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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1887, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, DEC, 7. 1887, Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept 19th, trains will pass MoHenry station daily, except Sandays, as Brtlows: OOINO SOUTH. Lake Uaneva Pasaenffer Uk«Q«Mn JExpresa Lake dram Freight uki Seneva Paaaenger....... oonro WORTH. Lake Geneva Freight-- 7m k. * 8:M " 2:00 F. M ... ..3:96 •• .••11 A. M liUV vvllvTft ITUWDKQr.•.• • • •• •••••••»»«•»• Lake SeneTa Express .. .4MP.U f Ho WARD PSHRT oame borne on Frl Lake Genera Pumnr.. ...1*0 B. BUM. Aient. McHenry, 111 FMttOliait SREBIFF KCKEKT, of Woodstock was>n our streets on Tuesday. Miss JULIA A, STORY It reported quite Rick at this writing. W.H.FORD and|wlfe are visiting I Wiocondt this week. BKV. FATHFR FEOERS, OFJ Sterling. 111., was visiting wttli friend* here last week. ED. COLBY, of Clifton Jtll,, !• visit­ ing with Henry Colby and ramify,!*0 thia village. r?iv". f ^ „ tf, •*,%> mi . aa and a Wghly respected OUISCB, died at his residence In thia Tillage, art«f a long and painful Illness. on Mteaday evening at 6:30 o'clookj His foneral aoe to-morrow (Thursday) at two o'clock p. M. !« An extended obituary will appear In those jplumns next week, THE Ladies of the Willing' Workers n Society will hold a Corn Festival, at A Riverside Hall, on Friday evening MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEKIOA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Laat Tuesday evening of each month. Ketch bora cor lially invitea- MASONIO. MOHSKBT LODOB, No. 1SS A.FF, and A. M.-- Regular Communication* the second and fourth Mondays in each month. „ JOHN 1. STOKT, W. M. •0;" Church Directory, METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Proachirxg every Sabfcath, morning and even­ ing. f At JUnmnwd at 2:90 P. V. , . . < GrowlTn and worship with as. don* for MUmUy, HABDT E. WTCKOFF, A. B., Pastor. UNIVHBSALI8T CHURCH. >'• Services every Sunday morning, and every -first and third Sunday evenings in each snath. A cordial welcome Is extended to every one fee join us in our worship. _ Oar Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex­ amine--Reflect--"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." n ^ REV. H. SLADB, Pastor. i (} SEE the new advertisement of J. Pekovsky, in another oelumn, SEE notices ot Wheat Wanted, by B. ft>; Blshep, to be fonnd in another column. Do net forget the Corn Festival, at Biverslde Hall, en Friday evening, ; Deo, 16th. SANTA CLAUS Headquarters Is at -Jj Besley's Drug Store, West Side. Read bis anaeuncement in another column. ***...£"• ... ~i -- • i i I.... i -• --- BONSLETT A STOFFEL, Althoft Brop, and John Evanson A Co., have new V advertisements this week. Read them. •^3 PROF. L. OALITZKI, the optician, will be here again for one day only. - December 31st. Tou will find partic­ ulars in another column. Uf- MOoe fire burns out another** burn. . lng.M and most pains suffer mere to be cured, but Salvation Oil is painless and certain. It cost* only 26 cents. FOUND, in this village, a pair of Lady's Mittens, The owner can have the same by calling at this office, prov Ing property and paying for this no- l tloe. Do NOT forget the Band Concert and Dance at Parker House Hall, or Fri- day evening of this week. Tbey have a floe programme, and It will well re- "r : pay you te attend. w REMEMBER the New Year's Party at the Parker House Hall, under the man- . t agoment of C. H. Granger and J. Hal- pin, on Thursday evening, December ; 29tb. . Music, Slocum's Orchestra. GOTLEIB BOLET. has purchased the if black work team of H, E. Wlghtman, f and tbey can now be seen dally on the a Brewery Wagon, They are one of V the best work teams In town. Y* TME Riverside Skating Rink will be / open on Saturday evening next, where f those who delight to glide on the I rollers can have a chance to do so. % Skating from 7 to 10 o'clock. ^ rtI'VE done my duty and I've done no ; mere," a* the dealer remarked when *' be advertised a large ^supply of Dr. ' Bull's Cough Syrup at the low price of renty-flve cents a bottle. J. PEKOVSKY has taken out a License and opened a Saloon in his building, lint doer south of the Post Office- He I* new running Saloon, Restaurant, and Cigar