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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1887, p. 1

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VOL. 13. ------ , ---•--; -- 1 "* PteiSffeti Vryllit ta WkSfttfrGflSl £» M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, W Inr lit MS SEI»*I 110' p'-Qftf SilSiII , SEPTEMBER 7, 1887. NO. 8. K Jl̂ eiry Jlaisiealer. PBBUSSKD BVRKT WKDWB8DAT BT «-^r. VAN SLYKE,-- EDITOR: AND; PROPRIETOR. Office In Bishop's Block,) •< •' -OrroMTE * PiKsr * • OWSS* •- TERM? OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Tear (In Advance) .01.50 If Not Paid within Three Month* 8.06 Subscriptions received for three or six wraths in the same proportion. - [ . Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising I the PLARJFDEALER, and endeavor to state tfcem so plainly that they will be readily tin­ ier stood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year - - . 9 N t Inches one year - » *4,; i ; - • 10 00 S Inches one year • * - ' . . 1500 V Column one year - ,- -i' " . . - 8000 Oolamn one year- » ' p - • - 60 00 (Column one year ... - . 100 00 +ne inch means the measurement of one nfch down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they •boose, without es:tra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line •ach week. All others will be charged 10 Mnts per Mne the first veek, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same ae this is set in) the first Issue, and • oeats per line for subsequent issues. Tims, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIWDKALBR will be liberal in „ . . editorial notices, but, as a business rule, will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gala. . V- BUSINESS CARDS. a. T. BROWN. M.D. PBTS10IA.1T AND SURGEON- OSloe at IT Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGER9, M, D- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MoHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. a J. HOWARD, M. Dw * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ttcffenry, III. Office at Residence, one door West ef M. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. DIOABManufacturers, McHenry, 111... Or­ders solicited. Shop, In Old McHenry, ta Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. Livery Stable. WIGHT MAN, Proprietor. Flrsl P . c^assrigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ef all kinds done on short notice. 1 NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL, Keepe onen for the accommodation of the Public a tint-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Ifkero he will ** all times keep the best • ' ' '•> brands ef Wines, Liquors and Cigars I to he found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S ULWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al« ways on hand, oheaper than any other, qualtf »y considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING! FOB HORSEfi. 4VCall and see us. Robert Sohlessle. Vest McHenry, I1L A. Englen's SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. I' f. 't h- Tp Kentucky Liquors, Trencli Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Talks' ItilwaaliM BMI, -AND- J. ScUitz Miliite Bottle Beer In any quantity from a Snitz, Glass to 5C0 barrels. I AT WHOELSALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kega or case as cheap as the* cheapest. * We buy none but the best and fall at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use fen well. ANTONY ENGELN. . McHenry, III., 1886, _JMen's, Bays and Misses Summer |§Mlet Perry A Owen's, BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, A TTORNBY AT LAW. 89 LaSaUe Street CHICAGO, ILL. M. P. ELLS WORTH,| A TTORNKY at Law, and* SolicitorliiflChan A eery, Nunda, 111. ASA W. SMITH, TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor! (in k. Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL J, r. CASEY, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Office over Zimpleman's Store. All business entrusted to my care will receive prompt at­ tention. Woodstock, 111. JOHN KLEIFCE . HOUSE Painter, Uralner, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kiiids of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prirea. Rooms st residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, HI. DRi. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DENTISTS. Rastdence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and '.Jfith of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. United States far Claim Apncv OP WM. H. COWIJN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered if Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. VOWLTN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstocz, Illinois. TO HORSEMEN! CHANCELLOR, JR., Having recently purchased a very fine imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr., for our own use, will hreed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Ray with black points; 16?