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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1888, p. 5

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WEDlfESDAY, JAN. 9B,1888, Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept. 13th, train* will paii MoHeary Station daily, except Sunday», as follows: OOIHO SOUTH- Uk« «8«eTi Passenger. '•» ~,u Lake Geneva Express - Lake Geneva Freight '•»! T:,m Lake Geneva Passenger 001*9 *OSM. w Laks Geneva Freight S 11 A^M Lake Geneva Passenger Lake Sonera Express.... Lake Genera Paaaencer............. .'•« B. Bess, Agent. McHenry, HI MK>DESH WOODMEN OP AMEKIOA KtVtMlKlHr House Hall, every Second < «< fcaet TMM'f evealw i pmi Dally invitee of each month. MASON 10. MoHantr LODGE, Na 108 A. F, and A. M.-- •Malar Communications the second and InrU Menday* in each month. J. VAH SLTKB, W. M. Ctiuroh Directory, PKBSOMAII. til. V. SHKPARD and family spent Sunday with friends at Barrevllle. KEY. H. BLADE went to Whitewater, Wis., OQ Tuesday, to attend a funeral. II. P. SUTTON, of Harvard, made the PLAINOBALKR a pleasant call en Tues- day. SPli|§S3 fejttMW* Is to hare a first claw Loot ore Course, the first of which will be five* on Monday evening next, Jan. SOtb, lt d. A. B. Ball, by Kev, George Scbwi). (tin blind man.) Subject, "The fun o! bo- log Blind." Season Tickets are now Miss JOSIK GAG*, of Hartley. IowaJj sold |or the faJ| of #|x Is visiting with friends In this village and vicinity. Two sleigh loads from the Rich­ mond public school, visited the school in this village on Friday last. ^Lectures for the small sum of BO oentsJ aJiqCJlPWJ IUUc<Lm sale *t "Iti P< *ceeds, after paying expenses, wit! be .for the benefit of tha two chtjrches, In Miss MAT WIGHTHAN, who has been uhis village. Methodist and IJnlversa-jJ spending a few weeks with friends in Seaaoia tickets^ will alsolbe-em Chicago, returned to her home In this Sine at the door on the night of the METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Pttaehing every Sabbath, morning and even- lag JU Ringwood at 1:90 r. M. . Crowd in and worship with as. ABtu(me*t dant/OT Meruit]/. HABDY E. WrcKorr, A. B., Pastor. \ UNIVERSAL 1ST CHURCH. Services every Sunday mornlntf, and every first and third Sunday evenings In each month. A cordial welcome is extended to every one to join us in our worth'.jp. ' Our Motto--Study to know the truth. Ex­ amine--ReSeet--"prove all things; hold fast that which Is good." Ray. II. SLADE, Pastor, village on Saturday last. f GEORGE AND HENRY SMITH left on Tuesday morning for St. Paul, Minn., to witness the opening of the lee Pal- .ace In that city to-day. T^BERT STEBBINS, son of Mrs. R. Steb- 'bine of this village, is now in the em* i ploy of Watrous& SozvW#iike- 1 gan. ^ * "li .in. ri.i • » £ MR. SLADE"S subject next Sunday DON'T you forget that McQenry has > the best Toboggan Slid* In the county. Cone and try it. "She," the dramatization of H River Haggard's novel of that name, will be seen at the Chicago Opera House Id the near future. /THE wicked and the good alike have ixk- Jbeen made to stand on many of the I slippery walks on our streets, for the \past few days. REMEMBER the Lecture at G. A. R. :.:s Hall, on Monday evening next, by a • blind man. Subject, "The fnn of being % blind." bit . Natural Gas, Is maklog a great through California, the West, and the Eastern States, and will be one of the forthcoming attractions at tbo Chica­ go Opera House* (' -WE wish to say to those of our sub­scribers who have promised us Wood, if we are to havt It at all we want it now* Boar this In mind and aot at once, '• ' . READ the new advertisements et . Bonslett & Htolls 1, and John Evanson ' A Co., McHenry, and Cater Bros, Libertyvllle, to be found elsewhere in g this paper. THIS IS an advertising and an adver llsed age. If you don't keep your ; business constantly before the public | some one more enterprlsiug will step - In front of you and crowd you bark Into obscurity. . KATE CASTLBTON and her company of comedians and comediennes follow Thatcher, Primrose & West at the Chicago Opora House. The successful comedy farce,"Crazy Patch," will be the piece played. THE next regular meeting of Valley Camp, Modern Woodmen of America, will be held at the Parker House Hall, •a Tuesday evering next, Jan. 31st. A general attendance of members is earnestly requested, /CtTs. HERRINGTON, of Greenwood, Aield the lucky number that drew the I Gold Watch at the Riverside Skating M&|nk on Friday evening^iaat,\, The RlnS; will be open every Saturday •vening until further notice, and some liberal Prises will be offered again soon. ^ FRIVK SMITH has leased his place at Jobnsburgh and rented the Howe L farm, east a! this vlllageJ Prank Is a