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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1888, p. 5

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v?. v:;- •mil feih m *i ,.'s < '-$ WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11,1888, (,£>*> R^: Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept 19th, train* will pass McHenry etation daltr, except Sundays, us follow*: OOIHO SOUTH. Lake (Jsnera Passenger .. ..7:25 A. • LakeGeneva Express I...., .8:28 *• Lake Geneva rrefarht S:no r. u Lake Geneva Passenger..... 3:SS •• ootiro groats. Lake Geneva rrelght t il A. M Lake Geneva Passenger 9:« •• Lake Jenera Express 4:»R m Lake Geneva Paeseacer 7:00 " B. Best, Agent. MoHenrr, III MODBRK WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Meet at Parker House Hall, every Second and Last Tuesday evening of eacli month Neighbors oor liallj invited- %. mil;/ MASONIC. M()HBHBT LODGE, NO. 168 A. F, and A. M. Begnlar Communications the second and fearth Mendays in each month. J. YAW SLTKE, W. M Church Directory. MKTH0DI8T EPISCOPAL CBUBOH. PrtaefUng ever j Sabbath, mernlag and even­ ing At Kingwood at I: SO P. S Crowd in and wership with us. . "Jiltlnw d o n e / o r J R t t r n U v . * - A j HAKDT X. WTOKON, A. B., Pastor, UNIVERSAL 1ST OHUBCH. Services every Sunday morning and every first and third Sunday evenings In each month. A cordial welcome is extended ta every one Co join us in our worship. Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex­ amine--deflect -"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." BBV. II. SUDE, Pastor. ranotitu CAPI. 13. H. THVON. QffiebrM,»M • caller one day last week. MRS. SMITH COLBY, of Chicago, «U a caller on Tuesday. ' OLCM WAITS, of Elgth,was IN oor streets on Tuesdav. Miss MAODS VAM SLTKC called on friend* tn Chicago on Monday last. CAPI. JAS. NISH, or Caty, was a pleasant caller here oa Friday. Miss GRACE OWCN is visiting with friends In Chicago, this week. JOB TOLBS of Greenwood, made oar sanctum a. pleasant call one day last week. 3. B. HANLY, of Chicago, spent part of last week with friends In this village. MRS. PETBB L KICK KM T* reported quite sick at this writing, and grave fears are entertained of h«r recovery. Or. D. WENT WORTH and Wm. Whiting commenced school at Judd'B Commercial College, Chicago, on Monday. " '« Tw. H. FOBD, wife and two eons, started on Tuesday morning for the South. Their first point will be Vlda- lia. Louslana. They expeqf Mi* gone until about March 1st. !V • 1 Toboggan slide never was better. RBMBMBBB the Club Dance at the , Parker House on Friday evening next. #,_T J Rao* at Toboggan next Saturday. If ./ fws weather ts favorable. *L f • < ••••.! -j I •. M -- ••••• ' ' • ;..^™w1'HE January term of the Circuit Court to la session at Woodstock this week. .T, I'"" " KATE CASTLETON IN Craay Patch will make its at the Chi­ cago Opera House shortly. Baturday afternoon for the children at the Toboggan at live cents from two to four o'clock. FOUND, a pair of child's Mittens. The owner can have the same by call- Ing at this office. THE thermometer ranged all the way from ten to eighteen degrees be­ low zero In different parts of this vil­ lage this Wednesday morning. Ni) now the equilibrlous pedestrian on slippery sidewalks says in accent? muffled but meaningful. "My BOU), be on thy guard." THERE la one admirable feature about the barbed wire fence and that is they can't paint Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup advertisement on It. Ax adjourned meeting of the Mo£> em Woodmen of America will be held at the Parker House on Saturday even- Ing of this week. All members are earnestly requested to attend. ' A DAKOTA man. while on ht« way to borrow a neighbor's paper, was struck by lightning and killed. We have no comment to make here. To Intelli­ gent people It Is not necessary. INSUBANCB Ageut C. II. Morey has been complimenting his frUnds with neat and Calendars for 1888. They are sent out by the numerous In- . surance companies which he represents. IN our notice last week of the num­ ber of funeral sermons preached by the late Rev. W. S. Balch. we said the last, (t Ring wood, was Richard Harrl- If iooD, Wo ahould have said Richard jr Carr.. •' MB. SLA.DE'8 subject next Suoday morning will be The Gospel Message, •od In the evening. What are the Views of tho Universalis--not as the world gives It, but as Its friends be­ lieve, Thatcher, Primrose A West conced­ ed (e be the best minstrel trganlza- tlon on the road, will follow the Klral fy spectacle Lagardere at the Chicago Opera House. The engagement will be for oae week only. WE learn that a Deer was killed near Tryon's Corners, one day last week. It Is supposed to be one that had been run from the Wisconsin Woods by dogs, and then fell a victim p our local sportsmen. F*J"" THE part.v at the Riverside Heme. / on Friday evening last, notwithstand- | tog the rain, drew out cigbty-one I couples, and all bad a rousing good \ time. In fact it wa« one of tho most parties of tbe season. 