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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1888, p. 8

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mm:k {'< f V"#*' •wm irii1^' .'J •;«"' *rw«; Ifc^SlKlW !* ^m^e' % \ «*p;§^ , |V>"H?~' •«- < -w ittU mmmmm ti||.Ti<im^ii|Jrroriiii A flick In Rifle Shooting; WILBUR LUMBER tav.y* (guooossora to Smith, Son Hi i; f[ **lSfn, iir» I do not claim to b® an Expert at fancy shooting," s:iid Cap­ tain Jack Crawford, in answer to the Aroumlor's inquiry. "There is too ®'*|'|nuch trickery--a sort of sleight-of- - )iand business connected with it. I do |>i*cbond to be a crack shot, and to ex- Uel in accuracy and rapidity with a Winchester rifle. The Winchester fAi ms Company have offered repeat­ edly to |MCK me for $5,000 against any hi an i»the world in that sort of skill. I have fired twelve shots in three attd H half seconds. But here, iet me en­ lighten you as to one of the neat little , tricks used in fancy shots." Here the scout produced what appeared to be, &s ho iield it at a distance, a brass shell tipped with a leaden ball. ••Looks like a bullet, don't itP" he Said* with a laugh. "Well, it isn't V;ft is simply a papier-mache protuber­ ance appropriately colored to look ike lead. Now I'll show you what's ehind it." Picking open the end he tlisolose to view a quantity of shot-- about 200 he said were in the shell, tvith just enough powder at the butt , , to do the work. "How are these used? ; you have probably witnessed the feat \,|i>f cracking glass balls thrown in the !pfMr by shooting at them with a Win- ^ Chester, and while riding a horse go­ ring at a gallop. Well, that's the kind Of a.'ball cartridge that is used, and the spectators look on with wonder *nd admiration, supposing that it is ; done with a single ball; and that is .'v ."ioaiething my boy, that no man in the <>;'tvorid lias ever done or will do, be- " *' ause it is a physical impossibility."-- Buffalo Courier. a I • :-•> Cocoa for the Voice. "What was that you drank last Hight after your first song?" asked a reporter the"other day of a well known Concert singer who had taken part in 4 musical entertainment the previous livening." "How did y»u know I drank any- In addition to our n$ciO stock of Gowlvwe have a«i«ted a full line of £tt<DXCK~- m m •\ 'y 'I saw you take a drink of some- thing from my seat in the box." r "It was a enp of cocoa." "Nothing else?" 'Of course, nothing else," returned tbe lady with no little warmth. "And if is the best drink for the voice in the world. I have used it for ten vears and find it better than tea, coffee or 4iay kind of medicine ever prepared." , "What effect does it have on the ty-":^ibice?" "It rests it and soothes the vocal fiiords. I always have a small spirit # * limp stove in my dressing room, and before I go on the stage I have my maid prepare a small pot of thin Cocoa. Tbe moment I finish my selec­ tion I drink a cup of it warm--not hot, mind you--and, as a consequence, any voicc is seldom tired and never is hoarse." "How does tea and coffee act?" "Tea is better than coffee, but aeither compares with cocoa. Tea must be warm, and it must not be drawn too long before it is drank. If It stands for a certain time it becomes acid, and does more harm than good. Tea must be drank without sugar. Coffee makes one too nervous to be of • ttucb benefit." G R O C E R I E S To which wo invite attention. Notice a few oMTfe l'argains we offer, 1 pound choice Japan tea, 30 cents 1 pound fancy Mnvune Gunpowder Tea tf 1 pound covl Oofloe, 25 cent# 1 pound O U Java, best, 35 cents 1 pound good Baking: Powder. 