rusher and we predict will make a suc­ cess In his new undertaking. He say* If there are those who think tie won't succeed he hopes tbey will come and lend him a helping band. NEWS was received at Woodstock last week of the death of Mrs. Whig Austin, formerly Miss Nellie Vat> Cureo, who died at her home some­ where West, we did not learn where Mrs. Austin had many warm friends who will mourn with her bereaved family. She leaves a husband and Iwo children to mourn her loss. will be, "Tbe true Bread from Heaven" and In the evening an attempt to sbojir What the Believers In Uaiversall^m teach." LADIES of the W, C. T U. will meet with Mrs.. E. M. Owen Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 1st, at S:30. We wish to extend a cordial invitation to all ladies to meet with us. Mas. J B. PERBT, President. MRS. E. PBBKINS, Secretary. DQN'T fall to hear Col. Long on Temperance at Good Templar Hall on Sunday evening next. You will be well repaid for attending is he is an eloquent and powerful speialj$$> Ad­ mission free. . . : . SEE our extra quality and style Wooj Shawls less than cost to import. Rod Curtain Cloth, Linen Damask, Chenille Rings and Balls for Fancy Work, Remnants in all wool goods, Kid Gloves, 45 cents, at the Ladies Salesroom. MRS. H. 8. GREGORY. HENRT E. DIXEY in Adonis will shortly be seen for one week at the Chicago Opera House. This will be Dixey'8 and Adonis' last appearance In Chicago, as It is Dixey's intention next year to devote his entire time to the new burlesque, Faust. HAVING been troubled with a throat affection for 10 ten years, and having been under the treatment of some of the best physicians, without experien­ cing any relier whatever, I concluded to try Dr, Bull's Cough Syrup.--the first dose relieved and a twenty Ave cent bottle cured oae. C. T. Wambling. 334 Fayette Street, Baltimore, Md. THE Farmer's Institute for the Fifth Congressional District, will be held in the Court House at Woodstock, Feb, 28 and 29. There will oe three sessions the first dayand two-the second. One of these sessions will be of a literary nature and will thus be of interest to those whose taste are not of an agri­ cultural kind. first Lecture. The six Lectures will all be or the most interessing charac­ ter, and we predict will be well at­ tended. Get your tickets early and secure a good seat. WE would call particular attention of farmers and horse breeders, to the advertisement of Cater Brothers, Llb- ertyville, to be found in another column. They have some of tbe finest Cleveland Bays, Coach and English Shire Horses to be found In the west, to which they invite the inspection of the public. They are tbe parties who showed tbe splendid English Coach Horse In tbe general purpose class, si the Woodstoek Fair last Fall, and were the winners of the Sweepstake Prize. Read their advertisement. Obituary. DIED.--At his home, in Greonwoo 1, III.. January 17th, 1*88, of Pneumonia, THOMAS BOLGEIt, aged 60 years. The subject of this notice was a native ot Killfeenny Count;, Ireland, having emigrated to this country in ist9. 3ince then the great­ er part of his life was spent in this vicinity. A few years ago he removed to Greenwood, leaving behind him hosts of friends, who will !ong remember the exemplary traits of bis character, conspicuous among them being his love ot truth and right and his readiness to de­ fend them by his unflinching opinion and ma. ture judgment. Mr. Bolger's life was a noble illustration of the adage "Honesty is the best policy." Honorable and upright in all his dealings with hi» fet.ow men,he will be miss, ed from the community as an esteemed and honored citizec, from his church as a de voted and unostentatious christian, and from hia family as a kind and indulgent (lath­ er and husband, whose greatest pleasure con. sisted in promoting the happiness of others His now grief-stricken home was one of hospitality and uiirth, and In years to come his bereaved ehildren will look back to the paternal roof and remember the days speni there as the happiest of their lives. Truly theirs is a sad loss, but there is a comfort for those who weep. For-* You'll meet again In a happy home. On that bright and Heavenly shore, Where pain and sorrow, grief and death, And cares of life are o'er. And ye, whose lot it is to mourn. Think what the joy wilt be; When tather, mother and childraai all, Shall meet beyond life's sea. AFKIKKD. THB National Opera Company Is do- iug a wonderfully successful business in Boston, playing to tbe largest busi­ ness known there In years.' From Boston It makes the circuit of the larger Eastern cities, then appearing at tbe Chicago Opera House. Attention Is respectfully directed to the different special sales inaugurated by^Jolin Evanson & Co. They inform us that if such sales find favor among the cash paying trade tbey will be continued. Such enterprise should be appreciated, and we advise our read- ers to avail themselves or th$|$Jop> portunltles. " " MRS.