' *-*l 1. <L f. '" "X 1 i. tt 1 •-? • Jm < i* I *. ^ e * » * } - ' » « v , * A -ti.,Zi&vm**" ' •}:.:' . 5u «V»LJ.J. , if i e&Hx . *,$ ft i* * X*-4!*1* i /"** •* i - * " i# I V *fe- -¥lVi. ^-t.-fctaP •• "Aiiw^f2.v€ . >iLi«v»VV*••' '• ••' «£-•J.?' '• mm %'>A • '•; -1 •' t 1SB warn SHALL PEOPLE Snail Jamie was at hi* devotions ons royal winter's morning. Now it happened that a great hill sloped Just past the window near which our little worshipper wu kneeling, and honesty compels me to acknowledge that one of Jamie's eyes was was intent on tem- ; porat things, while the other was piously given to those of spiritual im port. Midway in the petition Jamie's ! temporal eye spied a prostrate figure coming jubilantly down hill. It was too much lor the small man's piety. The spiritual eye flew open wide, and Jamie darted to the window, and ut tered an excited "Who-oo-p!" then dropped upon his knees and ended hi* prayer. An old lady went to the Episcopal church. The sexton gave her a seat not very far forward. She turned to him, and spying the lectern--a spread eagle--said, "I am deef; I wish you would give me a seat farther front, near the faowl. Hattie was not at all familiar with "darkies;" indeed, her whole acquaint* ance with the race was limited to one stalwart ebony friend, whose face fair ly shone with blackness. She never could understand about it. Her loyal friendliness and deep pity were at variance, and her small soul was often stirred within her. "Mamma," she said, one day, "did God make Mr. Jackson?" "Why, yes, dear--of course he did,* her mother answered, surprised. There was a long silence, which the little lady devoted to much deep thought; then, with a troubled sigh, "Mamma, do you suppose God thought he was pretty f" A little fellow had been out playing with a small Irish crony, whose cruel ty in stepping on a caterpillar had aroused our hero's direful indignation. And thereby hangs this tale, as he told it to his mother that same evening, with righteous wrath in his face: "I told him a caterpillar turned into a butterfly, an' he thaid 'twath a darned lie, V he'd lick me; an* I'm thix, an' he'th thix, V I'd dest like to thee him ty it!" During the war, when one of our Southern cities was under martial law, band music was a common occurrence, and a source of unfailing delight to a small child, Kittie. She could never hear enough of it, and one evening, when her mother called her into the house, the music-loving little maiden •toutly declined the invitation. - "But you will catch your death 'o •old, dear," her mother urged. "No matter.mamma; the bands plmys all day up in heaven, and it don't play •nly but two times here." Millie, three and a half years old, had a regal fashion of ordering her friends about and commanding them t» do her small "biddings" with calm dignity. Her grandmother humored her, as grandmothers will. On one •session, when grandmother had been •fcediently trotting up-stairs and down •Iter cookies and bread and auntie butter for looked up bar petite majesty, flram her work and exclaimed, half im patiently, "Millie, you'rea regular lit is tyrant" "Oh no, I isn't," her wee majesty •ade answer, scornfully; "I's a Con- gregationist." • little four-year-old of my acquaint ance was much impressed with her ftrst out-of-doors in the starlight. On tm arrival home she skipped joyfully •pto her mother with the glad tidings: "Oh, mamma! I've seen the moon and all her little childrens." ' Two small sisters, whose ages were respectively five and seven, were over heard gravely discussing the pronoun- ciation of a certain disputed word. One maiden insisted on her way, and proudly quoted as authority "Webster ea the bridge." Maiden No. 2 turned upon her sister with utmost compassion and scorn in her voice as she exclaimed, "On the bridge? Hm! it's Webster under the bridge." farsoi day." STEVENS - * r e w > t b v : Are just receiving n«w F*ll stock of Gene Call on them and you will find good goods in every department. Oui stock «f BOOTS AND SHOES V , . Are manufactured by Selz & Schwab, the largest manufacturers of Boots and Shoes in tbe United States, and for good fitting good wearing goods have no superior. In our line ot ; DRESS GOODS, Will be f.tund a complete variety of the celebrated Broidhead Mill Goods. In . p •T.fc'i . s-: - s V " " ' ' y. r-'J m'jf '•.rr 5 < ' .W* Clothing Department. tap-.. '• Muktti .U MB have just opened up our . » Fall and Winter Stock Now in# Ati inspection of same earnestly solicited. We aim to earry the most complete line of Children's Bo 'sand Men's Clothing in the market, in Suits and Overcoats. Also a fine line ot odd Pants and ieeffrs tnd Vests to match. Styles the latest, quality reliable and >rice8 the lowest.. BOOTS AND SHOES.' An immense stock. We continue tf? sell the celebrated Forbush A Brown Buffalo Boots and can recommend them with the utmost confidence, to parties wanting the very best and most serviceable goods made. In medium priced