. : •» > v "« IF.' *• -yw'iWJi v*? * r-<t • 'mmmm outpost under the command of • (then colonel) Wade Hampton, IP" .T'V headquaiv lotel, still Cl»«r»CUTi3tiC8 tlW^p1lifeil<Hacv itr&ag French y scarcely a wrinkle, _ T years of age he is as and muscular as an of 20. His manners, though are remarkably graceful, and mre few men in public life who libor© easy of approach. He is, , a great favorite of the fair sex. Is said tliat some of the best service done wrfilG lie was in and was performed by ladies, ^ally whew social diplomacy was Isluef"weapon to be employed. Jit® of th6se was sent from Virginia Washington in 1862, to obtain if Itiie the roster of McClellan's army dcuch other information as might in- the plans of the general with nee to an advance on Centerville. Was amply provided with means, .ably performed the mission. When returned it was by the way of the itotnae, opposite, Dumfries, Va., an Gen. with liis own Hampton legion. Tuat f;allant Soldier at once forwarded the air spy to Beauregard whose head quarters were at Centerville. Her ||fe leggege consisted only oil a pet Skye |k: terrier and a small gripsack. On [3 arriving she was ushered into the pb ^presence of the general, and with true Vij::womanly volubility proceeded to enter ed ( „ tain him with a description of her tV" adventures and their result Beaure- f' \ gard allowed the lingual freshet to flow |rf on naturally supposing that when she got ti red she would produce the dis- Hff .patches. But the little woman's tongue was hung in the middle and t/,'> wagged at both ends, and. moreover, she was too pretty to, be silenced ; abruptly. Finally, the general, un- Jjf-' able to restrain his anxiety any longer, said: "Mrs. M., where are your ® papers?" "Why, general, I've been trying to tell you the news already. , Don't you see it wouldn't have been !v » «afe to bring important papers \>n my . person, and so I familiarized myself jg^ with their contents. This fact is that Ik I have been suspected and searched p already, so that its lucky I've a good ^ 4 memorv." Beauregard, now unable to jg' * conceal his chagrin, frankly told the pi ^ la«ly he was grievously disappointed, having waited for tne dispatches for a | long time and could place but little re- p; ^ ' liance on a memory of so many figures 11?.. and details. Therefore her mission fc' *, had proved of little use. She listened , to his scoldings with. a demure air, and when he had finished looked at him with a mischievous twinkle in her pfK eye, and called to her dog: "Here, ^ Floy!" The Skye-terrier jumped in her r4 lap. "General/ have you a knife about youP" The knife was produced. |ity* Then she turned the animal over on p; . his back, aud to the amazement of K Beauregard deliberately proceed to rip him open. In less time than it takes M'.- to tell it she held in one hand the /precious papers and in the other the skin of her Skye terrior, while pranc ing about the floor was a diminutive black and tan pup, overjoyed at his relief from an extra cuticle. This shrewd woman had sewed her dis patches between the two skins in a manner that defied detection, and tinder the very noses of the federal Tidettes had carried some of the 'BBOSt important information trans mitted during the war. It is needless to say that Beauregard was delighted, and It was but a littie while after this inci dent that McClellan advanced on Cei\- terville, only to find deserted camps, batteries of "Quaker guns," and the confederate army falling back toward Richmond and Yorktown. Between the dog and pretty woman the general had got the "tip. Js it a wonder that he is a devotee of the fair sex?