-1 ^ 4 " * laiiiealer. r WEDNESDAT. FEB. 1, 1888, t: 0*r'"~-4 "* f ^ '" s < « ' " £ ' » - . f-;v% A ' '••i - Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept 19th, trains will pass McHenry station daily, except Sundays, as follows: OOIXO SOUTH. Lake Uaneva Passenger 7:»5 A.* Lake Geneva Express 8:28 Lake Geneva Freight 2:00 F.* Lake Geneva Passenger...--.,... 3:26 • fjot?ro NORTH. Lake Geneva FreiKtft Lake Seneva Passenger...... Lake lencra Express .Lake Geneva Fassensrer ...911 A. M ....9:52 ** .4:55P. M ...........7:00 •• B. Buss, Agent. McUenry. Ill 4' MODEUX WOODMEN OP AMEItlCA. Meat at Parker House Hall, every Second andl>ast Tuesday evening of each month. Neighbors cor llally invited. MASONIC. MCHBNRT LODGB, SO, 158 A. F, and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourtli Mondays in each month. J. VAN SLTKB, W . M. DON'T you forget that McHenry Iiax the beet Toboggan Slide In the co.unty. Come aod try It. READ the advertisement of the new f WB featri Chat E. W. firm of Stofle) A Blake, io another col umn. J READ what Perry A Owen have to say in their new advertisement this week. FKHSONAt. F. G. MAYKS haa been quite sick the past week, but l« now reported better. Miss CARRIE WAITS, of Elgin, has been visiting friends fn this village, tbepast week. MISS ETTIE ALEXANDER, of Palatine, is visit ing with the faintly ofH.E, Wightman, in this village. JACK MCOABB ami wife, of Wancdn- da. were calling %a ftleod8 bM on Sunday. GEORGE AND HENRY SMITH returned from St. Paul on Saturday evening last, MRS. C. E. NEWELL and sister, Misi Lena Mitchell, of Alton, Wis., are visiting with relatival to this village iod vicinity. ; A DANIEL ORANGER was bragging over a ten ponnd boy that arrived at his home on Saturday morning last.! Father, mother and child are all doing well. Club, on Friday evening last, is said to have been one of tbe most pleasant of the season. Forty-three ooapiis were in attendance, and with tbe splendid music furnished by Smith'f Orohostrs, Mort Rogers, Prompter, all report a selfifliLULUme. Iui«8 THE eclipse of the moon came on ao cording |o notice, on Saturdajoven- Ing. " : _ Howa liSS re sold the Furniture business, bought oil J. B. Blake, to Justen Bros., the West Side Furniture dealers. \ ;S' *t & JrVV. I;V • : THE Report of our Public School S» unavoidably crowded out this wee* but will appear in our next. WB are under obligations to Blake & Benfield, Rich Prairie, Minn., for copies of Little Falls<MInn.. papers. IF once you burst a dollar, like Ic* It melts away; a quarter in Bull'? Cough Syrup, will keep for many r> day. IF we mistake not from what we bear the next Lecture will be truh first class, and one from which our young people can benefit. ARE you going to the Masquerade on Wednesday evening of next week, at Parker House Hall? You w|ii»raise a rich treat if you fall to go. DON'T forget the Old Folks Party and Oyster Supper, at the Riverside House, on Friday evening of this week a jolly good t'.mo may be expected. THE wife of Hon. C. W. Upton, of Waukegan, died at her home, in tt&t city, on Sunday morning, Jan. 22d. She was 67 years old and had been an Invalid for several years. IT is leap year, and it has been just 1000 years since there were a? many 8's In the year as we have just now. It li* a good time (or oil 1 -lielors to cozi* (8, the girls to recipBc S and not hesit 8. A GRAND time is expected at th« Toboggan Slide to-night. Parties ar«- expected from Richmond, Woodstock and Nunda, and "everybody will elide." The McHenry Military Baud will be present and furnish music. THE wile of Larry Durney, wbr lives In the North part of the village, dropped dead while around doing b^r housework on Monday morning last. We did not learn the cau3e of her sud den demise. Sfe f >, a M - MR. SLADE'S subject next. Sunday morning will be Undefiled Rellzion before God. And In tbe evening ar Rlngwood it will be drawn from the text: Their Rock is not as our rock even our enemies themselves being judges. WB would call particular attention to tbe new advertisement of J. C. Choate, Woodstock, tc be found in another place In this paper. He glvfi- you "Pointers" and the buying public will do well to heed them. Read the advertisement. THE Temperance Lecture by Col Long, on Sunday evening, drew out n large crowd and was listened to with tbe closest attention. The Colonel I* an able and candid speaker, and pre sents the question^ in a manner that none