NIL WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1887, Railroad Time Table. „ ftklng effect Jane 20th, trains will paw toUow"ry 8tal,on ®xcept Sandays, as « 001 NO SOUTH; lAke Ueneva Passenger ..........7:25 A. K Geneva Express ..*».,»» .8:22 " take Geneva Freight 2:<H> p. M I»ake Geneva Passenger . 3:26 *• Oeneva Pp_flfanncrft|»^#f -•••-- ' I'WmjPffr,.., • p'"° •" OOINO MOtTB. ' Lake Geneva Freight A; x Lake Seneva Passenger ..**,^...9:52 f~ LakeGenwya Passenger ..*10:10 • take Seneva Express 4:68P. U ake Geneva Passenger 8:57 " * Stops only to leave Passengers. B. Bit##, Agent. McHenrv, 111 U MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. ' Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second Jnd Last Tuesday evening of each montb. leighbors co* lially Invited. MASONIC. _ MCHEWKT LODGE, XO. 158 A.|F, and A. M.-- segular Communications the second and fourth Monday* in each month. JOHN 1. STOUT, W. M. t ' THE Good Templars will meet at Parker House hall this week. - ? THE Tow a Board Of Audit met on Tuesday. . - Millinery Goods at Cost, at Mrs. H. '»*. Nichols. THE Waukegan fair is in progress tills week. Quite a number from this •eetlen will go over. ALTHOFF BROS., have a new adver tise men t this week which the buying public will do well to read. "READ the new advertisement Of itevens A Miller, elsewhere in this japer, THE match race between "Coman che" and "Jockey" on Thursday last, was won by "Comanche" la three ralghthfats. MARRIED, at the residence of the bride's parents, Aug. 31st. 1887, bjr the $ev. R. K. Todd, Mr. Howard Conn •nd Miss Bertha Dike, both of Hebron. THERE is a touch of better times all •round. A tone of encouragement ap pears in the latest news from all the commercial centres. Salvation Oil, the greatest on re on earth for pain, has made a most brill iant debut. All druggists and dealers It medicine sell it at 25 eents a bottle. THE Ladies of the Uhiversalist so- doty will hold a sociable at the rest- dence of W. A. Crlsty, on Friday even* lag of this week September 9th. All •re cordially invited. "> ANYONE wishing to buy a first-class .Yawl Boat, cheap, should Inquire at this office. Cost $S0 and will be sold for one-fourth. Is as good as new, with masts sails and everything com plete. MRS. C. A. KNIGHT, of Chicago, who Is domiciled at Pistaqua Bay, has the thanks of ye editor and family for the largest and finest Bass we have seen this season. It was caught by Mrs. light hereelf. •» • FOUND, on the road between Mo- Henry fcnd the residence of John W, Smith, a coat. The owner can have the same by calling on Mr. Smith, proving property and paying for this notice. CHAS. W. FAT, of Chicago, spent three days or last week In this village. TUNE RACE started for California this Wednesday morning, CHAS. H. BEERS, of Hoxie, Kansas, was calling on friends here on Thurs day last. VERN SMITH, of Lincoln, Netk, has been visiting with friends here the past week. • :" J, A, ,«f• Qfcloffigo, toofe tn'ihr- Old Settlers* Meeting hereon Thurs day last. FRANK PATTERSON and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of E. M. Owen and family last week. Miss SARAH THURLWELL, ol Lincoln, Neb., is visiting with friends In this vicinity. Miss QHRISTINE SOBBLE, ol Volo, is visiting tflth [Miss Mary Bonslett, In this village. MRS. R. STEBBINS, of Richmond, came down to attend the Old Settlers- Meeting on Thursday. MISS CORA WHEELER, of Marengo, has been visiting friends in this vil lage the past week. C. E. CHAPELL and wife, of Algon quin. were visiting with Geo, W. Owen and wife last week. MRS. C. E. COBB, who has been visit ing in Vermont the past few months, arrived home last week. DR. C.*E. COOK, of Huntley, Coroner of McHenry County, was a caller on Tuesday. Miss MAMIE RUSSEL, of Elgin, spent a few days of last week in this village as guest of Miss Julia A. Story. LEW HOLMES started for Ravens* wood this Wednesday morning, where he will go to work for H. Snyder. MRS. ARTHUR L, SMITH and daugh • ter, Miss Enid Smith, from Highland Park, were the guests of Miss Julia A. Story, during a part of last week. JOHN BTRNES, of 276 South Water Street, Chicago, was on our streets on Thursday last. He was out to attend the Old Settlers1 Meeting. MRS. ED. BESLEY and son, and Mrs. Bryant Besley, son and daughter of Waukegan, are visiting with Geo. W. Besley and family, in this village. MR. AND MRS. GEO. BRENNER and daughter Edith. Mr. Emil Johnsoo, and Miss Verbena Christopher, of Chicago, were the