- m iSS':-',' Indiana is proud of her new State Capitol because it cost $2,000,000 and looks good enough to be worth $500,- $#0,000--according to home estimate. ~ Ttie Vynamograpb. , as LOCKE'S In addition to our usual stork of Goods, wo have ndtiod a full line of •• • „ M Rkk«T7 G R O C E R I E S To wliicb invite attention. Ketloe a few of the Wir; a ns we offer, 1 |ionnu rlioicc Japan to*, 30 cent! I pound fancy Mnyune U mi powder Tea IS 1 pound goo'l Coffee, 25 cents 1 pound O G Java, beat, 3.5 cents I |>o(,nil HTOO'I Baking I'owVier. 15 1 pound choice Baking powder. 25 ccnts 1 pound l)r Price's cream B'ojr Ota 8 poun>l cutis beat Tomatoes. lfjfY > S pound cans best Corn, &. > 1 pound new fcUga, 12X v HcHENRY. iriiLTIVOIS. -V-f* -*> 'r. < {<* ii rvEiw All kinds irml prices, tint's C*Iifornia T¥U17», A full line et Cut* CANNED FRUITS, THE VKRRY IIK»T. ' CHIMNEYS, Bluing, Soap, Starch, Matchss, Scnb Brushes, Currants, Raisins, Ciiroi, &c. LOCKffS SOUS BAK1RY WEST SIDE L. D. LINCOLN, Prop. Having recently refitted my Restaurant, ne.ir the Depot, In first class style, I am now propared to accommodate the public with Warm or Cold Heals, At all hours ef the day or evening, Hot Coffee or Tea on five minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF V , Bakers' Supplies ALWAYS ON HAND. of ill Finis, l|f 1HEIR SEASON. A correspondent of the Baltimore fl«n thus describes the electric type writer. which promises to rival to sonie extent the telephone. The in strument in appearance somewhat re sembles an ordinary mechanical type writer. It has a key board, and the types are placed on steel bars, which play upon a common center, as is the case with the type-writer. The mo tive power used , is electricity, by means of which evenness of action is iiuMfieed. No matter how heavily or fcwr lightly the keys f re struck, the Impression on the paper is the same. A remarkable feature of the invention used as a type-writer is that the car riage moves automatically both for ward and backward. When the end of the line is reached the carriage re turns to the starting point without the aid of the operator, and the paper bar moves one notch, so that all that is required of the operator is to depress the keys. The most important field for tbe new invention is said to be in connection with the telegraph. It is said at the patent office that the in strument can be used both as a trans mitter and receiver of intelligence over a single wire, no matter how great the difference may be. The re ceiving instrument does not require the attendance of an operator, but ?rints the dispatch automatically, 'he instruments at both ends of the line print the dispatch sent, and BO a safeguard against mistakes is pro vided. It Is claimed that the electric type-writer will be valuable as a local aid to business, and offers many ad vantages over the telephone. One ad vantage claimed for it is that, no mat ter whether a person called up is at his vlace of business or not, the mes sage can be printed through the me dium of his type-writer, and will be there for perusal on his return. The dispatches printed are in letter form, $oty&n endless tape. The in$tru- ' which has been christened the jraph, is considered by patent eials to be one of the greatest >ns upon which <|>atents have issued. The electricians do not t their praise, aud are positive the machine will greatly .simplify ness intercommunication. James L. Hutchinson, Barn urn's lormer partner, has purchased the jtm yacht Ladiga, formerly owned • General George S. Brown, of Balti- The amount is said to be $20,- The Ladiga was built in 1885, Ninety-five feet in length, and has " as passengers some of the piost »fcttfehed people of the country, originally built by George i £ing, of Newport. 