 2- year-old Star Stallion colt, and a 2- year-old Prince eo>lt, all from fine bred mares. Also a fine> full blood Jersey bull. Persons desiring any of the above would do well to call and see them at tbe Lake Villa Hotel Stables,'Lake Villa, Lake County, 111. Call for the "Winning Stroke", a new Brand of five oent Cigars, manufactur­ ed by Barblan Bros. It beats them Drink Bestay'a^Ale and and happy. H be healthy TAKE NOTICE. As I am about closing my business for the present it becomes absolutely necessary that all moneys owing me he paid at once. Therefore all per^png knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and pay the same on or before Aug. 10ih, aud by doing so save themselves costs and trouble. I mean business as my accounts must ill be collected. Remember and do not delay, MRS. £i. H. NICHOLS. Their Busineaa Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at Henry Colby's drug store as their giv­ ing away to their customers of so many trial bottles of Dr, King's New Dis­ covery for consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valua­ ble article, from the fact that It always cures and never disappoints. Coughs colds asthma bronchitis, croup, and ail throat and lung diseases quickly cured You can test it before buying by get­ ting a trial bottle free, large size 91. Every bottle warranted. T R FOR SALE. My new House in Wauconda for sale very cheap. Want the money to use. and hav<) no use for the building. Inquire of S. A. Ferd, of Wauconda. or W, H. Ford, of MeHenry. W. H. FORD, Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. Tbe most healthy drink for warm weather. An End to Bone Scraping- Edward Shepherd of Harrisburg, Illn says:"Having received so much bene­ fit from Electic Bitters, I feel it my duty to let snflering humanity know it. Have ha 1 a running sore en my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buck leu's Arnica Salve at 55c. per box by Henry Call at Besley's for Paper in the market. m bart Fly If yon want to buy a Mower ebeap, call at Bishop's warehouse. Just received a Car load af tbe old Reliable Lyman Barb Wire, at Jaka I. Story's. # Look at the Thompson Mower, that I will sell for 93S. ' B. ~ Walking shoes at Ices than hall prfta to close at H. Colby's. City residences for sale. Apply J* Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. ^ ; The finest line of Bird Cages ft*; town, at John I. Story's. Just received, a full line af Straw Hats at Althofi Bros, Whoa in search of a good Hat af aay • kind, go to Althofi Broa. The finest 50 oent tea In tbe aarkat at Althofi Bros, ------. * Plum-ba-go-Ine, the finast Wagon Grease ever used, a aaw thlag, at Besley's, Ellw<)od'8 Veteran salt dump Rake, the best on the market. Sold by R. Bishop. School Books aad Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drag Stan Waal Side. MS THE Genuine Novelty aad Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prices at John I Story's. Beware of lmitatli The reliable Water town Bngglaa oan always be fonnd at Bishop's Ware­ house McHenry. SPECIAL. * The Crown Mower. We lavtte afci tentlon to our changeable apiad mower. affording TWO SPEEDS far theknite. R.fiisaor. Bishop sells the Rod White and Blaa Mower with new rocking cutting tar. Tbe latest improvement out. Be sure and examine carefully. In Mowers, I have McCormlek Steel No. I and I, Crown. Red Wraa aad Blue, and N. C. Thompson. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Price Hi will be paid for good Milliag Wheat, at the Fox River Valley MUliL Me* BISHOP. Henry. R. Clothing! Clothing t The finest line of Clothing, la Sin­ gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in the County, and at prlcea that oan- not fall to please, at Altholl Broa* . % w Money to Loan. • Money loaned on McHenry Ctaitff farms on time and In amounts to suit borrower. Write or apply too^) J. w, RA*STBAD,_ , Rooms t aad % Borden Bloek, Klein B% ; I SS4n. -/ WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market prloe. In oash. Will be paid for good Milling Wheat, at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP. WHEAT WANTED. The Highest Market Prloe, In cash, T, will be paid for good milling Wheat. - at tbe Fox Rifer Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. Stand Straight. Men's, womeu's, and ohildreaV braces. No more round shoulders. No more flat breasts. A perfect skirt supporter. Sold by E. Lawlus, Taller : McHenry, 111. Houses and JLots For Sale A . In Rlngwood. I offer for Sale or Rent, two Honsaa and Lots, situated in the village ef Ringwood. Also a building suitable for bhoe Shop, Harness Shop or other business. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of 83-6M, WBSLBY LAAOW It always gives ua pleasure to speak well of a good article. Tbe MG«rlan4 Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is ibost la that JTao. They have the reputation af being the best made. Though imitated by many they are equalled by none. For sale in McHenry by John I. Story. | %'? • * / -'j Notice.' * A ' . To those that want Tubs, Vata,Hay Racks,and anything in my line of bnal- • uess. Work done on short notice to ? order. Shop one door South of Lew lus' Store, F. A. HEBABO. MoHeary, Ang. 10,188K. 11-4-ly J Buoklan'a Arnleai talva. The best Salve in the world for eats 'y oruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,ehllblalna, corns, and ali skin eruptlane, .and poo tively cures plies, or no pay • required. it ie guaranteed to give perfect satie- /• faction, or money refunded. Price cents per box. For sale by Heary olby, * i;; CAKY STATIOK, 111., March 9D, TSML . •>. DICKINSON A sou--Harrington, 111. Gentlemen:--I had a cow that did aot clean for three days,after oalvtag, aid I procured a bottle of your cow {/•ascription and gave it acoerdlag to the directions, and tbe cow was all right in less than thirty-six hours af­ ter giving, and has done first rata since. v AUGUST ASFFE \ For sale by air druggists. V" V • ------ . • : To-Night and To-Morrow Right* And each day and alght duriag tide ^ week, you can find at Gee. W. Besley's drug store Kemp's Suppositories, ae- knowledged to be the most successful v treatment yet introduced for the care of piles. Old sufferers from thla die- stressing complaint are at once IS- lleved and in a short time a peraaaait ^ cure established. Cheek the diaaaais ' En time by using the "meet effective remedy. Price 50c. Send addreos for panaphlet on piles. Box »5*Le Say Sheriffs Sale. BY virtue of an execution issued oat of the Clerk'* office of the Circuit Coert Me­ Henry county and State of Illinois, aad am directed, whereby 1 an OMMnandtd to ank* the amount of a certain JaOgmeat nwally obtained agamat William Bloek, in (kT»r of O. W. Owen, out of (ho lands, twma oods and chattels of the said WilUaat Bloek. have levied on the fhltowinc property |». wit: the west bal taf Lot No. 8; fit week N*. f i have levied on the IMlowi it: the weet bait of Lot No. . in the Tillage of Woat MeUenry, aituaMd in the county of MeHoniy and State of lUtoHi. Therefor*, according to said command, I ahall expose for Mle at pnbiie aoetton. all the rignt, title, and in tore*t of tbe a bore aaated Williaaa Bloek tn and to the above doe art bod property, on Oatnrday. the 13th day of Auput W, at i o'clock, r. a, at tbe eaat deer ea Ike ^ourt^Hoaae, in Woodatook, MoHearr Oeoa*yt« J*t* at Woedatoek Mhday ef U987* ' GK€t ttKlKll '•J&t

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