*-• *& ^StelLlif ALCONOUIN. wtgsgp; 4" $ ' 5 [NOTICE Persons I* Algonquin tad viols Ityi knowing iheaMlHi Indebted for tK WEDNESDAY, ^74NSLYKE. Editor. PAPER^y.bteGKS:10pn A OOt*8 Newspaper Advertising TW« (108pruM6trMtX wherc a.lT^iPing SK^WKNEW YORK- i^Tha Elgin Butler Market, on Monday, WM Arm, 14,840 pounds being IKfld «t 32} cents. Total sales $251,348. MfJ, F. Studebaker of tbe firm of Studebaker Bros., Carriage maffofao- tur«rs. South Bend, Indiana, died on Saturday last. He was 42 veara of ago. Tbe heavies', enow storm on record I* reported as prevailing to the Rlchfltld, Kansas, region, and much wearing among tbe atocfc in jonse quence. * ITS. P. Rounds, ex-public tod proprietor of the Omaha Jiepubli- oon, died of a complication of dlsetses on Saturday evening last. He wae •ery low with pneumonia when a heart trouble was developed that' lev* mlnated in his sudden death. Sof The Marengo Republican says: humors of a railway from Peoria to fjiss through DeKalb and Mchenry counti»8 to some northern point, are rife. Of course, every town within 25 utiles of an air line is expecting the new road to strike them. If it is to be a first-class road with a goodeonnec lions with leading western roads, we want It here, but no slde-sboif aa«d Wme. or fixpect eacouragcmenl." ^"Say, Isn't Lamar a nice be chosen as the guardian of the oon- tttitution. He has twice sworn to support that document and twice vio lated his solemn oath. Lamar has no regard for an oath and less for tbe constitution. It would be just as «p- ftropriate to appoint tbe Qevil to take charge of the court of heaven. When the Devil aud bis angels rebelled, Ood kicked them out and never let them tack nor forgave them. He knows what rebels are and what rebellion means; but we are better, wiser and more forgiving.--Lake Geneva News. 19"There has been great rejoicing over tbe fact tbat Mrs. Cleveland's 4K>ol self-possession, which has stood fcer in such good stead * through all aociil ordeals, did not desert her, when Recently, while driving out with one Ot her young lady visitors, her horse tell down. Had either of the ladies Jumped out. as Mrs. Pendleton did in her fatal drive In Central Pork, they f ould have been seriously burs, if not Hied.--New York Herald, . Haven't we heard fully enough of ttiis? A million women In this country lure quite as brave, quite as good cooks, •quallv as beautiful as Mrs. Cleveland, fet this lady caanot smile, or frown, fr walk, or ride, but that these com- on place aces are made matter of trayagant remark. By tba side of er marvelous fortitude shown in not Screaming when a coach horse stumbled, tbe heroio bravery of Joan •f Arc, or Ida Lewis, is made to ap pear tame indeed. Give as a rest from this. A diet of the same thing twenty-one times a week becomes a bit nauseating. THR JPKK8lDE!tV8 MKSS.16& For the first time in the country's history, the Prbsident's annual message omits all reference to the many grave public interests respecting which good oltlsens of all parties agree, and is ex clusively devoted to an issue between parties. President Cleveland gives Congress no Information about the fishery question, tbe pending negotia tions with Great Britain, or relatione with other foreign Powers. For all Information regarding domestic affairs, and the workings of the Government In Its different depart ments. it refers the public to reports of Cabluet oflic9rs. So absorbed is the President In pressing upon Congress a particular and distinctively partisan policy, in regard to the mode of reduc ing revenue, that he finds no space lor any account ot the condition of the public service, or for any reference to PLAiNDBAtflR tin learn of tbe amount by Ml ling on John Helm, wtlo is nutborUed to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wtshlag to subaoribe can leave their names at his , store. Call oa him and get a sample copy ] EDITOR PLAIN DEALER 'Then was a very pleaeant time at Mr. at.d Mrs. Sd Morton. Jr., Progressive Kuohre Party on Monday eivening of last week, it