" Pledged but to Truih, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe. » » VOL. 13. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1887. f ,'>3: PmtuiD Eramr WaosssDAr , V A N IUTOK AHD fPSOPBIBTOR. Offio0 111 Bishop's Block, v-; ' Hirw>mT» Piut * own##-".* fiam or suBsoRipno*. J|» T«ar(la A.<tvaa«e) t|X«t NM within Three Months ta ascription 4 r*e*tv«<l for thro* Wathi in tbe Ma* proportion. ... .$L50 100 or iix Bates of Advertising. MMMMO liberal rites for advartis FliinriilAiii, an<t endeavor to at • plajalr tint they will be readily • N. They are at follows: *•« year - •a* year •a* year * none year a *»* year- jusa one year inch raean%?4ha SO* 10 00 HISS S3 NOW meamreraent of on* eans*4 i €*Wii the cofttinn, single colnmn width ljr advertisers, at the abore ratas, hnve ' of chin rim? as often as they at extra charge. liar advertisers (meaning those having ag cards) will entitled to insertion II aotioes at the rate of 6 cents per line , week. All others wltl be charged 10 seats per !in* the fl'st week, and 5 cents per Ha|fcr each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged At tik# rate of W cents pe line, (nonpareil Iffit WMneas this is set in) the first Unite, and rMRkUper line fnr subsequent issues. Th is, U mb adverttsemont will cost *1.00 for one witk, #14* lot Mrs weeks, *2.00 for three k, tu» for ks,aad s»a« ' W#*L. tlt.Pl'tnniiUR will be liberal In giving M.teiial notices, but, as a business rule, it lain a suitable fee from everybody : the us* of Us columns Cor pecuniary w~:_ BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN A NT I) SUllGKOW. OflCS at Residence, HcHenry, Ul. O. H. FEGER8, M, D- flKTSlCUAH iND SURG BOX. MeHenry, 1 111*. Office at RetidoDce. 5 a J. HOWARD, M. D. (IBYKIOIAN AND SX7RQEON, MeHenry, 1 III. OtBoe at Residence, one door West M M. •• Church. BARBLAN BROS. •*#- Livery 8table. _ First Class rigs, with or without drivers " 1 at reasonable rates. Teaming of don* on short notice. E. WWHTMAN, Propr teior. ith NEAR THE DEPOT, K' FRMMNE MOHENBY, ILL, ^pgMig* fir tit* acoommodatlon of tb* Saloon and Restaurant, " vim h* Will Bt all times keep the best , ™ brands of Wii.es, Liquors and Olgi» to be found in the market. Also Agent For - . "• FBANZ FALK'S iDifAUKIE LAGKR BIER. In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ikTS *n hand, eheaper than any other, qnalt*- ' Ife*asid*r*d. . OHttrs by mall promptly attended to. ̂ ;v;, QOOD STABUmt FOS HOR8JC8. 'jarOall aadaaea*. , Robert fohlesale. W*st MeHenry, 111. BUSINESS CARDS. PAUL BROWN, A TTO&NBY AT L VW, &S LaSal** Street A CHICAGO, ILL. M. F. ELLSWORTH, ATTORNEY at Lawyand Solicitor m Chan eery, Nunda, III. ASA W. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery.--Woodstock, IlL * * MARY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kn.<!s of ITMr Work <ione in flrst class style and at reasonable prir.es. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, MeHenry, III. DR*. C. E. WILLIAMS A DAHLIN. DENTISTS. Residence Dundee. Will be at MeHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 2ith and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday. I will stay bnt one day. OH States War Claim Ap:j OF WM. H. COWLIN, Woodstock, - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classss and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex 8oldi»rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply: W M , H . C O W L I S T , Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe K, Illinois. