e>r- 'im t>E i*!©cfgec! buttOjTcutUy to Liberty siftcc L&w§ mo Favotg Win us and no Peir Shall Aw©.**> VOL. 13. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. . • . •- 7 . , SPif " • *" Pastissap Kvinr WnDirnsDAY ferr' V A N S L Y K K t - BBITOB AlHO PBOPRIKTOB. In Bishop's Block.) ^OWOKT* Pirn * OWKfl •, fiBxs or 8UBsoaiPTioir; ilia Tear (In iimiM) If Hot Paid within Three Months. ... .$1.50 . .. *.00 Subscriptions neaired for -three Or lix Months in the same proportion. . we lint <'> 1 Inc Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising the P[.&iin>CAi.ro, and endeavor to state i so plainly that they will he nwlUy an- toed. They are as follows: BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWIT, A TTOftKET AT LAW, 83 La8aPe Street A CHICAGO, ILL. M. P. ELLSWORTH,! A TTORXBY at Law, and Soiicitor|in|Ghan A eery, Nanda, IlL. ASA W: SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and soueftoifitn Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kind* of -lfalr Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, 111. 1 Inek ene year 9 Inches one year finches one year -Column one year Ooiumn ene year. .Column one yoar SO* 10 00 IS 00 SO 00 i fte' «'*• * «,.• •» #no inch means the measurement of one #bh down the column, single ooiumn width, -pearly advertisers, at the above rates, have »e privilege of changing as often as they •fcoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having •tending cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line aaeh week. All others will be charged 10 cents per 3lne the first week, and 8 cents per lino for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this Is set In) the first Issue, and • cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, SB inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three Weeks, and so on. The PiAiNDKAMBB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody ••eking the use of its columns for pecuniary * BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M.D. •HTSIOIAN AND SURGEON.' OllOft at Residence, McHenry, 111. C. H. FEGERS, M, D- YSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, •- Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry. III. Office at Residence, one door West MM. E. Church. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Orders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, IB Kelter Block, third door west of Riverside SUM. 2L ill kin Livery Stable. B. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers ihed at reasonable rates. Teaming ot kinds done on short notice. I J NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHENRY, ILL, Keep* open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will all times keep the best brands ef Wines, Liquors and Cigars : ho found in tne market. .» Also Agent For' •"* FRANZ PALKW BLIAUKII LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al. prays on hand, oheaper than any othei,vy,Wli- if considered. , r) ;v~ : #rders by mail promptly attended t$w; - -v- QOOD STAB LImt FOB HOR&KB. Y^HvOaU and see as. Robert Schtosfle. i |»est McHenry, IlL . Englen'a SALOON AND RESTAURANT. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. DRS. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DEN TISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 36th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. J, F. CASEY, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Office over Zimpleman's store. All business •ntrusted to my eare will receive prompt at tentlon. Woodstock, 111, JOHN KLEIFCEN. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Calciminer and Paper Banger. Residence one Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promptly and on reasonable terms. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 112 80UTH CLARK; STREET, Chicago, 111. Special Attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometer*. SWA Fall Assortment of Goods in his lino Tin* Kentucky Liquors, Bitters, ttcHenry Lager Beer, fUUnP Kllwaukis Best, -AND-- J. Scklitz llwaibe Bottle Beer. la any quantity from a. Snitz Glass to 5C0 barrels. AT WHOELSALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or raseas dieapaathe cheapest. # We bay none bat the best and |lill at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use |$i well. ANTONT ENGtEI^. McHenry, III.. 1886, Mea's, Boys and Misses Summer at Terry <fc Owen's, Unite! States far Claim Ap? OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, Illinois. Prosecutosall classss and kinds of claims against the United States for ex.Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is madi rejected claims. In prosecuting old and All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN, Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstocc, Illinois. TO HORSEMEN ! CHANCELLOR,- JR., Having recently purchased a very fine imported Clydesdale Stallion, Chancellor Jr., for our own use, will breed a limited number of Mares outside. Chancellor Jr. is 7 years old this Spring; is a Cherry Bay with black points; 16J£hand high and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, tine action, mild disposition. He was sired by Chancellor (1310), he by Drew Prince of Wales. (673) Dam by Lofty. (4C0j; grand dam by Dttke of Well- insrton, (1543); great gram! dam by Sir William Wallace, (801). He combines in his breeding the best blood Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform Colts, of great size, fine form, strong and rugged. We also have CHAMPION, J If# The Percheron Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for gen eral purposes, and cannot be beaten in the Northwest. Parties \vlu> intend breeding, the; coming season, will And it to their advantage to call and see our stock and get our terms' which will bo reasonable. Mares from a distance will be well" cared for, atowners risk, at Moderate rates. 1 . Call and see ns SStfc EANXY BEOS. & 0 HEALING POWDER. CURES ALL OPEN SORES ON ANIMALS IFR0M ANY CAUSE, SORE SHOULDERS, CUTS, KICKS, ROPE BURNS. SORE BACKS. SCRATCHES. CUTS FROM BARB-WIRE FENCE8, ETC. NO SMELL TO ATTRACT FLIES; DOES NOT BURN A SORE LIKE LINIMENTS; EASILY AP* FLIEO AND ALWAYS READY. FOR BURNS, CHAFING, SORES OB CUTS ON PERSONS, IT HAS NO EQUAL. • IS and 50 Cents a Box. AT DRUO OR HARNESS STORES. ̂ 81 for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seourelv wrapped, to any address In the Catted States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to 1ICHA&D X. VOX, F&AHKLIN SQUAKB, New York. AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BON3LETT 3AL00H AND RESTAURANT, a« ths OKI J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEERbythe Bottle or Case, always on hand, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ATTENTION Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at ury premises before purchasing. I can furnish snoh by the car-lead or single cow. PORTSft H. WOLFRUM, CHBHUVO. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. * LL PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all iobs In the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing Wells, or Will put u New Pumps On short notice and warrant salts Action, short will do all work in thts line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Ia If ora Oood references ftwmhrtott if ^eslmlL you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired new Pump, give me a call. SSTOrders by mail promptly attended to. PoBt Office, Jonnsburgn, 111. L. BANTE8. Johnsburyh, 111., My 25th, 1896. C TBS NKW QUININR.) Sires M Aplite New Strentl, QDiet Nerres Happy Days Sweet Sleep. A POWERFUL TONIC. That the most delioatoptomach will bear. A SPECIFIC Wm MALARIA HHKIffiWISM, NKRVOU8 PROSTRATION And all gens siea. Soldiers* Department. COlfTKlBUTKD BT WM, H. COWLIN. County C. A. R. Directory. miCHSCOKD POST MO 886. Meets the second Friday evening of «wilk month. ° • Da. s. F, BKKXITT, Coss. |WOOD8TOOK FOST^ MO MS. Meets first and third Monday evenings ef each month. Wit. AVKKT, Com. THE MOST SCIENTti FUL BLOOD PU/ quinine. Mr F. A. Miller, SI Tork, was cured by __ larial prostration aftei He had run down from on Kaskine in Jane SMS* month, regained his full Quinine did him no good Mr,Gideon Thompson, ef the most respeoted oi' Conn., say8: "I am nia< for the last three years, malaria and the effect* I recently began with up the malaria and in pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, Jersey City, writes: years, was cured of Mai fifteen months' illness," all hope. Letters from the abov details will be sent oq a| Kaskine can be taken medical advice. SI pert AHD SUCCKSS- Superior to S7th street, New ! ol extreme ma. en years