4 t THREE will be a Musical Sociable for the benefit of the M. K. Church, at Mrs. Julia Bishop's, on Friday evening Jan. 13. Tbe program will consist of Instrumental nnd vocal music and reel tatlons. All are invited, Come out and Spend a pleasant evening together. TBE country Is getting full of "Trusts." There's tbe Oil Trust*, tbe Coal Trust, tbe Salt Trust, the Sugar Trust, the Gas Trust, the Lead Trust, and a lot of othors. We're agin all these, and go In tor only one. viz,: the good old-fashioned "No Trust." MANAGER LOCKE feels very sore over tbe dispatches recently appear­ ing ID the Chicago papers, about tli * disbanding of the National Opera Co. Ii» a lengthy interview in one of the Chicago dailies, Mr.' Locke states that the rumor arose from the discharge ot the ballet, as they proved an incum­ brance rather than a help to tbe per- formaace, WE would call particular attention to the new advertisement of Steven* A Miller, West McHenry, to be found in another column. They are making a large deduction on Boots and Shoes for the next sixty days, and It will pay you to examine their fine stock of foot wear. In short their goods In every department are complete, and price* low as the lowest. Read their adver­ tisement. ^"ON Wednesday evening last, being the 86th Anniversary of the maralage of Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Wightman, a few of their friends gathered there In the evening and enjoyed a real eocial time Before leaving they presented Mrs Wightman with a beautiful Silver Pitcher as a token of their regards with the wish that herself and family might live to celebrate their Golden Wedding under as pleasant and favor­ able circumstances as those of the present. THERE seems to be one thing of which we are having a great abun­ dance jnst now, and that Is weather It sticks out of every corner, and In such variety that all classes, unless very particular, can get just what they want, . It puts us In mind of a man who said that he might have made a fortune by hunting in California if bt could get a dog that could stand the varieties™of" climate. Far, while he was pointing for summer gatne,he was sure to freeze his tall of! In a snow bank. BREEDERS of fine horses should not orget that "George O," owned by >eo. W. Owes, of this village, with a ecord of 2:30, will be for service the oming season. He trotted tbe Chi­ cago track last June In 2:20}, and quar­ ters in 33 seconds, but on account of an accident In transit from Chicago to Janesville, Wis., wbete be was entered in the 2:28 class, he was let up on hi* work and brought hosse. Peter V. Johnson, who was then handling blm. says ho is a fast one, and bad no acci­ dent bappeued blm he could easily have given lilm a record of 2:20. -- ... ••• , I •• LADIES of the W. C, T. (J. will meei with Mrs, Allen Walsh, Wednesday afternoon, January 18, at 2 o'clock, abarp. Miss Emma Norton, tbe Die irict President of tbe W. C. T. U., will be with us. We extend a cordial In­ vitation to the ladles to meet with us. MRS. J. B, PKBBT, Pres. Mas. E. PKBKIHS, Sec. There will also be a children's meet­ ing In tbe evening at Good Templar tdall at seven o'clock. There will be a programme, and an address by Miss Norton. We wish to extend a hearty invitation to the children and their parents. IH another column can bo found a new advertisement of Judd's College of Commerce, whicb Is located at 116 Monroe Street, Chicago, and we thlok we do not exaggerate when we say that this-Is one of tbe best Commer­ cial Schools in tbe city. W. D. Went- worth and Wm. Whiting, of this vil­ lage, cemmenco attending there this week, and we hear of several ethers who are contemplating a like move. We take pleasure in reoommending this College as offering the very best advantages at the lowest rates to all wanting a Practical Business or Short Band Course. Read the advertise­ ment in another colum. he pink to the level of a [Every man with his money s unity, who must borrow from 1' e man who never' lends is an :'£• a nature. The borrower is, V *al thing a profligate--a jolly, f, red fellow. The reverse of e, but the logic which saya a :Borrower because a profligate ' P f f c A m* . » _ £ A 1 _ _ i 1 museum ? "Miss." smile \vk consciousn cule, "I b'l whiskers, ra The brainy ones of the earth New embroideries and muslin un­ derwear, Great variety of wool dress goods bought* way below wheles-ile prices. Beat bargains we ever offered. To close our winter stock of children's hoods, cloaks, dresses, etc., wo have made some sweeping reductions. It will pay you to trade at the Ladles' Salesroom. MRS R 8. HREOOET. School children at the Toboggin SoSvrdaj aftomoM oal| five coats. Ladies free at the fqboggaa on Sat­ urday afternoon next. HOOD'S Household calendar for 1888 ia received, and as usual It leads in beauty and style. The most taking feature about it, because it is unique in calendars, is that it is cut out as If by band, and tbe bright, healthy face of a thar on tk handsome young girl with a wealth of up a minitehrow hair, contrasts beautifully with The younger blue bonnet and firings. Every fellow sat :iome should have Hood's Calendar for 88, for it is so handsome an ornament that It makes a room seem more cheer­ ful, while for convenient arrangement of condensed information it cannot be surpassed. Copies may be bad at the druggists, or by sending six cents in stamps to G. t Hood it Go., Lowell, Mass, _____ Toboggan Slide open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Twe slides ^ iap0 •a . 1MiH|tW| Meeting. ; EABBBVIIXK, I1L. Jan. 4, M88. Tbo annual election of the Director* of tbe Nunda Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held at Barrevliie, 111., Jan­ uary 4,1888. Meeting was oallod to order by B. F. Peck, President. The bmslne*s of the last annual electlou and business of Board of Directors read and ap­ proved. Motion that 92 91 be paid to Henry Keller as a balance duo on set­ tlement. Carried. Motion that the words, "or lightning," be added di­ rectly after the word "fire" in all pol­ icies hereafter Issued and shall apply on all policies BOW In foroe. Motion cariied. The Secretary then read a communi­ cation from the Secretary of tho State Mutual Insurance Association (Mr. S. Whlttleton, Barry, Pike Co., Ills.) showing tbe changes by the Legisla­ ture ot 1886 of the laws governing mutual insurance companies, and also soliciting a delegate to attend tho bi­ ennial me .ting to be held In 1889. Tbe treasurer's repart was road showing a balance In tho treasury of 1123 27, as read at meeting before pay­ ing expenditures; after expenditures tor tbe year 1887 wa* deducted (947.91) It left a balance of 975.36 for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1887. Tbe meeting then proceeded to bal­ lot for nine directors, three for a term of one year^ three for two years, and three for three years, with tho follow- irg result: For one year: J. H. Palmer, P M. Huffman, Louis Munch. For two years: R. Steel, Wm. H. Mudgett, Wm, H. Huffman. For three years: B. F. Peck, B. J Wingate, S. S. Shepard. Meeting then Adjourned and newly elected board was called to order at p. M. of same day, Eight dlreotors answered to their names. Motion made and seconded that B. F, Peck act as President for the ensu­ ing year. Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that S, S. Shepard act as secretary for the ensulhg year. Motion tarried. Motion made and seconded that R. J. Wingate set a* Treasurer for tbe Ensuing year, -Mo­ tion carried. ' ' Motion was then made that the Sec­ retary be allowed 940 as compensation for services for the yaar 1887. Motion was carried and an order drawn on the treasurer for the same. Motion that Chester Shales be al- lowed 95 as compensation for use of ro»m. Motion carried and order drawn on Treasurer for the same. There^ being no other business, meeting adjourned, free. 8, 3. ̂ BPARD, Sec. ' 9 NUNDA INSURANCE CO. ; Atttiiial statement for the year end­ ing Dec. 31,1887, of the condition and nflairs of the Nunda Mutual Fire In­ surance Co., of McHenry Co. and State of Illinois, made to Auditor of State: President, B. F, Peck. Secretary, S. 8. Shepard. ; Organized and incorporated Aug.28. 