being their eighteenth wedding anni versary. Wtn Morton and Mrt J. frater took ofi the honors. H. B. Thoop has bis mother keeplog bouse for him In the little house on the corner. C. E. Chapeli came in with a car load of milch cows on Saturday last. Ho is billed for an auction sale for Wednesday Deo. Slit, fed carries some marks of the smashup yet. Wm. Wheeler, ot Aldeu, visited with the family of Wm. Julian on Sat- other jgrave questions not of a partisan I urjay ia8j, Mr. and Mrs. Wake&eld, who have been for tbe pafct few weeks with Wm. > t^TThe introduction in the United States Senate, of two bills--one^by JTarwell of Illinois, and another by fiitobell of Oregon--controlling InirnU f ration to the United States, indicates It disposition, on the part of Congress, to regulate this matter by the exclu sion of an undesirable class of immi> grants. So Jlong as imlgratlon to tbe fJnited States consisted largely of tbe more enterprising and progressive citizens of foreign countries, who Came here with a view to bettering their condition and enjoying tbe liber ty afforded under our form of govern- fnent, and who readily coalesced with our native population, there was no {occasion for such restriction. Now, however, since It has become the custom of foreigo Governments to sh.p to our shores their pauper aud other undesirable classes, while the . voluntary emigrants are composed largely oi lawless agitators, who come to America with tbe avowed purpose of overturning. our Government, tbe -corrective cannot ba applied too soon •r too effectively. character, which call for Congressional action. The nearest approach to this strange performance. In the annual messages of previous Presidents, was when Mr. Buchanan devoted most of a message rto a defence of hie policy In Kansa3. The message leaves ro doubt of the purpose of the administration to strike with all Its f >rce at the pro tective duties which have contributed so largely to secure for American workingmen the highest wages paid among men, and to mak£ their hemes the abode of oomfort, and even luxury. The weakness of the argument Is in striking contrast with the audacity of the policy proposed. The sclieme of tariff reduction Is that of Carlisle and Watterson, of the ultra free traders, precisely that which the producers of \ the old world want to enable them to glut our markets, and to degrade our labor. Everybody can understand this program. It is a sharp advance toward free trade. While in Trafal gar square revolution is threatened by unemployed British worklnjmen. Mr. Cleveland seeks ;to set up In this country the methods ofstaxatlon under which they suffer. The message will create the expected sensation, not be cause it is a strong or logical or con vincing document, but because it plants Mr. Cleveland as a presidential candidate on tbe platform of open, bitter hostility to the protective system. On such a platform his elec tion in 1884 would have been impossi ble. We welooma the issue for tbe caoyass of 1888. m They Favor Lincoln. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: Among the Republican editors of Missouri. Kansas, and Illinois. Robert T, Lincoln stands first on tblo list of Presidential preferences. He Is, Indeed, the choice of nearly twice as many as favor Blaine or Sherman, There ean be no doubt of Lincoln's popularity among tbo masses of tbe Republican party. Of course there is no question whatev er as to bis intellectual fitness for th$ Presidency. He is a lawyer of much more than the average ability, is thoroughly Informed as to the history and tendencies of political parties, and is more familiar than most of our statesmen with tbe political history of tbe oountry, and the record of its leading public men, living and dead. The nomination of Robert T. Lincoln on the platform of "protection to tbe American worklngman" would demor alize and dishearten tbe Democrats as completely and conspicuously as iu 1840, when Harrison was elected, and in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was