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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1888, p. 5

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•7--r WEDNESDAY. FEB. 1888, THE revival meetings are running every nighty at tiiet M. E. Church. f. A THE thermometer showed 18 degree* I below zero this Wednesday morning. \ Where Islhat ground flog? WOSEH are the dearest; eritast creatures in the world, but they can't "tell how a shoe fits until they see the ?55 number. . . . 1 i THE sweet smelling buckwheat, the nicely bfownted buckwheat, the syrup- ^ soaked buckwheat, that all love so ' ̂ well. " VEMUS; tbe morning star, is brighter • than It ever appeared to any man now living, and nearer the eartblthan It will be again for 340 years. READ the new advertisements of John Evanson &Ce., McHenry, and in another place in this paper. interesting cenimunlca- the West are unavoidably crowded out this week, but will appear la our next. PKBSONAL. A. G. LOCKE and wife visited with fMeBds'at Algonquin, last #ee#/ " " FIMON STOFFEIA yotibgest child is reported quite sick at this writing, NED BBAHAK, of Elgin, spent Sun day with friends in this village. H. N. FLOLHES moved into the Ernest Wendell heme last week. FRANK COLBT, otLakfeGeneva, was -Calling on friends here Saturday and Sunday, Miss LOTTIE SBEPARD IS visiting with her brother, !!. V. Shepard, in this village. 'A SON of J A cob Bishop, ag^ri about ten years. Is reported qiliteslck this week. Miss EMMA ORtGoftV. of Chfcig®, Is spending this week with ber pa­ rents iu this village. 4 A WEBER, of the firm of Nordquest A Weber, has been <jalte sick the past three tfeeks and it hot ye tabletebe out. J. C. Cho ite, Woodstock, to be -found f JACOB JUSTEN, of the firm of Justen ••$1 SEVERAL y ̂ tions from MR. SLADE'S subject next Sunidtfy morning will be: Row can Satan cast out Satan?- The notice of evening meeting recalled. REMEMBER the grand Btaf que ride, at ParKer House Hall, to-night. A grand good time may be expected. Music, Smith's Orchestra, Mort Rogers Prompter. Tickets 60 cents. BEWARE of the little patch of ICP that now lurks on the sidewalk, like a foe lu ambush. It strikes back wl th terrific suddenness when yen tread upon it. ' '• DON'T throw your calenders for 1887 In the ash pan. Send them to the man who doesn't advertise. lielng behind the times he naturally will find them timely. A TENNESSEE man called to see a Knoxvllle Vedltor and tried to chastise him for publishing an article in the paper. Hie funeral took place yester­ day. and the power of the press is yet .supremo. 1 I ' " CAPT. DOMINY, of Enplewood, 111, will deliver a temperance lecture in Good Templar Hal!, on Frl lay even­ ing of this #eek. Do not fall to henr him. There will positively be no col- /^T lection. pBros., has been dangerously sick the past two weeks but is nov report- d fetter. F. G, MATES, who reported at sick last week, Is slowly Improving1, and his friends hope to see him around again soon. : J (F A PARKER staffed oo Tuesday for a trip through Iowa. He contem­ plates moving to that state early In he spring. DIED--In Woodstock, on Monday, Feb. 6th. 1888, of consumption, Mrs. E. A. Monroe, aged 29 years. Mrs. Monroe was the daughter of R. Holly, of this village. She leaves a husband and four children to niourn'her death. THERE will be a Universalis socia­ ble at the residence of J. B. Perry, Tuesday evening, Feb. 14. A good programme will be rendered and all are cordially invited. S. Covlt. President. MYRTLE CHILDS, Secretary. '|CAN you tell me what kind of weather we may expect next month?1' wrote a subscriber to the editor of his county paper. The editor replied: "Tt is my belief that the weather next month will be very much like your subscription bill." Tbe subscriber wondered for an hour what the editor was driving at wjhen he happened to think of'the word "unsettled." He sent a postal note. ' the meeting • of Village jBoard on Monday evening last,-the STOFFEL A BLAKE, In the Riverside! Village Constable was instructed to Block, have one of the handsotnesw prosecute every man found violating Five Cent Counters to be tound In th county, where can be found many usf ful articles 'that cannot be bougl: elsewhere for twice that money. Ca and see it. THE Higher Department of oul from a place where liquor Issoldwill Public School has been closed since! be obliged to testify In the case, as Wednesday last, on account of sickness of the Principal. F. R. Jack man. We are glad, however, tb In form tbe patrons of tbe school that he Is now better and that shool will open again on Monday