Manufactory. LEEDS VASES, the finest te be found entslde of the city, at Besley'sDrug Store. Do not bay your Holiday Presents until you have looked over bla stock. JACK HURRELL has opened his Shoe Shop, tn Kelter's Block, next door to Serbian's Cigar Factory, and Is now prepared to do you cobbling or make you a new pair ef Boot* oi Shoes on kibort notice. THB Tickets for the New Year's Party at the Riverside House will be Issued this week. Music, Slocum's Orohestra. When fixing up your pro­ gramme for New Year's bear in mind tbe Riverside House, Friday evening, Deo. 80th. DK. C. E, WILLIAMS, Dentist, will mak* bis regular visit to this villaget on Monday next, tbe 12th. his usual time, the 10th. coming on Saturday. Those wishing his services will bear this In mind, Meiday next, at tbe Parker Bense. THE Arabian Nlghta Thanksgiving week played in Newark to the capac­ ity of Miner's Theatre, and tlft busi­ ness in New York next week at the Academy of Music promises to be as large. The company will shortly take tbe read for the west. UI make my money by advertising. I know I always had a grand show, and I wanted others te know It, so I ad­ vertised," says P. T. Barnum. "The press of the country and ray greatest show on earth have done more for tbe education of the masses than all else oombined." day last, to spend tbe Holiday* with ^bis parents. W. P, MORSE, of Nunda. one of^Unde Sam's Mall Agents, was on "our streets on Monday, E. D. SLAFTEB, tbe Janitor of our Public School, Is on the *lek list this week. REV. DR. HANSON, ef Chlcego, preached in the Unlversallst Chureb on Sunday last. JACK HURRELL returned from bit hunting trip to the Mississippi, las! week. Miss LOIS BANGS, of Waueenda. ha; been visiting for a Week with Frank Calkins and wife. JOHN DARRELL and E. A Stone,o Woodstock, were smiling upon friend* here on Tuesday. H. H.NICHOLS expects his brother^ from Oregon here abot the 20th Inst to spend the Holiday* with him. MRS. MACKHAM and Mrs. Or. B. Dickinson, of Nunda, visited at H. V. Shepard's this week Tuesday. MR. WM. H. ROBERTS, of Metropolis. 111., is visiting with H. Y. ahepard. after an extended tour through Cali­ fornia. MRS. MART M. CAFFRET, of Fort Ransom, Dakota, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. K. Granger In this village. ^ NAT KIMBALL, who has been at work for H. E. Wlghtman the past two years, has accepted a situation in Oatman's Factory at Rlngwood. MRS. R. STEBBINS, who has been at Richmond the past few months, re­ turned to her home in this village, last week. She Intends going west next week to spend the winter. LEE ANDRUS, who for the past yesr has been engaged in tbe store of Henry Colby, In this village, has ac­ cepted a position in the store of Mr. Osmun, of Nundaf and will remove jvith his family to that village soon. Mr. Andrus has won many warm friends during his residence here, who regret bis departure, but wish him prosperity in his new home. Dec. 16tb. An appropriate programme will be arranged and tbe ladies will serve an inviting lunob of Mush and Milk, Corn Bread and Milk, etc. The ladles have prepared a variety of %|oe and useful articles which will be ft>r sale during tbe evening^ Gone pre- forfeit IU piii'Ctra t<r Presents. your Christmas BISHOP FALLOUS. ef Chicago, wfTl Lecture under tbe auspices of the Honda Post, G. A. R., at the Congre­ gational Church, Crystal Lake, to­ morrow, Thursday evening, the pro­ ceeds to be for the benefit of Capt. James Nish, who was burned out at Cary last week* This will be the most Interesting Lecture of the season and the cause 1* a worthy one. Let m** • - " F. K. GRANOER shipped six car leads of stock on Tuesday. *lVo cars ef of Hogs and two of cattle, front this Station, one car of Sheep from Lake Geneva aad one car of Hogs from Rlngwood. : JEBE Ladies Willing Workers Socie­ ty, connected with the Universalis! Church, will meet with Mrs. E. M. Owen, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 8th, at the usual hear. MBS. W. A. CEISTT, President, Miss JULIA A. STORT, secretary,' MARTTNE, the Humorist, gave one of his laughable entertainments at Parker House Hallj on Tuesday evening, to a good house. Martyne's entertainments are first class and he is sure of drawing a good house whenever he' comes this way. He will give another entertain* ment