15 *!, ' 1 pound choice Baking powder,23 w;nts 1 pound l)r Price's cream B'ng Pdr, lBctS 3 pound cans beat Tomato***. 12X 2 pound cans best Corn, li)( 1 pound new Figs, lij* NEW NDT8, AH kinds «nd prices. A full line et Cat. ting's California CANNED FRUITS,j THE VERRY BEST. LAMP CHIMNEYS, Burner^ W ioJrs^ ;F AS H •tfjnjn t apenjorethan oiuce aaopnng vM pleased with the ^ , Incomparable Bargains To be found at our store. Baying and selling for C^h enables ua to discount fotmer prices, and we are givm# our customers the benefit thereof, < ~ We have now, in every department, a finer line of Goods tbnn ever before, ai»d invite a careful inspection by the buying public, con£d^ ltat by so doing you will .%*<• Bluing, Soap, ^(atefcu, Scrub Bnshis, Cnrraits, Baisins, Citron, 4c. LOCKS'S SOUS BAHIKY GROCERIES, WEST SIDE We are confident we can please you both* in qualityand In abet* we Defy Competition in any and all departments. |5F~Give us a Gall before Purchasing. price* Make it lor your interest WW PTear. OMj> ,*Jepot "KcHenry, Illinois > ' '»- V li J 1' i, *U« • yt. p t' -i •' • ^ all kinds, we are now spared to offer to the public, the best qality of Lumber at the. " LOWEST LIVING PRICES./;^' 'f 4!' tt. m' :.«;V • n, 1^ ALTHOFF BROS McHenry, 111., January 18,1&88. ^ • -vi'5 |L. D. LINCOLN, Prop. Raring recently refitted my Restaurant, | near the Depot, in first class style, I am now prepared to accommodate the public with S H E P A R D Warm or Cold Heals, •» At all hours »f the day or evening Coffee or Tea on five minutes notice. A FULL STOCK OF Bakers' Supplies * l i l i v jls | OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MILL, MttUEA UY, - . ILLimHS, DEALER IN----- 9 ALWAUON HAND. Tbe Poodle Flirtation. Many pretty girls love to loll in a Carriage with a Skye poodle or Blen­ heim in their laps. The latest is the ttoodle flirtation, which pnts Spanish an follies to the blush. Both of dog- ies' ears laid lovingly one over the ther means "You please me." The j>et so placed that his muzzle points away from the admirer signifies *'I |iate you." Tickling the brute so as 'to make him yelp indicates "We are watched." Caressing the dog means "Remember." Patting either of dog­ gie's paws means "Come to 5 o'clock tea."--New York Herald. Choice Frails, of AH INriTHEIRfSEASOK. OYSTERS, By tbe Bulk,|Can|oTti>isli. *'Aim the Choicest Brands of Cigar*'and To!>acro to be found in tbe market. With evf-rything in first class order, and promptness to wait upon customers wm solicit 1 a share of public patronage.^ L.ID. LINCOLN. f West McHenry, Hay 31st. 1887. next Rem^mbcx' that OUR S T O, ,R? E Also the Celebrated garland Garland Stoves and Ranges The Prizs anil Black Acorn, f Unlrvesal, Sterling, and Others. Coal and Wood Cooks, Small and Large Wood Parlors,* Elegant Coal Heaters. We have one of the p. HAUPERISCH, [Largest Stocks of Stoves Waion 5 Carrie MAKE!R IN MCHENRY COUNTY. Over sixty stoves from which to make a selection. In short I everything in the Hardware* btove and Tin line can bo fonnd at lour Store. Come one and all and examine our Goods and learn Prices. of NewGoodSln very Depart- m e n t a n d that we keep a. .'if \m\n Store, •V,i, Daring this cold 4f„ • contracts--exceptinj » - ^ (\ , fe* spell' everything _ your coal biiL-- Ohio State Journal. The Cold Ware. His cheeks were pale, his eyes were wan, he walked with halting tread; his voice was dismal as the dawn, and bowed his numble head. He asked no : intercourse with men, but sought some place alone; where none coula inter­ rupt him then, where he might sit