triumphantly chosen to the Presiden cy. Jencks. returned to their home at Ridgefield on Saturday last. ^ The Drama "Above the Clouds." on Friday evening last, was well attended and was also well rendered, each one seemingly fitted for their parts, while the farce was immebce! #25,60 was tbe proceeds of this evening, J. H. Land visited with his brother in Chicago last week. C. M. Huntley, of Iowa, passed through tofrn on Friday of last week. Hfirry Head, of Walker, Iowa, Is visiting here with relatives and friends. Rev. Mr. Hycoff, State Evangelist of the Congregational churub, preached here on Saturday afternoon and Sun day last, at the Congregational chnrch. D. W. Thomas shipped a car load of stock to Chicago on Monday of this week. We are sorry to record the death of Miss Bessie Stewart, who peacefully passed away to that great beyond from which no wanderer ever returns. On Friday evening last, Bessie retired apparently as well as uspal. Towards morning she called to her mother, who soon discovered that she had been taken with a hemorage of the lungs, and in a few moments she breathed her last. Miss Bessie was in her 28th year. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church on Tuesday of this week. Miss Belle Klinck spent Sunday here tbe guest of her father, J, H. Klinck. There will he a Christmas treo at tbe Congregational church on Satur day evening next. Sunday last was tbe first pleasant Sunday we have had in a long time and It is getting quite a treat to have a bright sun shiny day once more after all the cloudy weather we have had. UACHSBSTfc BASSET, --GENERAL-- Commission Merchants. All kinds of Produce. Batver, Eggs. Veal, and Poultry a specialty. 274 SOUTH WATEK BTBBET, CHICAGO. ILL. Tags, Stencils, Gases and Coops sent on ap plication ; Reference:--Prairie State Loan ana Trust company. • wm. IMJW'A SSW • 1 it. S»V ••• ' -i* l. S'lU; •>*.,» t> .1, f w l y«)fi t i4s§ i r ' i Hi m$s f'-SU it Have jost received m addition to tbeir lar^e etoolc of Avt'ln© Line oi Goods Suitable fox* HOLIDAY PRESENTS And invite those who wish a to call and e*aminh their stock, finest stocks of Desirable an'l Substantial Present They are now showing one of the Ready-Made JLl G lothin D"'; ;t( , Evea Shown in McHem Have Mfade a Success We now have mense variety ot: on sale an im- #60* Iff it will erive from In Knockiugr out Hio'h Prices, and are now Hhowin®1 their .cus- toraers lhat it is for their interest to. trade with them. A full line of Choice Family Gr< eeries al waya-on hand, ^»ll an4 see us abd learn prices before going elsewhere. ALTHOFF BROS. f At prioeB too low for cheek to dispute. C'otne to us for , McHenry, sppa Illinois. ^'Present* That is not only appropriate but lasting and of daily vm. '.-i Mi 4; A' \ i In Flush and Leathwr, •i i-aws TOILET SETS, EF ou IhiMl" iisooo To In Ct&VMtod Into Cash at wal Cost is all yoa are required to pay. worn Goods to select from, but ever article New rte. Wh No and Fresh This, we beljevq, must be the class of goods yoyi IT WILL PAY YOU. ' espeotfuU; $x'4 i-'if P. T, Baraam Writes s Story. The opeitiog chapters of a splendid story fo«- the young, by tbe fameua showman, P. T. Barnum, appears this week In tbe columns of the New York Fatally Story Paper . The story de scribes the adventures of an American boy. whom Mr. Barnum calls "My Plucky Boy Tom," and whom he scut to India In search of wild, fierce, and rare animals to replace those destroyed by tbe disastrous fire at Bridgeport last month. The reader is thrilled by the hair-breadth escapes of this daunt' less American boy when capturing the fiercest and wildest animals ever seen in any traveling show. The New York Family Story Paper is for sale at all news-stands. 