4 WHEAT WANTE|>. highest market price Tn cash" Nflgiitfitor good Milling Wheat, >ag Valley Mills. Mo- KBIIMWifc U; |Dfce{BuIl:, Can or Dish. Alfo the Choicest Brands of Cigars Eand Tobacco to be found in the market. With everything in first clast* order, and promptness to waft uimn customers we solicit a share of public patronage. L. D. LINCOLN. West McHenry, May Slat, 1887. P. HAITPERlSCH, WiOQtCne M A K E B l l|finoi». % now Spring WNgons, Lumber Wagons, all o awn make, which I will sell at pet, my Bottom Prices, And warrant them to be A No. 1 in every par ticular. It you vrai t a bargain in this line call on me. 1 also do a General Blacksmithing Business, and will do your work In tbe best of manner and with the leaat possible delay REPAIRIING Of all kind* promptly attended to- Call and see tor yourself. , HAUPERI8CH. McHenry. Sept.28,18S7.; Practical Filter anil Decorator, HEBRON, ILL. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, <iALCIMINim% QBA.INING. D»ne on short notice and satlsAictlon guars*, teed. Call on or address,; H. FISH. Hebron,!11L, May SSd, 1887. - Attention Horsemen! 1 would call the attention of the Public to B7 Ht&bl.e of Stock Horses, four in num ber: Two Morgans, one X Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good rep resentatives of their bre«-d. Also a few Merino Sheep for Sale. The public are cor- •lially invited to call and examine itock, get prices,*te, Ko business done on Sunday, N. 8. COLBY M'HIHKT ILL 6i&ce adopting tk«N cash system pleased with the "sf! our customers V- KS bw more '"{trw ' ?v<. • ^ Z',1* ft vi M ' \ l* «* ¥«% ; than ams To l e found a*, our store, Buying and seliitisr tor Ca-h enable* us to discount foimer prices, and we are giving our customers the benefit thereof, • V ' We have now, in every department, a finer line of (Joods than ever before, and invite a careful inspection by the buying1 public, confident that by so doing you will i GROCERIES, VVe are confident we can please you both in quality afid price' In short we Defy Competition in any and all departments., Call before Purchasing. ALTHOFF iuary 18, 1888. BROS OPPOSITE glSHOP'g MeHE» I S H E P A R D , MiLLy •DEALER Also the Celebrated Ranges Garland Stoves and The Prize and Black Acorn, ttalrveeal, Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors, |Slegant Coal HeaterS. We have one of the Stocks IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. In short everything in the Hardware, Stove and Tin line can bo fonnd at our Store. * Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. | rOBBIXTG REPAIRIira i i Promptly Attended To. ^ ̂ H. V. SHEPARD. iWcHenry, Sept. 27th, 1887. - * f 4, i>, 1 ! Make it for your interest to buy vouf •fc.'v'Y , h •«/ V I f" ' "•> "• >v*" • Of us for L ^/- v (SuccBssors Smith, Son A Co.) Near the Depot West McHenry, Illinois. y,/>; : \ « I'm §: i '• •« ,* * '-4*1 - )' - U* Having purchased the Lumber t^ard and stock of Lumber ol iSwith. Son cfe Co., West cMHenry 111., and repenished the same with FULL STOCK OF LUMBER Of all kinds, we are now parad to offar ho the public, the best quality of Lumber at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES- I, 1/UUlU, l/XXUUU, Casiiis, Door aad Winflow Irdmes-Beatly Mafle-alvays n Hail ^ We shall kee » our stock complete at