^ hand hi«h and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, fine action, mild disposition. lie was sired bv Chancellor (1310), he bv I>rew I'rince of WaW\ (67:!) Dam by Lofty. (400;; grand dam bv Duke of Well­ ington, (1543) ; great grand daui by Sir William Wallace, (804). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong aud rugged. We also have CHAMPION, JR. The Peri'lvron Morgan Ilorso. He has proven himself a tine Ptock getter for gen­ eral purposes, and cannot be beaten in the Northwest. Parties who intend bree Ikig, the coming season, will find it to their advantage to call and see our stock and get our terms which will be reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well tuid for, ̂ tpwnoc^ mk. at Moderate rates. Call and see us ̂ BANIY BROS. A. M. HUR H, Watchmaker audi Jeweler NO. 112 SOUTH CLARK? STREET, Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re- pairing Pine watches and Chronometers. 49*A Pull Assortment of Goods in his line SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address in th United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed froe Address all orders to BICHABD X. FOX, TBAHKUV SQUAB*, New York. HEALING POWDER. CURES ALL OPEN SORES ON ANIMALS >*R0M ANY CAUSE, SORE SHOULDERS, CUTS, KICKS, ROPE BURNS, SORE BACKS, SCRATCHES, CUTS FROM BARB WIRE FENCES, ETC. NO SMELL TO ATTRACT FLIES; DOES NOT BURN A SORE LIKE LINIMENTS; EASILY AP­ PLIED AND ALWAYS READY. FOR BURNS, CHAFING, SORES OR CUTS ON PERSONS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. p 15 and 50 Cents a Box. AT DRUG OR HARNESS STORES. hj&IIS POW^tii G.G. ANDREWS. CETYERAL AUCTIONEER SPRING GBOVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most BlASOIABLl TEBMS, C. C. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111; Spring Srove, Sept* 3th, 1883. ll-ll-3in E. LAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or HO SAI.B. We make Suits to order of the best Cloths, Foreign or -Domes­ tic. AT THE • LOWEST PRICES That good Goods can be sold Mi HE ALSO Cleans and Repairs Clothes Neatly and on short notice. Giye Me a Call E. LAWLU8. McHenry, Jan. 19th, J.886. AT THE OLD STANDI JACOB BONSLKTT SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or ookl ipealB on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottlo or Case, always on hand. QUOD STABLfNU FOR HORSES. ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to eall at try premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car-load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUJf, t, Chbmuwo. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobe in the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or will put in liToCT Pumps On .short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump lie paired or a new Pump, grre me a call. . .. WOrrtere by mail promptly attended to. Post OiBee, Jonnsburgh, III. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May SSth, 1896, fv*" r C THE NEW QUO .re iM peiite New remtli, Diet Nerves appy Days «t" Soldiers' Department, CONTRIBUTED BT WU, H. COWLIN. County C. A. R. Directory. RICHMOND FORT HO 286. I (Meets the second Fridaj evening of each month* OB. S, F, BIHIITT, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, HE 103. PMeets first and third Monday evenings ef eaeh month. Wh. AVERT, Com. A POWERFUL TONIC. That the most delicate stomach wiU bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION And nil germ discusses. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC A#D SUCCESS­ FUL BLOOD PURIFIES. Superior to quinine. Mr F. A. Miller, 630 Bast 87th street, New York, was cured by KaskiBe of extreme ma­ larial prostration after seven years suffering. He had run down from 185 poancts to 97, began Inrial prostration after seven years suffering. <1 run down from 185 poancts to 97, began on Kaskine in June 1886, wen* to work in one month, regained his full weight in six months. Quinine did him no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the widest and one •f the most respected citizens of Bridgeport. Conn., says: *-I am ninety year? of aye, and for the last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kaskthe which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 22 pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of 169 Ifallnlay Street, Jersey City, writes: "Mv son Harry, eleven