and moan. Yet there was one who sought his lair, who dragged him from liis den; who said to him (as he knelt there,) "Why shun your fellow men? Speak to me, hermit, speak as though you loved your fellows still; and be your word of weal or woe, I shall not take it ill." He stood aloft, with ; Druid's head, though stern his voice, : and rough; and to the gaping crowd he said: "Say, is this cold enough?" --Nebraska State Journal. m t m • • Kot That Million. "So you are to be married?" "Yes, and to the nicest girl in the world! Charley, she's worth a million. "You don't say so! Harry, I con­ gratulate you, old boy!" "I e8; she's worth a million of such girls as one sees in society. McHenry, • „ I have now on band a lot of Top | Spring Wagons, Lumber Wagon*, all own make, which I will Mil at, ie«,: my AND Promptly Attended To. SHEPARD. McHenry, Sept. 27th, 18$f« Bottom Frioes, And warrant them to1 be A Wo. 1 la every par­ ticular. If you wait a bargain in this line | eall on me. I also do a General Blacksm'rthing Business and will do your work In the beat I of manner and witb tbe leaei possible delay* N- RE IHIINO Of all kinds promptly attended to. Call and | see for yourself. P. HAUPERISCH. McHenry. Sept. SS, 1887.! 1 BOOTS AND SHOESt H. FISH, ~ "Oh!" (Charley murmurs as he goes I « . • t T. . , _ , °,?-:pri±i;L'.'"'w i pity him! )-- I practieal Filler aii Decoralir, HEBRON, ILL. FELT BOOTS AND OVERS, :'W - • • Kip tad Grain Wool Lintd Boots, Eubbtr tnd Gum Boota, Boston Transcript. Reveling in White Dock Trouen. % Is ?iv: A West Point cadet is nothing if not clean. His white trousers in summer time are the special object of his solic­ itude. From the annual report of the board of visitors to the United States military academy recently submitted by George W. Cbilds, president of the board, it appears that the West Point laundry washed for the handsome ca­ dets not less than 33,337 pairs of trous­ ers. This large number of white beau­ ties was washed within less than five months, and the greater number dur­ ing July and August. As there are only a little more than 250 cadets at the academy, the young warriors must have worn several pairs of trousers each day. This may serve as a hint to Berry WalL From the same document it appears that the laundry wash during the year included 70,354 collars, 38,813 pairs of cuffs, 33,139 pairs of socks, 34,618 pairs of jgloves, 56,863 handkerchiefs, 36,982 pairs of drawers, 27,994 undershirts-- Dot only 8,028 white shirts. The pre­ ponderance of white trousers over white shirts may well excite the cur­ ious, as Mr. Ohilds and his associates have felled to make any explanation regarding this interesting fact The charges of the laundry,^it must be confessed- encourage ruinous luxury in the cadeta. For white trousers only 10 cents per pair is charged; collars and drawers, l cent each; cuffs and gloves, 2 cents each pair; handker­ chief^ night aiid.undershirts,- 2 cgnte each; white shirts, 3 cents. Tbe prices Would paralyze even a heathen Chinee. If you want a lamp of any kind, it * etteui price go to Bcslry's. Decorating, Paper-Hanging, VALCIMININO, OhAININO. &o I Done on short notice and satisfaction rtfarta. Jteed. Call on or address^ H. FISH. Hebron,| 111., May SSd, MS7. Attention Horsemen! 1 would call the attention of the Public to m7 Stable of Stock Horses, fonr In nam* ber: Two Morgans, one \ Percheron, and one Imported Iforse. They are all good rep rescntatives of their bre»-d. Also a few Merino sheep fur Sale. The public arc cor­ dially invited to call and examine 4toek, get' prices, etc. No business done on Kunda?, N. a COLBY MUBMBT ILL Hen's, Women's Misses & Children's Buckle Arctics i ? W : .JU mm H%h Button Arctics, > Aad Warm Goods, of all kind?. These goods wilt be eold so low that it will pay you to come [fr^^ ̂ w ||f»%9^|jQaiity to trade with me. N. - 4 *W. h. DWIGHT, Woodstock, 111. B.