guests of C. Grim, elby and family last week. MISS STELLA PARKER, of Keith Bros. Chicago, has been quite sick the past week, at the residence of Mrs, H. H. Nichols, in this village. She is under the care of Dr. Chllds. MRS. JOH* A. CARPENTER and Miss Kate Dimerick, whq are spending the summer at Lake Pistaqua, were the guests of Miss Julia A. Story last Thursday. JT^A.C, GRANGER started "Tuesday for Dakota with a car of work horses, which he and his father, F. K., have been buying in this section the p .weeks*"'* '"~4 a, • : ' THE Univeraallst Sunday School, In this village, will be held on Sunday next at half put ten o'clock and con tinue at the same hour each Sunday until further notice. Ws are informed that Frank Qulg- ley, with eight hands, threshed one day last week, on W. Francisco's farm, one hundred and sixty-three bushels of grain la 67 minutes. Who can beat it* K. I If MATT W. FREUND, who lives near Johnsburgb, was the happiest man In this section on Monday. Cause, a twelve pound girl arrived at his home on Saturday last. Mat was well inough to be around on Mondays. HIE regular meetings of McHenry Post, No, 643, G. A . R., will be held •on the first and third Fridays of each month. The first regular meeting will be on Friday, Oct. 7th. A full list of the officers cau be .found In our . Soldier's Department. A LUNCH Basket was taken by mis-, lake from the Park, Old Settlers Day. A notice was left at this office to be Inserted in the paper, but three days before the paper was issued we found ttafebasket. More benefits of advertis- Ing. .. BE sure and read Looke's new adver tisement, to be found in another col umn, and when you visit the Wood stock Fair be sure and visit his booth, at the south side of Floral Hall, where you can get anything from a inut to a first class meal, MR. ROSS, the patentee of the "Lit tle Giant" hand fire engine, has been la town giving tests of bis machine for the past two or three days, with the view of selling one to the author ities. What the committee will do we are not informed at this writing. L.E. BENNETT, our Photographer, has shown us one of the finest outdoor groups that we have seen for many a day. It will pay you to call at his Gallery and see it. And we do not exagerate when we say that Bennett cannot be beat as an Artist in the county. ONE Hundred and Six Couples at tended the Harvest Party, at the Riverside House on the evening of Sept. 1st, Old Settlers Day. Slocum's Orchestra played their best, and every body enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. 2fo one ever fails to have a good time at the Riverside House. THE only way to cure fever and ague is either to neutralize the poisons which cause the disease or to expel them from the system. Ayer's Ague Cure operates In both ways. It 1b a Warranted specific for all forms of malarial disorders, and never falls to oure. Try it. * Jelleys of every known variety at - • *£- THE Ladies Wiillug Workers Socie ty, connected with the Universallst Church, will meet at the Universalist Church Thursday afternoon at the usual hour. MBS. W. A. CBISTT, President, Mis* JULU A. STORY, Secretary. OUR fashionable ladies were talking a great deal last season about the 'eleDhant grey.' That It was the 'prettiest color,' 'the handsomest tint,' 'the very best style,' &o. Now they say that for « cold, the best cure is one bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, --and the ladies know. ^"JOHN FLUSKT, who bought the widow Gates farm. Southwest of this village, has been building a new house on the same. It Is 20x38 feet, 18 foot posts, with piazza on North aud South 9ides. The carpenter work was done by John Winkles, of this village, and is a credit to him as a workman, The work. Inside and out, will stand the closest Inspection, He is a first Glass workman, and deserves, as be receives, ya liberal patronage in his line. WE would rail particular attention to the new advertisement o! Rudolph A McNett, boot and shoe dealers, Woodstock, which can be found Ip an other column. This firm have recent ly started in Dacy's Block, and have a stock of goods ln *tbeir line e<jnal to any in the county, and are selling at the lowest living prices, and goods guaranteed as* rapresented. When at the Fair be sure to give them a call Read their advertisement. A PERPLEXING mathematical prob lem is going the rounds of the press that may serve to tax the ingenuity of school boys or even children of a large growth. It is thus stated: A freight