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of MoUenry and surround* ing country tliat he has opened the store W WILIS' BLOCK K. ' i McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. Where at all times can be found a choice line of (HAVES AND MITTENS, Confectionery, Every thing-fresh, First Class, and prices the lowest- Give m« a a|l, Butter, ENS, and Poultry, TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. «. F. BOOWJEII. JOSLYN A CASEY, A TTORNET3 AT LAW, Wno-1stock 111. A All basiness will receive prompt attaa* JOMM TTOPi P H Paper Westof BIT< KLSIPGEN. Painter, tiralner, Calcimiaer and r Hanger. Residence one Block Iveraide House. Work attended to proanptly aad «• reasonable terms. CHURCH, iker and Jeweler XJO. II* SOUTH CLARK STREET, Chi lli «an, IlL Special attention given to re pairing rine watches and Chronometers. A Fall Assortment of Goods In his Una ADAMS EXPRESS CO. Letter fr. man of ti ment-A Thou* SI for 13 Weeks. The POfclCE GAZETTE will be mailed, saeurely wrapped, to any address in the Halted Sta es for three months on receipt «f ONE DOLLAR . Liberal discount allowed to postmaster, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to RICHARD X. FOX, Fbavklih Squaks, New York. AT THE OLD STAJr% JACOB BONSLETT ^ALOOlf AND RESTAURANT, at thi stand, opposite Bishop's mill, MeHenry, The choicest Wine», l.lq uors and Cigars to be found In the county. Warm or cold meal* on abort notice on application. PHIL BIT'S MILWAUKEE BEER by tiM Bottl* or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ATTENTION I Farsier* and Dairymei. II will pfty lho«« looking for ? CHOICE cows Fraah milkers or springers, to eall at sry premises before purchasing. I can furaiaa •ach by the car-load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CHBMtrno. Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. ILL DIB PU11P REPAIRING}, CEMENTING, ETC. Th* undersigned Is prepared to do all the line of Digging Wells, Repair Pumps, Cementing Wells, or v-tll put in be In Tftmvr Pumpi On short notice and warrant satiafsctlos. In ahort will do all work tn this line, (to furnish yon a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap aa •ay other man. Qood r*| ffwinitti new Pump, give me a calL MeHenry, Sept. *?t^, IS87, Inst ana ' 4L. Englon's 81L00N AND RESTAURANT. MeHKHKY, ILLIWOlft. feg t&sssfe-isntfii Msed padded sides^gold edtss, sztansioa Ing S3 pagss of Cabinst and Card aletnrse ssnt for *1.00, retails forAUS. Illustrated circulars S^ALBIMS C. G. ANDREWS*} . GENERA ,̂ . i SPRING OSOVE IL% Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most RHUS. C. G. Anredws, Spring CrovSf 111. Spring irorm, Sept. Sth, 1885. 11-Il-3m IOBBJ E. LAWLUS, uors, " !;Fr8ndi Bitters* ; lCcH#nry Lager Ben, . Mtaf lphraskN Sen, --AND-- J. Sdliti liliailee Bottle Beer, H SBJ quantity from * Suit* QUm to SCO barrels, v ikT WHO ELS ALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or ca?e as ebeapa^the • ^ We Bay none but the best and »ell at Reasonable Prices ^ Call and see me and I will n* *«u well ̂ TGBLN. UoAenry, IUV ! " Ov*M»et4t* -•>( a - " -• V A;i- tbe Jftpp' ^ V , _ Warrants a Fit or We make Suits to order of the oest Cloths, Foreign or Domes tic. AT THE LOWEST FMCES That good Goods can be sold w* - :: .• HK ALSO Cflaiti and Rssairi ClBtliM Neatly and on short notice. CHV6 M.e a Ob.11 E. LAWLUS. 