years, was cured of Malaria Kaskine after ilfteen months' illness, when We had given up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving full details wil I be sent oo appiicuton. Kaskine can be laktm witbnit any special medical advice, fl per boltl*, Soki by or sent by mail on receipt of price. KASKINE COMPANY, 54 Warren St* Xew York City. THE CHICAGO**® MORTH- western •• RAILWAY. Penetrates the Centres ofi; Population in Ms, Iowa, "Jl: WiscoBsin. - -" g<s£ WEST SIDr RESTAURANT. I. D. LIirOQLir, Prop. Having recently rentted my Restaurant, near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours ef the day or evening. Hot Coffee or Tea on five minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF Baker's Supplies, ALWAY8 OK HAND. Choice Frills, of ill Kinds, IN THEIR SEASON. ICS CREAM. Made every day, by the Quart or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything In first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. West McHenry, May list, 1887. BREEDERS OF MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. Btd Polled Aagu, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, West idcHenry, 111.1 Our Morgan 8tock is all'pure bred, and originated from the best Morgan sto Jk in the United States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head »f our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan liorses in the country, and can show more and itetterall purpose colts than any other horse ithe West. We Invite the inspection of our stock by horsemen and all lovors ot fine animals, A few full blood Morgan Colts and young oorses for sale, Also one matched team, full •ilooUs. In Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead ef sawing off the borns we are breeding them (off and with rood suceess. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred Short Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. J. R Saylor * Son*. wmi MtfMuj, nuDMsMt* im. iakota, NetoaskajiiflW yomii. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements ot local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din> ingand place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveier, the tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information oheerfully furnished bJ BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III- MARVIN HUGH ITT. Ffoe-iVe*. and Om. Manager. H. C. WICKER, Traffic Manager. £ P. WILSON, General Passenger Agent O. NEEDHAM«8 SONS 116-ilt Dearborn Street, OHIOAOO led CUnr HIKSOS. uPPfmi Cancer, CatArrh/ITM,Rheum, TUieumatiam, Dyspepsia. Slok Headache, Constipation,Piles. Whooping Coturh, and ail •UNIIKMB. Send for Or- cuMr.^jKnnoh paiwr. - , FOR SALE at H. V. SHBPABD'S Hardware Store, McHenry. For Sale Cheap A* BASE CHMCI To Secure a Good Business Location. I offer for sale my store buildings, situated in the village of McHenry. They are of brick, two storios high, and suitable for any kind of businoss, with gooa residence rooms in second story. Also good barn and out. houses. Contrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. PEKOVSKY, MoHenry, 111,, May 11,1886. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the Public to m7 Stable of Slock Horses, four in num­ ber: Two Morgans, one X Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of their breed. Also a few Merino !*heep for Sale. The public are cor­ dially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday, N, 8. COLBY. 10-7-tf. K'HKKBT, ILL SMITH'S URE Bill One do itnsss: Sick Headache In Four hours, relieves Neuralgia. .They cure and prevent ChHle + Fever, Sour Stomach > Dad Sreith. Clear the Skin, Tons the Nerves, and elve Life > Vigor to the system., Dose t ONE BKAN. Try them once and you will never be without them. Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold bv Druggists and Metflclne Dealers generally. Sent on receipt ol price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. F. SMITH* CO., ITOWDA POST, . Meets the second and fourth Wednesday e|«ninfs of each month. W*. BUTUS, Own, HAKTAHD POST, BTO 256. BMeets the second ana rourth Monday -even fnga ef each month. T. W. SKAVBKHS, com. MASBNOO POST, NA 189, Meets every Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. A. J. BOTIHOTOK. Oom. The department of Iowa recently mustered a post at Braoevllle bearing the number G39. Battery A, Chicago Light Artillery Veteran Association will hold Its third annual reunion in Chicago Oct. 4. The conspiracy of the soldier hating papers to break down the G. A, R. by direct attack having failed inglorious- ly, sotne of them are casting about to see if something cannot be done in the way of making the advocate