F i • . *-,-J- * Kf->4C- ' V » „ % »V ^-v. *• »*C • "y ^ I WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 1887, Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept l!Uh, trains will pass McHenry station daily, except Sundays, as follows: OOINO SOUTH. Lake Geneva Passenger ......7:25 A.* Lake Geneva Express.... .8:28 Lake Geneva Freight 2:00 r. M Lake Geneva Passenger 3*-26 *' aoxxo WORTH. Lake Geneva Freight * Lake 3eneva Passenger . ««?••••?„ Lake Jcnera Express .4:»P. M Lake Qcn«va Passenger - " :«> B. BCBB, Agent. McHenrr, 111 MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors COT lially Invited- MASONIC. MCKKNRT LODGE, NO. 158 A.IF, and A. M.--• Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. JOHN 1. STORY, W. M. SIRS. JAMES ROAN, an old settler of s town, died last week. PROBABLY for tome good and] suffi cient reason our Richmond correspon dent failed to reach us this week. READ the new advertisement of John Evanson A Co., to be found in another column. THE Old Cheese Factory, near the Red Bridge, 1 e undergoing repairs aqd will be used-as a place of meeting for G» A. R. and the Good Templars. "For I am declined into the vale of years," she said a littlQ sadly, "but in- deed I don't much mind it since I can get Salyatlon Oil for 25 cents,*11 THE Unlvemlist Sunday School will hereafter be held at 12 o'clock noon. Teachers and Scholars will take due notice. By order of the Superintendent. THE newspaper liar who got up the story about the northwestern Ohio oil wells 'Spouting up stones with Greek inscriptions on them will please go to the head. He is the champion liar of the season. OUR readers should not fail to notice the change lu the advertisement of L. D. Lincoln's Restaurant, lie keeps the fluest Oysters to be found in the ',1"^ 'market, both in Bulk and by the Can, which he serves in any way desired. JOHN HURRAH, of New Jersey, has twice applied to the legislature to change his name, but that body has re- < fused. It Is not stated what he wished' It changed to, but we suspect he want ed "Hip Hip" substituted for John, C. E. CHAP ELL, of Algonquin, ad vertises an Auction of Cows, new milch and springers, to take place in that village, on Wednesday of next week. Oct. 26th, commencing at 9 o'clock A, M. H. B, Throep Is the Auctioneer, old one you old- WHEN you see the Item that an citizen of Athens aould call every of the 20,000 inhabitants by name can flatter yourself that those timers knew how to lie just as easily and smoothly as the generation of to day. THE Detroit -Free Press contains an article beaded, "How Should a Napkin be Handled?" With your hands of course. It is not in good form to pick up a napkin at a table with a fork and mop ofl a fellow's mouth like shoving hay down from a mow. PATRICK MURRAY, who lived about three miles South of this village,'died at his home on Friday morning last, ef Inflammation of the bowels. He was sick only about a week and until a day or two before his death was not con sidered dangerous. He leaves a wife and thirteen children, besides a host of friends, to unoum his loss. WE shall Issue a fourteen column Supplement next week, and those of our business men who wish extra ad vertising should band in their copy at once. We shall print three thousand copies of the PLAINDEALER next week, which will bring your advertising to the attention of ovor fifteen thousand people. Advertisers think of this and/ take advantage of it. No one should find fault with the town in which he lives, as dead and dull, so long as he spends his money made there, out of town. Make your purchases at home,and thus contribute your part to make the town lively and prosperous. Every man owes some thing to the place In which he lives, and he sl.ould be ashamed to talk of it as his home when he neglects to do bis duty. EVERY once in a while one hears some fellow who would sell his soul for a nlckle, if be had the opportunity, rail out against the newspapers and loud-moutbedly proclaim that the newspaper* would do anything for money. These poor, despicable speci mens of humanity never realize that all men are net base like themselves, ft Is their invariable custotn trudge Others by themselves. AN excli tnge says • sixty years ago a bushel of wheat would buy only two yards of calico or shirting, now It will buy fifteen or twenty. Then a bushel ^of ear corn would buy only a pouod of 'nails, now it will, buy ten. Then it took a good cow to buy a pair of facto ry blankets, now/a common cow will pay for six pair fully