t^in one mile in length stopped at a station with the caboose just opposite the depot. The conductor received orders to move his train to the uext station, which was just five miles distant. He gave the engineer the signal to move, which he did. while the conductor walked over the train to the engine aud got there just as the locomotive reached the station, where he got off. The question is how far did he walk or how far did he ride, or did he ride at all? ^ Special Premiume*iMdltloit»l. Mrs. P. W. Murphy, Jr„ Supt of Youths' Department, offers a nice.card album to the child between 6 and 10, who will exhibit the best article of their own making. Chas. Manse, of Wirth, Dickls A Co., a box of Sensation Cigars to the groom. And if one desires to realize a beautiful sensation, smoke one of the Igyiistlon oMPfM** a*1* Wright. TfieiiAtf aiMI the Old Settlors. As there bas been considerable out side talk (principally by the band; and misrepresentation as to why the Mc Henry Band was not hired for Old Settlers' Day, we deem It best to make full statement of the facts and then let the people judge as to who was wrong in the matter. At a meeting for the puxpose ol making arrangements for the Old Set tlers' meeting we were appointed a the occasion. We called the Leader into our office and asked him what the band would play for the Old Settlers for. He Informed me that there would be a meeting that night, and that he would let me know the next day. I said to him, "be as easy as you can, as the Association has no money only what is contributed." He never came near me the next day, nor after wards, and I oould learn nothing defi nite by inquiry. Ou the night of their next meeting a week after, I sent the band word that I would give them •25, and if after paying other expenses we had any money left I would give them 15 more. I got no direct answer to this, but heard they said they would entertain no such proposition. After waiting several days and making up our mind that they either "wanted the world" or did not want anything, we hired another band. We should not have made this state ment only that downright lies haye been circulated In relation to the mat ter, and we wish the people to know the facts, which are exactly as stated above. The band attempted to bull doze and got lift, and there is nobody to blame but themselves. JOHN KNOX, who resides near Terra Cotta', committed suicide at his resi dence, on Monday last, by taking Paris Green. He has been out of bis head at times for the past two years, and imagined that some one was trying to get bis property away from him. While in these moods his friends have feared he would do himself harm, and consequently have kept a close watch on him, but be at last evaded them and took his own lite. On Monday morning he came Into the house and informed his family that he had taken Paris Green. Dr. ,F«gers was imme diately sent for who done all in his power to counteract the poison, but with no avail, and he died in great agony about three o'clock In the after noon. Coroner Cook was notified who came over and held an inquest, the Jury, after hearing the evidence of the Doctor bringing in a yerdict that John Knox came to his death' from the effects of a dose of Paris Green, administered by his own hands, with suicidal intent, while crazy. Mr. Knox was an old setter of the county, was about 65 years old and was highly respected In the community where he lived and wherever known. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his mely end. THE iarge stock barn of Henry C. Meadr -oae lnlle Weat oX this village, with its entire, contents, was destroyed t?y .fire on Thursday night, or rather Friday morning last, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock. The fire was discovered by parties in the West end of the village who drove to Mr. Mead's and awoke them, but the fire had gained such headway that It was almost a miracle that they saved the adjoining buildings. In the barn was something over 50 tons of chotce Hay, 1 Plow, Feed Cutter, a Silo 18x26, In process of building, the lower part of which was finished, 1 Hay Fork.and Tackling, Shovels, Spades. Forks, and other Tools. Also one fine young Blooded Bull, The barn was a large one, being 54x54, with two additions, one 18x36 and the other 24x24. The loss is estimated at about #3000. The barn and contents was Insured in the St Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company for #1500, and his live stock in the Home $f New York for #650. As to the origin of the fire tut little is known, but on raking over the ruins the ribs of an old saohel waa found, and it Is supposed that some tramp had taken lodging there for the night, and striking a match for some purpose set the hay on fire, and seeing what he bad done made himself scarce. This is the general belief, and seems reasonable. It is a serious loss to Mr. Mead, his entire stock of bay being consumed. IflLft (U2 TM m dfltlR A Big Crowd an# a Glorious Time. ONE OF THE LARGEST QATR RINGS F9R if ANY YEAR& y Ti I A fine fine lot of pamols very chsfp children's embroidered Fkirtlng In blue and red with plain goods to match. Misses' fine hosiery, new style dress patterns, black brocaded dress satin, and ready-made ladies' goods at the ladies' sal esroom. H. S. GREGORY. any. A Big Chance for the Man! To a capable man who wlstief to Rent a large Stock Farm. I will 'give the biggest, kind of a chance, if appli cation is made at once. Will Rent for a ftrm of yjpars. W. H. FORD. Riverside House. McHenry, II!. Sept. 7th, 1887. Settlement Notice. Being about to close my business in t his village and move West, this is to notify all persons knowing themselves indebted to me, either by Note or Book account, to call and settle the same without delay. This Is no collec ting dodge, but squarO business, as my business must be closed here in the next 30 days. Those interested will take notice. Delays are dangerous, JOHN I. STORY, McHenry, 111. Sept 6th. 1887, Cheap Rates to Chicago A Return* The Chicago A North-Western Rail way Co. will sell cheap excursion tick ets to Chicago and Return during September and October, on acceunt of.the Chicago Exposition, which wiil continue from September 7tb, to Octo ber 22d. and for the International Mill tar vJEencampment. beginning Oc tober 20th. For information relative to date* when tickets will be sold, rates, etc., apply to agents Chicago 4 North-Western Railway. 8-5w. • Thursday, September 1st, 1887, was a day long to be remembered with pleas- I.y all who visited McHenry and took part in the excitement and enjoy ment attending the celebration of the Annual Reuni m of the OH Settlers of McHenry and Lake counties. The day was fine aud at an early hour the peo ple, old and young, began to gather, and by 12 o'clock the crowd was vari ously estimated at from 7,000 to 10,000 people. Promptly at eleven o*clook the exer cises were commenced at the stand, and the speaking, sipging, music, etc., were ail of the most Jnteresting char acter. If we had the time and space we would very much like to give the speeches io full. We can only say that those who failed to hear them missed a rich treat. Remarks were made by Asa W. Smith, Esq., President of the Day, Col. J. S. Wilcox, of Elgin, Hoa, Geo. Gage, Hon. A. B. Coon and others, and all were listened to with the^clos est attention. The remarks of Col. Wilcox were appropriate to the occa sion and those who listened were unan imous in the opinion that the commit tee had made no mistake In inviting him tc address them on that occasion. He Is an easy, graceful speaker, and talks with that earnestness that car ries conviction with his words. After the exercises at the stand were concluded and dinner over, the Amusement part of the programme was carried out to the letter,v*nd to the entire satisfaction of all. For the Foot Race there were six contestent8. the first money being won by Tooy Barblan, of this village, and the second by Tony King, of Waucon- da. For the Boat Race there were four contestants, the firat prize being won by W. Woodburn, and the second by B. Stilling, The Tub Raoe was woo io one, two three order as follows: Dell 'JVd, Glide Curtis, J. Gllleo. T";;, The Sack and Wheelbarrow Races created lots of fun and were won, the first by Vern Ford and the last by Oranger. A shower coming on at the close of the exercises spoiled Istfftiwhat the visiting part of the day, and also the journey home for Outsiders, but taside irom this i the day waa one of real en joyment for all. THE BANDS. The Bands present were the Ring- wood Band, the Wauconda Band, and Spring City Band of Woodstock«/and to each one the Association wishes to return their thank) for the music furnished for the oc^ajio^ 1 It was of the highest order,Land each of the above named townsjiave |ust cause to feel proud of thefr^ffe BaTidsJ* • THE CHOIR. (The Association aia^-^tflsh to return their thanks 4Kb) r, who by their presence and splendid songs, aided so much