'a • r. *r(Men Post by mail promptly Jobnsbnrgn, 111. attmded Mk L. BANTE8. JohMUBTgh, 111.. May 86th, IMS. DUIJR IK Corn, Oatsf ay« ad Mill Feed. Prices as Low AS THE LOWE8T Call f nd get figures beiore buy ing elsewhere. Will guarantee you satisfaction in every particu- ar. Don't Pay Anyone You feed for Large new Warehouse at the Pickle Factory in West MeHenry, Illinois. -7 W. A. CR18TY. •BRB8DBRS MORGAN HORSES, ]Ud FolUd And losey Cattlt. Billside Varm, Wm McHonry, III. and* Con About Arc rears ful urination ami gi the lower part of my bad taste in tho month* great mental and itodui I live at *11 York «i on arrlviag home on* khe Shaker *lmanafi thtl the day. I read th* *' Disease that is Comi: scrlqct mv HvinotomS than I could if I had s *y trouble was indeed night," for it had been ~ wares for years. I Shaker Extract ot and before 1 had tnken the wclcomc relief. In like my old aelf. I eujoj food "My kidneys soou etrengili, and tlic urinary trouble vanisboti. I was wbil. Millionsol'people need-aome medicine slm. ply to act upon the boweto. To them I com mend Shaker Extract In strongest jwnsl ble terms. It is th* jwtlest, pleasantest, safest and surest purga^ve in this world. Tbe most delicate woman'ami chil lren may take it. One point mora: |I have all the more contdence in this uiedielni because it is pro- pared by the Shakers J pay claim to V.e a religious man myself and 1 admire the Slink- era Cor their seal, consistency and strict Imsi- nsss integrity. What U|sy make may be trusted by tbe public .A W, 11. HAU, Far sale by an drugglstfnnd by •. J. Whit* M Warren .treet, Mew York. sistant Fore* nsr «d D..ply suffered from pain- n anil weakness in pain in the limbs, just at food, and presslou. Jersey City, and 1 found a copy of ,d been left during icle. "What is this Upon ue? It Ue- il feelings better ten a whole book, ike a thluf in the ling upon me IIM- for a, Uwttta of or Heigel's Syrup, •half of it I felt few weeks I was I and digested my ovcred lone and JOHN P. OMITH, Watolimalcex* It Jeweler, MeHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks^Watches and Jsw-elry alway s on hand« Special attention given to renalrlng flu* watchas. Give m* a call. S0OX P. SMITH. THE CHICAGO MORTI RAILWAY. Penetrates tha Oentres ofC Popuiatiett in w >-I*;• -fitt.-xk JJ swtijs Miesola, 1 Dalota, Soldiers' Department. CONTRIBUTED BT WM, H. OOWLIN. County CU * A- R. Directory. M'HRNRTlPOST NO. 643. • Meets the first and Third Friday evonlngs of each month. Ii, E. BENKBTT, Com. (RiomcoKp vo*<r MO m Meets th* second Friday *v*nlng of each month. OB. S, F.BK*H»TT, Com. WOODSTOCK FORT. MO 108. Meets flrst and third Monday *v*nlngs of each month. WM. ATIIT, Com. avm>i POST, M**ts th* second and fourth Wednesday avanlngs of each month. WK. BCTLU, Oom. RLTTITD rOST, BO astk. Moots th* second and rourta Monday-even inga of *aoh month. I. W. SSATIRMS, Com. MAHBNOO POST, NO. W, Meets every Second and I'onrtli Friday evenings of each month. B. R. MORBIS, Oom. " tts train service is carefully arranged to meet requirements ol 1» *M tray®!. well as lA fnmlah the routes for ill ii>|¥ l^jffirirffl winui iTTnirri r " - Trade Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din ing and place sleeping cars is without rival. tts road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast, ed steel. The Northwestern Is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, tbe tourist and the seekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. Detailed information cheerfully furnished bJ BERNARD BU58. Agent, MeHenry, 111. JT. M. WHITMAN, Vity»Prez. and Gen. Manager. H. C. WICKER, . Traffic Manager. _ ̂ WILSOX Gmcrnt Pcutengcr Agent. O. NIKDMAM'S WM 116-11' Dearborn Btmst, OUGAflO ""MM r .Oowrli, wd all for dr* FOR SALE at H. V. SHBFARO'S Hardwnr* Store, MeHenry. For Sale Oheap A BA81 CBAKCI To Secure a M Bumen Location. I offer for sale my store buildings, situated In the village of Mciienry. They are of brick, two stories high, and suitable for any kind oi businoes, with gooa residence rooms in second story. Also good barn and out. houses. Centrally located, nearly opposite Bishop's Mill and next door to the post office. Also offer for sale ray Cigar and Tobacco business. Will sell building