1872; commenced business Feb. 13,1873. Oath in Co. Office. December 31,1837, after all expenses ate paid JCS 83 Income During Tear 18S7, From Policy and Membership tees... = ' >Sl SO Expenditure*. See'y's salary and other exp'dltures ' RI*KS, No Pol fn force Dec 31,1886 80 Written (luring year 1887. W Total 107 Deducting those expired and marked off ... ......11 In feree at end of year 1807 ,M B. F. PBGC, Pres. S. 3. SHEFABD, Sec. 47 81 4S& 25,813 110,8*-' 19,430 1I5.4U2 COMMENCING on Sunday ovfalog next and during the two weeks follow­ ing, at the Chicago Opera House, will be giveu Imre Kiralfy's great spectac­ ular production on titled Lagardere, or Tbe Hunchback of Paris. The play enjoyed a run of over one hun­ dred nights at Ni bio's Garden Theatre in New York early In tbe season, while tbe New Tork press were unan­ imous in their verdict that Lagardere was tbe most perfect spectacular pro­ duction that Imre Kirahy has yet giv* en the American public, The orig­ inal New York cast will interpret the play, and the star premieres are Mile, Cornalba and Mile. Frandon; all tbe gorgeous scenery painted expressly for the New York engagement will be used In Chicago. The piece is a mag> nificent spectacle of handsome scenery, brilliant costumes and pretty women. The ballets of tho Seven Ages, and tho Gypsy Revels are two of the bandsom* est ballets ever put upon tbe stage. The piece wUl be given both Wednesday and Saturday matinees. M. E. Church Notes. The official board of the Af. E. Sun­ day School had their election of offi­ cers and teachers for tbe ensuing year, last Sunday We regret to say that the Board was not fully represented, but those who wete present manifested deep Interest In the election. Tbe teachers and officers now resolve to go to their work with new zeal and ener­ gy, and an earnest appeal is made^to all who have an Interest In our work to a'd us by their sympathy and hearty cooperation. Will the residents or this town spurn such an appeal t Tbe revival meetings at Rlngwood continue with Increasing Interest. Many seem deeply moved and great good will surely be accomplished. The able assistance of a singer from Chica­ go, who is expected to-day will ad J much to the power of tb4 services Many from this place are going tip to the meetings almost every night and tbe Lord is wonderfully blessing the people. A cordial lovltatlon Is ox tended to all. , MUSICAL SOCIABLE, At tbe home of Mrs. Julia Bishop, Friday evening Jan. 13188S. Come and listen to a real treat of Instru­ mental and vocal music and recita­ tions. No pains will be spared to make this an enjoyable social affair. All are cordially invited to come and .have their hearts. JUM, lifb^good tflbMr and gtedBftt* • 'Jf s Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTORR. MASOHTC.--A. f. and A. M. meet at Mssonic Hail on every 1st and 8d Wednesday even- •>rs of each month. MOBBBH WOODMBK OF AMBFTCA.--Meet at Masonto Hall every 2d and 4th Monday even­ ings of each month. Neighbors cordially in­ vited SONS OF TBUFEBAMCB.-Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evenlnr of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--The. Tem­ perance Aid Society met at Dr. E, O. Gratton's on Saturday evening, Ml*s Susie Slater Is teaching the winter term of school in the Glass district. Mrs, D. A, Clary Is spending a short time with ner mother, at La Cross. The Ladies Aid Society will meet at Mrs. Blodgett's Wednesday of this week.. ' Mrs. Homer Wlckham started Tuea- lay to Join her husband in St 'Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maoley, from Harvtrd, spent the first part of the week with Hebron friends. Tbe Public School Is preparing for an exhibition, to be given In about three weeks. Frank W. Smith, from Marengo, will preach at the Presbyterian church every evening of this week and next, with the exception of Saturday even- lugs, Jan. 14th, and 21st, at which times be will deliver bis two famous lectures at tho same plaee. Do not miss hearing him. The Sons of Tompersnce have a reg­ ular attendance of about forty five members. On Tuesday evening of last week the following officers were Installed, Mrs. C. F, Prouty, W. P.; Miss Rose Buchanan, W. A.; Frank Rotnour, F. S; Delos Blodgett, T; Mis* Gerty Gratton, R. S; Miss Grace Boughton A. R. S; W. O. Boughton, Chap.; Ira E. Hyde, C; Miss Jennie Showdy, A. C; Richard Gates, O. S; Archie Ehle, 1.8; ' ' i On Saturday evening there assem- bled at tho residence of Mr. Selden Street about eighty invited guest*, consisting of old settlers, and neigh­ bors