In the exercises of the oocasionj THE CHAMPION FLAG*. ^The oontest for the Championship Flag was spirited between the towns of Dorr and Waucondi, but was won by Wauconda, and was presented to them by H. C. Mead, in a few hand- sotne and well chosen remarks. dftiue ended one of the most enjoyable Re-Uniojs held by tl^e Old Settlers for many yeart>~ Xftrit all may live to eujoy many more gatherings of the same kind is our sincere wishf The Wind -up. Are you getting ready to attend the great McHenry County Fair one week from next TQesdayf if not hurry up. You cannot afford to miss it. The great fair of 1887--more stock, more exhibits of all kiad^, more great speakers, beet tfotting, more fun of all kinds, than all other fulrs combined. This is no taffy. Our programme is the best, and so conceded by all who have attended the fair in the past. We never disappoint--unless sickness steps in. We are proud of the pro gramme for 1887, and we are confident you will enjoy It. It surpasses all oth ers. Wednesday the wedding and the grand concert by the Apollo Quartet club of Chicago. Thursday. Samuel Randali, A. E. Stevenson, 1st Assistant /Postmaster General, and all the shin ing lights throughout the state, 5 big races Friday the day of all days. Not less than seven congre«smen to be here besides Senator Farwell and I am quito sure Culiom, the state officers, and a large attendance of public men throughout the state. Note It down that it will be a day leng to be re membered. To our Lake county friends who have tried hard during the past two years to attend the great fair and rain has prevented it, we say come this season and see for yourselves one of the greatest fairs on record. A. S, WRIGHT. Cheap Rate* to Denver A Return* The Chicago & North-Western Rail way Co. will sell excursion tickets to Denver and Return at one fare for the Round Trip. Tickets will be sold Sep tember 13th to 18cb, exclusive, and as they will be good returning until October 31st, an excellent opportunity is presented to parties desirous of vlsting Colorado. Tickets will be sold to Odd Fellows, their friends, aud the general public. For tickets, informa tion and sleeping car accommodations, apply to ageats of Chicago 4t North western Railway Co. 8-2w. • im pair ! Fair ! Fair I Remember the Woodstock Fair next week and don't forget to secure an easy, comfortable seat la Parker's four horse carriage, that is now back from Fox Lake and will each day make the round trio to Woodstock. Engage your seat early. Carriage leaves Mo, Henry at 8 A. m„ returning,leayes Woodstock at 5:30 p. m. F. A. PARKER. THE celebrated Queen's Recllblng Chair is sold at H. V, Shepard's hard - war®. Hammocks are nowhere com Kiclimond Department, • Club dance September ",20. Music by Slocum. McConnel & McGaw paid 71 cents per hundred for July milk. A. L. Austin and Joe Richardson have built new houses. Trotting and running raoei at Shar on Thursday. Sept, 15th. Autioch furnished the oouple ft* the Racine Co. fair wedding. * Dan Kilbourn and J. L. Downing In dulged In a lawsuit last week. Miss Maggie Heck will preside over the deliberations of Washington school this winter. Messrs. P, K. Allen and W. E. Mot ley, accompanied by their families, took in Chicago last Thursday. Corn cutting is now under full head way. Most farmers report a fair crop of fodder but not much corn. This week the McHenry County "Vets" are holding their first reunion at Crystal Lake, Richmond Post, G. A. R, Is well represented. Nearly everybody will attend the McHenry county fair. Richmond will, as usual, be well represented In the stock and speed departments. Mrs. Stephenson, the elocutionist. Is booked for an entertainment In J, E. Burton's Gpera House next Tuesday evening, September 13, Spragut) Pilot, owned at the Waters Stock Farm, woqj^e stallion race at Freeport, Iliinw^; In three straight heats. Best tlme, 2:31|. Fred Hohensteln, an employe In the state lnsUpe asylum at Independence, Iowa, Is visiting relatives and friends in Richmond and vicinity, School began Monday with the fol lowing corps of teachers: high school. George Menical, of Morgan County, Indiana; Intermediate, Miss Minnie Potter, of Richmond; primary, Miss May McConnel, of Richmond. Hamlin Fenner, Frank Wray, Robert Hunter and John Stone, are the latest converts to ensilage feeding In this vi cinity. They have each built large silos this summer and are now bnsy filling them. A large number of Richmond!tes attended the old settlers' annual re union