this evening with entire change of programme. FINE tea-gown patterns with suita­ ble trimmings, feather trimmings 25 cents per yard, ladies' leggins, white toboggans, a Job lot Of handkerchiefs for Holiday trade, linen and fancy goods, at ladies' salesroom. • •. \ MRS. H. S. GRKOORT^ THE report of Class C, Primary De­ partment of our public school, was omitted last week by accident, it be­ ing written on the opposite side of the sheet and not noticed by the com­ positor. THREE Jew* came into town on Monday night with a horse and buggy which they put op at Wightman's Livery Stable, saying they would oall for It at 9 o'clock the next looming. They then took lodgings at tbe Rlver- side House. On Tuesday sserplng they failed te call for the hortwfcur took the freight train North. In the afternoon Wlghtman received a telegram from Chicago stating that the horse and baggy were stolen, and he now holds the same until the owner calls for tbem. But the Jew* bad , ________ T*HE following from a paper publish­ ed at Polo, III., voices our sentiment exactly: "Men don't get rich who spend seven days of the week in whin­ ing and squirting tobscoo juice at a crack tn the sidewalk. Hustle! Rustle! Grab the butt end ef the first oppor­ tunity and lift until you see stars, but doa't alt around and croak--don't! Rustle or travel. We don't need any sidewalk loafing--or sniveling whln- ers. If you don't like the town get up energy enough to drag your shiftless carcass to some tewo you do like. Rustle or get! " IT 1* doubtful whether Prof. L. Ga­ ll tzki will be able to make MoHenry another long visit (same as he did last spring) before next summer and in order te supply all with well adapted glasses so as to be able to do lots of reading or fancy work during the long winter evenings he has concluded to be here again for one day, December 31st, when be can bo consulted at the Riverside House from 10 A. M. till 3 p. M. (not later); this being bia third visit to McHenry. Persona below 40 years of age who need bis help or ad­ vice will please call early on the fore noon of that day. Pray remember Prof, Galitzki does business only at the hotel and employe no agent*. . JO I Charlie Bloe* .89 . .93 Winfleld Woodfburn.87 OLAS3 C. Pearl Locke Willie Overocker Harry Fay 92 I Martin Howell .87 Harry Kennedy .. .92 I Lucy Overocker ....85 Mary Overocker ....91 | Mary Ifriaby 86 Charlie Uilles 91 I Johnny Knox 88 Hodie Anringer 90 Agnes Quinn .......86 Eddie Simon .89 | Lauretta Quinn ....75 ELSIE GAGK, Teacher. IT IS said that three of the stingiest men in the world live in Dakota. One of them will not drink as much water as he wants unless it Is from a neigh, ber'swell; tbe Becond forbids any of tbe family writing anything but a small band, as It wastes ink to make large letters; the third stops his clock at night to save wear on the machin­ ery: they all refuse te take a papar, because tbey can't afford tbe terrible strain on their spectacles to read it. ATTENTION, Comrades. An adjourn­ ed meeting of McHenry Post, No. 643. G. A. R , will be held Friday evening, December 9th. Owing to a damp and foggy night tbe comrades from the country did not report on tbe 2nd Inst. You will be ir tn mind that tbe Post officers for the ensuing year must be elected at tbU adjourned meeting. Those who have not already done so are requested to bring their dlschirge papers to enable the Adjutant to com­ plete tbe.muster roll. R . L'. E. BENNETT, Post Commander. A PRINTER don't rush to the doctor when be Is out of "sorts." Nor to the baker when be is out of Mpi." Nor to hell when be wants the *'dovil." Nor to tbe wood piie when ho wants a "stick" Nor to tn« bible when he wants a good "rale," N jr to the gun shop when be wants a "shooting stick.t' Nor to tbe cabinet shop when be wants "furniture." Nor to tbe bank when he wants "quoins." Nor to a girl when he wants a "press." Nor to the lawyer when he has a "dirty case." Nor to a butcher when be wants "phat." Nor to a pump when he's dry aud has ten j in tUa pocfeK. You will miss a rich treat If you fall to attend the Band Concert and Dance at Parker House hall on Friday even­ ing of this week. Read tbe following PROGRAMME: Opening Overture by the Band. Duet (Cornet and Alto)..C M Ourtls ft F Wells Harmonica Solo...' W Culver Dornet Solo .Levy A