footwear we offer a full line of Redpath's manufacture, which are giving very general satisfaction. We also have a very complete line of John Fotter's justly celebrat ed Beloit Fine Shoes, whioft for style, finish and excellent wearing qualities are not excelled by any shoe in America. We take great pleasure in calling attention to our We are prepared to offer you the best makes of the Kockford and St. Joseph Mills. Groceries ! Groceries! The purest and best we can find. In short our experience in business has taught us which goods are best for us to handle. We have proved all brand* and have aimed to hold fast to those which are best. We ask you to call and look our stock over. We will give you the worth oi every dollar you leave with us. Y0UB8 RESPECTFULLY. And Notions Department. In which can be found the most attractive line of Dress Goods we iave ever shown, and believe it will be for your interest to examine them betore making your Fall purchases. In V f l l B W E A E And Knit Goods we have a large and desirable line tor Ladies and Gentlemen. Stevens & Miller, Our Grocery Department is always full of choice and reliable (loods, which will at all times be fold at bed rock prices. Every department is now well filled wilh seasonable goods which are offered at as low prices as is consistent with honorable dealing. Thankful for past favors, we shall at all times endeavor to conduct our business in a manner to retain for us your valued patronage and friendship. • HENRY COLBY. WB5TT MeBGNBT, nXINOIS. ALTHOFF V,1 Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Stock To which they respectfully invite the attention of the buyiug public. Our stock of O T F Q L L O W ! G ENERAL M ERCHANDISE --»n Bledsoe of the Austin Bine Light Tabernacle made a pastoral call ea the Webster family, his object be- !•( to remonstrate with Jim Webster to eating peanuts during divine wor- Cp. Jim hid behind a curtain, and s. Webster said that he had gone •at hunting. Unfortunately the cur~ tain did not reach the floor and Jim's targe feet protruded. "So you ses Jeems has gone out huntin'P'^ "Yes, an, and he 'spects ter be gone all ay."' "Tell Jeems for me dat de nex' time he goes out huntin' he had better take his feet along wid him," said Par son Bledsoe, punching James' toes with his cane until he roared like a bulL-- Ttxas Sifting,. 0 He Was Too Obliging. There is a certain solicitor inf Leeds, very popular and good natured, al ways ready to help younger and less-experienced members of his pro fession with advice and assistance. To him came a yotfng solicitor whom he had often befriended, to before him the outlines of a "case", to tell him of the course he had pursued in the interests of his client, and . to beg hiB opinion about some especially difficult point Of course the opinion was given fully and freely, and just as the E»teful junior was about to take s leave, it casually occurred to his friendly adviser to take the name of the client in question. It was given, and a sudden spasm of recollection shot over the kindly feat* nres of our friend. "By Jove!" he said, struggling be tween his strong sense of fun and humor, and his consciousness of the imbroglio; "we are for the defend ant in this matter!" Talk about tableaux after such a situation as this! What ensued I know not, but I am sure, knowing fj* ea the appreciation of the elder gentleman of a good story, that he will not be the last to tell It in future, even though it may be 4$ his own expense.---Leeds Mercury. Walt Whitman Is living at the age of 76, in Camden on the Delaware. The old poet is in poor health, having had a paralytic stroke some months •go. His white hair is long and un kempt, his mild gray eye is dim, and his tall figure is bent with age. He •nends his time in a disordered library, clad in ill-fitting clothes, with • faded shawl about his shoulders and •jpair of well worn slippers on his feet. His voice is clear and firm. He says that his favorite poet Is Tennyson. H Is not in actual want, ana receives assistance from friends in England, file books furnish him a small is- JUST RECEITID, Has been bought in larger quantities than ever. We cordially invite the public to call and examine goods and compare prices. Every purchaser has the advantage of finding here. A LARGE STOCK OF BON^LETT & STOFFEL'S, ._Gl",1:hin?: The labor organisations at Ro6he*> ter, V. Y., are going to erect a large' toll la which to nold their meetings. for not at West McHenry, Illinois. A full new line of Cloaks, Wraps and Jackets. The nobbiest stock ever brought to this town. Also a full stock ol Shawls, Overcoats; Under wear, Blankets, Hats and etc. TRICOT DRESS FLANNELS, With Trimming to Match, <» Fifty-two inches wide for 85 cents per yard. Call and see us and we will show you one ot the finest stocks to be found in the County* Cr°" S*- J1 Bonslett & StofFel. West McHenry, 111., Oct, 4th, 1887. For Men, Youths and Children. Also & well selected and com plete