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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1887, p. 8

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St Ssv l£>lr • ilc ... recently the folloWfni tfe* auuiner in whicl be latetior of the Isth- enptnrfi#nonkovs« ie pet monkeys in this he, "come from Gor- Ulll Village halfway on the P&iutma railroad. The in- are mostly native negroes, whitl man could live in the a month unless he drank fcV V.i lOL too l? , 11) n i l ' - - iuUoimif i j . iwrroanding- country !s swampy covered with a dense mass of it Vegetation. At nightfall a miasma rises from the ground over the forests like a cloud. WiiMe is the monkeys' paradise. They travel through the forest in troops, going wherever the king monkey leads. When the natives have been apprised of the presetice of a troop they go about warily to cap­ ture them. Tneir plan is a simple one. A hole is cut in the shell of a cocoanut just large enough to admit a monkey's unclosed paw. The cocoanut is scoop­ ed out and a lump of sugar placed m the hollow. A string is then attacked to this novel trap ana the negroes con­ ceal themselves until the monkeys pass by, Curiosity is. one of the chief characteristics of these little creat­ ures, and when they espy the cocoanut lying upon the ground theV come down from the trees and proceed to inspect it carefully. The lump of sugar does not long escape their notice, and one of them thrusts a paw through the aperture to grasp it. With the lump of sugar clasped in his hand he finds it impossible to withdraw it, nor will his greedy nature allow him to aban­ don his prize. The negroes have no difficulty in drawing him nearer and nearer to their ambush, the whole troop scampering madly about him, chattering and gesticulating as only monkeys can. W hen they have ar­ rived within easy reach k large net is thrown out and they are made pris­ oners. Twenty or thirty are often caught at one haul. The natives sell them to the employes of the Panama railroad, who in turn dispose of them in the American market.--New York Mail and Express. u 1 • * Bennett's Wedding Present. . O 1 :> Mr. Cavendish Bentinck, whose mar- •; tfftge to Miss Livingston was a New- 1 port sensation of some years back, i» a bosom friend of Mr. Gordon Bennett. : • Perhaps the bosom would not be as ?> warm to him if Mr. Bennett knew this stbry: That gentleman on the occa- : sion of the wedding, purchased at a Nenjwrt shop and sent to the bride and groom two superb umbrella stands. Why he shoura regard an umbrella stand as an appropriate wedding gift is not exactly clear, but Mr. Bennett has ideas of his own once in a while. A couple of weeks after the wedding Mr. Cavendish Bentinck stalked into the shop whence Mr. Bennett's gift had come and wanted the dealer to buy the stands back. "They are a damned nuisance," he said, "and we cawn't make any use of them, don't you know. So I thawt you might make a cash offah on them and I: take them awf our hands." "Well, sir," replied the urbane shop­ keeper, "I'll tell you what I'll do. 111 ask Mr. Bennett, and if he has no ob­ jections"-- "Bless me soul!" gasjwyl Mr. Caven­ dish Bentinck, quite aghast. "That'll J nevaw do, don't you know. Gad! nevaw." The stands were afterward'sold to a i- second-hand shop.--London Society. Making One* Self Beautiful. With the latest notes on fashion be- f-y tore me and my pen suspended, says a writer in the Brooklyn Eagle, my eyes fell upon an article which lay upon my desk entitled, "Gossip About Pretty Girls." It gives the modus operandi of making one's self beautiful, and goes on to tell how a ruddy blonde of Wash- ington fastened her fat little hands to the headboard on retiring so as to re- > duce the supply of blood and produce - the delicate complexion of an invalid friend. To allow the mouth to be open in sleep is simply outrageous, so to • ; assure an avoidance, many a dainty « miss woos Morpheus with her lower , : jaw and head closely bound with a j: skate strap. A narrow pillow placed vertically under the back and between the shoulders encourages a perfect :: stature, so the good old bolster is con­ signed to the comfort of retired belles and beauB. Disregarding the fair, : fresh skin, classical mould, and every law of proportion, and in deference to .. . an arbitrary fashion which can not but prove Altai to beauty and health, our wasp-waisted belles claim the necessity of slumber corsets to retain their acme ;r; of shapeliness. "A