either with or without business to suit purchaser. J. PEKOVSKT, MeHenry, III., May 11, 1887. Our Morgan Stock is all :pur* bred. and }rlginat*dfrom th* Iwst Morgan stoftktn th* United States. Old Olflbid Morgan, who stands at the head sf our Stock, is one ot the best breed Morgan itorses In tbe country, and can show more and - 'tetter All purpo-e colt® than any other sort© tfthe West We invite th* inspection ^ our stock toy < or semen and nil lovors ot An* animals. A few full Mood Morgan Oolta and youaa mrses for sale, Alw one matched team, fhfl '4**da. la Oattl* we have th* fullbloosJ Short Hora 4rbir h we are crossing with th* B*d Foiled Angus and therefor* Instead ef sawiag o<T the Horns «rt are branding th*m (fiff and with r*od suoaess. A few Heifers and Bull*, both pure bred 4b«rt Bteus and th* cross above mentioned ***** j. r. tayior * Sane. w«tt mrnmn*. -*k"~ • .. . • • ^ •... '.Vi- "... ARBUCKLES' on a paokage of OOFFEE U a guarantee of exoellenoe. ^ t ARIOSA OOffKiC is kept in all ftnt-cbuM •toree iroin the Atlantlo to the l^aotflo. COFFEE Is never good when exposed to the air. Always boy this brand In hermetioalljr SMOed ONX POUND PACKAGES. JUDD'S COLLEGE OF COMUEBCE. 110 Kaet Monroe St., Qhioago. Book-keeping Xunson's Shorthand, Feamaaship, Arithmetio. Etc- OHT BY EXFBBIENCED TEACUKRS. Eight years' experience In Commercial College Work enables us to offer the VEBT BBST ADVANTAGES at the LOWIIT BATES to nil wanting a Practical 8nalne«s or Short hand Course. School is in session day and evening, and old students, frienda and strangers are cordially invited to come and «ea us. If you desire to study Book-keeping or Shorthand, but are unable to attend the College, we can give you lessons by u.atl at a .11 expense. Oemmiesioner Black, to compel tbe Utter te give him an Increased pen sion, He now receives |18 for the loss of a band, and 918 f«»r the loss of s foot* He claims that under recent lsws he is entitled te $48 per month, from March 3, 1883, and to #60 per month from August. 1886, and says the Commlsleo- er refuses te grant bins the rating to which be Is entitled. 6 lbs. good ground coflee il.00. Fait white flab 6} cents per lb. Salt Her> ling, 8 ennte per lb. Fine fall cream cheese IS} cents per pound. Cfceloe Gutter » cents at Kvansno's, : art* ' ' *< 'I Along the Skirmith Uae • California has 140 Gh A. R. posts. The Sons of Veterans number 6,747 In Ohio. General W. S. Harney is tbe eldest living officer ef tbe regular army, and is 87 years of age. Of the officials who represent tbe United States In foreign lands, ninety* one served In tbe rebel army. Tbe West Virginia posts are delng good work in seeking Isolated gravel *»f union soldiers and giving them needed care. The names ef thirty-six widows of soldiers of th* Revolutionary war are «tUl borne on the United States pen sion rolls. It is reported that tbe veterans in the Soldiers' Home at Day ten, Ohio, |refused to listen te a speech by the ^rebel General Gordon. A monument In memory of Col, E. D. Baker, First California Volunteers, is to be erected at Balls Bluff, where be fell Oct, 21,1861, The Farragut Veteran Association was organized In Philadelphia July IS, 1867, It was tbe first association of naval veterans organized la the United States. Rear Admiral Worden, hero of tbe Monitor and Merrlmao light is living In H<Ks 7dvfeawH»P*g« He was retired In 180t on full pay, •6,000 a year, D. B. Meredith, of Carlisle, Pa., has In bis possession a piece ef hard tack which was issued to him among other rations. In 1864, while in front of Pe tersburg. The Union flag which was torn fro.n Its stall and trampled In tbe mud by tbe rebels of Mtcon, recently. Is now In possession