next. THERE will be an Entertainm®m and Supper for the behifit of the Sun­ day School connected with the Metho­ dist church, at Band Hall. Rlngwood, 111. on Saturday eveuing Feb. 11 th, 1888. For further particulars seo bill*. All are cordially invited to attend. A good time assured. A NUMBER of our subscribers ha*p already paid In advance for the year 1888, and others are invited to come and do likewise. It costs money t run a newspaper, and the publishe has to put up his hard cash ever week. On that accouut a little read coin is acceptable at any time. THE Old Folks Party, at the Rivei tide Hall, on Friday evening lai drew out about fifty ceuples, and tb< were one of the jollieat crowds th; wo have struck for a long time. was a real old-fashioned dance, and a)1 enjoyed themselves to the fullest ex. tent. Friends from Wauconda were out in full force. As wijl be seen by his card, on the first page of this paper, Paul Brown has removed his Law Office, io Chica­ go, from 88 LaSalle street "to th# United States Express Cohipany's Building,87 and 89 Washington Street. Rooms B17,518,619 and 520, Ho WHS obliged to do this io order to obtain more room* and now has a very fine office. He Is working into a very floe practioo in the city, which his many friends in tbife county will be glad to bMX. . . g Miss JULIA STORY* has moved the JrDrug business, lately purchased ot j .'Henry Colby^ into the store formerly ^occupied bp John I.Story, and with the help of Mr. Cpioy, is fast getting the goods ln '»ba|>6, and Whr u com­ pleted will have as Jlne arranged a Drug Store as can be found in this section. Mr. Colby will have charge of the store for a few weeks, or until \ other arrangements can be mide.f We predTcTTorTtils's §tory a fine trauo in ber new location. MAIL AGENT Ntte Informs us that be Is now transfering a Chicago pouch each morning at Crystal Lake to the St Paul Limited, whereby letters mailed hero in tbe mornlog reach Chicago at 9:30 and are delivered at 10 o'clock, thus enabling our business men to receive answers or Goods ordered the same day, it being a gain of from-three to four hours time on the delivery. Mr. Nlsh Is constantly studying up some way to expedite the delivery of mail and Is entitled to tbe praise of the business community on tbe entire line. He has no superior iu tbe service. the ^Mie"*Marshal will do his duty. the Ordinance in relation to keeping Dram Shops open on .Sunday. It should be bo*ne in miml that thif means back doors as well as front, and all parties teen entering or coming / MAKF fin this A full line of latest styles of Glng hams and Prints, all new, aMStofiel " Blake's, Tbe best tea1 drlnkets t>re buying .ft}*1* for aogrenti at Evansou^s. ALL have beard of the "dollars ©t »»ur daddy's" but the printer's dollars- where are they? A dollar here, a dollar thero, scattered over numerous townships,, miles and miles apart How shall ftey be gathered together? Co.Be home, ye are wanted. (iome In single file, that the printers may seno you forth, to battle for him ar.d vindi­ cate hi9 credit. Readers, are you sun you tiavu't a few of those deUart sticking about your clothes?' jP • -- 1 ' MARRIED:--At tbe Jatliolic Church village, Wednesday, Feb. lit. 1888, Mr. Patrick Cleary to MUs Mag­ gie Boyle. The bride was arrayed {it oeautiful «ll ve bilk, while, the groom was finely attired in black. ' After tbt- ceremony the friends gathered at the uctne of the bride's parents to paruk«- of the delicious dinner which WHS awaiting them. The young couple were blessed with many beautiful and useful presents which will soon adorn their new home. The bride Mid groom are well known in this viciuity aud we all wish them a long, happy and pros­ perous voyage through life. Polka dot Tumblers, in fancy colors only a nickle apiece at ritoflel A Biake> In order to make room .or the larg est stock of spring and summer goed? ever brought to Woodstock or McHeu ry county, we wil! sell our winter and warm goods and heavy boots and shoes of all kinds at a great bargain, and it will pay you io come from all over the county to trade with us. W. H. DWIOUT, Woodstock, 111, A BOY LOST.