-M. 8CHUMACHElt. Wishes in this manner to thank her many friends in McHenry and vicinity for the very liberal patronage be- sto ved on her while here, and would respectfully ask all those indebted to her to csll at the old stand, In West McHenry, where they will find her daughter ready to give them a receipt for the amount. We trust that all indebted to me will call at once as I wish to settle my outstanding ac­ count} sa soon as possible. MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. IN a letter received in this village from Fred J. Schnorr. Quinter, Kansas, under date of Jan. 20th, we find tbe following statement in regard to tbe weatberio that region. He says: '*1 notiee in several eastern papers where they tell about severe winter In We<t- irn Kansas. Coal famine, people suffer­ ing, etc. Now, thare is not one word of truth in such a statement. There has been scaroely any snow and the thermometer has only shown 24 de­ crees below zero, and that .was last Saturday morning. People are,all well provided for and no suffering of any kind." JOHN B. BLAKE has sold oat his Furniture business to E, W. Howe, who has taken possession of the ssme Mr. Howe buys tbe Furniture, store bull ling and the entire property on the corner, owned by Mr. Blake. Mr. Sows Is an energetic, go-a-head busi­ ness man and wo bespeak for him a liberal share of the public patronage Jn this line. WE learn that next Friday evening the people of Wauconda and vicinity will have an opportunity of listening to the school exhibition in Maiman's Hall. A great deal or energy and ear* has been expended upon the pro­ gramme, and an unusually fine enter tatoment is anticipated. The pro ceeds are to aid in purchasing a school •ifso. ________ NEXT buadav night, Jan. S3, the Thatcher, Primrose A West's Minstrel Organisation will open at tbe Chicago Opera House for a brief run of one woek. This company is justiy counted to be tbe best minstrel organization on tbe road, numbering among its members tbe best minstrel talent it the country. This will be the first Bod only appearanoe of Thatcher, Primrose it West In Chicago this season. The performance is replete with new specialties aod novelties in that line, and will undoubtedly fill the Opera House for tbe week. John E. McWade, the baritone, who was the original Captain in the Church Choir ftnafore, is a member of the company . /STOFFEL & BLAKE is the name of the new firm who have purchased tbe balance of Henry Colby's stock, in Riverside Block, and will continue a general Merchantile business at that place. Tbe members of the firm are vVm. Stoffel and John B. Blake. Mr. Stofiel has been with Mr. Colby for the past jfeftr or more, is a young man ;of nlore than ordintry business tact, pud with that push and vim that is Abound to succeed. Mr. Blake has been ^n the Furniture business here for the past twelve or thirteen years, and has an extensive acquaintance throughout the county. We wish the new firm uuccets. , T?OL, LONG, from Kentucky, will de­ liver a temperance lecture in Good Templar Hall, in this village, under the auspices of the I. O. G. T., on Sun •lay evening next, Jan. 29. The Colonel is an orator in every sense ef the word, and his lectures have the rare quality of containing, something new on the subject of temperancd as well as presenting his 3ubject in an en­ tirely new light throughout. Those who beard him lecture in this place some ten or twelve years ago say be is an agreeable and an eloquent speaker Do not fail to bear him. A fine mu­ sical programme will be rendered In connection. A general invitation is extended. t TAKE NOTICE. Having sold out my Furniture busi­ ness I would respectfully ask all those Indebted to me to call and settle the same at once as 1 must close my books. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, Jan. 24th, 1888. We offer rare chances on Underwear; also Gleyes, Mitts, Caps, etc. i Bomuns*siomu IT weuld be difficult to Imagine a more agreeable, varied, Instructive and lasting provision for January read­ ing than comes in Wide Awake just received. Of stories there are: Sidney Lask's "My Uncle Florlmond;" Mrs Fre- uoni's "Cruise of a Coverlet;" and Mrs. Sherwood's "TboSe Cousins of Mabel's." Adventure:--How Professor Roberts beat the bull. Comedy;--Cat Isabel. About countries:--Journey to Pekln « More about the Hindoos; and High- Caste Sweetmeats. History:--Foster-Chlldreo of Wash­ ington; Christmas M1ooe*Ple; Patri­ cian and Plebeian. Ways to Do