as go#d. Think these things over, farmers, when die- posed to wish for "the good old times." * BETWEEN disease and the many cheap preparations which are palmed ofl under the name of blood purifiers, take your chances with disease until you can procure Ayer's Sareaparilla-- the only reliable blood purifier. Sold by all druegists and dealers In medi- olae. Comforters, large and handsome, at Althofi Bros. Call and aee them. ]PEK80N«L. A. C. GRANGER returned" from *le Dakota trip on Saturday. WILL MEAD and wife^bjhDundee, spent Sunday here. KV > A. KNIGHT, assistant City Attor- Chicago, was cut on Sunday. Miss CORA MCOMBER IS visiting with friends in Chicago this woek. E. J. HANLY spent Saturday and Spaday In the city. R E- WIOHTMAN and wife returned ^rom their visit In Dakota on Tuesday E. S. WARNER, of Dundee, was in town Sunday and Mon<lay. H. C. HANCHETT. of Richmond, was a caller this Wednesday morning. PAUL BROWN, of Chicago, spent Sunday and Monday calling on friends here. MRS. L. E. BENNETT and daughter. Clara, are visiting with friends at Racine, Wis., this week. MR. AND MRS, C. GRIMOLBT return ed home Monday evening, after a two weeks visit in Chicago ard Hyde Park. FRED RACE starts to day Wednesday, for Sheridan, Indiana, and expects to be absent about three week*. CHAS E. SMITH, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents in this vil lage, MRS. FRANK SMITH, of Nunda, visit ing with friends in this yillage over Sjjttday. NICK BISHOP, who" has been In Chl- go the past two months, returned •me en Monday. RS. JOHN I. STORY and two daugh ter?, Hattle and Edna, went to Chicago on Saturday for a two weeks vl*lt, MRS.G. W. BESLET has been visit ing with friends InJWaukegaa the past few days. MR. AND MRS. C. A. MURRAY* of Waukegan, are hunting and fhhlng at Fox Lake. MR. AND MRS, CLARK SHERWOOD, of Olinton Junction, Wis., were the guests of C. A. Walsh and family over Sunday, CHAS. M. PRICKETT and wife, of Fairfield, Neb., have been visiting with friends In iRingwood and Mc- Henry. MRS. C. P. WAITE, who has been visiting here the past month, returned to her home at Kansas City, Mo., on Tuesday. f CHAS. HUBBARD and family have moved back from Woodstock, and now occupy the house lately vacated by E. SLapiphere. J L E W H O L M E S and Will Tburlwell, fir ho have been at work in Ravens wood, III., for the past six weeks, were at. ^home over Sunday. G. S. SOUTH WORTH, of the Wood-| stock Sentinel, and Prof. Hursh, of the; Woodstock Public School, were oveij fishing on Saturday last. f MRS. CONE and daughter, of Wau4 kegan, and Mrs. Wlckham «aad daugh- ter, of Lake City. Minn., were the guests of Geo. W, Besley and family last week. HON. K. M. DENNIS, of ST. Paul, Minn., has visited In Waukegan during the past Wdek. Mr. Dennis was at one time a memoer of the Legislature from this District. LADIES of the W. C, T. U. will meet at the residence of Mrs. Jas. B. Perry, on Thursday afternoon, October 20th, at 2:30 o'clock. Mas. J. B. PERST*, President. MRS, E. PERKINS, Secretary. ANOTHER scheme has just been evolved by the sharpers doing business with the farmers, they now make their notes read "not transferable," which el course, means that the farmer is to pay the party to whom he gives his obli gation, and him only. In a short time however it Is found in the hands of another party with aa e added to the "not" which makes the "note transfera ble." Farmers make a uote of this-- and uot for strangers. F WE understand Burglars entered the 'house of James Doherty, who lives south of this village, on Sunday night last, and succeeded in getting ̂ two Watches at.d about 920 in money. Some of the man folks were awakened, but only iji timewto see the scoundrel make bis exit. Up to the time of writing no clue has been obtained-of the thief, As these gentry are now known to be around our citizens should be prepared to give them a warm re ception. Do not ask them to halt but \»boot them on the spot." WE have betore us a copy of the Galena, 111., Gazelle, of September 28th in which we find, under the bead of Apple River items, the following' complimentary notice of Rev, H, E. Wyckoff. the new Pastor of the M. E. Church in this village. Rev. H. E. Wyckofl and wife, passed through here this morning; for Rock- ford, to attend the M. E. Church Con ference to be held there this week. Mr. Wyckofl has been pastor of the M. E. Church here for the. past three years, and worked hard to build up the church in every department and we are pleased to note that he suc ceeded. The church was crowded every Sunday evenlibg. the prayer and class meetings were largely attended and it is the wish of his many friends here that he succeed in getting a num ber one appointment. TRICOT flannels in dark colors 37}cts, Diagonal dress goods lOcts. Ladies embroidered Kid and Woolen Gloves, Childrens fancy Bonnets, Caps and Dresses Table spreads, Scarfs. Cash mere Hosiery, and Velvets. A new lot *t Ladies salesroom. MRS H. S. GREGORY. DON'T!