all times and spare no paint to accommodate all wh » may favor us with their patronage. Our yard at this place ^ill be uuder tne charge of Chablea H.z i w vaBK, who will be r^y at all times to make y«u priceVoa! large or smill lots , '^alI and see us. " , WILBUR LUMBER COMPANi^ West McHenry, Bl., Aug. 8th, 1887. , C*f • Remember that . . . ' .. Is ' full of New Goods in ment that we a M- Smm. I BOOTS AND SHOES FELT BOOTS AND OVERS. - 8lp tnd Grala Wool Llnii Boots, BubbsrHd * / * i 's llisses& Children's Buckle Arctics Button Arcties, And Warm Goods of all kinds,, ^ These good! wil' be sold sojow tliat it wilhp»y you to com e from all over McHenry County to trade with me. ^ . W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, III. Established I- I0d6. • BILL OF FARE, In Front of th« Riverside Hotol. Men's Fine Check Pants, Men's heavy, check I'ants, Finest K<pefing Jackets, Black Als > in Blue Men's Beaver Caps* cloth Leather front, knit Mittens, Boys' Knee Pante, heavy Twilled .50 and .47 lioys Turban, double Caps, .50 Men's Undershirts. .25 to .75 Keep your eyes open. [•••f - % Law.CS,;: PAYNE ENGINES. $2.40 1.00 in A 13JK) 6.75 .50 .50 4k?? ^ • - >*!? s.'-, 'r "u ̂ J Wi A • A': ^ •ittig BOILERS •fall SISM* WMTE FOB CIRGUUR AND TEU WANT. W:^.- OFFICES* J Drawer 1180, ELMIRA, N. T| cmciop, mu *• lO iMtk Ou«l Str««t, « p»i warn wmmi And know that we have to meet any and all pom- petition. Call and you can clearly see why we can make vou a Special Offer for a West McHenry. DBALER IN SHELF AND van V ^ V J Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-1 ran Wafi. j/ f " holU^bttrre.'10*0* WUr tialvanize<1 Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make•urialves, thiitl will l«tTi%Sr""'"oJS7.dSStf floor Rock, and Pullers, tb. FTJLIi LINE OF STOVES -J For both coal aud wood, of the best makes,always on hand* In 4* short 1 will keep everything in the Hardware line, to be found in Mctlenry county. Do not tail to call when in want ot anything in my hue and see what can be done. 1 liave employed «• class Tinner, and a|^^v ^ Will be done on short notiee and specialty of Gutter Factory work, respectfully solicited; Satisfaction A share of Guaranteed. A public patronage W. F. STEVENS, BOOKS, THi.EE CENTS EACH! The following books are published In neat pamphlet form, printed from pood readable type on rood FlSEe" Tliey ttre without exception the clieapent books ever pnb-ed in any land or language, and furnish to the masRes of the people an opportunity to secure theVjvu littrature ot tiiu day atmost trilling expense, In any other peries these great works would cost BSDy Each oue is complete in itself: times the price at which they are hero offeree!, Wonder* of the World, KATCKAL AXD OTIIRR. Con-Ulna des(:i ipttujiH mid lilnatrntHmg of t!»e luont wonderful Work»ot iiMtiuc m\>\ of mmi. Very hit**)rutin? Mtid Inmriu tive. Wonder** of tlie "H'ii. A dercii|itiou "l the many womler* Tttl and bemitiltd Jound at the Lotlojn ut the ocean, with nnd Other SUetcheft. By coHwilon ot' Ji iffilHiilily funny i* wi itVi- <•! U;e day. CI.ARA AI'OUSTA, author rMk-uloutiy funny book profuse illu-iiHiiou 44A IMeiiMiire I**ertloii,1 «JO«IAH AM.KN'T A iketclies hy the r lnm.cui The A tint KerJuli l*nper«. •f "THE KUX'< IVM UUICIIU." A niu. --10 every V.'HV eij«ul lo ••Wl-ln-.v \W CHRNTFKIU^ by CIIAKI.KK DICKKNI. Oonlalnn a nnmher oi" the m'Ht '(;!»> mtrnaa Kioiiiaevpi written by the jfr'Mitfdt writf r v iio ••ver Knrh o»u- "tKcnmplMe. Koutid (lie Kveiiin:: A )»H>k <ii etorie*,pictures, pUZTt^K Htl-I k'iMiii'*. lor t' i' 1 i11!i* tolkx fit lu.p-i'. Popblstr Ki-rltnlioiiH nnd |lltti«»8iie«t humorous, drama-tic find p:i»:n:t«", iiu-it.