--He was loat, for two hours iu the crowd around our 5 cent Glassware counter. SXOPFBL & BLAKE. Social Party. At Helmet's llall, McHenry, on Mor day evening, Feb. 13th. Music, smith Orchestra, Five Pieces. Tickets, 50 cents. Yourself and Lady are cor­ dially invited to attecd. JOHN HEIHKR, Proprietor. Pure Pearl Buttons, lines l8jto 28 are dandies for a nicklo a doaeq, worth three tiuies that much. STOFFKL & BLAKE. FOR SALE OK *tEN l'. Fourteen acres of good land, situat­ ed within a mile of the village of Mc­ Henry. There is a good house, barn and other outbuildings. Also a good well of water. Terms reasonable. Apply on the premises of K. ATLWARD. Turkish Towels aud bordered linen Ha^dkerchiets^oo our 5 cent counter. SJOFFEL & BLAKE, PARTICULAR NOTICE. A'l persun» knowing themselves in­ debted to the late tirui of Fuzsiuitnous A Evanson are hereby noti&ed that it they do not call on tbe uuderslgued. and settle the same on or before tho 20ih iust., the same will be put in the bauds of a justice of ttie peace for col- iectioo. Tbese books oiun be closed at once, and if you wisb to save oosts attend to U now, JOS. FtTESgHfOHS. McHenry, Feb. 7tb, 18B& Freach Tissue Paper Leaves and Wire fojr Aruttolal Flowers at Stofiel Solution of th^p^vproblem. The following solt)tions*f Egg Prob- '"Tim fiave fteeu rec^ied, \^d wSTTe figure^ in difiepeut waye^ all atrjve at ^Ive same result, atd ate substaatv^Dy oorrect: BRO. VAN.--This Is tbe way I figure rhe egg problem: Ttrtf first woman 60ld 7 eggs for 1 cent; second woman sold 28 eggs tor 4 cents; third woman sold 49 eggs for 7 cents, leaving 3. 2. and 1 eg^s respectively. Then eggs took 'a very sudden and marked ad­ vance, and they sold out at 3 cents per egg. netting in each instance, 10 cents. Respectfully, P. D. SMITH. Leouardavlile, Kan. I fieure the Egg Problem as follows: The first woman sold I egg for 1 cent, the next sold 25 for 25 cents. The next sold 49 for 49 cents. The eggs which they had left soid for 6 cents «acb. Each woman got 55 cents. T. H. BICKLBR. On reaching town they Inqoired of the first dealer thef met what he was paying for eggs. He replied: Eggs are low; we ure paying at the rate of one ce'it for seven. The woman who had CO egge sold 49 at that price, which gave her seven cents and one egg The woman who had 30 eggs sold 28, giving her 4 cents and 2 eggs, Tli,j woman who hid ten eggs sold seven, giving her one cent and three eggs. They then left and meeting another egg dealer inquired what he was pay­ ing for eggs. He replied: We are making a little run on eggs and are paying 3 cents apiece for them. The woman who bad one egg left fold It for 3 cents, giving her a total of 10 cents. The woniaii who had 2 eggs left sold them for the same, giving her a total of 10 cents The woman who had 3 eggs sold for the same, giving her a total of 10 cents. Each womau thereby selling for the same price per egg and receiving the same amount of money, viz., 10 cents. SUBSCRIBER. ' UNION. EDITOR PLAIN UKALER,: -- Union amp. No; IS^^^^fefe^^tte'orga'nte- ed in the spring18S6 with ten charter members. Since that time it has maintained a steady and rapid growth, until to-day its membership numbers about 40, and it is the largest and most flourishing civic order in Union. This happy condition has been brought about by the enterprise and go»alieadatlvenes8 of Its officers and individual members. Friday evening, January 27, It (gave its second annual social and datice In Masonic Hall, and the affair was a brilliant and triumphant success, socially, financial­ ly and otherwise. The entertainment opened with music by S'ocum's Or­ chestra, after which the aunual ad dress by Hon. J. F. Casey, of Wood­ stock was listened to, Mr. Casey Is a rising young attorney at the county- ^cat of McHenry county, and a partner i-i the law firm of Joslyn & Casey. He delivered the annual address on a like «ccfi6lon a year ago, and so well pleased were the; various members of the organization with his able effort that he was secured again lor this oc­ casion. Mr, Ctsey's address was an elaborate and convincing argument on the merits of the M. W, A:, and was replete with facts and statistics, and was throughout a most brilliant and fToquent efiort. At the Close Of ibe ntroductory- part of tho entertain­ ment, the ball was civ a red for dancing *nd with the pry. "Or. with the dance." he tmootbly waxed surface was gpaedily covered with the youthful Jovers of the inazy waltz and quadrille i*id 56 couples partfclpated lu the Grar.d March. N. E. Slocum's popular Harvard orchestra furniBhed dellgbi- ul music, and it was just no trouble at ill for the assembled youth and beau- >v to "dance the happy hours away." An elegant and substantial supper was served in the dining hall on the first door from 9 to 12 o'clock. The ball was oarely large euough to accommo- late tbe multitudes of people who came from ail directions. Marengo, fluntley. Elgin and elsewhere. A landsotue little sum is uetted as the mtcome of the aflair, ai.d tbe commit­ tees in charge are to be congratulated on the successful crowning of tbelf efforts. " ALGONQUIN Hebron Department LODGE DIRECTOR*-. MASOWTO.