--If a dealer otters you a bot tle of Dr. Bull's C ugh Syrup without wrapper or labels, or In a mutilated condition, don't touch It--don't buy It at any price, there Is something wrong --It may be a dangerous or worthless counterfeit. Insist upon getting a perfect, unbrokeo, genuine package. DIED, in this village, on Sunday even ing, Oct. 16th, 1887, Clemens Engeln, *ged 76 years. He was tli* father of M. and A. j Engeln, and has been a resident of tlila [town for the past fifteen years. He sick j^ut a short time. THE members of the Good Templars Lodge, of this village, are preparing for an entertainment, which will take place on Friday evening of next week, Oct. 28th. There will be a miscella neous programme, consisting of Tabiaux, Singing, Reading, Recita tions, etc., the whole to wind up with an Oyster Supper. The place and full programme will bo announced through these columns next week. The Com mittee will spare no pains to make this one of the best entertainments of the season. PERSONS visiting Chicago should not fail to see Epstein's Dime Museum on Randolph Street. It is,'without question, the finest Museum in tiie West. They have on entire change of attractions each week, and four entire floors are occupied to show thel.r many curiosities, and one could spend ao en tire day In looking ever the many things of Interest to be seen there. They also have a stage performance every hour, which of Itself is more than worth the price of admission. When in Chicago do not fall to visit this Museum. You will find the at tendants all gentlemen in every sense of the word, and always ready to sho<v and explain to you anything you wish. Remember tbe place--Epstein's Dime Museum, 111 to 117 Randolph Street. / WE hear of a Ashing party that tarted out one day last week provls- toned with the following supplies: I Pack of cards'. Progressive euchre deck. One jug of corned beef,. One jug of dried beef. One keg of sugar cured ham , • One dozen bottles peppec^auibe, in willow basket, with words "extra dry" blown in tbe basket, as lu*t^uctions to ihe boatman. One jug of full cream cheese, One jug Boston crackers, One jug of potatoes, One pint of mineral water. Small loaf of bread. They returned home on Monday and Yeoort dead loads of fun. ' H C. MEAD, whose large barn was burned on the morning of Sep. 2d, has his new barn all completed except paiutlng and workmen are now en gaged at that. This barn Is 42x60, with a wiug 30x50, and has been put up and^Jiulslied Inside of two weeks. This we call quick work, Mr. Mead says he was boss with A. Calkins as bead carpenter. .There is one feature In this matter that no one can fail to commend. Mr Mead bought all his lumber, nails, and everything used about this mammoth building at home, and employed none but home workmen, and now that he Is ready to replaoo. the bay which he lost by the fire, and must have, he is ready to buy that at home, provided he can get it anywhere near an cheap as it cau be procured elsewhere. Those who are willing to "live and let live" must ad- this is right-. * WHILE In Chicago a few days since we called at the store of A. M. Church, Jeweler. 112 01 <rk Street, and were both pleased and surprised at what we saw there. We do not exag- erate when we say he has the hand- somest arranged show window of any Jewelry house In Chicago. He has lately been refitting bis store, and in connection with a wholesale Jeweler, put in one of the finest stocks to be found In the city. In Watches, Jewel ry, Silver and Plated Ware, and In short everything usually kept in this line, he has an Immense stock to select Irom and his prices are aa lew as good Goods can be bought for anywhere. He also makes a specialty of repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. Mr. Church is an old Lake County boy, and is well and favorably known both In Lake and McHenry Counties, and his many friends wi!l be glad to bear that he is on tbe road to sure prosperity. . Liberal Lecture. Ex-Rev. C. B. Reynolds, of North Parma, N. Y., will deliver two lec tures In the Deciple