of a serv­ ice pension appear in hostility to Com- mander-ln-Chief Fairchild and the Order. We may expect the "organs to tune up all along the line on this with the same unanimity that they have displayed in their usual discord­ ant chorus. The camp-follower of Bragg'g army who edits the Louisville Cottier-Jour- tsaid in his paper of July 20: The O, A. R. is entitled to no mere consideration than Herr Moat's club of anarchists or communists, One like the other Is demanding a distribution of property and the sentiment back of each is that of communism. If that be treason, make the most of it!! He had the same feelings, though he expressed them differently, years ago while the G, A. R. boys belonging te the Army of the Cumberland were driving Bragg through one state after another. Let all ex-prtsoners of war remem­ ber that the jneetlng of the National Association is la Chicago Sept. 22 and 23. It Is exceedingly desirable that th*re should be a targe attendance. Not only the regular delegates are de­ sired to be present, but every other dx-prisoaer la earnestly invited to be present, greet his old-time comrades, and join wl tn them in considering course of action before the coming Congress which will bring relief to tho long neglected victims of rebel barbarities. • The G, A. R. committee in charge of the great sham battle at the Minae sota state fair have received gwerd from Gen. Lucius Fairchild, grand commander of the G. A. R. of the United ritates that he will be present and take part in the great battle. Gen. Lew Wallace, of Indiana, will al­ so be present and have command of one of the armies. Over 5,000 old sol­ diers and state militia will participate in tho battle. There will be fourteen pieces of artillery and 5,000 small arms in the engagement, which will be the grandest exhibition of the kind ever seen In this country. THE following are tho officers of McHenry Tost, No. 643, which was mustered oa Monday evening of last week: L. E. Bennett, Commander. J. C. Clemens, 8. V". " Geo. Rothermel, J. V." Adjutant, Wm. Henry Harrison. Quartermaster, E. Lawlus, Chaplain, M. M. Chase. Surgeon, Dr. A. S.Childa. Officer of the Day, Henry C. Mead, " " Guard, Anton Weber Q. M. 8., Peter Leickem. 8. Major, W. H. Harrison. The Post is not yet la easy working order but promises to be one of the largest in the county. If there were no hate except that in the hearts of the soldiers, the country would be as peaceful as though there bad been no war. It Is the non-com- batants, generally, who have most to Bay about fraternal feeling. But be­ cause the Union soldiers cherish no hatred toward those whom they met on bloody fields, it does not follow that they do not despise the Northern copperheads who, too cowardly to fight, remained at home to fire In the rear, and nrho to-day are endeavoring to annul and destroy the principles which were won in four long years of conflict. Be tweed these men and the Union soldiers there can be no frater­ nal feeling, nor aught bat a deadly struggle. Circular No. 8, dated Aug. 2G, Na­ tional headquarters, has been promul­ gated. It contains the following Items of interest: The business meetings of the twenty-first annual encampment will occur Sept. 28, 29, and 30 at St. Louis. The parade will take place at ten o'clock A. M., Sept. 27, only mem­ bers of the Grand Army, veterans of the late war not members, and SODS of Teterans will participate in It. The business sessions will be held in Ex- MilMAiHall. The tee of the Council of Administration will meet Monday evening at the Southern Hotel. National headquar­ ters will be established at the South •rn Hotel at room 66, on the evening of Sept. 26. The following Is a clause adopted by the Republicans In thier platform at at the recent Iowa State Convention. As it refers to the ex-soldiers, and In their Interest, it will give the pension shrlekers, rebel sympathizers, north­ ern doi%h-faoes and their allies, the soldier hating press, both big and di­ minutive, ah additional excuse for a pretex to howl and exhibit tbair hatred toward LIBERAL PENSIONS, 8--This government, saved from de­ struction by treason by the patriotism and valor of the Union Soldiers, can­ not afford in justice and honor to deal less then justly with them. It should cordially and promptly bestow as an obligation ef the government and not as a charity liberal pensions to all dis­ abled or dependent eeldieri, and to the dependent widows pareut of sol diers, thus preventing any suflering and want from comiag to those to whom the Nation owes a debt It oan never repay. Speaking of the pension demands In the Ohio Republican platform the Boston Herald says: "This kind of legislation is degrading; It Is demoral­ izing; It Is dishonest.