at McHenry last Thursday, and all unite In pronouncing It oue of the most successful meetings ever held by the association. McHsnry Is the ."place of places" for holding these eunions. With the approaohlng cold nights the season at Twin Lakes draws to a close. An occasional picnic and camp ing party may still bs seen, but the rush is oyer. Year after year the Lakes are gaining in popularity as their many advantages and beauties come to be known, Whether lor a day's outing or for longer, no pleas- anter, more home-like place can be found. Captain Ack'irmaii has had a house full all summer, aud besides his regular boardeis has had mauy tran sients and" several bltcuraiont, uotably one from Elgin of 300 people, and one from Kenosha of uearly 400, l'he Rock ford Club had the largest crowd out this year they ever did, And have made many improvements to their grounds and buildings and have many more in contemplation. Bain's grounds have been occupied nearly all the time and the Woodstock Camp has held mauy .1 jolly crowd. Dr% Fitch and Mr. Myers have both erected new buildings and otherwise .beautified their grounds, and takiug it all in all this can safely be set down as the most successful season ever known at Twin Lakes, ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persona in Algonquin and vioin- ity, knowing iliemselvtM inaebteii for the PLAINDEALKR can learn of the amount by culling on John Holm, who id authorized to receive money ami recaipl for tno same, in our name. Those wlstuog to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Call oa Uiui and get a sample co py.J EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Mr, and Mrs. D. W, Thomas started on Monday last for Carthaze, Mo., for a two weeks visit with D. W.'s parents. 'At C. E. ChapeH'8 Auction Sale of a carload of milch cows, on Wednesday of last week, cows sold on an average of |28 per head. There were a uumber from here at tended the Old Settlers Meeting at McHenry on Thursday last. ~ There were a few families from here tried camping out for a couple of days last week. They went up to the old picnic grounds. In Mrs. uilllan's wood*, but oh, the mosquitoes I The moonlight picnic, on Saturday evening, was a failure on account of the rain. H. B. Hubbard started on Monday of this wefek, for Hamilton. N. Y., on a visit to his brother. F. D. Coltrin and wife, of Chicago, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter.f| The ladies of the Epteeopal Society will giv* a Fancy Fair and Festival at Pingry's Hall, on the evening of Sept. 15th. All are cordially Invited to at tend and have a good tlmeT^ Mr. and Mrs, A. C Helm, of Chicago, were the guests of J. Helm over Suu- day. Miss Allie Pooley, of Aurora, is the guest of Miss Annie Philp. Mrs. Ray, (nee Birdie Morton) is Sit home quite sick. The Ladies Sewing Society will meet at Mrs. Crafton's room, Thursday Sept. 14th. FEED CUTTERS AND POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you on Feed Cutters, etc., as you can pos sibly do at the fairs. Bottom prices guaranteed on Belle City. Smalley, Star and Ross Feed Cutters at E. M. Owen A Son. Stiver and Deming Feed Cotters at E. M. Owen & Son. Star Feed Cuttets with any length carrier at E. M. Owen A Son. ' 1 • I • .J Best hand feed cutters oa earth at *• Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORY*. MASOWIC.--A. F. and|A. X. meetJat Maaeale Hall on every 1st 'and 3d Wednesday even ings of each month. MODKRW WOODXBN OF AMERICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every ad and 4th Monday even ings of each month. # Neighbors cordially in vited. SONS or TEMPERANCE.--Meet at TTtkionJHall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDKALBR John Gates' new house looms up in the south part of town. Mrs. Selden Street has a sister visit ing her from Albion, N. Y. Several from here attended the Old Settlers meeting at McHenry. The cream in question was too high ly seasoned for the "Kid." Frank Rowe, E. B. Stratton, and C( F. Prouty, attended the fair at Racine on Saturday. George Alexander, who has been making relatives in this vicinity a vis it, returned to Chicago this week, George Boughton commenced bis school in the Stone dlstrtct last week. Anna and Nellie Brennan are slowly recovering from a long and severe at tack of malarial fever, George Seaman returned from the West last week. His daughter, Mrs. Root and children accompanied him. Mr. Schuyler Marvin, from Louisiana is visiting relatives in town* He