--House Established in 1866. barker's' SPAVIN CURE MVKEqCiLED as an application to horseifor the core of ttpavln, Rfaeu •latlam, Splint, Navleular J slats, and all serere Lame- Mas, also tat track nae whets TWHKWL FMee 1140 per battle, Holdbydraggtota. KnsiMt moBlaUon apptusuoa. *. W. BAUI^ •ole Proprietor, Anna, & Trade snppiied by JAM. •.Dam ft Co., Detroit, Mich. [ Petar Van dchaack ft Bona, HI. | Hejer Bro'a a Co^ St. Louis, Ho. PAYNE ENGINES. ' 9 • ' BOILERS' •fall Blsaa. CIRCUUK m*mi us WHAT mrxi tb 80&.0, Drawer 1130, ELMIRA, N. Y» 10 South Caaal Street, CHICAGO, U. Iramch Oppircst i10 *°u,k Cmmal CH,CJ VRRIWS* J«A A.* STREET, IBW YORK. COtl .• ' .. • .g -A f *** A >> j-J m fcr Having purchased the Yard and stock of Lumber o|* Smith. Son <& Co., West cMHenry ^ Ill.,and repeuished the same witljb# prr Casing, Door aid f Mow Frames-Ready Maie-amys on BaailS" We shall kee i our stock complete at all times and spiit\ no Dai£»» kll tirli a miitr Pa irAi* 11a nrjf k f KAI'H i to accommodate all wh * may favor ua with their patron*^ Our yard at this place will be under tne charge of CHARVES rl. 'jht&.xOBB, who will be ready at all times to make you prhM htf large or small lots ,Aall and see us. \ West McHenjry, III., Aug. 8th, 1887. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY^ West McHenry, ---DEALER SHELF AND Stoves, Tin, Copper And Sheet-iron Ware. Come and see our Galvanized Iron Kerosene Tanks, that we make ourselves, that, will bold ft barrel. ^ Th«pnurch Swivel Hay Carrier, with Tracks, Hangings, Floor Hooks and PulleysAte beat ib the market. Qajl anil see it. s J . FULL LUTE OF STOVES For both coal and wood, of the best rhaft'ds, always on hand. In •f tTMriri short 1 wili keep evei^thing jn the McHenry county.. Do not lu.iL to my line and see what can be don&j Tinner, and all lOBBUffi Will be done on short notice and specialty of Butter Factory work. •; solicited WW* Hardware line, lo be found in when in want ot anything in j have employed a iirst class KEF AIRING Satisfaction A share of Guaranteed. A public patronage W P ^TFVF.NS. know we have to meet any and all com- petitioi% yCall and you can clearly see why we can make you a Special Offer for a short time on AND Yours T*«ly, S T E V E N S & BOOES, THLEE CENTS EACH! usEe^ in any land or language, and furnish to the ujssses of tlie people an opportunity to secure the literature of the day at the roont trifling expi " .. . . tints the price at which they are here offered. The following book* are published In neat pamphlet form, printed fr^m eood readable type on pood ana jnsnjr of them handsomely Illustrated. They are without exception the cheapest books ever pub- lasses of the people an opportunity to secure theDest expense. In any other Beries these great works would eost many Each one is complete in itself: The Forcelllnl Kublea. A NOTCI. By V. T. CALDO* The Old ON I.en Cheat. A Kov.I. BYSRI.viM'I Conn, Jr. The 1'carl OL tlicOcean. A Novel. HY CLARA ^vudstv Hollow ACLI Hall. A Novel. By Haaiur BLOUKT. Illustrated. «'11 (TC Home. A Novel. By BTTA W. Pimm. ' Under the 1.lines. A KOWL. By th* author of "Dora Wendera of the World, NATCBAL AND OTBKK. Con-*alai description* aiid llluatrattona of the moet wonderful Works of nature end of ineu. Very InUrntiD* end Instructive. Weaderf