can fail to understand. HERE is another egg problem: Three women took eggs to market; the first had 10 eggs, the second had 30 and the third 50 egge. Each woman sold eggs at the same price per egg aud each received the same amount of money, At what price did tbey sell? Natural Gas, thb farce comedy in which Jno. Gilbert, Donnelly and Glrard. are tbe principal comedians, is packing to the doors the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia. This has been the history of the piece since tt start ed last fall., It will be seen at the Chi cago Opera House in February. IT IS said that the Chinese consider It a religious duty to pay up all their debts at the beginning of the new year--even to their subscriptions for newspapers. Would that America might fold its arms about this heathen . custom and draw It close to Its heav Ing breast. • THE Lecture on Monday evening, by Rev. Schorb, the blind man, drew out a large crowd, and is highly spoken of by all who heard.lt. Owing to sickness we were unable- to attend and know that we missed a rich treat. As will be seen by a notice elsewhere, the next Lecture will be given at the Unlversallst Church, by Rev. Mr. Hastings, of Whitewater. Wis., and no one should fall to hear It. E. D. SLAFTIJR having resignedthe Janltorshlp ef our Public School, on account of poor health, E. Perkins wa« appointed to fill the position, bf tbe Board, at their last meeting. LARGE size $8 and §12 Jackets for 93.60 and $o. Imitation fine India shawls, 1J yards wWe, camelette, 75c. Moire and India silks for dress trim* nines. New satlnes, 10c at Ladies' Salesrooms, MRS. H. S. GREGORY. THE Ladies Willing Workers Socie ty, connected with the Universalis! Church, will meet with Ifrs. B. Gilbert. Thursday afternoop, Feb. 2d, at tne usual hour. *" MRS. W. A.CBTSTT, President. Miss JDLIA A. STORY, secretary. UNLESS the weather clerk eatt rnn •its cold waves on schedule time he had better git up and git out. We lon't propose to have any more cold veat.lier articles spoiled by having his ;old waves coming along from twelve to twenty-four hours late. UNCLE SAM,S treasury boxjg firy, low and he has sent out word to the business men that he will furnish and print return envelopes cheaper than toy poor newspaper man can buy the envelopes.. The blsated newspaper aa i must take a back seat, and give Uncle Sam a chance to raise a littl*- money to get medicine for his sick child. Respectfully dedicated to Hon. ">eu£>tors Culliim, Farwell and other* •ceupylng like positions. Will all the papers In the United States please *>py ? | A CONDUCTOR recently found $400 »n his train. Learning of its owner tie wired him to be on band on tbe re turn trip and get the money. After he amount was hauded over and found o be intack, the loser took a halt Jollar from his pocket and lield it ou to the veteran of the puueb.' Withoui Hesitation the latter held , up hi- land--to the Engineer--and shouilnic 'All aboard! Sorry I haven't an} change for that," stepped aboard hi>- irain, leaving the half dollar in tht- >iand that.had tendered such a munli- cleut'reward for the return of 9400, THE next Lectura of tks current urse will be given at tha Universal 1st Church, by the Rev. Mr. Hastings, of Whitewater, Wi he suojeot will ue, of Obstacles and Ene- to Success, illustrated by lessons from tbe battlefields ef the Civil re has a goetnTeaT©f ef interest, and let in not be forgotten. " " I j • • -- »l I •• iwfS I l» /A Wauconda correspondent Of tbe AVaukegan Patriot has the followiug Railroad news: "Dame Rumor has been in town lately talking railroad. She says tbe North western Is going to run a branch from Palatine to Geneva Lake. Hope they will, It will help our little burg, as it is dull enough at present. It seems as if somebody might start up something that would make things lively, aod still Mb* a benefit to their fellow men.