mask of moist lye flour or coating of old cream is as regularly assumed as the night robe, and the feminine head drooped pil- is ** lowed minus curl papers or leads is ex­ ceptional. Hotfoot baths are a regular V, feature of the toilet, as they tend to draw the blood from hjuids and face." Every girl knows the value of beauty and seeks to make herself as attractive as possible, and should strive to pre­ serve all attractive qualities; but arti­ ficial devices only conceal the ravages of time and dissipation. Still, "with­ out true regard to the laws of health, | even the powder box, rouge and pencil prove a saallow resource. The maid with a spirituelle cast of features and complexion clogs the pores of her fair skin with paint, while the vigorous, ; plump, rosy beauty tortures her di- / Eest*ve apparatus with acids and chalks. Each persists in possessing attributes . to her constitution. • * Summer ' •: (Successors to 8mlttta Son stonk of IWroJdLiili^JHLY. on nana. ^ MP* <% >; Having purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber of Smith, Son & Co., West McHenry 111., and replenished the same with a ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF i -v. v1-* FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Including all the Latest Styles, Shades, and Textures, in Dress Goods, Silks Surahs, Satins, Novelties, Velvets, plain striped and Nearly 100 different styles ot fancy Plaids and Stripes, Nain­ sook Checks and Victoria Lawns. Embroidered Rotses in all the newest designs and colors. Sun Umbrellas and Parasols in all newest designs. The finest stock ever biought to McHenry. Look them over. In Shawls, Scarfs, Jackets and Wraps, we have the most complete and Cheapest assortment ever shown in this section. Of all kinds, we are no1! pared to offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at tho LOWEST LIVING PRICES- *'1# litis Department can be found one of the largest stocks of Ready Made Clothing in McHeury County, which for style, finish and general make-up cannot be excelled. Our prices are very moderate and we are confident we can please you. Give us a trial. I BOOTS AND SHOES, i The coming season line of will find us supplied with our usual complete CBumrn, mssB, ahs lasus shoes. to all the latest styles and novelties, also a fine line of : v-r / . • < . Mens Mid Boys Shoes, Which will be found up to their usual standard of excelence We have one of the choicest stocks of Groceries, Canned Goodt; etc., in McHenry. C R O C K E R Y , just received a beautiful assortment of Decorated Crockery, call and see it. 'Stock complete, including a very large line of standard Patent Medicines. We study to please and guarantee every article we sell to be as represented. Thanfetul for past favors, we hope by liberal, fair dealing to merit a generous share of your appreciated patronage. HENRY COLBY. DKALE& IN ALL KINDS OF To the Farmers of McHenry County and Vicinity: I am now prepared to show a new and clean assortment of Agricultural Implements second to none in the county and at prices that I am confident will pay you to investigate before mak isg your purchases. THE bxsbop waoom Peculiar Way of Advertising. A real-estate firm at Los Angeles e a unique way of advertising their lots in the suburbs. The way to reach a certain lot, and its merits, are thus •et forth: "It is a pretty steep road, lor our civil engineer is not much of a ineanderer, but you can go up it with a b^ggy- When you get there you will find two-thirds of 46 to be finely located, commanding a grand view of the cosst line from False bay to Table mountain, and the other one-third of block 46 is--well, it is a good deal down hill; it is steep enough for a to­ boggan-slide. One of our men slid down there last week without any to­ boggan or any snow or ice, but he had S good start, and he had--when he •fcirted--good, heavy canvas overalls, wA in one minute he knew more about the cactus flagelliformis, and the cactus opoutia, and the cactus tuna than ever before. The one-third of block 46 that •t*ada on end is not worth much ex- • receptacle for ashe#, sewage, B, Mid bookagents. But the two-thirds of block 46 is one loveliest building-spots on thi* «ofatinent."