-McHenry County Democrat, We cannot but think that tho Demo­ crat could find matter ef more Interest to all loyal people than to copy from such soldier hatiag papers as the Bos­ ton Herald and other copperhead sheets, but so long as they do we are of course inclined to believe that they indorse such fender affection for the ex-union soldier as that quoted above. Comrades and others will find below tho patrlotlo clause In tho platform of the Olilo Convention, (Republican), that calls forth such expressions of hatred toward those that wore the blue as those emanating from the Bos ton Heraid and papers of that Ilk. We demand of Congress that it pass, and of the President that he approve, liberal enactments pensioning the sol diers of the country; that the helpless widows ol dead soldiers, regardless of the cause of death, dependent parents and disabled soldiers, shall receive the oounty of the nation they fought to save, and which they richly deservo. The G. A. B. still Bol'd and with Unbroken Raaks. For some months past tho soldier hating prece have been endeavoring to breed disensjon at^d break up the G A, R. Nothing has been spared to make a success of their undertaking. The most contemptablo lies have been promulgated, and the most despicable means imaginable gone Into to accom­ plish what was sought, but all to no avail, for to-daj the G. A. R. Is strong­ er than ever and growing rapidly, there having been over forty new posts organized during the past few weeks and one of these right hero in our own county, the Mc Henry County Democrat notwithstanding. We refer to the post organized in McHenry last week. There are now over 6,330 Posts in tho United States, and In all the bitter warfare waged there has just one post, located In New Jersey that has been seduced from its ranks. The following from National Trib une tells the story and proves what we havo said as to its present strength eto HARBOW POST VINDICATES ITSELF.-- When we spoke last week of the ne^ result of the months of bitter warfare which the soldier bating papers have been making on the G. A. R., we said that but two Posts--one in Indiana and one in New .Tersoy--had been seduced frita the solid rankB of the Order- only two Posts out of 6,330; This seem­ ed a wonderfully good showing. Now it turns out that the Indiana Post- Harrow. of Mt. Vernon--did not go over to the enemy. An evil disposed fellow took advantage of a sllmly at­ tended meeting--there were but 11 present, of whom 6 were of his crowd --to introduce and pass some miserable resolutions denouncing those who op­ posed the President's visit to the Na­ tional Encampment as being on a level with those who plotted to assassinate Lincoln in his passage through Baltl more in 1S61. He rushed down to the telegraph office, and had these sent as an Associated Press dispatch, and the soldier hating papers could not contain their joy over them. The members of Harrow Post were amazed and Indig­ nant. At the next meeting of the Post they were out in full force, and they passed resolutions which spoke in fit­ ting terms of the outrage committed upon them. They invited the papers which had made so much of the bogus and indecent resolutions to give simi­ lar publicity to the real sentiments of the Post, but, of course, the request was unheeded, Those sheet* do not want any G. A. R. News but what Is damaging to the Order. From the Ohicago'ihfer-Ocean. •' Department of Illinois, G. A. Comrade Phoclon Howard made re­ union speeches at Henry Aug. 24, and at Dixon and Leroy Aug. 25. A reunion of veterans at Dixon dur­ ing the present week was attended by 1500 of tho boys who wore the blue. The Macoupin County Soldiers and Sailors1 Association will hold its an­ nual reunion at GIrard Aug. 24 and 25. j. B. Wilson post No. 640, located at Broughton, Hamilton County, was mustered Aug. 17. by J. W. Butler, 3. M. O,, with 26 charter members. The reunion at Ottawa was largely attended by veterans. General P. S. Post, Major McClaughrey, Col. W. L. Distin, General R. M. B. Wallace, and many other distinguished aoldlers ware, present. The following camps of Son* «f Vet­ erans were mustered recently: H* 112 at Mt. Pul&ski, Mo. 113 it Morphyt- bero, Na 114 at Hllleboro. No. 115 & Canton. No. 116 aft Pom, No. 117 at Kewaneo, No. 118 at Rosevillo, No. 119 at Jacksonville, No. ISO at DlSote, No. 121 at Verona. Comrade John KbNalta, receiver of the Wabash Railway, attended the rennlon of bis regiment, tho 94tb Illi­ nois Volunteers, at Leroy. Comrade McNulty commanded tho Mth as lta colonel and won tho brevet of briga­ dier