--A. P. and A, M. meet at Huonle Hail on every let and 3d Wednesday even- tu*B of each month. MODKRN WOODMKS OF AMEPTCA.--Meet at Mnnonic Hull erery Sd and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month. Neighbor* cordially in- viied. Sons OF TBMPBRANCK.--Meet at Union Hall en Tuesday evening of each week. [NOTICE.--Persons in Algonquin and viein tv, knowing ihcmaetvei indebted for the I'LAtNOKAbER cHii loam of the amount by Milling <>n John Helm, who ts authorized to receive mouuv and rucbipt for ttie same, in »ur name. Those wishing to subscribe can' leave their names at hit store. Call on ihitn tnd get a sample copy.] EDITOR PLAINDEALEB:--Mr. andjMrs. A. G.iLocke, of McHenry, made Algon­ quin friends a short eall on Tuesday of last week. T-bey came by the over­ land route, C. E. Chapell came In with a carload >f milch cows oo Saturday last and he is billed for. an auctiou sale for Tues­ day of this week, Feb. 7th. B B. Stewart's hired man me* wfth quite a severe accident on Tae?day of last week. While cutting fodder with feed cutter tbe cutter got clogged. *ud In clearing it his hand came In contact with the knives, and it cat and tore the most of tho flesh from the In. -lde of his hand. Dr. Nason dressed the wound and be is doing as well , as could be expected; Mrs. Robert Kae, Sr., Is quitQjsicki A little son of John Lobeek fell en Thursday of last week and put bis thumb out of joint. Dr. Nason set it ind he »s doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton spent Sunday at Uarpentersville. with tbe family of Fred Perry, Mlrs Ida Morton visited with frleods tt Crystal Lake over Sunday. The sewing society of the Congrega­ tional Ot)urob will meet at Mre. Selra's Feb. loth. 1. V. Monranye, of Elgin, was a call er In town last week. Johnny Nichols, of Aurora, spent Sunday hcTe with his parents. There were a number of fishing par­ lies fiom here to Slocum's Lake last week. They met with a fair catch. There will be a basket social held at Pingry's Hall on Tuesday evening Feb. 14th. Also the drawing for the quilt will take place the same evening The secial will be conducted under the auspicesof the Ladies' Sewing So­ ciety for tbe beneti' ot the Congrega­ tional Church. Tbe ladies will find lunch baskets at Ptfter's store. Every one is cordially invited to atteod and jMk UMir valentine* EDITOR PLAINDBALKB:-- Wm. Lee, of Nanda, was Jn town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gronzo Went to White- water Saturday night. Kemember the lecture by Judge Giltnore, at tbe church, Friday even­ ing! Will Hodge* from' Richmond, Spent Thursday night i« tewn. J. A. Rotnour intends to start this week for the east, < Mr. Clark, frooi Harvard, was in town last week" sailing piano's and organs. . A number of oqr young people wi)j attend the dauce at Ge^oa, Thursday night. Peter Donaldson, from Chicago, has been shaking bands with old friends far several days. .j Miss Nellie Howden came up from Richmond Friday night to^rlslt her Sister, Mrs. derrick. Prof. L. Gailtzkl, the celebrated op­ tician, will be at Brown's Hotel on Saturday of this week, from 8 A. M, to 3 p. M. Consultation fr^e. Ned Smith, from Rlngwood, Is spending a few days with friends In this village. He attended school here a few years ago, Mark Stone has been canvassing this vicinity, taking orders for ensilage corn. Nearly every farmer has given liira an order. The first Progressive Euchre party •f the season was given at the home of Frank Torrence, Thursday evening. Others will follow suit. There has not been snob a crowd at Rowe's Hall since t!ie memoriable fourth of July of 1884, as attended the school exhibition, on Saturday even­ ing.. Every inch of standing room was occupied. Our Supervisor has added another length to his characteristic chain, the links of which are pure gold. " Under his supervislon/a stranger within our gates, homeless, friendless and money­ less, Is made to feel that the world Is not all selfish and heartless. It seems that a modern method of gainiug custom In the livery business, has originated In Hebron, !. e. a stranger is arrested, (at the Instiga­ tion of a Hotel proprietor, ever at Twin.Lakes who Is sometimes forget­ ful) Is taken to Genoa and there at tbe point of'a revolver, compelled to pass over nearly all tbe cash in his possession, to pay lor the trouble. The srory is well koewn to all Hebron, comments are general, the sympathy all on one %lde and the unanimous verdict is that both Instigator and perpetrator in the aflair