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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1888, p. 7

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asi* lift twelve milee _ . >leave ooald not reseat it mj who»tflnrt ' been between m .. , y. . I ofthel&st ' " " tberafti rliH3 AuetinDobeon: a I • [ •'. |,sriA j \ \ j hid the attach-1 m«mo^*hftt •I % J""" WWw juL. -IWP' wtdsows haek,amft Isftisaiim'to that M the memer* of that and its unexpected termlna- |MM.̂ ̂mT MM7' • •IMP* • -̂Meato pass « imrMmsiit >ilw> ir̂ î d^be 'J&^ohiqg* bikirib of »oqoieeciag ia . lUneetts Senator before his library- . fa liia deepest ithebana. £othmeas- both shall paasi" neverthelees made, amendment m and Ambor byft rivsi. |l Ui homo fh Vm,«i1 Thursday, . I the effects offt stroke Wlilahfcwasftttftcked M§» &m Ufa* a few md- fmiocmsoious, mod con- to his death. His 5 _ to over-anxiety titoexiftement of tbe timinesa Until this • had not bees con- ^Jbed by sickness in forty : Bris- ... . ; in his 70th ysor. m bm Wthimnsn 1608 1* was eleoMd » --wenhusetls to .......... jress, ftnd eon- isMtfcitiie House down ' Fortr-eeoondCon- iwasaleeled . Slid *«bd«* A** bmtiitifal igtaiai# % v»o dtovemerrtty . . elriodftt the prospect aheiidof one of mymost bittftr •ad finally conversation . , r fell to thinking of the _ t fellow whoee sleepfwe werseodn so unpleasantly disturb, and I "wis? -- fortim and would' > be spued thei H© wai a >T, and fellow or ft fe|lo*r btit a bad ftOi&OjiilS ft belt. , •c^Wifoend wouldeaosehar. aad^edrovefote ,: iSI' iHf ttirhedft a rttteOt'lAW" road frott the riwr ' •MMiihi beSSdof *L jv _. .._ „ teormg stow iidij|k; istdiiiibOdi£we, broathlbeily'we awa&edtheoa- oommg .- prooesatfon. tailing Utterly to «î iwt«ad irhftt itp ghostly mission was at this nnseet&ty tour. As they drew nearer I scanned their sober, earnest face* ftnd saw they - were beaar- ing something covered on tbe dbcralde|s ofhftlf adoieft ttsay ftod, iMnriag Sberiff.1 hasteiud to tiie gronp attd leftrned that a mm hftdbeen drowsed. A fTMt of wind blew aside the oovwriits .. ..̂ faoe and 1 Mo<^niied lfr. ' frfr yhgui •oal altMr p«ots M tha Oreskft um aettier worlds «r k^MW.v1 aifiiitf" klii iStM' •woSS iMutn aa< ' a mftat of indoiait̂ ble steady habit* sad ThMghmaehorm i :M the Unioo tailtoad en* ,. • gmsetiMre »tohlî iftrs«ter that | *»s»d whioh men JNnaoA' ....... which he ^VoU t̂f oogh l̂#aiho Of Con- WM W9»d«d to "• ti&ifc. imOs fttoong soins I«dy of Lyotts Was a Who west ihto the lion's d perfortned thea. Soch was b0t the ease. She was a wealthy young N. X., who moved an 8he was strolling In gMtdea one day when the gardnc ' «on, who was weeding an onion bed, «a? W *nd iirnwiflistiily fell in fans lHlk He titooght there newsc « s«Mh« woman as ^nMdine, thoagii 1m make Ma ya lean that way, ncr xna. Hesring of thejronng m«n'« tion, ft oonpleof Panl«De's dis V>T«r» pn* np a job on hat. dressed Cteade in fine clothes i«d fafaFOdsMd him to her as ft Ooonk §® was up 'oount as a dmple nrdenef, »s« |̂)«Md titled aM«b»YOse in iW «we «»|r greatly. He n %*W to. her fit glowing colors I h<lm« by tha jlfthe of Como ̂ Witii its fruits of gold, hiokel-plftted banan&s, eta, and Bhe expected to be conveyed to it J& a palace car, loiur sections' to thenUMTes. Judgs then of her vexation and dis* ist on being conveyed in a bob-tailed *ae-car and landed at his mother's humble lodgingsoa the sixth floor of a cheap tenement building. She tbere- upandeuoanced Oilbade and his decep­ tion, and he went off to fight Indian* He got an appointment a* an Indian agent, amassed a handsome fortune in a sliort time aad eatae bftck to ol«m hia bride. Evarything was explained, except hpw h* oanae to get so mnoh money, tmd OhHtde ^d Paoline were reunited,---3Pia!