* v -- -- Maaquorado Party * Tbe McHenry Social Club will give a Grand Masquerade Party, at Parker House Hall, en Wednesday evening of next week. Feb. Stb. Musio, by Smith's Full Orchestra, Mort Rogers, Prompter flckets,50 cents per couple. Masks can be procured at Besiey's Drug store, and any wishing special C Mtumes can leave their orders with Mr. Beslev who will order for them. This will probably be tbe only Masquerade Par ty this season, and those who wish a good time should not fall to attend. A general Invitation Is extended to all. In order to make room lor the larg est stock ef spring and summer goeds ever brought to Woodstock or McHeu ry county, we will sell our winter aad warm goods and heavy boots and shoes of all kinds at a great bargain, and ^ will pay you to come from all ever tbe county to trade with us. W. H. DWIGHT, Woodstock, III. M. E. Church Notes, The Ladies of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will meet at tbe nome of Mrs. Julia Bishop, pn Friday afternoon, Feb. 3d, at 2 p. M. This meeting will be of special lmpor» ance and (w» earnestly request all the ladies to be present. Mas. F. G. MAYES, Preeidfcat. MRS. H. E. W VCKOFF, Secretary. The "Crazy Social" which we an nounced for Friday eve, will be Indefi nitely postponed on account of the Melnfll services In the M. B. Cbureh. r KneppeLthe^great revivalists here I and will conduct services In tbe Meth- odifet Church every nlght^ His stay uere will be a real treat, you cannot afiord to miss a single night. COM. ••I- THE coming engavement of Henry E. Dixey in Adonis at tbe Chicago Opera House will be one of the big events at that most popular of all Chi cago theatres. Dixey will be seen for only one week, and It will be his last appaerance In Adonis, the manage ment having arranged a year ago for Mr. Dlxey's appearance in a burlesque of Faust, to be produced at tbe Bi)ou Theatre, New York, next fall for an extended run. Dlxey's company is noted for Its pretty girls, its clever Mlors, and its gorgeous eoeoerrf. Old Folks' Dance and Oystor Supper. There will be an Old Folks' Dance ind Oyster Supper at the Riverside Mouse, iu this village, on Friday even ing of this week, Feb. 3d, Music. Mudgett'sfull baud. Tickets, Includ ing supper and care of horses, (125. i'liis will be one of the most enjoya Die occasions of tbe season, and a gen *ral invitation is extended to all, both •>ld and young, to turn out and have a <ood old-fashioned time. • A. CALKIHS. proprietor. ON Sunday night next, Kate Castle- ton reappears at the Chicago Opera House in that most popular farcical piece entitled "Crazy Patch". Miss Oastleton throughout the country Is now pre-eminent among soubrettes net even excepting^Lotta, Miss Cas tle tou has the advantage of youth beauiy, vivacity, and a French chic about her acting that has won her th*- ritle of the American Judic. Crazy Patch is brimfull of the most comical situations and the most charming se ioctlons of music and is acted by a company picked from among tbe comedlaBS and comediennes' of the couutry. "WE suppose," says an exchange, -'that many people thick newspaper men are persistent duns. Let tbe far mer place himself in a similar position and sec II he would not do the sauie. Supposing he raises one thousand bushels of wheat, and bis neighbor xbould come and buy a bushel, and tbe price was a small matter of 92 or less and say, 1 will baud you tbe amount in a fe* days. As the farmer does n$,t want to be small ab<iut so small a mat ter, he says, 'all right,' and the man leav< s with the bushel of wheat. An other one comes In the same way and still another, uutll tbe whole thousand bushels of wheat are trusted out to one thousand diflerent purchasers and not one of the purchasers concerns hi.nself about it, for It is a very small amount be owes tbe farmer, and ef course it doesn't help him any. He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away his large crop of wheal and its value is due him in a thousand little tributes, and that be is seriously embarassed in*bls business because bis debtors treat it as a small matter. But if all would pay bim promptly it would enable him to carrv on bis bust ness without difficulty. The abovo comparison Is toe true of tbe difficul ties with which tbo newspaper man ALGONQUIN. J- ^ ("NOTICR.--Persona in Algonquin aad vtein ity, knowing theinaelve? iuaebted for tb« PLAINDEALKR can learn of the amount by calling on John Helm', who Is authorized to receive money and receipt for the same, in our name. Those wishing to subscribe can leave their names at his .atore. Call on itaini Anu get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDBALER Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm gave a progressive euchre party on Friday evening of last week n honor of their son, George. Miss Graoe Peter and Fred Phillips re ceived tbe highest favors. Mrs. Goody ou, of Rockford, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. Sinnett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dolg