and a fair sprinkling of young people, the occ.iSlon being the fifty- ninth birthday of Mrs. Street. It Is seldom there is found such a gathering of ol^P* settlers and „each one present entered Into the jeyeusness of tbe oc­ casion, making It one Ions; to be re­ membered. The evening was spent in relating anecdotes, discussing politics, the necessary silo, and other subjects of Interest, not forgetting tbe extem­ poraneous speech by Mr. A. Tyler, with Its occasional interruptions by a «olemn "amen" from different quarter* Alter partaking of a sumptous repast, served by handy waiters, the company dispersed wltb well wishes for their genial host and hostess, whose hospl- tallty all had enjoyed, Tbe party was gotten up on the part of the family a* surprise to Mrs. Street, and in this, as In all other respects, was a perfect success. Mrs. S. was the recipient of numerous present*,, among which wat -en elegant china Set, presented by her husband. Grandpa Street, and ber two daughters, Mrs. Russell Holmes and Mrs. Ed, Greeley. Richmond Department, .84 27 Mabel Llllie Erma REPORT of Hebron Public 8ohool for tho month ending Deo. 13 1887: . =! HIGHER DKPABTMENT, ! t J Enrolled during roynth Preterit Attendance .....SB Average daily attendance 82 *Roll of Honor--Goo, Conn. Mary Clary, Chas. Prouty, Gertie Gratton, Menzo Stone, Annie Slme, Charlie Bailey. Leaders of Grades-Uk, Geo. Coon. B, Willie Brown. - ^ * INTERMEDIATE DEPABTMBNT* Enrolled during month Present attendance Average daily attendanee Roll of Honor--Grace Hyde, Woodworth, Fanny Prouty, Hookstadt, Florence Gates, Conn, Alice Kble, Millie Housboldet, Rffie Shufelt, Effie Housholder, Lewi* Hopkins, Lura Leech, Bertie Sears, Carl Taylor. Leaders of Grade*,--A. Grace Hyde. B. Erma Coon. C, Llllie Hookstadt. |ETTA E. TORRANCE, Teacher. RLMABTTLDBPARTMENT, Enrolled during .month --29 Present attendance 23 Average daily attsndanoe ... M Roll of Honor.--Ineso Rogers, Geo, Lang. Leaders of Grades.--A, Inese Rogers. B, George Lang. C, Elsie Skinner. LAUBA E. MASON. Teacher. *The roll of honor inoludes those who have been neither abfent nor tardy during tbe month, and whose aversgo in scholarship and In deport­ ment Is above 90 per cent, Tbe smal' attendance shown in the above report Is doe to the prevalence of measles tn the school. J. F. CoNANTvPrinclpsl. Ladles' ChemeBettsf Collars 10 cents each Bt-sEvaii8on>. Riverside Skatitig &ink« Will be open on Saturday evening at tbe usual lieur. Let all turn out and have a skate. A. CALKINS, Proprietor. Please note a few special bargains. We have Just received about 500 ladles' Chemesette Collars, rwtaillng thw world over at 35 cents. We ofi«r this let at 10 cents each. Children's and Misses' Toboggans, 20 cents each. We have a small lot odds and ends in shoes at half price. 5 pounds good Tea $1 or 20 cents per pound Also a few bash-Is of Onions at 95 cents per bushel, If taken at once, and good po­ tatoes at 76 cents per bushel. JOHN EVANSON A Co, OOHTB^SDTBDBT "THE PSOWLEB." Here we are again. Skating at tbe rink last Saturday night. Teacher's meeting at the School House next Saturday. < ^ McOonnell & McGawV butter divi­ dend for November was $1.14. Editor Faber, of tho Gazette, spent tbe Holidays with bis folks at Mendo- ta. Oatman Bros, paid 91.25 for Novem­ ber milk. Their butto^dtvldend was •110 for the same menth.^ < Frank W. Smith, of Marengo, has recently delivered his lectures, "In and out of Ander8onville." and "Under whlah Flag." at Genoa Junction. Wm. McGaw, of tho butter] cheese firm of Maponnell & M has been spending his well earn<-_, cation with relatives^antTfriends, New York State, . V With all tbe good resolutions made and being made at the present time add another; take your local papers. They give you the home news; they boom your town, tllTO them In return your support, • We notice In the programme to bo given at tbe installation of tbe officers of the Nunda G. A. R Post, that Rev Geo. H. Wells, formerly of Richmond. Is assigned to speak on the "Duties of Citizens to the Grand Army,*' Lots of courting will bo dM0 at the county-seat this week, as the Circuit Court began its January session last Monday. Chas. II. Haldeman and Judd Stewart are the Riobmond Jurors. Let us hope that the famous bridge case may be decided this term. „ MAREIKD:--At Genoa Juootlon, Wis Tuesday, January 3d, 18S8, Robt. A, Bacon to Miss Jennie V, Motley, both ot Richmond. The young couple spent