of a correspondent of tbe Globe-Democrat* of St, Louis, The ladles of tbe G. A. R. of Penn sylvania, held their annual convention at Harrlsburg Oct. 26th. The report ol tbe Secretary, Mrs. Bruner, shews a growth of eleven circles during the patt year. The State membership is 1,700. Commander.in-cblef John P. Rea bus accepted an invitation to deliver an address before tbe-Grant Memorial University at Athens, Tenn. Tbe In vitation is from the faculty of the University. The occasion will be a celebration of Gen. Grant's birthday. Tbe Forty fourth New Tork, origi nally commanded by Major General Daniel Butterfleld, will ereot a monu ment on tbe southern summit of Little Round Tep, to oest not less than *14,- 000, * Tbe St. Louis price for tbe best dec* orated private residence In St. Louis during tbe G. A. R. Eacampment has keen awarded to No. 1522 Lucas Place. This was the Indiana Department headquarters. Grand Army Fairs are very popular in the East. The proceeds of tbe fairs go to the relief fund of the post. The G. A. R. posts and relief corps of Illinois would do well to take this means of replenishing . their relief funds. "the Illinois Association of ex-pris oners ef War held Its annual meeting Thursday, Nov. 10, at Peoria. Com- rad* C. W. Pavey, of Mount Vernon, was re-elected President. The next place ef meeting Is to be Bloom ing ton and tbe time the third Thursday in November, 1888, Wilkin Post, Mankato, Minn., gave a grand camp-fire last Saturday even ing at the Opera House in that city, It was largely attended by comrades and friends from neighboring villages. Commander-in-chief John P. Rea and many distinguished members were present and participated in tbe fes tivities and enjoyment of the occasion. Post No, 1, Philadelphia, has an active membership of 481. There are 356 military organizations represented in the Post from twenty diflerent states. Tbe total of members holding commissions In the army is 3CI, classi fied as follows: General (U. S. Grant) 1; major and brigadier generals, 9; colonels and lieutenant colonels, ff majors, 24; captains, 121; lieutenants, 142; chaplains and surgeons, 27. Oscar Danlap, of Grand View, D. T„ has filed a bill for a maodatnns on % . , / Work ef tits Pension OSes. There were received durln week eudlng Nov. 5, 1887, 3,550 claims, of which 791 were original in valid cases;325 widows; 2 war of 1812 10 bounty land; 5 navy;0 old war; 156 on account of Mexican war, and 2,261 applications for increase. The total receipts of mall matter 49,136 pieces, There were 38,766 letters and circulars sent out. There were reported 2,584 Medical examinations at a oest of ill,193.00 av erage cost per examination, i4.6fc For the use of claimants there were 8,432 names and postofSoe addresses of officers and comrades. Report ef certificates issued during week ending November 5', 1887: Original, 722; Increase, 633; reissue, 158; restoration, 70; duplloate, 19; ac crued 71; arrears, 0; Act of March 3, 1883,2; Order of April 3, 1884, 3; Act of March 3,1885, 0; Order Oct. 7, 1885, 7; Act of Aug. 4,1886,2; Supplemental AototAug44. 1886,16; Mexioan. War, 199; tetal, 1,932. Reissue same date, 0. Kstrospsotivs. It is new more than two years since we took oharge of this department In the PLAINDKAMCB. That we should not have tailed In many Instances of making these columns perfect would Indeed be strange. But the mistakes made have been of the head and not of the heart, for It is ourBalm and de sire te be ever genuine and zealous In what little we may undertake to do or say for our former comrades in arms. And while working in their behalf have faithfully endeavored to keep our columns clean and free from pol itics or other