than H A Welle Music by Band. Brass Quartette H A]Wells C M Curtlt, F Wells, L Owen. Recitation Miss Ella McLean Harmonica Duet W Culver, H A Wel.s Finale Mile. LeClaire will entertain tbe audience for a few minutes in her daring feats of bareback riding. Admission, 18 and SO cent*. Re­ served seats, 25 cents. Dane* Tick­ ets, 60 cents per couple. Oyster sup­ per far those wlvf wish at 60 cents per couple. McHerily Orchestra will fur­ nish music. AN exchange says: "A well known dooter says that the fumes of kerosene when a lamp is turned low, are likely to cause diphtheria. The New York Board of Health a few years ago, de­ cided that to tbi* ,ppre than to any cause the prevalence of thi* diaease was to be attributed. This is given as accounting for the fact that diph­ theria gene rally begin* to spread with the advent of the short days and long nights. Children dislike te go to bed hi the dark, and tbe kind mother leta the kind mother lets the lamp remain in the bedroom, usually turning down the flame so that the light shall not keep the child awake. A turned down kerosene lamp is a magasine of deadly gas that tbe healthiest lungs cannot safely be exposed to." IMMEDIATELY rollowing the Gorman Spectacular Minstrels at the Chicago Opera House will begin tbe regular fall season of tbe McCaull Opera Co. The company is undoubtedly the strongest that Col. McCaull has ever brought to Chicago, it being a consoli­ dation ef his two old companies, and containing all tbe popular favorites. The company is constituted of De- Wolfl Hopper, More. Cottrelly, Digby Bell. Laura Joyce Bell, Marion Manola, Jeff DeAngelis, Harry McDoneugh, and tbe rest of McCaull's great com­ panies. Tbe opening piece wiii be the creat New York and Philadelphia success, Bellman, which Cor tbe past eight or nine weeks has been playing nightly to standing room in those two cities. Tbe entire company, scenery, properties, etc., will fill the coming engagement. Tbe opera Is by far tbo best Von Suppe has ever written, and the comedy element afford* marveleua opportunities for Hopper, Bell, De­ Angelis and McEouough. The ran of Bellman is limited to four week*. The Riverside Skating Rink Will be open to the public on Satur­ day evening next. Let all those who love to glide on the rollers turn out. Admission same as heretofore. Rink open from 7 to 10 o'clock. ANT person who wants paying work as local or traveling agent for warrant ed nursery stock should apply at once to Jas. E. Whitney, nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. No experience is necessary, aad Complete outfit is fur­ nished free. Steady work tbe year round and all stock warranted to bo In |po4cimdUl4lb fWRECTORT. MA.some.--A. F. and A, M. meet at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 8d Wednesday even- ia.'sof each month. v KOMftx WooMUBtOF AMERICA.--Meet at tfaaonle Hall evetjSdand 4th Monday even, ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vito*. Somas1 TMPEBAKCR.--Meet at Unloa Hall on Toeeday evening of eaeh week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER^Dance Fri­ day night. Mrs Ward la very low. Henry Noyee returned from Kansas last week. MM* Olive Sterns offers her boose and lot for sale. : The boys are tblnklng of organlviog a dancing clnb for the winter. D, A. Clary la drawing stone on his lot on Maple Ave. Mr. Judd Ellis from Waterloo. Iowa, has been making his brother Ira a visit. Taylor Broe, hive been very busy of late, repairing well* that have failed to supply water, setting up tanks, etc. A number of young people enjoyed themselves at the residence of D, A. Clary en Teesday evening of last week. Miss Rosa Pierce will return to her home in Iowa, having finished her school in the Glass district. Those who attended the concert at Alden Friday evening and listened to the choice selections rendered by the Prima Donna, Miss Grace Whlttier, and her assistant*, were well repaid lor going. Attend tbe dance at Rowe's Hall on Friday evening of this week. Music will be furnished by N. E. Slocum's Orchestra. Supplr served at Reynold* Hotel. A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to ail. Nearly every family in town Is af^ dieted with tbe measles. Dr. Herrick has over forty patients, A few have been very sick but in/general the at­ tack Is light. There