suffering, ounds to 97. began nt to work in one ht in six months, tever. to oldest and one sof Bridgeport, years of age, and , ve suffered from ninine poisoning, tine which broke ed my weight 2S iHaliiday Street, son Harry, eleven by Kaskine after we had given up arsons, giving full leation. thout any special |le. Sold by MTMDA POST, Meets the second and fourth Wednesdav evenings of each month. ' Wm. Bl7Tt.BR, Com. •AKYARD TOST, MO SSS. Boots the second ana tourtn Monday even i o« each month. I. W. SSATBKNS, MAUVOO POST, No. 169, Meets every "Second and Fourth Frldav evenings of each month. A. J. BOTIMOTOM, Com. Algsr has retaratd fr*aa ! price. or sent by mail on rece KASKINE COMPANY, # Warren «|» Kew York City. ' , JOHN Pm Watohmoker MoHENRY, AriNE stock of Ci elry always on given to repairing aoalL fMiTH, Jeweler, ILLINOIS. atclies and Jew- Special attention tches. Give mo JttMN P. SMITH. the CHICAGO AND Wl Populaj^fl^to Illinois, Iowa, c;- -r: Wisconsin, WEST iiHjc*k C. G. ANDREWS, -f • ••• •- '-*?<#•.. ; * GENERAL SPRING OBOVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most B1AS0HABU RRMS, ̂ C. G. Anredws, Spring Grove, 111; Spring 3rove, Sept. Sth, 1885. ll-ll-3m KLAWLUS, Warrants a Fit or HO 'Jk. ist'-v L<'. .. & We make Suits to order of the beet Cloths, Foreign or Domes tic. AT TBK LOWEST PRICES That good Goods can be sold u. HE ALSO Clesss and Repairs Cletbes Neatly and on short notio ̂ Give Me a, Oall E. LAWLIMs MoHadiJi Jan. 19th, 1886, L. S. LINCOLN, Prep. Having rscently refitted my Restaurant, noar the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to acoommodate the public with Warm or Cold Meals, At all hours of the day or evening. Hot Coffees Xea on Ave minutes notice. ^ FULL STOCK OF^ Baker's Supplfeft, ALWAYS ON HAND. Cboice Frills, .if All IN THEIR SEASON. ICS Made every day, by the Quart or Dish. Also the Choicest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. WM lfeB«nrj, M.J Slat. UB7. -BREEDERS MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn. - Bsd PoUod Angu, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside Farm, West McHenry, III. Onr Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and originated from the best Morgan stoik In the Cnited States. Old Gifford Morgan, who stands at the head »f our Stock, is one of the best breed Morgan tiorse8 in the country, and can show more and •letter all purpose colts than any other horce tthe West. Wo invite the inspection of onr stpo% by torsemen and all lovors ot fine animals, A few full blood Morgan Celts and young aorses for sale. Also one matched team, full 'doods. (n Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn which we are crossing with the Red Polled Angus and therefore instead of saving on the horns we are brooding them toff ana with <eod suceess. A few Heifers and Bnlle, both pore bred Short Horns and the ones above mentioned brnli . _ J, R. laylor 4 IM!* WoatMoSmr* HUD*«i "tfc, 1Mb . ^ Salota, Nebraska and Wyoming. ' Its train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din ing and place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast ed steel. ^ The Northwestern Is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, tne tourist and the seekers after new homos In the feolden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished by BERNARD BUSS. Agent, k McHenry, III- 1 MARVIN HUQHITT. tmmw. ata Om. Manager. H. a WICKBR, Traffic Manager. Th«»17th Illinois Cavalry. Geloat) Berertdge, reuaos at the Sherman .lllouae, Cblcajo. Sajpt. 1Q; &}eo again at Lyon Park, St. Lontariepi, §8. Conrado O. H. Oldroyd, of Spring field, haa boen made custodian of the home of Lincoln by the atate officers, who are the trusteea of the home stead ; aalary, #J000 a year. The 86th Illinois held a grand reun ion at Peoria, Aug. 26 and 27. It was the 26th anniversary of the muster of the regiment into the service in the war for the Union, Gen. John C. Black, Commissioner of Pensions, draws one of the largest pensions enjoyed by any soldier--#25 a week. Comrade Blaek won his pen sion by actual service, by disability in curred therein. & p. WILWN, Omeral Pauenger AgentA ylsSt- D. MIIDHAM'C SON* lie-lir DsufeoraBtnst eucAee M And for sir- FOR SALE at H. V. Store, McHenry. SHBPAKD'S Hardware For Sale Cheap a-babi chahci To Secure a Good Business ycanopfn