--Boston Journal. let are If you want to own the best j behold it here, finely finished, well proportioned, light running, durable, superior quality, unex­ celled. Do you want a wagon? If so examine the Bishop before you buy. TUB ROSS filAIfT) And LITTLE GIANT Patent Safety Fly Wheel Cutters, for Ensilage and Dry Fodder. It leaves the cut feed free from grit and dirt, and in better condition than any other Cutters. They are Jaiticularly noted for their Strength, Capacity and Durability A cheap made Fodder Cutter is poor property. rust out, while a First Class Cutter -will pay time. reliable Water town Bu, . be found at Bishop's HcHrarj. town, and can give the best fit, best wearing goods and lowest prices. Casiigs.Door and WMow Frames-Ready Made-always 01 BpL We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no pains to accommodate all wh<> may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of CHARLES RF. GRANGER, who will be ready at all times to make you prices on large or small lots Call and see us. West Ifcitenry, WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. Aug. 8th, 1887. Great Bargain Sal : «ao F-- ' AND -AT- W JIVL.. In order to make room for one of the largest stocks of all and, Wintef Goods Ever brought to Woodstock or into McHeury County, we will for the next thirty days sell our spring and summer goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. CONSISTING OF X*§is and (tats Sins Shoes, Low Shoea, Walking Show and Toi Slippin. jiti extra large stock of Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes and Toe Slippers, and Boy's and Youth's Lace, Con­ gress and Button Shoes in'all the latest styles. N. B*--House Established In 1866. -IS HEADQUARTERS FOR-- GOOD BARGAINS. We have just received a now and complete Stock of all kinds of New and Seasonable Goods such as BooU ud Shoes, Hate, Caps, ClotMag, &e., Which we offer at very popular prices, FOR CASH. Don't wait for a second invitation, but come at once and see how we deal, and learn our prices. Butter, Eggs, etc. taken in exchange for Goods, allowing highest market price. ALTHOFF BROS- McHenry, 111., March 28th, 1887. It is laid away to for itself in a snort R. BISHOP. vettNEV'$ ^5. % TO CURE RHEUMATISM. Wi remedy bu t specific action upon the fluid* oftM body. supplying moisture to the tissues and fabricating the joint, affected by the disease. No MUT mr Distorted Llabt remain after a cure by tWa specific. A trial of a single bottle will convince the moM soepUcal that we ban not told half It* vir- taes. Price_ Sl.<»0 per bottle. For Hit by ail taHliti. Manufactured only by LKNNCY MEDICINE CO., OHBNOA, ILLINOIS. He FISH, Practical Painter aoi Decorator, HEBRON, lU.. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, CALCIMININQ, QhAININQ, Ac Dm* on short notice and satisfaction goaraa- .twd, Oall on or address, H. FISH. tAra, nt, Kay SM, 1SB7. Boaley's Famous Waukegan •le and Porter On draught at J. BooaletVc, A« K*~ glen's and John H«lm«r's. * recently pat In » fall new stock of ^ SHELF l\0 O K zv taj Which he will cell at each prices as will make it an object for every person, when In McHenry, to call if in* want of any Goods In his !ine. A. FULL LINK OT STOVES. r&r both Ooal and Wood, of the beat makes, always on hand. J O B B I N G A N D J f c E P A I K I N G , Promptly at tended to. A ihare of Public Patronage respectfully selloitad. MHItore opposite Bishop's Mill, . lMHenry,ltJaiM 9Mb, H. V. 8HEPARD- * ' ' ' " . The largest stock Of Cor­ sets in all grades, including Dr. Schilling's celebrated Health Preserving and Short Hip, Dr. Warner's Coraline, and several others. ^>1 _ A full stock of Dress Goods acd Trimmings, also Buttons aod^ Bibbons. «. A good stock of Mens* and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, in alt the late it styles. " . ALWAYS Stock and Prices PERRY OWEN. -1 fSgPOne Door West of the Riverside House ,jgg| BEALBR IN Also the Celebrated gmm. Garland Stoves and Ranges 1 Gasolene and Oil Stoves and Ranges. And in short, everything in the Hardw*ro» Stove and Tin Line. JOB5X2TGI AND REFAIRXNQ Promptly Attended To. McHenry, IH., May 18th, '1887. J0M|gi4aM«t mm. aesjtfossx-j*. DEALER m-- . TINWAJUBJ Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Nails, etc. Building Hardware a specialty. Fishing Tackle and Gui| Materials, etc. . Fancy Groceries, Flour, and everything belonging t o a First Class Grocery, Cigars and. Tobacco, Pipes, etc. You run no risk. 1 guarantee my prices to average lewer than any other house in the county. I guarantee everything that goes out oi my Store or money returned. What risk do you run? M* ENGEUla Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, 1% ^ - * . u • i

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