has been talk of closing school for tbe remainder of this term. Well, did you ever! Ike'a face is smile* all ever. A boy is the cause of it. Report of Hebron public school for tbe month ending Nov. 25,1887: HIGHER DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month ...M Present Attendance : ..4S Average dally attendance 35 ' Roll of Honor--George Conn, Helen Damon, Gertie Gratton, Allio Hyde, George Fbiilipa, Frank Rotnour, Menzo Stone, Earl Taj'lor, Fred Wel- bon, Charles Prouty, Archie Eble, Nellie Gates. Leaders of Grades--A, Geo,Conn, Essie Phillips; B, Gertie Gratton. INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT. Enrolled during month.... Present Attendance ... . Average daily attendance Roll of Honor--Florence Gates, Mabel Woodwortb, Erraa Conn, Bertie Sears, Mary Shoudy, Fanny Prouty, Lillie Horkstadt, Mary Earle, Effle flouBholder, Minnie Fish, Lottie Tay­ lor, Pbebe Shufelt. Leaders of GjTAdes --A, Grace Hyde; B, ErmaCoun;C, Mary Earle. ETTA E. TORRANCE, Teacher. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, Enrolled during month SO Present attendance ..............30 Average daily attendanoo ,.S7 Roll of Honor--Grove Ste wart, Myr tie Nichols, Frank Housholder, Flora Wickham, Annie Fish, Loou Hous holder, Maud Prouty, Julia Shoudy. Flossie Earle, Josle-Chapman, Harry Leech, Edith Smith. Leader* of Grades--A, Julia Shoudy; B, Grove Stewart;C, Flora Wickham. LAURA E. MASON, Teacher. * The Roll of Honor includes those who have been neither absent nor tar­ dy during the month, and whose aver* age In scholarship and in deportment Is over 80 per cent. J. F. CONANT. Principal, RINCWOOO. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--F. K. Gran­ ger shipped a fine lot of hog* from this station this week. Feed is king now. Mr. I. Harsh has reoeived a load of feed from tbo firm of Bagley A Co., Woodstock; George Harrison a lead of corn from Bonslett A Stoffel, McHenry, and there Is more to follow. The new butcher i* selling meat at reasonable price* and doing all be can to build up a trade. H. C. Allen I* doing finely. His shoulder I* getting all right. Ha thinks It will be ready for spring work. Wesley Ladd la drawing bia barley te Woodstock. The new minister I* doing hi* best to build up the church in it* most holy faith, and the texton reminds them ef tbe other hot one. Martin Spaulding has goae to spec­ ulating buying poultry for the Beaton market. The silo lias come to stay. ]£ is tbe boss thing for feed. ... 80 ft.........fio SB FARM HAND WANTED. Wanted, a good farm hand. For the right man good wagea and a steady if P1* to H.C. MEAD. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wh at at tbe Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. Ladies, Attention. I will, Irom new until January 1st, sell at cost my entire stock consisting ot Millinery, Fancy Goods, Worsteds, Tobo gan», Cloaks and Wraps. Jersey Waists, Stamped Goods, Muslin Un­ derwear. Sklru, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Lace Pillow Shams and Spreads, Tidies, etc. If you |tre In want of a new hat or bonnet, or looking around for Christ- mas presents, do not fail to give us a ceil. Mas. HqauMAom&g. WHEAT WANTED. 'Pit# highest market price fis cash will be paid for good Million Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills. Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. Shakospeare'a Works, Red Lloe Edltien, for only U u Bft&l&s's •ton mil sid* ' p* Kiclimond Department, CONTRIBUTED BT "THE PRO W LBR." Christmas, two weeka from next Sunday. Skating at the Rink every Saturday, afternoon an J evening. The bad weather and traveling make* our ROW* budget meagre thi* week. Waugh & Hastings are pushing busl- nesa in the poultry line with their accustomed energy. A surprise party was held at the res­ idence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Motley last Tuesday evening. There is to be a Grand Concert at the Opera House, on Saturday evening Doo. 17. by local talent, Santa Claus has been In town and distributed the first Installment of Christmas goods among our merchants* Mrs. Rob Walklngton, whom we men­ tioned last week as being very sick, is reported to be gaining very rapidly now. Surprise parties are "all the rage" In thi* vicinity, Thore were several last week and if all reports