I offer for sale my store buildings, situated in the village of McHenry. They are of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind of buslnuts, with goon residence rooms in second story. Also good barn and out houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the ]>ost office. Also offer for sale my Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. r J. PEKOVSKY, McHenry, 111,, May 11, 1886. SMITH'S BEANS /3fWE IHteotoets: Slcfc Hseiartu laffwrM SimkT Clear the Skhi, TeM tto Wsrves, umI five LHe ^ Vlforte the ijitw/Dsie i OMBM*. TrytheaiOMe and yen «M now bo wMMMrtthesi. TrvtM Moo, Hee la itapi, >n»in7w --y alum, J. V. SMITH* CO.* sr. Qeneral Europe. Oen. B. F. Butler advocates a service pension for all Union soldiers. Gov. Foraker at the age of 19 years bad been in thirteen battles. Mrs. Mary Post, mother of General Philip Sidney Post, died At Galesburg, Aug. 30, aged 87 years. The annual reunion of the Illinois Mexican War veterans will take place at Greenville Sept. 21 and 22. The Republicans of Iowa have nom inated a private soldier for Jndgo of the Supreme Court. The Northern Indiana Soldiers and Sailors' Association, will bold its eighth annual reunion In South Bend, October 6 and 7. General John C. Black, Commission er of Pensions, is confined to his home in Washington by a severe attack of rheumatlam. Mrs. Gen. J, A, Garfield, and Mrs. Gen. U. S. Grant are both wealthy widows who iraw a pension of nearly •100 a week, The annual reunion of the old sol diers and sailors' association of Jo Daviess county was held at Warren Sept. 1. The attendance was very large. The reunion of tlu tttlt unteera whfoh took Sept. 3d, at Capron, largely attended and the general good. Tim dinner nlshed bjr the ctttsons «t accorded to the G. A. R. The Nation al Convention ot the W. R. C. holds Its annual sessions at the asms time and place a& the Grand Apmy. The organization now numbers upward of 50,0S0. The headquarters of the na tional officers have been established at f was free. The ladles pro the Southern, Icellent repast, and *tlie Frank P, Blair Post, No. l; General 1 «• 1®u<i ln praise ol Lyon Post No. 2; Col, Hassenduebel I whlch they were Post, No. 113; H, P, Harding Post, No. 107; Ransom Post, No. 131 j Garesche Pest, No. 193; Charles Denny Post, No. 201; John A. Logan Post, No. 304, of St. Louis, St, Louis, will keep open house where comrades will bo wel- oomed and entertained with the ar ticles known ss "creature comforts," Capni«- At the recent meeting of the Soci ety of the Army of Weet Virginia, the G. A. R. Posts present refused to march under a portrait of Mr. Cleve land, The veterans preferred to march ln the gutter, and did so in order to pass the obnoxious portrait. During the detour to avoid the por trait the colors were drooped or trailed. The excitement among old soldiers and citizens was Intense. From the Oh'cago ln^r Ocean. Matlonal Encampment Votes. Many of the growing flowers and shrubs In the parks and private gronnds have been so arranged as to be sjmbolie of the coming heroes of the war and the name under which they rally, The official train of the Department of Minnesota will leave Minneapolis Sept. 25 at S&O p, u.t arriving in St. Louis Monday morning. The route selected is the Minneapolis and St. Liouis Railway, via Albert Lea, Cedar Rapids, Burlington and Quincy. The Loyal Legion, composed of fif teen commanderies, will have a reunion at St. Louis during enoampment week and have secured headquarters at the Lin dell for that purpose. Companions from all parts of the country will be royally entertained by the Missouri Commands ry. The Union Veteran Legion will hold a reuuion in St. Louis. This order s founded in Pittsburg, Pa., In March, 18S4. As it name implies. It is a union ef xeterans, a record of two years' honorable continuous service or honorable ,discharge on account of wounds being necessary to eleglbillty to membership. The Department of Missouri will en* camp at Hyde Park, 111,, and will occu py Lyon and Concordia Parks. Kansas will pitch her ten| In Washington square. Gen. Tuttle and his Iowans will ' bold the fort" at Carr square. Indiana, 9000 strong, wlll"Ral!y around the Flag" in St. Louis and Llndell Parks, and Nebraska will bo at homo in Jackson Park. It Is expected that 25.000 members of the Woman's Relief Corps