received^word ast week that their daughter, Mrs. McKay, of Chicago, was dangerously ill with Inflammatory rheumatism, Bert. Sutton, of Solon, spent Snaday here with bis sister, Mrs. Frank Terkes, C. E. Chapell started North' tbo first of this week to buy milch cows. Mrs. Dr. Ray, of Elgin, Is making tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morton a visit. y Frank Smith and bis mother, of N unda, wero callers In town on Sunday IftSt. The Woodssen aro getting their hall fixed up In fine shape and will soon bo in good running order. MORE NEW JOOD9, Cambrics, Sellclat, Dress Trlin- mlngs, In fact everything that is need ed for dress making, whloh we do on xhert notice and guarantee satisfac tion. I have a floe Use of handker chiefs. ruchelng, zephyrs, stacking*, «tc. Corsets for 49c, 69o and $1,85. New millinery goods every woek. Give us a call. MRS. C, A. HVTSOM. EDITOR PLAINDEALER Ths two cases of People vs Keeler and People vs Goff were again tried before Justice Thomas on Monday, the 23d Inst., and "'probable cause" to bind each defend ant over to tbe Grand Jury under bonds of $200 was the verdict of the Justice. It is now rumored that an appeal will be taken trom the decision of Justice Smith. On Saturday the 28th Inst., business called your correspondent to the stock farm of tbe late George W. Hunt, of outh Hebron, now carried on by the |lunt Bros. It is well worth tbe time consumed in crossing the country to observe tbe condition of the studs of horses, herds of cattle and swine, and flocks of sbeep as tbey regaled them selves on the sunny side of the farm yards along tbe way. Boreas bad par tially lost bis grip, and the day was mild and pleasant. Tbe power and feed cutter seem to be a flxture and attachment ot every farm yard, as was also the heater in the water tanks. The stock looked healthy and bright as if no want ot teed had as yet been realized. No bleaching corn stalks were to be seen wasting *!ts sweetness' on tbe wintry blasts, but everything In the form of fodder seamed to be utilized. The Hunt Bros, are winter ing a large stock, comprising horses, c utle, hogs and sheep, and so far at beheld In the stay were in fine condi tion. Hunt Bros, make a specialty of breeding Poland China bogs and Me rlno sheep, following the example ot their deceased rather in this and In general farming as well. To all ap pearances the boys are making their business a success. May they, in com mon with the sturdy yeomen of our land, prosper and reap their well mer ited reward, for of such Is the stabil ity of our free government. Return log at dose of day aod edge of even ing tbo eclipse was tbe entertaining feature of tbe homeward journey. The programme for .the Farmers' Institute is In circulation and interest ing as well as profitable sessions are predicted. As the Institute comprises the Fifth Congressional District, It Is a high and to be hoped a merited cotr- pllment to McHenry county that she enjoys tbe credit of having the first ot tbe kind within her borders Fellow Farmers and Citizens all, let us prove a worthy host In entertaining distin guished guests from other counties Let not old McHenry lose her prestige as amorg tbo grandest or this or any state. Tbo young and spirited driving horse of C. D. Parsons, Esq., dumped him in the snow in the rear of L. T. Hoy's drug store this Monday morning Jan. 30, " Surveyor Tryon's service! seem to be in demand in settling real estate disputes. We notice his presence as witness 1c Green vs Goff. FARM FOR REN P. I wish to rent my farm sltoatod on the corporation line, one half mile from Bishop's Mill, containing 123 acres, ibout 60 acres Fall plowed, has house and all out buildings, wind mill etc. Best watered farm In Mc- lenry County, well fenced. Will rent reasonable. M, CLARY. 13-3 w. W'fI !» .< :• - i' A Special Sale of Clothing, At Auction Prices. Drab Overcoat $1.90 Diagonal Silk Faced, only 9.00 A 'Juster Fine Beaver 9.00 A Beaver Square Coat 3.75 Heavy Twilled Suit 4.90 Cheap and fine Check Pants 2.40 Boys Suits X.00, 2.00 best 3,75 Scotch Caps, d'ble knit, 35 to 40 Leather faced Mitten* *, .40 Undershirts .AS to .50 English Hose only .13 E. LAWLU8, In Front of th« Rivorsldo Hotol. • fao stylish Cotter at low figures at R. Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry. Call and see them. The finest styles In banging lamps ever seen in this village at Goo. W. 1 fttiilrii'fl iVrat Dfo&n&if* • c . > - 4 ttor from the South. V V ID ILIA, La., Jan. STtWWSI, EDITOR PXXTNDKALIS^S -^'I IIATI thought before leaving home ( would write yon a short descrlptlan of our Southern trip and of the country which we Inhabit at present. But was so badly disappointed with the weather after getting here, I did not want to say anyihlng. But the weath er has broken and the past few days have been just elegaolt I have writ ten several private letters, and have told them what our weather has *beei> in the past. So I will not take up anj more room than possible. We left Chicago Jan. 12th, the even ing tbe bllzz&rd commenced, and ha d serious trouble with the SHOW, but woke up tbe next morning fire hours behind hand, on aooount of broken en gine and strong wind to contend with. But It kept growing warmer all the time as we came Soutb, and when we arrived in Natchez at twelve o'clock, ooon, it was very, very fioe and wr thought we bad struck what we were looking for. That day the thermom eter stood at 68 degrees above zero aod tbo air was as soft as summer. But since that time we have had rale, •leet and snow and very disagreeable weather until tbe past two days, which, as I said before, ts very floe. To-day we have had suob a pleasant trip that 1 must give you a little his tory of* It. As you will see we are stopping at VldaJla, directly opposite Natchez in Louisiana, a little village, although tbe county-ss«t of Concordia Parish, Wo hired a colored man to row us all up and across the river to the Mississippi side, where we com menced to climb the Bluff, and it Is very steep and high. When getting on top of the bluff we commenced vis iting tbe different cemeteries. First, the Natchez cemetery, both Protestant and Catliolto, where we spent about two hours and saw a great deal to In terest us. Then we took shelter in one of tbe summer housls and ate our dinner (for It was very warm tbe thermometer standing at 76 degrees in the shade). After taking a rest we Visited the United States National Military Cemetery: established in 1866; No. or graves, 3085; No. known, 310. And it you ever have a chance to visit one of these cemeteries, don't fail to do so. I would not miss it for a great deal. This one Is very fine but tbey tfll me thftttbe one at Vlcks burg is far superior. But I will have to bring this to a close er 1 shall [weary your patience I am writing this on tbe veranda over looking tbe Mississippi River and not more than twenty feet from the levee where tbe big steamers are plyiog all tbe time, and it is a beautiful sight The sun Is fast .deoltolnS behind the hills, and 1 can't help but think of you \ll there in the snow while it is so pleasant here. I can't help but feel for poor John out la Iowa. I wish was so I might remaia here, but fate Is against me I am afraid. * W. H. FOSB. • • - CONTRIBUTED BT "THE PROff LKR.' Five Wednesdays ibls^month. Some splendid nights hst week. Tbe season of sales Is near at bsnd. The sick folks remain abont the same as last week. Did you see the eclipse of the moon last Saturday algbt? Business still continues good at both the picking houses. There was a good orowd at tbe rink last Saturday evening. There Is to be a social dance at the Culver Rouse to-morrow Light. McConnel A McGaw paid a]butter dividend of fl,30 for December. Miss Whiting, of McHenry. was vis- ting with Miss Nettie Downing last week. Dr. Fegers. of McHenry, was In town one day last week. Ditto Mr. Owen, the jeweler. Those who attended the Leap year party at Hebron report an exoellent time, as usual. J. M. Westlake, of Spring Grore, and i^;Overton, of Solou, each paid 91,10 forNeveaiber butter. Mr, Nichols, our new Jeweler, ap pears to be doing a good business and giving satisfaction. Mr. Bacon, of Keystone, suffered a stroke of paralysis last Friday ; the left side, being the part affected. A number from our burg went to McHenry last Saturday night. Th* obiggan slide and the rink were the attractions. Mrs. Bent, one of the oldest persons In town, died last Frllay, at the home ot her son-in-law, Mr. Thomas Thomp son, of Solon, The beautiful moonlight nights and fine sleighing, have been well im proved the past week, by several jollj sleighing parties. • Why Is It that cettain people In Klchmond are always complaining ot uotbing to do, but .when efiered a job are always 'busy just now.' Col, Jack Wilson, the Turlington auctioneer. Is jotlll on deck and ready and willing to answer any