should he punished to the fullest extent of the l»w» 'Itl* a long lane tfcat baa no turn.' The sad news was wired here Satur­ day morning that Cbas. Seaman, while standing en a box car had fallen be neath the moving train, which had passed over him and severed one arm above tbe elbow. His mother and brother started Immediately fer Harvard, where they took the first train which would carry them to the sufierer, and at last reports he was quite comfortable. Charlie has held the position of telegraph operator at Arg^le, for some time and his friends are sorry to lcaro of tb« accident which has deprived him of his "own fight arm." Again, we wonder if the continua­ tion of "Hebron its business Interests, etc." in last weeks Gazette, Isn't of more value'to the subject of the sketch than were the few lines which cost him a five dollar bill. Some of our oitiseus must feel rather cheap when they read Editor Fiber's eloquent tribute to each after paying so liber­ ally, to have their town and business "boomed," a short time ago. Pulence. C. A.-rE F.--M. W. and ethers, your rn Is surely coming, and perhaps Mi*. Fabsr wlil mak9 up to all, io words, what wa« lost in dollars. Any­ how tbe least that each can do, will be to ease their conscience by adding their name to the Qazelttfa subscrip­ tion list, at once. $160 wottTii ol fine Table Linen, Tbe best bargains yet. Ko two alike. Boys fine lint u bosom Shirts, else 14 for 45 cents. Infants and wedding out­ fit*. New Ribbons all shades and widths at Ladies Salesroom. "r:1 Mas. H. S. GREGORY, • - • v - r A tillltf's Character is like a fence--It cannot be strengthened by whitewash, but be can str«ngthea his voice by using Dr. Bull's Couifh Syru|>i "-v -- PERSONAL. **! *! Mr, N. H. Frehlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take greac pleasure in recommending Dr. King's New Dis­ covery lor Consumption, having used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave=tne instant relief and entirely cured1 me and I have not been alliicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. liave also used Elec trie Bitters aud Dr. King's New Life Pills, both or which I caq recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption, Coughs aud Colds, Is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial' bottles free at G. W. Besleys Oru'g Store. """ We have a good tea 5 pounds for #1. Tea drinkers please call for sample. JOHN EVANSON & Oo. A 3ne stylish Cutter at low figtnres at R. Bishop's Warehouse, McHenry Call and see them. Farmers if you need any goods and have BO ai racy, bring wood. E. LAWLUS. Will you buy the best Rockford flan­ nels at 30 cents per yard. Evansos ta •ailing at tfcat prtoe. Richmond Department* CONTRIBUTED BT "THE PBOTVLUB.' Sleighing still good. Dr. Gailtzkl Is to be at the Culver House again Friday. McConnell A McGaw filled their fac­ tory Ice house from the Genoa pond. To-morrow afternoon and evening there Is to be a donation for the bene fit of Rev. Mr. Cress, at the parsonage •t this writing (Sunday) Mr. Lyman Bacon, whom we mentioned last week as having suffered a paralytic, stroke t> reported as no better: Rumors are rife of another General store ta the spring but we cannot vouch for the truth of the statements; however, "opposition Is the life of trade." It is just twenty-seven years ago to­ day that the so-ealled Confederate Government was organized and the following day Jell Davis was chosen President. Just at present the all absorbing question here, Is how many.mllllou it takes to make a billion. Who knows? Don't all speak at oooe, and think twice before answering. To-day, the Sunday School Conven­ tion meets at the M. E. Church. TSree session will be held, morning after­ noon and evening. Mr J. L. Downing is tbe Township President for Rich­ mond. Mrs. S. C. Waters, wife of Dr. Waters died In this village Monday evening Jan. 30th, aged 38 years. The funeral services were held the follow­ ing Wednesday; Rev. Dr. Cleveland ol the Dundee Episcopal church officia­ ting. The remSths were takeu to Chlcsgo on the 8 A. M. train Thursday. Jan. 27, 1886 tho Crane bridge was accepted by the Town of Richmond, and Jan. 27th, 188S tho Circuit Court lecided that tho county should pay its share of the coat of building; thus being just two years between the time ot the acceptance of the bridge aud the decision of the eourt* By the program me for the 5 th Con­ gressional District Farmers Institute, which is to be held at Woodstock, Feb 28tlt, and 29tb, we see that Hon. C. H. i'ryon is to 6peak on "Drainage," E. J. Oatman of the firm of Oatman Bros, proprietors