several days visiting friends and rela­ tives in various parts of the coitaty returning to their home east of town on Saturday last. "Prowler" tenders congratulations and well wishes. The roliowing item clipped from the Chicago Tribune, of a recent date may interest a few readers of this depart­ ment: "John E. Burton, to whom the numerous holders of stock 'Jin the so- called "Burton Mines" of tbe Gogebic range are .1 joking to with an Interest bordering on desperation and depend­ ing on for a realization of something in return for the clean cash whicb /hey have invested for atock, bas returned from a protracted visit in tho East, and gives tbe cheering report that stockholders will receive their money from the Bessemer Consolidated Iron Company about Jan. 25. The following clipping will also be of interest to many: "The statement was to-day made by John E. Burton that the Wisconsin Central Railway I* backing the long-talked -of Lake Gene­ va & Portage Railway, tbe last reor-? ganization of which occurred early in the present year. Since that time until now there ha? been much specu­ lation as to what company was backing the project, and when building opera­ tions would commence. Mr. Burton says that It is the Wisconsin Central that is pushing the scheme, although another company will build tbe road. When completed an equal number ol shares In the Central would be trans­ ferred for stock la the Geneva line, giving tbe Central control. Mr. Bur- tou said the line would be built, but not as soon as expected last spring, when matters were fixed ready for the bids of contraotors, but that It will not be long before a gang of men will be set to grading, as tbe^ preliminary sur­ veys have ail been made. It Is the in­ tention of the Central to spur ofi from Autiocb, or near there, on their pres­ ent main line, to Geneva, thence up to Pertage by the new route, connecting there with their southern division. This line would be used for through business, and would shorten tbe dis tanoe greatly over that of any other road running into 9t. Paul from Chica­ go." For Sale. Lots Five and Six, Bloek Seventeen, In the village of McHenry, 111, This property ts now being used as a black­ smith shop, and is one of the best lo­ cations in tho county for that business. For terms csll on or address. JAMES B. PERRY, 26 4w McHenry, 111. Ladles' Chemesette Collars 10 cents eaob at Svanson's. Bob Sleighs of my own manufacture ALCONOUIN. (NovtOB.--Persons in Algonquin and vicin ity, knowing themaelvel Indebted for the PLAINDBALBR can learn of tbe amount by calling on John Helm, who is authorized to receive money amt- receipt for tne same, in ournatne. Those wishiog to sulMeribe can leave their names at his (store. Call on .him and get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALER J. A. Shel­ don and I. M. Mallory, from|Nunda, came down and organized a Ca mp of Modern Woodmen of America of 18 members, and the following officers were duly elected and installed, Henry Kejos. Venerab'e Consul; John Helm. Worthy Adviser; John Peter, Excel­ lent Banker; John Johgston, Clerk; Chas, Wandrack, Escort; H. B. Throop, Watchman; V. Euanlt, Sentry; Was. A. Nason, I hysician; Chas. Wandrack, D. W. Thomas, V, N. Ford, Managers; John Peters, Delegate; D, W. Thomas. Alternate. The managers have rented tbe old Masonic Hall and tbe Camp will so n be ready for business.. Earnest Benson is still quite sick. A Masquerade Party gave C. E. Chapeli a surprise on Friday evening last. It was indeed a surprise to both Mr. and Mrs. Chapeli. After playing Progressive Euchre a nice Oyster supper was prepared which was en- loyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Chapeli received both honors. The families of Cbts. Riwiey and C. C. Petebone, of Nunda, visited here with friends on Saturdsy last. Wm. Morton shipped a carload of stock to Chicago oo Monday of this week. D. W. l homas shipped two car loads of s|.ock to Chicago on Monday of this week. y Some ot eiuKjUifsens commenced courting at Woodstook on Monday of I tbls week. * Miss Annie Tomlsky, of Gary, was la town on Monday of this woft ̂ •na laMnreettag Wmm tMttreatVekMf*. Tory few mn of lit w«*d realize the magnitude of tho tebaueo trasfoe**. The following fgcros will wo think, surprise as well as Interest many of our readen: In 1806, according to the report of the United States Internal Revenue Department, there were 868 tobacco factories la the United States. These 