calls^raade upon him for oratlous, addresses.etc. tt sales of all kinds. He can't be beat. A week ago to day was the'time set when the holders of Gegebic glroi stock were to receive their mone) trom tbe Besslmer Iron^Cotnpany. We tall to hear of any receiving tbe cash out'wulle there's life there's hope.' Tuesday evening of tast week Rev. <leorge Schrob ̂ delivered an interest ing Lecture in tbe M. E. church, the ubject being "The fun of being blind." Ouiy a small audience was present, probably on account of short notice and Insufficient advertising. From present indications an unusual large quantity of ensilage corn will be planted by our farmers next spring We bear of several who contemplate ouildlng silos and of many more who intend to purchase feed cutters anoth er fall. 'Ho mote It be.' In a town IOES than a thousand miles Irom Richmond, In the show window >f tbe leading clothing store, bangs a placard which reads, 'Look at this coat tor $7,' Now here in Richmond out clothing dealers will sell yon a whole suit for less money and they don'i charge <7 foi^looking at a coat either. We bear of a party of gunners frotr. --, who burned powder and slung 4hot all one day recently without anj results, and late In the afternoon purchased half a dozen fat rabbits or a local gunner who could shoot. They neglected to swear bim to secresy so (he story got out. We otil no nameb out of kind and sympathetic feeling* tor 'the boys.' La«t week Tuesday Mr. Fred Winn •net with a serious and painful acci dent. It seems be was employed ii< the ice house of Cole, Coo ley & Co. putting tbe cakes in position as thej were drawn up from the pond. Being i little deaf he failed to hear the warning given bim to 'look out,' as a iresh supply was received and wai- struck just below the knee by a hug<- uake, fracturing both bones. He if now doing as well as could be expected. Cole-, Cooley & Co. filled tbeir lea houses last week with exoellent ice. measuring about twenty two inches tbiok. McConnel! & McGaw and Jas Overton also filled their factory Ice nouses, tbe first mentioned cutting from the mill pond and Mr. Overton trom tbe creek, Tbe small bouses at Twin Lakes are all filled aod a large gang have been engaged filling the large bouse at the head of the upper lake for several days past. About forty uaeu were employed. l'be Wllmot Cornet Band gave a Concert In tbe Congregational cburcb, it Wllmot, last Friday night. This band enjoys a reputation second to none in thls^ vicinity and it was fully sustained on this occasion. Tbe pro gramme consisted of vocal and Instru mental solos, duetts, quartettes, etc, and to say that each and every number was well rendered, but expresses the unanimous opinion of the large audi ence present. The solos for cornet and trombone deserve special men tion on account of the superb manner In which they were given. LODGE DIRECTOR r. M ASONTC.--A. P. and A. M, meet at M*softie Hall on every 1st an* 3d, Wednesday evea- tu^s of each month. MODKRH WOOOMKN OF AMKPFCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every 2d and 4th Thursday even- ings of each month. Neigh bore cortl tally in vited. SONS OF T*MPKRANCB.--Meet at Union Hall on Tuesday evening of each week. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Frank Rewe and C. A. Stone visited Chicago last week. Johnnie Pierce came homo from Aurora Thursday night. Mr. Goddard,irom Milwaukee, spent a few days in town. ^iss Carrie Hodge came up from Elgin to attend the Leap Tear party. Mr. Foster, from Iowa, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Crane. The boys are to have a grand mas querade In about three weeks. Paste this In your hat. * Mr, and Mrs. E. Warner, from Iowa, visited friends In town last week. Another report is afloat that Henry Paxon will work Mr. Tyler's farm, Mr. Reyslde, from Waukegan, spent a few days at Mr. Skioner's^and called oa other friends on Main St. Munger's dividend for November milk was 91.19 Instead of tl,10, as the compositor made us say last w*ek. Hebron people were uet forgotten by Fair Luna, Saturday evening. Sbe played peek-a-boo here as well as at other places. It is said that the accident to Mr. Palmer Is nojt so bad as flrBt reports seemed to verify. Miss Ada Begun is slowly recovering from an attack of tbe measles. At one time but slight hopes were entertain ed of her recovery. The Leap Tear Party was a soooess 'iey end expectation. Fifty-three couples were