of the Washington cheese actory, east ot town, on "Ensilage aud Frank Cole, of Burton, on the 'The sheep Industry." Splendid ad­ dresses may be expected from each ol the above as they have all had practU cal experience with the subject on which they are to speak. Discussions will be held on eaoh of tbe subjects presented and the occasion bids fair to be one of much interest and from which great benefit may be derived Mr. Fred Coillson is tbe Richmond member of the committee of arrange ments. Senator Manderson, of Nebraska, ha* introduced one bill In Congress, that should reseiv* tbe hearty and earnest support ot every member of both .bouses, vis: making the minimum or lowest peosion rating, eight dollar* per month. Tho presoot grading of our pension system, is a most rldlcu* lous farce. Look at some of tk^ monthly allowances, such as 91^7. #2,12$ and so on. What man on earth bad brains enough (P) to cipher out that some men are disabled enough ti> entitle them to the stupendous sum ol $1,87 per month and others 12.13} For heaven's sake how can a man, » disabled soldier, be oo titled to that half c*nt?; others get two-thirds of a cent and still others three*fourths. Barnum Ought to have the man that originated our present peuslou grading; that fellow would more than replace tbe vacancy caused by the death of Jumbo for be certainly must have a bead, and a brain la that head, tbat Is as much smaller than a grain of sand, as a grain of sand is smaller than Mt. Washington. Every friend ol tbe soldier should be la favor of the passage of Senator Manderion's 1)111; for tbe passage of that bill, will not hurt any other. E!ght dollars a month is nothing comparativly speaking but a» compared with 61,87 It seems "quite a pile." Tbe old soldiers of this dis- trlot are fortunate in having in tbe person of Congressmean Hopkins a friend that can be relied upon every time to vote for their interests and we have no doubt but he will give an em­ phatic'aye' to the above mentioned bill when be has tbe opportunity. Another thing In connection with this pension business. There are hundreds perhaps tbousauds in this oountry tbat are prevented from getting their ap­ plications granted by "red tape" and through technicalities. Of course some who are not worthy draw a pension but where there is one of this class I venture to say there are ten, at least, worthy men tbat are unable to get tbeir just dues. Perhaps this cannot be remedied but it seems to your cor respondent that some way can be devised, so that those that left home and friends, to delend their country's honor, may ba^e assistance from j^at ceuutry In their time of need. The Great Blizzard In Dakota^ EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--I will now doscribe to the citizens of McHear# County tha great blizzard that swept over this wild prairie on Jan. 12tb, 1888. The morning was very pleasant end It looked as though some rata would fall before night, altbsugh tbe previous night was the worst ever known to the settlers of Dakota at that time. The" 15th was. as I have tald, very warm and mild, with tbe nercury at 18 above zero, and as it was the very best and most prosper­ ous looking day of tbe wlater, majy people who bad not been away from home In a long time on account of stormy weather, started that morning, but many never came back. At about the hour of 10 A. M, the wind changed from southeast to northwest, which made the buildings rattle and shake as though they would surely go. Just before the wlud changed '|t was so very dark in tbe school house where I was tbat it was difficult to see the let­ ters, but soon tbe wind gave us to un­ derstand what was tbe matter. The wind kept up the same force from the very first, such as was never seen be­ fore. Usually when any great winds occur it is only for a short time, but this was not the case, for this great storm raged from 10 A. M, on the I2tb, to 4 A. M. of the next day, and never showed a particle of difference from the start until 12 o'clock at night when It began to slakfea a little, and at 4 A. sc. quieted down as though nothing ot the kind bad ever happened in these parts, but the weather was deathly cold. On that same day the pupil* did not go home to their dinner, only 15 to 40 rods from the school house and at night it was almost Impossible to cross the road to the nearest hou?e a distance of about 15 rods, and while so doing 1 froze my nese through two thicknesses of handkerchief, while others froze the sides of their faces, t he snow blew through two eoats and no doubt would have gone 'through wo more had a person