of the Sea. A deerilpttou of the many wowler-fol sod beautiful tlilutia lound at ttas tollom of (lis ocean, with •rofuae llluitratlotia. "A Pleeeare Kscrllos," and Other Slietohea. By **JosiAH At.Lav's A collection of Irteelatlbly funny •kstchss by ths mnat popular linmoioun writer of the day. Tks Annt Keaiuh l'apera, BY CLARA AUOVSTA, snthor if "Ths Hug* I>ncutii«iit»." A most rhllculoualy fuuny book ••toevery way squsl to "Widow Bedoti." Ohrfatmaa Storlcn, by CHAHI.k« DICSBKS. Contains a feamber of tire ltio>! r.lmrmltiK ClulAtmas atorlee ever written By thsxrvateet wrtter who ever lived. Karhotie lacomplete. Round the Ettiiltig l.amp. A bonk of atorlee,pictures, passleaand Kaniee, for the llttlo folkn «i home. Pspslar Hscltatfon« and IMulogucti humorous, drama-tleaad (mtketlc, ln^linllnK all thelAteM. atnl meat popular. TheSeir.made M eR of Modern Time*. Coiitiina p»tr« limits blogrsphien r>f Unioui sell-made Amerlcaus, ftom lh« Ha*of PrMklfn to the premtit. F*M>kllar Quotation*. Containing th* nrtxlti and iinthor-•htpof many pfaraiea frrqiiently mtt lartadiag anU couveraa- lion. A valuable work ot VLW Life IN New York. A MHM nf T|?td p»n pktnrti Bbowleg tlia dark aide of lltte In the gnrat city, ftluatrated. Xll# Kottd Wealths Not au advertising circular, felt « theronghly prnrtlcal xrork, out a way by trhleB »tl may make money, easily, rapidly and honestly. OM llmdrcd Popiilar Honica, aentimental,p*ib«tlc |Bd ooralc, Including moot of the favorites, new and old. BlrNMl'B Heir. A Novel. By Mil. HAT Aokm PlMBV. lllartSN^ Life* A Novel. By MA*IOK Ha»T.AWD, It OM M " - •nriBwi. Xu'l Sterile A Kowl. By Mrs. AM 8. Tl.c The Diamond Bracelet. A 5ovaI. By Mrs. Him WOOD. Illustrated. The LAWYER** dceret* A Kovel. By MISS M.S. Biunnov. The Ktraiiire CWSE of OR. J-ILTVLL BI4 Mr. Ily4«I A Novel; Bv H. T.. STKVKHPON. A Wlckcd «lrl. A Novsl. Maiy CECIL HAT. LNDY Vatworih'A Dlamonoa. A NU/SL. By lietween Ttro PINT. A Novth By ths anther of ,4 thgm Thome." niv*rrat«d. The Wne oT Heart*. A Novel. By B. h. FARJKOKV IlorU'n Fortune. ANotfl. BY Pr.onitNcic WAMDBM. A Low Muri lnife. A Nnv#l, By MIiii Mi'iofH. Mm. The ttiilltr A Nn*el. By WII.KIB Coti.iNa. The i'oUoit of A»n«. A Novel. By Pi.oKRNrK MARBTAT. Sluat tirungp. A Novel. By Nra. HKNMV Wuon. Corctnit the Fetter.. A Novel. By Ura. At.KXANDaa. A J'luywrlicht's ItattKktcrk A Novel. ByMre. Anal* KnwAHna. lttu*t><ited. Fair but False. 1 Novel. By the anthor or '• Dot* Thome," Illustrittd. LancSKter'. Oskll> A Novel. By Mra. lt.V.VlCToa> llluttrated. Florence Ivtn(ton*s Oath. A Novel. By Mra. Itaat A. DKNISON. IllHgtratcd. The Womnit listen A Novel. By Dr. J.B. Koatxsolii riiuMtrated. The California Cable! A Hovel. By II. 1. Otusl. >rW« Will WBd any /bur of the hbtm? book* by mul post-paid npon receiptor onlj-IS Cents) any ten tot MCeata;any tuxntf -flvf for SO Centei the entire list («'books) for W Cental the entire list bound in boardi With eloth back.fbrSl .XO. This is the bargain in books ever offered. Do not fail to take ad ̂ an tag e of II. MWaMitm guarantee* or money r^/unSea. Poat^'eVtamps taken rorfractlonsof a dollar.' AB to our reliabilltsrj •wm&w .•"V*, •* •" • i . . .. *'V <-a i ... -DEALER IN- muas, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILSk * Toilet Articles* -PURE- WINI# ;ANB Che wiug TobaCco FOB MEDICAL USE. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. Tbe best brands ot Cigars and Smo&ing and always on hand. PHYSICIANS'TRESCELPTIONS Carefully Compounded, Give me a call. McHenry, December 28th, 13$7. I: >ri

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