subjects not particularly adapted te their interests. We have received many words of praise and encouragement from oom- rades residing in various parts of tbe county as well as those living in ad joining oounties who have tbe good taste to subscribe for and read the PLA.IMDEA.LBE. For suoh we return. k thanW, as $e arebutbuman, ab3 KTbtfffetfifr te t»ie words which we know are meant, are fully appreciated by us and strengthen us in our endeavors, There is also this to say and truth fully--not by word or act have we ever used these columns to advertise our business--that of prosecuting pen sion and war claims for our comrades. This we could have done, but we con sidered It wrong and wholly out !of place. Since taking oharge of these columns there have been but three publications of tbe PLAINDEALEB wherein our arti cles failed to appear before the foot lights, and en two of these occasions they were crowded out to make room for thai ^ef more Importance at the time, We have enjoyed our labors each week snd hope to centiuue te do so, but have In one Instanoe been greatly and sorely disappointed--our com rades do net rally to eur support and furnish us with that class of matter that would make this department what It Is designed to be for th® sol dier class. What we mean is this: just recall and write us any account er Incident that may have ome under your own personal obeervatiun--not long-winded articles or history, but news, as it were, written up as you re member tbe facts: and for those who so desire we will gladly prepare, to tbe best of our ability, such articles for publication. Now, comrades, please bear in mind there is a cordial Invitation extended to each one to help us build up and make tbls department still more In teresting and Instructive. It will not be necessary that your names bo at tached to your communications it print, if you are averse te such, but give us your name, company and reg iment that we may know that you are genuine ex-soldlers. Still we would much prefer that your names appear below tbe articles sent. In conclusion we must add that we feel It a duty as well as a pleasure to espouse the osuse of these who wore the blue and aid them In repelling tbe advances of that enemy whose "bay onets" are pointed toward our com rades, ilvlog or dead, their widows end orphans. Is the 8. A B- Becoming Disorganised! We have recently taken some pains te gather from reliable sources fact* concerning tbe present condition of the G. A. R. and its record for the past three quarters In our own state do partment. If the MeHenry County Democrat desires to deal fairly with tbe G. A. R. and the ex-soldiers gen erally it will publish at least ju&t how tho affairs of tbe order aow stand compared with last December list In the Department of Illinois: HKADQUAKTBSS DEPARTMBirr OF Illr UIOIS. Grand Army of tbe Republic. BLOOMINGTON, NOV. 14th, 1887. IT. H. Cowlin, Esq., Woodttock. JU.: DKAB SIB AMD COMBADB:--Yon are respectfully Informed that there were In good standing Dee.) There were in good stea 3d quarter ending 8ept. There an no wltMi except by reason ef denoe, that is membets one town to another, and retain their membenhlp transfers. Yours in F. C. A L., E. HAKLAH, A. A.Q. DAT P.M., loth* Dear Comrade Cavothc- tbe 14th Inst, reeetred tenliit mend Pest Is sound te Me eeM have no "dissatisfaction^ ments. quarrels er pelttlcs in We are uolted as one niaar i great questions in whieb ec interested. Yon oould not of our members worse tfeflf -i a surrender of the ehart*& lost three members front who withdrew, or rather te« cards, only to join the newi ized in that vtUage. Wi sorbed nearly all the material to territory, and for that mustered any