<M Stftingk, Petertet Wright > An old ladr falls an intfresting loe|* dent ifi the Hfe of peter Oartright, the W0Wl̂ flePngê Which slie herself witne ̂itown iii Indiana a half .cenr . rptopie to whom «!f hil Hfae Bev. Petw lov«d to preach was a w4doW, tlui mothnr of two rain girle Who were wont todeeocate their heads end bodte* in a W r̂to o^snd the plain .̂ pMloii. . Ttohr Baaaes were Peggy a»i F îenpeL About the moot Talaar bl* possessions oftt#ir widowed mother was ft feath^b ̂and a brass kettle, twonrtiehM p pkmeerdv* tsIS ̂hitwem ̂ widowitea.̂ the km*? brass ksttl«.The sooAetift AlltW»' 001 f te . •• -1PPP3P|.v me dkigfater tlts other her _ were no of th* eoreted was sot«necessity, like the Hindoo*, dead. V®k Ctafi* idea of the res«m»e< .. and^so of its sacrsd- neostssity of its preesrra- destaroetion. Tlumgh the which the idea of oewtinnoBs uhut* there eftnbe no donbtthat in . centurics of Christian his- tg r̂ it had mneh to do with the growth ;:<MyNWi worship and preservation of ;-»&«<, If we tnrn from Uie more re> strksted tMau ol the relies of the dead to relies of tiie past in general, it is . corioas to notice how deeply they hsr» often sdfeoted men's niinda. The J'iwit Nftpoleon. who never neglected -wy- meatui bj wlueh ho m ightinllaenoe hm> An Biinn, bo m to nudbs ttmom pliable lor his par poses, recognised vorjr olestly the ssutitoeatftl iafiaene* which coold bo exereiaed te tbis w«y. For. < instoaoe, ' before sottiag o«t for Boulogne to arrange for the iavasioa of JSnglsad he had the ~ iwonghtto F«ris and ..... of the tftpestry ttftde te com- tthowi ' 'fl rwa^stsfe Ifomr" " HIPP* > j|T|0 ODHPIW' S Br: wM4kmMlMsde» * ttts i*»dfc*i SMU, «#t "» k«,<»B«n»oedttts frnmf * satoonw^a who laa(ked«S !has ths lMt langb! LOOKED ON. ty a VtsDaaee IM • oe WBmit£rSf their exech* It tî e eHj be «io» WMiereeted A thousands of force were utriAr WM». variofts ftraraetf werestfc- onwore i«r of the by with gol- surrottttded th» olftplfttform on oi_ . " « above it _ _ re two hodooft this engtee was foreeswsre Ylcin%i Jftcpres*. i> Hindoo hOW': Withovt . Wey*|W#risB WMrtb* fMUag *bMk «nm kftis e>tiMM to tMt that ao < îld wm fc Swkin thta 'And tiKttbor.. rf lookMt̂ w _ ^he stree(% •ha roofs v 4 T j -S-S!̂ 3. lla^Mjft̂ csra 'tills ..iNPSJISII • ' v f ' i / •; rr< •VMHT:.. _ «nas whioh oata . left on v«ry spot ikwn oessfid invasittk had *c w , niada The restoration of Kftpol»on% body to fWM helpod to re viva the Nap<4eonie eoit̂ Sf jui other incident Si ts the Emperor addresses his PmrHaroent from tlM tibroae pressed by the leet < ̂ stanoes mî be gn* ot how gr«P has been the eflsaks of selias w iaiMddbd. Goauni OneHew. The great oloclcia the ohnrch steetde stenek 3; the ftfteraoon sun slowly î Misid«' wid shftdows IwKgilMMd ift tiie street. The olook stride 4. 4».wf̂ «paf an hour. Tbm* ̂ ^yiug «aT î» nde watte IH mm kmem:. that it had gune, bat in it ft hearted warn had written down 'some stroag, true wotdst whidi wIEl livw' hi the world, ftnd give ooorag* help to many struggling sonls. In it a ebemist, working with brain atid hand over carefully-i»«! pounds, had disoovsred ooe of the secrets of- tifttiw -̂hew tile atoms of eUmeats group themselves to form a molecule of oî auic matter. In ft four women, sitting with their sewing on y<»der poreh, had bro«gbt out eld,' lorgotwn scanddb^wd Mb tikcm looee sgftin in tbe world, like flying scorpion ̂ to poison and to kill. In that hoar ft yottngmftn in the next honso to them had yielded to S teu t̂a* tion whieh never will loosO its grip ea him whUe he lfves. In the sftma time ft woman with a child on her lap telle him • story with ft high, pure meaning, which will be ft "lamp to his feet" all the days of his Ufa Another woman, watching silent and motionless by • sick-bed, fills tike honr with pmyers ftnd high thoughts that tHll serve as food for her soul in the trouble which is coming to her. HoW ittany of us remembered that tho hOnr was passing--a servant laden with the report which we should give toil-HtiptrGod? What report did it maej to us? IVhst burden are we mAking ready at thin moment for the hour that is pans ingnow? "Only an hour! Yet the d sla«e," Bay8 Antigonns, Hniay be with treasures that would ransom ft Cieimr.