general. He delivered tbe annuel address on the 25th. At the regular mooting of B&rtleaon Post "at Jollet last Tuesday evening, an event took place wbioh rekindled ^ the latent flame of patriotism ia tho heart of every veteran present. A life size portrait of General John A, Logan was brought into tbo ball, which had tho efleot to Inspire tbo boys with war-time memories. Tho inspiration burst out in irreproeeiblo applause when Comrade John C, Lug presented to the post a largo plotoro < of Andersonvlllo Prison, drawn by one of the prisoners. Comrade Lang's words fairly burned into tho hearts of bis listeners as he described tho prison pens of the South and the snfisriags of the Union soldiers confined therein. ^ A vote of thanks was tendered Com­ rade Lang, Comrade E. A. Nattlngor, of Ottawa, was present as a visitor, Ne vins Post No, 1, Rock ford, hold ft grand camp-fire and reception last Monday evening In honor of Comman­ der-in-Chief Lncius Fairchild, Com* rades were In attendance from Belolt« Bel vide re, Stillman Valley, Byron. Kingston and Pecatonlca. Several members of tbo Commander-in-Chiefs staff were present--E. B. Gray, Adju­ tant General; Phil Cheek, Jr., Aide do Camp; E. H. Smith and H. E. Gerry, Aids. Speeches were made by Com­ rades Lucius Fairchild, E. B. Gray, Phil Cheek. Jr., J. W. Bant, Smith D. Atkins, T. G. Lawler, and others. Miss Daisy Force, the daughter of tho "Iron Brigade," sang soveral patriotic songs; the Webber Quartette also ren­ dered soveral American songs. Tho ladios of tho Woman's Relief Corps Drovided a sumptuous banquet at Post Hall. After the eatables had boon disposed of the camp-fire exercisss were resumed and kept up until tho •'wee sma'" hours reminded tho par­ ticipants that night had gone and morning was with them. Then a ma­ jority rttired to their honfes, white* J few continued the festivities In aqni- et way at the hall and Hoffman House. The camp-fire burned low at daybreak. The comrades of Nevlns Post, and tho estimable ladies of the W. R. C. have won a world-wide reputation for thotr generous hospitality. THK ORDKB AT LABOR. The Thirteenth Regiment, IndUtift lufantry, will hold its fifty annnal re­ union at the Marion County Court House, Indianapolis, on Wednesday* Sept. 21, t The preparations being made by the executive committee having the mat­ ter In charge for the coming National eoampment are on a magnificent scale, It is estimated tyiU fully tl50,000 will be expended In tbo preparation fer and entertainment of tbo Grand Army, The posts of St, Louis have a fund ef over $20,000 to be used In special en­ tertainment of visiting comrades. The illumination of the city will be at na expenditure of 925,000, two pieces rep­ resenting Lincoln and Grant alone costing 82,500. A trades display will be a prominent feature. A banqoot will be given the delegates on Frldaj evening Sept. 30. Grand camp-fires will be held In different locations. The parade on the morning ot Sept. 27 will be the largest body of marching men seen since the grand review at Wash­ ington In 1865. It is expected that fully 75,000 veterans will attend the National encampment. The people of St. Louis are exceedingly anxious te give the "boys in blue" the grandest and most gorgeous reception accorded them since the war and feel oenMoat that they will eclipse their neighbors of the Pacific slope. The Chicago Board of Trade Battery was a part of the famous Second Cav­ alry Division, Army of the Camber- land. The Second Brigade ot thta Division has been holding a reunion at Columbus, Ohio, and the following tel­ egrams were exchanged on Thursday: OHIO CAVALRY REUNION, GOOOAUI PAI:K, COLUMBUS, OHIO,---God bless I all old comrades vet on earth. Accept our hands in everlasting grip. Yen stood by us in war, we stand by you ID peace as well. May we see you face te face at reunion Army of tho Cumbers land here next summer. B. F. NOUB»% Sec. Board of Trade Battery Assje At 11 o'clock Mr. S, M. Randolph ie>» ceived the following: COLUMBUS, OHIO, Aug, IT.--Chicago Board of Trade Battery: Second Brt- ade of Cavalry send greeting. We grasp your hand In fraternity, while we assure you that your cavalry oona- rades will stand by you forever and forever. 8, W. CHAPIN, Secretary, Knowing nothing of the first dis­ patch, and thinking Mr. Nourse might bo out of the city, Mr. Randolph repli­ ed on behalf ef Mr. Stevens, whe Is iU, as follows: AUG. 18.--S. W. Chapin, Secretary Second Cavalry Brigade. Colombo*, Ohio: The Chicago Board of Trade Battery returns greeting, and Is glad d by tho Brigade tt«| to be re mem ben was Second only In name

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