had them on As near as I have been able to find oat the wlud blew at the rate of50mile<- per hour, so you may readily see it was really a tornado. Many teachers let out school at tbe proper time but neither teacher nor children ever reached home alive. In sotre districts all of the pupils were lost, and one especially, not far from here, where the teacher had only to cross the road *)ut lost her was and was found frozen to death, with tbe sixteen scholars likewise. This is not the only case, but there are many others of tbe same kind. There was consider *ble stock lost, such as cattle and hogs. Some poor men lost all of their stock, while many of.the larger lost from 5 to 2<> head of cattle. Many of tho dead bodies, both animal and human, will not be found until spring makes 11^- appearance. The winter has beeo ou< •>f tbe hardest ever known in this sec­ tion, while the snow Is still deeper than that ot last, being about two feet on the level. To all who read this letter there may be some doubt, but If you were Here you would believe almost any- iblogof the kind. Now I must close tor this time, hoping never to sea such * storm again. , . 9 Tours Truly. EX-CITIZBN. 8EIIK OotffTTT, Dakota, Jan. 2Sth, '38. THirgreat popularity an4 success of Salvatloa Oil, the great pain destroyer has made it a target for counterfeiters. Beware ef imitations. Price 25 cents a battle. . ' Wonderful Cares, W. D. Hoyt A Co.. wholesale and retail druggists of Rome. Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Buck lln's Arnica Salve, for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well or give such uuiversal satisfac­ tion. There have been some won­ derful cures eflected t>y these tnedl cines iu this city. Several oases of pr nounced coasump'.ion have been entirely cured by use of a- few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken In connection with Electric Bitters. We Suarantee them always. Sold by G. IrSeatef, Business Notices. A ehelce litre of Box Papsrr, cBtttft, at Besley's, West Side. SMOKK the "Empire Cuban," the best Five Ceat Cigar in the market. City residences for sale, ADDIT to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Do you want a pair of Bob Sleigba* If se do aet jtay ootil yon learn my prices. ? " R BI3HOP Oandee Robber Goods and the Bed Jieket Felt Boots at Banslett A Stoffel'a. Besley's Famous Waukegu Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonsletfa, A, JSpr glen's and John Helmer's. WHEAT WANTED. « The highest market price fe cash will be paid for goed Milling Wheat at tbe Fox River Valley Mills. Me- Henry. R. BISHQP. Notice. To those that want Tubs, Vats, Hay Racks,and anything in my line of busl- ie58* Wortodoae on short notice to >rder. Shop one door South of Law* us Store, - F . A .HMUM* HcOenry, Aug. 10,1885. U-4-l| * WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price in cash will be paid tor goed Milling Wheat at the Fox River Vall«y Mills, Mc- Henry. R. BISHOP. Drink Besley's Ale and be bealtby and happy Cloaks at your own price. Ala* Orerooata, Pea Jackets. Salts, etc., at Bonatett A Stof. fet'a. TAKE NOTICE. ' ' Having cold out my Furniture busl- iess I would respecttully ask all those indebted to me to call and settle the same at once as 1 must close my book«. JOHN B. BLAKE. McHenry, Jan. 24th, 1888. . Taxes! Taxes! The undersigned, Collector of the Town of McHenry, will commence re­ ceiving Taxes, January 10th, aud can be found at the following places ou the days named: Mondays, at the stqra^\tst Ldf A Adams, Johnsburgh. Wednesdays, at the store Of Perry & Owen, In the village of McHenry. Thursdays, .at tho stoc^„oC J. W. Cristy A Soa, Rlngwood. Saturdays, at ,the store of Stevens A Miller in West McHenry. Call and pay your taxes at as parly a day as possible. MAT HEIVBB. Collector, MORE NEW GOODS. Cambrics. Sellcia*, Dress Trim­ mings, in fact everything that is aeed ed for dress making, whlcU we do on short notice aud guarantee satisfac­ tion. I have a fiue line of bandker- chief^ rucheiug, zephyrs, stocking*, etc. Cersets for 49o, 69o and $1,85.» New millinery goods every week. Give us a caii. Mss. C. A. HUTSON. MI*5. M. SCHUMACHER'. Wishes In this manner to thank ber many friends io McHenry and vicinity for the very liberal patronage be- sto ̂ ed on her while here, and would respectfully ask all these Indebted to her to call at the old stand, In West McHenry, where they will find her daughter ready to give them a receipt or the amouut. We trust tbat all indebted to me will call at once as 1 wish to settle my outstanding ac­ counts es soon as possible. MRS. M. SCH U IF ACHE B, AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, on tbe Marble Pierce farm, two miles ea«t of Spring Grove, on Wednesday. Feb 22d. 1SSS, commenc­ ing at 11 o'clock, A. it., the following property: 1 gelding, | Normun 7 years old, I brood mare, 5 good milch cows, 1 two year old heifer, 1 Durham hull two years eld.'2 yearling heifers. 