13.00 Do yoa want a pair of Bob Sleighs? If so do not buy until you learn my prices. Mr The Republican Congressmen from Virginia and several members of tbe State Legislature have addressed a communication to Chairman Jones, of tLe Republican National Committee, in wblcb they claim that, at tbe late election in that State, the Republicans bad a popular majority exceeding 2.000, "even without recourse to the larger,votes received by our Senatorial candidates; that we carry fifty-six counties out of the 100, notwithstand ing numerous and varied frauds; tbat \ we elect ten out of the nineteen Sena- ators'ebosen this year; tbat'we carry seven Congressional Districts out of ; the ten--tbe flr&t, second, third, fourth fifth, ninth and tenth"--all accomplish ed by the votes of straight bona fide Be publicans. They add: "This seems to os very well, with reference to next year, at all events, considering that we tiavo facts and figures tbat will carry conviction to any rational mind that wo wore cheated out of at least twelve, tffoOtseventeen, members ef the House ; of Delegates, all of which, with tbe IMUBSBJ, will be set forth In full In a paper now in preparation by tbe State Be publico n Executive Committee of YJsginia." With reasonable aid from ^he Republican National Committee wey claim tbat .Virginia can be carried '^V the Repnbllcane next year. The Ross and Giant Feed Cutters be best in the market at R, Bishop's, BILL OF FAR«, In Front of the Riverside Men's Fine Check Pants, Men's heavy, check Pants, Finest Reefing Jackets, Black Als) in Blue Men's Beaver Caps, heavy cloth Leather front, knit Mittens, Knee Pants, heavy Twilled .50 and .47 Boys Turban, double Caps, .50 Men's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keenyour eyes open. £. LAWLUS, Salon and Bsstauast, One door Soutk of the Post Office, McHENBY - ILLINOIS Pure Wines, Liquors and Cigars always to be found here. REPORT OF THE C O N D I T I O N v> --OP-- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, --A.T THE-- Close of Business, Dec. 7, '87. ..(113,736 86 357 90 30,000 00 26,U2»'04 20,163 18 25 47 110 67 2,880 00 107 72 32,464 45 7,000 00 1,350 00 50,000 00 30,000 00 2,186 62 27,000 00 '» Album*, Plush Toilet Cases «»--b Jewel Cases for bpllday for Geo. W. Besley's west side. . : ' - v KKSOUBCES. Uoans snd discounts Overdrafts) U.S. Bonds to secure circulation.,. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other National Utvnks.... . Current expenses and taxes paid... UliO'-ks and other cash items liilla of other banks rc'i paper cur. nickels ft pennies.. Specie Legal tender notes tted'mpt'n fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 fer cent ot circulation ToUl... $234,200 IS LIABILITIES. Uapital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits National Bank Notes outstanding.. Individual deposits subject to check 124,069 07 Demand Certificates of deposit 824 to Total «234,2001# •TAT* OF ILLINOIS, County of licHenry. f 88 I, £. C. Quinlan Cashier of the above named, bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge tad belief. Edward C. Quihlan, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th «ay *f Dee, 1887. E. C. JBWETT, Notary Public. Correct Attest:-- ' Joan J. MURPHY, WILH.Stkwaux, E. E. &U3HAR1>8. . DirectofA- For Free I.unch every day. Warm or Cold At all hojjtrs and on short notice. OYSTERS By the dish, can or bulk. We keep none bnt the bost brands, and guarantee them treeh and nice. Caii and see us and we will do our best to please you. J. pekoyskt/ MqDcnry) December 7th( 1887. and Ctiff Boxes, JEWELRY CASES, SM U Santa Olaus has surety arrived, and will make his headquarters as I Usual at Finest stock of ne* town. '• in closing out a large line of Brinjg tta children to see him, I airf daily picking up iu tlie city. aid II Cards, - Pictures, FOB -- Largest variety of Below whole- ies. HOLIDAY 1'RKSliNTS, ,V' For all«exe3, ages and conditions, and I invite you to come and i inspect them. 1 refer with pride to my past efforts to supply you >wi.tns4Jhri >tmas (ioods, and assure you thut I shall endeavor I better than ever this year, both in quality and price. - * N In Town. CHAMBER SETS, We have a line of McHenry, October 10th, 1887. C. w. BE8LEY, STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, ss. In the