Tilings:-- Cocked-Hats; SJome-made Jig-saw, Animals:--My Friends, tbe Dogs. ScienceWhen does Spring Begin? and About Crystals. ArtWarwick Brookes In his Pen - cil Pictures. Poetry:--Tbe Organ-Man and I; When Piping Winds do Blow; My Owlet; Arithmetic; Two littlo Birds ID Blue; Retort; Jack Frost. CriticismArabian Nights. But how little the titles colt the feast of good teings. Send D. Lotbrop Company, Boston, •2 40. Our 30 cent Japan Tea is good»the fifleeat is much better. Try it. BONSLETT & STOFFEL. SEWING MACHINES. The American No, 7, the Helpmate, Eldredge, New Home, Wheeler & Wil­ son No. t Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New York can all be bought of O. W, Owen, McHenry, at $20 less than manufacturers' prices. Call and see them. _____ AUCTION SALS. . ( Tbe undersigned having rented hia farm will sell at public auction on tbe Esse Flsber farm, one mile south-west ot Volo, ou Saturday, Feb. 4. '88. com mencing at ten o'clock, A. M., the fol lowing property: 5 cows, all new milch, I Jersey cow and calf, 1 Jersey. I Holstein, 9 Heifers four years old, ~ heifers three years old, 3 heifers two years old, all coming in soon. 2 calves I fat cow, 1 bull two years old, 1 bull four years old, a quantity of Timothy hay and Millet bay. TEUMS OF SALE:--Sums of §10 and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at per cent interest. No property re­ moved until settled for, Free lunch at noon. ESSE FIBBER. DIGUTON GBANGEB. Auctioneer. WHEAT WAN FED. Tbe highest market price In cash will be paid fer good Milling Wheat, at the Fox River YaJley Mills, Mo- Henry, a. BISHOP, W EDITOK Pi&L«0fc*iA*; -- Circuit Court has been In session tlnce Toes- day morning, the 10th, till Saturday •ooo, the 14th. Quito a number of osls have been varloosly disposed of toy settlement, continuance, dismissal, or otherwise, without trial. The first case tried was Hannah Sullivan, vs. John Kennedy, A. D. Kennedy, Wm. Kennedy and John McGhee. Plaintiff claiming damages under the dram­ shop aet tor loss of her husbaud. Cor­ nelius Sullivan, alleged to have lost bis life by reason of Intoxication caused la whole or in part by drinks furnished him by defendants. In its Inclplency there were numerous other defendants, Including other saioonists, owners of buildings, bondsmen, etc., but all have been dropped except those herein named. Tbe attorneys In the ease are C. H. Donnelly, O. H. Gllmore and John B, Lyon, Tor plain­ tiff, and M. L. Joslyn, A. B. Coon, and C. P. Barnes for defendant. In select­ ing a jury each person presented was rigidly interrogated, 4>ro and con, with a view of detecting, If possible, the slightest prejudice, Indication, or sympathy likely to affect the verdict, and of course each side availed itself of every discernible point, whether favorable or unfavorable. As finally sworn to try the cause, the following named were accepted as the twelve "good m£n and true": Jabez Motley, Luzerne Capron, Geo. W. Conn, P. W. Murphy, J^ohn Stevens, John Carbury, Gee. Walmsley. John Powers, J., Ar­ thur Hyndman, Clinton Pease, Gee. W Oakley, Richard Dalby. This being tbe third trial those who had listened to the evidence and arguments hereto­ fore, as well as those listening for the first time were watching for salient points in tbe case, and it was plainly observable that some ef the witnesses en tbe part of the plaintiff were less positive than formerly and that others who had been effectually impeached, were not In attendance, while on the part of tbe defense tbe difference was not so marked. It was there just the same. There was another difference remarkable--tbe absence ef tbe W. C. T. U. and Citizens League element, as their Captain, C. P. Barnes, seems to have deserted them and gone over to tbe enemy. Counsel on either 6lde made a clear case In the argument. « be Court read the Instructions which were so artistically drawn as to make it plain "if the jury believe" so and so. from the evidence, and they retired; but after loug effort failed te »gree. And thus, unless.the case is settled or dismissed another effort will be made at the next term. One other case of Jess Importance, John Hawley vs John Denohue, tried and verdict for plaintiff. Two case*, Mlohaei Keating vs Michael Hayden, involving the same issues, w<tre consolidated, and in tbe midst of the trial court adjourned to Tuesday, when it Is expected, Imme­ diately following tills case the crimin­ al docket will be called and the Tem- pleton case taken up. It Is now ex­ pected that the present jurymen will be asked to return the third week with a view of cleariog the dockst as nearly as possible. In the Sentinel of the 6th inst,, ap­ pears the following: "Executive Com mlttee, members only (the last word in