67 good sheep, 13 shoats, 1 lumber wagon, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 single car­ riage, 1 mower,i sulky rake, 1 Gorham cultivator, 1 set double harness, a quan tity of corn and oats, 6 tons go«d hay. 1 two-barrel kettle, and other articles tcto numerous to mention.- TEUMS OF SALE.--All sums of $10 and uuder. cash. Over that sum a credit of six months ou approved uotes at 7 per ceut luterest. rttANK PIERCE. r. K. GBAKftKB,AMnUaunar. '1-t •. ' 'I A!1 kinds of Story Bo«*ks for children cheaper than dirt, at Besley's. Plum-ba-go-ine, the finest Wagen Grease ever used, a new thing, at Besley's. _____ School Books and Stationery, all kinds, at Besley's Drug Store West Side. Shakespeare's Works, R»>d Line Edition, for only 91 at Besley's drug store west side. We sell the wait known Kenosha Crackers, always fresh, BoxtLEtr ft jtorm. Besley's celebrated Ale oo draught it John Heimer't. J. Bonslett's and A. Engeln's. Tbe most healthy drink fer %ny weather. Bob Sleighs of tay own manufacture and warranted cheap. Call aad see hem, R. BISHOP, Ladies' aud Gent«' hose and sooka of pure wool, splendid value, at Evan- ••eu's closiug out 8 lie. We offer rare ehancca on Underwear; also Glove*, Mitta, Caps, etc. BON»I,BTT <* STORVAT- All kinds Ladies1 and Gent's Pocket books and bags at Besley's Drug store *est side, . Our 30 cent Japan Tea u good; tbe 89 ceat la much better. Try it , . BONSI.EXT & sTorr*I* • :/;'JfcWlNG MACHINES. The American No. 7, the Helpmate^ Bldredge, New Home, Wheeler & Wil- - *>»n No. 8 Ilou*ehold, Howe Improved,, Oavls and New York eau all be bought •f O. W, Owen, McHenry, at $20 lest than manufacturers' prices. Call and see them. • " WHEAT WANrJBD. ^ ^fho highest market pnce~TrTcash •vill be peld for good MitlNig Wheat, it the Fox River Vallev Mills, Mc^ Heury. , K. BISHOP. Honest Aba Flour. Goad Smoking robaoce, 90 cents at aqaijytt A WHEAi' WANTED. J. rhe highest market price in ca^ will be paid for good milling wheat -it the Fox River Valley Mills, Mc- Heury. R, BISHOP. Call and see eur stock of spectacles. Oou't pay a high price to a traveling Granger wtien yeu can get Just as <ood lor one-fourth tbe money. Call *ud be convinced. GEO, W, BSSLET. at the WeBt Side Drug Stora. , WHEAT WANTED. The highest market price In cash will be paid for good Milling Wheat it tbe Fox River Valley Mills. Mc­ Henry. R. BISHOP. Call In and get measured for a nobby pants at $7. Don't pay $9 and $10. Your choice out of 200 samples. Also have your clotbos altered, fitted and cleaned, as h« cau not be beat I doing a nice job. E. LAWLUS, Tailor. CARPET WEAVING. The undersigned is prepared ta weave Rag Carpets on short notice and at Kcasouabie rates. Residence one Block West ot the residence of Wm. Wslsh. Orders respectfullv so­ licited, and satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. WM. FOLTX. ALDKX, III. VEBRUARR 4,1BS& C. DICKINSON A Sos, Barringtoa. IU, Dear Sir.--Please s#*nd me by ex­ press two dJzen Cow Prescriptions, I got one of my neighbors to try It on • cow tbat was almost dead with milk fever, and it cured her. It is a good thing. E. S. Surra. FARM FQR RENT. I wish to rent my farm situated en the corporation line, ane half mile Irom Bishop's Mill, containing 123 acres, ibout 60 acres Fall plowed, has house aud all out buildings, wlud mill etc. Be6G watered farm in Mo- Henrv County, well fenced. Will reut reasonable. M, Ci.A&T. 29-3 w. Bucklen'e Arnica Salve* / Ttie b'St Salve in the wot Id tor cuts oruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, etiapped hands,chilblains, corns, and till skin eruntians, aud po*- tively cures piles, or no pay required. • t is guaranteed to give perfect satis­ faction, or money refunded. Price SB e' ts per box. For sale hj 6* *• Besley. A Special Sale of Clothiog, At Auction Prices. Drab Overcoat $1.90 Diagonal 8iik Faced, only 0.00 A. Cutter Fine Beaver? * ^ 9.00 A Beaver Square Coat 3.J5 tieavy Twilled Suit 4.90 Cheap aud tiue Check Piuita 2.40 Boys Suits 1.00, 2.00 best 3,75 Scotch Caps, d'bte knit, 35 to 40 Leather faced MiUtta* .40 Undershirts • .25 4o .50 Eufflish Hose only -m ,13 K. LAWLII*. m font* the iuvvmm* §**t> ̂ 4 > • ... •' : .v.' ,1

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