are true, "still there's more te follow." The cantata "Fairy Land" which was presented in Richmond last Spring, will be Included in the pro­ gramme for the Conoert to b* given December 17th. * Last Saturday was a dismal rainy day but«e will not complain, as the rain wa6 aud is much needed to fill up tbe spring* M|d well* wbicb are unusu­ ally low. We hear rumors of more dances io the near future. One by tbe Rich­ mond Dancing Club, with Slocum to furnish the musio, and another under the auspices of our local orchestra. A week ago to-day was the fif tieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jouathan I meson, of English Prairie, and In response to invitations, over one hundred relatives and friend* gathered at their heme, and assisted them In celebrating tbe event. DIED.--At Waseca, Minnesota. Nov. 29th, 1887; David Sill, aged 48 years. Mr. Sill formerely resided in Rich­ mond, and was a brother of Mr. Peter Sill, and Mrs. R>bsrt Motley. of this place, and Mr. John Sill, of Wilinot. He leaves a wife, tbe daughter of the late Rufu) Cewles and several children Mrs. Motley and her son W. E. left for Minnesota, to attend the funeral, on the 5 o'olock train, Wednesday even­ ing. ALGONOUIN. [NoTKUL--Persons in Algonquin Sad Vicin­ ity, knowing themselve* Inoebted for the 1'LA.INOEALBR can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money and receipt for tuo same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his kstore. Call on ihim and get a sample co py ] EDITOR PLAINDEALER: -- D. W Thomas shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Wednesday of last week. Henry Leesburg, who has been very sick with paeumonla is now on the train under the skillful treatment ef Dr. Nason. She that was Miss Florence Bennett was in town last week with her hus­ band, a young man from Elgin. We did not learn his name. Jas. Nish. of Cary came down on Monday oi this week and got C. C Cliunn's post office boxes to replace the ones burned in his store C week ago. Wm. Morton shipped a carload of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. C. E. Chape!! started north the first of this week to buy milch cows. John Dunn has been quite tick with erysipelas for the past week. Mrs. Gepert, who has been very sick with pneumonia, is now able to sit up. Mrs, Spencer Goodrich, living east ot town, has been quite sick with diph­ theria, but she is now on the mend. Dr. Nason is attending her. Mrs. Fred Perry, of Carpentersville, was a caller io town on Monday of this week, OBITUARY. HBS. ALMIRA. B. CHANDLER. We are called upon to record, this week, the death of one ef our oldest res Idents. Mrs. Almlra B. Chandler, the wife of Simeon Chandler, passed away to her future lite on last Tuesday, the 29th of November. She was born in Turin, Sereis Co.. N. Y., April 17th, 1810, and there passed her early life with her parents. On Juue 19.1836, she was married to tier late husband, Mr. Simeon Chandler and at the time of her death bad been his faithful wife for over half a oen tury. Soon after marriage the couple came west and settled here, and the old Chandler homestead, on the skirt* of the village of Algonquin, barf long been a well-known spot. She was tbe mother of six children, three sons and three daughters, all of waom survive her, with the exception of one son, Albert, who died in Kansas a few years since. Her Ichlldren were all with her at the time of her death and able to offer tbe iast consolations of love and affection to sootbe her closing hours. She was buried at Dun­ dee on Thursday, Dec. 1st, 1887. Mr#. Chandler was a descendant of or.e of the old, early New England families, and a woman of more than average ability. lier character had a strength aud firmness which is often lacking, and by nature and Instinct she was always,' tho lady." Her con­ nections by blood and marriage was large, and she will be. greatly missed by all who knew her. Her husband survives her but ha* been In feeble health for some years. Tbe children living are Mrs. John King, of Minnesota, Mr*. John Gard­ ner, of Kansas, Mrs. J. H, Chapman, of Algonquin, Mr. Henry Chandler, of r--fliif^n- and Mr. Lewis Chandler, of ville. „ Honest Abe Hour 91 at BtoielV Fur caps, new styles at Bonslett A Stoffei's. Best Elalm Oil, 20 cents; 5 gallons, 18} cents at Bonslett A