-i;*i«r Hii Ui*f »u>i nu»Rt |«»piUar. The *eir.TM«de Men of Modern Time** Contain* por traits mi l i l-.iiMphi. R i ! (HIUOIIH a«-!i itia<l^Anict icaua,liom the time of Ki .iMk'Mi lo tin- pi.-M-pt, Famtiliir 4|«otntlonx. CofitHtnlnK tbo nrlplti and ant\wir-•hipof iiuuiv phr«!««H i.-tiih ti'tt in reading and convtiaa- I.la ' i*nce Low LHV lit New Yor!*. A series of vivid pen pictures Sbowii^; tli« »Urk *»f }\w in tbe groat nt)*. TUuntruUd. The KOMII to Wcitltlu Not adverti«iiiK circular, but a thoroii shly prju'tii.il- work, polntJrifr out a way by which all rtmy nmk« niont-y, easily, rapidly and honently. One Hundred I>oi»it!»r Nontr-*, sentimental,pathetic and cornlr, iurludinjf most of the favorites, new find old. Sir XoeP* Heir. A Nnv«l. By MM. MAT AONKS FLMLNA. A BARTERED UFC* A Novel. Ky MARION HARI.AND. An Old Mau'ft Sacrifice* A Novel, By Mrs. Ana 8. trims Tbe Foreelllnl Itublca* A Korel. Bjtlf. T. CAIOO^ The 0)<! OuUen C hent. A Novel. BySvLVANVi Coaa, Jr. The lN*url of the Ocean. A Novel. By CLAHA AUGUSTA* Hollow Ash Hail* A Novel. By Uia«AAKT BLOVHT. Ilhittrnted. < inre House. ANovtl. By KTTA W. PiK»ca. l iuler the l^llaca* A Novel. By tlia author of "Dora Thome." The Plnmond Bracelet* A Novel. By lira. Bntt Wi'on. fUuftratrd. Thetawyer'p Secret. A Novel. ByMlsaM. S. RKADDOF* The Strnnure Cnse of lljs Jekvll mud Mr. Hjrdfe A Novel; HyK. J . STKVKNPOK. A Wicked tilrl. A Novel. 3» WUV Cbc»l HAT. Liidy Valworth'a Dlamoaaa. A By " Tn DncitRsB." Hctween Two fflna. A Koval. By ths author of ** Thome.'* fltu*trated. The Nine of llenrta* A Novel. By B. L. FARJKOK. llorU'n F ortmic. A Novel, HjrFi.OBKNCK WARIIKX. A Low Mitrrlatfe. A Novel. Hy Mi«s KIULOCK. /Hw, The liuHty lilver. A Novel. l(y Wn.Kiie COLLINH. Thcl'nlMMi of Annfw A Novel. By FI.OHKNCK MAHSTAT. Mont <>RANEO> A Novel. By Mrs. HBNKV Woot>. FUNLIIK the Fetter*. A Novel. By Mr*. AF.KXAWDIA. A I'liiy wrlfflit'* OaufkleA A Novel. By IIr.. Ammib EHWAKIIS. Illustrated. Fair but Fnlne. A Nov.l. By th. .atlior of "Dor* Tliorne.1' IUuttrated. l.iinrn.ter'i) Cabin. A NonL By Kn. M.V. Tiorol. Illustrated. Florence Ivlnston'. Oath. A^or.1. By Mr*. MA>V A. DKNIHON. Illtittrated. The Woman llaterv A Hovel. By Dr. J.H. RoBimoa. TUvHtrated. Tbe Californl* Cebli, A Hovel. By M. 1. CALDOK. »g-W<> will Bend any four of the above books by mail post paid upon receipt of only IS Cental any em for MS Cent.; any twenty-five lor AO Cent.; the entire list (40 books) for 1i> Cents | the entire list bound in boards with cloth back, for KM ,1«. Th is is t lie greatest bargain in books ever offered. Do not fail to take ad vantage of it. Gatltfacllon guaranteed or money refunded. PostaRe stamps taken for fractions of 6 dollar. As to onr reliability w® refer to any newspaper published in New York, likewise to the Commercial Agencies. All qrdarifllted by Nturn mail. Address all letterg: F. M. LI'l*TO>. Publisher. X®. Oa Street, Jf«wlT«rtb as DEALER IK-- MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles Yours PURE--i. mm.i \ ' POH MEDICAL " "V , , r i Also Bottled Ale an*i Porter for Mwdieal aw, * ,•*£ Thebesst brunts ot C'i^ars aJ| l bmt>fc!ng and C'hewiujr Tobacco Ulwavson hand. v • ' i PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS : tlai^ftilly C^JMpouuuIetl, vC*ive me a call. 1 - " * * * ' •*" * f% mmm Im'W 'c •' **"!• ' 5 ,*.V - V«. McHenry, December 28tb, iml A 11 ^ .y, , * .a 'c J!. * J ..v. 1*1* i&tlj, ,L f .Ljli Sifc A ^^ ^5.*;: Ai J. Zt