capitals) of the McHenry Co. Agri­ cultural Board, are requested to meet at the Secretary's Office, Monday Jab. 9, at 1 P. M. By request oi Pres­ ident. A. S. Wright, Sec." And In th« Sentinel of the 12th inst., af pears the following among other items of Interest to tbe citizens of McHenry County as part ef the transactions of said secret session: "It was moved and carried that tbe Secretary notify A. W. Smith, the treasurer of 1886, to render a report from Dec. 6, 1886, te October, 1887. covering the time tbe books were in his possession, and sub mit it to tha President at once " Asa desires and directs your reporter to say to the executive committee, and to the President, that while the above resolution appears mandatory and summary In its language, it is bis pleasure to comply therewith as early afe other engagements, tbe labor re quired and the particularity of tbe oircumstances will permit. Also that he does not now recall any items not fully set forth in the treasurer's books as delivered over by him to his succes­ sor In office, and he supposed tbey were sufficiently expressive of bis act­ ings and doings, and always open for Inspection to all interested parties. * The Circuit Court convened again on Tuesday, the 17th inst, The case of Keating vs Hayden resulted In a verdict for defendent. The people vs Temple ton was con­ tinued. Estate of Owen McGhee vs John O'Brien Jr.. resulted In favor of de­ fendant. That of Ashton vs. Lawson. lor plaintiff; People vs Stephen She- ban. John Sbeban and Mannie Nickle, defendants found guilty, fined twenty- five dollars each, and < ach sentenced to tbe county jail ten days; Dennis Corr plead guilty to highway robbery and received sentence to penitentiary one year, On Friday evening the conrt dis­ charged the Jury for the term and no­ tified the clerk to have a double panel summoned for next term with a view to clear up tbe docket. Ceurt adjourn­ ed to Wednesday the 25ifa for chan­ cery cases. In justice court on Mondsy the 18tb Inst., Amos Keeler was brought by Ohange of venue from Justice E. E Thomas before Justice A. W, Smith on complaint of Carlos Goft on tbe charge of asssult with deadly weapon, and Carlos Goff. oc complaint of Amos Keeler was brought on original war­ rant en like charge before Justioe Smith. Each defendant plead not guilty, and by agreement of counsel C. H. Donnelly ou the part of Goffs oomplaint, and C. P. Barnes on tbe part of Keeler's complaint, both cases were tried on the same testimony The city of Ridgefield turned out en- masse. Tbe testimony closed and the causes submitted without argument. The iustice 6tated that the proof came nearer supporting tbe charge of an affray than as charged in complaints, and that as each had committed an {assault and battery In the judgment of the Court a fine would be assessed in each case in the sum of ten dollars and judgments with costs of suit entered accordingly. Goff forthwith applied to Police Magistrate A. E. Bourne on similar complaiot against Keeler. who was agaiu arrested and on change of venue the cause la set for hearing this Monday, tbe 23d inst. before Justioe Thomas. As the fine before Justice Smith was for common assault and battery, which Is a loss offense than tbo charge of aseiult with deadly weapon. If In tbo opinion of Justice Thomas the greater charge is sustain­ ed, a floe for MM less will bo so fcar for the grsator. Hebron Department LODGfe DIRECTOR*. MA.SOIRFC.--A. F. and A. M. raeot at Masonic Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday eren- «fsofeeehmoath. . MODUW WOODMBJT OF A*EF*CA.--Meet at Masonic Hall etery 2d and 4th Thursday even- la^sof each month. Neighbors cordially in- Soirsor TKMPRRANCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:--Mrs. Martha Rowe has been sick for several days. Munger's dividend for November milk was 1.10 per one hundred pounds* Frank Rotnour and sister Libbie visited friends in Richmond Saturday. Chas. Chapman has given up draw- tag skim milk and Is working on the rellroad. Our Milliner and Dres? Maker spent a part of last'week with Mrs, Meyers, of Richmond, The Presbytetftti sociable will be held at the residence of G. B. Stone, on Thursday evening of next week. All are cordially Invited. The Soi:s of Temperance will have an entertainment on Monday evening next. Literary exercises, pop-corn, and a general good time will be the program for the evenlug. Admission ten cents. / The Greenwood Public School has challenged our school for a spelling match, to be given at that place Fri­ day evening of this week. - Hiram Houston and Mrs Crumb were married at Geneva Lake on Monday of last week. Frank W. Smith closed ftttf labor at the Presbyterian church oo Sunday evening, tbe result