Church, in the village of Nunda, Sunday. Oct, 23d, afternoon and evening. Mr. Reynolds will speak from the liberal platform aud Is an able and pleasant| speaker. He invites criticism and will gladly listen to thjse that difler In thought from him. The lecture will be free, and will commence at 2 :30 o'clock and 8 o'clock p. M. Come and bear him. J. E. BBCKLBT, BONSLETT A STOFFEL, on the West Sld<>, are Bhowing this, week the finest line of General Merchandise ever seen in this section. Their stock of Cloaks and Wraps are unsurpassed outside of tbe city, while In tbe clothing line they are offering anything from a sin gle garment to a full suit, that for price and style defy competition. In Dress Goods also they bave a large and varied assortment and respectfully in vite the Ladies to call and look them over whether they want to purchase or not. We cau surely save you money if you want to purchase. In Underwear we have a large and complete assort ment, Call and see us. BOKSLETT A STOFFEL. We have a limited amouut of choice Burbank Potatoes, at 75 cents per bushel, if taken at once. JOHN EVANSON A Co. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. A full line of tbe latest styles te be found In tbe market. SPECIAL BAR GAINS EVERY WEEK. Call and see them before you purchase, at MRS. SCHUMACHER'S. Near tbe Depot. Tbe celebrated Fargo Boot and Shoe, the best manufacture on tbe market, can be found at Altbofi Bros. The finoat styles In hanging lamps overseen In this village at Geo, W. Besky'• West Side Drug 3lore. EDITOR PLAINDBALER We feel that the New England Supper provi ded by the ladlea of Rln ;woed aad vicinity, was something worthy of more than passing notice. Although the night was dark, ||tho people came In from all directions and filled the house completely. About one hundred and fifty persons partook of the sup per, which for quantity and quality we never saw excelled. After feeding the multitude many baskets of frag ments were taken up the next morn ing and distributed by the ladies. We feel that great credit is due the ladles who had the management of the entertainment. They spared neither time nor labor to make it a complete success. A programme con sisting of mualc, tabiaux, Ac., was provided which occupied nearly two hours. The singing by "Ye Old Folks,'1 brought the house down at each repetition and was the leading feature of the entertainment, The proceeds amounted to the very hand some sum of #45,90 which goes toward making repairs on the M. E. church. Only a few of the ladlea who took active parts were members ef the church, but If they had been born Methodists they conld not have been more zealous In the werk. Not wish* Ing to discriminate where all did so well, yet we feel that Mrs. R. A Buck- land deserves special notice for her untiring efforts. She had the manage ment of the programme and showed herself equal to the occasion through* out the whols work. The members of the church feel deeply grateful to all who participated In tbe entertainment, the ladles who managed the afialr, tbe friends who so generously donated the excellent sup per, the singers youog and Old, Mrs. Frank Thompson who gave the use of her fine piano for the occasion, the ladles who played the piano, tbe Ring wood Band which Is always ready to assist In every good work, and all the friends from far and near, who by their presence and their dimes, con- trlbuted to tbe success of this long-to- be-remembetod New England Supper. WM. NICKLK. A Public-Spirited Citizen. The Clinton fill.) Public, of last week, publishes a four-column sketch of Hon. Clifton H. Moore, the wealth iest citizen of that city and county. Mr. Moore, who Is a native of Kirtland, Ohio, came to Pekin, 19 this state in 1839, and engaged In teaching. Hav ing In tbe meantime read law be was admitted to practice in 1841, and In August of that year located at Clinton where be has resided ever since. At that time be was the possessor of probably not over 9250; now he is the owner of perhaps not less than 10,000 acres of land in DeWlU County, be sides being part or sole owner of many thousands more In other counties of this state and In Iowa, his wealth, being estimated at not less than •1,000,000. He was for manj years as* soclated with the"1 la'te ^Tudge David Davis, of Bloomington, in laud opera tions, their partnership not having yet been entirely closed out. On the com pletion of a new MethoiHst church edi* flee at Clinton In 1871, Bfr. Moo**e pre sented to the church a new pipe organ costing 920.0C0; a gift wbfch he has jutt duplicated to a newly finished Presbyterian church at that place--the dedication of the instrument taking place in the presence of a large audi ence on Thursday la*t. Mr. Moore was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1870, and Is now nearly 70 years old. The Mistake* or Newspapers. The number of type used Vo an or dinary country newspaper Is about 600,000. that Is, tbe actual number ef bits of metal arranged in preparing a newspaper of such sizi for the press. We suppose but few people think of the printing trade as one of the most exact and particular handicrafts, but it is. In making type^ variations that might be allowed In the finest ma chinery. would recder type useles?. It is very rarely that type made by sep arate foundries can be used together without a great deal of trouble, even though they chould try to make It after the standard, We read once In a while of a wonderf JI piece of cabinet or mosaic work containing ten, twenty •r fifty thousand pieces, tbe maker of which has spent mouths or even years of labor In producing it; and tbe peo ple go to see it as a curiosity. But the most elaborate and carefully fitted pleca of work of this kind ever made does not compare for minuteness of detail and accuracy of fitting with that which the printer dees every day. The man who does tbe first Is consid ered a marvel of skill, and if a hundred of his pieces are put in wrong side up Or turned around It is not noticed in the general effect; but if a printer, In fitting ten times as many pleccs to gether in a single day, puts one the wrong way, everybody sees It and is amazed at the "stupid carelessness of these printers." Day by day the prospects for the defeat of tbe Irreclaimable Bour bons of Maryland are Improving. If the combioed elements of decency in that state can oust that pestiferous political pllgarllc, and that loud smell ing backer of Mr. Cleveland's reform administration, Mr. Eugene Hlggins. tbe people of this country will be en titled to give thanks for tbe privilege of passing through "Maryland, my Maryland," without having to hold their noses. Tbe preliminary coufiict occurs Oct. 96, in tbe Baltimore city election. Men's Scarlet Underwear only 50 cents, at Evanson's. Sweet potatoes, cranberries, oranges lemons, jeliys, and all delicaciea ef tbe season at Evanson^. When you boy your cotton flannels, took la at $graiuoa's. ervwool WOODSTOCK, EDITOR PLAINDEALER The news- gatherer has not been very diligent In that line of duty, as other demands hare been more pressing. Hon. Richard Bishop and Represen tative Waite were among tbe visitors of our city. Circuit Court closed its session on Tuesday neon. His Honor, Judge Kellum, took occasion to explain tbe cause or causes of delay in the pro gress of trials, and made it appear quite evident that litigants and their attorneys were largely responsible for delays complained of, aud called tlbe attention of the Clerk In regard to bis duties in summoning jurors for more than two weeks, when tbe business of the Court seemed to require it. Two "Fulls" of the moon this month, but if tbe fine weather of the past week continues no one should find fault with her fullness. Ephraim McBroom took another in stallment of McHeury County boys with him te Minnesota to purchase land, T. B. McDowell was one of the company, but bis objective point was Northern Iowa. So many of ourjboys purchased of Prins & Koch, through the Agency of McBroom, they might naupie their settlement for htm. C. M. Try on was tn'town aiding our Highway Commissioners to find boun dary lines of Highways, with convln clng results. W. H. San ford is thought to be im proving, but "makes haste slowly." I enclose you a letter from Freepert, Nebraska, at tbe request of my neigh bor, J. M, Cowen, whose son, E. M. Cowen, Is one of the proprietors or founders of that town. So many of our boys are takiug Greeley's advice, such a flattering description might give them a "pointer." Neighbor Cowen la a subscriber and constant reader of the PLAINDERLER aud will appreciate Its publication. [The Letter will appear in full next week. It is crowded out this week by tho Proceed, ings ot the Board of Supervisers,--EDITOR,] The Foreign Soldiery that "marched up" by rail a few days ago, on Sunday "marched down again." An eastern bound emigrant wagon passed through our city on Saturday with the unique motto * en Its canvass: "In God we trusted. In Wlsoonsln we busted." " People must be recovering from the "Fodder Panic," judging by the price of cows at auction and the frequency of auctions, and all because "The year<grows lush in juicy stalks," Hebron Department ALCONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin ity, knowing themselves indebted for the I'LAINDBALKR can learn of the amount by culling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive tuoucv and recoipt for tlio same, in our name. Tiiose wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his store. Oall on liim anil get a sample c<i py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--There was a regular old fashioned bee, on Wed nesday of la6t week, to put up tbe new gas pipe fence in front of the cemetery Ti»,e new fence makes a decided Im provement In the looas ot our Ceme tery but there Is room for still more Improvements. Let the good work go on. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Phllp, Jr„ on Thursday even ing of Isst week, It being their tenth Wedding Anniyersary. Mr. and Mrs. Whorrall spent a few days in Chicago last week. Jesse Chapman, of Chicago, was calling on trlends here on Sunday last. Miss Ida Morton spent Sunday last at Elgin. Fred Duensing has a child sick with the Dlptheria. Dr. Nason Is In at tendance. At last accounts It was do ing as well as oould be expected, Mrs. C. E, Miller returned on Mon day of this week from her western trip. Our street lamps are daisies these dark nights. The Ladles Sewing Society of the Congregational Church will meet on Wednesday ef next week at Mrs. W. P. Bensons. C. E. Chapelt started north on Thursday ^ of last week te buy milch cows. Richard Glllilan fell and broke his shoulder en Wednesday evening of last week. A little less Benzine, Richard. S. Seebor spent a part of last week In CLicago. We have a6out 50 Mens and Boys Coats that we will clean out at much less than half price. Sizes from 34 to 39. JOHN EVANSON & Co. One hundred styles of Dress Ging hams, all new, at Evanson's. Our stock of Clothiog cannot be ex celled, either In quality or price. Call and look It over before vou buy. ALTHOFF BROS. ALDKN, III, February 4, 1886. C. DICKINSON & SON, Barrington, III, Dear <Str.--Please send me by ex press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors te try It on a cow that was almost doad With milk fever, and It cured her. It Is a good thing. E.S.SMITH. When in need of a good warm over coat for a small price look in at Evanson's. Bealey's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter - On draught at J. Bonslett'S, En- glen's and John Heimer's. If you need a good warm Overcoat or Cloak look at Evanson's stock be fore you buy. We have an extra good bargain in Ladies and Misses Calt Grain, every day Shoe. Price *1.88 and 91.70. Come and see them. JOHN EVANSON & Co. Once upon a midnight dreary, I was tossing weak and weary* For I had a fit of ague, And mv bones were very soro. Suddenly I read a label. Of a medicine on my table, But to reach't I scarce was able: I was so infernal sore! Took I just one dose, 'twas BILK BEANS; Soundly slept I and did snore. Had the ague nevermore! .BATTFE, SOUL^ATTDRUGGIAFCK LODGE DIRECTORY. MASONIC.--A. F. an<t A. M. meet at Haaoslo Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- ta»rs of each month. MODERN WOODXBIT OF AXBHICA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even- ings of each month. Neighbors cordially In vited. SONS OF T*»PBSANCB.--Meet at Union^Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Tbe attend ance at the "Northwestern" party Friday night waa small. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Rotnour have been visiting with friends at 3reen Bay. Wis. The hunters returned from the north last week minus their usual number of deer. A few from this place attended the dance at Richmond on the evening of the 13th. C. A. Stanton and sister Cora, from Janesviile, Wis., are visiting friends In this vicinity. Mr. Peter Rowe received last week, &s a premium for the largest five ears of corn, an elegant Wolf robe, from C. V.Stevens, one of McHeary's enter prising merchants. ) Ed. Cornue has advertised to sell bis personal property at auction on Tues day, Oct. 25th. He will move to Alden soon where he has established a large trade In a flour and feed store. Gordon for Oard has an Interesting article In last weeks Sentinel entitled "Hebron as it is." In his short sketch he gives our little village a good shew ing, acd In reading the knowable facts it gives one an added feeling of pride that our let has been cast