StoffePs. Goat Robot, large stock at Bonslett A Stoffei's, Wool boots and overs at Bonslett A Stoffei's, For cloaks, jackets or wraps, go to Bonslett & StofleFs. Headquarters for underwear at Bonslett & Stoffei's. C. H. Farge's boots and shoes at Bonslett A Stoffei's. For a dandy overcoat go to Bonslett & Stoffei's. Pea jackets and vests at Bonslett A Stoffei's. Shawls and flannels at Bonslett A Stoffei's. Newest Hats In town at Bonslett A Stoffei's. All kinds of Story Books for children cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Before you bay your underwear, ex­ amine tbe stock and learn prioes, at Althoff Bros. ^ Underwear In great variety and of the best qualltv to be found In tbe market at Althoff Bros. CLOAKS AND WRAPS. As usual we have a very large stock and will unload them at very io ces. _ ow pri- PERRY A OWEN'S, Our stock of Clothing cannot be ex­ celled, either In quality or prioe. Call and look it oyer before you buy. V... ALTHOFF BROS. IV^ou need a Fall or Winter Wrap don't fail to call at Bonslett & Stoffei's West Mctienry, and examine their immense assortment. It will pay you. NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business in McHenry, all parties owing me are] requested to call and settle at once. HENRY COLBY. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! Best goods, best fits and lowest pri­ ces at Perry & Owen's. Ladies see our splendid assortment of Dress Flannels. We are sure we can please you. ALTHOFF BROS. Tbe finost styles in hanging lamps ever seen In this village, at Geo. W. Besley'a West Side Drug Store. HOUSE TO RENT. Inquire of S, Raymond, West Mo- Henry. 19tf A BIG BARGAIN. Heavy twilled rod flannel, 21 cents, worth 30 cents at Perry A Owen's, this week. NOTICE.--As I have decided to close up my business in McHenry, all parties iwlng me aro requested to call and cottle at once, HENRY COLBY. KQTICR.--AS I have decided to olose up my business In McHenry, ajl parties owing me are requosted to oall and settle at once. HENRY COLBY. KOTICE.--AS I have decided to close hp ray business tn MoHenry, all parties owing me are requested to call and settle at once. HENRY COLBY. Call and see our stock of spectacles Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when you can get Just as tgood lor one-fourth the money. Call ttnd be convinced. GEO, W, BESLET at the West Side Drag Store. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R, BISHOP. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's, West Side. (BONSLETT A STOFFEL, Dealers in flour, corn, oats, bran, middlings, oilmeal.etc. Call or write for prices, Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for outs oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever *ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptian6, and pos- tlvely cures piles, or no pay required [t is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price 26 •ents per box. For sale by Henry Colby, Great Reductions in Prices, NEW THIS WEEK. Mrs. H, H. Nichols offers, from new until January 1st, her entire stock of children's hoods, children's felt hats, trimmed and untrlmmed, beys" caps, and other goods too numerous to men­ tion, below one-half the first cost, This 6ale means business from the start and goods must be closed out for cash this next month. Call and exam­ ine for yourselves. MRS. H. H, NICHOLS, McHenry, 111. BILL OF FARE, In Frontofthe Riverside Hotel. Men's Fine Check Pants, $2.40 Men's heavy, check Pants, 1 00 Finest Reefing Jackets, in Black 13.00 Als) i n B l u e 6 . 7 5 Men's Beaver Caps, hfavy cloth .50 Leather front, knit Mittens, .50 Boys' Knee Pant£, heavy Twilled .50 a$d .47 Boys Turban, double Caps, .50 Men's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keep your eyes open. E. LAWLU8, Special Xotice. All parties owing me are again no tiffed that all notes as well as book ac­ counts must be settled at once. My engagements make thia imperative and not optional with me. I trust those interested will giye this their prompt atteution. HENRY COLBY. •- * SICOKE the "Kaptte boat Five Coat Cigar f« tlHh i Handkerchiefs, alistjfW at AItbo*Bros: City residence* for sale. Apply Asa W. Smltfr, Woodstock, Dl. When In aean& 0f ft cood Hat of i kind, go to -- FOR SALE. In the village of Rlngwood, tbe fol­ lowing property • One