present aod many pro nounce It to be the finest party of tbe -eason. School exhibition at Howe's Hall on Friday evening of this week. A fine programme has been prepared and all >vbo attend will be highly entertained. The Hebron Cornet Band wiil be pres ent. Admission, twenty-five cents. The third in the course of lectures will be delivered by Judge Gllmore, >f Woodstock, on Friday evening oi lext vreeV Cropper and Nichols believe tbey tre on tbe right track of the thieves *hu stole about thirty dollars wortb of hides from the slaughter house a •*hort time ago. Misses Buchanan and Wells will gn o tbeir home at Lodl, Wis., on Wednesday, for a vacation of severa' weeks, Tbey will return in time to uruish their customers with new spring millinery. ^ Taylor Bros, met with quite a loss reoently. As tbey were In tbo act ot raising a windmill on tbe farm ot Russell Holmes it fell with them and he wheel and castings were badly de- oolished. The rem tins of Mrs. Chas. Aldred, laughter of Erasmus Seamau, were '»rougbt here from Chicago for burial >n Friday cvdntug. The funeral ser vices were held at the church on Sun- lay afternoon, and conducted by Rev. Cress. We wonder tf the lengthy article In last week's Gazette under the title ol Hebron, Its Busioess Interests and it» Prominent, Men, has proved to be at expensive a luxury to tbe town as wa* Gordon's Uebron as it is ( ?) published to the Sentinel some time ago. A choice lino of Box Paper* •t Besiey's, West Side. SMOKB the "Empire Cuban,* best Five Cent Cigar In tho market." City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. « Toboggan caps for misses and ch!l-%i dren only 20 cents to close at Evan-^ * son's. Do yon want a pair of Bob Slolgta*^ If so deoot bay an til yon learn my prices. ** • B BI*«OF Candee Rubber Goods ami tbe Bed Jacket Pelt Boots at Bonslett Sc. Stoffel'a. Ladies' Chemesetto Collars It oeal^ eaoh at Evanson's. ' Besiey's Famous Waukegms Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonelott's, 1, ' glen's and John Helmer's. WHEAT WANTXD. The highest market price la will be paid for good Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley. 31111s. Mc Henry, R. Bisaor. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, lift]r Racks,and anything io my line of bail--: iess. Work done on short notice to order. Shop one door South of Law* •us' Store, F. A. HBBJLSE*. tfoHenry, Aug. 10,1888. WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In will be paid tor goed Milling Wheat at the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo- , Henry. K. BISHOP. Drink Besiey's Ale and bo healthy and happy Cash paying trade should visit Bt* anson's special sales. Cloaks at your own price. Also Overcoats#' Pea Jackets. Suite, etc., at Bonslett ft Stof. fel's. ' All kinds of Story Books for children cheaper than dirt, at Besiey's. Plum-ba-go-ine, tbe Grease ever used, a Besiey's. finest Wagon new thing, aft School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besiey's Drag Store West side. - Shakespeare's Works, Red Lino Edition, for only fl at Besiey's drag <tere west side. If you want a lamp of any kind, at bottom price go to Besiey's. We sell the well known Kenosha Crackers, always fresh. BONSLETT 3b Stonib Besiey's celebrated Ale on draught tt John Helmer't. J. Bonslett's and A; Bngeln's. The most heaUhy drink for tny weather. Bob Sleighs or my ow md warrauted cheap. hem. * manufacture Call and see R. BISHOP, Ladles' and Gents' bon an<^ socks °f pure wool, splendid value, at Svttfc- <on'8 closing out s tie. * We offer rare chances en Underwear; also uteres. Mitts, Caps, etc. BONSLETT <£ 9Torra.. All kinds Ladt«&' agd Gent's Pocket. nooks and bags at Besiey's Drag storo vest side, Our SO cent Japan Tea is food ; the SO cent ts much better. Try it. BONSLETT ft STOFFKL. TAKE NO HUE. Having sold out my Furniture busl- iess I would respectfully ask all those indebted to me to call and settle the «ame at ance as 1 must close my books. JOHN B. BLAKB. McHenry, Jan. 24 th, 1888. Taxes! Taxes! The undersigned, Collector of the Town of McHenry, will commence re wiving Taxes, January 10th, aud cat to found at the following places on tbe days named: Mondays, at tho sMff Sf Lty ft Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays, at the store of Perry A Owen, In the village of McHenry. Thursdays, st the store o| J. W. 