line of the latest in GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys,. Irom the best manufacturers. New Goods Every Week. A full line of choice Family Groceries. Come and see us. ALTHOFF BROS. (Successors to 8mlth» Son A Co.) Near tlie 13epot, "West McHenry, Illinois. Having purchased the Lumber Yard and stock of Lumber ol $mith. Son & Co., West McHenry 111., and replenished the sam^with FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Of all kinds, we are now pared to offer to the public, the best quality of Lumber at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES- pre- Dp not fail tosee our new freshline of Dress Flannel*,: Mcots, and Black Goods. -tVe have some special bargains not found else where. Also a full line ot Velvets atd Trimmings We are hp*id-1 . £% Q T » headquarters for Ladles and Misses Cloaks. Our prices are way dpwu this year. Do not fail to see our stock before buying. In . ' I, VWlll, I/U1IUW) II Camp, Door aiiWinflow Fraies-Ready Mafle-always on Hand. We shall keep our stock complete at all times and spare no painp to accommodate all wh > may favor us with their patronage. < Onr yard at this place will be under tne charge of CHARLES K. GRAKOBB, who will be ready at all tinges to make you prices on large or small lots ' "all and see us. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY. West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 8th, 1887, Lj * * * :«i J A LOTHING, And can show you they best fits and finest made croods to hn found in the county, and we : Ouaraatef Trices theV lowest. ,.. {. L i» We excel them all. Our $2.00 Goat and Kid Shoes give the best satisfaction, Every pair warranted. We have a full stock in Wens', Boys', Ladies' and Misses' wear in all grades. We buy all our goods for Cash and can give you ^ Calll and see us. & ©WEN.: H. V. SHEPARD| OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, McHE^ilY. - - ILLINiip, DEALER IN-- Also the Celebrated GARLAND Garland* Stoves and Ranges » The Prize and Black Acorn, I Unirvesal, Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors, Elegant Coal Heaters. We have one of the Largest Stocks of Stoves IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. In short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonnd at our Store. Come one a n d all and examine our Goods n n r t learn Prices. JOBBING A13iD REPAIRING Promptly Attended To. H. V. SHEPAUD. McHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887. Attention Horsemen! 1 would call the attention of the Public to n»7 stable of Stock Horses, four in num ber: Two Morgana, one % Fercheron, and one Imported Horse. They are good rep resentatives of their bre d Also a few Merino sheep for Sale. The public are cor dially Invited to call and examine itock, prices, etc. Mo business done on Sunda'. tf. N. R. CO I. BY. M'HRNRY, II. I. Administrator's Notice. ESTATK ot Margaret Walen, deceased. The undersigned having tieon appointed Admini Hrutrixof the cstiiieof.Miirgnret alen deceased, laic of the county of Mcllcnr and State of IlllnoM, hereby gives notice tint »he will appeal before the county court ot Mc Henry county, at t' .ie Court Ho"se in Wood stock, at the Nov term on the first Mon day in N-v. next, a t which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persons in lebted to said estate are rrquc*te<' to mxke immediate pnvment to the undersigned l> ted this iJth dav of August, A t> 18*0 ANN SIMON, Administratrix Thousands Say So. Mf. T. W. Aikins, Ginrtl, Knn^ writ*;!-: * Iiwvpr IK-SI i«te to ri*ci»mm«*tid your Electric Biitt is tu my cusloiu^rf, tliey give <• ii tire sat is f am ion and art) rapid sellers." Electric Hiitersnre tlie purest nnil best tncflicine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver compluintff, I'nrify tli^ bluod and regulut« tlie bowels. No family can afford to b« without Diem. Tliev will •ave hundreds ,of dollars in doctor1* bi lis every year. Sold at flity cent a a bsttle bj HKMKY COLBT. y HAVE YOU SEEN IT? TBS AMERICAN BOY. The Popular New Paper For YOUNG MEN AND BOYS. Boys write us fiom everywhere that it is Inst the paper they have been looking for. uo you want a paper IIlied with interesting siories of land and sea; columns of '-Tricks of Magii'amateur base ball, and interesting miscellaneous readin ? Send and have your names registered for a sample copy. 60 cent* a year. Write to-day to HUDSON BROS., 70S C'te (n»( Ot., Philadelphia, Pa. Mention thin p!i)ier. Obtmned, iiikI ;ili Jtt ."/Afcvi at tended to iui Minn /,-.i / /•; 11 l-:s Our office is opiHisitc tin- | i s. Paii 'iit office, and we can ot- tuiu I'atents in less lime Hum those remote from 7Y)4V . Send OKA WISH or J'ltOTO of invention. We advise as to patent ability free of HuirKC and we make AO CilAitUI', iwi.kss I-A TKKT IS SK< rHI:n. I'or rirniliir. advice, terms and references to actual clients in vour own state. County. City or 'I 'own, write C A SN0W&C0 0n>o«(e fotcni Offer, Wafktogtm, 9. Q|