966 factories manufactured 191892,240 pounds Of shewing and smoking tobac­ co andssnuffs, on Oach pound of which a tax of 8 coots was paid to the United States government. Of this total tbe bouse or P. Lorlllard ft Co. alone man­ ufactured the enormous quantity of 27 892,280 pounds, about 14,000 tons or one-eevepth of what It took 966 fac­ tories to make. This tobacco was sold by 503.414 dealers, every one of wbom, with icwbely an exception, sold more or less^ef Lorillard's Climax Piog Tobac­ co, which is the acknowledged stand­ ard for goods or this class. The Lor! 1 lards began manufacturing •hacco as long ago as 1760 and have for/many years owned and operated largest factory In the - world. In _ last twenty-one years they have ^elped support tbe United States Gwvarnmcnt te the extent of over #44 700,060, paid Into the U. S. Treas­ ury in Internal Revenue taxes. Is It to be wondered at that there Is so large a surplus in the Treasury? Tbe weekly pay roil or Lorillard's factory amounts to #20,000--a small fortune. These figures go to prove bow much of a necessity to mankind tobacco has become and how the leal merit of the goods has made Lorillard's Tobaccos the favored above all others and Cll- max. "the old reliable," especially. --Tobacco, Hew York. Taxes! Taxes! * The undersigned. Collector of tho Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, Jsnuary 10th, aud can be found at the following places on tbe days named: Mondays, at tho store of Lay A Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, In the villsge of McHenry. Thursdays, st the store ot W. Cristy & Son, Rlngwood. Saturdays, at the store of ilci^ns A Miller In West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as early a day as possible. ~ MAT HNIGBR, Oolleetor, Honest Abo flour 91 at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Fur caps, new styles at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Beat Klatm 011,20 cents; 5 gallons, 18} cents at Bonslett A Stoflel's. - Goat Robes, large stock at Bonslett Stoflel's, Wool boots and overs at Bonslett A Stoflel's, * For cloaks, jackets or wraps, go to Bonslett & Stoflel's. Headquarters for underwear st Bonslett & Stoflel's. < C. H. Farge's boots and shoes at Bonslett A Stoflel's. For a dandy overcoat go to Bonslett A Stoflel's. Pea jackets sod vests at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Shawls and flannels at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Newest Hats In town at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Ladles'Chemcsette Gollars/lO twnts each at Evanson's. A fine sty-lleh Cutter at low figures *t R. Bishop's Warehouee, McHenry. Call and see them. Call In and get«neasured for a nobby pants at 97. Doo't pay $9 and tlO. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also nave your clothos altered, fitted and cleaned, as he ceo not be beat I' doing fenioe job* < • • V E. LAWLC8, Tailor. WHEAt WANTED. Tbe highest market prioe In oasb will be paid for good Milling Wbeat at tho Fox River Valley Mills, Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. SEWING MACHINES. The American No, 7, the Helpmate. Eldredge, New Home. Wheeler A Wil­ son No. 8 Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New York can all be bought of O. W, Owen, McHenry, at 920 less than manufacturers' prices. GaJJ and see them. A dwles ItMv •t Bo*ley'srWlit! 8MOKB the best Five Cent CJlgB*;! City reside noes fofr Asa W.Saritfe, W< Toboggan oaps for dren only 20 cents to son's. Do you want a pair of If so do not J>uy until prices. * it' WHEAT WANTltfD. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good milling wbeat at the Fox Rlvor Valley Mills, Mc Henry. R, BISHOP. BONSLETT A STOFFEL, Dealers iu flour, corn, oats, bran, middlings, ollmeal. etc. Call or write for prions, BREAKING COLT^ Anyone having Colts whTcti' lbey wish broke to drive double or elngle and broke right, will find it to their advantage to give mo a call. I will guarantee satisfaction Terms Reason­ able. T. B. TURNBB. McHenry. Nov. 22d. 1887. Visit Evanson's closing out sale. ALDEH, 111, February 4,1888, 0# DICKINSON A 8ON, Harrington, IU. Bear &ir.