In a comma nlty of Cso much Industry and thrift. Well, Ghet did see a Bar, but It was one some one else had shot and it was dead. DRESS MAKING. At the urgent request of many friends and former patrons, I have de cided to again engage in dressmaking in McHenry, and feel assured that, with the experience of past years in the business. I can give perfect satis faction, both as to quality of work and price, to all who may employ me. Remember I GUARANTEE A PERFECT FIT, and make no promises that I cath not fulfill. I invite all who^may de sire work In this line to give me a call Shop at residence, west of public square, McHenry. MRS. C. W. SLAFTER. Call and see our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when you can get just as good tor one-fourth the money. Call and be convinced. GEO, W, BESLET, at tbe West Side Drug Store. Ladies see our splendid assortment of Dress Flannels. We are sure we can please you. ALTHOFF BROS. New and nobby hats, tU styles at Altbofi Bros, See tbe fine stock of dress goods, at Altbofi Bros. SPEARHEAD PLUG TOBACCO, 35 cents per pound at Perry A Owen's, Pumps, all kinds. Iron and wood, at any length at E. M. Owen A Son's. , Examine Goods and learn prlees at Bishop's. It will pay yoij. Silver and Deming Keed Cutters at E. M. Owen A Son. O Star Feed Cutters with any length carrier at E. M. Owen A Son. New and stylish cloaks just arrived at Evanson's. Best hand feed cutters on earth at E. M. Owen A Son's. Before you buy your underwear, ex amine the stock and learn prices, at Althofi Bros. When you want a winter cloak call on Perry A Owen* largest a took-- prices lowest. ^ BARGAINS (N Scarlet and fancy underwear at Perry A Owen's. . Some special bargains In dress flan nels, tricots and black goods this week at Perry & Owen's. Underwear In great variety and of the best qualltv to be found In the market at Althoff Bros. House to Rant. To rent in this village, a good house Inquire at Jacob Hetzel's barber shop in the Parker House Block, West Mc Henry. NOTICE. All those who are anxious to get L ready-made suit of clothes that fit like tsilor-made goods, should go to Perry A Owen's and see their new fall stock Prices guaranteed the lowest. Go to Perry & Oweu's for clothlog this fall. Their flts are the finest, stock largest and prioes lowest. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes to inform the Ladies of Mc Henry and vicinity that she has just received a full line ef Fall and Winter Millinery, of the latest styles to be found-in tbe market, to which she in vites a careful inspection. Feathers. Wings, and Ladies Furnishing Goods in great variety and at prices as low sa any house outside of tbe city. Call and see our new styles of Hats and Bonnets, MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Oysters! Oysters! At Pekovsky's Restaurant, two doors south of the post otHce, McHenry. cau at all times be found Fresh Oysters, of the best brands in tbe market, either by the can or d'6h. Oysters served In any style and on the shortest notice, either day or even ing. Also a choice line ef confectionery always on hand, GIVE US A CALL. McHenry, Aug. 30,1887. Greatly Excited. Not a few of the citizens of McHenry have recently bccome greatly excited over the astounding facts,'that several of their friends who had been pro nounced by their physicians as incura ble aad beyond all hope--suffering with that dreaded monster Consump tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, the only remedy that does postlvely enre all throat and lung dis eases, Coughs, Colds, Asthuaa and Bronchitis. Trial bottle free at Henry 0#f's Drugstore, fcurge bottle*44. Business Notice** Walking thoes at 1<ss that la close at H. Colby's. Go to Perry A Owen's for tbe best wearing shoes. - SMOKE the MEmpire Cuban,* the best Five Cent Cigar In the market. 300 suita and overcoats just received and more te fellow at Evanson's. Handkerchiefs, all styles and prioes at Althofi Bros. City residences for sale. Apply t# LSa W. Smith, Woodstock, DL When in search of a good Hat of any* kind, go to Althoff Bros. The finest 60 oent tea to tt* market at Althoff Bros, "'-V •1 ' v •M See tbe Belle City Feed Cotters and Down powers at E. M. Owen A Son's. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy and happy Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagon Grease ever need, a new thing, at Besley's, Ell wood's Veteran self damp Rake, the best on tbe market. Sold by R. Bishop. _______ School Books and Stationery, alt kinds, at Besley's Drag Store West Side. Bishop sells the combined hand and; power Ross Cutters. Call and see them at Bishop's Warehouse. A higher than market price will be paid for good Milling Wneat at the; < Wauoonda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. If you aae in need of a first class Feed Cutter, look at the Ross Upward cut Machine before buying. Sold by R. Bishop. For a good tea excelling all for strength and flavor call en Perry A Owen. The finest line of Cloaks and Wraps te be found In the county, at Bonslett A Stoffels, West McHenry, Do not buy you a Cloak or a Wrap until you have examined the stock at Bonslett A Srofiels, West McHenry. Overcoats, In all tbe latest styles, at Bonslett A Stoffels. Those Trloot Dress Flannels, 52 Inches wide, at only 85 cents a yard, are going like hot cakes, at Bonslett 4 Stoffei's, West McHenry. NOBBY HATS. Latest fall styles In bats at Perry 6 Owen's. Our stock ef Underwear cannot be excelled, either in quality or price. BONSLKTT & STOFFEL. Something new in the line of Shawls, at iionslett A Stoffei's, West McHenry* Call and see them. Do not fail to call and examine the new Fall and Wiater stock, of Gtoneral Merchandise, at Bonslett A Stoffei's. West McHenry. You should examine a new lino ladies' and misses' shoes just received at Evanson's. They are the best good# for the money to be found in the country. . Clothing! Clothing! The finest line of Clothing, in Sln-g J;le Garments or Full Suits to be foundl•; n the County, and at prices that ett- not fall to please, at Althoff Broe. FEED CUTTERS. The Ross, tbe Star, the Standard (Silver A Deming), the Belle City, the Baldwin, the Smalley. All siaot for sale by E. M. Owen A Son. FOR SALE I ofler for sale my house aud lot Bleasantly located in the village of [cHenry. If applied for an once will be sold cheap. House almost new, and a very desirable place. Inquire ou tho premises of ERNEST WEMDKLL. Notice. To those that want Tube, Vats, Haf Racks,and anything In my line of bosi* aess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South ol Law* lus' Store, „ „ F. A. HK&UU>. McHenry, AUG. 10,1885. 11-4-LY GARY STATION, 111., March 2D, 1SSS. KT, DICKINSON & SON--Barrington. 11L Gentlemen:--\ had a cow that dl# ^ot clean for three days after calving^ and I procured a bottle of your eov? l-rescrlption and gave it according t* tbe directions, and the cow was al( $• right in less than thlrty>six hours af« 1 ter giving, and has done first rat« : sinoe. AUOUST ASM. For sale by all druggists. Cheap Rates to Chicago A Return The Chicago A North-Western Rail way Co. will sell cheap excursion tick ets to Chicago and Return during September aud October, on account i of the Chicago Expositio-. which wiif' >si" continue from September 7th, to Ooto* » ? ber 22d, and for the International - " Military Eencampmeut. beginning Oc tober 20th. For information relative to dates when tickets will be sold, rates, etc., apply to agents Chicago A- North-Western Railway. • • 8-fiw. V Ladles, Attention, Having just replenished my stocit '-l with the latest styles of Fall and Win* >1 ter Millinery to be found In the mar-* * "5 ket, I am now offering the ladles bar gains never before heard of iu this section as these goods must be sold. Flowers, Feathers, Plumes and all kinds of trimming of the most fashion able styles at bed-rock prices. Call and see me. as I can save, yon money on all kinds of millinery. Dress Making promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. Hotel Property for Sale or Kent, The Riverside Hotel Property*, sltti- ated In the Village of McHenry. with Furniture complete, is ottered for sale at less than one half its real value; or will sell the Furniture and rent tho Hotel. For prloe and terms write to the owner of the property, O. C. Petersen, Brltt. Iowa, or call upon or address S. RAYMOND, West MoHenry. West McHenry, III.. Sept. 14, '87. FEED CUTTERS AND POWERS. Remember we will do as well by you on Feed Cutters, etc., aa you can pos albly do at tbe fairs. Bottom prioes guaranteed on Belle City, Smalley. Star and Ross Feed Cutters at X. H. , , v Owen A 8»o. ______ *~ Buoklan'a Arnica Salva. fy The best Salve In the world for cats oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever i|^ sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains* "y-l. oorns. and all skin eruptiaus, and poe-t , - tlvely cures piles, or no pay required, It Is guaranteed to give perfect satlfr* faction, or money refunded. Prloe Id ^ | cents per box. For sale bj Baaijt