was a resident of Richmond in the long ago and has many friends In that place as well as here, Dr. Herrick has a case of typhoid malarial fever, a German lady living southwest of town. There Is but little hopes of her recovery. On Wednesday evening, Aug. 31st, at eight o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dyke, occurred the marriage t>f their only daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Howard Coon, of this plase. ^Rev. R. K. Todd, of Woodstock, pronounced the few Impressive words that xade the contract binding, In the presence of only relatives of the fam ily. The young couple have the best wishes of many friends here, where they are both well and favorably known. Estray Notioe. Came into the enclosure of the un dersigned, on the Alleusby farm, on the Wauconda road, on or about Aug ust 30th, one Bay Mare and Colt. The owner Is hereby notified to prove property, pay ohargesjand take them away. 8-3w PATRICK FLtsKY. The fall stock is arriving at John Evanson A Co, It will bO unusually large and attractive. Call at Evanson s for fine Teas. Fine full cream cheese at Evanson's Economical House Keepers should try & sack of Evanson's Flour. It Is sure to please you. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale the following property: 1 work horse, 1 three year old colt. 1 sucking colt, 3 cows, coming In early, aud one single bl,ggy- Will be sold reasonable if ap plif'd for MOB. Apply on the prem ised one mile north-east of Johusburg. 5 4w MRS. RAUEN. A flue line of bird cages, chi W, P. Stevens', West McHenry Cuftis & Darling* Professional Horse Trainers, are prepared to break Colts, Ugly and Kicking Horses, on the the most reas onable terms. No matter how ugly or •uean a horse you bring us we wil guarantee to handle them and make them docile, Jive us a trial. Bring on your ugly horses, CURTIS A DARLING, McHenry, HI, Oysters! Oysters! At Pekovsky's Restaurant, two doors south of the post office, McHenry. can at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of the best brands in the market, either by the can or d'sh. Oysters served in any style and on the shortest notice, either day or even* Ing. Also a choice line of confectionery always on hand, GIVE US A CALL. MoHenry, Aug. 30,1887. SWICERT, JR., Formerly of Llbertyvllle, has been purchased by W. E. A F. C. Colby, and will stand at the farm of W. E. Colby, one-half mile north of McHenry. Terms, 910 to Insure- 7-1 m Fall Millinery. * MRS. E. W. HOWE has just return ed from the city with a full stock of the latest styles in Fall Millinery, to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and vicinity. Hav ing selected everything with the great est care, she is confident she can please all who may give her a call, both in style of goods and price, The Ladies are invited to ct*ll and inspect my goeds whether they wish to purchase or not, MRS. E. W. HOWE. FLOUR AND FEED, FOB CASH ONLY. We now have in stock at all times and will meet any prices maue for same quality or quan tity ot grain or feed, shelled corn 1886, Oats, Middlings, Bran, Ground corn (ground corn and oats) Salt, Oil Meal, Clover, Mil- lot, and Timothy deed. We handle only No. 1 stock. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. Glass Ball Shoot. There will be a Glass Ball Shoot at Pi6taqua Lake, on Sunday. Sept. 11th, commencing at two o'clock P. M. Plenty of balls will be furnished, and lots of fun may be expected. Prices according to the crowd, Come out and have some sport. BKN STILLING. Pistaqua Late. Two good Row Boats for sale cheap if applied for soon. JOHN I. STORT. ' •1 a at Althoff Bros. Can at Besiege for the. bolt Wtf Paper In the market. Just received *$&r load of the oli Reliable Lyman Bk&> Wire, at Joton I. Story's, 'Walking shoes at lesa than half prloo to close at EL Colby's. City residences for aaki. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, m. The finest lino of Bird Cages fa town, at John I. Story's. When In search of a good Hat of any kind, go to Althoff Broe. The finest 50 cent tea ia at Althoff Bros, See.the Belle City Feed Cutter* and Down powers at E. M. Owen A Son's. Drink Besley's Ale snd bo healthy and happy Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Wagon Grease ever used, a now thing, si Besley's, Ellwood's Veteran self dump Bake, the best on the market. Sold by B» Bishop. ______ School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. Bishop sells the combined hand sad power Ross Cutters. Call and see them at Bishop's Warehouse. * Call for the "Winning 8tr0ken.SMW Brand of five cent Cigars, maMfMC«*» ed by Barblan Bros. It beat* them all. A higher than market prlos will he paid for good Milling Wheat at the Wauoondia Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. THE Genuine Novelty and Universal Clothes Wringer at bottom prloes at John I Story's. Beware of Imitations. The Rockford Cutlery Company's fine Scissors and Shears, at w. P. Stevens', West McHenry. tf In want of a Cook Stove call sod see our Peninsular and London and Paris Ranges. W. P. Stevens. Weal McHenry. If you aae In need of a first dais Feed Cutter, look at the Roes Unward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. Besley's celebrated Ale on drenght at John Heimer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. The most bealihy drink for warm weather. When you are prepared to buy feed come to me for prices. I cau make It an object for you. And bear in mind that I charge you but one profit There Is no three dollar bonus here. W. A. CRISTT. .s The Metropolitan is the Boss carpet sweeper, ana no housewife should buy one before seeing It. It is cheaper and better than all others. For sale by John I. Story. Pumps, all kinds. Iron and wood, at soy length at B. M. Owea The M, D. Barrows Dundee Milk Can warranted four cross, tin all through, at W. P. Stevens', West McHenry. Clothing! Clothing I, The finest line of Clothing, in Sin gle Garments or Full Suits to be found in the County, and at prices that can not fall to please, at AUhofi Bros. . FEED CUTTERS. * The Ross, the Star, the Standard (Silver & Deming), the Belle City, the Baldwin, the sSmalley. All sizes for sale by K. M. Owen A Son. FOR SALE I oiler for sale my house pleasantly located in the village of MoHenry. If applied for anonoe will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable place. Inquire on the premises of EKNKST WENDELL 4 YAWL BOAT ror sale; 18 feet leng, V' ' • ' mast, sails, etc., complete; fast sailer; t_ dirt cheap. J. K. MILNE, ^ S ' <•* ' v J ~ >/• hp FOR SALS. Fourteen acres of good iatd, situat ed within a mile of the village of Mo> Henry. There is a good house, barn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reasonable* Apply at this office. CART STATION, III., March M, 1SSS. O, DICKINSON & SON--Barrington, ILL Gentlemen;--I had a cow that did lot clean for three days after oalving, aid I procured a bottle of your cow I rescrlption and gave it according to the directions, and the cow was all right io less than thirty-six hours af ter giving, and has done first rate since. AUGUST ASM. For sale by all druggists. It always gives us pleasure to spesft well of a good article. The "Garland Stoves and Ranges" are acknowledged to embody all that is beat in that line. They have the reputation of being the best made. Though Imitated by many they are equalled by none. FecSftla & . S 1 McHenry by John I. Story. ^ :, v > '*"* -- ^ < Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks, and anything in my lino of boat* aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door Sonth of Lew* I us' Store, F. A. FRITIWH, MoHenry, Aug. 10,1885. . U-4-ly . . v i; The Verdict Unanimous- . : W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippas, Ind. testifies: "I can recommend Jttectrio Bitters as the very best rifffedy. Every bottle sold has given every case. One man took six Mtjlfcy. and was cured of Rheumatism years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms; 'The best selling medicine I have ever handled In my 20 years' experience, la Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only half a dollar a bottle at Heary Colhjr1* Dt«| Store, ______ Greatly Exoitedi Not a few of the citizens of McHenry have recently become greatly, excited over the astouuding facta,^that several of their friends who had been pro nounced by their physicians ss incura ble and beyond all hope--suite ring with that dreaded monster Consump tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, the only rtruedy that does postlvely cure alS throat and lung dis eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Heniy Colby's Drugstore, large bottles91. Ji *wn'; J-?.j •, y* ars and Jugs 9 oeata nor gallon at * Bngeln. JOHN P. SMITH, , Wntohmaker & JovrehMPji MoHENRY. ILLINOIS* AriNK stock of Clocks, Watebee aad JMk. elry always on hand. Special ajtealtaa g)v«n to repairing fins *•»>«. Qtso a MU* 4P3& £> ffffflt .. ^>i i^i| «fe r~ - 'J t$i>m S&Ik£fc'.5l