will visit St. Louis, a low boondrod^s delegates the otbsrs to wltotia tha festlvlttos The Lake County Veteran Associa tion held a'reunion at Waucenda the last two days of August, which was j well attended, Speeches were deliv ered by Chaplain Haggarlty, of Ran som Post, G. A. R. of S4 Louis. M.] F. Ellsworth, ot Nunda, and Chaplain Satterfleld, of the 95th. Illinois. Com. rade Partridge, of Waukegan, sang Old Shady" and a very pleasant and enjoyable time passed by those whose privilege it was to be there. The first Annual Encampment of the McHenry County Soldiers and Sailors* Veteran Association, took plaoo last week at Crystal Lake, For three days the old veterans met In large numbers to talk over old times and scenes of long ago, and to know that they en joyed the occasion to the fullest ox tent, no one who saw theaa oould for a moment doubt. We have been unable to get a list of all the speakers, but the one which seems to have caused the most comment was that of Bishop Falles, "the Fighting Chaplain," on Thursday afternoon. His remarks were able and patriotic, and were lis tened to with the closest attention by all. The court-martial on Thursday foienoon was a feature of the encamp ment, which the old vets entered into with a zeal and realness that was a de light to the large crowd in attendance, and farce though it was, it reminded one oif some of the justices courts i>t the present day, where equally as ri diculous farces are enaoted every week. We are sorry that we are unable to give a full and complete account of the entire three days, but not being able to be present we are unable to do so. ,By| tMs we ca.n sajr, the first enoamp ment of the McHenry Counvy Soldier! and Sailors'Veteran Association is a success, and will long bo remembered with pleasure by those who participate ed. < Here's a "Season." It is amazing with what wretohsd sophistry the soldier-hating papers try to deceive their readers. The Philadelphia Jtecord, which Is ssvsge- iy fighting the Dependent Pension Bill--or any farther pension leglsla-l t Ion--says: - ' As time passes the ranks of ths vet erans are becoming rapidly thinned by death, and the element composed of conscripts and substitutes grows in influence. It is a notorious fact that some Grand Army Pests are formed almost exclusively of this element. { many of whose members never saw active service, and who, as Gen. Grant §atd, only began to get real mad when the. war was over. Is not this quite too absurd? That is that the Moonscripts and substitutes" ar.s healthier sturdier men than the genuine soldiers and are outliving them! The editor of the Record should be given the red ribbon as the best and most thoroughbred ass ln the jonrnalistlc exhibition,--Nai. Trib. The Department of Connecticut has made a splendid record on the Depend ent Pension Bill. Returns have been received from 46 of the 64 Posts in the Department. Of these tiftt one--M. A. Tainter, of Colchester--voted against the proposed bill. Of the remainder 36 Posts voted unanimously in fa^er of the bill, and in the other nine there was but a vote apiece against the bill, making, with the 18 adverse votes cast by Tainter Post, but 26 votes against the bill altogether. Among the Posts which votod unanimously for the bill were Nathaniel Lyon and Robert O. Tyler Posts, of Hartford; Admiral Foots, Henry C. Merwln and General Von Stelnwehr, of New ilaven; Ellas Howe, Jr., of Bridgeport; Sedgwick, of Norwich; Merriam, of Meriden; Wadhams, of Waterbury; Stanley of New Britain, and Buck in ;ham Post, of Norwalk, Mansfield Post, of Middle- town, has not reported. E. D. Picket Post, of Kidgefield, of which Lonns- berry Is a member, also voted unani mously for the bill advised by the National Encampment. The Posts which have not voted are, with the exception of the Mansfield Post, in the country towns. It is calculated thai there are 10,000 veteran soldiers living la the State. Of that number upwards of 7 039 are mem berg of. Grand Army Posts.--National Tribune. The annual meeting of the National Association of Prisoners of War will be held in this city, Sept. 22 and 23. A large delegation from all the North ern States is assured from the unusual interest manifested. The Executive Committee has arranged with the Cen tral Traffic Association for special rates, also with hotels for reduced rates. All needed Information will be cheerfully given by F. A. Cleaveland, chairman of the national executive committee, room li, metropolitan Bleek.