'Msty A Soa, Rlngwood. Saturdays, at the store of Stetens A Miller in West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as early s day as possible. MAT Hainan, Oollector, MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. Wishes in this manner to thank her many friends In McHenry and vicinity for the very liberal patronage be- sto wed on her while here, aod would respectfully ask all these iudebted to her to call at the old stsnd, In West McHenry, where tbey will find ber daughter ready to give them a receipt or the amouut. We trust that all indebted to me will call at once as 1 wish to settle my outstanding ac count# ot sodn as possible. * MRS. M. SCHUMACHER. IN all cases of neuralglif tfiere are certain localities where pain Is more iotense--these are called tbe "painful points." Rub tbe "painful points" thoroughly, when afflicted with this disease, with Salvation Oil, tho great pain annibtlator. Price 25 cents a bottle. Farmers if you need any goods and have DO m mey, bring wood. E, LAWLU8« Evanson's special sales as fellows: Jan. 28, horse and bed blankets. Jan. 30. Overcoats. Jan. 31, Underwear. Feb. I, Cloaks and Jackets. Feb. 2, Tarns. Feb. 3, Hosiery. Feb. 4, Remnant sale. AUCTION SALE. Tbe undersigned having rented bis farm will sell at public auction on tbe Ebse Fisher farm, one mile south-west of Volo, on Saturday, Feb. 4, '88. com mencing at teu o'clock, A. x., the fol lowing property: 6 cows, all new milch, I Jersey cow and calf, 1 Jersey. I Holstein. 9 Heifers four years old, 2 heifers three vears old, 3 heifers two vears old, all coming iu soon. 2 calves. I fat cow, 1 bull two vears old, 1 bull four years old. a quantity of Timothy bav and Millet hay. TERMS OF SALE:--Sums of tlO and under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per ceDt interest, No property re moved until settle'd lor. Free lunch at aeon. KS^E F13HBB. DIGiiTOX GRANQ&& Aactiouaer. • #EWING MACHINES. Vh#"American No, 7, the Helpmate, Eldredge, New Home, Wheeler A Wtl- •«>n No. 8 Household, Howe Improved, Davis and New Tork can all be bought •f O. W, Owen, McHenry, at $20 less than manufacturers' prices. Call and see tbem. WHEAT WANTED. Tho highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat, it the Fox River Valley Mills, Mo* Henry. R. BISHOP. Honest Abe Flour, (1.05. Good Smoking Tobaece, tt cents at Bonslett ft StoBtel's, FOR SALE I offer for sale my bouse and lot pleasantry located In tbe village of McHenry. If applied for an once will be sold cheap. House almost new, and « very desirable place. Inquire on tbo premises of ERNEST WKNDKLL. For F lonr, Feed, Hay. Ensilage Oorn, Clover Timothy, Millet, etc., see Bonslett ft Stoffel. -- * Call and sea our stock of spectacles. Don't pay a high price to a traveling stranger when yeu can get just as <ood lor one-fourth tbe money. Call tod bo convinced. GBO, W, BEALBT, at tbe West Side Drug Store. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe highest market price in cash *111 be paid for good Milling Wheat (t tbe Fox River Valley Mills. Mo- Henry. R. BISHOP* Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at 97. Don't pay $9 aud $10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also nave your clothos altered, fitted and cleaned, as he cao not bo beat lr doing a nice job. _ E. LAWLUS, Tailor. WHEAT WANTED. Tbe highest market price to cash will be paid for good milling wheat at the Fox River VaLey Milla. Mc Henry . R» BISHOP. ALDKN, III. February 4, l«fi. 0. DICKINSON & SON, Barrington. IU, Dear Sir-- Please send me by ex press two dtfzen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try it on a cow that was almost dead with milk fever, and it cured her. It Is a good thing. .--f» K.8.SMRX. ••* %or Sale.' Lots Five and Six, Btoek Seventeen, In tbe village of McHenry, ill. This property is now being used as a black- imith shop, and is one of the best lo cations in the county for that business. For terms call on or address. 'I' ':: A JAMBS B PCRKT, 96-4« -• McHenry, HL FOR SALS. In tbe village of Rlngwood, thofBl* lowfng property • One good Dwelling House oont»ln»* ing seven rooois, good cellar. On tM same lot is a shop 13x32 one story* •uitable for almost any kind of ness. If applied for at once, wlB house separate for $500. Or will i house, lot aad shop for $660, P6M0iKf|| slon given immediately, A so another house and let. located. The house contains tea i and there H a good stable and outbuildings ou the premises. •old for $1000 attfe. Call oa or i WS3LET: i 13-18-60, - ^ ;