of the two weeks session being a large number of con- verta. Mr. Sml th has won a great many friends and admirers in this vlctnlty durlrg those two weeks. We acknowledge a pleasant surprise received a few days ago. "with the compliments of the PLAINDEALKR." We thank the PLAINDEALER. while we realize the known truth, that a van is never^to be found In the rear, but always at the head. Remember tbe Leap yeir party at Rowe's Hall on Thursday evening of this week. Music by Smith and C0rlis&* Orchestra of five pieces, from Janes- ville. Tickets 91,00. Supper to be served at Union Hall, fifty cents extra. Everybody Invited. Tbe new firm of well diggers, Conn & Smith, are giving good satisfaction. Water rose to the height of seventeen feet in a well recently dug for James Mason and last week they brought eleven feet of water Into an old well for Mrs. Pierce. A sad accident happened to Avery Palmer of Linn.on Friday last. He was runniug a feed cutter with wind power, and in some way his hand was caught and drawn Into the knives and with the arm was literally cut into inch pieces. Physicians were called and amputated tbe arni near tbe elbow. j * People ape not responsible for their actlonsWuile listening to Mr. Smith's sermons. So thinks a prominent citi­ zen of West Hebron, who became so engrossed with the subject the Other evening that he was forgetful of self and all his surround)ugs, but habit pre- leminateJ, and every few minutes ae an Interesting point would strike him from the lips ot Mr. Smith, the sharp point of his elbow would travel In the direction of his neighbor. At last he decended from tbe clouds where he had been soaring and turned for the smiling approval of his wife, when lo, and behold, he was greeted with an indignant glance from the eyes of a strange young lady, and realizing his position, became so dazed and bewild­ ered that he seemed turned to 'Stone,' and absolutely forgot to even apolo­ gize. But, under the circumstances, as all must know, who have heard Mr. Smith, our friend Is entirely excusa­ ble* ALGONOUIN. [NOTICE.--Persons in Aigouqinti ttiliS T" ity, knowing thom«olvei indebted for the PLAINDKALBR cau learn of the amount by oaltingon John Helm, wlio is autliorieud to receive money and rccuiptfor tlio same, in our name. Tnose wishing to subscribe can leavo their names at his store. Call on ihim and get a sample oo py.J EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--C.E. Chapel! returned home on Tuesday of last week without getting any cows. He reports the roads so blockaded that ho conld not get around. A goodly number of town folks gave Mr. and Mrs. George Dodd a surprise oc. Tuesday evening of last week, it being their 32nd, wedding Anniversa­ ry. A merry evening was spent by all and after partaking of an Oystor Sup­ per the guests departed for their re­ spective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wandraok gave a Progressive Euchre Party on Wednes­ day evening of last week. A very pleasant evening was spent. Refresh­ ments were served during the evening, Mrs. Bigelow and H. B. Tbroop re­ ceived* the honors. Miss Louie Crafton is very sick with Infiamatory Rheumatism. Dr. Watson, of Nunda. Is in attendance-* Mrs. Howard Phillips • mot wltb quite a serious accident on Thursday evening of last week. While coming down the long flight of stairs above Peter's Dry Goods Store she lost her balance, falling to the bottom of tbe stairs |spralning her anckle badly and otherwise injuring her quite badly.' Mrs. C. E Chapell has been quite sick for tbe past week but is now oh tbe gain. D. W. Thomas bad about 90 cords of wood drawn down the river last week He shipped it to Dundee and Elgin. D. W. Thomas shipped a car load of stock to Chicago ou Moudfiy vot this week. Sunday and Monday of this weok were quite moderate. It gave us a chance to breathe and get ready for another cold wave. Kfcliiiioiid Department, CONTRIBUTEDBT "THE PfiOWLEB," Only 28 below, Saturday morning. "Frank's'^ apprentice has departed. Among the sick wo may mention Mrs. Dr. Waters and Doc. Kilburn. Miss Sarah Walklngton left this week on a visit to her sister In Minne­ sota. Dame Rumor says veterinary surgeon Green Is to bid farewell to Richmond soon. Wra. McGaw returned from his va­ cation visit to New York last week bringing with him a fine 3 year old trotter,. Mr. J. W, Hay thorn heats his drug store with a turnace now, thus having an even temperature all times and !n all parts of the room. We understand that the somewhat celebrated bridge case has been deci­ ded at last. Richmond came off victori­ ous of course, being awarded all claimed. Has any one seen the weather proph­ et who last fall predicted a 'mild winter"? To use the favorite expres­ sion of the celebrated "Blinkey Brown," "There's nothing like it." W^ hear frequent mention made of the Lyceums that are held weekly in the Wilmot School house stud all who have attended pronounce them excel­ lent. Th^y are held Wednesday even­ ings. In spite of the cold a large company gathered at the hospitable residence of Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich last Friday evening, the occasion being a donation for the benefit of Rev, Mr. Harbaugh, che pastor of the Congregational church of this village. All present unite "in pronouncing tbe gathering one of the most social of the season and ace loud iu their praise of the host and hostess, who did all in their power to make a success of the under­ taking. The receipts amounted to nearly $50. Questions some people desire an­ swered, When THAT .Leapyear sleigh ride is to occur. Who is to be the Mxt Governor of our state, ' " What kind of an open winter we are having now. , When the "W. D. C." will make Its first appearance. When the holders ot] Iron-Stock are going to get their money When the town will be properly protected in case of fire, Why some folks give more attention to other peoples affairs than to their own. 1 Why it Is that certain men are always (?) loosing money buKstill continue In the same business, Why the north-west is not protected from Canadian blizzards as well as trom English blankets. When tbe towns-people will make some effort to encourage foreign capi­ tal to establish Industries here. -When a too crnijulou? public shall oease to be duped by traveling theatri­ cal (?) troupes and patronize home entertainments. A choice tine of BoxPIDM'I •t Besley's, West Side. SMOKE the "Empire Cuban," „ best Five Cent Cigar in the marked' City residences for sale, Aiml*--'W Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, I1L Toboggan caps for misses and eMIs^ dren only 20 cents to eieae at £iva#i son's. Do you want a pair of Bob SIeigbs$Nt If so do not buy until yon learn mtf . ' prices. • • .. » bijhOP Cxi: Besley's Famous Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett'a, glen's and John Heimer*a» A. Sa- WHEAT WANTED. ^ The highest market prloe ia will be paid for goad Milling at the Fox River Valley Henry. R. BISH0P. .. Notice, To those tnat want Tubs, Vats, Bty"" " \ Racks,ami anything in my tine of bqsl- ; • nesa. Work doue on short notice to , ^ orde*. Shop one door South of Lav* lus' Store, • F. A. Hwiaw, f > tfcHenry. Aug. 1885. 11-4-iy »•, v WHEAT.WANTED. " J ; A The highest market price fa Oath ' will be paid tor goed Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills* Mo- / lM Heury. R. BISHOP. Drink Besley's Ale and be healthy ^ and happy * All kinds of Story Books for abildrOB ' ; cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. v I'lum-ba-go-ine, tbe finest Wagon ./, s Grease ever used, a new thing, at ^ Besley's. ___ . ̂ School Books and Stationery. kinds, at Besles> Drug Store Wolt : - Side. • Shakespeare's Works, Red Lino - «,,;V Edition, for only •! at Besley's drag x store west side. ' • f t f M Besley's celebrated Ale on draught at John Helmer't. J. Bonslett'a and A. Engeln's. The most healthy drink for any weather. -iXf Bob Sleighs of my own manufacture and Call and soo' . ^ hem, R. BISHOP, Ladies' and Gents' hose and socks Of pure wool, splendid value, at Eyat- -- M son's closing out sale. * All kinds Ladies' and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley'a Drug stor* 'J <vaat side, v FARMERS, ?"* Call at S. M. Owen Sa Sons and «s» '#• | tmlne their Tank Heater before yo® , . • buy. The best In the market. WHEAT WANTED. * , The highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat fi at the Fdx River Valley Mills, Me^",n'4 Henry. « & BISHOP. '• ^J ^ faxes! Taxes! The undersigned, Collector of the Town of Mcllenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, January lOib, aud can be found at tbe following plaoes on the days named: Mondays, at the store of Lay & Adams, Johnsburgh. 'Wednesdays, at tbe store of Perry & Owen, In the village of McHenry. Thursdays, at the store of J. W. Cristy & Soa, Ringwood. Saturdays, at tbe store of Stevens & Miller in West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as early a day as possible. MAT IIBIMBR, Collector. Candee Rubber Goods and the Red Jacket ITolt Boots at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Evanson's special sales as follows: Jan. 28, horse and oed blaui Jan. 30. Overcoats. Jan. 31, Underwear. Feb. 1, Cloaks aud Ja^&s# Feb. 2, Yarns. * r. 