--iitfer Qcecm. citizens In and about copy from ths Woodstock atlvs to fcosiosss reunion: Mooting called to order dent Afory. dont appointed Southwerth a oommittoa Candidates for office for year. The committee sn following report: P eaident ..OoTWm Secretary BS Treasurer .....Thou ~ vioa r*«sn>nxTS Company A 6 SS g M o"""-'" M ! > . . • • e . # , (( * « •* o........ " H.. ..... .Hs I.... ..; " K The report of the oomittltlso received, adopted, and the fi8tl|Btoa declared elected. The Treasurer's report wss read «aA showed a balanse or 130.66 in tbt Treasury. Harvard was decided upon si th» dace for holding the I unilsn It 888. '• On motion G. S. Southwartlu H, Stewart'and A, J. Boy|jj ~ ' appointed a committee to lutlons and present the next meeting on the tain Eddy and Samuel Ontttrw vioe president with the Harvard were instructed to necessary arrangements for tttjl reunion. At the conclusion of the meottag tho lines were formed and under tlMMeai- mand of President Avery mSinhoJ ll'v,a the grove where a Stand, had tkiiii erected for the oocasion, and It* fjg|p lowing programme wae carried o&t: Prayer--Roy L II Shlnkle. Song, Marching Through QsorgU » Choir. ™ Address of Welcome on Behalf •! Citizens--Rev N A SunderMa. Address to Soldiers--Com Wat An drews. * Song, Old Virginia Low Land-- Choir. Short Addresses--Chaplain Saltw field, W W Wood, M F Ellsworth, Q B Lood, E J Leach and •than. The citizens of Caprsn did thing possible to make the success and they have tho every soldier.' A good story Is t&tl 4^1 young officer of Company F.I Vermont, who afterward SSrvkd as private and Second LienliAi|i|k 1» tho Thirteenth Vermont, sad First LIutenant of tho Third Bfttttfw; is fallofisei theSeoond Regiment was lying la eamp at Bush Hill, Virginia The above officer, who was, as It seemed, always on ploksit duty, 1*6 just been relieved. Ho had, at I been "the baby," and used to! more luxureusl^r thaa hs was at that time. Being a Yankee boy, he de termined to skirmish for * afpan meal; so, going just oat of asaip, to the house of Mrs. Soott, cnllodGlaf^ mont, he charmed the good loaftlag girls by playing dosens of tuM« an en old banjo, singing a few sMCS^aad flattering the best-looking girls (SMM were very comely), sad pleaslqg Mrs. SoottjB little girl, who insisted ha should see her ma, and he was lad by hor to tho reception room, in whloh stood a "Chlckariag,*' Tho yooag officer began to play aad siag to tho little girl, and soon tho ^sutmaut*1 ap peared. The youngster apolofljksad for his Intrusion, and soon was toUiag Mrs Soott about his "ma,: and hosM, ia Vermont. Hours passed, hoagar to- creased ; he bargained for a good fltaal of "potatoes and mackerel" with baooa as a desert. When tho meal area served he was Informed by tho lady that the Colonel and staff wore to partake of the same. The yooag officer seated himself aad prepared for action. The serving weaehaa took care that he had the best and plenty. At this time the Colonel and his staff entered. The Lieutenant, none abaeb- ed, began the onslaught and was sur rounding the viands with a relish that a twenty-four-hour fas| glvos, when the Colonel cried: ' "Halt, there. Lientenaant; itiaeos* ternary to ask grace-" Without stopping for a moment tfc* onslaught upon the food bafara hla« the young officer replied^ "All right, Colonel; you pr«w* JTtf eai.n Yon most Imagine what fellowsd. I can't tell It. It was simply a aoMfi eirthquake. The old Colonel was too strict a Christian^ f) and dlselpilaartan to forgive the speech, and tbfli officer was court-martialed ished for it, Mrs Soott took OS** aara of him during his arrest. ThaMoalored folks" could not do oOoogh for the "Yanky Linkum boy." Tho oSeers often had a good lattgh aad Joke as they recalled the hungry bey's reply. The youngster served with merit and honor arterward to 1866,--Chicago Ledger. Buckkwi*a Amies Salv*. The best Salvo In tho world lor oat* orulsea, sores, nloexs, salt rheom, <pt*r sores, tetter, obapped bands, chili corns, and all skin oraptiaaa, tlvply eures piles, or no pay It is guaranteed to give perfeot faction, or money refunded. Fr cents par ban, '•ft' Sala hf Colby* " - I* •}$mk - - « • v , v