*--Youth'» Companion. StOfi up oat of ft &M»looking dressed in csssi- This odnoir it tho Qm to the stepped in aan^outlil black cost, ̂ . .. mere jnuIi, Mid P . was Bmm, a man of - lion. His Mrms were elbows; ba hftnds weii in hjspant4 loon pockets; his eyes VMO nearh . imd ovsigr moMio of hi* pali . seemed stretefced io its utmost tfiMriol* 1ft the deeper«i» sA»rt of tibe to nerve Uluialf up for i He Wftft led up the and vlftosd on the the seaflp. Fr<nn the . Heth«rimĵ m was takeh end plaeed fissMo Btetiustegton was a tftU man, dreesed in blaek, with * . soMmraad, . full w^slosred fao ,̂ oarnsst aod swious. tttai head was. oOvered with a straw hat ind his arms mm- bound IUko those «| the other. The sate--thmer, in iffliHn robe ftnd iad several legsweri removed, ftnd the hehrtoooks. They ^ookltands with eftch c^her .sad with SifiKftt slKBdiiig near Sbem. Finally dm sî l was gn-en.the beU on the rjgrf N tim vigil anee building was s&toek# tiw rope was cut, precipitating the eouls of these two men h»to eternity.--Mam** City Timet. - Jet iatiM Oemmonest sidistanoe in nee lor »erannal ornaments, and yet V& 0P» fi«t |,«00 persons knows whsry ̂ impss Itoiii or win* - it b oom- posod ot M to its ooiaposition, hotf- over, aothiig Is xeftlly known, for sci­ entists two endeavored in vain-to ana­ lyse it ajd ssttle its origin, but their • " *i. : .liive only -resulted in 111 Ms chare siHr and forma- closefaF allied mnber, and ||Kif iamhst tt̂ m wood .. converted" h^o *x*K' stthoagh „ are some who bilmve it to bo 4 spseiss tst petvideum. ' The En îsh is now aMs ta fas mdessf aft ... . ., ....w-'lC Xk Ohoroh. Ronmm, lpkh.. Pal a, 1687. ' Ltttu tUttas qNMt ttm plans of litt̂ s men; butsottl hettssiy ilanaii solid to tho <taA.--FMmdti0kia jtwwut , xa OvMsat iMWOttr* Mff'filsS'aASts SS ylMMgMtosIs a saost valaaMe feed aadawtf- eiia. II areata* an sppstjte for food, ftareDftk- Mi'the mil to Hi snmiiad bntidi mtti bodjt CZli' onayoaaf awui wbom^ebTsktoas at times w ap hops. Siooi he b t̂a ntw Um «SrStoe«wieee ̂ uto Wm b liiQttfiifti nMv Vii(a."-J0BV . ®KD JWt*f no* be agrsat luxury, but, nevectlMasu, it makss one'e eyes wa* ter.--JHtek. TbsM Is ao maxm miasdyfOr̂ egSa, Oold ̂rta. 1SS Bsovnhi BaoHtcaoAi. 'iaocsaa bom. Price 25 eta. M "a^bh is tiw most on the ieoisfrnf Yodksh: is dag matbj The trede from ' " "sr tMut of Fobjmokbb--Ah! eber monsieur, Ifor- it as yourre name, eel is so queer and __range--- He--My name to Smith.-- SRmhi Topic*. . HwmipHm ,se«mr C"'* tbe CdMor: -PlMu» fatpcm roar mdm aw JK state a positive remedy for tbe above-, teea«e. By tte ttaurty neethooMuidaef OSMB bate baea parauUMoUy aantL. I ^SladtoettdtvoboUlMofiByreaady sals any of yea* lesden who hafs eeasaiap. m tf tfiey will eead me sad vraugg îi. faari St., W. y. Whw any calamity has been suf­ fered, tho first thing to be remembered is how muoh has been escaped.-- Johnson* v. : i % IMakeYdurOwri mPWlirilgs; v ẑxrtk sia aet ce* WU«i Meefrt It tetairee awW, pcratrtant ait«ait>a auSareai»ay Uiat wlUa--lrt < asfeare «s Kmc eC tbe ekaaea aM *aaa ay tfc* dlfaallw oasis (IB IKJ jwiTmia Hiiiti SBtfee wflttag^a * r ^ j i ? r ^ * a * i r w i ^ i l 5 t 1 ' aBS.,m'a*ia'itw atemtf̂ .jhaWWaea, aaSS' ana ttbaacaara ̂ <»ly by Q.LB0OD AOO, Lowell. >bas. ,0 îOi;i|lU.pQrt»r to have bsen tued A Frfk-Lere aedsly, isfromlOtoie jMfoposed m of the fo mid mm jMre eintpxm fl*Wi Khj lndiss tribes of r ' h'

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