--Please send me by ex press two dozen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It on a cow that was almost doad with milk fever, and it cured ber. It la a good thing. E.S.SMITH. New Boot and Shoe Shop! «T. HUBRELL, Raving opened a' Boot and Shoe Shop. In Kelter's Block, next door to Barblan's Cigar Manufactory, at tbe •Ign of the Red Boot, would respect­ fully inform the public that he is now ready to make Boots and Shoes te or der and- guarantee a fit every time. Good stock, work done promptly, and low prices, will be our motto. Repairing of all kind9 done prompt­ ly and in a workmanlike manner. Give me a call. J- HUBBELL. McHenry, Dec. 13th, 1SS7. The Vrdiet Unanimous- W. D. Suit, Druggist, Blppus, lnd. testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was enred of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Haie, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms: •'The best selling medicine 1 have ever handled In my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict Is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of tbe Liver, Kidnevs or Blood. Only bslf a dollar a bottle at Uetry Colby's Drug Bealey'i Famous Ale and _____ On draught at J. Beoslett's, glen's and John Helartiri. WBEAT WANTED. Tho highest market peioe will be paid for good MilH at the Fox River Valley Henry. R. B] Notice, To those that want Tubs, Vt Racks, and anything lu my lino aees. Work done on short st order. Shop one door South ftf! lus' Store, " ̂ . 'p „ „ ^ MoHenry, A«* 188*. ' SM4y WHEAT WANTED. •Tl» highest market price In will be paid tor good Milting W at the Fox River Valley Mllta. Mo^ Henry. R. BISOOP. ^ Drink Besley's Ate and he healthy and happy A!1 kluds of Story Books for chlidroa cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Plum-ba-go-lne, the finest Grease ever used, a new Besley's, School Books and Stationery. ^ kinds, at Besley's Drug Store Wosll Side, Shakespeare's Works, Red Lino Edition, for only 91 st Besley's drag store west side. Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Ileimer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Eugeln's. Tho moet healthy drink tor any weather. Call and sse our stock of speotetihi*^ Don't pay a high price to a travolM|r. U stranger when you can get Just m .. good lor one-fourth tbe money. Call and be convinced. GBO, W, BESLBT^ at tbe Weet Side Drug Store.,, ^ FOR SALE " I oiler for sale my house and lot pleasantly located in the villipl if McHenry. If applied for an oooo Will be sold cheap. House almost nev^sod ,, a very desirable place. Inquire on lbs ̂ premises of ERNBST WKNDBLL. * WHEAT WAN ?ED. The highest market price In cash will be paid fer good Milling Wheat. *t the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- Henry. ^R. BISHOP. If you want a lamp of any kind, bottom price go to Besley's. FARM FOtt SALE. The undersigned offers for sale hi, farm consisting of 114 acres, situate! near Wauconda village. Farm der A good state of $nltli ff of water, etc. Bull condition.. JV111 b% If applied f<n tbe premises of Wauconda, Nov. 28, All klnde Ladies'and Gen tit Pc books and bags at Besley's Drug |to^ Special Notice. All parties owing me are again' tilled that all notes as well as book a*»'v^ counts must be settled at onoe. My. engagements make this tmpfiptliii and not optional with tue. r trait those interested will give this their prompt attention* ' HBNBT COLBT. - FOR SALE. In the village of Rlngwood, the foK lowing property • f One good Dwelling House oomflWKr log seven robsM,good cellar. •>ame lot 1s a shop 12x32. onoi*A*» suitable for almost any kind of _ ness. If spplled for at onee. wlU house separate for 6500. Or wit) Sol bouse, lot apd shop for 9650, Posses­ sion given immediately. Also another bouse and lot well located. The house contains ton rtnwf and tbere U a good stable and othor- outbuildings on the premises. Wilt Wpi sold for 91000 oasji. Call on or addres^ S WBSLBT LADD, 13-18-6m. Rlngwood, III. * LOQKE'S In addition teoer esaal stock at Bake OeodS, we have added a full line of CHOICE- G R O C E R I E S To which we invite attention. NeUoea: of the bargains we offer, 1 pound choice Japan tea. SB cents 1 pound fancy- Moyune Ciatipovrdar Teett vi: 1 pou ntl good Coffee, SB oeat* ; a:!' 1 poumi O G Java, bisst, 3S cents 1 pound good Baking Powder. 15 '> 1 pound choice Baking powder. IS cents 1 pound Dr Price's cream Blur Nr, IS eta 3 pou nil cans wnt Tomatoes. S pound cans best Corn, HX 1 pound new Figs, KUtf NEW NUTSj All kinds Und prices. A isll Ha* et tine's California CANNED FRUIT! \ THE VKTTRY BEST. LAMP CHIMNETSi Burners, Wiol Bluing, Soap, Stireb, Saab Ui, BaMii, CiiNi.'ki LOCKE'S H01B i-vl.

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