McHenry Oountv Circuit Court to the January term thereof, A D 1888. Lama Ann Griffeth vs Alpbcus Griffeth--in Chancery--Bill for divorce. Affidavit having licen tiled in this court of a nnn resilience of said defendant, Alphens Griffetn, and that he low resides in Belvldere Thayer County,-State ot Nebraska, notice Is herebv given to the said Alphens Griffeth that the complainant has filed her bill of aorn plaint in said court on the Chancery si<ie thereot and that a summons having duly is sued out of sai<! court against said defendant returnable on the second Monday of January, A. D. 1888, * as is by law required: now unless von, the said Aipheus Griffeth, shall personally be and appear oefore the said Circuit Co >rt of Me- Henry County, on the first <lay of next term thereof to be holden at Woodstock in said county on the second Monday of January, A D 1838, and plea<l answer or demur to said bill ef complaint, the same and tbe matter* therein charged will be taken as confessed and a decree entered against you according to the prayer ef said bill. ... E. K. BIOHASM, Gtofkte #r A. B. Coon 4k hok, Sel'ra. ' ' ^4:ri,' Nov.Wtb, AD, 1807. „ **••?&*" FANCIT ELATES. DECORATED ^ » WARE. (Jail and see us and see our new ad next week, surely. YOURS ^ I B0NSLETT & ST0FFEL i'i l '-JUrj. i -u"... BOOKS. TEi,EE CENTS EACH! CLOTHING And a full stock of "Wool Boots Th. foHowtoff books are puhlinhed In neat pamphlet form, printed from pood readable typo on roo»i pat*r, and many of them handsomely illustrated. Tliey th« V.a. i nihad In any land or lan(5«aji:e, and furniith to the masse* of tLo penpio opportunity 'Ituxmtiire of the day at the most trifling expense. In any otln r penos those great voiki W04UI coNt »t.ri> times the nricc at which they are hero onered. Each odo cotnj letc in : TliO Forovllln: Krr.tc*. A Vovrl. I?r M. T. r h f N t ; A X « . v r l . The l*v«rl A Xovvl. Hy i'l.A't a \. llclliMV J9:ilU a Sox*'I. JlMHA-r. , BY KTTV w. PiitnrK. Moire!.' 11"* kiitito tMuuifiud ltrnceli*t« A «f ^ t**r* By 31 tn. llKNtti K \\ lit** Wsateni oi tbe World, Natl-bai and OrnER. Cnn« %fas dMcrtptloim and IttMitratMin* of wwl wotidrtliu Verktol na!ui« a ml of fn»rrei»!n>: mid lt»»n in live. Wti4er( of tlie *ea« A <•! thi? many H\ and beautiful lUliif# lound at ll»o botti iu <>1 ti»« ortau, wltn •rofota IHuntietiga*. •4A I'leuaorc Kxertlon," and Other Mptrlicfc Bf « Jomah A1.UV11 Wir».." A lh.ii.i f fauiif •ketctip* by tha i»'>}-nUr tiniv«nt in«r 1 11 ho rt»»y. Tke Aunt kvxliik l»Y CI.ak* A>"" HI •f 44 The Hiirc I'-nntk'iiM." A itM'Ht ri-Hciilotin.'i fu»5;iy -•taaTerv way C<JIIAI to "Wi4ow Hril.m.'* CferUtma* Sturlca, » y Chauj-k* Oickkn®. r«nia»:»s • aamber of the imml rhnr nilitg <?l.i i«(HiiiH th*KTatcitt wi Ite^r who *»»•!• JUt«l. K»« Bound til45 I vt lih.C l.n»H[». A «•» «toric».ltfi'luroa, ^ fatttai a ti'l irnnirfi, (or ti.« hit in *«•! W - *1 in n-«*. I*epulur UrcltatloiiN uiid iJ'iilttRUva. in>mnro»ii*, dinnn Ik and patheilr, Inclixtink ail u.«- Ui^-t ». »«. I moit I4tee Welf»ma«le Men of Moilcrn TIiuch* !*•»' Iralte and Morinphtat of fiinoum »*ii mait« AmeNcaut, Horn U» r,V"" f ;-Ke,1cr.. A ^ Uw Ulk h New York. A ••»»«of rl»M r«'»m.rl1 i " ffcowlaf the dark ilile of hip In the jrrat «t1>. IVu*trutc4. H a' A v . ...tKnr Th« KM4 to Wealth. N..t .n ..1v.rti.iMK rlrrul.r, 1'«f r b«t t nl.c. A Nu«l. By Mt.^.utbor »R hi a ll^roafhlf practical woilc, polnilnic out a way by Tiu rn . ««'"»;_ A v®mL fev lira >1 V Vietfliw Vhlokall majr make mon^v. eaallv, raphllv atid lion?*liy. 1 l.uweaatep• Citbln. By Mrs. *. v. Fiorcn,e 1*1 n«ton*« O^fc. I S»«rlBe«. A Howl. Bj Un. am ^hc Callfonita Cakla. A Howl. I; >• *• TJ,0 l.ii'.t v crV ft ynvrt. PyM!** M. K. TtHAiji'W. TliO l)r. .• uuti .'iA ' .: r.v t». »•.... *- vi • A \VI;'I»«»4 «.••!. A "• I. IUT. I.v .l.v N 2.I\votIIi°k '.'.f •'Ti.« t!i liiton T\v« h|n«. A-S"o*<-l. Py lli. «nlliir >.r " |W..« T> '- \l<-f Ilrart*. ANnvfl. It* II. IM«'« i»fitiiiv. .Kj-A l.ow Murri'iire. A Nov*!. Hy MUi TI.e Cuillv A v»wl. HvWn.i II - Ki A Xonl. By Mr*. *'«*