new n There are, as far aa I kooWtjWi'l veterans in this neighborhood net members of tbe G. A. three have personally told shall join Richmond Post thtt^i That's hew we staod, the the D 1 to the contrary standing. Yours In F. C. & Ln S. F. BooiBTTfc - Tk* Bio* or th* Gray-Wfeiah. WM. H. COWLIN, Editor Soldier^ De* partment PLAIN DEALER: Dear Comrade:-- My attentien w«r1 recently called to the Soldier*" umn of the MeHenry County published at Woodstock, found several items, (I suppose) "Rayonet Points* d the points), that amused spe I from their very incongruities v , eelt evident absurdltles.^otwiMNSlii%;^l iag great professions were e x p r e s s e d , o f p r o f o u n d r e s p e o f t l O r t f c k . : f f , loyalty, patriotism and valor of the j V soldiers ef the Union army tn tbe late ̂ war; yet there Is an nnderatHMS|ilui^S tone in all the warm >Tprnsi1ei<. Mif8 sympathy for the soldiers that J a chill to tbe very marrow ef afejcjf.' v ^ old veteran that reads It. It partake* 4 :?" so much ef tbe Jscoh-lban-mese-ef* 11 pottage-affair that I think U la off the.^ same piece. All this talk aboiH ttMr ^ disintegration of the G. A. R. is Ujj^f ^ merest bosh (and BO eld vefettA:^- should be deceived by tbem) as the ^ reports of the Adjutant General of the : order so plainly and iadispHtablf i dlcate. The TefyS|rl#M upon the working of the G. A. B. partakes to<L mu£h of the" political 4 type te mes# mere than e ess--I ae* -"3 tice. A presidential eleetlos I* fpip '.>$• to oocur. and the old " will be an important factor final result; and this makes pli tbe venomous pricks of these ful Bayonet Ityhte. This misrepreset tatiep Is - "too tMi*' conceal its object. Those that the blue seem to get all the while those that were the gray commended for many virtues demonstrated In our Intercourse thara in tbe field, the camp, err prison. I have but one objeet In ing these comments, and that Is,tlj*S the old veterans nse tbe same preiefMl.' and care, tbe same intuitive iMlgl&aifcC: to the object of such writings 'jf#.. wsre wont to exercise white on tbe lonely picket pest--til Che: raults are with the Blue--All the vlr« tues with the Gray. < J. x. BECKIXT. Nunda, 111., Nov. 18, *87. ^ It is not the G. A. R, which Is' log alive the fires ot sectlopaU but the mon who are gettll tlons to tbe political chief of jki al rebellion, who are parading at* relics" flags uoder whioh the heflJ^li revolt and insurrection were ed in bat le, who teach the i eration that their fathers and who fell lo the Confederate "died In aascred cause." The G is national. It has nothing tejb Motions--North, South, Bast Of it regards only tbe whole ee«at*yi Opposes any sectional man er Its members did not fight f state er seotloo, but for the who lion. They gathered f|pl> state tn the Union to fttflkt ii| { Union, and when the fight watf they dispersed again to every and territory in the Union. more truly and broadly Xaltfl any other class of men in the nation^ Gen. J. C. Black, Commissioner Pensions, and tbe ether the Board ef Governors ef $j| Midplffc? dlers' Homes left last Tunedey* 9B':| tour of Inspection of the iiijjfriy < homes In the west. They will J(e' If; California, there, and weeks. GAaT STATloa. la, IMplI ti. BSC - oicKi»*a» A 8o»--Ban »•<»*•, PL Qentlenien:--I had a cow that W aot clean for three days after calviag, aid I procured a bottle of yoer eep L rescrlptlon and gave It the directions, end the cow right lo less than thirty-six how»f*- , tor giving, and has done first nH since. Aueos* ABIS. rU : :!-• *•*- dniggU>*' " "%OTlCB. All the« who are a*»*l«lf ready-made suit of clothes Hi tailor-made goods, should go A Owen's and see their new fa Pri« es guaranteed the im