'Feb. 3, Hosiery. Feb. 4,Remnant sale, ^ Call in and get measured for a nobby , ^ pants at 97. Don't pay $9 and 910. '• Your cboioe out of 200 samples. Also 1 have your clothos altered, fitted and cleaned, as he cao not bo beat i doing r a nice job. E.LAWLOS, Tollor. - ^ . vaaMWAMrap. r.' "s.j Hie highest market price in cash ? will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River Val^y Mills. Me- 5« Henry. R, BISHOP. % ALDKN, nr. February 4, IS86W " C. DICKINSON & SON, Sarrington. IU, ' *f Dear &ir.--Please send me by ex* pre88 two dazen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try it on ft * 4' cow that was almost dead with milk fever, and it cured her. It is p g«K«i : \r < n " - - I r o r S a l e * ' * v * f * . s • I'im- Pivf and Six, Block Setttilifc,-' in tbe village of McHenry, III, This property is now being used as a blaok- ; smith shop, and is one of the best lo­ cations in the county for that buslnotMi' ' For terms call on or address, ^ JAUBS B. PERRY, . ^ McHenry, 111. ^ MRS. C. A. HUTSON, ^ Will be prepared to show Qoods at|< commence Dressmaking on and aftWt i January 16th, and will hereafter con­ duct her the same manner, as Mrs. Schumacher. Will visit tbo city every week and take orders for all kinds of goods that I have not oa hand My goods are all new and of the latest both in Millinery aud other goods. All weol dress goods one,laid wide at 35 cents, with pattern braldto match. Good Astrakhan jerseys for 89 cents. 1 have Jet trimmings, Cor* sets, ladies furnishing gebdsetc,at a bargain. Give me a call and see log See Owens Tank Heater before you buy, It surely pays. . » Cash paying trade should visit Ev­ anson's special sales. Cloaks at your own price. Also Overcoats, Pea Jackets. Suits, etc., at Bonslett A Stof­ fel's. _ TANK HEATERS, ' The H&est Tank Heater isittirii, at E. M. Owen & Sons. If you want a lamp of any kind, at bottom price go to Besley's. We sell the well knonrn Kenosha Oradkers, a l w a y s f r e s h . BO N S L E T T A S to f vku 4 :̂ msMM i'l"' . Tank Heaters pay #1 per day easy, in a herd of Cows. Call and examine Unb best »t E, M. Owoo 4 Sons. An End to Bone Scraping Edward Shepherd of Harrisburg, III. says:'-Having received so much bene­ fit from Electic Bitters, I feel it my duty to let snflering humanity know it. Have ha i a ruuniug sore ou my leg for eight years; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salye and my leg is now sound and well." Electric Bitters a e sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Buoklen's Arniea Salve at&dc. per box by Henry Colbv. yourselves. MRS. C. A. HUTSOI* West McHenry, New Boot and Shoe Shop ! •J. HUBRELL, Having ope oed a Boot and ShotT 1§hop. In Keiter's Block, next doer tot' Barblan's Cigar Manufactory, at tbo •ign of tbe Ked Boot, woUld respect­ fully inform the public that be is now ready to make Boots and Shoes to or­ der and guarantee a lit every time. Good stock, work done promptly, aod low prices, will be our motto. S Repairing of all kinds done prompt^ ly and in a workmanlike manner. 6lvi> me a call. . J. HURRKLJU « McHenry, Dec. 13th, 1S87, Honest Abe Flour, $1.05. Good Smoking Tobacco, 20 cents at Bonslett & Stoffel's. FOKSALE I ofler for sale my house and let pleasantly located in the village of McHenry. It applied for an once will be sold cheap .vJ&ouse almost n*r>v, aud a very deslrabaWAplaCi;- Inquire ou the premUes ot ERNEST WENDELL. For Flour, Feed, H#y. Ensilage Corn, Clover Timothy, Millet, etc., see Bonslett & Stoffel. Call and see our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when yeu can gat just as good lor one-fourth the money. Call and be convinced. GEO, W% jan^hMX, it the West Side Drag Storo, Greatly Excited; a few of the citizens of McHeorv hi^ve recently become greatly excited 6ver the astounding facts, that several of their iriends who had been prfr* nounced by their physicians as Incura­ ble and beyond all tope--suffering with that dreaded monster Consump­ tion--have been completely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption. th« only remedy that does postlvely cure all throat and lung dis­ eases, Coughs, Cold^, Asthma -tad Bronchitis. Trial bottle free atHetwy ColbfDrug Store, large bottloefjL FOR 8ALE. 1 Iu the village of Ringwood, the fol­ lowing property One good Dwelling House oontsiftf iog seveu rooms, good cellar. On tbo same lot is a shop 12x31. one story, suitable for almost any kind of bad* uess. If applied for at once. win soil bouse separate for $500. Or will Sell S ouse, lot and shop for 9650, PoMMM* slun sriven Immediately. Also another house and lot #ott located. Ihc bouse contains tenr>oaM, and there i< a good stable aud Qlfror outbuildings on the premises. Wtt ;lM sold for $1000 cash. Call oo or aMM** • '....nrspTliaunf LAttDv f*,: King wood, Wi, : #-1 -ik*. . - !*£?» v&g&u M L ... - i" i. ':,a .o dlfi Jitk •4i' J

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