good Dwelling House contain­ ing seven rooms, good cellar. On the 6ame lot is a shop 12x32, one story, «ui table for almost any kind of busi ness. If applied for at once, will sell house separate for $500. Or will soli house, lot and shop for 9650, Posses­ sion given Immediately. Also another house and lot well located. The house contains ten rooms, and there Is a good stable and other outbuildings on the promises. Will be sold for 91000 cash. (Jail on or address, - WESLKY LADD, 13-1$-6oi, Rlngwood, 111. The finest 80 ceit te* In the at Althoff Bros, Besley's Famon* Ate ami On draught at J. glen's and John Hotnei*S» BIG BARGAINS. Kid and goat shoes 93, warnptttd Perry A Owen's. • Notice. J To those that want Tube. Vi Racks, and any thine In myni ness. Work done on short order. Shop one door South of tus' Store, F. A. H tfoHearr, ANG. IO, 1885. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market prioe In will bo paid tor good Milling at the Fox River Valley Xl! Henry. R. BIS CLOAKS AND A full ltne of the latest styl found io the market. SPBO* GAINS EVERY WEEK see them before you purchase, at MRS. SCHUMAC&KR'S. Near th» 0epot. m Drink Besley's Ale and be and happy New and nobby bats, all ttriea a! : Althoff Bros, ^ Plum-ba-go-ine, the flneat W«iM' Grease ever used, a new thilftSt Besley's, The celebrated Fargo Boot and Shoe, the best manufacture on that market, oan be found at Althoff School Books and Stationery. eH kinds, at Besley'a Drug Store Wtifet Side. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Benslett's and A. Engein's. The most healthy drink for any weather. % A higher than market price will be I>ald for good Milling Wneat at tbe Vauoonda Mill. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. FOR SALE I offer for sale my house and >leasantly located in the village licHenry. If applied for an one* be sold cheap. House almost new, a very desirable place. Inquire on premises of ERNEST WENDELL. WHEAT WANTED. ^ The highest market price In Qftltl. will be paid for good Milling Wh*§itr: »t the Fox River Valley mils, Henry. R. BISHOP, O. L, HUBBARD, | The Harness King of McHenry Co%! has come out again and started in big at Nunda. He wl!i give 910 to any one that has bought a harness of him la tbe last three years that he will not make good if it Is brought to his shop to be repaired _______ If you want a lamp of any kind, at bottom prioe go to Besley's. ' -- -- -- -- - r * FARM JfOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale hfs farm consisting of 114 acres, sltaeliji^ near Wauconda village. Farm all^ft#: der a good state of cultivation. Ptf#^ ty of water, etc. Buildings la fit)^ condition. Will be sold on reaiMWttila terms if applied for soon. Inquire ail the premises of A.J. MuakAY.' r : Wauconda, Nov. 28,1887. lit - 1 ' "A All kinds Ladles' atgfjt Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store* west side, mrnrnrn^mmmmmm Call in and get measured fot a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay 90 aodSM*. Your choice out of 200 samples. JkSie have your clotbos aitered, fitted aad cleaned, as bo cao not bo beat In doioiV a niee job. E. LAWXDS, Tailor. * • ' IT PAYS: TO BUY And Buy the Best We have just received and offer at ordinary close prices for CASH ONLY, Choice Tern --Extra Fine-- COFFEE, f . > --- --Strictly Pare-- '•S • i 8 P I C B 8 -uar rutin* «r- * • CANNED COODSr Namely, Peaches, Pears. Apricots, Ptao Black Apples, Cora, VMM> toes, Peas, Lima Beans, etc.. eta. All M* freeh goods. • ^ Figs, Raisins and Dateffc Royal Prunes and Figs* , N«w b igs for One Shitliug a pound. Mik of that, only cents. New YorkGneotag Apples :tnil many other things la dally twOS your table. Wbeu you eaa'tfiad wha&yoo want elsewhere, cotne aa«l see as AAD WO will make yon happy if you have the CASH. LOCKE'S gQMlj BASBir IBUCm ItfRf UR Om be told in nor*" •laio laf--* >o < Ws •awtMliiw a U , id article*. SsittfajTlKe SALESMEN WANTED. We are in want of a taw more canvass for the sale ot choice Nursery stock. To uiea whoeaa cess of the business we * or com mission and give meat. We have many now aad cialtiea^tooth in the MUS IkDe^flnnoh others do not 1 our flew catalogue of g?ee V>iHldin£ plants mailed mo om Aad reus at once, with refer L KAY *J».,«a $

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